Ilya Khoroshilov: biography, filmography, personal life. Ekaterina Klimova’s new husband - personal life, children

Ekaterina Klimova is one of the most popular film actresses of recent times. Viewers began to follow the fate of the star after the release of “Poor Nastya” on the country’s screens. Every day, the film actress stars in several films that become loved by Russians.

The actress’s personal life is incredibly eventful. She was married to three men. Currently, Catherine is married to Gela Meskhi, who is several years younger than her. This does not affect the actress’s attitude towards her lover. She is happy and enjoying love and motherhood.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Klimova

In 2017, a program dedicated to our heroine was aired on the Kultura TV channel. Relatives and friends talked about the actress. Fans of the actress could recognize the most detailed information about her, including her height, weight, age. True admirers of the woman’s talent know very precisely how old Ekaterina Klimova is. In 2018, the actress celebrated her 39th birthday.

Ekaterina Klimova, photos in her youth and now which are presented in large quantities, weighs 56 kg with a height of 169 cm. The artist adheres to a healthy lifestyle; she absolutely does not drink alcoholic beverages or chocolate products.

Biography and personal life of Ekaterina Klimova

The biography and personal life of Ekaterina Klimova is incredibly rich. Fans are interested in how the artist became popular and happy.

Our heroine was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Older sister Victoria convinced her to name the newborn Katenka. Father - Alexander Grigorievich Klimov painted pictures. Mother - Svetlana Vladimirovna Klimova took care of the house and children.

After the father was arrested for manslaughter, the family found themselves in a difficult financial situation. Mom worked, and the daughters were left to their own devices.

During her school years, the future star did not like to study. The exceptions were physical education and literature lessons. Katya participated in school events, attended a drama club. She liked to hear applause.

Having received a certificate, the girl sets off to conquer the capital's theater universities. On her first attempt, Klimova became a student at the Shchepkinsky School, from which she graduated with honors.

Then our heroine shone on the stage of one of the capital's theaters. The audience loved the images created by the artist in “The Leningrad Romance”, “The Miser”, “The Master and Margarita”, “The Conspiracy in English” and many others.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Klimova

The filmography of the film actress began during her years of studying at a theater university. The young actress became truly popular after one of the main roles in the television series “Poor Nastya.” Then there were works in “Storm Gates”, “We are from the Future”, “Defender”, “Mosgaz”, “According to the Laws of Martial Time” and many others.

The personal life of the film actress began while studying at a theater university. After some time, the woman divorced her first husband and married a colleague, Igor Petrenko. The family was happy. Unexpectedly for many, the couple divorced in 2014. It turned out that Catherine met a new lover. It was the woman’s colleague Gela Meskhi. The lovers' wedding passed quietly. It was attended only by relatives and friends of the couple.

Currently, the couple is living happily. They raise four children and work together.

Family and children of Ekaterina Klimova

The family and children of Ekaterina Klimova will soon go on vacation with the popular film actress to Crimea. The woman herself wrote about this on her blog.

The artist's father was an artist. He painted modern paintings. In mid-1979, the man was convicted. He accidentally killed a man. Dad appeared in Katya's life only when she was in adolescence. A man recently died. He is buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

The girl's mother was a housewife. After her husband’s conviction, she had to earn money so that her daughters would not need anything. Currently, the woman often comes to her daughter and helps with her grandchildren.

Son of Ekaterina Klimova - Matvey Petrenko

The popular film actress gave birth to her first son in mid-2006. The boy was named after the calendar, since the baby was born on the day of his patron. Within a few months, the woman went to work because she was invited to shoot a movie. The boy was raised by his grandmother.

Ekaterina Klimova’s son, Matvey Petrenko, studies at one of the capital’s schools. The boy loves to learn new things. In the future, he dreams of becoming a computer scientist. His mother told about this. IN free time Matvey attends clubs and sections, loves to draw and read books. He especially likes adventures. This year, the actress's son set a goal for himself - to read several novels by Jules Verne.

