Assessing the effectiveness of management and management decisions. Social efficiency of management decisions

In the process of economic and financial activities of organizations, situations constantly arise when there is a need to choose one of several possible options actions. As a result of such a choice, a certain solution appears.

In order to correctly determine the effectiveness management decisions, it is necessary to carry out separate accounting of income and expenses trade organization in the context of individual product groups. However, in practice, maintaining such records is very difficult. As a result, it is advisable to use the so-called specific quality indicators in the analysis, namely profit per 1 million rubles of turnover, as well as distribution costs per 1 million rubles of inventory.

The effectiveness of management decisions in a trade organization is manifested in a generalized way in quantitative form as an increase in the volume of trade turnover, acceleration of the turnover of goods, and a decrease in the amount of inventory.

The final financial and economic result of the execution of management decisions is manifested in an increase in the income of a trading organization and in a reduction in its expenses.

Economic efficiency

Definition economic efficiency management decisions, as a result of which the execution increased, and, therefore, increased, can be carried out using the following formula:

Eph = P*T = P * (Tf - Tpl),

  • Eph— economic efficiency (in thousand rubles);
  • P— profit per 1 million rubles of turnover (in thousand rubles);
  • T— increase in trade turnover (in million rubles);
  • Tf- actual trade turnover that takes place after the implementation of this management decision;
  • Tpl— planned turnover (or turnover for a comparable period before the implementation of this management decision).

In the example under consideration, the economic efficiency of making and executing a management decision is expressed in a reduction in the amount (selling expenses, or commercial expenses) attributable to the balance of goods. This leads to an increase in the amount of profit received. This efficiency can be determined by the following formula:

Ef =IO*Z = IO*(Z 2 - Z 1),

  • Eph— economic efficiency of this management activity (in thousand rubles);
  • AND ABOUT— the amount of distribution costs per 1 million rubles of inventory (in thousand rubles);
  • 3 — amount of change (decrease) in inventory (millions, rubles);
  • 3 1 — the amount of inventory before the implementation of a management decision (event) (million rubles);
  • 3 2 — the amount of inventory of goods after the implementation of this management decision.

In addition, the economic efficiency of the implemented management decision affected the acceleration of commodity turnover. This influence can be determined by the following formula:

Eph = Io*Ob = Io (Ob f - Ob pl),

  • Eph— economic efficiency of management decisions (thousand rubles);
  • And about— simultaneous value of distribution costs (thousand rubles);
  • About— acceleration of goods turnover (in days);
  • About pl— turnover of goods before the implementation of a management decision (in days).
  • About f— turnover of goods after the implementation of a management decision (in days).

Methods for analyzing management decisions

Let's consider the procedure for applying the basic methods and techniques of analysis when assessing the effectiveness of making and executing management decisions.

Comparison method makes it possible to evaluate the activities of the organization, identify deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the basic values, establish the reasons for these deviations and find reserves for further improvement of the organization’s activities.

Index method used in the analysis of complex phenomena, the individual elements of which cannot be measured. As relative indicators, they are necessary to assess the degree of fulfillment of planned tasks, as well as to determine various phenomena and processes.

This method makes it possible to decompose the general indicator into deviation factors.

Balance sheet method consists in comparing interrelated indicators of an organization’s performance to identify the influence of individual factors, as well as to find reserves for improving the organization’s performance. In this case, the relationship between individual indicators is expressed in the form of equality of results obtained as a result of certain comparisons.

Elimination method, which is a generalization of the index, balance and chain substitutions, makes it possible to isolate the influence of a single factor on a general indicator of an organization’s performance, based on the assumption that other factors acted under other conditions equal conditions, i.e. just as planned.

Graphical method is a way to visually illustrate the activities of an organization, as well as a way to determine a number of indicators and a way to present the results of the analysis.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a systematic research method used in accordance with the purpose of the object being studied (processes, products) in order to improve beneficial effect, that is, returns per unit of total costs for the life cycle of an object.

The most important feature of functional cost analysis is to establish the feasibility of a list of functions that the designed object must perform under certain specific conditions, or to check the necessity of the functions of an existing object.

Economic and mathematical methods of analysis are used to select optimal options that determine management decisions in existing or planned economic conditions.

Using economic and mathematical methods of analysis, the following problems can be solved:
  • assessment of the production plan developed using economic and mathematical methods;
  • optimization of the production program, its distribution between workshops and individual types of equipment;
  • optimization of the distribution of available production resources, cutting of materials, as well as optimization of norms and standards for reserves and consumption of these resources;
  • optimization of the level of unification of individual component parts of the product, as well as technological equipment;
  • definition optimal sizes the organization as a whole, as well as individual workshops and production areas;
  • establishing the optimal range of products;
  • determination of the most rational routes for in-plant transport;
  • determination of the most rational periods for the operation of equipment and its repairs;
  • comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of using a unit of a type of resource from the point of view of the optimal management decision;
  • determination of possible intra-production losses in connection with the adoption and execution of the optimal decision.

