Highest temperature today. The highest and lowest temperatures of the universe were obtained on earth

This has been noted by experts for 6 years - since 1960. to 1966 on the Dallol volcanic crater located in Ethiopia. The temperature at the crater averaged around +34 degrees. But this place is different in that it is here almost the whole year temperature regime is approximately 34 degrees above zero. The diameter of this is about 1.5 m, and the “Gates of Hell” (as the locals call them) are located at forty-eight meters above sea level.

Stay here long time almost impossible. But there are indigenous people living nearby who are not very talkative, and are also incredibly aggressive.

Highest marks on a thermometer in the 20th century

In 1917, Death Valley in America experienced incredibly high temperatures for forty-three days in a row. The air warmed up to almost 49 degrees above zero.

A whole six months from 1923 to 1924. V Western Australia residents lived at an average air temperature of +32 degrees. And the maximum mark on the thermometer was also almost +49 degrees.

The most high temperature registered in the world by scientists in 1922. in Al Azizia (Libya). The city, where it was +58 above zero in the September shadow, is located eleven meters above sea level. The same temperature mark was on the same day and in Saudi Arabia. That is why both of these places on the planet are recognized as the most.

The highest marks on the thermometer in our century

The Libyan desert Dashti-Lut was incredibly “pleased” with the highest temperatures, where in 2005. The thermometers showed 70 degrees above zero. Under completely natural conditions, such a temperature was recorded only this time and in this place.

At this air temperature, objects become so hot that you can cook food without any equipment. For example, on the hood of a car, which simply replaces the stove. And in the shade at this temperature the air warms up to +60 degrees. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will want to walk barefoot, and it is simply impossible to do this, otherwise you can get severe burns.

Despite the incredibly high mark on the thermometer that can be recorded here, he is heading into the desert huge number tourists who want to see the half-kilometer-high dunes.

The highest temperature in Russia was recorded in 2010, when there was an abnormal heat wave throughout the country. In Volgograd and Tambov average temperature in summer it was 41 degrees above zero.

Highest artificially created temperature

The highest temperature in the Universe created by human hands is ten trillion degrees. It is this temperature, according to scientists, that accompanied the creation of our Universe. And in our time we got such an incredible temperature in the Large Hadron Collider in 2010. Scientists were able to see the record mark on the thermometer due to the fact that lead ions collided and accelerated to near light speed.

The highest artificial temperature indicator was also achieved by the Americans, who conducted experiments on the collision of gold ions. In this test, scientists obtained a temperature that was four trillion degrees.

To understand how high this temperature is, you can simply find out what the temperature of the Sun's core is - and it is equal to fifty million degrees. So we can conclude that the substance obtained by American scientists, which maintains the highest temperature for only a few seconds, has a temperature several tens of times higher than the natural temperature at the solar core.

Highest human temperature

The highest temperatures occur not only in various places our planet, but also for humans. Temperatures above forty-two degrees are fatal. But in 1980 one 52-year-old American's temperature jumped to 46.5 degrees. However, he did not die at all - doctors successfully treated him and discharged him from the hospital after a 24-day course of treatment.

In winter, when getting ready for work in the morning, people dread the moment of going outside. It seems that colder place than the city outside the window does not exist. In fact, this is far from the case, and somewhere at the moment it is really frosty. Of course, everything is learned by comparison, and everyone’s feelings of hot and cold are quite different, because someone puts on all their warm clothes at -10 degrees, while someone walks around in a thin leather jacket. But there are real cold poles on the planet, where no one will remain indifferent to the weather.

Where is the coldest place on the planet?

The most cold spot on earth it is called a “pole”. A pole is a specific area of ​​the earth where it was seen lowest temperature. Even entire regions where minimum temperatures were recorded can be considered poles of cold. At the moment there are several such points on our planet.

We can definitely say that now there are two regions that are recognized as the coldest. Their names are known to everyone: these are the South and North Poles.

North Pole

In the Northern Hemisphere, these points are located in populated areas. The lowest rate is achieved in the city of Verkhoyansk, which is located in Russia, the Republic of Yakutia. The record temperature here dropped to -67.8 degrees; it was recorded at the end of the 19th century.

