The meaning of occult symbols in various religions. Symbols of Satanism (12 photos)

Kabbalistic signs are mystical signs strongly associated with the occult tradition. With the help of these symbols, magicians create and charge talismans, enhance the effect of amulets, conduct sessions of spiritualism and calling spirits in order to control them. Find out what they are, why they are important and what things they are applied to.

In the article:

History of Kabbalistic Signs

Kabbalah- a body of ancient knowledge based on the teachings of the spirit. It is believed that this knowledge contains the answer to the secrets of the Universe, the key to all physical and mental doors. This system is effective, works and is aimed at helping a person understand his life path, higher purpose, finding happiness and spiritual peace. Roughly speaking, Kabbalah is aimed at finding the meaning of life, and not at escaping it through meditation and renunciation, as Buddhist teachings do.

Many eminent scholars have studied Kabbalah to better understand the metaphysical aspects of their existence. Among these scientists were the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras, test physicist Isaac Newton, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, as well as Leibniz and many others. Understanding this mystical teaching helps to better grasp seemingly insignificant things and events that help establish cause-and-effect relationships and facilitate the awareness of the connectedness of all events. Knowledge of laws spiritual world, their influence on the material universe strengthens the human spirit and makes him much more resistant to the blows of fate.

The very name “Kabbalah” came to us from the Aramaic language, in which it meant “receiving something.” There are no restrictions in gender, faith, nationality, or age of adherents who want to accept this teaching - Kabbalah accepts everyone, because people’s goals are always the same. What are they? For example, the desire for happiness for yourself and your loved ones. Who doesn't want this? Mutual love peace of mind, successful self-realization, indestructible well-being, good health.

The things that Kabbalah strives for cannot be picked up, touched, held in hands, or even seen. They are invisible, their nature is immaterial, but nevertheless very clear and their existence is not questioned. It is these desires, their satisfaction, that in the teachings of Kabbalah are called “Light”. If we're talking about about receiving something, no matter what, then we mean receiving exactly this Light. Its manifestations are generally the same, but at the same time they are purely individual for each person.

Michael Laitman saw in this teaching the science of comprehending the secrets of the universe, which is radically at odds with the opinion of other adherents of Kabbalah. However, magicians and witches are more inclined to agree with Michael. They actively use every symbol of Kabbalah for their amulets, talismans and other amulets.

Kabbalah signs and their meaning


The main symbol is the Kabbalistic hexagram (tetragram), otherwise called the Masonic seal or . It depicts a hexagonal star with its apex up, which means the opposite of the devil - God. It is a powerful tool of white magic. Many practitioners of occultism use this hexagram to call evil and powerful spiritual entities to its center, which, being inside it, are not capable of harming the performer of the ritual.

Kabbalistic tetragram, which is a subtype or variation of the hexagram that does not have such widespread. Sometimes she is called great state seal World Masonic Lodge. Inside the six-pointed star is inscribed the Number of the Beast - six hundred sixty six. Since the star consists of two equal and equilateral triangles, sixes are depicted at the three corners of each triangle.

Kabbalistic signs and their meaning are closely associated with the Masonic lodge. The next sign is also related to Freemasonry: it is sometimes called the Masonic “Solomon’s Seal”. Among the Masons themselves, branches of the lodge (the so-called occultists, spiritualists, theosophists and many others), it is simply called the seal of King Solomon, in memory of the biblical God-chosen king. It consists of two equilateral triangles, white and black, that make up a six-pointed star. They bear two symbols - Alpha, which is translated from Greek as the First, and Omega, the Last.

In addition to this, to significant symbols Kabbalah includes the Tetragrammaton, the Pentacle of Solomon and the Tree of Life.

The first of them, the one called Tetragrammaton, denotes the name of God, since no one knows His true name and is unable to pronounce it. It is in some way an abbreviation, since it consists of four Hebrew letters: “yod”, “he”, “vav”, “he” again. The first means the element of fire, as the most furious and indomitable, the second means water, as the smoothest and at the same time dangerous, the third is the element of air, the most intangible and ethereal, and the last is earth, without which people would not live. Fire symbolizes the creative paternal energy of God, water - the maternal force, the sensual component, air - the son, thought, flying like the wind, earth - the daughter, the perfect action.