Son of Ekaterina Klimova - Korney Petrenko

The star of “Stormy Gates” and “Poor Nastya” gave birth to her second son in mid-2008. Korney was named, like his older brother, according to the calendar.

The boy is currently going to school. He is one of best students of his class. In his free time, Korney attends a drama studio and plays sports. ABOUT future profession he doesn't think about it yet.

The son of Ekaterina Klimova, Korney Petrenko, is very friendly with Matvey. In all the photographs the boys are present together. Ekaterina says that her sons are very friendly. They help her with raising her little sister.

Daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Elizaveta Khoroshilova

Our today's heroine gave birth for the first time in early 2002. The girl was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The actress named her daughter Lisa in honor of the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna.

From a young age, Ekaterina Klimova’s daughter, Elizaveta Khoroshilova, shared everything with her mother. The artist says that they are more like friends than mother and daughter.

The girl goes to school. She studies well. Lisa dreams of following in her mother's footsteps. According to Ekaterina Klimova, she has artistic talent.

Daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Bella Maskhi

The popular film actress hid her delicate situation from the public for some time. Ekaterina became a mother for the fourth time in 2015. The baby was born in the same maternity hospital capital, in which her sister and two brothers were previously born. The daughter's name was not chosen by chance. It is of Spanish origin and fits the family name.

Ekaterina Klimova’s daughter, Bella Maskhi, is still small. She loves to play with her brothers, sister and mom. The girl is very similar to her father, as can be judged by subscribers to the Instagram page of the popular film actress.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Ilya Khoroshilov

The star fell in love for the first time in her youth. Her chosen one was one of the girl’s peers named Ilya. The young lovers got married early. Soon a beloved daughter, Lisa, was born into the family.

The ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova, Ilya Khoroshilov, received the profession of a jeweler. He works in his specialty.

After some time in the family, Ekaterina and Ilya realized that love had passed. They maintained their marriage for some time for the sake of their daughter. But they still broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Igor Petrenko

While still married to Ilya Khoroshilov, the popular film actress fell in love. The lovers met secretly for a year, after which they left their then-spouses and began to live together. At the end of 2005, the lovers formalized their marriage. Soon the family was replenished with two sons. The couple spent all their time together. They were considered a beautiful married couple.

In 2014 ex-husband Ekaterina Klimova - Igor Petrenko started an affair on the side. Having learned this, the actress filed for divorce. Immediately after this, Igor began to live with his beloved. A few months later, the man became the father of a lovely daughter.

Petrenko is involved in the fate of children. He pays child support and often takes his sons to visit.

Ekaterina Klimova's husband - Gela Meskhi

After the divorce, the popular film actress was not alone for long. On the set of one of the films she met. The novel developed rapidly. The lovers met secretly at first. At the end of 2014, the general public learned that the star of “Poor Nastya” was pregnant from her lover. Soon Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi got married. The lovers' wedding passed quietly. It was attended only by relatives from both sides and the artist’s children.

Ekaterina Klimova’s husband, Gela Meskhi, is several years younger than her. He has relatives in Georgia and Spain. IN recent years lovers always appear together. They are raising children and are incredibly happy, as they have stated more than once in interviews.

Hot photos of Ekaterina Klimova

Hot photos of Ekaterina Klimova are presented in large quantities on the Internet. The actress often poses nude. Naked Klimova attracts the attention of many fans. Men literally devour the actress’s perfect body with their eyes, and women envy her appearance. Naked actress not shy of the camera, she looks relaxed in front of her.

On her Instagram page, the “Poor Nastya” star often posts her vacation photos. You can see a woman in a swimsuit on them. She looks wide into the camera, showing fans her perfect body.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Klimova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Klimova are maintained quite actively by the most popular film actress. The woman herself tells fans about the changes that have taken place in her life.

The artist's Wikipedia contains the most detailed information about her life and creative path women. Here you can find out how she decided to become an actress, who her parents were. The page lists all the projects in which she has ever been involved.

