For what analysis is daily urine collected? Daily urine analysis during pregnancy: determination of daily diuresis and other indicators

Maternity capital is good material support for many Russian families. Thousands of young mothers have already received payments under this program, and the majority of citizens believe that such a wonderful initiative should be extended in the future.

Let's take a closer look at whether maternity capital will be paid in 2019, what changes will happen to it, and whether there is any recent news about the fate of this program.

What is this payment?

Family capital is a way of financially supporting families with more than one child. Money can be received upon the birth or adoption of a 2nd or subsequent child, but it is paid only once.


Satisfied that I need documents

Also, a prerequisite for receiving financial support is the presence Russian citizenship in mother and child. This is not an ordinary benefit, but a certificate for a specific amount that can be spent after three years on strictly defined family needs. The amount of the certificate changes annually, which is why many are interested in how much maternity capital is now and whether it will be paid in 2019.

Since the decision on indexation has not yet been made, it is not yet possible to say how much capital will be in 2019, and to name its size and exact amount. Perhaps it will remain the same as now, but options for increasing it are also being considered.

How did the social program develop?

This program has been implemented since January 1, 2007. People first started talking about it in 2006, when President Russian Federation proposed to improve the demographic situation in this way. To avoid wastage of funds, the government has introduced restrictions within which parents can spend the money received.

The amount can be spent on improving and purchasing housing, education for a child, or used for pension savings for the child’s mother. Initially, the law meant that money could be used only after the child turned three years old, but over the past few years changes have been made according to which it can be spent earlier, for example, to repay a loan or pay down payment on a mortgage.

The social program to support families with children was initially developed until January 31, 2016, but in December 2015 it was urgently extended for 2019 and 2020.

Initially, the amount of this benefit was 250,000 rubles, now it has increased to 456,026 rubles. Decision to increase maternity capital in 2019 is not accepted, and how much its amount will be is not yet known for certain.

A special council has now been created under the government, which is deciding the fate of maternity capital after 2019-2020. At the same time, the country's leadership believes that there are all the prerequisites for the operation of this project in the future and is trying to resolve the issue in the most optimal way.

Certificate amount for material support

As is known on at the moment, maternity capital in 2019 will be at least 453,026 rubles for the birth of 2 children. This amount is constant and does not depend on the number of children. The payment can also be received upon the birth of 3 or subsequent children, but only if it was not previously made. Each specific family can receive family capital only once!

Different subjects of the Russian Federation imply local support programs financial situation families, and at the local level, there are often different payments for the third, fourth and subsequent children. The amount of such regional family capital is established for each specific region and is not regulated at the federal level.

Starting from 2019, it is possible to increase the amount of the benefit taking into account the increase in actual inflation in the country. If maternity capital is indexed, then by 2019 its size will be about 492 thousand rubles.

Latest news about payment

The bill on the payment of family capital regularly undergoes some adjustments due to changes in the situation in the country and the needs of citizens.

For example, in 2017, it became possible to cash out part of the funds in the amount of twenty thousand rubles. The possibility of receiving this amount again in 2016 is currently being considered.

The most important change The legislation included an extension of the program for two additional years, so about one and a half million more families would be able to participate in the program.

The most recent major change in the program was a new direction for spending funds. From January 1, 2017, money can be spent on adaptation of children with disabilities. The guide can be used for social adaptation, treatment and rehabilitation of children, and it can be used for the needs of any child in the family.

When is cash assistance not paid?

There are a number of cases when a family may be denied a certificate for this manual. Maternity capital for 2019 may not be paid in several cases.

  1. The applicant has been deprived of parental rights.
  2. The applicant committed an intentional crime against a child.
  3. The child is in the care of the state.
  4. The mother or child does not have Russian citizenship.
  5. The applicant provided deliberately false information about the date or order of birth of the children.

As indicated on the Pension Fund website, a mother or father who has been denied payment can appeal this decision in court.

Canceling a program

Many young families who are planning to have children in the next few years are interested in the question of whether maternity capital for a second child will be permanently abolished in 2019, and what prospects this program has.

The effect of family capital will not be canceled in 2019, and this issue has already been resolved at the legislative level. But it’s too early to talk about a longer term. Officially, this program is provided only until the end of 2019, so if the government does not accept new law, parents will no longer receive payments for their second child.

The reasons for possible cancellation of payments may be the following factors:

  • flaw budget funds country's pension fund;
  • a large number of fraudulent schemes for illegally obtaining money;
  • complex legal norms to process the payment;
  • restrictions on spending options cash.

Citing similar reasons for canceling the program, the government does not rule out introducing a new bill that would extend financial support for families with children, without all the current difficulties.

Indexation of the payment amount

Over the course of ten years, the amount of payments has constantly changed as follows:

Year Amount, rub
2007 250000
2008 276250
2009 312162
2010 343378
2011 365698
2012 387640
2013 408960
2014 429408
2015-2017 443026
2019-2020 453026

Since the decision on indexing family capital has not yet been made, its exact amount in 2019 has not yet been established, but most likely it will range from 254 to 492 thousand rubles.