Let's summarize this chapter. The effectiveness of an organization's functioning depends to a very large extent on the quality of management decisions. This makes it important for all responsible employees of the management apparatus, and especially heads of organizations, to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of optimal management decisions.

Development and adoption of management decisions- this is usually a choice of one of several alternative options. The need to make management decisions is determined by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. This need arises at all stages of the management process and forms part of any management function.

The nature of management decisions made is greatly influenced by the completeness and reliability of information available on a given situation. Based on this, management decisions can be made both under conditions of certainty (deterministic decisions) and under conditions of risk or uncertainty (probabilistic decisions).

Management decision making process is a cyclic sequence of actions of a management subject aimed at resolving the problems of a given organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternative options and selecting the best among them best option, and then - the implementation of the chosen management decision.

The practice of preparing and executing management decisions gives numerous examples errors at all levels of economic management. This is a consequence of many reasons, since economic development consists of large quantity various situations requiring your permission.

The most important place among the reasons for the adoption and implementation of ineffective management decisions is ignorance or non-compliance with the technology for their development and organization of their implementation.

An important role is played by the cybernetic approach to the development of management decisions, which has become known as a theory of decision making. It is based on the widespread use of mathematical apparatus and modern computer technology.

The problem of a manager choosing an alternative is one of the most important in modern science management, but it is equally important to make an effective decision. For a management decision to be effective, a number of factors must be taken into account (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Factors of effectiveness of management decisions

1. Hierarchy in decision making - delegation of decision-making authority closer to the level at which there is more necessary information and who is directly involved in the implementation of the decision. In this case, the executors of the decision are employees of adjacent levels. Contacts with subordinates located more than one hierarchical level lower (higher) are not allowed.

2. Use of cross-functional task forces in which members are selected from various departments and levels of the organization.

3. Use of immediate (direct) horizontal connections when making decisions. In this case (especially at the initial stage of the decision-making process), the collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to higher management. This approach facilitates decision making in a more short time, increasing responsibility for the implementation of decisions made.

4. Centralization of management when making decisions. The decision-making process should be in the hands of one (overall) leader. In this case, a hierarchy in decision making is formed, i.e. each lower manager solves his problems (makes decisions) with his immediate management, and not with higher management, bypassing his immediate superior.

As already noted, the choice of the best solution is carried out by sequentially evaluating each of the proposed alternatives. It is determined to what extent each solution option ensures the achievement of the organization’s ultimate goal. This is what determines its effectiveness. Those. a solution is considered effective if it meets the requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the organization (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Requirements for management decisions.

1. Firstly, the solution must be effective, i.e. most fully ensure the achievement of the organization's goals.

2. Secondly, the solution must be economical, i.e. ensure achievement of the set goal at the lowest cost.

3. Thirdly, timeliness of the decision. It's about about the timeliness of not only making decisions, but also achieving goals. After all, when a problem is solved, events develop. It may happen that a great idea (alternative) will become outdated and lose its meaning in the future. She was good in the past.

4. Fourthly, the validity of the decision. Performers must be convinced that the decision is justified. In this regard, one should not confuse the factual validity and its perception by the performers, their understanding of the arguments prompting the manager to make just such a decision.

5. Fifthly, the solution must be realistically feasible, i.e. You cannot make unrealistic, abstract decisions. Such solutions cause frustration and division among performers and are inherently ineffective. The decision made must be effective and correspond to the strengths and means of the team implementing it.

In achieving the effectiveness of decisions, a special role is played by methods of communicating decisions made to executors. Bringing decisions to the executors usually begins with dividing the alternative into group and individual tasks and selecting executors.

The most important component of the optimal development of socio-economic and socio-political structures is the high efficiency of management activities.

Effect (from lat. еfectus- execution, action) - 1) result, consequence of any causes, actions; 2) the impression made on someone; 3) a means, a technique for creating a certain impression, the illusion of something; 4) physical phenomenon. Efficiency in a broad sense means the measure of achievement of a given goal.

There is a significant difference between the concepts of “effect” and “efficiency”. Any interaction between the subject and the object of management can have an effect, regardless of the characteristics of the interaction itself, including the optimality of the management activity itself. Efficiency does not characterize any interaction, but only a controlled one; not every process, but only a purposeful one. This aspect of the content of the concept of management efficiency is fundamentally important, since only it allows us to consider it as a relationship between the effect (result) and the goals set. It is this type of effectiveness that is called target (functional).

IN general view A management decision (individual or group) is a creative act of a management subject that determines the program of the team’s activities to effectively resolve the existing problem, based on knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of the managed system and analysis of information about its state. Managerial (organizational) decisions differ from all other decisions in their goals; consequences; division of labor; professionalism.

Management decision- this is the choice of an alternative carried out by the decision maker (DM) within the framework of his official powers and competencies aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

Management operations carried out by the subject of management are aimed at making decisions. Once a decision has been made, all subsequent stages of the management cycle are subject to the implementation of a solution that can get rid of the problem.

