New secrets have been revealed about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe. The conflict between the two personalities of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy were introduced by the son-in-law of the future 35th president, actor Peter Lawford. Having married John's sister, Patricia, this clever Englishman became a member of one of the richest and most influential clans in America and went out of his way to become one of Kennedy's. Possessing very modest capabilities, Peter took up what he knew best - he was responsible for the clan’s connections with show business, and at the same time supplied Hollywood actresses for John’s amorous pleasures. In the summer of 1954, Lawford threw a party in honor of Massachusetts Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his young wife Jacqueline. A pleasant surprise, promised the day before, awaited John there.

The surprise was none other than Marilyn Monroe. The beautiful blonde, who became famous after the film “Niagara,” already drove half the male population of the United States crazy. John Kennedy couldn't resist either. He literally devoured the actress with his eyes, not paying attention to the embarrassed Jacqueline and the indignant glances of Marilyn’s husband, the famous former baseball player Joe DiMaggio.

Forgetting decency, John recklessly courted his new acquaintance, every now and then refilling her with her favorite Piper Heid-sieck champagne, sprinkling witticisms and lavishing compliments. Such a frantic interest from the senator flattered Marilyn’s pride. She felt at the top of her life, laughed constantly and flirted mercilessly. Desire bubbled and foamed in the glasses of champagne. Passion captured them more and more, leaving less and less room for prudence...

But then DiMaggio intervened. He felt that the evening was going too lively and tried to take his wife home. However, Marilyn resisted in every possible way and managed to bring her husband into a state close to insanity. An ugly scandal occurred. According to witnesses, DiMaggio grabbed the actress by the arms, “caused her physical pain” and made cryptic remarks about the party organizer and the riotous senator, the slightest of which contained a hint of an unnatural relationship with Peter Lawford. The scandal was somehow hushed up, and the angry baseball player went home alone. And Marilyn, as if nothing had happened, remained to enjoy the company of her newfound admirer from Massachusetts...

Soul Mates

This quarrel destroyed Monroe's already fragile marriage with DiMaggio. Joe was a simple and honest guy and in no way suited the Hollywood actress who thirsted for fame and high-society entertainment. Through short time they divorced, and Marilyn recklessly and enthusiastically gave herself up to a new passion - John Kennedy. She didn't think about the future, she wanted only one thing: to be close to John. Nevertheless, Marilyn still understood that her lover was in public view, that he was married and the like. In order not to harm the senator's career, she agreed to meet with him secretly. Most often they retired to the villa of the cunning Lawford in Santa Monica. Peter turned his house into a real brothel, where there were mirrored bedrooms, boudoirs with secret windows and other things designed to awaken the fantasies of the woman-loving Kennedy brothers. Almost all the famous beauties of that time visited the villa. Lawford even tried to drag there the already elderly, but who had not lost her charm, Marlene Dietrich, about whom John Kennedy then dreamed. The German diva called Peter a “high-society pimp” and flatly refused, plunging John, who had never before been refused, into extreme bewilderment and melancholy. However, this did not last long...

Here it should be noted that, indulging in the effeminacy of their morals, Marilyn and John imperceptibly became so attached to each other that they found it difficult to part even for a short time. Both of them had a romantic nature, and such a nature is characterized by sincerity, which had so little to do with the world around them. With Marilyn, John did not have to be hypocritical or deceitful; with her he could be himself, trust her with the most hidden secrets. With her, he even forgot about the back pain that had constantly tormented him since his youth. Soon John was surprised to find that he needed this woman.

When Kennedy became the Democratic presidential candidate, he asked Marilyn to take part in the campaign. And she happily agreed, despite the fact that she was bound by contracts with film studios. Constantly disrupting filming schedules and risking thousands of fines, Marilyn followed John from city to city, from state to state, cheering him on during speeches, acting as a secretary and recruiting Kennedy supporters.

It was then that the actress began keeping a diary, where, among other things, she recorded conversations with Kennedy. Subsequently, this leather-bound booklet would play a fatal role in Monroe’s fate. Perhaps it was then that the idea of ​​becoming the first lady of the United States firmly sank into Marilyn’s blond head. She had no doubt that she could rise to John’s level, studied social manners, and diligently read political and economic literature. After all, why shouldn’t she, the “Hollywood Cinderella,” get a husband? fairy prince? After all, in her invented illusory world, in which Marilyn was accustomed to living since childhood, she always achieved what she wanted.

Hollywood Cinderella

Marilyn (real name Norma Jeane Mortenson) was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. She did not know her father: Martin Mortenson rode off on a motorcycle somewhere in a southern direction, leaving the pregnant Gladys Baker to the mercy of fate. Cheerful Gladys was not upset for a long time and gave the two-week-old baby to be raised foster parents. An elderly couple agreed to take Norma in order to somehow survive on child benefits during the hungry years of the Great Depression. Gladys visited her daughter occasionally, treated her to ice cream and talked about the film studio where she worked as an editor.

Eight years later, the mother’s maternal feelings suddenly awakened, and she took her daughter to her place. A year later, Gladys found herself in a mental hospital, from which she never left until her death. Mother's work friend Grace Atkinson McKee took care of little Norma. It was she who infected the girl with cinema and assured the dreamy Norma that she would become a famous movie star. Since then, illusions became the only refuge where she escaped from the abominations of a poor existence.

Life, alas, did not spoil Norma Jeane: she had to wander around orphanages, live with different people who treated the girl with indifference at best, endured several rape attempts... A terrible childhood. But youth was no better. To get rid of the extra mouth, the 16-year-old girl was married off. No good early marriage, as one might expect, did not result. Twenty-year-old James Dougherty worked in a funeral home as a junior clerk and barely made a living himself. In addition, he was a rather cantankerous fellow and liked to drink.

After a year of continuous quarrels, James hired himself as a sailor on a steamship and sailed away. Left alone, Norma went to work at an aircraft factory. But she did not abandon her childhood dream of becoming a film actress. Deciding to become famous at all costs, the girl posed for cheap soldier magazines for five dollars an hour. The poses that photographers sometimes forced young Norma to take were very frivolous. They explained to her that this was necessary to raise morale, and she endured it. Norma tried herself both as a fashion model and a dancer in a night strip club... Finally, she was lucky. One of the producers of the XX Century-Fox film studio accidentally saw her photographs and invited the girl to work as an extra, promising to pay $125 a week.

For several years in a row, Norma, who took the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe, played tiny cameo roles. But her naturally beautiful appearance, which surprisingly combined the charm of an angel with the seductiveness of an experienced temptress, did not go unnoticed by the public and critics. Her performance in the film “The Asphalt Jungle” was especially successful. After this cameo role, the studio signed a seven-year contract with Marilyn, promising her leading roles. And in 1953, the film “Niagara” was released, making Monroe a star and sex symbol in America. Grace Atkinson McKee's prophecy has come true...


Having become President of the United States, John forgot to think about divorcing Jacqueline. However, he also had no intention of parting with Marilyn. Their relationship experienced an unprecedented rise. The most famous blonde in the world was secretly escorted more than once to a villa in Santa Monica, to Kennedy's apartment at the Carlyle Hotel in New York, or aboard US Air Force No. 1 military aircraft. Taking precautions, Marilyn tried to change her appearance. Most often, she dressed to look like Jacqueline Kennedy: a black wig, a formal suit with the obligatory pearl beads and dark glasses. Perhaps Marilyn copied the president’s wife for reasons of secrecy, or perhaps she wanted to prove to John that she was no worse than his wife and could cope well with the role of the first lady. She did not give up the idea of ​​taking Jacqueline’s place, which, as Marilyn sincerely believed, belonged to her by right of love.

Monroe did not miss the opportunity to prick her rival sensitively, and used any means to do this. Some of them, even with great leniency, cannot be considered harmless. For example, Marilyn deliberately “forgot” items of her toilette in Kennedy’s bedroom - most often it was underwear. Having discovered it, Jacqueline reacted in accordance with her noble upbringing: she busily tried on the underwear and, as if by the way, asked John: “Do you know whose this is?” It seems like it’s not mine...” In response, Kennedy smiled that disarming childish smile that always helped him get out of trouble. difficult situations. It was she who allowed him to defeat Richard Nixon in the pre-election television debates. Not knowing how to answer his opponent's tricky question, Kennedy simply smiled, and most American women gave him their votes.

