The brother of the verb faith has died. A friend of Vera Glagoleva said that the actress’s condition worsened after the death of her brother

The Trud columnist met with Vera’s producer and friend Natalya Ivanova, with whom Glagoleva made three big films

The bitter date is approaching: 40 days from the date of death wonderful actress, director and beautiful, fragile woman Vera Glagoleva, who so suddenly left us. The Trud columnist met with Vera’s producer and friend Natalya Ivanova, with whom Glagoleva made three big, serious films - “Order”, “One War”, “Two Women”...

- Natalya, let's start from the beginning. Where and when did you meet Vera?

Vera Glagoleva and Natalya Ivanova. Last photo together. Photos courtesy of the film company “Horosho Production”

- I’ll remember now. It was 2004. It’s been three years since I founded my own film company, producing documentaries, I didn’t think about feature films. By that time, I had been friends with Vera’s brother Boris for about 20 years. We were familiar with Vera herself, but nothing more. One day Boris told me that Vera has interesting scenario, the TVC channel gives money for it, and Vera is looking for a producer. I met with Glagoleva, she gave me a cassette with her first film “Broken Light”, which I really liked for its special atmosphere, subtlety of emotions, understatement. In the end, I agreed to her proposal. It was Vera who took me by the hand and brought me to the big cinema. This is where our work-friendship began.

— What acting work did you like from her?

— In fact, all her roles are one big role. After all, she practically never starred in costume or historical films, with the exception of the films “Enemies” and “Without the Sun” based on Gorky. There were several more war films, but mostly she played our contemporaries - fair women, with a firm internal rod who do not seek happiness on the side, who do not fight off other people’s husbands. She deliberately avoided negative heroines. She liked to spread positive, moral, spirituality. There was enough dirt and lies, she thought, all around.

— Did this collective image correspond to her character?

- In many ways, yes. She was an honest and pure person. Of course, everyone in life has to drink their own bitter cup, but she did not lose some inner tuning fork, did not bend under the burden life difficulties. Her inner light was not broken. And then, Vera constantly fed herself spiritually. I read classical literature, knew the entire Bolshoi repertoire, was friends with Yuri Bashmet, tried not to miss his concerts. I adored the music of St. Petersburg composer Sergei Banevich, who worked on all our films.

Vera was a conservative throughout her life - in in a good way this word, which helped her maintain moral purity. I recently watched the film “About You”, where she, very young, was dyed blonde and cut into a bob for the role. This is surprising, but she did not change this appearance right up until her departure! Everyone admitted: Vera was a stylish woman; she did not wear flashy, flashy outfits. She was truly a harmonious, whole person. Everything is according to Chekhov: clothes, soul, thoughts...

“Everyone notes Verina’s tenderness and fragility, but I know from my experience of communicating with her that she could also be sharp, prickly...

- How could it be otherwise? She knew how to be a fighter and fighter, defending her rightness to the bitter end. We were never given money for our films the first time, it always dragged on for years. And together with her we knocked on doors, wrote letters, and hung up phones. You know, Vera was not only concerned about cinematic problems, she was, as they say, an active citizen. I was worried about dirty forests near Moscow, for the demolition of historical buildings in her beloved Moscow, went to rallies in defense of the park near the Belorussky railway station...

And how many people she helped! She was friends with Mikhail Gluzsky, Vitaly Vulf, Vladimir Zeldin, and found time to take care of them. And she didn’t forget about the young people. Vera taught acting for several years, and after graduation she did not abandon her students, took care of them in every possible way, and helped with venues for showing performances. She always cast debutants in her films and discovered new names, as was the case in the films “One War” and “Two Women.” Once at Kinotavr she really liked the film of the then young director Nikolai Lebedev “Star”. Ironically, he did not receive any prize from the jury. When Vera found out about this, she bought starfish, went on stage and, without any regulations, presented him with this award. Nikolai Lebedev, now a two-time laureate of the State Prize of Russia, considers this the most valuable prize for himself.

—What was she like on the set?

