What to do if a person is cold. Why am I always cold? The reason why a person is always cold

Winter is a wonderful time of year. However, like everyone else. But we darken it by our inability to use its gifts. It often happens that even after going for a walk or leisure into the forest, we are freezing. Not to mention the fact that sometimes, due to circumstances, we have to stand in the cold for a long time without taking any particularly active actions. For example, at a bus stop waiting for transport or young man- while waiting for his delayed girlfriend.

This is due to the fact that under the influence low temperatures blood vessels narrow. Because the body is trying to save its heat and provide them with only the most important systems. As the blood freezes, the circle of its circulation will decrease. circulatory system. And in the end, only the heart and brain will be provided with it.

And so that we don’t allow this to happen tragic situation, you urgently need to warm up. The easiest way to do this is to go into a warm room. But on long ski trips or somewhere fishing warm places clearly not enough. Therefore, we must rely on our own strength.

If you are very cold and you have a feeling that you will soon be in a very difficult time, start acting immediately. This will protect you from frostbite and will improve your mood. It is better to avoid severe freezing. Then it will be easier to warm up.

Don’t try or walk wildly... In this way, you can only warm up when it’s slightly frosty, 20 degrees Celsius. If the thermometer drops to minus thirty or below, a more radical method is required to warm the body. This is especially important for our Russia, since in winter most of its territory lies in an area of ​​just such cold weather.

Stand up straight and start making sharp amplitude circular swings of your arms. At the same time, they need to be kept closer to the body, trying to ensure that they describe a strictly vertical circle. Make twenty to fifty swings forward and the same amount back. Then forward again. You need to rotate your arms both together and separately.

There is one peculiarity. As the rotating arms pass below, slow down a little, then increase again. What is all this for? Centrifugal force will ensure increased blood flow to the fingertips. As a rule, after several dozen strong swings, the skin of your hands becomes warm, and you want to take off your gloves. Although five minutes ago there was no talk about this.

You can warm your feet in a similar way. Of course, you won’t be able to rotate them, but making up to a hundred (within your strength, of course) swings back and forth is not a difficult task. Just lean your hand on something, otherwise you will fall.

If you are tired but not warmed up, rest for a minute or two and repeat the swings with your arms or legs. Your task is to keep warm while avoiding serious consequences. Therefore, neither false shame, nor sweat, nor fatigue should distract you from the process of self-warming.

It happens that the frost outside is so strong that the swings have reached its limit, but the body has not warmed up. Under no circumstances should you force yourself. In this case, rest for five to ten minutes. Just don't just stand there. Walk or do calf raises.

But it often happens that people are still embarrassed to wave their hands in in public places. And neither the cold nor the fear will get frostbite. Often a person simply cannot rotate his arms due to certain objective reasons. It is much more difficult for such people to warm up and they tolerate the cold worse. But nothing is impossible.

If you cannot and are embarrassed to wave your arms, then choose another method of warming up - static (isometric). Even a completely unathletic person has certain muscle groups that are more or less well developed. These are the muscles of the buttocks, pectoral muscles and arm muscles, most often the forearms and biceps. Tighten them all as hard as you can for ten to twenty seconds, then relax for the same amount of time. Repeat this ten times and rest. Then repeat the entire circle again.

The heating methods described above are the most effective. They will warm you up much faster than a warm room, hot tea or a fire. And, besides, this is an excellent and timely physical activity.

Author ~Messenger of Heaven~ asked a question in the section Other about health and beauty

what should I do if I am constantly cold? and got the best answer

Answer from OLIA DROZD[guru]
I am so sorry! I have the same story. After losing about 48 kg, I am constantly shaking from the cold. But I understand why such freezing suddenly appeared - it was due to severe weight loss that hypothermia began (a condition in which the body freezes very much and cannot cope with even mild cold). And if you haven’t lost weight, then problems like VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) are possible. But this happens to almost everyone. There's nothing wrong with that. So the only way out for heat-loving people like us is to dress as warmly as possible both outside and at home. And in cold weather, drink more hot drinks during the day to warm up. At night, you can generally have warm milk with honey - it’s good for warming up, and great for sleep too :-))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what should I do if I am constantly cold?

Answer from Noelle[newbie]
I’m also freezing, but all the boys offer to warm me up, that’s great))

Answer from Zhenechka Ibragimova[guru]
dress more and move constantly

Answer from Yomashka[guru]
I, too, am constantly freezing from the beginning of autumn to mid-spring. then it will be easier. this happens every year. but since I’m freezing, probably no one is freezing, this is something abnormal. Every winter I go to the doctor and complain that my torment has begun again, they start sending me from one doctor to another, they do some examinations, but they cannot find the reason. All the ailments that I have, according to doctors, cannot cause such freezing, in any case they should not. They attribute everything to a peculiarity of my body. Go to the doctor and have them check.