The second cold pole is the village of Oymyakon. It is also located in Yakutia. The lowest temperature in Oymyakon was -67.7 degrees.

The most interesting thing is that these settlements periodically try to challenge which of them truly deserves the status North Pole. But if we ignore the controversy, we must admit that these are indeed the coldest cities in the world.

South Pole

Now it's time to talk about Here, too, there are record holders. One of them is Russian station called "Vostok", which is located in Antarctica. This is practically the location of this station determines a lot. Here the temperature sometimes drops to -89.2 degrees. It is not surprising that this is the coldest point on Earth, because the thickness of the ice under the station is 3,700 meters. However, in recent years an even more astonishing number was found, which is -92 degrees.

Rating of the coldest places

In addition to the poles of cold, there are quite a few regions with a harsh climate. There is far more than one coldest point on Earth, so other objects cannot be ignored. To clarify this issue, a list of the TOP 10 coldest places on Earth was compiled. His results showed the following:

  1. Station "Plateau" (East Antarctica).
  2. Station "Vostok" (Antarctica).
  3. Verkhoyansk (Russia).
  4. Oymyakon (Russia).
  5. Northais (Greenland).
  6. Ismitte (Greenland).
  7. Prospect Creek (Alaska).
  8. Fort Selkirk (Canada).
  9. Roger Pass (USA).
  10. Snow (Canada).

Where on the planet is it really hot?

People are always interested in where the coldest and hottest places on Earth are. This interest does not always come only from curiosity; many want to visit these places, because such a trip will not only be educational, but will also leave impressions for a lifetime. However, not everyone can withstand such a trip, since in some places the conditions are truly extreme. have already been considered, now it’s worth paying attention to their opposites.

Of course, Africa is the leader in the number of hot days and high temperatures. There are several places to highlight here. The first of them is the city of Kebili, located in Tunisia. It’s really hard to be here; the mercury can rise to a serious level - 55 degrees Celsius. This is one of the highest rates recorded on the African continent.

The second record holder is the city of Timbuktu. This small town is located in the Sahara. It arose at the intersection of major trade routes. The town is also of great cultural interest. Now in Timbuktu there is a huge collection of ancient manuscripts and manuscripts. As for the temperature, here it often reaches 55 degrees. Local residents have difficulty escaping the heat; dunes can often be seen on the streets, and sandstorms often begin.

Where is it hottest on the planet?

Of course, not everyone can live in Africa; conditions on its territory are sometimes very extreme. However, there is a place that can break the records of Kebili and Timbuktu. This is a desert called Dasht-e Lut, located in Iran. Temperature measurements here do not occur constantly, since this is not always possible. In 2005, one of the satellites recorded absolute temperature maximum on our planet. It was 70.7 degrees hot.

The coldest and hottest country

Now that we already know where the hottest and coldest points on Earth are, it's worth talking about larger objects, such as countries.

Qatar is rightfully considered. This state is located in South-West Asia. It boasts not only temperature records, but also its wealth. The most interesting thing is that the political system here has been preserved since time immemorial; Qatar still has an absolute monarchy.

The country is really very hot, in winter the temperature is usually about 28 degrees, and in summer - about 40 degrees hot. Taking into account the acute shortage of water, sometimes the situation here is not the most positive.

Most cold country Greenland is recognized worldwide. This state can really amaze with its climate; at the height of summer, the temperature often stays at 0 degrees and very rarely reaches the threshold of +10.

As for winter, it is really harsh here. The average January temperature in some areas is -27°C.

Our Earth is amazingly beautiful. We have the opportunity every day to enjoy its beauty and use its gifts. But there are places where a person begins to realize how pathetic he is before the greatness of nature. For example, the hottest regions of the planet. Often Earth temperature record people can hardly measure and record - the “baking” is simply unbearable! So, the hottest journey on planet Earth begins.

The first stop will be. Today this city is a ghost. From 1960 to 1966, the average annual temperature here reached +34,4 °C, which is a record for today. The heat in Dallol lasts almost the whole year. This place is also famous for its hydrothermal springs. Dallol, located near the Afar Basin, experiences constant volcanic activity. The alien landscapes near the volcano look fantastic!

