Palmistry according to what. Appearance of the Life Line

Hand shape. Certain character traits can be recognized by the shape of the hand. Palm length is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. Main interpretations:

  • Earth- wide, square palms and fingers, thick or rough skin, ruddy color, the length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers.
    • Strong values ​​and energy, sometimes stubbornness.
    • Practicality and responsibility, sometimes materialism.
    • Loves to work with his hands.
  • Air- square or rectangular palms with long fingers, sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, dry skin; The length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers.
    • Sociable, talkative and witty.
    • Can be petty, spiteful and cold.
    • Loves to work both mentally and with his hands.
    • Has a versatile and radical approach to work.
  • Water- long, possibly oval-shaped palms, with long, flexible, conical fingers; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but less than the width at the widest part of the palm.
    • Creative, insightful and responsive.
    • Can be moody, emotional and withdrawn.
    • Introvert.
    • Works quietly and intuitively.
  • Fire- square or rectangular palm with ruddy or pink skin, short fingers, palm length longer than fingers.
    • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic.
    • Sometimes selfish, impulsive and insensitive.
    • Extrovert.
    • Works boldly and instinctively.
  • Lumps and hills. These are the same “fleshy” places under the fingers that are located opposite the knuckles. To make them more visible, cup your palm into a fistful. Which of the tubercles turned out to be larger?

    • The high mount of Venus (under the thumb) is a tendency towards hedonism, promiscuous sexual relations and immediate gain. The absence of the Mount of Venus means disinterest in family affairs.
    • The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger. A developed mount of Jupiter indicates dominance, selfishness and aggressiveness of character, and its absence indicates a lack of self-confidence.
    • The Mount of Saturn is located under the middle finger. A developed hill indicates stubbornness, cynicism and a tendency to depression. If the Mount of Saturn is poorly developed, then this indicates superficiality and disorganization.
    • Under ring finger The Hill of the Sun is located. A developed hill indicates extravagance, pride, and irascibility. If the hill is low, it indicates problems with imagination.
    • Under the little finger is the Mount of Mercury. If he is clearly visible, then the person is talkative; if not, then he is modest.
      • Of course, there is no scientific evidence for this. Moreover, palms change over time! Don't take palmistry too seriously.
  • Palmistry provides an opportunity to get to know a person, as well as determine his past and future. Professional palmists are able to recognize a person’s character and determine various options development of his life events. The beginning of fortune telling begins with determining which hand to use to tell fortunes.

    Which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes: determining the “right” hand

    To determine which hand should be used to guess, it is necessary to find out which hand a person controls better. In most cases (when a person is right-handed), fortune telling is carried out using the right hand. It is believed that it is she who carries information about real life. It is from this hand that palmists determine the character, worldview and most characteristic habits of a person.

    The left hand determines fate or, as palmists themselves say, the possibilities for the development of certain events. True, many people do not know which hand to use to tell fortunes for a left-handed person. Indeed, with left-handed people the opposite is true. Exactly left hand a left-hander can tell about the current state of affairs, and a right-hander will allow the palmist to determine his future.

    It is also not easy for anyone who wants to determine which hand is used to tell fortunes for men. It is worth noting here that fortune telling does not depend on gender characteristics. To help understand the situation, representatives of either gender undergo an analysis of both hands. This approach allows us to determine the current state of a person and determine the most likely development of events. If it is negative, palmists advise correcting the current state of affairs and directing them in a slightly different direction in order to obtain the most favorable outcome in the future.

    Fortune telling by hand: first steps

    Let's look at the main lines on the hands and figure out what they mean:

    Now you know which hand palmists use to tell fortunes. We should not forget that in order to learn to guess professionally, you need to become familiar with the meaning of the main lines and the principles of studying the hand. The above tips will help you take your first steps in this direction.

    An important rule for all palmists is that when reading palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hands. If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is nothing more than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry. Many people interested in palmistry often ask questions: which hand should be used to tell fortunes and what does the left and right palm reflect?