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
do squats, push, run in circles - in short, physical education, well, if this doesn’t help, then you’re in the grave - why live on?

Answer from Lyudmila Blazhnova[newbie]
perhaps a cold allergy.... a very nasty thing.... I was sick myself....

Answer from Lesechka[newbie]
start taking a contrast shower in the morning, it’s a good thing, it strengthens you and improves blood circulation

Answer from WaTTyH asya 385041146[newbie]
depending on why it’s cold, if the body is dressed up or dressed warmly, and if the soul and heart are cold, then the underlying stone is water, you need to look for a person who is kind and caring

Answer from Marishka[newbie]
I’m cold too, I have low hemoglobin! Check it out for you too!!

Answer from Alexander[guru]
You are a ne... oh... African American at heart.))

Answer from Tatiana[master]
If you constantly feel sick or have constantly cold extremities, you need to see a doctor because this is a clear violation of VSD (vegetative vascular distance). You just need to harden yourself little by little with a contrast shower, drink vitamins (magnesium, B-12, C), do a little exercise in the morning and, as I already wrote, you need to get blood tests and go to the doctors.

Answer from Lyudmila Gushchina[guru]
Isn't your blood pressure low? Try to do physical exercise for with dumbbells. Drench your feet cold water(can be iced) for no more than 30 seconds, then warm socks and go to bed.

Answer from Anastasia Smirnova[active]
First, try to find yourself a boyfriend, or there are hot water bottles in pharmacies, and as a last resort - vodka!! !

Answer from Polinka:)) mAlVink@[active]
You have slow blood circulation.

So, the first reason is you need to eat more fat. It’s not for nothing that in winter we want to eat more and more fatty and unhealthy foods. Fats are bad, but there is no point in being afraid of them, because you need to eat healthy fats, such as nuts, avocado or seeds.

The second reason is that you have problems with the thyroid gland. The fact is that the thyroid gland is a strong part of our body, which has many functions, so there can be many problems with it. If you constantly feel cold, then perhaps these may be symptoms of hypothyroidism - this is a condition when the thyroid gland does not receive enough hormones necessary for the body.

The metabolism begins to slow down and the body does not have time to warm up, which is why you freeze. Symptoms of this disease may also include hair loss, dry skin and fatigue. By the way, 12% of people have problems with the thyroid gland, and 60% are not even aware of their problems.

The third reason is poor blood circulation. If it seems to you that your body temperature is fine, only your hands and feet are constantly cold, then these are problems with blood circulation. If blood circulation is not impaired, then heat spreads evenly throughout the body and the limbs remain warm, but if it is impaired, then, on the contrary, the hands and feet are constantly cold. Blood circulation may be impaired for a number of reasons, for example, you have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Weight below normal is the fourth reason why you are constantly freezing. When the weight is below normal, then accordingly there is not enough fat in the body, and insulation is needed for warmth, which in this case is practically non-existent. If you are underweight, you deliberately slow down your metabolism, and this deprives you of heat.

Lack of water in the body also leads to a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. Water helps maintain the balance of metabolism in the body, because the body is almost 80% water. And if the body is dehydrated, then a huge number of its functions are disrupted.

If there is a lack of iron in the body, then it will also systematically freeze. Blood cells contain iron, which helps move oxygen throughout the body, and therefore delivers heat along with it to the body. If there is a deficiency of iron in the body, then this also causes hypothyroidism, which we discussed above. In this case, you need to add foods that are a source of iron to your diet, such as broccoli, apples, spinach or lentils.

A lack of vitamin B12 is another reason why you may systematically feel cold. Red blood cells are involved in maintaining normal temperature bodies in the body, and vitamin B12 plays a major role in this process. If the body lacks this vitamin, then there are much fewer red blood cells than needed. But replenishing vitamin B12 in the body is not so difficult; you need to consume dairy products, eggs, chicken, fish and red meat.

During cold weather, the most obvious desire is to wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and not show your nose outside the hearth. However, everyday reality still forces us to go outside into the arms of the frost. It would seem that warm clothes should protect us from the piercing cold, but we still freeze, catch colds and get used to a stuffy nose every day. These tips will help you fight the cold and learn not to freeze outside. These tips will be especially useful for those who, by the will of fate, are forced to spend long hours in the frosty air.