Ekaterina’s Instagram is updated every day. The star of “Poor Nastya” shares with fans what happened in her life. On the page you can view photographs not only of Catherine herself, but also of her children. Article found on

Few couples in Russian show business can boast of a reputation perfect union. Against the background of numerous and fleeting novels of her colleagues, she stood out strong couple Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova. However, in 2013 it became known that the fairy tale had come to an end. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce? Read about the details of the relationship and breakup of the stars in our article.

Love from college

Everyone is interested in why Petrenko and Klimova divorced, but let’s dive into the past when the actors’ relationship was just beginning. They met back in their student days. Ekaterina and Igor learned the basics of acting together at the Shchepkinsky School. At first they were just friends, although they showed mutual sympathy for each other. The young people realized that Cupid's arrow pierced their hearts when they both starred in the film" Best city Earth" in 2003.

Burn all bridges

Igor and Catherine were drawn to each other with an irresistible force, but both at that time were bound by marriage. Klimova with school years She was married to the current influential businessman Ilya Khoroshilov and raised her daughter Elizaveta. Petrenko was also legal spouse Both heroes office romance decided to forget falling in love like a dream and return to normal life.

After finishing work on a joint project, they did not meet for a whole year, but the separation was unable to extinguish the flare-ups film set feelings. Petrenko could not get his colleague out of his head even after for a long time I dialed her number with trepidation. At that moment, the actors realized that fate had brought them together. Both left their previous companions and began to live together. Why did Igor Petrenko Klimova get divorced after such a romantic and fateful beginning of the relationship?

Wedding bells

In 2004, the actors divorced their previous spouses and played own wedding. The celebration, combined with the New Year celebration, took place exactly on December 31st. Ekaterina and Igor arrived at the registry office late, without even taking the rings. After the momentary painting, they hastily left the wedding palace to get to the festive table.

Klimova’s ex-husband tried to prevent the lovers from legitimizing their relationship - He wanted to fix everything, at first showering his ex-wife with luxurious bouquets, and then switched to almost criminal threats. Nevertheless, Khoroshilov was unable to force Ekaterina and Igor to separate using either carrot or stick. But still, why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce after so many years of serene happiness?

Like Jolly and Pitt

In 2007, the actors became parents. Catherine gave birth to her beloved husband's son, Matvey. A year later, little Korney was born.

They managed to combine the warmth of relationships with active professional employment. Petrenko starred in the films “Driver for Vera” and “Wolfhound”, and also received main role in the film adaptation of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". Klimova played in the films “We are from the Future” and “Antikiller D.K.”, miraculously combining caring for two kids with the filming process. Mutual love inspired the stars to new creative victories. The couple shone at film festivals, inevitably receiving comparisons with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The associations turned out to be true in that both the couple broke up. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce?

Alarm Signals

In 2012, Ekaterina and Igor charmed the audience with their appearance at Kinotavr. They willingly took pictures hand in hand, causing emotion to everyone around. However, at other events of the film festival, Klimova spent time without her husband.

In the winter of 2013, photographs of the actress in the arms of the ex-lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov appeared in the tabloids. Journalists unanimously asserted that on the set of the comedy “Love in big city- 3" a spark ran between the musician and Klimova. Be that as it may, it soon became clear that Ekaterina and Igor had not been living together for several months.

Loneliness together

In July 2014, the marriage had no time perfect couple was officially terminated. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce? Both ex-spouses have their own version on this matter. In one of the interviews, the journalist asked Igor Petrenko the reason for the breakup. Why did the actor divorce Klimova? Petrenko replied that she played a cruel joke on his personal life successful career. The high demand for the actor led to regular and long-term departures. He rarely saw his children and wife, so his former passion gradually faded away.

Ekaterina Klimova also commented on why she divorced Petrenko. She was not happy with her husband's constant absence from home. Klimova understood that when Igor appeared at home, he preferred solitude on the couch to conversations with his wife. The situation was aggravated by the fact that during the filming of the series “Sherlock Holmes” the actor became addicted to alcohol. He avoided frank conversations, and Klimova’s attempts to start a discussion of pressing problems ended in a quarrel.