Improving the demographic situation is a very important task for the state. Experts believe that the more children are born, the less the country will need migrants. To do this, the family must have at least two children. The project to increase the birth rate is maternity capital. Funds in a fixed amount are provided to families raising more than two children, while any of the child’s parents can use the service, taking into account certain factors. For families, the question of whether maternal capital will be available and how to obtain it is more relevant than ever. There are rumors about the cancellation of the service, as its terms are ending soon. Matcapital was launched nine years ago and not only those who have given birth to a child, but also families who have adopted a child have the right to use it.

Maternity capital service in 2017

To increase the birth rate in the country, a program was launched to facilitate this process. Thanks to her, it is possible to improve the financial condition of young married couples. If the family is replenished with a second or third child, the government pays an amount that is intended to cover life important points, such as living conditions, payment for education and increased pension payments. Nine years ago, the country allocated two hundred and fifty thousand rubles for families, indexing the funds every year. Due to inflation, the benefit is now four hundred thirty-five thousand rubles. All innovations are reported to the owners of the service. The Pension Fund sends information indicating how much the payment was indexed and how much money is left. This year they did not pay more to maternity capital; the payment has not changed compared to last year. But according to forecasts, if the project is not closed, they are going to increase the subsidy for 2017 to 480,207 rubles, for 2018 to 504,698 rubles. The Ministry of Economic Development announced these data, calculating all inflation indicators, which are expected at six and five percent for 2017 and 2018, respectively. Naturally, the numbers may change slightly in one direction or another. During the existence of the project, the state has paid funds to more than seven and a half million families. Every year, applications are submitted in the amount of eight hundred thousand, and the expenditure portion of the subsidy fluctuates in the amount of three hundred and twenty billion rubles (presumably next year)

The benefit expires at the end of 2018, that is, if a child is born or adopted after the end of the project, namely January 1 of the following year, the parents will not receive the subsidy. You can only count on government support.

Conditions for receiving maternity capital in 2017

To receive maternity capital in 2017, you need to fulfill a number of requirements. The first is collecting the necessary documentation:

  • passport data and completed application;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • court documents that confirm that the child is adopted;
  • pension insurance;
  • in the case where someone from a parent is not from a country, it is necessary to provide information indicating that the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The documentation is sent to the Pension Fund, namely copies, the original belongs to the family. At the end of the month, if everything is in order, married couple will come with a certificate. The project has a lot of subtleties and nuances:

  • The documentation must be carefully reviewed to avoid errors, because they may influence the decision and result in a refusal of a subsidy;
  • Only citizens of the Russian Federation can receive the benefit (one parent with Russian citizenship is enough);
  • obtaining a certificate is impossible in the absence of parental rights;
  • You can only get the benefit once;
  • the period for submitting documentation has no limitation;
  • the amount issued does not go to the tax office;
  • It will not be possible to spend money on things not provided for by the subsidy law.

In case of refusal, there is the possibility of legal proceedings. There are many cases when plaintiffs win the case due to the unfoundedness of the PF’s actions.

Money from the benefit can be used to cover needs such as:

  • construction or purchase of a new house or improvement of existing conditions, only within Russia;
  • children study at universities and other institutions; you can spend money on education before the age of twenty-five;
  • the amount can be used as a cumulative part of pension payments, and it is not necessary to use the Pension Fund service.

According to the first point, money can be spent on the first payment on the loan collateral, payment of the current debt, as well as participation in the construction of living space. It is important to understand that the money can be spent when the child reaches the age of three; due to the exception, poor living space and the child’s disability may serve as an exception.

There are a couple more interesting points:

  • If you lose your certificate, you can make a duplicate;
  • when a baby is born, the period for which you can apply for a subsidy is not limited;
  • Maternity capital cannot be cashed out, and attempts to do so are suppressed by law.

You don’t have to use the entire amount of funds, since by law the money is allowed to be divided into parts to purchase the most necessary things. Last year, families could additionally qualify for one payment in the amount of twenty thousand rubles. The maternity capital service is valid at least until the end of next year; at the moment there has been no extension of the subsidy; this issue will be discussed by the authorities this year.

Extension of maternity capital in 2017

Many families, when planning their budget, do not know whether maternity capital has been extended until 2017. At the present time, the government is deciding what to do with social payments, because it is very important to provide for large families in need. Officials expressed the idea of ​​extending the benefit by 2025, complaining that maternity capital had a significant impact on the country's demographics and reduced the number of children without a family, which shows the feasibility of the bill. When answering questions about the payment, government agencies say that in the future they will review and slightly edit the methods for receiving subsidies. This measure should optimize the payment system specifically for those families that are most dependent on state assistance. But nevertheless, there are departments that are against continuing to provide such services to families with a large number of children. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health complain that the social payment does not bring the expected effect and recommends not extending the subsidy for the next year. However, at the legislative level last winter, the State Duma adopted a resolution that maternity capital was extended until the end of 2018. This news is very pleasant for all families who have been waiting for a new addition for three years.