    In palmistry, a distinction is made between a passive and an active hand. For right-handed people, the active hand will be the right, and the passive hand will be the left. For left-handed people the opposite is true.

    Passive palm in palmistry

    The passive palm shows what a person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what parents invested in a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand is also used to determine the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or more precisely about how many years a person had at his birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

    Active palm in palmistry

    The lines on the active palm show what a person has done himself, how he has changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, the active hand reflects a person’s activities throughout his life and how exactly he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

    By the active palm you can recognize the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he strives for, what he thinks and dreams about.

    How to tell fortunes by hand

    In order to get a complete picture of a person’s fate, you need to guess using both the right and left hands. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and warn a person about changes in his destiny. For example, if on the passive hand the life line is long, deep and clear, but on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has breaks and islands, then this is a direct sign that the person is managing his life incorrectly. And here the main task of the palmist is to tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

    Which hand should you use to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palm and accordingly interpret the information correctly.

    If you look at your palms, you will see mysterious lines there, located in in a certain order. Few people think about what they mean. And even if they think about it, or read something somewhere, they don’t believe in all this nonsense.

    Meanwhile, experienced practicing palmists even cooperate with the secret services, because they can very easily decipher the palm of any person, tell everything in detail about his life, his small and large weaknesses, psychological characteristics, and reveal his future.

    These mysterious lines on the palm of every person were noticed by ancient people. They compared the events taking place in a person’s life with changes in the pattern on his hands. The ancients were also surprised by the fact that the pattern of the palms of all people is completely different. One palm is completely different from the other.

    Thus, the science of reading lines on the palm was born, which we call the mysterious word palmistry.
    Usually, newcomers to palmistry are only interested in the life line. It is from this that it is believed that it is possible to predict the life expectancy of each individual person.

    Where and how to look at the life line?

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    The line of life is the same line that comes out from the line of the head and, going around the Mount of Venus, goes down to the wrist. Although, it depends on who. For some, it is so short that it reaches only the middle of the palm, or even shorter. For others, this line does not go straight down, but bends and turns to the right towards the Mount of the Moon.

    Life line full transcript

    It is a common misconception to believe that it is along the line of life that duration is determined. human life. Although we once saw a little girl with such a short life span, which, according to our calculations, did not even reach 20 years of life. And so it happened.

    That girl died at the age of 18 along with her boyfriend in a tragic and ridiculous death.

    It also happened to us to see a very strong man with excellent health, who had an even, deep, clear and very long life line, and even the same companion next to her. Such a line could promise its owner that he would live to at least 120 years.

    However, this man died at the age of 68, although it was not a natural death in the full sense of the word - the man died from a death spell cast upon him.

    So, you already understand that an even, deep, clear and very long life line without dots or islands indicates that its owner is lucky enough to have good health and the same reinforced concrete psyche. It's hard to piss him off. He can withstand serious psychological stress, has a strong will and is very resilient, in every sense of the word.

    Two life lines on the hand

    The presence of a companion along the life line (this is exactly the same line, running next to the life line in the same direction) shows that this individual also has excellent genetics, which helps him a lot in life.

    In addition, a person with such a hand is an extremely extraordinary person and has the strongest energy, capable of self-healing and pulling himself out of the most difficult situations.

    People who can raise themselves from wheelchair, these are, most often, individuals with such a life streak. They are considered lucky and darlings of fate. A brilliant military career awaits such people. And if your lines are also reddish, then you are too loving, and spend your abundant energy on the opposite sex.

    If you are such a person, remember that there are too many envious people around you, beware. As we have already written, a person with such an amazing life line and powerful energy was sent to the next world with the help of very severe damage to death.

    What does the life line on the hand mean?

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    If your line is thin, barely noticeable, then you are too suspicious and impressionable, most likely possessing poor health and an unstable psyche. Such people are easy prey for energy vampires. You already feel bad, you are constantly anxious and afraid of something, and here you are also being “sucked out” every day by more viable and stronger individuals than you. We can say that you often cry, sleep poorly and spend a long time “chewing” every problem in life.