In addition, the actress suspected her husband of cheating. Fans pursued Petrenko tirelessly, and the actor, apparently, only enjoyed admiration for his person and flirting directed in his direction. One day Igor went to St. Petersburg for work, but stopped communicating an hour before the return train departed. Excited, Klimova dialed phone numbers of St. Petersburg hospitals with trembling hands, and eventually found her husband at a restaurant table. Then the actress realized that she and her husband had become strangers to each other forever.

Present tense

On at the moment Both Ekaterina and Igor are doing great in their personal lives. Klimova married again in 2015 - to young actor Gellu Meskhi. The difference between Gella and Catherine is eight years, but this does not bother the lovers at all. Soon after the wedding, Klimova gave her new husband a daughter, Bella. She notes that she has no disagreements with her ex-husband. They still communicate about raising their sons.

Petrenko himself also met new love. Igor’s companion was a 24-year-old actress who gave birth to her beloved long-awaited daughter Sofia-Karolina.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova. Born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema, teacher, performer of romances.

Mom - Svetlana Vladimirovna, housewife.

Father - Alexander, a free artist by profession, was convicted of manslaughter in 1979, returned to the family when Katya was already 13 years old. He died several years ago.

Catherine has older sister Victoria. The family lived in a two-room apartment, raising children was based on Orthodox traditions.

Her paternal great-grandmother was a camp gypsy, perhaps due to which Catherine has naturally dark skin, and because of this, as she herself assures, she never blushes even in moments of shame, and does not burn in the sun.

Violent expressions of feelings were common in the family. The atmosphere of childhood influenced the formation of Catherine’s character and personality, already becoming famous actress, Klimova admitted that she is capable, when angry, “throw the jacket directly over your home clothes and go into the night”.

After school, Ekaterina entered preparatory courses at VGIK. Graduated from the Higher Theater School named after. M. S. Shchepkina with honors in 1999, acting department, workshop of N.N. Afonina.

After graduating from college, Klimova was invited by director Boris Morozov to the Theater Russian Army for the role of Desdemona. Subsequently, for this role she received the “Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov” award in the “Actors under 30” category.

In the 2014-2015 season, she played in the plays “Boeing-Boeing”, “Conspiracy in English” based on the play “Glass of Water” by E. Scribe, as well as the main role in the play “The Master and Margarita” at the M. A. Bulgakov Theater ( director Sergei Aldonin).

She taught stage speech and acting at a children's modeling agency, and worked in radio and television advertising.

Songs performed by Ekaterina are heard in the television series "Games of Throwing", "Poor Nastya" (the romance "Oh, if only my sadness..."), "Boiling Point", she also sang in the musical "The Bureau of Happiness", starred in " Wick." She worked at the Sergei Vinogradov Theater Company. Participates in theatrical projects of P. A. Stein and plays in enterprises.

Klimova’s film debut took place in 2001, when she starred in the cameo role of Jeanne d’Albret in Karen Shakhnazarov’s tragicomic phantasmagoria "Poisons, or World history poisoning".

The first big role awaited the 23-year-old actress in the same year in the adventure-crime television series "Games of Throwing", where the adventures of a young mistress were replete with erotic scenes.

Ekaterina Klimova - Throwing games

Subsequently, Klimova often played the role of a lover or wife on screen and stage with her second husband, actor Igor Petrenko ( "We are from the future 2", “Dreams from plasticine”, "Moscow Windows", “Sins of the Fathers”, “Abolition of All Restrictions”), and among the costs of the acting profession she mentioned with regret that “You should lie in bed with some stranger and pretend to be in love”.

Klimova played the most famous roles in the films “ Storm Gate" and "Antikiller D.K.", in the series "Poor Nastya", "Escape", "Boiling Point". One of the most memorable was the role of nurse Nina Polyakova, played by Klimova in the dilogy “We are from the Future” (the films “We are from the Future” and “We are from the Future 2”).