Families whose second or third child was born in 2017 will be paid maternity capital

Cancellation of maternity capital

People who will raise a second or third child, or who will adopt one at the end of 2018, will not receive subsidy payments. But families who received certificates before the date of cancellation of the benefit have the right to appropriate funds already in two thousand and nineteen, simply by bringing the necessary documentation to the Pension Fund for registration.

Experts, meanwhile, are assessing what factors influence the decision to stop paying maternity capital to Russians. Now, let's take a closer look at the reasons why the government will refuse social benefits to families with a large number of children. One of the first points of such a policy is the simple budget of the Pension Fund, which does not have enough money to cover the payment every year. The deficit situation will result in the inability of the fund to pay financial support to families. Largely because of this, experts believe that until the balance in the PFR budget is restored, it is better not to pay maternity capital, because there is a possibility that they will encounter other social difficulties as a result of a pronounced deficit.

The next factor is the presence of fraudulent activities in relation to social payments, which causes significant damage to the fund. People who, apparently, have no sense of conscience, invent new scams to obtain subsidies and illegally appropriate certificates for themselves, for which they actually steal money from the fund. At the moment, the country is developing a powerful system to prevent illegal actions regarding material payments.

There are also ordinary people dissatisfied with the subsidy. This is mainly due to the fact that maternity capital can only be spent on needs prescribed by law. Parents also want to spend money on special medical equipment for children, expensive pharmaceutical drugs, and payment for medical procedures for children with serious illnesses. However, unfortunately, such expenses are not allowed by law, which is a reason for the government to think twice.

There are also certain problems in the current legislation related to maternal capital, which are pushing for the termination of the current law on this subsidy. Now we need to qualitatively optimize all documentation standards so that ordinary people could easily understand the system of benefits from the government.

Result of maternity capital cancellation

Experts from government departments analyzed all the possible consequences of changes in maternity capital in 2017. Analysts concluded that:

  • there will be a real chance to increase current payments for;
  • new motivational system for rewards high level birth rate in the country;
  • large savings in the treasury; according to estimates, it will be possible to save more than one hundred billion rubles;
  • increasing monetary compensation, which will allow almost everyone to attend kindergartens;
  • an increased list of payments for families with a large number of children who are most in need of state care.

Experts believe that at the end of the term of maternity capital, there is a possibility of a certain decrease in the cost of living space, because people most often use this subsidy option. It is also very popular to spend funds to pay off debt on credit obligations that resulted from the purchase of housing space. Experts believe that when social benefits are canceled, the need for real estate will decrease and its value, therefore, will also decline. This state of affairs is not true, real estate agents say. People who count on maternity capital, the size of which has almost doubled in nine years, also think, from two hundred and fifty thousand to over four hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Let us clarify that the cost of living space in settlements where more than three hundred thousand people live is not comparable to the amount of payments from the state. Part of the funds that are paid is unlikely to influence the price of housing space. For example, if a family wants to purchase a two-room house in the big cities of the region, then they will have to shell out about four to five million rubles. In the case where the family also has many children and there is both a boy and a girl, it is necessary to buy a three-room living space. And this is already spending in the region of five to eight million rubles. In simple words, matkapital is only one tenth of the total cost of real estate, which is very unlikely to in any way make adjustments to its value.

  • In the Voronezh region, a fraudster embezzled 2.3 million rubles in maternity capital

    In the Voronezh region, criminal cases have been initiated against a 54-year-old woman who is accused of theft of maternity capital - in total, we are talking about an amount of 2.3 million rubles. Six episodes of crimes were revealed, cases were initiated under articles of fraud, REGNUM reported...

  • Putin clarified the timing of the disposal of maternity capital funds

    Families in Russia will be able to use maternity capital funds at the time of the birth of their first child, and not when they reach a certain age. This statement was made today, January 22, during a meeting with representatives of the public in the Lipetsk region by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  • The Ministry of Labor proposed to halve the time frame for transferring maternity capital

    The Ministry of Labor is preparing changes to the law and is counting the necessary additional funds to implement Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to introduce maternity capital for the first child. This was reported by the Deputy Minister of Labor and social protection Svetlana Petrova.

  • Current issues of maternal family capital

    On current issues Alexandra Martyntseva, Deputy Head of the Social Payments Department of the Sevastopol Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, is responsible for maternal family capital.

  • Maternal family capital for the first-born will be 466,617 rubles

    Federal maternity capital will be paid for the first child from 2020. The details of the draft law being prepared were told by Sergei Chirkov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia, who visited Ulan-Ude on January 16-17.