Pentacle of Solomon

Kabbalah signs, among other things, are closely connected with the Jewish tradition of magic, which means a close connection with the Bible. Pentacle of Solomon is called a powerful magical symbol, with the help of which magicians protect themselves from outside influences and call upon good luck and wealth. It protects its owner from failure, suffering, and disaster. Great king Solomon, as you know, was chosen by God to successfully rule the Israeli state. When Solomon received from his father David a magical artifact - a ring with a pentagram and strange signs, an angel came down from heaven and taught Solomon the mysteries of magic, control of the power of the symbol given to him, the language of animals and birds. It was believed that Solomon became a wizard, that is, he owned the name of God, could contact him directly, receive his blessing and other benefits.

The Pentacle of Solomon is sometimes called the Pentacle and this gives rise to considerable confusion. In fact, there is not much difference between them: the pentacle and the pentagram have the same power and the same meaning. It symbolizes the power of earthly rulers, as well as the Earth itself. The seven symbols inscribed in the pentacle mean the seven planets known since ancient times - starting from the Moon and ending with Saturn.

To create a talisman to attract good luck and wealth to you through the Pentacle of Solomon, the Kabbalistic tradition advises performing the ritual on a sunny day - Sunday. The moon should be waxing, not waning. The amulet must be made from noble metal- gold. In addition, if the talisman is created for a one-time event, then it can be made of more fragile material - gold paper and gold paint. The creation itself must also be carried out on Sunday, making sure that the moon grows.

Also, the talisman must be cleared of foreign energy. To do this, it is fumigated with aromatic smoke - preferably incense. Sprinkle with spring water. Plain water or church water are not suitable for this practice. After cleansing, you need to stand facing the east, since the sun rises there, raise the pentacle above your head and ask the Universe for what you want. At the same time, state your name or the name of the person you wish it for.

Finally, using your ring finger right hand, apply aromatic oil to the talisman clockwise. If there is no aromatic oil, then sunflower oil can be used, since sunflower flowers are symbols of the heavenly body. Breathe onto the pentacle and say three times:

As the Moon grows, may wealth grow for me (name). So be it!

Tree of Life

The last of the most famous signs of Kabbalah is Tree or Tree of Life. It is a schematic representation of the world structure. It consists of ten spheres or sephiroth. Name " sephiroth" comes from the word "number" in Hebrew. The Tree of Life is the very basis of the teachings of Kabbalah, an attempt by the founders of this teaching, using numbers and various terms, to decompose the supposed system of the universe with the participation of science and mathematics. A human attempt to embrace the immensity, to touch the secrets of creation.

It also personifies the perfect superman, created in the image and likeness of the Creator. And the ten sefirot are the ten manifestations of the presence of the deity. Sometimes they are interpreted as archetypal states human body and consciousness, of which there are also ten. Each of them corresponds to its own number, celestial body, a specific concept, an area of ​​the human body.

Kabbalistic rings - personal and couples talismans

As we have already found out, people often wear jewelry-amulets depicting the mystical symbols of Kabbalah as ordinary jewelry: earrings, necklaces, ankle and arm bracelets, rings. The latter occupy a separate place in the mythology and symbolism of humanity - there is a ring infinity symbol, since it is closed on itself.

Kabbalistic wedding rings

Kabbalistic rings are also a reminder of the very first ring, from which the tradition of making jewelry with similar symbols began - it was. To this day, it is a symbol of strong power, a sharp mind, and great insight. The wearer of such an amulet decoration experiences worsening leadership qualities, character becomes stronger, intuition becomes stronger and more honest.

In addition, followers of the teaching have a tradition of putting Kabbalistic wedding rings on each other at weddings. These are not only symbols of marriage, but also talismans-amulets against adversity in the future. life path. Such rings bear the pentagram or pentacle of Solomon, the names of protective angels and patron archangels and many other symbols ancient teaching, called Kabbalah, the signs of which are aimed at protecting and helping the human race. Spouses wearing such rings protect themselves from infidelity, betrayal, lies, quarrels and omissions, slander and the evil eye.

Kabbalah bracelet made of red thread

In addition, it can be used as a bracelet. The origin of this tradition is believed to be that the tomb foremother Rachel or Rachel, considered greatest woman, the matriarch of the Jewish family, was wrapped in red thread. In ancient times, people again wrapped this thread around the tomb of the foremother, and then cut off a part of the thread to tie it on the wrist.

Such a talisman had enormous power - it best protected against an unkind glance, the so-called evil eye.
The Kabbalah bracelet is worn on the left wrist, since the heart is located on the left. And it is through it that the most powerful energy passes, which protects against the evil eye.