In this film, Klimova performed a romance “Thank you for everything, good friend...” to the lyrical and philosophical masterpiece of Elizabeth Stewart, which became widely popular and very soon turned out to be prophetic for the actress. The timbre of Klimova’s voice was assessed by musicologists as soft, velvety, and extraordinarily warm.

Ekaterina Klimova. Romance. We are from the future

In 2011 she became the face trademark Garnier Color Naturals, later - ambassador of the Spanish jewelry company TOUS in Russia.

In 2012, to the vocals of Klimova and the music of Ivan Burlyaev (including a rap fragment), figure skaters and ex-spouses and Alexander Zhulin performed a nostalgic dance of memories as part of the television show “ Ice age. Professional Cup".

In 2012, in the alcoholic romantic comedy "Date" directed by Yusup Bakhshiev, Klimov appears in the role of a sexy teacher, a strict teetotaler, “a smart girl and a beauty with long legs under a small fuchsia dress.”

In 2013, she played one of the main roles - a successful and successful TV presenter in the film "Icon of the Season". Klimova’s character is a typical glamorous inhabitant of glossy worlds, idly wandering from one fashionable party to another, but rapidly transforming with the appearance of a real strong feeling in life.

In 2013-2014, together with Gela Meskhi, she starred in Lvov in the adventure spy series by S. Ginzburg "Wolf Heart", whose action, based on historical events, takes place in the early 1920s on the frontier Soviet Russia and Poland.

In the summer of 2014, Channel One aired a three-part series "Kuprin", where Klimova starred in a 4-part film adaptation of the story “The Duel” directed by Andrei Malyukov. The actress got a psychologically complex supporting role - a seductive, flirtatious and dissolute mistress of the “button collection”, the temptress of the young second lieutenant Romashov, a knightly and tragically in love with the wife of a colleague. In the officer’s picnic scene, Ekaterina performed E. Yuryev’s rarely heard romance “Why love, why suffer?”, but Klimova did not conquer the operatic heights this time.

From April to August 2014, Ekaterina starred in St. Petersburg as the maid of honor Anna Vyrubova in the historical series directed by Andrei Malyukov "Gregory R.", based on documentary evidence about the life of Grigory Rasputin. The film's script was based, in particular, on the diaries of Klimova's character, Anna Vyrubova. In the frame, Catherine wears authentic shoes of the 19th century; her dresses and suits were made according to ancient patterns, from heavy crinolines.

Ekaterina Klimova and Grigory Antipenko - Forget

In the second half of 2014, Klimova starred in the melodrama in Ukraine "Women in Love" and battle drama "According to the laws of war", the action of which takes place during the offensive of the Nazi troops on Kyiv in the summer and autumn of 1941, the actress plays the role of an investigator special department. In 2018, a sequel was released - “According to the Laws of Martial Time-2”.

Notable works were in the films “Plague” (Vika Matileva - Matilda), “Jackal” (Vera Ilyinichna Tomilina, Cherkasov’s first wife), “Youth” (Victoria Mikhailovna Kashtanova, sports director of the “Bears” club).

In 2018, Ekaterina Klimova played the main role in the detective story "Moscow Greyhound Season 2"- Alevtina Borzova, who serves as a major in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. More precisely, her heroine is introduced into the consciousness of Alevtina Borzova, whom she played in the first season. Klimova said about her character: “I don’t have the task of copying the image created by Olga Krasko. Alevtina Borzova is clear to me, but whether she will be attractive to me and the audience will become clear only when we complete the work. This is a woman in different manifestations- sometimes strong, sometimes frightened, and sometimes manic appears in her and a shift occurs: she tries to think like a maniac, immerse herself in his world and partly even understand him.”

Ekaterina Klimova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova:

The actress's first husband was jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. They met when Klimova was still a schoolgirl. The couple divorced in 2004. From this marriage, Ekaterina has a daughter, Elizaveta Khoroshilova (born 2002).