“Demanding, uncompromising, everyone obeyed her, and sometimes they were afraid of her. Otherwise you can’t make a movie. Vera behaved in a special way only with actors, whom she not only pitied, but protected. I didn’t like screen tests. I assembled the ensemble cast for the future film in my head. I spent a long time sorting through photographs, watching films with the participation of candidates for roles, thinking, living with it. And only when she was almost one hundred percent sure of her choice did she invite actors to audition. And I must say, I was rarely wrong in my choice.

— Vera had neither acting nor directing education. How did she master these two most difficult professions?

“She had a reactive mind, I was always amazed at how quickly she grasped everything.” Personally, I need time to comprehend this or that situation, sometimes I need to write down my thoughts on paper, but at that time she had already decided everything for herself and flew away. Vera was close to people who understood her immediately; slow-witted people made her nervous.

This ability to immediately see the main thing was useful to her throughout life. After all, she starred with the legends of our cinema: Oleg Dahl, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Alexei Batalov, Nikolai Rybnikov, Alla Demidova, Vera Vasilyeva, Alexander Abdulov. And it was filmed by outstanding directors: Anatoly Efros, Igor Talankin, Semyon Aranovich, Vitaly Melnikov, Alla Surikova. These were her acting and directing universities. And she is a talented student among them.

— How was your relationship with Vera on the set, who was your “main”?

“I never interfered with her work on the set. There is one king and god - the director. But I was always there, and that calmed her down. In the process of working on each of our films, we were in constant contact, discussing together the concept of the film, casting and a bunch of other important things, as it should be.

— How did English actor Ralph Fiennes appear in “Two Women”? This is such an extraordinary creative solution...

— After the emotionally difficult film “One War,” we wanted to touch the classics and make a beautiful, atmospheric movie. We understood that no one would give us a big budget, we needed to look for a chamber story. I suggested making a film based on Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country.” Vera was surprised: wasn’t there really a big movie about this worldwide famous work? Then she asked: who could play Rakitin? I answered: just dream, while it doesn’t oblige us to anything. Then this name came up: Ralph Fiennes. “Well, you bent it,” I said. But I still wrote down in my notebook: Rakitin - Ralph Fiennes!

Director Vera Glagoleva, actor Ralph Fiennes, producer Natalya Ivanova on the set of the film “Two Women”

Literally a month later I read in the newspaper that world cinema star Ralph Fiennes is coming to the Mirror festival in the city of Ivanovo as the chairman of the jury. Vera and I urgently rushed to Ivanovo. Rafe read the application and really liked the idea of ​​playing Rakitin in an ensemble with Russian actors and under the direction of a Russian director. Later he read the script, watched the film “One War” and gave his consent. I just asked to postpone filming for a year due to my busy schedule. We were ready to wait for him for more than one year. As a result, Fiennes adorned the film with his subtle psychological play.

— Vera, as far as I know, managed to make a film “ Clay pit", which, as it happens, will become her creative testament...

- Fortunately, I did. This is a socio-psychological drama based on the play by Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina. She talks about family relationships, where adults, in pursuit of personal happiness, forget about their children. Vera has never made this kind of film before; I would even say that it was a challenge for her. Glagoleva managed to remove all Russian part film, now you need to finish filming the visions and dreams of the main character. This is planned to be done this fall in Kazakhstan.

Vera Glagoleva and actor Dmitry Krivochurov on the set of the film “Clay Pit”

The film’s cinematographer Alexander Nosovsky, who already worked with Vera on the film “Order,” and editing director Alexander Amirov will complete the film. Glagoleva managed to discuss with them in detail all the important points for her. The painting will be finally ready by next summer.

— The plot of the play about a mother and her children involuntarily leads to the question of Vera Glagoleva and her three daughters. What kind of mother was she?

“She was an absolutely amazing, special mom.” To tell the truth, I have never met such mothers. On expeditions, on filming, and on vacation, she never parted with her phone. At first it annoyed me, but then I got used to it. I realized that Vera, as a mother, must know every minute what is happening with her children, where they are, who they are with, what they are doing, what they are eating, what they are thinking about. This constant connection with her children did not weaken even when her daughters became adults, got married, and had children. It's very difficult for her girls right now. Faith was the axis, the center of gravity of their large and friendly family.

— In one of our long-ago interviews with Vera, she called her departure ex-husband Rodion Nakhapetov to America by betrayal. Judging by latest events, they reconciled...