    Life line in palmistry

    If your life line is very close to your thumb, then you are a depressive and changeable nature. The further it is from the Mount of Venus, the more cheerful and energetic you are.

    Many people think that if they have breaks in their life line, it means sudden death, although this is far from the case. Breakups indicate that the personality is changing, different views on life appear. A man, after all. He can suddenly change his life 180 degrees and go in a completely different direction. Often, next to such gaps there are short lines side by side from the side of the Mount of Venus. These are a kind of insurance so that nothing bad happens to you.

    Now, when you see tears on both hands in the same place, this is where you should be wary. This is a sign of possible accidents.
    Dots and crosses, which are often found on this line, also most likely indicate some dangerous situation and health difficulties.

    If there is a cross at the very end of your life line, expect a poor old age.
    The triangle sign can be interpreted in different ways. If it is located next to the life line, then unexpected profits (winning the lottery) will fall on you. This geometric figure located on the line itself indicates a fire hazard.

    Do you have an unusual life streak starting from the Mount of Jupiter? Congratulations, you have the opportunity to achieve a prominent position in life. But your ambition is off the charts.

    If your life streak is crossed out by small thin stripes, then you are too emotional. Your life is full of nerves and worries.

    A very dangerous sign when 3 lines are connected to the life stripe (head, heart and life). Such individuals take pointless risks all their lives and sooner or later find a sudden and quick death.
    If only the line of life and the head are connected on the palm, this is a sign of a person who is insecure and very cautious.

    Designation of life lines in children

    The interpretation of lines on the hand in children differs slightly from how it occurs in adults. Since the child’s future has not yet taken shape, you should not look at his right hand (if the child is right-handed, and vice versa).
    Take a better look at left palm your child, there you will see what is inherent in him, his innate traits.
    Prediction from children's hands is also made more difficult by the fact that the signs on children's palms are short and they grow as the child grows.

    Don't worry if the life line on your child's hand is short. Predict in such at a young age anything is impossible with precision. Over time, the line will grow, the other signs will become clearer and larger, then look.

    Otherwise, you will cheat and program yourself unenviable fate your child.
    In such cases, palmists urge you to calm down and also take advice famous astrologer Pavel Globa on how to lengthen your own life and the life of your child if you have a short life line on both palms.

    Island on the life line on the hand

    The presence of islands (in the form of circles) on the life line may indicate vision problems. The presence of fairly large islands on your line indicates the possibility of dangerous diseases. And the larger the island, the more dangerous the disease. Squares are like insurance.

    If there is a gap in the line of life, and in this gap there is a square, and your line comes out of it and continues its movement, then this is a reason to rejoice - you will overcome all your difficulties and remain a winner.
    A dangerous sign on the life line is the grid.

    The hand is your destiny

    Often it indicates imprisonment, although it may simply signify some kind of restriction, for example, military service or study at a closed school.
    If there are multiple branching lines from the pattern of your life bar, pay attention to which direction they are directed. If it’s up, then your energy is constantly accumulating. Down - you are constantly losing vitality.

    on the right

    It is believed that a person's leading hand is right if he is right-handed. And the left - if he is left-handed. Usually all signs are looked at by the main hand, which means the right. The right hand reflects all the actions that a person has performed during his life, and the events that happened to him. In other words, right hand indicates the present and future of an individual.

    on the left

    The left hand of an ordinary right-handed person is not the leading one, which means that it is not events that are reflected here, but the mental plan of a person (i.e., his thoughts).
    From this we can conclude that the left hand can tell about the human past.

    Short life line

    Today, palmists urge people not to worry if they find a very short life line in their palm. It is believed that such a line simply indicates a person’s lack of stormy temperament, about his restraint and some coldness.

    If your stripe breaks and is very far toward your thumb, prepare to die.
    To find out at what age this or that event will happen to you, divide your life line into segments of 1.5 mm (this corresponds to 1 year of life).

