Favorable days for harvesting are in August. The best time to preserve cucumbers

Many housewives are of the opinion that it is not enough to simply grow crops in their summer cottage. It is important to properly preserve it and prepare it for winter. A variety of home canning is the most in a simple way preserve taste and beneficial properties harvest.

There are many types of homemade preparations for the winter from vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. To obtain tasty and healthy preserves, you need to strictly follow recipes and adhere to generally accepted rules.

The time when you need to start making preparations depends on the ripening time of certain fruits and vegetables. Also, a lot depends on the region of residence: residents of the southern regions start harvesting a little earlier than residents of the north and middle zone.

Some housewives begin to prepare preserves in May, others - closer to autumn.

There are several cooking methods winter preparations:

  • canning - products are subjected to heat treatment, which increases the duration of their storage, but reduces the quantity useful microelements and vitamins.
  • Freezing is the easiest way to preserve all the beneficial properties of prepared products. Can be frozen for up to a year.
  • salting, pickling, pickling - ideal for long-term storage of products
  • drying - using this method, all moisture is removed from the product. The shelf life of such products is unlimited.

Preparations in May

Since it's not May yet bountiful harvests, you can start preparing various herbs for the winter.

  • freezing and drying young nettle leaves. Nettles must be collected before flowering.
  • freezing, drying or pickling parsley, cilantro, leaf celery, dill.
  • pickling wild garlic and ferns.
  • preparing canned and freezing sorrel.
  • pickling of early mushrooms.
  • making dandelion jam.
  • harvesting early zucchini (depending on the region).

Preparations in June

In June, early fruit and vegetable crops begin to ripen. You can start preserving:

  • seasonal berries: honeysuckle, cherries (,), strawberries (,), raspberries. You can use them to make preserves, compotes, jellies, marmalades, confitures, and also freeze them.
  • Compotes and jams are prepared from early ripe apples.
  • continue and herbs.
  • harvesting green peas.
  • harvesting zucchini and radishes.
  • salting and marinating mushrooms.

Preparations in July

In July, the process of winter preparations gains momentum. An abundance of vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs in markets and in their own summer cottages amazes. In July you can start:

  • freeze and preserve raspberries, cherries (), black, red and white currants, gooseberries, bird cherries, apricots () and peaches.
  • preserve early varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper and green peas.
  • pickle and marinate various mushrooms.
  • harvesting herbs (onion, garlic, dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.), spicy and medicinal herbs.

Preparations in August

August is the active canning period. If anyone has not yet started winter preparations, now is the last time to do it. summer month.

  • preparation of sweet preserves from apricots, peaches, plums, early pears and apples with the addition of seasonal berries.
  • canning vegetables: squash, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cauliflower, beans, carrots, beets, young corn.
  • pickling various mushrooms.
  • freezing and drying various greens.
  • cooking various types preserved melons and watermelons.

Preparations in September

In September, despite the reduction in duration daylight hours and lower temperatures, the process of winter preparations continues. They mainly preserve the crops grown on their dacha plots.

  • salting white cabbage and mushrooms.
  • preparation of various preserves from cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian and hot peppers, eggplants, beans.
  • preparation of sweet preserves from apples, pears, plums, watermelon, melon, grapes.
  • freezing and preparing preserved berries from sea buckthorn, viburnum, common and chokeberry, lingonberries, blueberries.
  • horseradish preparation

Preparations in October

In October, the first frosts usually begin. Almost the entire harvest has been harvested, and prices for market and store products become higher at the end of the harvesting season. In October you can do:

  • preparation of horseradish.
  • pickling cauliflower and white cabbage.
  • pickling mushrooms.
  • freezing and canning various root vegetables.
  • cooking vegetable salads and seasonings for soups.

Winter harvesting can be done not only during the ripening period of various fruits and vegetables, but throughout the year. The main thing is to stock up necessary materials and culinary imagination.

In the fall, as you know, the chickens are counted and the harvest is harvested. It is clear that growing a good harvest on your own plot is only half the battle. It is important to preserve everything that months of hard work have been spent on.