Marilyn also acted in another way. She called regularly White House, asked to call Jacqueline to the phone and demanded that she quickly take her things and children and leave, giving way to her, the real chosen one of the president. These calls drove Mrs. Kennedy into a frenzy. One day she could not stand it and told her husband about everything, announcing that she agreed to a divorce if John married a Hollywood actress and began to live openly with her. An outburst of the highest anger followed and a promise to end all contact with Monroe. But fulfilling the promise was not so easy. Passion, like a powerful magnet, attracted Kennedy to the actress. Just as it is impossible for a person to overcome gravity without the help of a rocket, it was impossible to overcome this passion without the help of another person. And only Monroe could be such a person! And she, unwittingly, helped the president.

Let me love or let me die

By the time of the events described, the idea of ​​becoming John Kennedy's wife had turned into a manic idea for Marilyn. Some biographers of the actress believe that this transformation was greatly facilitated by Monroe's bad heredity. Whether this is true or not is unknown for sure. Another thing is known - Marilyn’s desire to fill Kennedy’s life to capacity became too noticeable to those around her. This could compromise the president. In addition, Marilyn already began to have serious problems with drugs and alcohol. Being drunk, she could blab about things that should never be made public. Confidants persistently advised Kennedy, who was about to run for a second term, to break off the dangerous relationship.

Finally, Kennedy realized this himself. And although their dates were as passionate as before, meetings became increasingly rare, and soon stopped altogether. Marilyn was in despair: she called the White House almost every day and bombarded John with pathetic letters. She couldn't understand what had happened. But they did not connect her with the president, and the letters remained unanswered.

On the eve of John’s birthday, Marilyn, with great difficulty, managed to give a White House employee a gift for the president: a gold Rolex watch with the engraved inscription “To John with love from Marilyn.” On the gold watch box there was another inscription, leaving no doubt about the true feelings of the donor: Marilyn asked John to let her love him or die. Shocked by such a frank gift, Kennedy ordered the employee to immediately get rid of the watch. But, praise the Creator, it happened in America, where mostly people of a practical nature live. The employee realized perfectly well how much this watch would cost in the near future, and did not carry out the president’s order, but kept the watch for himself.

Happy Birthday Mister President!!!

Apparently, Marilyn had special hopes for this gift. But she never received an answer. And then the unfortunate woman, who had lost her head, decided on a very daring act. On May 19, 1962, the American elite celebrated the president’s 45th birthday at Madison Square Garden. The gala was intended to replenish the Democratic Party's coffers, devastated by the 1960 election campaign. More than 15 thousand guests gathered, paying from one hundred to a thousand dollars per ticket. A-list stars were invited to participate in the program: Ella Fitzgerald, Maria Callas, Harry Belafonte and, of course, Marilyn Monroe. The well-known Peter Lawford acted as compere. Jacqueline Kennedy was absent.

Marilyn ordered a dress for this evening from Jean Louis, who created the famous concert outfit for Marlene Dietrich. Monroe wanted to remind the president of the woman he was once deeply infatuated with. The dress was a transparent, tight-fitting piece of material, studded with sequins and a luxurious ermine jacket. There was no underwear under the dress. Staggering with excitement, as many thought at the time, Marilyn walked up to the microphone.

She thought for a moment, then decisively threw off her jacket and, turning to the smiling Kennedy, sang “Happy Birthday, Mister President!” She sang in such a way that those present felt uneasy: in those days in America it was not customary to express one’s feelings so openly, and moreover, publicly.

Now no one had any doubt that the rumors about love affair President and Monroe have a real basis.

Kennedy was simply infuriated by this drunken stunt.

He was the only one who noticed that Marilyn was not staggering from excitement. The actress actually drank a fair amount of whiskey before going out for courage: she understood what kind of reaction her performance would cause.

John believed that Marilyn, having decided to openly declare her love, had crossed the line of what was permitted. By order of the President, Monroe was immediately taken to Lawford's villa in California. Following her, John’s brother Robert Kennedy flew there to explain to the presumptuous actress the rules of the game...

At the villa, the showdown ended in an ugly quarrel. An enraged Marilyn screamed at Robert that John had used her and then thrown her away like old socks, that she would hold a press conference and tell the whole world how the President had treated her and much more in the same spirit. At the same time, she brandished that same ill-fated diary and threatened to publish it...

On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her bedroom.

And in the fall of 1963, John Kennedy was assassinated.

Marilyn Monroe and the Camera: endless material. Lots of photos.

In the summer of 1954, actor Peter Lawford set up his agent in his house
Charles Feldman party in honor of the young ambitious senator from
Massachusetts State John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife Jackie. Since then
Since Lawford married Patricia Kennedy, John's sister, he became
a member of the rich and influential Kennedy clan, in which he, however, is not
I always felt quite comfortable.
However, quite a bit has passed
time, and Peter became for Senator Kennedy - for those close to him, simply Jack -
a completely irreplaceable person. From time to time Lawford introduced
this incorrigible red tape with new women and arranged for him
love dates. Lawford did his best to attend the party.
Feldman, along with John Kennedy, also invited Marilyn Monroe.
At that time, Marilyn was still married to an American baseball star
Joe DiMaggio. However, their marriage has already cracked, including because
Joe was that typical simple and honest guy who could never
fall in love with Hollywood and its social life. And now he had to
why not drag him to this party, where he finally left
himself, noticing with what insistence Kennedy was looking at his wife.
Marilyn would later say: “He never took his eyes off me for a second, and
at some point I even felt embarrassed." Some of those present
they remember that the couple quarreled. “That’s it, I’ve had enough!” shouted Dee
Maggio. “Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed the struggling Marilyn by the
hand and dragged him to the exit. Tired of arguing, he left alone, and Kennedy
continued to admire Marilyn.
A few days later, the phone rang at DiMaggio's house.
Joe picked up the phone: “I’m listening.” There was silence on the other end of the line, and he
I hung up the phone in anger. Later, during one of their first secret meetings,
John will tell her: "You should warn me so that I can call, not
at the risk of hitting your husband."
Until the beginning of 1955 and even after the divorce from DiMaggio Marilyn
did not tell anyone about her relationship with Kennedy, nor about her constant
trips to New York. Loving Kennedy and being reciprocated meant
share one beautiful secret with him. And what kind of woman - including
Marilyn - never dreamed of sharing everything with one of the most seductive
men of the United States? When Kennedy had back surgery,
caused by a serious injury he received in the war, no one
It was surprising that his room was decorated with a giant poster depicting
Marilyn stretched out in the splits in very elegant shorts.
Throughout the 50s, Marilyn did not stop her intimate
communication with Kennedy. Even her wedding to writer Arthur Miller in 1956
year had virtually no effect on her relationship with “Jack.” In January I960
year when Kennedy announced his candidacy for the White House.
Marilyn joined the actors and actresses involved in his
election campaign and who made personal monetary contributions to it. She
looked tired, nervous and endlessly sad: after the unexpected
After a miscarriage, she learned from doctors that she would never be able to have children.
Preparing for a new film written by Arthur Miller and directed by
which was John Huston, clashes with Clark Gable - all this
depressed her and pushed her towards alcohol, tranquilizers and stimulants.
However, Kennedy did not leave her life, and Marilyn continued to follow
him from a ranch in Connecticut to an apartment in New York or a room
hotel where the presidential candidate set up his headquarters. So what?
did he promise her? Maybe he took advantage of her naivety, her simple-minded
willingness to always believe in a fairy tale? Nothing of the kind. Marilyn in kind
there was a lot that was attractive. With her there is no hypocrisy, no tricks.
With her he could relax, be himself, he could trust her with the most
hidden secrets. It was during this period that Marilyn's path became
meet very unusual personalities. Frank Sinatra, friend of the clan and
godfather of the mafia; Sam Mooney Giancana, whom the great singer introduced into
Kennedy circle and who openly exercised the power to depose politicians
"from princes to rags"; Judith Cambell, one of the main figures in
surrounded by Kennedy, who also belonged to the environment of Giancana and Sinatra. On
second day after the opening of the Democratic National Convention, July 13, 1960
year, John Kennedy, as always accompanied by Judith Cambell (Jackie
Kennedy was forced to stay home due to complications during the second
pregnancy), invited Marilyn Monroe and several other close people
dinner in his room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. But first Marilyn and
The Kennedys retired. "Jack was very democratic (a reference to political
belonging to the future president) and insightful,” admitted
Marilyn to Peter Lawford. “Kennedy was out of his mind,” quips
Lina Pepitone, who served the star for some time. - Marilyn
admitted to me that he was constantly stroking her thighs and pinching her waist. On that
evening, as she said, his hand crossed the forbidden line and found itself
deep under her skirt. But, discovering that she was not wearing panties, he
He became terribly embarrassed, blushed and pulled his hand away. She's just loud
Peter Lawford was also present at this scene. Kennedy's son-in-law
felt sincere friendship for Marilyn, but was afraid that the young
actress, very unbalanced and always ready to pour champagne and
tranquilizers your despair and your love failures could damage
a man who has every chance of becoming president of the United States. Why else would Marilyn
studied with such zeal political literature, if not in order to
prepare yourself to be the future First Lady of the United States?
Kennedy did not take into account the spiritual fragility of the most beautiful
women in the world. Having become president in November 1960, he thought
stopped talking about divorce. However, he continued to trail skirts and often
asked Lawford to give him his house for short love affairs
dates. With Marilyn it was different. I watched her every move eagerly
press, and the notes about her were full of sarcasm. Her stay in
Manhattan psychiatric hospital became a state matter
importance. It added to the already impressive volume of the dossier maintained by
on her by J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the FBI, a man who swore to himself
crush John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his brother Robert (the new minister
justice), as well as bring the country to racial, social and spiritual
reform. But what's it worth moral character Kennedy? This question is Lawford
didn’t ask himself, and when the president ordered him to find Marilyn, he
found it. The task was not easy: first it was necessary to wake up the actress,
sleeping in my new apartment in the Brentwood area on the outskirts
Los Angeles. Her sister-nurse Eunice Murray also lived there with her.
assigned to Marilyn by her psychiatrist, Dr. Greenson. For an actress
this apartment was her refuge, her nest, a place where she could
seclude yourself with Kennedy. Lawford knocked on the door of the room for a long time. Finally everything
still sleepy, Marilyn appeared. "Hurry up!" - shouted irritated
Peter. After much preparation, the radiant Marilyn reappeared at the door, her
her beautiful platinum hair was tucked under a voluminous black wig.
Kennedy was visiting actor and singer Bing in Palm Springs at the time.
Crosby. A few kilometers from there, Frank Sinatra was ripping and throwing,
to whom Kennedy was supposed to come, but in last minute suddenly
changed his mind and stopped at Crosby's. Sinatra, enlisted by the Mafia
and invested millions of dollars in the election campaign of someone he considered
his friend, never forgave John for this betrayal. At Crosby's
many influential Democratic politicians gathered, but the only thing
What Kennedy wanted was to relax and have fun. Lawyer tells
Philip Weston: “I immediately noticed that the guests were divided into two groups:
some gathered near the pool, others, there were fewer of them, in
cottage prepared for the president. Marilyn was here, and everything about
they knew this. What struck me was that no measures had been taken to
keep her incognito. This masquerade with the wig was just childish.
Kennedy seemed completely relaxed. He was wearing a light sweater with
with a turtleneck collar, and she was wearing something like a tunic. Marilyn
looked a little strange. Together they gave the impression of two
conspirators. They spent that night together."
Jeannette Carmen, a relative of the actress, claims that "Marilyn
never stopped believing that she could rise to John's level
Kennedy both physically and mentally. She hoped
become a real lady, which he might not be ashamed of."