“Vera found the strength to reconcile.” By the way, she never prevented the children from communicating with their father. For more than twenty years they had nothing to share: he had his own family, she had hers. Rodion Rafailovich often came to Moscow for the birthdays of girls and grandchildren. Children were also welcome guests in America. He flew to the funeral and said goodbye to Vera, it was very important to him.

- And the last thing. We cannot ignore the bitter page in today's conversation - her departure. Did you know she was sick?

- I knew, naturally. Her illness did not appear yesterday and was insidious in that sometimes we forgot that Vera was sick. Agile, light, she worked for two, and she sharply suppressed conversations about her illness, even in the closest circle. It was a taboo topic. I, too, was content with what she would say herself. Since we worked closely, made films, and this is a complex process in which finances and dozens of people are involved, I knew a little more than others, especially when it came to her departures for treatment.

Vera felt worse in February, after the funeral of her brother Boris, who also died of cancer. Over the past six months, her health condition was unstable, but still no one thought about the terrible outcome, we hoped that it would work out. She has up to last day there was a huge thirst for life, a desire to work and create. I know for sure that it was not part of her plans to leave us. I still can’t come to terms with her leaving. And I never can.

Vera Glagoleva, Natalya Ivanova, producer, Order, September 22, 2017

Close friend Vera Glagoleva Natalya Ivanova spoke about the actress’s illness.

Vera Glagoleva/Photo: Global look

Vera Glagoleva and producer Natalya Ivanova met in 2004 and since then have not only been close friends, but also worked together. Recently Natalya gave frank interview and talked about what could have caused the actress’s death.

Of course, Natalya knew about Vera’s illness and her struggle with oncology. According to the producer, no one could have thought that Glagoleva would die so suddenly. Note that the actress tried to hide her illness and never complained about her condition even to her closest ones. Vera felt worse in February after she buried her brother - the man also died from cancer. This event greatly undermined the actress.

“Agile, light, she worked for two, and she sharply suppressed conversations about her illness, even in the closest circle. It was a taboo topic. I, too, was content with what she would say herself. Over the past six months, her health condition was unstable, but still no one thought about the terrible outcome, we hoped that it would work out. Until her last day, she had a great thirst for life, a desire to work and create. I know for sure that it was not part of her plans to leave us. I still can’t come to terms with her leaving. And I never can,” Ivanova said in an interview for

Let us remind you that Vera Glagoleva, where she came for examination. Glagoleva for a long time she was struggling with cancer, but she arrived at the clinic in Europe in good condition and did not plan to undergo treatment. Some believe that

Glagoleva looked younger than her age. “A woman without age,” fans said about her. “Vera was a little girl, she could say how much she loved pancakes, eat half a pancake in the evening and say, oh, how I ate! I envied her figure,” recalled her friend Larisa Guzeeva. According to her stories, Glagoleva was always very energetic: she had two phones in her hands at once, and at the same time she managed to give out instructions and could do several things at the same time. Was beautiful actress and at the same time mastered directing. She also became a master of archery.

Glagoleva grew up with three beautiful daughters, the youngest of whom, Anastasia Shubskaya, married hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The actress admitted that she doted on her sports son-in-law, did not miss his matches and kept track of how many goals he scored. Already knowing about her fatal illness, she arranged a luxurious wedding for her daughter and, with a calm heart, entrusted Nastya to Ovechkin.

Vera Vitalievna hid her illness - cancer; only those closest to her knew about it. Therefore, it came as a surprise to everyone else.

I met Vera Glagoleva at the end of July at one of the parties at the Moscow Film Festival,” actress Vera Sotnikova told KP. - Vera smiled, she was in good mood. She said she felt great. When a person is very sick, when he feels bad, he does not go to parties, does not wear white dress. And she was all so bright and looked absolutely healthy. What could have happened in this Baden-Baden clinic? Doctors' mistake or medicine didn't work?

"They'll eat you up in the theater"

The only thing that Glagoleva regretted all her life was that she refused the offer of director Anatoly Efros (she starred in the film “On Thursday and Never Again”) to play in his theatrical performances, says writer Fyodor Razzakov. - Years later, she said: “I acted like a complete idiot: the best theater director in Moscow still asks me to think about his proposal, and I mumble that nothing will work out for me.”