There are many ways to prepare berries, vegetables and fruits at home, but they will delight us exquisite taste only if the recipe is strictly followed. But, paradoxically, the taste of homemade preparations and canned food is also influenced by some intangible astrological factors, such as the phase of the Moon and its passage through the signs of the Zodiac.

To many for experienced housewives, for example, it is known that you should not ferment cabbage or preserve vegetables on the days of the full moon - the result can be disastrous. It is also undesirable to choose days for all types of preparations when the Moon passes through the signs of Cancer, Virgo and Pisces, otherwise the products will quickly become moldy and spoil. The 3rd and 4th phases of the Moon, as well as the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, are rightfully considered the best for preparations. Moreover, each type of blank has its own nuances, which were taken into account when compiling Lunar calendar for 2018. Good luck with your preparations!

Favorable days for pickling cucumbers in 2018

August 4-8;
August 12-15;
August 21;
September 1-4;
September 8-11;
September 16-20;
October 1-3;
October 8;
October 14-17;
November 1;
November 3-5.

Cold pickling of cucumbers for the winter

Who doesn’t love to eat salty crispy cucumbers! If you follow some simple rules salting, even the most regular recipe cooking cucumbers will turn them into an appetizing and tasty delicacy.

There are two ways to pickle cucumbers: cold and hot.

Their only difference is that in one case the vegetables are poured cold water, in the other - boiling water.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard for the winter

Cucumbers have a sour taste. But delicious. Goes very well with sauerkraut. Mustard adds crunch.

You will need:

Cucumber – 10 kg
Dill umbrellas – 400 g
Garlic – 2 heads
Cherry leaves – 100 g
Horseradish root – 1 pc.
Water – 5 liters
Salt – 4 tbsp
Dry mustard – 0.5 cups

Cooking process:

Let's start cooking. We take all our leaves and wash them well in running water under the tap. We do the same with cucumbers. We cut off the spouts and begin to put everything in the jar. Visually divide the leaves into three equal parts.

We place the first part on the bottom. Then place the cucumbers with their butts up, always vertically. Put the leaves back in. Repeat this until you run out of ingredients.

Pour mustard powder into the bottom of the jar at the very beginning, or you can pour it in the next step. Let's start preparing the brine. To do this, mix 4 tablespoons of salt + 5 liters of water, stirring until completely dissolved.

Pour cold brine over the cucumbers. Don't be afraid that it will become cloudy. Because after some time the mustard will settle and the brine will become transparent.

The contents of the jar must be completely hidden in the liquid. Close the jars with a tight nylon lid and refrigerate. After a month you can take it out and taste it.

The lunar calendar of conservation, pickles and other types of preparations for the winter in 2017 will allow you to determine good days to make a healthy and tasty roll.

Any housewife tries to make a lot of preparations for the winter if a good harvest is grown. In the cold season, when there are few fresh vegetables and fruits, it’s so nice to open a jar of preserved food and enjoy unique taste candied berries and other fruits, as well as pickles, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other vegetables.

  • But before preparing garden fruits, you need to carefully study the recipe and take into account other nuances
  • Experienced housewives also take into account when preparing canning lunar phases. After all, it has long been known that the Moon influences humans, animals, the growth of trees and plants
  • Under the authority of this planet is the movement of water on Earth, for example, the ebb and flow of tides in reservoirs. Accordingly, how well the preserved food, which we also prepare with water, will be stored depends on the passage of the Moon across the sky or according to the signs of the Zodiac
  • Follow the advice of the lunar table so that your preparations are stored all winter without spoilage

Remember: Digging up vegetables for storage, as well as salting and canning them, is prohibited during the full moon. At this time, there is a high probability of multiplication of various bacteria.