Despite warnings from advisers and pressure from politicians, Kennedy
didn't break up with Monroe. How could he refuse this wonderful creature,
which worried him like a man, greedily caught his every word and
eased the burden of his difficult responsibilities? In the summer of 1962, the name Marilyn
appeared on the list of guests for the gala dinner in honor of Kennedy,
hosted by Fiji Bell, one of the High Life characters
New York. Dinner was scheduled for 7 p.m. But now it’s already 20, 20.30, and
Marilyn still doesn't show up. Finally, at 21, someone goes to her
home. She is in her room at the dressing table. She's only wearing shoes
stiletto heels. "My God, Marilyn! What are you doing? The President is already exhausted
waiting for you." Marilyn lowers her head, sighs and wipes away a tear. "What
Should I wear it?" Taking a dozen outfits out of the closet and wincing, she
squeezes into a tight-fitting dress like a bullfighter's suit, puts on a wig,
this time pink, and dark glasses. 22 hours. "I'm ready". Fifty people
photographers guard the approaches to Fiji Bell's house in the hope of photographing
some celebrity.
In the elevator, Marilyn took off her wig and glasses and, beaming, walked towards Kennedy,
who greeted her with a joyful: “Hello!” Among so many people
they felt like accomplices in a confrontation. The atmosphere in this
the luxurious hall was tense. Guests have long been tired of snacks and
Martini. The gourmet dinner prepared for the President was
At John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden
in New York, Marilyn was supposed to appear on the elephant emblem
Democratic Party - and sing" Happy birthday to You, Mr. President!"
(“Happy birthday, Mr. President!”). She should have been wearing a dress
from Jean-Lewis, repeating the outfit of Marlene Dietrich. Peter Lawford.
who played the role of master of ceremonies, called Marilyn onto the stage. Once...
second. No one. He tried again, this time with irritation: “And now,
Ladies and gentlemen, Marilyn Monroe has left us." This is a terrible joke.
(built on double value English word late, which can
mean “late” or “left us”, dead) forced
Marilyn come out of her dressing room... Then, despite all the excuses
Marilyn, Lawford sent Robert Kennedy to her. Young Minister of Justice
and the father of seven children remained with her for about a quarter of an hour. Of course he
encouraged the actress, saying that the president was pleased, but perhaps
he had other reasons for staying with her... "Robert Kennedy
as if he had gone mad, ran around her with his eyes wide open, as if
hypnotized by her provocative dress,” says one
those present. (After this incident in Madison Square Garden, as he wrote
historian Arthur Schlesinger, Marilyn and Robert met several times.
What attracted him to her? Perhaps the mystery of a man balancing
between despair and the desire to seduce.)
Nevertheless, she retires to John for a few hours. Marilyn still
didn't know she was seeing him in last time. June 1962 became for her
a month of defeats. She was kicked out of the film directed by George Cukor
"Something Got to Give", which, however, never happened
completed. She became increasingly dependent on alcohol and pills.
And finally she noticed that John was avoiding her. He stopped answering her
letters and phone calls. She became a burden to a man who
expected to be re-elected for a second term. What she thought
true love, was for him only an adventure that flattered him
male pride.
Once again she was bitterly convinced that she would never be loved, but
will forever remain only an object of desire. However, he showed up again
and invited her to one private party. But when Marilyn found out that
Two famous “call girls” were invited there, but she refused to come.
Robert Kennedy began to appear at her house more and more often. "When I came to
Marilyn, says Jeannette Carmen, almost always opened the door
Bobby. I was amazed by Marilyn's notebooks. She wrote something about
Fidel Castro, on Jimmy Hoffa (corrupt union leader
truck drivers, killed in 1975) and other interesting personalities.
Marilyn eavesdropped on Bobby's phone conversations and then recorded them. -
“These are just sloppy sketches,” she told me, “perhaps
someday I'll get my notes in order." She never threw out
their heads with grandiose plans, and it scared me."
Meanwhile, FBI agents have already gotten down to business. Marilyn's phone steel
listen. July 24 late evening in the Oval Room of the White House
four people gathered: the president, his brother and two FBI representatives.
Does Mr. President know actress Marilyn Monroe? Kennedy
hesitated. Does Mr. President know anything about the autobiography,
which actress is going to post? Marilyn should have
dictate the text of your autobiography to a third party who has already
informed the FBI about this intention of the actress. Is it known to Mr.
President that Miss Monroe intends to make a film about the "progress" of
autobiography? Shouldn't this project be stopped immediately? President
gave his consent, while, according to one of the agents, he whispered:
"God bless her." After the FBI people left, John and Robert before 6
In the morning we talked face to face. They were stunned and depressed. On
the very next day after this dramatic night Robert stopped his
"visits" to Marilyn's house.
"Marilyn's phone was tapped," says Miki Song, the family's
Kennedy's hairdresser. - She told me about it herself." - "I myself
installed a special system to record our conversations with
Bobby!” she admitted to me.
The Kennedy brothers used it. Now they wanted to get rid of her.
But Marilyn still had the strength to fight, and she was going to
demonstrate. “Everything she had,” continues Jeannette Carmen, “
These are tapes and notebooks with recordings. Having persuaded Pat Lawford,
Peter Lawford's wife, stand up for her with Bobby, she finally
"I became firm in my decision to hand over my brothers."
A week before her death, Marilyn visited the hotel complex
Cal Nevada on the shores of Lake Tahoe, owned by Frank Sinatra and
"Godfather" Sam Giancana. Marilyn got drunk, cried and was angry at
Kennedy brothers, to whom, in her words, “she was only flesh.”
Giancana, a gangster with a "gang of two hundred thugs" to whom Marilyn
offered her services for one night, triumphed, through her he could
get to the president and remind him of your unchanging
devotion. Was he going to kill Marilyn and thereby compromise
Robert Kennedy, who was soon to go from there to
California? Four of his men constantly watched her apartment in
Los Angeles, which was also looked after by Peter Lawford and one
private detective. “Bobby Kennedy was not in California,” the actor assures.
“And I didn’t spy on Marilyn’s house.” However, the Los Angeles mayor and chief
police deny his words: "Bobby Kennedy was at the hotel
"Beverly Hills". You can give your head that he met with
Marilyn, and Lawford did everything possible so that he, as quickly as possible,
left Los Angeles. Kennedy's overzealous son-in-law's final hours
Marilyn's life was a real nightmare. Marilyn's constant calls, panic
on Bobby's part, the order - for what purpose? - so that the helicopter is ready at
fly out of Los Angeles airport at any time.
On August 5, 1962, at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, Peter Lawford had already locked himself in his
apartment. He was drunk. Perhaps because he already knew about death
Marilyn? Or maybe he was tormented by remorse that he had destroyed everything
evidence against Kennedy in Marilyn's house? Wasn't he the one who took the suicide note?
actress, in which she explained the reasons for her death, compromising
Kennedy brothers? According to the official version, the actress died
due to suicide. It took almost twenty years to
restore all the facts and put forward a new, more plausible version
what happened. At the time of the tragedy, Marilyn was not in her room, but
lay on the sofa in the living room. To photographs of a corpse on a rumpled bed,
Peter Lawford certainly had a hand. When Eunice Murray said that
discovered Marilyn in her bed, she was either mistaken or lying.
James Hall, the driver of the ambulance that arrived at
call: “When we arrived, she was still alive, but in a coma. We
with my colleague they put her on the floor to give her artificial
breath. We made an awkward move and she fell on her side, while
a bruise appeared on her thigh - a sign that she was still alive. Then with
shouting: “I am a doctor!” - Dr. Greenson, the psychiatrist, came running. He was impudent and
He's a braggart and I didn't like him. He took a syringe out of his suitcase and
Marilyn injection in the chest. She sighed once, and nothing more.
It was all over. She died. I for a long time thought Greenson injected her
a dose of adrenaline, but now I know for sure that there was poison in that syringe.”
Dr Greenson's son Daniel Greenson maintains his innocence
father: “My father simply declared her dead.” Pat Newcomb
Marilyn's press secretary, who witnessed her agony, brothers
Kennedy was asked to take a long leave. In 1966, prosecutor Frank
Hogan illegally confiscated Marilyn's tape recordings and placed them in
safe. Someone who had the opportunity to listen to these tapes confirms that
that on the night of the actress’s death, Robert Kennedy was with her.
Marilyn's funeral took place on August 6. Joe DiMaggio banned Lawford
and his family to appear at the funeral service. Lawford himself died in 1983.
haunted by constant nightmares about the blond star and consumed
alcohol. Until the very end, he denied his involvement in Marilyn's case.
One evening, several months after the actress's death,
hairdresser Miki Song was invited to one party, where, among others,
Robert Kennedy and his wife Ethel were also guests. "You know who I should
is missing now?” asked Song. “Who?” “Marilyn Monroe,”
he answered with sadness in his voice. An oppressive silence hung over the active
the faces of this drama, which will forever remain in the memory of those who
holds the key to unraveling her fatal secret.