A problem is a specifically formulated problem situation. Solution - determining an option to overcome problematic situation. A problem situation is a situation in which the management subject’s idea of ​​the desired state of the system he manages does not correspond to what is predicted and observed, and a decision is required to eliminate this discrepancy. It is assumed that correct solution allows you to remove the problem, that is, transfer the system to a new state in which there is no problem situation and which corresponds to the target indicators.

Economic The essence of a management decision is manifested in the fact that the development and implementation of any of them requires financial, material and other costs. Therefore, every decision has a real cost. The implementation of an effective management decision should bring direct or indirect income to the organization.

Organizational the content of the decision makes it possible to create in the organization a clearly defined and fixed system of rights, duties, powers and responsibilities of employees and individual services for the implementation of individual operations, works, stages of development and implementation of decisions.

Legal the essence of decisions lies in strict compliance with legislative acts, charter and other documents of the organization itself.

Technological the essence of solutions is manifested in the ability to provide personnel with the necessary technical, information tools and resources for the development and implementation of solutions.

Social The essence of management decisions lies in the personnel management mechanism, which includes levers of influence on a person to coordinate his activities in the team. The social content of a decision varies significantly depending on the form (method) of decision-making.

There are individual, group, organizational and inter-organizational forms of decision making.

In the process of managing organizations, a huge number of very diverse decisions are made that have different characteristics. However, there are some general signs, allowing this set in a certain way classify.

There are three approaches to decision making:

– intuitive;

– based on judgment;

– rational.

Intuitive solution - it is a choice made only on the basis of a feeling that it is right. The decision maker does not consciously weigh the pros and cons of each alternative and does not even need to understand the situation. From a statistical point of view, the chances of right choice when using a pure intuitive approach are low.

Judgment-Based Decisions sometimes seem intuitive because their logic is not obvious. Such a decision is a choice based on knowledge or accumulated experience. The manager uses knowledge of what has happened in similar situations before to predict the outcome of alternative choices in the current situation. Using common sense, he chooses an alternative that has brought success in the past.

A decision based on judgment has the significant advantage of being quick and cheap to make. Its disadvantages include the fact that this approach does not allow making a decision in a truly new situation, since the manager does not have experience on which he could justify a logical choice. Since judgment is always based on experience, an excessive focus on experience biases decisions in directions familiar to managers from their previous actions. Because of this bias, a manager may miss a new alternative that should be more effective than familiar choices.

In many cases, a manager is able to significantly increase the likelihood of making the right choice by approaching the decision rationally. The main difference between rational decision and a decision based on judgment is that the former is independent of past experience. A rational decision is justified through an objective analytical process.

Quality of management decisions- this is the degree of compliance of management decisions with the internal requirements of the organization. The key property of a high-quality solution should be considered the mandatory presence of alternatives that ensure the expediency and awareness of their free choice.

Organization of development of management decisions is important factor ensuring its quality largely determines the time and money spent on developing a solution.

The quality and effectiveness of management decisions can be influenced by the following factors:

– the structure of the problem on which a decision is to be developed and made;

– time available to the decision maker;

– sources of information available to the decision maker;

– degree of uncertainty and formalization of information;

– resources, technologies, technical means that can be used in the development and implementation of the solution;

– the consequences that the decision may entail;

– the number and types of objects falling within the scope of decision-making;

– organizational culture of the organization and the adopted procedure for agreeing on a decision in the process of its preparation;

– qualifications and special training management solution developers and more.

The necessary conditions for preparing a high-quality decision necessarily include the following: the process of preparing a decision must be systematic; an object and the processes in it are also a system.

The quality of a management decision must be assessed at the stage of its adoption. Any quality solution must meet the following characteristics.

1. Scientific validity, which is ensured by taking into account the requirements of objective economic laws and patterns; knowledge and use of development trends of the management object; availability of complete and reliable information; availability of knowledge, education and qualifications of the decision maker.

2. Timeliness.

3. Consistency.

4. Adaptability.

5. Reality.

In addition, a high-quality solution must satisfy its developers and enable effective implementation.

Efficiency of management decisions- This:

1) a set of indicators indicating the achievement of the organization’s goals and the achievement of certain results in its activities;

2) the main result of the activities of managers to transform the management system and processes occurring in the organization.

The main requirements for evaluating effective solutions are the following:

– the decision must be justified;

– the solution must be real, that is, capable of being implemented;

– the decision must be timely, that is, made at the moment when its implementation is especially appropriate;

– the decision must be flexible, which is given by the ability to change the algorithm for its adoption when internal and external conditions;

– the solution must bring maximum benefit.

Assessing the effectiveness of management activities is the implementation of one of essential functions any control - control. In addition to assessing the quality of management itself, control is designed to minimize the impact on the results of management activities of uncertainty, which relates to the irremovable realities of life and which cannot be fully predicted by any means, even the most sophisticated.