If you listen to lunar biorhythms, then you need to know the following:

  • During the full moon, fluid stagnation also occurs. Preservation made during this period may deteriorate, and the collected vegetables will not be stored for long
  • Pickles and jam should not be made when the Moon passes through the following zodiac signs: Pisces and Cancer
  • A good period for marinades and jams is the Moon in Aries and Leo
  • You can dig up potatoes and garlic for consumption in the near future on the waxing Moon. At this time, many useful substances accumulate in the fruits
  • If the harvest is intended for long-term storage, then you need to dig potatoes and garlic on the waning Moon. Bacteria intensity weakens as the moon passes eternal companion Earth in its waning phase passes through Aries, Capricorn and Leo
  • It is not worth harvesting when the Moon passes through the constellations Virgo and Pisces, as well as during the full moon.

Important: On days that are not indicated in the lunar table for preservation, it is better to refrain from preparations. But you can make pickles for storage in the refrigerator and use them within 2-4 weeks.

Month of 2017



a pleasant period for jams and pickles

A good period for digging up “young” vegetables - potatoes and garlic

(for food within 1-2 weeks)


a pleasant period for preparing potatoes and garlic for long-term storage


a pleasant period for harvesting potatoes and garlic

January 5, 6, 13, 14 3, 4, 11, 12, 30, 31
February 1, 2, 10 7-9, 11, 26, 27
March 1, 9, 10, 28, 29 7, 8, 12, 26, 27
April 5, 6, 24, 25 3, 4, 11, 22, 23, 30
May 2-4, 22, 23, 30, 31 1, 11, 19-21, 28, 29 1-4, 7-10, 26-31 14-16, 22, 23 5, 6, 11, 19-21
June 18, 19, 26, 27 9, 16, 17, 24, 25 3-8, 25-27, 30 11, 12, 18, 19 1, 2, 9, 16, 17, 28, 29
July 15, 16, 23-25 9, 13, 14, 21, 22 1-8, 24, 25, 28-31 15, 16, 23 9, 13, 14, 26, 27
August 11-13, 20, 21 7, 9, 10, 18, 19 1-6, 24-31 11-13, 20, 21 7, 9, 10, 22, 23
September 8, 9, 16, 17 5-7, 14, 15 1-5, 21-30 8, 9 5-7, 18-20
October 6, 13-15 3-5, 11, 12, 30, 31
November 1-3, 10, 11, 29, 30 4, 8, 9, 26-28
December 7, 8, 26, 27 3, 5, 6, 24, 25

Now it’s worth considering in detail the favorable and unfavorable dates for canning and storing vegetables by month.

In January, housewives do not prepare canned food, since the preparations were made in the summer and autumn. This month you can make jam from apples that have spoiled a little in the basement.

Also in January, housewives pickle cabbage if most of the prepared pickles have already been eaten. At this time, potatoes and garlic are not harvested, since they have already been stored in the fall.

Important: B cold month January we only enjoy pre-prepared preserves and pickles.

February - canned food supplies are already running out, and you want something fresh. But it still takes a long time for new vegetables to appear, so we continue to salt the cabbage.

It's still cold in March, but the snow is already melting. You can go out into the garden to inspect the condition of the plot after winter, because soon you will need to plant vegetables and seedlings, plant potatoes and garlic.

Important: At this time, owners of private houses are sorting out vegetables and fruits. Spoiled fruits are thrown away, and good ones are suitable for pickling, for example, cabbage or apples (you can make soaked apples in a barrel).

In April, owners of garden and vegetable plots plant potatoes and garlic. Also at this time in full landing in progress seedlings so that vegetables and fruits can be grown in a timely manner for canning for the coming winter.

In April, you can ferment greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes. Cabbage at this time is already bad and tough, so it should only be used for cooking the first course.

In May, housewives ferment the first ground cucumbers. Tomatoes are still in the greenhouse, so they need to be eaten fresh, or you can add salt, for example, festive table. Housewives make jam from strawberries.

Important: This month, many gardeners are already digging up the first potatoes that were planted in March. But it is only suitable for eating for 2-3 weeks. Such tubers are not stored for long-term storage.

Favorable days for making jam, canning, pickling, digging garlic in June 2017

June is the beginning of summer, but preparations for the winter are still far away. Vegetables are only suitable for eating for a few weeks, but fruits (apricots, cherries, cherries) can be made into jam.