A cinematic icon and recognized sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe suffered from depression and anxiety states, and also abused alcohol and strong sleeping pills. Her personal life was unsuccessful, and when Marilyn was found dead on August 5, 1962, in a room full of empty medicine bottles, no one was surprised at her suicide. However, to this day there are a lot of hypotheses and conspiracy theories that otherwise explain the untimely death of the actress.

According to the official version, Monroe's death was caused by an overdose of sleeping pills and it was suicide. However, researchers of her life claim that just at that moment the actress had no reason to take such a step. She was about to reunite with her first husband, baseball player Joe DiMaggio (he proposed to her on August 1). Moreover, she had just renewed her contract with 20th Century Fox, gave interviews to magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Life, and posed in a photo shoot for Vogue. Monroe was also going to star in a biographical film about the fate of 1930s movie star Jean Harlow. And against this background, she suddenly commits suicide... Somehow one does not fit with the other.

During the investigation, death due to negligence was immediately ruled out due to the huge concentration of sleeping pills in Monroe’s blood - it was twice the lethal dose. Interestingly, no traces of pills were found in the stomach. This fact was later explained by the fact that Monroe took sleeping pills regularly and in large quantities, and her stomach adapted to their faster dissolution and absorption. Of course, some researchers claim that there were no pills in the stomach for another reason: because the actress was deliberately killed by someone. Moreover, the doctor who performed the autopsy stated that the samples taken had accidentally deteriorated and it was impossible to double-check the conclusion.

Those who believe in the deliberate murder of the actress say that the suicide was clearly staged. Even police officer Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who was called to Monroe's villa that day, said that he had never seen a more obviously orchestrated suicide scene. The actress's body lay very neatly on the bed, and bottles of pills were placed on the bedside table nearby. It is also known that Monroe's diaries have disappeared and even - for some reason - bed sheets was washed by her housekeeper.

Over the past years, attempts have been made to reconstruct the last day of Monroe's life in every detail many times. According to some rumors, right before her death, the actress called her friend, Hollywood stylist Sidney Gilarov, twice. She screamed hysterically that Bobby Kennedy ( younger brother John F. Kennedy, who replaced him as Monroe's lover) and Peter Lawford (JFK's son-in-law) recently came to her home and threatened her in every possible way. The reason was: Monroe threatened to tell the whole world about her relationship with Robert. It is unlikely that he was delighted with this prospect... Also, presumably, last call, made that night by Monroe, was a call to the White House. But who did she call and why? Maybe she tried to get through to John Kennedy and ask him for protection “out of old friendship”? They even say that she managed to get through, but she spoke with Kennedy’s wife.

It is known that it was John F. Kennedy who was the first to succumb to Monroe’s charms. Their romance lasted for several years, but John did not attach the same importance to this connection as Marilyn did. He was loving and had affairs with many women, so Monroe was only one of them. But she fell madly in love with him and became literally obsessed with him. Monroe believed and waited for a very long time that Kennedy would leave his wife and marry her, but he had absolutely no intention of doing this. On the contrary, when the actress began to tire him, he gradually distanced himself from her. Marilyn did not give up, continuing to call the White House. Then John sent his brother Robert to her to convince Monroe to abandon these fruitless attempts to become the first lady. It ended with Robert falling under the charm of the actress and falling in love with her.

Yes, it's a fact - Monroe replaced one Kennedy brother with another. When she began a whirlwind romance with Robert, they saw each other almost every day. But nothing lasts forever - and just like his older brother, Robert at some point got tired of this connection. But the matter was complicated by the fact that Monroe did not give up just like that: she began to blackmail Robert Kennedy, declaring that she was keeping a diary. And it’s as if this diary contains all the political secrets that both Kennedy brothers blurted out to her in a love frenzy. Proponents of the hypothesis blaming Robert Kennedy for Monroe's murder say that this diary was the main reason.

According to Lawford, Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe spent their first night in his guest bedroom. Lawford was aware of what was happening from the very beginning and served as a cover for the lovers. He said that Bobby and Marilyn quickly rushed into the abyss of passion, but then Kennedy quickly cooled down - and she began to become hysterical and threaten him with publicity. They even had an argument during which she threw a knife at him - after which Kennedy returned to her house with his bodyguard and Lawford. They were looking for a small red notebook known as the "diary of secrets." Whether they found it or not is unknown, but the actress had to be killed, and Peter Lawford was present. This is what one of the hypotheses states.

But enough about romance novels. Here is an equally interesting hypothesis: the actress was killed because she was a secret communist. And not even very secretly, but very publicly, she admired what was happening, for example, in China. And she expressed disapproval of McCarthy’s policies and the “witch hunt” against Hollywood figures who sympathized with communists. The FBI had a file on everyone, including Monroe, and the federal bureau was indeed unhappy with her political statements. In addition, she supported Cornelius Vanderbilt, a man with extremely leftist views, and tried to get a visa to the USSR. That's why some believe there is a political motive behind the actress's death.

Some believe that her housekeeper Eunice Murray had something to do with Monroe's death. She definitely knew more than she told the police. Police Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who arrived at the scene, said that Murray behaved strangely and answered his questions very evasively. Moreover, when the police officer arrived, Murray was already washing the bedding from Monroe's bed. Detective Robert Byron, who arrived a little later, also noted the woman’s suspicious behavior. He stated that Murray's words could not be relied upon, which he wrote in his report. Sergeants Clemmons and Byron were soon removed from this case: other police officers of a higher rank took over the matter.