However, the thread must be tied correctly. If a person does this for himself, it will not protect him from the effects of the evil eye. Tying the thread must be accompanied by a special ritual. A person should tie with love in his heart and without evil thoughts. This is how the red thread gains true strength and prevents flows of negative energy from entering the body.

The thread must be made of natural wool, no matter what kind. Seven knots are tied on it: according to the number of spiritual dimensions. It should not be tied very tightly so as not to squeeze the veins. And also it should not be a gift, but purchased with your own money. The original thread can be bought in one of the Jewish cities called Netivot.

Magic signs and symbols

Magic signs and symbols in the history of mankind have been known for a long time - these are various geometric figures, hieroglyphs, symbols of spirits and faith. However, by themselves they do not have special significance, except as catalysts in some context of action, not only in magic, but even in hypnosis. In my book “Secret Techniques...” I described the beginning and end of the session, with which the hypnotist brought or brought the audience out of a trance. And these were the circle and square he drew in the air during the session. True, at first he gave instructions for these signs, and only then used them for their intended purpose on an already programmed public.

And for signs or symbols to work more clearly, a person must also have an emotional impact, which can only be strong feelings, such as fear, horror, love, admiration. An example of this can be two antagonistic symbols of faith in God and the Devil - the cross and the inverted pentagram. They influence our emotional state, facilitating a breakthrough beyond reality. Let us recall many similar cases when, for example, after a mother’s tearful prayer in front of an icon of some saint, the illness of her dying child immediately receded, or when the sight of a blind man who fell before the relics of a great saint came to light. If these symbols had not been in front of them, had they prayed in this way somewhere at home, it is unlikely that such a miracle would have happened.

A magical letter expressing any wish, spell or conspiracy is also considered the strongest set of symbols. It is believed that when such a letter is burned, the spell is fulfilled. But it was not necessarily burned; it could serve as protection and a talisman against evil spirits or death and was worn in a special bag on the chest as an amulet or talisman. They were especially widely used during the Second World War by German soldiers, when such amulets were hung around the necks of their mothers and wives.

Numbers are also often classified as magical symbols. There is even a section in occultism specially dedicated to them - the magic of numbers, and the most famous magic numbers in the world are 666, the number of the Devil; 13 is also an unlucky, ill-fated number; and 12 is the number of happiness. Also lucky numbers- 3 and 7 - appeared as a result of revelations from above.

Personally, I would draw the reader's attention to the number 11, which usually goes unnoticed. This is, in my opinion, the most difficult number. Many numerologists include 11 in the series of sacred numbers, which means sin, breaking the law and danger. No wonder they associate it with the name of Satan. Let us recall, for example, the terrorist attack of the century - the attack on the twin towers, which themselves resembled the number 11. And it also happened, by the way, on September 11, 2001.

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Modern man is characterized by a craving for everything mysterious, just like his distant ancestors at the dawn of humanity. He is also characterized by fears, the predominant of which is fear of the unknown. It is not surprising that even inveterate skeptics sometimes carry various amulets and talismans with them, apply tattoos on their bodies - images of magical symbols, trying to enlist the support of unknown Higher powers.

If earlier, during the period of their emergence, the meaning of esoteric signs belonged to the area of ​​sacred knowledge, accessible only to a select circle of initiates, today everyone who is curious can obtain comprehensive information about them. It is important to know that this type of knowledge should be received with respect and gratitude, and used with caution.

All secret signs have come down to us since pagan times, later supplanted by the Christian religion, which firmly linked everything pagan with witchcraft and evil spirits. This opinion still finds many supporters.

For practical application you can choose any magical artifact in accordance with personal preferences and goals. It is important not to use it thoughtlessly, but to perform some ritual in order to charge it with your energy. It is advisable to make a talisman yourself, using natural materials: wood, leather, metal, bone, clay.

Be sure to monitor your internal state during the manufacturing process, excluding negative thoughts and emotions. The finished talisman should be held in your hands, while inhaling, say its name and exhale on it. Thus it is activated. Runes have proper names; It is permissible to come up with names for other amulets.