It should be noted that in theoretical and methodological terms, issues of assessing the effectiveness of management decisions have not yet been sufficiently developed. Therefore, efficiency is most often assessed at a qualitative level and expressed by the dynamics of quantitative indicators. The effectiveness of management decisions is determined by three main groups of organizational performance indicators:

1) Economic efficiency indicators:

- profit;

- revenues from sales;

– profitability;

– cost;

– profitability;

– liquidity;

– management costs.

2) Indicators of quality and productivity of work:

– quality of products or services;

– labor productivity;

– the ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages;

– wage fund;

- average salary;

– loss of working time per employee;

– quality of staff work (points or percentages).

3) Social efficiency indicators:

– staff turnover (the ratio of the number of dismissed workers to the total number of staff);

– level of labor discipline (the ratio of the number of cases of violation of labor and performance discipline to the total number of personnel);

– ratio of management personnel, workers and employees;

– uniformity of personnel load;

– coefficient of labor participation (KTU) or contribution (KTV);

– socio-psychological climate in the team.

In economics, material production, and other areas of social practice, where the indicators used have numerical dimensions of measurement, efficiency is expressed quantitatively as the ratio of the effect obtained to the costs of achieving it. In this case, the measurement of indicators can be carried out in monetary or physical terms.

Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of management decisions is largely difficult due to the specific features of managerial work. They are as follows:

– managerial work, including the development and adoption of decisions, mainly creative, difficult to standardize and take into account due to the different psychophysiological capabilities of people;

– actual results, as well as the costs of implementing a specific solution, cannot always be taken into account quantitatively due to the lack of appropriate documentation;

– the implementation of decisions is associated with certain socio-psychological results, the quantitative expression of which is even more difficult than economic ones;

– the results of the implementation of decisions are manifested indirectly through the activities of the organization’s team as a whole, in which the share of managerial labor costs can be identified;

– due to existing difficulties, there is often no ongoing control over the implementation of decisions, as a result, activities are assessed for past period, an orientation towards the future is established, taking into account factors that have influenced the past, although they may not appear in the future;

– the time factor also makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of solutions, since their implementation can be both operational and deployed over time. The dynamism of economic life can introduce nuances that together distort the expected effectiveness of decisions.

The main thing when assessing efficiency is the final effect, that is, the result by which one can determine the degree of achievement of the final goal of the system (organization, company) as a whole. However, private performance assessments are often useful. These are either assessments of the activities of individual components of the system, or intermediate assessments that allow monitoring the dynamics of the implementation of the overall goal of the system. With this (decomposition) approach, efficiency can be determined and expressed more accurately.

In any case, to determine efficiency (general or private), you need to know three parameters: the goal (of the system or its part), costs (general or private) and the result.

The effectiveness of a decision can be assessed from three aspects, corresponding to the stages of the decision-making process: 1) development, 2) adoption and 3) implementation.

Despite all the difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of managerial work, theoretical, methodological and methodological techniques assessing the effectiveness of individual activities rather than management as a whole.

A management decision implemented in the form of information is not directly expressed in material form, therefore, several indirect methods are used to measure (evaluate) economic efficiency.

1. The indirect method involves analyzing the market value of a management decision and the costs of it by analyzing options for a management decision for the same type of object, developed and implemented under approximately the same conditions.

2. The method of determining by final results is based on calculating the efficiency of production as a whole and allocating a fixed part.

3. The method for determining economic efficiency based on direct results of activity is based on assessing the direct effect of a management decision in achieving goals, implementing functions, and methods.

Necessary conditions for the effectiveness of management activities are:

– coordination of goals (general and specific, related to in different directions, stages and types of activities);

– thorough justification of target priorities (what must be achieved and what can be neglected);

– interconnection of deadlines for achieving individual results (time factor in structures social management often turns out to be decisive, and sometimes acts as a goal).

The methods used to make effective decisions are balance, normative and morphological.

The normative method involves the use of norms and standards in making management decisions. Based on specially developed benchmark indicators, the level of maximum sufficiency in the resource provision of various sections of the program being implemented is determined, commensurate with the professional needs of the members of the working group, as well as the capabilities available to the subject in achieving its goals and objectives.

Taking into account the standards, budgets of all levels are formed, the amounts of subsidies and transfers are determined, and the amounts of financing submitted for consideration by the competition commissions of projects and programs are calculated.

From the point of view of the method of expression, quantitative and qualitative norms can be distinguished. Quantitative norms (standards) usually take the form of restrictions on the minimum, average and maximum values. Qualitative norms are expressed in the form of regulations and legislative acts that define patterns of behavior authorized within a given situation.

The use of the normative method makes it possible to narrow the range of all possible alternatives, narrowing their list to compliance with accepted standards.

Using the balance method allows you to determine the optimal relationship between income and expenditure items of the program budget. Establishing balances in the consumption of material resources makes it possible to maintain proportions in the distribution of funding between different sections of the program.

When using the balance sheet method, the equality of the results obtained as a result of various comparisons is taken into account.