Dr. Ralph Greenson, Monroe's psychiatrist, is also often blamed for her death. Apparently Greenson believed that traditional psychoanalysis was not helping his patient, so he began experimenting with new approaches: he replaced conventional therapy with attending dinner parties and public events. Greenson recommended that the actress cut ties with old friends and convinced her to buy a villa not far from him. Even new home Monroe was decorated to resemble Greenson's house. That's not all! Greenson asked a relative to take care of Monroe's financial and legal affairs, and it was he who brought in his friend Eunice Murray as a housekeeper. Some Monroe biographers call Greenson a "control freak with possessive tendencies." They say that he only worsened the actress’s condition by prescribing her too large doses of medication. Some believe that Greenson accidentally made a mistake in the dosage, and others believe that Robert Kennedy persistently asked him to do this.

This is a relatively new hypothesis and it is quite strange, of course. The idea was announced in documentary film about UFOs "Unacknowledged". Like, based on the fact that Monroe had affairs with the Kennedy brothers, she knew too much - including secrets about aliens! It was as if John Kennedy was telling her that he had visited a secret air base to inspect the objects of extraterrestrial origin that had been found. And when the Kennedy brothers broke the actress's heart, she could tell the public all this. According to ufologist Stephen Greer, "It's a tragedy: she was an actress and did not understand anything about national security issues and the determination of those who want to keep their secrets to themselves."

It was a fake suicide attempt, but something went wrong

Another rather strange theory says that Monroe wanted to fake suicide in order to attract everyone's attention to herself and so that the Kennedy brothers would realize their guilt and want her back (well, at least some of them). Peter Lawford learned from one of his mutual acquaintances that she had already made such an attempt once, and told Bobby Kennedy about it. And they came up with a plan! The essence of the sophisticated conspiracy theory is that Lawford persuaded psychiatrist Monroe Greenson and her housekeeper Murray to take part in a murder plot. Greenson prescribed overdoses of medication to Monroe, and she, unaware of it, followed his instructions exactly. After the actress took the pills, the housekeeper called Greenson and they waited until Monroe died before calling the police.

According to another hypothesis, Monroe was ordered to be killed by the boss of the Chicago syndicate, mafioso Sam Giancana. Monroe is said to have had an affair with one of Giancana's men, Johnny Roselli. Giancana used his influence to get the actress her first Hollywood contract. To repay the debt, Monroe allegedly seduced influential men whom the mafia wanted to blackmail. And when unsuccessful romances with the Kennedy brothers broke the actress’s heart and she promised to tell everything to the public, one must understand that much more would have been revealed - which the mafia could not allow. There is also speculation that Bobby Kennedy hired mafia hitmen to eliminate Monroe. The killers entered her home, drugged her with chloform, and then injected her with copious amounts of sleeping pills through an enema.

In 2015, the World News Daily Report published an article claiming that before his death former agent A CIA man named Normand Hodges confessed to the murder of Marilyn Monroe. Hodges stated that during his career in this institution he committed 37 murders of people who posed a threat national security USA. Hodges said literally the following: “We had evidence that Marilyn Monroe slept not only with Kennedy, but also with Fidel Castro. My boss Jimmy Hayworth told me she had to die and it had to look like suicide or an overdose." However, it later turned out that this whole story was a fiction.

Around midnight on August 5, 1962, housekeeper Eunice Murray saw a light in Monroe's room. Murray knocked on the door, but there was no answer. A few hours later, a concerned Murray called Monroe's psychiatrist, Dr. Greenson. He arrived and knocked down the door to the actress’s bedroom. They saw Monroe lying on the bed with no signs of life. Greenson then allegedly called Monroe's family physician, who pronounced her dead at 3:50 a.m. But, for some strange reason, the police were not called until 4.25 am. They even say that at the same time the doctor was called, the ambulance arrived, and that at that time Monroe was still alive. And when the police arrived, they immediately felt that something was wrong in this whole matter. For example, there was no glass for water in the room. How did Monroe swallow all these pills without drinking water? In addition, the body was definitely moved from its place. Perhaps the police were not called for so long for a reason.

John Kennedy. Blonde for the President

Back in early January 1961, Marilyn told one of her friends that she had recently had an intimate date with the future President of the United States. The confession came just weeks before the president was sworn in.

Information about Kennedy's inauguration and Marilyn's divorce from Arthur Miller were published simultaneously.

Was this the sexy blonde and the politician's first date? Apparently not. Was this a one-time meeting between Monroe and representatives of the Kennedy sea otter? Not either.

Real estate agent Arthur James, who had known Marilyn since the 50s, claimed that Marilyn's relationship with John Kennedy, then a senator, began in 1954, in recent months her marriage to DiMaggio. The actress herself told James that she and John secretly, under false names, rented a room at the Holiday House Motel in Malibu or another hotel. Later these dates began to take place at the house of Peter Lawford.

There is evidence that in July 1960, John Kennedy spent the night in Marilyn's arms. He had just been officially nominated as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate, and to mark the occasion, a party was held at the home of actor Peter Lawford, who is married to Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the candidate's sister. noisy party. According to Frank Hronek, an officer with the Los Angeles District Attorney's Bureau of Investigation, he personally saw fun company, gathered by the pool. Among the guests, he noticed a group of women, among whom were call girls he knew from his line of work. Moreover, some of them walked “in what their mother gave birth to.” Among those present at the party was John Kennedy.

Officer F. Hronek himself conducted surveillance of Lawford's house to find out if there were any people associated with the mafia among the guests. He also testified that the future president quickly left. Later, officers from the district attorney's office learned that the candidate was vacationing in the company of actress Marilyn Monroe.

“It is quite obvious that the Kennedys, protected by the citadel of their family clan, possessing royal wealth and power, as well as the arrogance associated with all of the above, could lead a sex life that, according to the concepts of mere mortals, went beyond the bounds of decency,” researchers usually reasonably emphasize .

All the Kennedys loved movies. Joe, the father of the family, moved to California in the twenties of the twentieth century to make films in Hollywood and make a fortune. Many Hollywood beauties passed through his bed. For many years, stories about his endless love adventures continued to circulate. He also advised his sons to keep up with him and enjoy themselves.

They say that John Kennedy surpassed his father in courting Hollywood divas. Among his girlfriends were all the big and small movie stars of the forties and fifties. His brother Robert Kennedy was also “not alien to anything human,” although he was known as a decent father of the family.

Among the most famous representatives of the fair sex who knew this family is the unforgettable beauty Greta Garbo, who was the guest of honor at dinners in the White House, which was attended only by the president, his wife and Kennedy's friend Lem Billings.

In 1960, the home of actor Peter Lawford, who became a member of the Kennedy clan, became the California residence for Kennedy's business meetings and entertainment. It is worth pointing out that Lawford was not at all a handsome guy from the street who won the heart of a girl from a rich family. He himself, British by birth, was the son of a general during the First World War. He was said to have "taken drugs indiscriminately" and enjoyed kinky sex. It seems that the mansion on the coast in Santa Monica still keeps many secrets of an obscene nature.

Presidential family

Many years later, the wife of the once popular singer Dean Martin admitted that she and her husband were frequent guests at Lawford's house and had seen brothers John and Robert Kennedy there more than once. Jean Martin claimed that Marilyn Monroe had sex with both Kennedy brothers. Peter Lawford also persistently pestered the actress. According to a person who knew Loyford very well, he said that “Marilyn passed from him to Jack, and from Jack to Bobby.”

By the way, in full accordance with the position of the all-powerful political clan, Lawford always flatly denied rumors about intimate connection Marilyn with both brothers. However, while in a drug haze, he told his third young wife in detail about how he arranged dates between Kennedy and Monroe.

We agree with the researchers: if Marilyn actually actively dated Kennedy, then it was at the height of her passion for Yves Montand and at the time of the breakdown of her marriage with Miller. And at the same time, Monroe did not hesitate to twist romance novel with singer Frank Sinatra. By the way, the same Jean Martin said that in August 1961, Marilyn spent the weekend with Sinatra on his yacht. Dean's wife Martina and Gloria Romanova claimed that the singer and actress lived in the same cabin. It would later turn out that Sinatra was friends with mafiosi, and the guests at his gaming establishments were representatives of the Kennedy clan. “Sinatra was quite close to the president. Man with political views A Catholic (later an unwavering supporter of Ronald Reagan), he and his “clan” provided significant support to Kennedy during the election campaign. Sinatra songs "All the Way" ( All the Way) and “High Hopes” became the sonic symbol of the campaign. He was instrumental in Kennedy's rise to the presidency, he helped organize his inauguration party, and he was seen in the public eye as a friend of the president."