All occult sciences claim: using magic signs, you can significantly improve your life, in particular, bring more luck and material wealth into it. Signs that bring good luck and wealth:

  • Fehu - the first futhark rune- Scandinavian alphabet. Symbol of wealth and possession. Runes are perhaps the most popular and widespread magical signs. The graphic image of runes is a set of interconnected lines of various configurations.
  • Dazhdbog- Slavic rune of prosperity. The constant attribute of Dazhdbog is the cornucopia. Slavic runes appeared later in time on the territory modern Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There is reason to believe that they were borrowed from the Scandinavians, with whom the Slavs were in close contact.
  • Pentacle of Solomon. In the center of the pentacle is a magical shield that protects against financial risks and unreasonable spending. Will help increase income. Refers to Kabbalistic signs. Kabbalah is one of the most mysterious movements in the history of world religions. It is a branch of Judaism and has a developed system of magical signs, many of which were used in the Masonic movement, shrouded in an even denser veil of secrecy.
  • "All Seeing Eye"- a sign traditionally considered Masonic, depicts an eye inside a triangle. Sometimes the eye is located at the top of a truncated pyramid. Symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe, ensures control over world finances.
  • Feng Shui – Chinese coin happiness. IN Ancient China used for payment; Such coins were available to noble persons with a special position of power. With the advent of printed money, they became rare and acquired their current status of “lucky”.
  • "Wheel of Fortune" symbolizes cyclicality, the change of ups and downs, birth and death. It will bring the owner good luck in matters where luck is the main factor: lotteries, gambling, etc.

Mystical signs, among others, perform the function of protecting the owner from negative energy from outside. This is what people say negative impact called the evil eye or damage, and also explained by the influence evil spirits, evil spirits.

On an energetic level, one can suffer from outside hostility even if the person had no conscious intention to harm. A curse pronounced in the hearts can come true if it is pronounced by a person with strong energy, accompanied by intense emotions.

To strengthen your own biofield and protect against external influences, the following are recommended:

  • Pentacle "Power of Light"- a five-pointed star inside a circle. Each ray represents one of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air, and the fifth symbolizes Spirit. It is no coincidence that a star located with its point up means the Divine principle, while in an inverted position it means the devilish. Grants power over supernatural forces and protects against their possible harmful influence.
  • Atlantean sign. It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1860. Possesses radiation that gives strength to resist aggressive external influences, including intentional (evil eye, damage, curse). Promotes the development of intuition and paranormal abilities.
  • Yin-Yang (Tai Chi)- An ancient Chinese sign of the fusion of the feminine and masculine principles, personifying the Unity of opposites. Protects from evil spirits.
  • Abracadabra. A triangle with the point down, inside which a mantra is written in descending order from the complete word to the last letter. It is recommended to wear it as an amulet and recite the mantra. With the vibrations created, it is easy to strengthen your biofield and protect yourself from illness, need, and accidents.
  • Runes are also powerful amulets:

    • Algiz. Provides protection not only from the harmful influence of others, but also from accidents. In addition, it enhances intuition, thereby helping to anticipate upcoming troubles.
    • Berkana. Protects women during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. Brings harmony and prosperity to the family.
    • Alatyr. The ancient Slavs considered this rune strong defense for children.
    • Raido (Rainbow among the Slavs) will protect you on the way, and will also help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

    “In the beginning was the Word”... It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of words as symbolic meanings objects and phenomena, not only those around us, but also abstract, imaginary ones. Scientists conducted a demonstration experiment: they pronounced words of different content over a glass of water.

    Words carrying a negative meaning deformed the water molecule, making it shapeless and ugly. If we remember that a person consists of 80% water, we can come to completely clear conclusions.

    In ancient times and the Middle Ages, conspiracies and spells were actively used by mystics for a wide variety of purposes: treatment, expulsion of evil, love spells, removal of the evil eye and damage, exorcism of demons, communication with the other world. Adherents of black magic did not hesitate to cause direct harm to others for their own selfish interests.

    For those who decide to use the knowledge of the ancients in practice, there are a number of conditions:

    1. Keeping the fast.
    2. Spiritual cleansing. Prayer, meditation, mindfulness.
    3. Unity with nature. It is advisable both during the preparation period and during the ritual.
    4. Sincerity and purity of intentions while casting a spell.

    An example of an ancient Slavic spell - amulet:

    In the name of Svarog and Perun, I will drink my fate to the dregs. In the name of Veles, I invoke the blood of my ancestors. Get ready, kind of strength. Rise, ancestors, from the grave. Protect your son (daughter) (name), endow him with the purity of the family. So that the evil eye does not touch you, so that you wake up with a smile, so that the path and heart are open. The doors of truth and essence will open! I call on Svarog, I shelter my son (daughter) (name) with his protection. It will become true, he will not part with the Gods.