Next we go to. In the early autumn of 1922, in the Al-Azizia region, it was recorded Earth temperature record - +57,7 °C. However, it is not officially recognized due to measurement errors. It is also interesting that this place is located near the Mediterranean Sea.

Temperatures set world records and in. The air temperature in the Kebali desert oasis is up to +55 °C.

High temperatures were also recorded in the United United Arab Emirates. meet you with incredible heat, with air temperatures +56 °C. Rain here is very rare, the precipitation level never exceeds 3 cm. This desert is very inhospitable.

The state of California in the USA is also ready to compete for the temperature record on Earth. acquired the name “Death Valley” for its dry and hot air. This place is recognized by the World Meteorological Organization as a world record holder with a maximum +56,7 °C. It is surprising that some species of animals live in the “Valley of Death”. At night, foxes, lynxes and many rodents crawl out of their holes. The valley becomes very beautiful when it rains. During this period, it is covered with various colors. This is a very mysterious place where stones move in an unknown way, leaving traces of their movements.

Talking about temperature records on Earth, Australia is not to be missed. This continent is the driest. Most of it is desert. In 2003, the temperature was recorded in the region +69,3 °C on the surface.

Israel also experienced high temperatures. , is famous for its unbearable heat. In 1942 it was recorded here record temperature air for all of Asia - +53,9 °C.

is another “hot spot” on our planet. The area is very picturesque - there are spectacular ravines of red sand. A NASA satellite measured mountain system Tien Shan temperature +66,8 °C on the surface.

Residents who are located in... suffer from constant heat. Collections of ancient manuscripts are still kept here. Unfortunately, the elements make their own adjustments: many streets are covered with sand, and huge dunes are formed. The Aborigines are haunted by the constant heat. The air temperature here reaches +55 °C. The only salvation for local residents from the unbearable heat is the Niger River, which flows 24 kilometers from the city.

And finally, let's remember. From 2004 to 2009, this desert established more than one absolute Earth temperature record. In 2005, the highest temperature on the surface of our planet was measured in the Dasht-Lut desert - +70,7 °C.

IN summer months Over the past few years, we have increasingly complained about the unbearable heat of July or August. This topic always comes up in everyday conversations, where we complain about unbearable climatic conditions. It is especially difficult for residents of large cities. The same topic regularly appears on the pages and in videos of the media: “Today the highest temperature was recorded in the last n years...” and “Beating again temperature record..." In this regard, it would be interesting to know what temperatures are generally possible on our planet.

And above all about Russia

Yes, it was in our country that one of the weather temperature records was recorded. Only it was not the maximum, but the lowest. In the city of Oymyakon, which is located in Yakutia just 350 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, a temperature of -71.2 °C was recorded. This happened in 1926. For a resident middle zone or southern regions, it’s even difficult to imagine such cold! By the way, city residents immortalized this moment by establishing

Vostok station

And this record again belongs to the Russians. The station may not be located on the territory of the country (it is located in Antarctica), but it is the fruit of the labors of Soviet science and engineering. And it was here in 1983 that air quality across the entire planet was recorded. This figure was -89 °C.

Canadian frosts

The country is the northernmost in the Western Hemisphere, so it's no surprise that Canada also boasts (or complains about) record low temperatures. On "Eureka" average annual temperature is -20 °C. And in winter it regularly drops to -40 °C.

Sultry Libya

Now let's walk a little through places whose temperatures sharply contrast with those above. After all, here is the highest temperature on the planet! For example, Libya is famous for its incredibly high temperatures. And in the town of Al-Aziziya, which is 40 kilometers south of Tripoli, the highest temperature on Earth among populated areas was recorded. In September 1922 it was +58 °C. A real inferno, in comparison with which the heat of our country will seem like a gentle spring warmth!

And again Libya

If native Russia presented us with the lowest temperature records, then Libya is otherwise in the lead. In 2004-2005, the local Dashti Lut desert recorded the highest temperature in earth's surface. It was +70 °C. Interestingly, this same desert is also the driest place on Earth (along with the Chilean desert. Not a single thing is able to survive here. living creature, even bacteria!