Peter Lawford's house. During the presidency of J. Kennedy it was nicknamed “Western White House”

But let us return to the mysterious connection between a woman who evokes universal passion and the first person of the state.

“Every time Kennedy came to New York, both before and after the election, he chose the Carlisle Hotel as his residence. There he rented a suite with an impressive view of Manhattan. There his slightest whim was satisfied and absolute respect for him was guaranteed. privacy. Journalists could unsuccessfully lay siege to the lobby of the building, and the president, when necessary, accompanied by security men, would find himself in a nearby residential building or hotel, which was connected to the Carlile by secret tunnels. Eighteen buildings separated this hotel from the house where Marilyn lived. There are reports that Marilyn visited Kennedy at the Carlisle,” Anthony Summers details.

Here's some more evidence.

James Bacon knew Monroe for many years:

“She drank a lot at that time. Somewhere less than a year before her death, she mentioned that she was sleeping with Jack Kennedy. She said that he had no time to indulge in foreplay, because he was always in a hurry.

Senator Staters recalled:

– I never believed that before Bobby, Jack Kennedy often saw Marilyn. Jack took her from Bobby, yes, that's right - he always took girls from his brothers or friends for short-term hookups.

McGuire, a friend of a mafioso who knew Sinatra and Monroe, clarified:

“At first she had a relationship with John. There was definitely an affair with Bob too... They were seen together in secluded corners. And, you know, it's very typical of Kennedy to pass girlfriends from one to another: from Joe to John, from Jack to Bobby, from Bobby to Ted. That's exactly what they did.

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy. Rare photo

Deborah Gould, Lawford's last wife, testified according to her husband:

– Robert Kennedy’s affair with Marilyn Monroe began after he came to the actress as a “messenger boy” from his brother to say that their relationship with the president could no longer continue. “Marilyn took the news very hard,” says Gould, “and Bobby left thinking that he should have gotten to know the actress better. At first he just wanted to console her, but soon the acquaintance between Marilyn and Bobby grew into a love affair. From what Peter said, we can conclude that he fell head over heels in love.

Gloria Romanova, who attended the dinner parties, recalls:

– Robert Kennedy called his father long distance to tell him that he was sitting next to Marilyn Monroe, and to ask his father if he wanted to say hello to her.

Sidney Skolsky, journalist and friend of Monroe:

“She complained about the difficulties she had to face in meetings with the president. Even when alone with him in Peter Lawford's house in Santa Monica, the light could not be turned off. If something happened and the lights went out, the Secret Service would tear down the doors and break into the room. True, I don’t think anything like that happened!

Even Henry Rosenfeld commented:

“In New York, I think they sometimes met in some building on Fifty-third Street near Third Avenue. Marilyn visited him in Washington once or twice, but she never went to the White House.

Robert Kennedy's former press secretary Edwin Gutman recalled that Marilyn attended two or three receptions at the Lawfords' house, which were attended by Robert Kennedy.

So, it turns out that almost all the male members of the Kennedy clan were close to Marilyn.

Magnificent view of New York

Former FBI Assistant Director Courtney Evans, "the liaison between J. Edgar Hoover and Robert Kennedy," noted, among other things, in a 1984 discussion of President John F. Kennedy's sensitivity to sexual blackmail that "the opportunity to put pressure on the President was associated with Marilyn Monroe." Surely he had in mind her close acquaintance with Frank Sinatra, who was friends with mafia clans, among whom they knew many details from the personal life of the US President and his family. But it is precisely these nuances that fit perfectly into a blackmail scheme.

There is information that members of the criminal clan, using television equipment, took intimate photographs. “We received information that the mafia was going to blackmail the United States Secretary of Justice with these photographs,” former FBI inspector William Kane once admitted, and therefore Robert Kennedy should have been warned. By all indications, the girl in the intimate photos was Marilyn Monroe.

So it is not surprising that information regarding Marilyn and the Kennedy brothers is still kept in secret FBI files to this day.

In light of subsequent events, information regarding Marilyn’s enormous movable and immovable wealth is curious. When all the bills were paid after the actress’s death, it turned out that “she was so rich that she could have lived fifty years without accepting offers to act indecently, without doing anything but breathing, swimming and sunbathing.”

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The connection with the Kennedy family is one of the most important touches in the biography and legend of Marilyn Monroe. She is credited with having a love relationship with both brothers at once: with Jack, who became president, and with Robert, who was attorney general. Moreover, it is believed that this particular relationship could have become tragically fateful for Marilyn...

To understand what Jack and Robert were like not as political figures, but as real living people, it is necessary to talk a little about the Kennedy family.

There were nine of them: four Kennedy brothers and five sisters. Children of banker Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald, daughter of Boston Mayor Jack Fitzgerald. Their father raised them with the idea that Kennedys should be friends only with Kennedys and trust only Kennedys, and that if there was friction between any two of them, any boy or girl would still find a brother or sister who was close in spirit.

“We decided many years ago that the children would become our closest friends, and we would never tire of them,” Rose told a reporter in the late 1930s. “The Kennedys are an autonomous unit. If any of us wants to commit sailing, golfing, walking or just chatting, there is always someone else willing to join him."

Joseph Kennedy was obsessed with political ambitions. He himself only achieved the post of US Ambassador to Great Britain: prestigious, honorable, but far from real power. However, he was confident that his sons would achieve more.

Joseph demanded of his sons that they be the best in everything. Any failure was perceived as a real disaster. Any weakness was considered a shame. His father's favorite was his first-born son, Joseph Patrick, who was called Joe Jr. The most beautiful, healthy, strong, brave of his children! All the family's hopes were pinned on him. He was seen as a future politician and, perhaps, the first Catholic president...

The second son, Jack Fitzgerald, who was called Jack, was smarter than his older brother, but he was sickly and fragile from childhood, read a lot, and of all sports he excelled only in swimming. His spine was damaged at birth. However, the family tried not to notice his weakness. Illness was something shameful for Kennedy. And Jack tried to be just like everyone else. Healthy and active. He suffered an additional spinal injury while playing football. He had to leave his first year of college to get treatment. He had Addison's disease, which was considered fatal. If cortisone had not been invented in his youth, he would have died before he was twenty, but still he was told that he was unlikely to live to forty-five. He was also allergic and contracted malaria. He joked with friends: “If they ever write a book about me, it will be called: Jack Kennedy. Medical history."

Robert Francis Kennedy, Bobby, the third of Kennedy's sons and seventh of nine children, was not at all a problem for his parents. All the families they knew considered Bobby to be a model child and set him up as an example for their children. True, his father was not happy with him. Bobby grew up overly religious and dreamed of becoming a priest. He studied well, was an excellent athlete - but he observed all fasts, read only religious literature, prayed earnestly, and did not part with his rosary. In fact, in a Catholic family it’s not bad to have your own priest... However, the excessive zeal for virtue confused and saddened Joseph. He was afraid that with such idealistic views on life, Bobby would not be able in the future to be a worthy assistant to his brothers, whom Joseph had groomed as children for a political career.

J.-F. Kennedy

J.-F. Kennedy

When did the second one begin? world war. Joseph, who served as ambassador to Great Britain, actively opposed the US entry into hostilities. But when his own son Jack was awarded a Purple Heart after a battle with a Japanese destroyer, Joseph was proudest of all: he loved being the father of a hero! True, in this fight Jack injured his back for the second time. From now on, pain became his constant companion.

Joe decided to prove that he could fight no worse than Jack. He asked to be transferred to England, where there were more opportunities to truly show heroism. He died in a battle over the English Channel and was burned to death on the plane. It was terrible blow for the family - all Kennedy's hopes were pinned on Joe! But Joseph, reluctantly, told Jack: “Now it’s your turn. You will take Joe’s place.” What was meant was that you would make a political career.

Bobby turned nineteen that year. He attended law school at the University of Virginia and still hoped to become a priest. IN student years Bobby Kennedy led a frighteningly virtuous lifestyle and did not participate in traditional youth entertainment. He was seriously preparing for a spiritual career. But after Joe’s death, his father had a serious talk with Bobby, explaining that now he certainly shouldn’t leave the world: the family needs him, he must become Jack’s first assistant. And Bobby agreed to give up his dream of serving God.