  • Matkapital can be spent on a house on a garden plot

    The State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill expanding the possibility of using maternity capital. Families will be able to spend money from the state on the construction or reconstruction of a residential building on a garden plot of land.

  • In the Tver region, young families will receive up to 500 thousand rubles to pay off their mortgage

    The government of the Tver region will introduce a new measure to support young families with children - up to 500 thousand rubles per partial repayment mortgages.

  • In St. Petersburg they want to extend the term of regional maternity capital

    St. Petersburg deputies propose extending the term of regional maternity capital until the end of 2026. The corresponding bill was introduced by the faction " United Russia", a REGNUM correspondent was told in the city parliament.

Maternity (family) capital represents one of the types of financial support for a family or an individual parent with children, it appears from January 1, 2007.

What you need to know about maternal (family) capital

Its essence boils down to a one-time payment of a legally established amount at the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child with Russian citizenship, provided that the parents did not exercise the right to additional measures state support, works similarly. In 2017, the Russian Pension Fund spent on maternity capital 312 billion rubles.

It is not necessary to receive maternity capital payments specifically for the second child. The accrual of maternity capital is also permissible for the third and fourth child, if the children’s parents have not previously exercised this right. The only condition is that family capital from the federal budget is paid only once. In this case, the money is not given to parents in the form of cash, but is transferred to a certificate, which can only be used for certain purposes.

The amount of maternal (family) capital

Years Sum Source Note
2007 250 000,00
2008 276 250,00 Part 1 Art. 11 198-FZ dated July 24, 2007+10.5%; inflation for 2007 11.87%
2009 312 162,50 Part 1 Art. 11 204-FZ dated November 24, 2008+13%; inflation for 2008 13.28%
2010 343 378,80 Part 1 Art. 10 308-FZ dated December 2, 2009+10%; inflation for 2009 8.80%
2011 365 698,40 Part 1 Art. 10 357-FZ dated December 13, 2010+6.5%; inflation for 2010 8.78%
2012 387 640,30 Part 1 Art. 10 371-FZ dated November 30, 2011+6%; inflation for 2011 6.10%
2013 408 960,50 Part 1 Art. 10 216-FZ dated December 3, 2012+5.5%; inflation for 2012 6.58%
2014 429 408,50 Part 1 Art. 9 349-FZ dated December 2, 2013+5%; inflation for 2013 6.45%
2015 453 026,00 Federal Law dated December 1, 2014 N 384-FZ.+5.5%; inflation for 2014 11.36%
2016 453 026,00 Federal Law dated December 14, 2015 N 359-FZIn accordance with Art. 4.1. Federal Law dated 04/06/2015 N 68-FZ in 2016, the amount of maternity capital is not indexed.
2017 453 026,00 Federal Law dated December 19, 2016 N 415-FZ
2018 453 026,00 Federal Law dated December 19, 2016 N 444-FZ

Periods of parental leave (up to 1.5 years for each child) are counted towards length of service, and for each child the following is accrued:

  • 1.8 pension coefficient per year of leave - for the first child,
  • 3.6 pension coefficient per year of leave - for the second child,
  • 5.4 pension coefficient per year of leave - for the third and fourth child.

Legislative framework of the Maternity Capital program

The purpose of introducing this program was the demographic crisis that gripped the state in the early 2000s. Against the backdrop of decreased birth rates and increased mortality, a catastrophic population decline began. The reason for this was seen as the reluctance of Russians to have children due to financial instability. To stimulate the birth rate, in 2006 a government decree was prepared on payments to families who had a second child.

When did this program start?

After approval of the draft resolution by the State Duma and the President, it received the status of Federal Law No. 256. effective from 2007. The innovation affected all Russian citizens, regardless of their marital status, income level, region of residence. The government has established a certain amount of payments for mat capital, the same for all families.

What has changed today?

Subsequently, after Federal Law No. 256 came into effect, it was supplemented and adjusted several times. The changes, in particular, concerned the procedure for receiving money, the purposes for spending it, and the amount of accrued payments. But basically, the original provisions of the law continue to apply today without fundamental changes.

Among the main changes it is worth mentioning:

  • An opportunity has emerged to spend maternal funds on the rehabilitation of disabled children raised in families.
  • Since 2018, low-income families can receive monthly payments until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.
  • During the financial crisis of 2008-10, one-time cash withdrawals from mat capital funds were also allowed.
  • The amount provided by the certificate increased from the original 250 thousand to 453 thousand.

Who can get it

The parents of children, or their legal representatives, as well as the children themselves, have the right to receive family capital. But the possibility of receiving subsidy payments is different for them.


In the generally established case, the recipient of family capital is the woman who gave birth to or adopted a second child. The only condition she must meet is to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Children may be:

  1. Both were born of her.
  2. One is born and the other is adopted.
  3. Both are adopted.
The adoption or birth of a second or subsequent child must occur after Federal Law No. 256 comes into force.