Before going out

1. Weather conditions

Before leaving your home analyze the situation on the street and check the weather forecast. It is worth paying attention not so much to the air temperature, but for precipitation. The fact is that wet air has greater thermal conductivity than dry, which means that during snowfall or rain you will lose more heat than in clear weather. So if precipitation and strong winds are expected, in order not to get cold outside, you need to prepare more carefully.

Fact . Scientists have proven that in one minute of being outside in dry weather, a person loses 10 times less heat than in a similar situation during a snowfall or blizzard.

2. Food

Man is a warm-blooded creature, and 90% of the energy that comes to us with food goes to heat the body, and in winter we need more energy, which means more food. Therefore, the first thing that must be remembered without fail is Before going outside into the arms of the frost, you need to eat well. Focus on foods high in fat and protein: meat, fish, milk, cereals and bread. Do not deprive yourself of potatoes and celery with spinach - these products are rich in potassium, which accelerates blood circulation, thereby increasing heat exchange in the body and increasing resistance to cold.

3. Water

During the frosty season, the body does not lose much less moisture than on hot days, but Lack of fluid impairs blood circulation, causing the body to freeze faster. Therefore, if you want the warmth to remain in the body longer, in addition to soups and drinks, drink an extra glass before going out warm water , and even better green tea with ginger - this root vegetable, in addition to numerous healing properties, also has a warming and tonic effect.

By the way. IN winter time It is advisable to minimize the consumption of black tea and coffee and it is better not to drink it at all immediately before going outside in the cold - these drinks dry out the mucous membranes, which reduces the body’s protective properties against colds. In addition, caffeine, which is rich in both black tea and coffee, blocks receptors that cause the walls of blood vessels to contract when exposed to cold.

4. Getting used to the cold

A sharp change in ambient temperature is a serious stress for the body, so you should not immediately plunge from the warmth of your apartment into the cold outside. Adapt gradually– before going outside, linger for a minute or two on the landing or in the entrance and only after that go on a frosty journey.

How to dress to stay warm

It would seem that in this regard everything is simple - the colder it is outside, the warmer you need to dress. However, there are some nuances thanks to which you can retain heat more effectively.

1. Clothes

Clothes that are designed to protect you from the cold should be loose and not snug, otherwise it will not warm, but rather freeze the body. It's all about the air layer that forms between the fabric and the body - this air retains the heat generated by the body and prevents it from freezing. Based on this principle, it becomes clear that the more layers of clothing you wear in frosty weather, the warmer you will feel. For example, two jumpers will protect you from the cold better than one thick sweater.

2. Shoes

To keep your feet warm, You should give up narrow and tight shoes: firstly, in such shoes there will be no layer of air, which we talked about above, and secondly, tight shoes will compress the blood vessels, thereby disrupting blood circulation, which, along with everything else, supplies heat to the feet. It is also worth paying attention to the sole– the thicker it is, the less heat the foot will lose from proximity to frosty asphalt.

3. Hands

Since the vessels in the hands are very small, the palms and fingers become numb the fastest. Therefore, make a rule for yourself not to go out in cold weather without gloves. And if the frost is really severe, then better to wear mittens– unlike gloves, the fingers in mittens touch each other, which means that heat is exchanged between them and the hands will warm up better.

What to do on the street so as not to die

1. Breathing

It is believed that a person loses most of their heat through their head and many believe that by wearing a hat they minimize heat loss. However, this is not quite true. Man really Most of the heat produced by the body is lost through the head, however, not through the top of the head, but through the mouth and nose - during breathing. Therefore, in order to minimize heat loss, try to breathe only through your nose– this way you will retain more heat inside and reduce the amount of cold air that enters your lungs.

  • If you can’t breathe through your nose (due to a runny nose or shortness of breath), press your tongue to the roof of your mouth– it will serve as a kind of barrier to cold air, warming it on its way to the lungs.

2. Face

Unprotected cheeks and nose freeze very quickly in the cold, since the skin in these places is quite thin. Therefore, you should protect these places with a scarf, pulling it higher. At the same time, breathing through the mouth is doubly prohibited, since the exhaled steam will remain on the scarf and turn into small pieces of ice, which will make you freeze much faster.

3. Movement

If you are forced to wait in the cold for someone or something, do not stand still. Move if you don't want to freeze: Walk back and forth, dance, stretch your arms or do squats without being embarrassed to look stupid - such activity will help circulate blood throughout the body and protect against the cold.