In the film “On Thursday and Never Again” her partners were Smoktunovsky and Dahl. Immediately after filming the film, Efros invited Vera to main role in the play “A Month in the Country,” which was staged at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva was ready to accept this proposal, but her husband Rodion Nahapetov intervened. He forbade his wife to even think about theater career, citing the fact that the theater group is full of terrible morals, intrigue, and envy. "They'll just eat you up there!" - he said to his wife.

It is likely that the reason for the ban was Nakhapetov’s jealousy - he was simply afraid that Efros could become his rival in a relationship with the woman he loved, Razzakov is sure.

In life, Glagoleva was lucky with men. First husband and first love - famous director Rodion Nahapetov, who made the young Vera an actress and was the first to cast her, an 18-year-old inexperienced girl, in his film “To the End of the World.” Glagoleva admitted that she loved her “Pygmalion” to the point of unconsciousness. However, he also inflicted a mental wound on the actress by falling in love with another woman in America, his film business partner Natalya Shlyapnikova.

Her daughters Anna and Maria and her work helped the actress survive a difficult divorce. And in the early 90s, at a film festival in Odessa, she met her second husband, millionaire businessman Kirill Shubsky. Moreover, when we met, she asked him to help finance the film of her ex-husband Nakhapetov, with whom she kept friendly relations. The film never took place, but Glagoleva and Shubsky got married a year later and had a daughter, Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth in Switzerland, in Geneva, where they lived as a family for a year.

"I don't want to be an artist"

The story of how Vera Glagoleva first came to film set, is similar to hundreds of similar stories from the lives of many Russian film actors,” continues Fedor Razzakov.

Glagoleva recalled:

“Nakhapetov liked me purely in appearance. I had fashionable trousers, flared from the hip, and an unusual haircut for those times. Bangs, like Mireille Mathieu. My brother Boris cut my hair. I just went to Poland with school, came back and said : “Everyone there wears platforms and bell-bottoms!” My brother made me trousers and a jumpsuit - not super extravagant, but few people had such things.”

And here’s how Nakhapetov recalls this:

"I just couldn't find main character for the film "To the End of the World". The assistants told me:

You tell me what kind of girl you need: tall or short, plump or thin, blonde or brunette - and we will find one for you.

It's hard to explain... - I shrugged.

But one day he said:

Well, for example, this girl in a green jumpsuit. There was something French about her hairstyle.

The assistants rushed after the girl.

Do you want to act? - they stopped her.

“No,” the girl answered indifferently.

What are you doing at Mosfilm then?

A friend invited me. For viewing. And what?

Have you fallen from the moon? Do you want to be an actress?

No,” the girl repeated confidently. - I don't want to be an actress. I am a master of sports in archery.

Mosfilm's assistants are persistent people: they managed to persuade the young athlete to come for photo tests. However, in the photographs the girl looked different than in life.

No, that’s not it,” I said and threw the unsuccessful photographs into the far drawer of the table.

Meanwhile, screen tests were going on. And suddenly, on the eve of the screen test, the main character’s partner fell ill. This is how Vera Glagoleva first appeared in front of the camera. Without thinking, I put her back to the lens, handed her a piece of paper with text and said:

Just read it out loud. You're not in the frame.

While I was working on the main character, Vera learned her text and began to “throw” it out with such naturalness and ease, as if it was being born in her head that very minute. Vera's relaxedness was explained by the fact that she dreamed of sports career, and not about cinematography. She didn't care.

Not bad. What if I give you the most difficult scene now?


I laughed. I liked her confidence, but confidence is not talent. The scene was indeed very difficult. But as soon as the clapper was taken away from the actress’s face, I realized that the scene would work. Vera had tears in her eyes. What was surprising was that, while crying, Vera tried to smile. A strange and touching effect.

It happens to me too,” she said. - It's getting sad and sad. And it seems you don't need anyone...

When she said this “sad, sad,” I suddenly felt that my heart sank and fluttered.”

By the time work on this film was completed, Nakhapetov and Glagoleva began to live together. The 12 year difference did not scare them. On October 14, 1978, she and Nakhapetov had a daughter, Anna. And on June 28, 1980 - another daughter, Masha.