A man also has the right to receive family capital if the child's mother is unable to do so. For example, she died before the subsidy was issued, or she was deprived of parental rights. In such a situation, the right to receive maternal capital passes to the husband or adoptive parent. Unlike the mother, the father's citizenship does not matter.

Left the only person Having official parental rights, a man can apply for registration of family capital, even being a citizen of another state, or have no citizenship at all. The main thing is that at least two of his children have Russian citizenship, and at least one of them was born or adopted after 2007.


In exceptional cases, children themselves can receive maternity capital. This is possible if both of their parents died or were deprived of parental rights without having time to receive subsidy payments for the second child. Another condition is that the children were not officially adopted, but were raised in orphanage or from a guardian. The money is divided equally between them upon reaching adulthood.

A cash certificate is issued to the eldest of the children after turning 23 years old, if he studied full-time at a university or secondary school. In other cases, with the permission of the guardianship authorities, guardians can use the maternity capital, solely in the interests of the children. The list of purposes for which money is allowed to be used is prescribed in the relevant provisions of Federal Law No. 256.

Maternity capital for the first child

With the introduction of the maternity capital program, the birth rate in the Russian Federation increased noticeably: by 2010, the decrease in the population in the country was replaced by its growth. In an effort to consolidate success and at the same time provide financial assistance to young families with a child, the government decided to make monthly payments at the birth or adoption of the first child. This provision was enshrined in the form of Federal Law No. 418, which came into force in 2018.

The main goal of this program is to prevent young families from becoming poor after the birth of their first child. Its effect, according to the government’s preliminary plans, is expected to last for six years, after which it may be continued. In total, 2.9 trillion rubles have been allocated from the state budget for the six-year program.

Since the initiative to introduce this program came directly from the president, these payments were popularly called “Putin’s money.” Subsidies are paid monthly until the first child reaches one and a half years of age. However, the provision on payments for the first child, unlike maternity capital, does not apply to everyone. Only low-income families will be able to use them.

This is determined by the following calculations:

  1. The income of all family members is taken and summed up.
  2. Then the total family income is divided by the number of family members, including the baby.
  3. If the amount obtained as a result of calculations is less than the established amount living wage, then the parents of the newborn have the right to contact the social security authorities to arrange monthly payments.

The cost of living is set annually for each region. When calculating it, it is taken into account average value prices of essential goods, according to data from the statistical office. In each region, this value is different - for example, for 2020, in Moscow the cost of living is 16 thousand rubles, and in Voronezh only 9 thousand. Additional condition of receipt payments for the first-born - he must be born or adopted after Federal Law No. 418 comes into force.

If the parents contacted the social security authorities before the newborn was six months old, then they can also receive money for all previous months. But if by the time you apply for subsidies, the first-born child is already six months old, then payments for the first months are not made. This provision was adopted based on the fact that in the first months parents have a lot of trouble with their newborn, and they cannot always find time to contact social services.

Amount of maternity capital payment for the first child in 2020

The amount of monthly payments for a newborn-first-born child is different for different Russian regions. It depends on the price level for food and consumer goods, public utilities, medicines, etc. On average in the Russian Federation, the amount of monthly payments for the first child today is 16,920 rubles. thousand rubles, an increase of 300 rubles compared to the previous year. Next year, 2020, according to the government’s plans, there will be another indexation of payments by 300 rubles, after which the amount of monthly payments will already be 11.1 thousand rubles.

Maternity capital for a second child

Family capital for the second child is issued not in cash, but in the form of a non-cash certificate, which can be spent only for purposes specified by law. You can receive it earlier than the second child turns three years old. In exceptional cases, in accordance with the amendments adopted in Federal Law No. 256, it is allowed to receive certain amounts in cash from the total volume of maternal capital. Families below the poverty threshold can take advantage of this opportunity, and the payments themselves are made until the child turns one and a half years old.

Amount of maternity capital payment for the second child in 2020

The amount of a one-time subsidy for the birth of a second child is established by government decree for each coming year. Initially, at the time this state program came into force, the amount of payments was 250 thousand rubles. However, as a result of regular indexations, the amount of payments by 2015 increased to RUB 453,026 Subsequently, annual indexation of maternal capital was suspended. This was due to the onset of the financial crisis and the state budget deficit. This moratorium applies for a temporary period until 2020, when it is planned to carry out the next indexation of the amount of family capital.

Maternity capital for a third child

You can often hear the question: is maternity capital paid for a third child? Unfortunately, such a possibility is not provided for by current legislation. It is permissible to receive a cash certificate for a third child under the federal state program only when it was not received after the birth of the second baby. For example, parents simply did not find time for this, or both first-born children were born before the adoption of Law No. 256.

Today you can take advantage of the opportunity to receive maternal money only once in your life. However, on regional level, in certain regions of the federation, payments are made at the birth of the third and subsequent children. Such provisions are established by local authorities, and the amounts of subsidies vary from each other.