Bobby dreamed of a real family, where he would feel comfortable, calm and warm. Now, more than anything else, he wanted to find a good girl who would create a cozy nest for him. True, Bobby imagined his future wife as a modest and meek girl, and in his youth he paid attention mainly to ugly girls whom no one else noticed. It seemed to him that such girls make the best wives.

His chosen one was Ethel Skakel. The Skakel family resembled the Kennedy family: very rich Catholics with many children, descendants of Irish emigrants. Ethel attended Dominican primary school, where classes were taught by nuns, her mother later transferred her to the very prestigious Greenwich Academy, and there she became friends with Jean Kennedy. In 1945, Jean introduced Ethel to her brothers: the charming Jack, who was presented as a war hero and everyone's favorite, and the quiet, shy Bobby.

Both Bobby and Ethel adhered to Puritan morals, and passionate embraces before marriage were not for them. In the end, he almost became a priest, and Ethel almost took monastic vows. It was only thanks to the persuasion of her parents that Ethel finally decided to connect her life with Robert Kennedy, and not with God. However, everyone who knew Ethel and Bobby throughout their life together noted that she literally idolized him, considering him an absolute ideal - ideal man, ideal person. His classmate Barrett Prettyman said: "She looked at Bobby as if he were God. God did inexplicable things, but he was always right."

Usually mothers-in-law are not too fond of their daughters-in-law, but Rose Kennedy immediately fell in love with Ethel: she saw that this girl was perfect wife for Bobby. Rose was also pleased by Ethel's promise to give birth to even more children than her mother-in-law. This is a real Catholic, a real Kennedy!

Every morning, the couple walked hand in hand to the local church for mass and prayed. And while Bobby worked, Ethel did charity work and prepared parties that helped him strengthen his political connections. After all, nothing is more conducive to conversation than a glass of good wine and a delicious dinner. And soon she had to take part in her husband’s political campaigns and travel with him around the country, and in most cases pregnant... Because she was almost always pregnant. Petite Ethel Kennedy gave birth to 11 children during the 18 years she lived with Robert.

It should be noted that friends and even relatives did not know how to relate to her endless pregnancies. Her ill-wishers called her a “cow” and a “peasant woman,” some gossiped that with the help of constant pregnancies she was avoiding sex with her husband, who was not very experienced in the science of love. The couple really avoided passionate hugs, at least in public, but they often teased each other and generally behaved as if loving brother and sister. However, Ethel told her loved ones that she set out to make as many copies of her beloved Bobby as possible. Such a wonderful person should have a lot of children!

One family friend recalled: “They enjoyed each other’s company. Even if they dined at home, Ethel would come down to the table dressed and perfumed as if on a first date.”

In 1953, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. It was in to a greater extent his father's choice: Joseph believed that just such a girl - from the cream of American society, elegant, able to carry on small talk, but not showing too much personality - would be perfect couple for a talented young politician.

The relationship between the two Mrs. Kennedys did not work out. Jacqueline allowed herself quite rude jokes about Ethel, in particular, she called her “a machine for producing children - as soon as you start her, she will immediately make them.” Ethel also did not hold back her hostility: she mocked Jacqueline’s claims to aristocracy.

Immediately after the honeymoon, Jack became actively involved in political life: he foresaw the imminent overthrow of Senator McCarthy, and he needed to remove Bobby from the “Commission on Un-American Activities” before it was too late. This was not easy to do: Bobby, whom his friends called a “crusader,” was devoted to McCarthy’s ideas and fought the communists not out of fear, but out of conscience. Even with age, he did not grow out of idealism; he sincerely believed in the sacred principles of American democracy, saw a tyrannical regime in communism and believed that all communists wanted to impose the same regime in America. After his visit to the USSR, Robert Kennedy strengthened his opinion that communism is an absolute evil... However, more and more dissenters appeared among the American intelligentsia, and McCarthyism became increasingly unfashionable. And the prudent Jack nevertheless persuaded his ardent brother to switch to a more noble struggle. Although with a more dangerous enemy: the mafia. Having familiarized himself with the documents provided to him, Bobby clung to the new case tightly - like a fox terrier. And he did not stop this struggle until his death.

In 1957, the Kennedys began a political campaign to nominate Jack for the Democratic nomination. Robert led the election campaign. Ethel, despite another pregnancy, tried to help as much as she could, meeting with voters and organizing endless tea parties for the wives of Kennedy's most important supporters. While Jacqueline was bored, she did not try to hide her indifference to all this fuss. In addition, she had a difficult time with pregnancy. Her first daughter was stillborn. When Jacqueline managed to get pregnant again, she tried to protect herself as much as possible from any worries. The pregnancy was successful and she gave birth to a daughter, Caroline.

In 1960, Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy became the first Catholic president in US history. Jack also became the youngest president in history: he was forty-three years old when he won the election. His elegant wife was pregnant when they moved into the White House with their baby daughter, and it was there that their son Jack Jr. was born. The family looked exemplary, like something out of a poster. The public adored them only because they were so handsome, young, cheerful, and both embody two types of the American elite: Jack - “new money” and hot Irish blood, Jacqueline - “white bone” and “blue blood”, naturally, in American meaning of these phenomena, that is, without true aristocracy in origin.

Jack convened a new cabinet of ministers, and appointed his brother Robert as attorney general. This was exactly what Bobby wanted to do and what he was perfect for. Many condemned Jack: for the first time in American history, a president and his adviser were connected by such a close relationship. However, Bobby proved the correctness of this choice: when problems with Cuba resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, his determination, combined with unexpected political prudence, helped avoid a third world war. And then those around Kennedy started talking about how the educated, well-read, strong-willed and purposeful Robert would have made a much better politician and even a president than the charming and frivolous Jack. However, there has already been a case in American history when the Adams father and son occupied the presidency one after another. So why, after Kennedy’s older brother, couldn’t his younger brother take the same post?

Kennedy's "reign" in Washington was short, bright, but by no means easy. The Vietnam War, in which President Kennedy actively opposed intervention. The fight against segregation in the southern states. The fight against the omnipotence and arbitrariness of the FBI. With corruption in upper echelons authorities. Fight against the mafia. Lots and lots of struggle.

Of course, the problems in the president’s family were diligently hidden from the public.

First of all, Jack's illness. His injured back caused him terrible pain. He underwent two operations, almost became paralyzed, and each day began with painkilling injections on both sides of his spine.

There was also Addison's disease and hormonal treatment, due to which he began to gain weight. To overcome his obesity, Jack swam obsessively: the only form of active physical activity available to him. True, he could only swim in a warm pool: cold water caused an exacerbation of pain.

The second problem was the debauchery of the young president. Jack Kennedy loved women very much. He seduced all the pretty people who came his way life path and agreed to a quick, unburdensome connection. They said that in Hollywood he practically had a harem. Exaggeration: a harem is something a man maintains constantly, but consistency was not one of Jack's virtues. He liked both slender flight attendants in their strict uniforms and elegant ladies from high society. Jack treated all victims of his temperament equally kindly. And I was never offended by refusals. There's still so much in the world beautiful women, and sex is something that should happen according to mutual desire... However, unlike the kings of the past, who spent substantial funds from the treasury on their favorites, Jack Kennedy did not have any positive influence on the fate of his mistresses. Sex was his favorite pastime, but nothing more.

Father, Joseph Kennedy, was delighted with his son’s adventures, and laughed at the FBI agents who had to track each of the young congressman’s mistresses, then the senator, then the president... He said: “If the FBI decided to create a dossier on each of Jack’s girls , we should buy shares in the company that sells them filing cabinets!"

Because of his daring adventures, Jack Kennedy was listed in the FBI archives under the pseudonym "Ulan." Robert was called "The Crusader". Marilyn Monroe went by the pseudonym "Straw Head," a derisive nickname that referred to both the color of her hair and the perceived stupidity of the blonde actress.

The romance between Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy in the public perception is something romantic, almost like a fairy tale. Hollywood's golden goddess in the arms of America's modern young king, the romantic ruler of New Camelot (Jack Kennedy loved the musical Camelot and the Arthurian legends, and he liked it when his reign was called the New Camelot). There are an incredible number of books on the topic of their love affair, both novels and studies, and lyrical songs, and even the perfume “John & Marylin” by Parfumerie Generale, tender and sensual... The legend is too beautiful to refuse.