    Famous astrologer Pavel Globa offered his own option for extending life if your streak is too short. He recommends buying a red pen and drawing on your hand every day the life line you want it to be. This procedure must be observed for a long time until the space of your destiny changes for the better.

    Then you will be surprised to find that your life streak has lengthened on its own, becoming clearer and deeper. This, according to the astrologer, is a reliable way to change fate.
    Sometimes it happens that the vital line suddenly disappears from a person’s palm; palmists in this case predict paralysis.

    However, we met people who suffered paralysis, but the life line did not go away, but continued to be just as long and even without any signs or breaks.
    All this suggests that all the signs on the palm must be considered as a whole and without separation from each other. Otherwise, you can only scare yourself in vain.

    In addition, if there is a small stripe on the palm, you should Special attention pay attention to your health, eat right, get examined on time, don’t interfere dangerous situations. Then there is a good chance to lengthen your life.

    And even with a gorgeous long life line on your hand, you can manage to die ahead of schedule if you don’t care about yourself and your health, as well as excessive self-confidence.

    Life line bifurcates

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    If the short life line also bifurcates at the end, then we can say that the person does not have enough energy to live, and is constantly lethargic and tired.
    If your life line bifurcates and turns towards the Mount of the Moon, this is a direct indication to you that in your life you will travel a lot and often change your place of residence. If the line bifurcates on both hands, then emigration awaits you. You will end your life in a foreign land.
    If the stripe bifurcates not at the bottom, but at the top, this predicts patronage powerful of the world this.

    Life line center

    We have already told you above how to measure the life line. Using this technique, you can find the center of the vital band. The signs located in the center of the life line are especially important in the event series of human existence. Therefore, they need to be monitored especially closely.

    It is known that throughout life the length and shape of the lines on the hand can change. Of course, everyone wants to have perfect lines and signs on their hands, everyone wants to be the darlings of fate. However, not everyone succeeds. The important thing to remember here is that life can be changed. Everything is in the hands of man.

    Life line photos

    Each of us wants to look at least a little into our future. One of the most reliable methods of fortune telling is fortune telling using coffee grounds. No less widespread is fortune telling. regular maps-, But in the best possible way fortune telling for the future is —fortune telling with Tarot cards—. If you are more interested in palmistry, then you can read your own palm. With the help of fortune telling you can determine a person’s character and predict certain events. And for this you don’t have to be a professional palmist. We will tell you how to learn to guess by hand, what lines are located on the palm and what they say.

    Is it possible to learn to tell fortunes by hand?

    Many people are interested in which hand palmists use to tell fortunes for women and men. Usually, when reading fate, the lines on both hands are taken into account. Along the lines on both hands you can see upcoming events and warn a person about problems. If you are interested, will you have a husband and children, and also whether you can realize yourself in life, then four lines in the palm of your hand will tell you about this - the line of life, heart, fate and mind or head.

    There are additional lines that speak about a person’s health and inclinations. These are the lines of Mars, marriage, intuition and voluptuousness and others.

    The fewer kinks there are on the hand, the more prosperous the person’s fate is.

    Life line

    Starts between the first and second fingers and ends at the wrist. She indicates a person's character and his life expectancy. Often the life line can connect with the line of the heart and fate, which indicates the presence of tragic love.

    Line of the mind or head

    It starts between the first and second fingers and goes towards the edge of the palm. Long line indicates that a person is balanced, practical and inclined to analyze events. Short- what a person can accept quick solutions, has cunning and ingenuity.

    Heart line

    It is located between the first and second fingers and leads to the edge of the palm under the little finger. She talks about emotional state person. If among all the lines the line of the heart is clearly marked and stronger than the others, this indicates that love and love affections are decisive in a person’s life.

    Line of fate

    Fate line on a person's palm may be missing. This suggests that a person does not strive to achieve any one goal. If you have a destiny line - and it always goes from the wrist up to the fingers - then you will work towards achieving one goal. If the fate line branches, then a person will be able to achieve success in several areas of life.

    How to tell fortunes by hand

    Using the lines on your hand you can find out whether you will have a marriage. The marriage line is responsible for this - a short horizontal line located just below the little finger.