Amount of maternity capital payment for the third and subsequent children in 2020

Families who did not receive maternity capital earlier are paid this subsidy after the birth of their third or subsequent child. The amount of money due to them under the certificate is the same as for the second newborn. That is, for 2020 it is equal to RUB 453,026

How and where to apply for a maternity capital certificate

The law makes it mandatory to issue a maternity certificate. Therefore, to obtain it, you should contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

The whole process documentation The right to maternal money is made in several stages:

  1. The first step will be to obtain documents from the registry office for the newborn baby. If the child was adopted, you will also need to obtain the appropriate documents from the guardianship authorities.
  2. Then, at the local representative office of the passport service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the child is registered as a Russian citizen.
  3. A set of all necessary documentation is collected and submitted, along with the application, to the local department of the pension fund.
  4. Employees, according to internal regulations, are given a month to consider the application.
  5. During the allotted period, PF employees check documents for authenticity, completeness, and compliance with established requirements.
  6. If everything is in order with the documents submitted for consideration, the fund’s employees notify the applicant by registered mail.
  7. After receiving the notification, the parent issuing the certificate must appear for it at the pension fund department, according to his place of registration.

Application form for obtaining a certificate for MSK

Below you will find an application for issuing a state certificate for maternity (family) capital and can download it.

If the baby's parents do not have time to collect necessary documents and other bureaucratic formalities, they can delegate this mission to their representative. To do this, you will need to issue an official power of attorney to carry out these actions at a notary office. The representative can be either an employee of a law firm or any private person - a relative or just an acquaintance. In this case, only to receive the certificate the parent will have to appear in person, carrying a general passport. The representative does not have the right to certify with his signature government documents, which is the maternal certificate.

Required documents to obtain a maternal certificate

To issue a certificate for maternal capital, you will need to submit a set of documentation established by law for review by pension fund employees.

It includes:

  • General passport. An exception is when the registration of capital for children with Russian citizenship is carried out by their father or adoptive parent, who is a citizen of another state.
  • Documents from the registry office for all children raised in the family.
  • Documents certifying Russian citizenship for at least two children, the youngest of whom was born after Federal Law No. 256 on maternity capital came into force. This is either a certificate from the registry office with a PVS stamp, or an insert with a similar stamp.
  • If the registration is carried out by an authorized person, you must present a notarized power of attorney and personal documents.
  • When the application is submitted by the father or adoptive parent, you will additionally need to provide documentary evidence of the death of the mother (both parents) of the children, or deprivation of parental rights.

How to issue a certificate for maternity capital through Gosuslugi

Since the launch of the Gosuslugi online portal, Russians have had the opportunity to apply for a maternity certificate via the Internet. You can do this without leaving your home - all you need to submit is a computer or mobile gadget with Internet access.

The whole procedure looks like this step by step:

  1. First of all, you will need to log in to the website, or create account V personal account, if you are using State Services for the first time.
  2. Next, on the main page of the site, select the “Authorities” section, then the “Pension Fund” subsection.
  3. In the window that opens, click on the item “Certificate for maternal capital”.
  4. After that, select “Obtain a certificate” from the list of offered services and click the “Get service” button.
  5. Next, the electronic application form is carefully filled out, indicating all the data requested by the system of the applicant and his children.
  6. After filling out all the columns, the territorial body of the Pension Fund is selected where the electronic application, and the form for obtaining the certificate. It can be sent by mail, sent by e-mail to electronic form, the applicant can also appear independently to receive it.
  7. After sending the electronic form, the applicant must submit a package of necessary documentation to the pension authority within 5 working days (see previous chapter), otherwise his application will be automatically canceled.

How long does it take to receive maternity capital?

The legislation does not establish a specific deadline for submitting documents for registration of maternity capital. Accordingly, it is permissible to submit an application at any time after the appearance of a second child in the family. It is possible to receive money under the certificate no earlier than the baby turns three years old, or the same period has passed from the moment of adoption adopted child. Children deprived of parental care have the opportunity to dispose of maternity capital only when they reach the age of 18, and in the case of full-time education, only at the age of 23.

What can you spend mat capital on in 2020?

Federal legislation clearly defines the scope of use of money from the maternal certificate. The funds contained on it are transferred for payment by non-cash payment. Today, the list of possible expenses of maternal capital consists of several items.

Apartment, house

Improving living conditions, according to statistics, is the most popular option. It is allowed to spend maternal money on:

  • Purchasing or building a home.
  • Using them as a down payment on a mortgage loan, or for...
  • Additional payment when changing housing to a more spacious or new one.
  • Carrying out overhaul available living space.
  • Expanding housing by building additional rooms or floors.

When a family built a house with their own funds after 2007, and then acquired the right to a maternal certificate, parents can receive monetary compensation for expenses in the form of transferring money to a bank card.