    All sacred knowledge is designed to provide its followers with eternal life. The methods used to achieve this goal are very different: the same magical signs and symbols, as well as agmas and mantras.

    Mantras came to us from Hinduism and are also used in Buddhism. They are a set of sounds that need to be pronounced in concentration, in a meditative state, with a high degree of awareness. They are analogous to a prayer or spell. One of the most impressive is the Mrityunjaya mantra, Conquering Death.




    Worship of the Three-Eyed Lord,

    Shiva, the Fragrant One who Brings Good!

    Capable of breaking the bonds of birth and death,

    May He grant us freedom from death for the sake of Immortality!”

    The mantra is a powerful protection against fatal diseases, snake bites, and accidents.

    A variety of Vedic mantras are Slavic agmas- short spells of one to three words that can establish a connection between the caster and the Gods and forces of nature. They are usually pronounced 77 times. They change a person’s internal energy and thereby provide the opportunity to change the surrounding reality. The main agma of the Slavs sounds like "Rhode-sake-rado".

    Of the talismans associated with immortality and eternity, the most notable are:

    • Ankh– ancient Egyptian cross with a rounded top part, which symbolizes rebirth. The key to health and longevity. It is a kind of key that opens doors to another world.
    • Longevity Knot– complex geometric figure without beginning or end, personifying infinity. Tibetan sign. Reveals to seekers the secrets of immortality and eternal youth, brings health and harmony.
    • The above Taiji, better known as Yin – Yang, signifying infinity and eternal life.
    • Yantra Shambhala– found in ancient manuscripts in the foothills of the Himalayas. Shambhala, according to Tibetan legends, is a mythical country where only the enlightened can go, pure in heart and the mind is a man. This sign provides a connection with a parallel world.

    Symbols eternal life surround us throughout our entire existence. These can be plants, animals, objects, etc. Thus, the pomegranate is a symbol of eternal life in Christianity, and the peach in China. The well-known symbol of Eternity is a snake biting its tail.

    IN Ancient Egypt the scarab beetle was revered as an emblem of immortality, and in Ancient Greece– butterfly. Associated with immortality and eternity Egyptian pyramids with their special energy fields called torsion.

    Our Universe is full of mysteries, and many of them were known to the ancients. The revival of interest in centuries-old sacred knowledge will bring undoubted benefit to humanity and reveal limitless possibilities Spirit.

    The article provides answers to the most current issues, which are directly related to magical symbols and their possible interpretation today.

    Magically protecting your home from thieves

    One of powerful conspiracies, which is enough for a year. Place a candle in each corner of the room, as soon as they burn down to half read “Sword, fire, spear, pitchfork, stab, burn, chop the enemy, my envious one, the thief who comes into the house. It’s better not for a thief to come into my house, so that I don’t know trouble, so that my health doesn’t get worse, so that my life doesn’t become bad. The road to my house is guarded by angels, these angels stand in the corners. Angel Michael, angel Gabriel, angel Uriel, angel Jehudiel. No one will be allowed into the house if they come with evil intentions and leave. Amen".

    Magic protection, what is it?

    A method of protecting a person using magic, spells, and rituals from various harms.

    Magical symbols of white magic and their meaning

    There is a huge amount in white magic various characters. The main ones:

    - Pentagram. One of the main protective signs. A shield that reflects evil spells, turning them towards the one who wished evil. Helps white magicians deal with black ones, trapping their powers. Allows you to gain the strongest power.

    — Talisman of Venus. With its help in white magic, it is possible to achieve harmony and love in relationships. It gives women beauty to attract men.

    - Yin-Yang. Ancient symbol. A symbol of harmony, the existence of which can be maintained thanks to two elements, Yin and Yang. Male and feminine placed in this sign.

    - Celtic cross. Helps connect worlds difficult situation will help you cope with trouble.

    - Crystal ball. Used by magicians as a guide to another world.

    - Circle. Symbol of unity and integrity. For many white magicians, this sign represents the forces of Mother Earth.

    Magic signs of Enoch, symbols and their meaning

    The Seal of Enoch can hide people from demons.

    Magic signs of the Celts and their characteristics

    - Valknut. A symbol in the form of an interlacing of three triangles. Symbolizes transitions between worlds.