In this way, it is possible to formulate an optimal budget structure based on an assessment of the structure of investment of software, the degree of investment risk and the proportionality of budget injections during a given period.

As a design method, morphological analysis focused on identifying optimal solutions based on many combinations of properties of the design object. The use of morphological forecast is possible in a wide range, from the analysis of narrow technical problems to the area social research, where the problem of choice is most acute. This makes the use of the morphological method very relevant for the analysis of modern problems.

The method is based on the premise that any technical problem can be decomposed in the form of a so-called morphological box, composed of a logically connected chain of elements.

Thanks to the use of the morphological method, the preparation of an optimal solution to a problem situation is ensured. One of the following circumstances allows you to ensure an effective choice:

– selection of a criterion that excludes all solution options except one;

consistent application several criteria that gradually exclude other options;

– decomposition of a problem into subproblems and the sequential application of several criteria to select one solution to each of the subproblems, which together make up the desired solution.




Ponko Nikolay Vladimirovich

group no. 16

"Efficiency of management decisions"


by discipline: Development of a management solution

specialty 080504 – “State and municipal management”




The process of developing management decisions is one of the most important management processes. The success of everything undertaken by the manager largely depends on ensuring its effectiveness.

When making many management decisions, you may encounter unpredictability, the probabilistic nature of the result, which is influenced by many various factors: both internal and external. The lower the level of professionalism of the manager, the higher the unpredictability of results (insufficient knowledge in the field of organizational management, personnel management, insufficient skills in using methods of socio-psychological influence, technologies for developing and making management decisions).

Only a manager who masters the technologies for developing, adopting and implementing management decisions is able to effectively manage an organization in a complex, constantly changing economic environment.

1. Management decision, essence and objectives

In management, a decision connects all aspects of a manager’s activity: from formulating a goal, describing a situation, characterizing a problem, to developing ways to overcome a problem and achieve a goal. A management decision, including an assessment of the situation, identification of alternatives, selection of the best one, formulation of the task and organizational and practical work for its implementation, ultimately determines the effectiveness of the entire system and management processes.

A management decision is the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, economic justification and selection of an alternative from a variety of options to achieve specific purpose management systems.

The impulse of a management decision is the need to eliminate, reduce the relevance or solve a problem, that is, to bring the actual parameters of an object (phenomenon) closer to the desired, forecast ones in the future.

To solve the problem, you need to answer the following questions:

What to do (what new consumer needs need to be satisfied, or at what quality level old needs need to be satisfied);

How to do it (using what technology);

What production costs to do with;

In what quantity?

In what timeframe;

Where (place, production room, staff);

To whom to supply and at what price;

What will this give to the investor and society as a whole?

Complex problems should be formalized, that is, the difference between the actual and desired state of an object should be quantified according to its parameters, as well as the problem should be structured by constructing a tree of goals to solve it.

Since the resources for solving the problem are limited, it is necessary to rank (determine the importance, weight, rank) of the problem according to its relevance, scale and degree of risk.

Stage of the product life cycle (marketing, R&D, industrial development, etc.);

Subsystem of the management system (target, functional, etc.);

Scope of action (technical, economic and other solutions);

Purpose (commercial and non-commercial solutions);

Management rank (upper, middle, low);

Scale (complex and private solutions);

Organization of development (collective and personal decisions);

Duration of action (strategic, tactical, operational decisions);

Object of influence (external and internal);

Methods of formalization (text, graphic, mathematical);

Forms of reflection (plan, program, order, instruction, instruction, request);

Complexity (standard and non-standard);

Method of transmission (verbal, written, electronic).

The main factors influencing the quality of a management decision are: the application of scientific approaches and principles to the management system, modeling methods, management automation, motivation for a quality decision, etc.

2. Classification of management decisions.

Typically, in making any decision, three elements are present to varying degrees: intuition, judgment and rationality.

When making a purely intuitive decision, people base it on their own feeling that their choice is correct. There is a “sixth sense” here, a kind of insight visited, as a rule, by representatives top echelon authorities. Middle managers rely more on computer information and assistance. Despite the fact that intuition becomes sharper along with the acquisition of experience, the continuation of which is precisely a high position, a manager who focuses only on it becomes hostage to chance, and from a statistical point of view, his chances of making the right choice are not very high.

Decisions based on judgment are in many ways similar to intuitive ones, probably because at first glance their logic is poorly visible. But still, they are based on knowledge and meaningful, unlike the previous case, experience of the past. Using them and relying on common sense, as adjusted for today, the option that brought greatest success in a similar situation in the past. However, common sense is rare among people, so this method decision-making is also not very reliable, although it is captivating with its speed and cheapness.

Another weakness is that the judgment cannot be related to a situation that has not previously occurred, and therefore there is simply no experience in solving it. In addition, with this approach, the manager strives to act primarily in those directions that are familiar to him, as a result of which he risks missing out on good results in another area, consciously or unconsciously refusing to invade it.