  • "To the ends of the world..." (1975) - Sima
  • “On Thursday and Never Again” (1977) - Varya, the protagonist’s girlfriend, expecting a child from him
  • “Don’t shoot white swans” (1980) - teacher Nonna Yurievna
  • "Sunday Dad" (1985) - Lena
  • “Marry the Captain” (1985) - photojournalist Elena Pavlovna Zhuravleva
  • "Waiting Room" (1998) - film director Maria Sergeevna Semenova
  • “It is not recommended to offend women” (1999) - Vera Ivanovna Kirillova

"Those Who Descended from Heaven", 1986. Photo:


Glagoleva bought a coffin for 300 thousand rubles

August 19 in Moscow at the Central House of Cinema. And then she was buried on Troekurovskoye Cemetery. Natalya Gundareva, Lyubov Polishchuk, Valentina Tolkunova and her husband, Anna Politkovskaya, Vlad Galkin, Andrey Panin, Vitaly Vulf are also buried there.

The actress and director began to have serious health problems after the betrayal of their beloved men, people around her believe

The news of the death of Vera GLAGOLEVA took not only her fans by surprise, but even people from the close circle of the actress and director. As it turned out, she died after a long battle with stomach cancer. Vera Vitalievna flew for a consultation to one of the clinics in Germany (her brother Boris lives in this country), and a few hours after visiting the hospital she was gone.

Upon learning of death Glagoleva, her colleague Elena Valyushkina, star of the film hits “Formula of Love” and “Bitter!”, wrote on her page on the social network:

When a woman is betrayed, not once, but twice, by her beloved men, and she gets up and continues to live, create, raise children, not show it, win, delight, make movies. And this vile pain gnaws from the inside, tears me apart, does not allow me to sleep, and does not go away with time. This is how cancer begins. These are my thoughts...

According to friends, Glagoleva did not like to share her problems with others and tried to hide them even from her family.

Only from her first love, which revealed in 16-year-old Vera the ability to wholeheartedly admire the object of attention, the actress was left with a feeling of incredible purity, romantic flair and slight naivety.

My first love is very talented person, musician,” our heroine shared. - I thought then that it was a feeling of something different, a feeling of joy when you walk by the hand.

By that time, in front of the future movie star and her older brother Boris, the family of their parents had broken up.

One day during the summer holidays, Verochka and Borya went kayaking with their father Vitaly Pavlovich. Dad’s colleague and her child also sailed with them.

Returning to Moscow, the children complained to their mother that during the trip, dad paid too much attention to someone else’s aunt and constantly fussed with her offspring. A scandal broke out. Vitaly Pavlovich packed his things and left home. Soon he left the prosperous capital for the North, where he started a new family.

GLAGOLEVA has two daughters from her marriage to Rodion NAKHAPETOV... Shot from channel RUSSIA 1

Cross the line

With my first husband - Rodion Nakhapetov- I met Glagoleva when she was 18 and he was 30. Together with a friend who worked at Mosfilm, Vera, who was then keen on archery and became a master of sports, came to watch the film.

In the buffet, a girl in trendy trousers flared from the hip was noticed by the operator Vladimir Klimov. It was he who invited her to audition for the film “To the End of the World...”, which Rodion was filming.

The romance between Nakhapetov and Vera began before my eyes, the actor told the author of these lines Vadim Mikheenko, who played one of the roles in the film, father Egor Beroev. - Rodion insisted that we be attentive to each other, because love and bright emotions had to be played. One day she broke into my hotel room, although I didn’t let her in because I was spending time with a prostitute. Seeing this disgrace, she began to treat Nakhapetov differently - he never allowed such liberties.

...Anna became a ballerina, and Maria tried herself as an actress. Photo:

According to Mikheenko, it was impossible to take your eyes off Glagoleva at that time.

Rodion was terribly jealous of her for me,” Vadim continues. - One day, an American friend of mine came to Moscow, and in the evening we gathered in a cafe with guys and girls. There was also Vera. But soon Nakhapetov flew in and took his beloved away. I understand him: when you work with a person, you are engaged in creativity, you cannot be distracted by some other things, or cross the line. I took it calmly, but Rodion was trembling. I learned this trepidation from him.