Favorable days for making jam, canning, pickling, digging garlic in June 2017:

Depending on the region, garden owners begin to dig up garlic and lay it out to dry for later storage. At the end of the month, potatoes are also dug up to be stored in the basement. Housewives make jam from peaches, prunes, cherry plums and other fruits.

August is full is underway canned vegetables, and you can also salt eggplants, squash, zucchini, tomatoes and watermelons for the winter. Follow the lunar table to make the preparations tasty and healthy.

It's still September warm month, even though autumn has already arrived. Gardeners dig up the last vegetables to store them for long-term storage, and make jam from quinces, apples, pears and other fruits. At this time, you can still pickle cucumbers and tomatoes.

In October, vegetables grow in the garden only in a greenhouse, but they are not stored, but used for food for one week. They don’t make jam either, since all the fruits have disappeared, leaving only apples and here and there quinces.

Important: This month you can still preserve tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers that were removed from the beds in September.

November - the first frosts appear. All vegetables and fruits are stored in the basement. There are ready-made preserves and pickles on the shelves. For those who didn’t have time, you can pickle the cabbage and make pickles from other vegetables.

Soon New Year! I want to please my household with something tasty, so housewives bring out various preserves and pickles for the holiday table. Nobody makes zakatka this month, but you can salt the cabbage.

Dig up vegetable crops, pick fruits and make preserves and pickles according to the Moon. This will help you achieve excellent taste qualities food products and make them nutritious for you and your household.

Video: How to get early potatoes?

How nice it is to pamper yourself in winter with homemade jam or pre-rolled vegetables and fruits. Each owner/hostess has their own secrets and their own flavor of cooking. The Moon can be a very good helper in this matter.

Very often you notice that different days canning and storing food lead to different results, although the same conditions were observed. Quite a familiar story: one open jar with jam it spoils very quickly, and the other one sometimes sits on the table for weeks, and the taste is just like the first day. It depends on what period of the moon we made preparations for the winter.

  • For cooking marmalades (jam) and making juices favorable rising moon. Fruits on these days of the Moon are much juicier, their aroma is richer. The preservation of the product is also better; you can often avoid artificial preservatives (this also applies to other products that we can or seal). You can conduct an experiment: once preserve fruits using the usual method, and another time with less (about half) sugar (or with apples), but on a favorable lunar day.

Most favorable time for storage and canning - rising moon period (from Sagittarius to Gemini ).

The days of canning are determined not by the phase of the Moon, but by the sign of the Zodiac that the Moon passes on that day.

When the Moon is rising, vegetables and fruits are more juicy. The juice remains in them during collection (this is also carried out during the rising Moon) and creates the best preconditions for good preservation.

  • It is better to collect and roll fruits V days of Aries (fetal days),
  • root vegetables - V days of Capricorn and Taurus (root days).

The exception is the days of Pisces: although they are in the rising Moon, what is collected during this period should be used immediately. This time is not suitable for storing vegetables and fruits in the cellar or any other way of storing them. There is a danger of rotting, everything takes on a bland taste.

  • Freeze vegetables and fruits better in fetal days than on leaf days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Thawed, they will taste better and will not be watery.

Vegetables and fruits collected with the waxing moon , should be used immediately if the Moon is not rising.

Must be avoided Virgo days during harvesting, storage and canning. Everything rolled up in jars these days easily becomes moldy. Days of Cancer They don't fit very well either.

  • Fruits and vegetables for drying should always be collected waning moon.

  • Shelves in a cellar or pantry for storage better products wash only when the moon is waning when she is in an Air or Fire sign. This will keep the shelves dry and prevent the musty smell and mold that often appears in cellars.

Fine grain is stored , if it is removed from the field and stored when the moon is rising or waning , especially in the days of Taurus or the remaining days of the fetus. The grain then lasts longer and is not so susceptible to attack by bugs or mold. Leaf days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are not suitable; storage should be avoided on these days.