Since decisions are made by people, their character largely bears the imprint of the personality of the manager involved in their birth. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish between balanced, impulsive, inert, risky and cautious decisions.

Balanced decisions are made by managers who are attentive and critical to their actions, put forward hypotheses and their testing. They usually have an initial idea formulated before making a decision.

Impulsive decisions, the authors of which easily generate a wide variety of ideas in unlimited quantities, but are not able to properly test, clarify, or evaluate them. Therefore, decisions turn out to be insufficiently substantiated and reliable; they are made “at once”, “in jerks”.

Inert solutions become the result of careful search. In them, on the contrary, control and clarifying actions prevail over the generation of ideas, so it is difficult to detect originality, brilliance, and innovation in such decisions.

Risky decisions differ from impulsive ones in that their authors do not need to carefully substantiate their hypotheses and, if they are confident in themselves, may not be afraid of any dangers.

Cautious decisions are characterized by the manager's thorough assessment of all options and a hypercritical approach to business. They are even less distinguished by novelty and originality than inert ones.

For strategic and tactical management of any subsystem of the management system, rational decisions are made based on methods of economic analysis, justification and optimization.

3. Stages of management decision

Management technology considers a management decision as a process consisting of three stages: preparation of a decision, decision-making, implementation of a decision.

At the stage of preparing a management decision, an economic analysis of the situation on the micro- and macrostructure is carried out, including search, collection and processing of information, and problems requiring solutions are identified and formulated.

At the decision-making stage, the development and evaluation of alternative solutions and courses of action are carried out on the basis of multivariate calculations, selection of criteria for choosing the optimal solution; choosing and making the best decision.

At the stage of implementation of the decision, measures are taken to concretize the decision and bring it to the attention of the executors; the progress of its implementation is monitored, the necessary adjustments are made and an assessment is given of the result obtained from the implementation of the decision. Each management decision has its own specific result, therefore the goal of management activity is to find such forms, methods, means and instruments that could help achieve the optimal result in specific conditions and circumstances.

Management decisions can be justified, made on the basis of economic analysis and multivariate calculation, and intuitive, which, although they save time, contain the possibility of errors and uncertainty.

Decisions made must be based on reliable, current and predictable information, analysis of all factors influencing decisions, taking into account the anticipation of its possible consequences.

Managers are required to constantly and comprehensively study incoming information in order to prepare and make management decisions based on it, which must be coordinated at all levels of the intra-company hierarchical management pyramid.

The amount of information that needs to be processed to develop effective management decisions is so great that it has long exceeded human capabilities. It is the difficulties of managing modern large-scale production that have led to the widespread use of electronic computer technology, the development automated systems management, which required the creation of a new mathematical apparatus and economic and mathematical methods.

Decision-making methods aimed at achieving the intended goals can be different:

a method based on the manager’s intuition, which is determined by his previously accumulated experience and amount of knowledge in a specific field of activity, which helps to choose and make the right decision;

a method based on the concept of “common sense”, when the manager, when making decisions, justifies them with consistent evidence, the content of which is based on his accumulated practical experience;

a method based on a scientific-critical approach, involving the selection of optimal solutions based on processing large quantities information that helps justify decisions made. This method requires the use of modern technical means and, above all, electronic computer technology. The problem of a manager choosing a solution is one of the most important in modern management science. It presupposes the need for a comprehensive assessment by the leader himself of the specific situation and his independence in making one of several possible decisions.

Since the manager has the opportunity to choose decisions, he is responsible for their implementation. The decisions made are sent to the executive bodies and are subject to control over their implementation. Therefore, management must be purposeful, the purpose of management must be known. In a management system, the principle of selecting a decision to be made from a specific set of decisions must be observed. The more choice, the more efficient management. When choosing a management decision, the following requirements are imposed on it: validity of the decision; optimal choice; legality of the decision; brevity and clarity; specificity in time; targeting to performers; efficiency of execution.

4. Conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions.

The problem of a manager choosing an alternative is one of the most important in modern management science, but it is no less important to make an effective decision. For a management decision to be effective, a number of factors must be taken into account.

Hierarchy in decision making - delegation of decision-making authority closer to the level at which there is more necessary information and which is directly involved in the implementation of the decision made. In this case, the executors of the decision are employees of adjacent levels. Contacts with subordinates located more than one hierarchical level lower (higher) are not allowed.

The use of cross-functional task forces, in which members are selected from various departments and levels of the organization.

The use of immediate (direct) horizontal connections when making decisions. In this case (especially at the initial stage of the decision-making process), the collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to higher management. This approach facilitates decision-making in a shorter time frame and increases responsibility for the implementation of decisions made.

Centralization of leadership when making decisions. The decision-making process should be in the hands of one (overall) leader. In this case, a hierarchy in decision making is formed, i.e. each lower manager solves his problems (makes decisions) with his immediate management, and not with higher management, bypassing his immediate superior.