Fact . Alcohol doesn't help keep you warm. The feeling of warmth that appears after a missed drink is a consequence of a sharp expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which heat quickly leaves the body. Thus, alcohol makes the body freeze more, not heating. This is also evidenced by sad statistics: 85% of frostbite occurs while intoxicated.

4. Refuge

If you have to for a long time spend outside during frost, keep in mind - every hour you need to go into a warm shelter(shop or cafe) and warm up there for at least 15 minutes. Otherwise you will die.

5. Nerves

Research has shown that how more people nervous, the more difficult it is for the body to adapt to the cold, which means it freezes faster. Therefore, when going out into the cold, you should try to get rid of negative thoughts, and on the street breathing slowly and deeply is calming. Eating chocolate will also not hurt, as it will increase the amount of endorphin in the body - the hormone of joy.

Tricks to help you stay warm in the bitter cold

1. Mustard or pepper

If you are facing a long journey in the cold or standing in one place for a long time, then before going outside sprinkle a little pepper or dry mustard into each sock. These spices will warm your feet and speed up blood circulation. You should also do the same with mittens to warm your hands. This trick will allow you to warm your limbs for up to 12 hours.

2. Paper

Paper is a good thermal insulation material, so it can be used in the fight against cold, and in different ways.

  • Wrap your feet in newspaper or other paper over your socks, then wrap your feet in a plastic bag - this is how fishermen protect themselves from the cold during winter fishing.
  • Paper will also help if you suddenly do not have warm insoles - instead, put several layers of paper inside the shoe.
  • The newspaper is also useful for warming the body. If you accidentally find yourself outside unprepared for the frost, buy any printed edition, and “squeeze” each torn page into a small ball. You should end up with 10-15 paper balls, which you need to distribute evenly under your sweater or jacket over the entire area of ​​your body: front, sides and back. This will create an additional layer of air that will warm you up.

3. Monk skills

It is known that some Tibetan monks by using special technicians They are capable of being half naked in the snowy mountains for a long time and not suffering at all from it. Of course, such abilities are acquired through long training, however some techniques can be adopted by us too, ordinary mortals.

  • Single nostril breathing. The method is very simple: you need to inhale frosty air through your nose, and exhale only through one nostril, closing the second with your finger. Apparently, this way more heat will be retained in the body.
  • Tummo. It is believed that with the help of this technique, Tibetan monks are able to dry a wet towel on a naked body in cold weather. While meditating, they imagine a small light the size of a match head inside their stomach, which they mentally force to grow and increase until the internal fire goes beyond the boundaries of the body. Of course, we have no need to dry wet towels, but we are quite capable of warming ourselves up, I visualize the warmth inside us. At a minimum, such meditation will calm your nerves and distract your thoughts from the cold.

When we get sick, it is natural to feel chills. Warm clothes and even a few blankets do not become a salvation until the body temperature begins to rise. As it grows they die pathogenic bacteria, and the person begins to feel feverish. Everything is clear here. And if an outwardly healthy person turns to a doctor and asks to explain what is happening to him. "Help, I'm constantly freezing." There may be more than one reason, so today we decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Gender characteristics

Let's remember who makes such complaints most often? That's right, from older people. Everyone has seen grandmothers in warm sweaters or even coats hot weather on the street. This does not surprise anyone, because you can often hear from them: “I’m constantly freezing.” The reason lies in poor circulation, which has age-related causes. However, even among young women this phenomenon occurs much more often than among men. At the same time, such a condition is often attributed to individual characteristics body, and the only recommendation given is to dress warmer. However, the roots can lie much deeper, and we will deal with them today.

Alarm bell

You can laugh at a person who repeats: “I’m always cold.” The reason for this, however, may not be at all due to the desire to show one’s effeminacy and attract attention. At the same time, it can be noted that very rarely such a symptom is an independent manifestation of the disease. Most often this is a symptom of some kind of disorder in the body. But here you will have to spend a lot of time to find the true reason.

Tea, warm bath and woolen socks

Have you ever come home from the cold and long time feel cold in your extremities? It was as if the blood had stopped circulating through them. This phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, it is enough to take a hot bath, drink tea and put on warm clothes, and the condition returns to normal. It turns out much more interesting if, being in a warm room, you still cannot get rid of the feeling of chilliness. In this case, you should definitely visit the doctor and tell him: “I am constantly freezing.” The reason may lie in work internal organs, metabolic disorders and even poor diet. But a specialist should understand this.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

A mysterious disease whose cause is psychosomatic. That is, stress leads to disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative nervous system, and it, in turn, triggers a number of physiological processes that we ultimately try to treat. In particular, if your feet are constantly cold, then pay attention to the situations in which this happens. If you have an important meeting, a visit to the director, or significant event, and you observe a strange feeling of coldness in your body, then it is quite possible that this is your reaction to stress. A person with VSD may also complain of low blood pressure or heart problems, his hands are constantly cold, but in fact the root of the trouble lies in instability to stressful situations.