    She may be alone, which indicates one marriage. The clearer and more direct it is, the stronger the relationship will be. If you have many lines, this speaks of many love affairs. The higher the marriage line is to the little finger, the later you will get married. If it goes down, the person is disappointed in his chosen one. Availability horizontal lines, going down from the marriage line, indicates that there are problems in the relationship. If you have two or three marriage lines, there may be several marriages.

    This same line is the line of love. To tell your love fortune by hand and find out how your relationship will turn out, take a closer look at the line. If she inexpressive and short, then most likely ideal relationship will be at the beginning. Subsequent events will lead to you being disappointed in your chosen one. Broken line also indicates difficulties and a possible painful separation.

    How to tell by hand how many children there will be

    If you are interested in how to tell fortunes by hand and find out how many children you will have, clench your hand into a fist and look at the number of lines under the little finger. The number of folds that form, the number of babies there will be.

    If the line is long, you are most likely having a boy. If it's short, it's a girl.

    On the left and right hand it can be different quantity folds. Focus on your dominant hand.

    Some palmists claim that under a man’s little finger one can see not only the number of children he has with him, but also the presence adopted child. The number of lines may change over time, so check the lines every few years.

    We guess by hand ourselves

    To tell your own fortune by hand, use our recommendations.

    • Pay attention to the heart line.

    You will have satisfaction in love if the line starts from index finger. If it starts from the middle finger, you are most likely selfish in relationships. The heart line, which starts from the middle of the palm, speaks of falling in love.

    A straight short line indicates that you are of little interest love relationship. Long line - you are sensual and emotional person. And the wavy one speaks of many love affairs and frivolity. If there is a break in the heart line, emotional trauma is likely.

    • The head or mind line speaks of your intellectual development.

    If it's short, you're more likely to be physically developed person. Curved and slanted indicates creative personality. You are adventurous if your head line and life line are separate. If you have a clear mind, the line will be straight and long, and if you have difficulty concentrating, it will be wavy.

    • The life line will tell you about the quality of life.

    If it is located close to the big toe, you feel tired. Long and deep line speaks of your vitality. And lush is about energy. If your life line is short and shallow, you are susceptible to manipulation. And when it is straight and crosses the entire palm, it means caution in relationships. A break in the life line may indicate a change in lifestyle.

    • The fate line shows how susceptible a person is to certain events.

    A deep line speaks of the strong influence of fate on a person’s life. And with breaks indicates frequent changes in life. If the fate line connects with the life line, then you will sacrifice your interests for the sake of other people's interests. If the line starts from thumb and crosses the life line, you have the support of family and friends.

    Which hand should you use to guess?

    Palmistry tells how and by which hand you can learn to tell fortunes. If you are right-handed, then your right hand is active and your left hand is passive. If you are left-handed, your left hand will be your dominant hand and your right hand will be your passive hand.

    • Passive hand reflects your past and what is given to a person by fate.
    • Active hand reflects your present and future, shows what was given to you from birth and how you changed your life.

    By the lines on the palm you can determine a person’s character, see the most significant events and opportunities for human development. You can also determine how much strong feelings you feel for your partner.

    But if you want to know about the prospect of your union with your lover, you need to look not only at your hands, but also at the lines on the palm of your chosen one.

    How to tell fortunes by hand along the life line

    • A clear one would be ideal, deep and continuous life line. It indicates your vitality.
    • It is considered favorable when the life line connects to the head line. But a long distance speaks of disappointment and sadness.

    • Promises a happy and prosperous life bifurcated life line. And the intermittent one speaks of illness.
    • Life line can cross short lines , which also indicates poor health.

    • Fork at the bottom of the line life may indicate that you will retain your vitality. But if it is not very pronounced, it means the opposite.

    Learning to tell fortunes by hand is easy. Do not forget that the lines on the hand change, so the predictions of one person may differ from the predictions of another. Share with us whether your predictions came true and how you feel about such fortune-telling.