As already noted, the choice of the best solution is carried out by sequentially evaluating each of the proposed alternatives. It is determined to what extent each solution option ensures the achievement of the organization’s ultimate goal, and this determines its effectiveness. Those. a solution is considered effective if it meets the requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the organization.

Firstly, the solution must be effective, i.e. should most fully ensure the achievement of the organization's goals.

Secondly, the solution must be economical, i.e. ensure achievement of the set goal at the lowest cost.

Thirdly, the timeliness of the decision. This is not only about the timeliness of decision making, but also the timeliness of achieving goals. After all, when a problem is solved, events develop. It may happen that a great idea (alternative) will become outdated and lose its meaning in the future. She was good in the past.

Fourthly, the validity of the decision. Performers must be convinced that the decision is justified. In this regard, one should not confuse the factual validity and its perception by the performers, their understanding of the arguments prompting the manager to make just such a decision.

Fifthly, the solution must be realistically feasible, i.e. You cannot make unrealistic, abstract decisions. Such solutions cause frustration and division among performers and are fundamentally ineffective. The decision made must be effective and correspond to the strengths and means of the team implementing it.


A decision is a choice of an alternative. The need for decision making is explained by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity, arises at all stages of the management process and forms part of any management function.

Decision-making (managerial) in organizations has a number of differences from the choice of an individual, since it is not an individual, but a group process.

The effectiveness and quality of a management decision is determined, first of all, by the validity of the problem-solving methodology, i.e. approaches, principles, methods. Without good theory, practice is blind. However, currently only some scientific approaches and principles are applied to management. This can be explained by the “narrowness” of the concept of “management”, the absence in it of the goal of the management subsystem (teams, individuals) - ensuring the competitiveness of the object in a specific market. If we are guided by the “broad” concept of “management,” then complex, functional, dynamic, and integration approaches that are currently used in managing the quality and efficiency of products are automatically added.

Used Books

1. Alekseeva M.A. Planning the company's activities. M., Finance and Statistics, 2005.

2. Aniskin Yu. P. General management: Textbook on the general theory of management. M.: RMAT, 1997. 658 p.

3. Arskaya L.P. Japanese secrets of management / Assoc. scientific-practical initiatives of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, universities, enterprises, org. Zap. region Ukraine. M.: Universum, 1991. 117 p.

4. Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. M.: Publishing house Triada.Ltd, 1996.

5. Vinokurov V. Organization strategic management at the enterprise. M., Center for Economics and Marketing, 1996.

6. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. M., 2005.

7. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: person, strategy, organization, process: 2nd ed.: Textbook. M.: Gardarika Firm, 1996.

8. Gerchikova R.N. Management. M.: "Banks and Exchanges", 1997.

9. Goldshtein G.Ya. Fundamentals of management. M., 2002.

10. Gudzhoyan O.L. and others. Methods for making management decisions. Tutorial. - M.: 2007.

11. Seiwert L. Your time is in your hands: Tips business people how to use it effectively work time: Per. with him. M.: JSC "Interexpert": INFRA-M, 1995. 266 p.

12. Smirnov E.A. Development of management solutions. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000.

13. Theory of organization: Textbook for universities / Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; under general ed. V.G. Alieva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: ZAO Publishing House Ekonomika, 2003. 431 p.

One of the most important characteristics of a management decision is its effectiveness.

Under effectiveness of management decisions understand the relationship between the degree of achievement of set goals and the totality of time, human, monetary and other resources spent on making and implementing management decisions.

The effectiveness of a management decision increases if the degree of achievement of set goals increases and resource costs decrease.

An effective management decision must meet the requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the enterprise. To be effective, i.e. achieve the set goals, the management decision must satisfy the following general requirements:

· be real;

· be resistant to possible errors in the source data;

· be flexible;

· be conflict-free within the enterprise;

· accepted and implemented in real time.

In addition to these requirements, there are a number of other parameters, the fulfillment of which is mandatory to characterize a particular management decision as effective.

Among these parameters it is worth highlighting timeliness solutions. This is not only about the timeliness of making management decisions, but also achieving the goal. It should be borne in mind that while a specific problem is being solved, events continue to develop. Sometimes it happens that a proposed very correct idea (alternative) can quickly become outdated and lose its meaning in the future.

Another parameter is validity management decision. Those directly executing the decision must be convinced that it is justified. In this regard, one should not confuse the actual validity of the decision and its perception by the performers, their understanding of the arguments that prompted the manager to make just such a decision.

The management decision made must be realistically feasible, i.e. You cannot make an unrealistic, abstract decision. The goals and objectives set in this specific decision, must be real, correlated with the available resources and their types to perform certain tasks, as well as with the methods, methods, technologies that are supposed to be used.

You should know that unrealistic management decisions cause frustration and irritation for those directly involved. The vast majority of such solutions are ineffective.

The developed management solution must correspond to the strengths and means of the specific team for which it is intended. The effectiveness of developed and then implemented management decisions is directly related to a clear diagnosis of problems arising at a given enterprise.