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina married him; before that, they lived in a civil marriage for some time.

On November 17, 2015, Klimova appeared in public for the first time after the birth of her fourth child and on the occasion of the premiere of the series “Women in Love” on Channel One.

She starred for men's magazines.

He calls Klimova his favorite director Andrey Malyukov, who entrusted her with such diverse roles as nurse Nina (“We are from the future”), Anna Vyrubova (TV series about Rasputin), Raisa Peterson (TV series “Kuprin”). At the same time, critics noted that the choice of roles for Ekaterina is based, first of all, on the external attractiveness of the character, and when it is necessary to “jump out of a trench, crawl under bullets and get blown up by a mine,” then when performing stunts, Klimova is duplicated by a professional stuntwoman.

Klimova called the image of Milady from “The Three Musketeers” the initial prototype, “secretly involved” in the gallery of roles of fatal, insidious and seductive women played by the actress.

Among the actors who influenced her, Ekaterina especially highlights Vladimir Mashkov, Ingeborgu Dapkunaite, Andrey Smolyakov.

In an interview in 2015, Klimova regretted that she never became an actress in festival films. Foreign languages Klimov does not own.

Since childhood, Catherine loved furs, jewelry, bright outfits “the more elaborate the better,” white and yellow gold, stones - sapphire, diamond and emerald.

Klimova willingly jumps with a parachute, flies on a paraglider, rides a motorcycle, and has been involved in figure skating and athletics.

The actress's favorite vacation spots are Bali and Barcelona (Spain).

Filmography of Ekaterina Klimova:

2001 - Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning - Jeanne d’Albret
2001 - Times don’t choose - Inna Gavryushina
2001 - Truckers - saleswoman at the market
2001 - Throwing Games - Sinya
2001 - Moscow Windows - Raisa
2001 - Don’t leave me, love - Katya
2003 - And in the morning they woke up - Kat
2003 - The best city on Earth - Raisa
2003 - Farewell in June - Tanya Repnikova
2003-2004 - Poor Nastya - Princess Natalya Repnina
2004 - Sins of the Fathers - Ekaterina Androsova
2005 - Two at the Christmas tree, not counting the dog - Sasha
2005 - My Prechistenka - Katya Barinova
2005 - Kamenskaya 4 - Yulia Blokhina
2005 - Oscar - Colette
2006 - The Devil in the Rib, or the Magnificent Four - Yunna
2006 - Storm Gates - Alina Doronina
2008 - Everything is not by chance - Ksenia Pavlovna
2008 - Second Wind - Captain Bakhteeva
2008 - We are from the future - Nina Polyakova
2008 - Side effect- Svetlana
2008 - Quiet family life- Inessa
2009 - Antikiller D.K. - Kate
2010 - Love undercover - Tatiana
2010 - We are from the future 2 - Nina Polyakova
2010 - Escape - Svetlana Dunaeva
2010 - Strong weak woman - Masha
2010 - Boiling Point - Dasha Korshunova
2010 - Everyone has their own war - Nastya
2011 - Spring in December - Olga
2011 - Pushken (was not completed)
2012 - Match - Olga Kovtun
2012 - Defender - Maria Komissarova
2012 - Dreams from plasticine - Oksana
2012 - Mosgaz - Vera
2012 - Once Upon a Time in Rostov - Lilya
2012 - Escape 2 - Svetlana Dunaeva
2012 - Date - Anna Svetlova
2012 - Dragon Syndrome - Evgenia Shchegoleva
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! - Victoria
2013 - Courier from “Paradise” - Anna Sergeevna
2013 - Icon of the season - Snezhana
2013 - I will never forget you - Vera
2013 - Love in the City 3 - Anna
2014 - Cancellation of all restrictions - Irina Morozova
2014 - 7 main wishes - fairy
2014 - Champions - mother of a young hockey player
2014 - - Beata
2014 - Goryunov - Masha
2014 - Kuprin - Raisa
2014 - A gift with character - Diana
2014 - Grigory R. - Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova
2015 - Women in Love - Sveta
2015 - Plague - Matilda
2015 - Lyudmila Gurchenko - Valentina
2015 - - Svetlana Elagina
2016 - I love my husband - Olga / Emma
2016 - Jackal - Vera, ex-wife Cherkasova
2016 - Bitch - Christina
2016 - Guardian - Olga Nikolaeva
2017 - Thunderer
2017 - - Anna, actress
2018 - Youth - Victoria Mikhailovna Kashtanova, sports director of the "Bears" club
2018 - - Lyuba
2018 - - Svetlana Elagina, investigator, military lawyer
2018 - - Alevtina Borzova