The couple had two daughters - Anya and Masha. Having children didn't hurt at all successful career spouses. Vera both starred with her husband (they have five films together) and accepted invitations from other directors.

In 1987, Nakhapetov finished work on the film “At the End of the Night,” in which, alas, there was no place for his wife. It was this painting, purchased for display in the USA, that broke up their marriage. Nakhapetov decided that he had a chance to gain a foothold in America, and without thinking twice he flew overseas. Unknown to his family, who were patiently waiting for his return to his homeland, he began an affair with a US citizen, a film producer. Natalya Shlyapnikoff, born into a family of Russian emigrants. Having broken up with Vera, he became Natasha's husband.

Life is a complicated thing,” Nakhapetov commented on this situation to me. - I’m sure Vera would have succeeded in life even without me. To some extent, I helped her at the beginning of her career, they paid attention to her, and then her talent and charisma played a role. Then she herself became a director... When our girls were little, they communicated with Glagoleva more often, and then they no longer had general issues, my daughters no longer needed care. Although my relationship with them has never been severed, they often visit my home in America. By the way, I raised my wife Natasha’s daughter from the age of five and also consider her to be my own.

Crazy gift

In 1991, 35-year-old Glagoleva met a 27-year-old businessman Kirill Shubsky. This happened in Odessa during the Golden Duke festival. Enchanted by gallantry young millionaire Without thinking twice, Vera invited him to invest in domestic cinema. Kirill refused, but did not stop caring for the actress, and they later got married.

The family had a daughter, Nastya, the same one who became the hockey player’s wife Alexandra Ovechkina.

When our father Rodion Nakhapetov left our mother, it was incredibly difficult for her, because she loved him very much, she recalled eldest daughter actress Anna. - Then I was very happy that my mother had new man. Kirill treated my sister Masha and me like his own daughters. When they had Nastya, he didn’t make any distinction between us; many men don’t treat their own children the way he treats us. She and her mother got married in church, and Masha and I carried the crowns, which they then put on their heads. Everything was beautiful.

Ironically, both of Vera's husbands were born on the same day - January 21. But Rodion Nakhapetov is old enough to be Kirill Shubsky’s father. The actress's first husband older than second exactly 20 years. Alas, just like in her alliance with Nakhapetov, during her marriage with Shubsky our heroine had to endure the vile betrayal of her beloved.

When his and Glagoleva’s daughter was not even four years old, Kirill, as part of the delegation of the National Olympic Committee, of which he was a member, went on a business trip to Lausanne. TV presenter in Switzerland Yulia Bordovskikh introduced a millionaire to a friend - a gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

Svetlana Khorkina's son Svyatoslav is very similar to his father. Photo by Boris KUDRYAVOV/website

Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he threw his light cashmere coat over my chilled shoulders,” Khorkina described this moment in her memoirs.

According to the gymnast, her new acquaintance immediately decided to give her mobile phone. To hear her voice at the first desire.

Crazy gift for those times! - the gymnast clarified. - We often called each other, whenever possible he flew to Moscow to support me at the Russian Championships and Cups, he was in the support group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in Sydney. He was always there, both in the most difficult and happiest moments of my sports life.

A few years later, Khorkina realized that she was pregnant by her married boyfriend. True, Shubsky was not at all happy about this news. At his insistence, the athlete gave birth in Los Angeles under a false name:

The man with whom I was expecting a child hid me from everyone. He didn’t want to advertise our relationship, so he tried not to show me to any of his compatriots,” Khorkina recalled. And she clarified that after the birth of their son Svyatoslav in July 2005, an end was put to the exhausting relationship.

The millionaire officially recognized the child only a few years later, when peace and harmony returned to his marriage with Glagoleva, who managed to forgive her husband for a long trip to the side.

Wisdom in relationships comes only with age,” Vera Vitalievna sighed. “I was able to leave behind everything bad that happened between us.

Destroyed plans

IN recent years Glagoleva was raising her grandchildren and threw herself into her work.

“I just don’t believe in Verochka’s death,” the actor barely holds back tears. Valery Garkalin. - So smart, gentle, talented. I didn't even know about her terrible disease... When my beloved wife Katya was alive, we were family friends - she and Kirill and I and Ekaterina. And then my wife died and I had two heart attacks. I stopped communicating with many, but I constantly kept in touch with Verochka, at least by phone. I was happy for her that she gradually became a director, making real psychological films, each of which became a discovery for me. Her life was in full swing...