There are two ways to identify problems. According to one, a problem is a situation when the set goals are not achieved. In this case, the manager becomes aware of the problem because something that should have happened does not happen. Then, when making appropriate decisions, deviations from the norm are smoothed out. With this formulation of the question, quite often managers consider as problems only situations in which something should have happened, but did not happen.

It is often quite difficult to completely determine the problem, since all parts of the enterprise are interconnected.

In a large enterprise, there may be dozens or even hundreds of such interdependencies. In such cases, it can be quite difficult to correctly and timely determine the true problem.

The first phase in diagnosing a complex problem is recognizing and identifying the symptoms of difficulties or opportunities.

Identifying symptoms helps define the problem in general terms. This also helps reduce the number of facts that must be considered to truly improve efficiency.

However, the general symptom (such as low profitability) is due to many factors. Therefore, it is generally advisable to avoid taking immediate action to resolve a symptom, as some managers tend to do. In such cases, the manager should deeply understand the essence of the problem to find out the reasons for the ineffective activity of individual departments or the enterprise as a whole.

To do this, the manager needs to collect and carefully analyze the required internal and external (relative to the enterprise) information.

Such information can be collected on the basis of formal methods, using, for example, external market analysis, and internally computer analysis of financial statements, interviews with management consultants, or surveys of employees who are familiar with certain aspects of the enterprise. production activities. In addition, information can also be collected informally by talking about the current situation and making personal observations.

It should be borne in mind that an increase in the amount of information does not always improve the quality of a management decision and its effectiveness. Quite often, managers even suffer from an excess of information that is not relevant to the case. Therefore, during observations and when starting to analyze the situation, it is important for a manager to see the differences between relevant and unnecessary information and be able to separate one from the other.

Under relevant information refers to data relating only to a specific problem, person, place or period of time.

Since relevant information is the basis effective solution, then it is necessary to achieve its maximum accuracy and compliance with the problem.

To increase the efficiency of decisions made by a manager, the approach to the problem existing at a given enterprise is important. When a manager diagnoses a problem in order to make a decision, he must be aware of what exactly can be done about it. Many possible solutions problems of the enterprise will not be realistic, since either the manager or the enterprise does not have enough resources to implement the decisions made. In some cases, the cause of the problem may be factors outside the enterprise (laws, regulations that the manager cannot change, etc.).

A significant obstacle to making effective management decisions are various restrictions. When working on a management decision, a manager must impartially determine the essence existing restrictions and only then outline possible alternatives. If this is not done, at least a lot of time will be lost. It's even worse if the wrong course of action is chosen. Such decisions will aggravate, rather than solve, existing problems in the enterprise.

There are general restrictions for making effective management decisions:

· existing laws, regulations, regulations;

· ethical standards and rules;

· intense competition in the market for goods and services;

· inability to purchase resources at reasonable prices;

· the need for new and very expensive technologies;

· insufficient number of employees with the required qualifications and relevant experience.

Some restrictions vary depending on the specific situation and the personal qualities of managers. A significant limitation on many management decisions, although sometimes easily removable, is the narrowing of the powers of all team members determined by the top management. In other words, a manager can make or implement management decisions only if top management endowed him with such rights.

To improve the efficiency of management decisions, compliance with the optimal hierarchy in decision making is essential. In this regard, it is desirable to delegate managerial powers to make management decisions closer to the level at which there is more necessary information and which is directly involved in the implementation of the decision.

In this case, the performers are employees of adjacent levels. Contacts with subordinates located more than one hierarchical level below are not allowed.

When making management decisions, horizontal (direct) connections should be used. In this case (especially at the initial stage of decision-making), the collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to higher management.

This approach facilitates making management decisions in a shorter period of time and increases responsibility for the implementation of decisions made. Along with these, it is advisable to centralize management when making management decisions.

The decision-making process should be in the hands of one (overall) leader. In this case, a hierarchy in decision making is formed, i.e. Each lower leader solves his problems (makes decisions) with his immediate superiors, and not with a superior leader, bypassing his immediate superior.

In achieving the effectiveness of management decisions, a special role is played by methods of communicating decisions made to executors.

Bringing decisions to the executors usually begins with dividing the alternative into group and individual tasks and selecting executors. As a result, each employee receives a specific task of his own, which is directly dependent on his job responsibilities and a number of other objective and subjective factors. It is believed that the ability to delegate tasks to performers is the main condition for the effectiveness of the decision made.

The main reasons for failure to implement management decisions:

1) insufficiently clear formulation of the decision by the manager;

2) incorrect understanding of the essence of the decision by the executor;

3) absence necessary conditions and means for implementing management decisions;

4) lack of agreement of the performer with the decision being made.

It should always be remembered that the effectiveness of management decisions depends not only on their optimality, but also on the form of communication to the executors (formulation of decisions and personal qualities of managers and executors).

Organizing the execution of decisions made as a specific activity of a manager presupposes that he keeps decisions under review, promptly corrects management decisions, and achieves their high efficiency.