It is allowed to use maternal capital to purchase a plot of land on which it is planned to build a house. In this situation, land can be acquired both immediately and in the form of mortgage loan. Condition - the site must be intended, according to its category, for housing construction.

Mother's pension

A woman can direct the money due to her to a retirement savings account. It is possible to transfer either the entire amount or some of it, at the request of the recipient. This amount will be paid to her as a monthly supplement to her pension after her retirement.


It is also allowed to spend maternity capital funds on children’s education. This is payment kindergarten, additional classes, clubs, sections, tutor services, as well as a commercial form of education in educational institution. The only condition: all additional educational services must be provided by licensed teachers, and training must take place in institutions that have state accreditation.

Rehabilitation of a disabled child

Another opportunity for targeted spending of maternal money, which appeared after amendments were made to the legislation, is the rehabilitation of a disabled child. This means acquiring the necessary means of socialization: crutches, wheelchair, special furniture, shoes, etc. You can also use this money to pay for a commercial medical rehabilitation program or visit a sanatorium. The main thing is that all these means of socialization and rehabilitation programs are prescribed by supervising doctors.

Other options for using maternal capital

After the adoption of Federal Law No. 348, the possible purposes for spending subsidized maternal money were expanded. There is now an opportunity for families in need to receive cash payments until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. In some regions, it is even allowed to purchase a car with these funds if it can be proven that it is necessary for the child. For example, to deliver it to a kindergarten or school from a remote settlement, or as vehicle for a disabled child.

An exact list of possible additional expenses can be obtained from your local pension fund or social security authorities. The funds received under the certificate can be spent on any of the children in the family, since the subsidy is not targeted. For example, it is permissible to spend the received certificate on university education for an older child.

Is it possible to cash the certificate?

Receipt of cash using the certificate is not provided - all payments using it are made in non-cash form, by bank transfer. Therefore, numerous offers from “gray” commercial firms to cash out maternity capital are illegal. If the certificate holder's complicity in such schemes is revealed, he faces criminal prosecution for participation in a fraudulent transaction.

How to sell an apartment purchased with maternity capital

An apartment purchased with family capital is registered as common property all its members. It will be possible to sell it without unnecessary problems once the children reach the age of majority. Before this, you will need to obtain permission to sell from the guardianship authorities that monitor compliance with the rights of minors. If the trustees suspect that after the sale of the apartment, the children may be left without housing, they have the right to impose a ban on such a transaction. And without the approval of the guardianship authorities, the transaction will not be registered by government authorities.

How to arrange regular payments from maternity capital for a child

Families whose total income is below the subsistence level have the right to apply for regular monthly payments for the child. To do this, an application is written to the local authorities of the pension fund, to which are attached certificates confirming the income of each adult family member. Based on the consideration of the application, PF employees make a decision on monthly payments until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. The submitted application is valid for a year, after which you will need to contact the Pension Fund again.

When will the amount of mat capital be increased?

Since the introduction of the state program of payments at the birth of a second child, the amount of subsidies has increased by 80%, from 250 thousand rubles to 453. The growth was due to annual indexation, but since 2016, it has not been carried out due to economic problems in the state. The moratorium is planned to last until 2020, after which indexation will be resumed. By preliminary calculations, the amount of maternity capital in 2021 should be 489 thousand rubles.

Indexation in 2020

This year there is no provision for indexation of the amount of maternity capital. Therefore, its value will remain at the same level – 453,026 rubles. A temporary moratorium on increasing payments is enshrined in Federal Law No. 444.

Until what year was the maternity capital program extended?

The program for paying subsidies for a second child has an initially defined period of ten years. But, by the time it ended, in 2017, a government resolution was adopted to extend the state program for another five years, until the end of 2021.

News on maternity capital

As of today, there is no exact data on whether the family capital payment program will be extended after 2021. The media is circulating news of the most opposite direction - from a complete cessation of payments, to their extension and increase in the amount of payments. Most economic experts agree that the practice of paying subsidy money for a second child will continue. But in many ways this possibility depends on the state of the state’s economy at that point in time.

What is regional maternity capital

By regional or regional maternity capital we mean payments assigned by the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation from local budgets. These subsidies are paid, as a rule, for the third or subsequent children born or adopted by the family.

Where it works

The regional maternity capital program operates in most Russian regions. But the amount of payments varies significantly between them. For example, here are several cities (amount in thousands of rubles):

  • Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky – 100,000 rubles.
  • Khabarovsk - 200,000 rubles.
  • Rostov — 117,000 rub.

How and for what to apply

Regional payments, like federal ones, are targeted in nature, and they can only be spent on certain needs. As a rule, their list duplicates the allowable expenses of the state subsidy. However, by decision of local authorities, additional items may be included in the list of goals. For example, this could be treatment for children, a sanatorium vacation, or the purchase of a family car.