Iron deficiency or anemia

Usually an adult knows well if he has a similar problem. However, if until now the blood tests were normal, but Lately If your feet are constantly freezing, it is recommended to go to the laboratory again. A biochemical blood test will show hemoglobin content. Acute iron deficiency is the most common reason that your limbs are freezing. This is easy to explain: the tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen and muscle spasms occur. Accordingly, blood supply deteriorates. Even mechanical rubbing and hot baths give only a temporary effect of dilating blood vessels and filling them with blood.

Hypothyroidism or thyroid dysfunction

And we continue to talk about why a person is constantly freezing. The reasons may also lie in the activity of the glands internal secretion. In particular, doctors know well that when there is a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, a number of processes are triggered in the body that seriously change its functioning. In particular, there is weakness, decreased blood pressure, low body temperature and a significant decrease in heart rate.

As a consequence of this, increased sweating of the extremities develops, but at the same time the body constantly freezes, and the hands and feet never warm up at all. Disorders of the thyroid gland are diagnosed by an endocrinologist based on blood tests and ultrasound of the gland.

Allergic reaction to cold

At first glance, this sounds strange, but this phenomenon really occurs. The mechanisms at work here are somewhat different, but in general it is the same allergy, only its cause is low air temperature. It is usually difficult for a suffering person to stay warm, no matter how many layers of clothing he or she is wearing. How can you understand that this is the reason? If, in addition to your limbs, your back is constantly cold, then this may be your case. At the same time, redness is observed skin, cracking lips and swelling under the eyes.

Errors in diet

The heat exchange of our body is highly dependent on body weight. If your weight is normal, it means there is a thin layer of fat under the skin that perfectly retains heat. However, today girls are keen on losing weight, very often driving themselves to the point of exhaustion. By resorting to strict diets and overloading themselves with training, they try to achieve ideal parameters without thinking about the consequences. And as a result, they come to the doctor with complaints: “I’m constantly freezing, what’s wrong with me?” And everything is quite simple. lack of iron and iodine - this leads to such consequences.

Raynaud's disease

It doesn't happen often, but that doesn't mean it can be ignored. The fact is that in this case, the hands and feet freeze due to spasms that occur in the small capillaries of the limbs. The origin of this disease is unknown, and many times researchers have refused to classify it as a separate disease, considering such a manifestation to be a symptom of some other illness. But with the development of medicine, enough empirical material has accumulated to understand that this is truly an independent disease that has its own clinical picture.

Raynaud's disease leads to very serious consequences. This may include peeling of the fingers and loss of skin elasticity, but the main thing is intolerance to cold. The person does not enjoy walking fresh air, skiing, swimming in the sea. This is not surprising, not only is he very cold outside. Also, the warming process is accompanied by severe pain. Hands and feet become swollen and red.

What can you do

As we found out, whatever the reason behind this phenomenon, it is associated with problems of capillaries and blood vessels. Impaired blood supply to tissues can be corrected to a certain extent. The procedure is not very simple, but useful. In order not to subject the body to severe stress, you should first take foot baths: hot or contrast.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to go to a sauna or bathhouse. After the steam room, you can swim in a cold pool, this is also very good for your health. A contrast shower is a procedure from the same opera. But we must remember that any such event is stressful for the body and must be approached with caution.

Let's give up bad habits

First and foremost is smoking. It causes your hands and feet to constantly feel cold. And all because nicotine causes vasospasm. The sooner you break this habit, the better. But that is not all. Also try to limit your consumption of coffee and strong drinks. alcoholic drinks, as well as soda. This will only add health to your body, and will also seriously improve your well-being. And before going outside, it is recommended to drink chicken or beef broth.

Nutrition and physical activity

Your diet should be complete, then you will not have a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12. This means that the table should always have dried apricots and raisins, nuts, pomegranates and oatmeal porridge, pumpkin and vegetable salads, fresh fruits. Don't forget about red meat and legumes, they are also rich in iron. But Special attention need to focus on seafood. Red fish - salmon and mackerel, herring and trout - are perfect for your diet. Rich in iodine, they normalize the thyroid gland. Vitamin and herbal decoctions, compotes and fruit drinks increase blood circulation. That is why you need to drink them every day. And the last component is physical activity. You need exercise every day; this is an essential element of treatment.