    — Celtic knot of protection. The name speaks for itself, it protects from evil spirits and black magic on all sides.

    — Brigid's knot. Brigid is considered the main female deity of Ireland. First of all this female mascot. Carries a powerful charge of positive energy.

    - Thor's Hammer. Symbolizes a lightning strike, the sun wheel. Used for protective purposes.

    Magic signs that are drawn on the body, hand and their meaning

    The dolphin will bring good luck to its owner.

    The spider will protect against diseases and improve health.

    Lotus helps to reach great heights.

    The infinity sign will bring financial independence to its owner.

    The star will help make life more favorable and bring good luck.

    The all-seeing eye is painted by those who want to have power over the whole world.

    Barhomet is a satanic sign.

    Magic signs of love, good luck, amulets, black magic items and their meaning

    The Christian symbol of the Trinity, the Sign of Perun, the Seal of Lao Tzu will bring good luck.

    The Venus talisman will bring true love into the owner’s life.

    Lunnitsa is a talisman symbol of life and fertility.

    The wedding dress is a talisman for the newlyweds for a long and happy life.

    In black magic, natural parts are most often used, such as hair, clothes, nails, photography.

    Magical protection for home and yourself, children, witches

    Such protection is placed on the threshold, near the windows. Speak to the water " Clean water, protect, protect from evil eyes and tongues. Let all evil be reflected from you. Amen". Spray the threshold, door, windows with this water.

    Magic signs for attracting money and good luck, losing weight, bringing wealth

    The Fehu rune, a frog with a coin in its mouth, will bring wealth and good luck.

    The Isa-Kano-Dagaz rune will help you lose weight and stick to a diet.

    Magical protection after removing damage

    Magic signs of protection from evil, dark forces and in the form of a swastika: how to put it, make it and how it works

    A circle containing the heads of two wolves.

    The symbols Algiz and Nautiz have protection from evil.

    You can make amulets that will always be nearby.

    Or choose the option with a tattoo, these include: catcher again, eye of Horus, black sun.

    Magical symbols of the moon angels

    Every day has its own angel, every angel has its own symbol.

    Avdala, Valsar, Cardo, Fupres, Rapel, Lovkor, Fezhala, Dytola, Yumas, Yanas, Norot, Dorol, Pagrus, Musaf, Covas, Zenor, Nedo, Fel, Somen, Malara, Fersas, Gibera, Tiba, Rosalya, Anvar, Saden, Mater, Vashet, Vydash.

    Magic protection reiki sign

    The Cho Ku Rei sign has magical powers of protection. This is the first Reiki symbol. With the help of this symbol you can both clear space and pump it up with strength.

    Magic symbols of the ancient Slavs, Slavic Aryans

    The altar boy is a symbol of the unity of the Light clans.

    Belobog is a symbol of luck, goodness, unity.

    Veles is a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

    The star of the cross is a symbol of good luck, the path to success, the intended goal.

    Magic protection bottle with iron

    The so-called Witch bottle is a bottle filled with various ingredients, including an option filled with iron. With the help of various spells you can achieve some success.

    Magic protection with impenetrability

    Take a candle and light it from both sides. Rotate around its axis along with a lit candle, wax will drip onto the floor. Say 5 times “I close my enemy’s eyes, I take cover, I close myself.” I impose a blanket of impenetrability against any enemy, evil man I'm closing myself off. Amen".

    Magical protection for pets

    To protect the animal from the evil eye, cut off hair from the head and hair from the tail. Roll into melted wax. Hide this ball in the house so that no one finds it.

    Magic signs triangle in a circle

    Triple Tau - represents the line beyond which holiness ends, and within which lies the spiritual center.

    The Seal of Solomon is a symbol of power over matter, Gives you the opportunity to dominate the genies.

    Barhomet - an inverted pictogram symbolizes involvement in Satanism.

    Magic workplace protection

    Best done on a Sunday evening. Fill a clear glass with water and add a little salt. “Angel, save my soul, save my body. I urge you to help me, take the evil eye and damage away from me. So that in this place there is only a career. Amen".

    What is the Gebo rune and who needs it? You can always carry it with you. More often they are worn around the neck, like a pendant, or put in a pocket. There is no need to disturb her or ask her for anything, because she...

    Mystical and occult symbols are what arouse interest among many with a mixture of fear. They can be depicted on various decorations, items of clothing, walls and other objects.