Pension fund hotline for questions on maternity capital

For people who want to learn more about the nuances of obtaining maternity capital, there is a toll-free hotline at the PFR central office. You can contact a specialist consultant at 8-800-30-22-302 . In addition, each region has its own hotline, where you can contact the employees of the payments department with a question that interests you.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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According to the Decree of the President of Russia dated December 28, 2017, the operating period of the maternity capital program was extended until December 31, 2021.

Will any changes affect maternity capital? What is the amount of maternity capital for the second child? Read this article.

The Government of the Russian Federation has decided not to refuse to extend the period for issuing maternity capital certificates, which are used to improve the quality of life of young families who have a second/next child.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2015, the maternity capital program, previously designed for a ten-year period, will last for another two years.

Initially, the program for issuing certificates to young families, launched on January 1, 2007, was designed for ten years, until December 31, 2016. However, strong demographic growth influenced the decision of government officials to extend the program until December 31, 2021.

Despite the limited time frame for issuing maternity capital certificates, the time frame for receiving it is not limited to the end of 2019.

Thus, mothers who gave birth to a second child before December 31, 2019 are automatically included in the program for issuing maternity capital certificates. Mothers can receive the required capital at any time convenient time, up to 2021.

There are no deadlines for receiving maternity capital regulating this process Federal Law not registered.

Maternity capital amount

The amount of maternity capital in 2017

Initially, in 2007, the amount of maternity capital was two hundred and fifty thousand rubles. However, thanks to state indexation (carried out in automatic mode), by 2015, the amount of maternity capital for the second and subsequent child increased to four hundred fifty-three thousand twenty-three rubles.

Indexation is an inflation hedge tied to the consumer price index. The higher the inflation rate, the higher the indexation coefficient and, accordingly, the higher the size of maternity capital. In other words, the main purpose of indexation is to prevent the devaluation of maternity capital and the ability to use it to the fullest without feeling the constantly rising price level.

For the last two years (2015 and 2016), the amount of material capital has remained unchanged even due to a fairly serious increase in consumer prices. This is due to the state budget deficit that arose as a result of the deterioration of foreign economic relations and the growth of sanctions.

According to the forecasts of politicians in 2016, in 2017 and 2018 maternity capital will be indexed by 5.1 and 6 percent. Thus, the amount of maternity capital in 2017 should be four hundred eighty thousand rubles, in 2018 - five hundred five thousand rubles.

However, on September 30 of last year, the head of the Ministry of Labor announced that in 2017 maternity capital would not be indexed and would accordingly remain at the 2015-2016 level.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 will be 453,023 rubles.

Is it possible to index maternity capital?

The issue of indexation of maternity capital remained open until October 20, 2016, when the Bill came into force, according to which indexation of maternity capital will not be carried out in the next three years (until 2020).

What does it mean? Until 2020, the amount of maternity capital will stop at 453,023 rubles.

However, not everyone agrees with the Government’s decision not to index maternity capital until 2020. Thus, according to a survey of citizens by the Public Opinion Foundation:

  • More than sixty percent of citizens do not agree with the Government’s decision not to index maternity capital until 2020;
  • More than ten percent agree with the approved Bill on deferring indexation;
  • Sixteen percent of citizens are neutral on this issue;

Maternity capital: changes

Maternity capital in 2017: changes

According to the latest changes, one more has been added to the main purposes for which it is allowed. Now, material capital funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • Improving living conditions (purchasing a new home or renovating an old one);

Today this is the most common cause use of maternity capital.

  • Payment for the education of children (not necessarily the one for whom the “maternal” benefits were received);
  • Translation sum of money maternity capital into a funded pension account;
  • Adaptation and familiarization with public life incapacitated children (having the first or second group of disability);

The last goal is new as of 2018. What does it mean? Since 2018, parents of disabled children have been able to use maternity capital to cover the costs of special equipment for their disabled children.

The list of goods that can be paid for from maternity capital funds is prescribed in government order No. 831.

A parent who wants to spend maternity capital on the needs of his disabled child (native/adopted/any other), before submitting an application for a certificate to the Pension Fund, must contact the following authorities:

Changes in the list of submitted documents

As for the list of documents that must be submitted to the Pension Fund to obtain a maternity capital certificate, in 2019 it will remain the same:

  • Application for maternity capital;
  • Identity document of the mother applying for maternity capital;
  • A document confirming the birth of a child (birth certificate);

Changes in development

Changes in development

Many questions remain at the discussion stage regarding the provision of maternity capital, for example:

  • Simplification of the procedure for submitting documents to the Pension Fund when receiving a maternity certificate;

So, in the future, when applying for material capital, the mother will only have to provide a passport.

  • New directions for using maternity capital funds: repaying a mortgage, purchasing a vehicle, purchasing a plot of land for individual housing construction, housing restoration, etc.

For now, all of the above innovations are at the stage of discussion and approval, and only with the passage of time will it become clear whether they will be used in the future.