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva. Born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow - died on August 16, 2017 in Baden-Baden (Germany). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, film director, screenwriter and producer. Honored Artist of Russia (1995). People's Artist of Russia (2011).

Father - Vitaly Pavlovich Glagolev (1930-2007), teacher of physics and biology.

Mother - Galina Naumovna Glagoleva (1929-2010), primary school teacher.

She has an older brother, Boris Glagolev.

The family lived on Alexei Tolstoy Street in Moscow in house No. 22/2 of the People's Commissariat of Railways near the Patriarch's Ponds. As Glagoleva later said, “My nanny and I often walked on the Patriarch’s Ponds”. This apartment was given to her maternal grandfather Naum, who in the 1930s worked as a designer and inventor of high-speed trains.

In 1962 the family moved to new apartment in Izmailovo.

She lived in the GDR for 4 years - from 1962 to 1966.

Vera Glagoleva, having graduated high school, did not think about becoming an actress. In her youth, she practiced archery, became a master of sports and competed for the Moscow youth team.

Vera Glagoleva acted in films for the first time immediately after graduating from school, in 1974. Having accidentally met director Rodion Nakhapetov - her future husband - she was invited to play a role in the film "To the End of the World". The role of Sima was played perfectly by Glagoleva.

“It was the film “To the End of the World,” which was made by Rodion Nakhapetov based on the script by Viktor Rozov. The role of a girl named Sima. Such a touching creature who fights for her love. The picture is very dear to me, not only because it was my debut, - it was an opportunity to work next to wonderful - great actors, Boris Andreev played in this film", Glagoleva recalled.

Nakhapetov's Glagoleva then starred in the films "Enemies", "Don't Shoot White Swans" and "About You".

In 1977, she played in Anatoly Efros’s film “On Thursday and Never Again,” after which the director invited Glagoleva to his theater on Malaya Bronnaya, but she refused, which she later always regretted.

Glagoleva never received an acting education, but she acted a lot.

In 1986, according to a survey of readers of the magazine "Soviet Screen", she was recognized as the best actress - for her role in the film "Marry the Captain".

Vera Glagoleva acted a lot - she played about 50 roles in films. Her unique acting type - fragile poetry combined with hidden strength and integrity, brittle plasticity, precision of "psychological gesture", extraordinary and cinematic appearance - came at the right time and turned out to be more than in demand in the 1970-1980s.

In the 1990s, Vera Glagoleva made her debut as a film director, directing a film based on the script by Svetlana Grudovich “Broken Light”. This is a story about actors who, after the collapse of the Union, cannot find work.

In 2005, the film “Order” was released, which won the audience award at the Pacific Meridian Film Festival. The director's next work, the film "Ferris Wheel", was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1st All-Russian Film Festival "Golden Phoenix" in Smolensk.

In 2010, Vera Glagoleva made the film “One War,” which tells about hard fate women who gave birth to children from the German occupiers. The film received awards at more than 30 international film festivals.

In 2014, Vera Glagoleva filmed I. S. Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country” and the film “Two Women”.

She led the Workshop of the Theater Faculty of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Death of Vera Glagoleva

About the fact that she was diagnosed with cancer: Glagoleva visited intensive care and the doctors said that the sharp deterioration in her health was associated with oncology.

But the actress herself and her relatives publicly denied serious illness- apparently to avoid media attention. She even appeared at the opening ceremony of the 39th Moscow International Film Festival in June, and then walked at her daughter's wedding. Therefore, the death of the star came as a shock to her fans.

On August 19, it took place at the House of Cinema, then she was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. At Glagoleva's funeral.

Vera Glagoleva in the program "Alone with Everyone"

The height of Vera Glagoleva: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva:

Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky with their daughter Anastasia

Things worked out for her second husband good relationship with children from his marriage to Nakhapetov.

“Life has blessed me with wonderful children. Kirill immediately developed a good relationship with my daughters from a previous marriage, Anya and Masha. Everyone loves Kirill for his kindness, generosity, and ineradicable optimism.”, - said Glagoleva.