    The attitude towards occult symbols in different religious denominations is ambiguous. In many religions, occult symbols are considered something negative and forbidden. Thus, Christianity presupposes the exclusion of these signs, since a true Christian must honor God, praising and exalting him.

    Occultism is the name of teachings that recognize the existence of so-called hidden forces in man. Translated from Latin, this term means “secret”, “intimate”. This doctrine about the hidden connections of phenomena, man and space had a certain influence on experimental methods in science. The familiar term “esotericism” has a similar meaning; these two concepts are interrelated.

    The occult is usually understood as the study of everything hidden and implicit. This is magic, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, spiritualism, dreams.

    Often these teachings have a religious connotation. Many who study the occult associate themselves with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Hinduism. As a rule, the term “occult” is applied to those phenomena and methods that religion cannot explain and does not assume. Thus, the famous Kabbalah is considered an occult teaching.

    Occultism involves the study inner nature things, phenomena, when compared with science, which studies external characteristics. Arthur Schopenhauer called this movement the word “will”. Because science is not able to look deeper into the relationships between several objects and things, explaining the internal nature.

    Alchemy, considered the forerunner of traditional chemistry, is also an occult practice. And such famous scientists as Isaac Newton and Roger Bacon devoted their works to this practice.

    Some religious movements and systems define the occult as everything paranormal and supernatural. This is something that cannot be achieved by turning to God, but only with the help of Satan.

    For many, the term “occultism” evokes negative thoughts. However, not many people understand that individual practices and the rituals of various religions can only be called occult. Although in nature this term is used quite rarely.

    Occult symbols and signs

    Kabbalistic Tetragram

    The Kabbalistic Tetragram symbol consists of two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other.

    Is the great seal of Freemasonry, revealing the meaning of the number 666.

    The Heartgram symbol is a regular triangle. Its apex is directed upward and is the beginning of the second triangle. The bottom of the triangle represents the two roundnesses of the heart, and the bottom corner represents its completion.

    It is a mixture of love and hate, life and death.

    Church of Satan

    The Church of Satan sign is depicted as a six-pointed cross, at the foot of which is an inverted figure eight, a symbol of infinity.

    This sign almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

    The Cross of Disorder symbol is depicted as a four-pointed cross, the vertical line of which ends in a quarter-open circle.

    This sign was first used by the Romans, who wanted to challenge the truth of the Christian faith.

    The familiar Swastika symbol dates back to ancient times, when it symbolized the god of fire. The priests of this deity greeted the sunrise by raising their right hands, thereby expressing reverence and respect.

    In China, this symbol is a sign of virtue.

    The pentagram in the form of a five-pointed star is considered one of the most powerful images in magic and is used by sorcerers for various rituals.

    Also used by Kabbalists, who this sign has a designation of power.

    Lightning Sign

    The Lightning symbol is depicted as the letter "S" it resembles, which is considered to represent Satan.

    Sometimes this symbol is depicted on a five-pointed star.

    This four-pointed cross in an inverted position denotes hatred of Christ.

    The magical number 23 is considered occult and signifies secret society portholes.
    666 or FFF.

    The connection between these numbers and letters is that this letter English alphabet goes at number six. It is considered to indicate the number of the Antichrist.

    This ancient one chinese symbol considered the definition of unity, polarity.

    Tao means in Chinese philosophy eternal action or principle of creation

    The Neuron Cross symbol is also called the symbol of peace. It represents an inverted and broken cross of Christ, enclosed in a circle.

    Denotes contempt for Christianity.

    This symbol symbolizes the negation of all laws. Depicted as the letter "A" surrounded by a circle.

    This symbol is also a sign of sacrifice and observer.

    The magical symbol Ankh is a four-pointed cross, the top of which is presented in the form of an elongated oval.

    The Ankh symbolizes fertility, lust, and the union of man and woman.

    It is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.

    A circle with a dot in the center is used in Buddhism and Hinduism to represent masculine power.

    The index finger and little finger, raised up and separated from the other fingers, are considered the victory of the devil over good.

    Magic signs and their meaning

    As you can see, occult symbols are represented by a wide variety of signs. Each of them has its own meaning and definition. If you choose a symbol, you must first find out its meaning.

    After all, it often happens that a person uses jewelry with occult signs, the designation of which he does not know. This can cause individual problems and contradictions in life.