A good figure of an actress is the result of daily efforts. Klimova admits that she prefers not to exhaust herself with constant diets, but simply to eat right and generally lead healthy image life. Ekaterina does not skimp on herself and turns to the best specialists who help her take care of her face and body.

“It is important to have your face and body dealt with by specialists you trust. A woman, of course, should NEVER skimp on herself. If you have the opportunity to spend ten thousand dollars on your appearance, spend it without hesitation!” the actress said on the set of the “Perfect Repair” program.

Now Klimova is in great demand in her profession; she manages to combine her career and raising four children. Although the actress herself admits that it is very difficult to do this. Only strong-willed and very strong character helps her cope with difficulties. “It only seems cool from the outside to be a successful woman and mother. Actually this is not true. It is very difficult to combine these two hypostases. I think that this should be done only if you cannot exist without a profession,” Ekaterina noted on the air of the “Once Upon a Time” program on NTV.

The actress admits that being a mother of four children is very difficult, but she has never once thought about having an abortion. “I can’t say that the birth of every child was planned for me. There is probably no ideal method of birth control for me. But since this gift was made, it must be accepted,” said Ekaterina.

Let us remember that Catherine was married three times. From her first marriage to jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, she has a 16-year-old daughter, Elizaveta. From actor Igor Petrenko, Klimova gave birth to two sons, Matvey and Korney. The actress married her third husband, Gela Meskhi, three years ago. In 2015, she gave birth to her fourth child, baby Isabella.


"We met at my birthday eldest daughter Lisa, this common child with Katya Klimova. We are already divorced, but we still always celebrate our daughter’s birthdays together. I myself suggested to Katya that she invite her friends to the restaurant. She invited her friend to her daughter’s birthday. It so happened that Lena and I sat next to each other. I treated her like a star, we chatted nicely all evening. But there was no love at first sight", - said Ilya.

Elena Khoroshilov immediately liked him. She could not understand why Klimova left her husband and went to Petrenko. Ilya dated Ekaterina from the age of 16. They loved each other since school, it would seem that no one and nothing could destroy their union. At that moment Elena had difficult time. She was going through a painful breakup. She found solace only in her teenage daughter. One evening, Biryukova and Khoroshilov phoned each other and began communicating. Their first date was at the circus. The relationship developed rapidly, a month later the lovers began to live together.

“Gradually we somehow got together... Our daughters brought us together. Yes, it's all thanks to them. We don’t communicate with Katya in any way, there is one ethical point. To them common daughter, and we have love. Regarding our daughter, we have kept very good relationship. Previously, Katya and I met in addition to work and went to restaurants, but now this is not the case. How did I tell her that I was living with her husband? I wasn’t afraid, I said on tour: “I’m with your husband”, – Elena shared.

Five years ago, Ilya and Elena gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Aglaya. True, Biryukova and Khoroshilov did not formalize their relationship. There were many attempts to go to the registry office, but something was constantly stopping the couple. They are not upset, because they live very well without a stamp in their passport.

Ilya is a jeweler, he constantly gives Elena jewelry. Biryukova once said that her chosen one, with his behavior, reminded her of her on-screen husband Sasha. After all, the hero also did not dare to ask Elena to marry for a long time.

The main thing is that Khoroshilov and Biryukova are happy together, and the stamp is a profitable business.