Anastasia Shubskaya Graduated from the production department of VGIK, starred in the films “Ferris Wheel”, “Ca de Bou”, “A Woman Wants to Know...”.

Vera Glagoleva with her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya

Anastasia Shubskaya became the wife of the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. . Celebration.

Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin

Vera Glagoleva approved of her daughter’s choice.

Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin

And at the beginning of July 2017 in Barvikha. Vera Glagoleva came to the celebration in a soft blue flowing dress.

Vera Glagoleva said that family is her greatest value.

“A woman must understand that no matter how much she pursues a career, the greatest value is family, it is more valuable than anything in the world. And the most important thing is peace of mind and confidence in the future.”, - Glagoleva thought.

Vera Glagoleva - Wife. Love story

Let us add that according to several media reports and the autobiographical book of the famous gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, the latter gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav, from Kirill Shubsky. They met in Lausanne, Switzerland, in the spring of 1997, when Khorkina was shining on the gymnastics platform, and Shubsky was a member of the national Olympic committee. A romance broke out between them, ending with the birth of an illegitimate son.

But Vera Glagoleva did not destroy her family because of this.

Filmography of Vera Glagoleva:

1975 - To the ends of the world - Sima
1977 - On Thursday and never again - Varya
1977 - Enemies - Nadya
1978 - Suspicious - Katya Arnaut
1980 - Don’t shoot white swans - Nonna Yuryevna
1981 - About you - the singing girl
1981 - Starfall - Zhenya
1983 - Torpedo Bombers - Shura
1984 - Forgive us, first love - Lena
1984 - Preference on Fridays - Zina
1984 - Following - teacher
1985 - Marry the captain - photojournalist Elena Pavlovna Zhuravleva
1985 - Snipers - Rosa Kovaleva
1985 - Sincerely yours... - Ekaterina Korneeva
1985 - Someone must... - Selyanin’s wife
1985 - Sunday Dad - Lena
1986 - Umbrella for newlyweds - Zoya
1986 - Descended from Heaven - Masha Kovaleva
1986 - Attempt on GOELRO - Katya Tsareva
1987 - Days and Years of Nikolai Batygin - Katerina
1987 - Without the Sun - Lisa
1988 - These... three true cards... - Lisa
1988 - Esperanza - Tamara Olkhovskaya
1989 - It - Pfeifersha
1989 - Women who are lucky - Vera Boglyuk
1989 - Sofya Petrovna - Natasha
1990 - Broken Light - Olga (director and actress)
1990 - Short game- Nadya
1991 - Between Sunday and Saturday - Tom
1992 - Oysters from Lausanne - Zhenya
1992 - Executor of the sentence - Valeria
1993 - Myself - Nadya
1993 - Night of Questions - Katya Klimenko
1997 - Poor Sasha - Olga Vasilievna, Sasha’s mother
1998 - Waiting room - Maria Sergeevna Semyonova, director
1998-2003 - Impostors - Tatiana
1999 - It is not recommended to offend women - Vera Ivanovna Kirillova
2000 - Maroseyka, 12 - Olga Kalinina
2000 - Tango for two voices
2000 - Pushkin and Dantes - Princess Vyazemskaya
2001 - Indian Summer
2001 - Heiresses - Vera
2003 - Another woman, another man... - Nina
2003 - Island without love - Tatyana Petrovna / Nadezhda Vasilyevna
2003 - Upside down - Lena
2005 - Heiresses-2 - Vera
2008 - A woman wants to know - Evgenia Shablinskaya
2008 - Side-step - Masha
2008-2009 - Wedding ring- Vera Lapina, Nastya’s mother
2017 - Ark - Anna, Nikolai’s wife

Voiced by Vera Glagoleva:

1975 - So short long life- Maya (role of Larisa Grebenshchikova)
1979 - Breakfast on the grass - Luda Pinigina (role of Lucy Graves)

Director's works by Vera Glagoleva:

1990 - Broken Light
2005 - Order
2006 - Ferris Wheel
2009 - One War
2012 - Casual acquaintances
2014 - Two women
2018 -

Vera Glagoleva also acted as a screenwriter for the film “Order” (2005), produced the film “One War” (2009), and was a producer and screenwriter for the film “Two Women” (2014).