Hot Ethiopia

But in this country the average annual highest temperature throughout to the globe. The local area of ​​Dallol is located 116 meters below sea level and is covered with volcanic salt. Of course, nothing living lives here. And the temperature in these conditions is +34.4 °C on average per year.

Winter is already over, but memories of frost and cold are still fresh in my memory. When it's below zero, your breath takes away, your lips begin to crack, your skin dries out... Your legs and arms freeze. Every year there are reports of people who decided to take a short break in a snowdrift. And no amount of civilization, science, medicine, or nanotechnology can save us from this most terrible victim of winter.

However, in most Russian cities winter temperature rarely drops below 30-40 degrees from zero, whereas this is not the limit at all. Even on our warm and cozy planet there are places with a rather frightening climate. And the most low temperature on Earth can impress anyone.


A small village in Yakutia is considered a real pole of cold. It is the coldest locality. About five thousand people live in it, who are accustomed to the local climate and consider it a completely worthy payment for life in native land.

And the climate here is truly more than harsh. The village is not only located far in the north, it is also quite high relative to sea level and remote from the oceans. And due to the fact that it lies in a lowland, frosty air flows here in winter. The sum of these factors gives impressively low average annual temperatures, and the absolute minimum was -64.3 degrees Kelvin. It’s not very comfortable, but people have adapted to this too.

Vostok station

No matter how paradoxical it may be, the lowest temperature is at South Pole. Of course, “southern” in this case means “located at the bottom of the map,” and not “in the warm and pleasant south.” The coldest continent is frozen through, only in the summer does a small surface layer of soil thaw in it, allowing it to survive limited quantity flora and fauna.

Nice summer day

People do not live there, with the exception of particularly extreme scientists studying this inhospitable region. There are stations there from many countries, including Russia. And it was the inhabitants of the Russian “Vostok” who recorded the temperature, which for a long time was considered minimal - -89.2 degrees. This happened historical event June 21, 1983. And for almost twenty years this record seemed absolute.

Fuji Dome

Antarctica is an extremely inhospitable continent, but there are some impressive places there, for example, the Fuji Dome, also known as Mount Valkyries. This hill is located in Queen Maud Land, one of the coldest areas. In addition, it is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, which makes the climate even more harsh. By the way, the Fuji Dome is one of the highest points on the continent, which contributes to obtaining unique weather conditions.

Bad day

It was in this area that the existing at the moment temperature minimum - 91.2 degrees. It is interesting not only that this is the minimum temperature, but also the first recorded one that crossed the line of 90 degrees below zero.

The method for detecting this temperature also differs. The fact is that most often the temperature is measured with a regular alcohol or electronic thermometer. The result obtained shows the temperature of the surface layer of air. But the new temperature record was measured not in the usual way, but from a satellite. Thus, the temperature of the earth's surface was measured, and therefore many question the validity of this record.

Somewhere over Sweden

If we talk not about the surface temperature, but about the entire planet, including the atmosphere, then the lowest temperature will differ significantly from the values ​​already mentioned.

Thus, in the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 85 kilometers above Sweden in 1963, a temperature minimum that had no analogues was recorded -143 degrees below zero Celsius.

On the other hand, if you continue to rise, the temperature will decrease until it reaches -270 degrees, characteristic of outer space. True, it will no longer be considered a planet.

Somewhere in the laboratory

In 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was given to a group of scientists who were able to develop theoretical foundations cooling the substance to ultra-low temperatures and testing them in practice. To do this, the gas is cooled in a magnetic trap, where it cannot come into contact with the walls and be heated by them.

Later, based on this technique, the lowest temperature on the planet and in the entire Universe was obtained - 0.0000000001 Kelvin, which is one picokelvin above absolute zero.

It is unlikely that this particular thermometer was used, but the result would be similar

IN outer space and even higher, because its space is heated due to the radiation background remaining after Big Bang. Currently, the average temperature in interstellar space is about 3 degrees Kelvin. The Universe is gradually cooling, but very slowly, by about 1 degree every 3 billion years.

Therefore, so far the lowest temperature has been recorded on Earth, of course, if there are no other civilizations on other planets with their own scientists seeking to learn the secrets of matter and energy.