However, facts are a harsh and cold thing. The president and the actress met four times between October 1961 and August 1962. Four proven encounters. You can speculate on anything, which is what people do. And if at first they said that the movie star gave herself to the president after celebrating his birthday, then that Marilyn first found herself in Jack’s bed after the inauguration party, then that their relationship began when he was still running for president... And now some authors claim , as if they knew each other in their youth, when Marilyn was taking her first steps in the acting field and one day went to a party of the “golden youth”. The most skeptical biographers of Marilyn laugh at the dreamers: they will soon declare that the president lost his virginity in the arms of the actress! Perhaps they will say...

The first proven meeting took place at the home of Patricia and Peter Lawford in Santa Monica, in October 1961. Marilyn came to dinner with friends and met Patricia's famous brother there. But one of the Lawford servants took her home.

The second meeting took place in February 1962. Marilyn was invited to Fifi Fell's house in Manhattan. A wealthy widow and socialite, Mrs. Fell was hosting a reception in honor of the President. Marilyn came and went, accompanied by Milton Ebbins.

Third meeting - Saturday, March 24, 1962. The president and the actress were guests at the home of popular singer Bing Crosby in Palm Springs. And then they spent the night in the same bedroom. Where Marilyn called Ralph Roberts from.

“She asked me about a muscle she recognized from Mabel Ellsworth Todd's book The Thinking Body, and it was clear that she was talking about this topic with the President, who was known to experience all sorts of ailments and problems with the muscles and spine "- said Ralph. Moreover, the president did not even think of hiding the fact that he was in the middle of the night in the company of an actress who was going to give him a massage. He took the phone from Marilyn and personally thanked Roberts for the consultation.

“Then, when everything was shaking from gossip, Marilyn told me that her “romance” with JFK was only those minutes that she spent with him that March night. Of course, everything that happened tickled her ambition very pleasantly: after all, the President, through Lawford, had been seeking a meeting with her for a whole year. Many people believed that the matter was not limited to that Saturday. But from talking with Marilyn, I got the impression that it was not something special for either her or him. important event: we met, and that was the end of it,” Roberts said.

That night, Jack invited Marilyn to his birthday party at Madison Square Garden. And she promised to sing “Happy birthday to you” to him.

Their fourth meeting took place on May 19, 1962. To wish the President a happy birthday, Marilyn arrived (belatedly) to a concert attended by more than fifteen thousand people, each of whom paid between one hundred and a thousand dollars per ticket (the proceeds from the concert went to the fund National Committee Democratic Party).

And, although there was nothing intimate between Marilyn and the president that evening, many of those present noted that her performance of congratulations was more sensual than a declaration of love, and resembled some kind of sophisticated sexual act at a distance, between a woman standing on stage and a man , sitting in the presidential box.

This evening was generally special for Marilyn. It was an evening of her absolute feminine triumph. Precisely female, not acting. She carefully prepared to literally seduce the entire audience.

Marilyn turned to the very popular fashion designer Jean Louis and asked him to create for her “a truly historic, extraordinary dress, the likes of which no one has ever had before.” “In a word, it should be something that only I can wear,” the actress told the fashion designer.

For inspiration, Jean Louis watched several of the most famous films with Monroe's participation... And he understood what was needed to create a unique dress: “Marilyn knew how to amazingly control her charming body, it was in constant movement, but it was done naturally, elegantly. And it dawned on me - I grabbed it, realized what I had to do - play up this gift of her to provoke... In general, I drew a sketch of a dress that creates the full effect that she is naked."

He made a dress from thin, almost gossamer-like, flesh-colored Lyon silk, cutting it exactly to Marilyn's figure. It was impossible to wear underwear under this dress. And in general: putting on this dress was a difficult task. The dress was fastened with microscopic hooks, it was difficult to move in it and considerable caution was required. Six thousand sparkles, sparkling like diamonds, covered the dress, not allowing Marilyn's body to be seen, hiding everything and distracting with its sparkle... But at the same time, the sparkles did not hide the fact that under the transparent fabric the body was completely naked!

When she slowly, in small steps, walked across the stage to the microphone, the audience held its breath. Most of those who left memories of her performance compared her to Aphrodite emerging from the foam of the sea, a naked goddess splashed with sparkling drops of water. She sang in a thin, half-childish, languid voice, at first as if hesitantly, but then more and more passionately, “Happy birthday to you,” somewhat modified:

Thank you Mr President

For everything you've done

For all the battles you've won

For how you handle the US

And with our problems...

During his twenty-minute speech, John Kennedy thanked everyone who congratulated him, and in particular said: “Miss Monroe interrupted the filming of the film to fly here from the West Coast, and therefore I can now safely retire - after she is so "Wonted me a wonderful happy birthday."

After the concert, Marilyn attended a banquet at the home of Arthur Cream and his wife Matilda, who enthusiastically recalled: “Marilyn arrived in a tight dress trimmed with sequins, which looked as if they had been attached directly to the skin, since the mesh was flesh-colored ... Well, what can I say ?She just looked incredibly beautiful."

George Masters, the actress’s hairdresser, who helped her maintain her famous platinum hair color, recalled: “Marilyn walked in a dress designed by fashion designer Jean Louis. It shone with all sorts of decorations, but at the same time it was elegant and subtle, even refined, in its nudity - as if the lack of underwear was the most common thing under the sun."

“In a sense, this evening was unusually significant for Marilyn Monroe,” writes Donald Spoto. “Not only did the lost girl find, at least for a short time, her place in the king’s castle in Camelot, but a dream that had often returned to her came true.” her as a child. Just now Marilyn stood almost naked in front of her fans, feeling absolutely no shame and for some reason being as innocent as a dove.”

During this entire evening, only once did Marilyn find herself in the company of the president and his brother, which was captured by the photographer.

And, in fact, that’s all...

Later she was credited with wanting to marry the president. Allegedly, Marilyn wanted to force Jack to break up with Jacqueline and marry her, not considering such a union impossible. After all, she could become the wife of a great athlete and a great writer, so why shouldn't she become the wife of a great politician? But there is no evidence of this. But there is evidence to the contrary. Susan Strasberg said: "Even in worst dreams, she didn't want to be with JFK all the time. Once she could sleep with the charismatic president, she enjoyed this tension-filled situation that required her to be discreet and keep a secret. But the president was probably not the person she wanted to spend her life with, and she openly told us about it."

Marilyn's romance with Robert Kennedy in the imagination of tabloid journalists and the American public is painted in less romantic tones. If with Jack there was sublime love, then with Bobby there was lust, lust and nothing but lust.

Robert was known for his chastity and devotion to his wife. They even laughed at his severity and seriousness. In addition, Robert was a devout Catholic, and many of those who knew him believed that there was only one woman in his life with whom he entered into an intimate relationship - his wife Ethel. But if popular gossip is to be believed, Marilyn Monroe seduced Bobby Kennedy and dragged her into a series of orgies, inducing her to all sorts of sins, including group sex and nighttime skinny dipping on the beach. These juicy details made it up former actress, who published under the pseudonym Jeanne Carmen and claimed that she rented an apartment with Marilyn on Dougheny Drive at a time when the actress was having an affair with Bobby. A real neighbor who lived opposite Marilyn at the time and knew her, pop singer Betsy Duncan Hammes, stated: “I have never heard of any Jeanne Carmen. I think she never lived there, because otherwise we would probably know about her , just as they would have known that Marilyn had a subtenant."

Donald Spoto writes: "Gossip about an affair with Robert Kennedy rests on the simple fact that he did see Marilyn Monroe, four times; this follows from their calendar of meetings for 1961 and 1962, as well as from the testimony of one of his closest Robert Kennedy's staff at that time, Edwin Gutman. However, it is certain that Robert Kennedy never shared a bed with Marilyn Monroe. Gutman, a Pulitzer Prize winner, an inquisitive and inquisitive reporter and journalist, was Robert Kennedy's special assistant for public information. , and the Justice Department's top press official. The attorney general's travel schedule, covering 1961–1962 (and preserved in the Jack F. Kennedy Library as well as in the state archives), confirms the details Gutman puts together. proves only one thing: Robert Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe maintained only social and social contacts, which for almost ten months were reduced to four meetings and several phone conversations. Even if they both had a desire to flirt - which is a purely theoretical assumption - then nothing could come of this readiness, taking into account the places of their stay during the specified period."

Bobby Kennedy was not the type of man that Marilyn would have liked, this was recognized by everyone who knew the actress. And she was completely not the type of Bobby, who adored his petite, energetic wife. But the main thing is that if you rely on the facts, it turns out that they did not even have the opportunity to spend the night together. It is enough to study and compare the travel schedules of the prosecutor and the actress.

However, when discussing the topic of “Marilyn and Kennedy,” most authors still prefer to rely not on facts, but on fiction. Romantic or pornographic - whichever you prefer.

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