The warmest countries for holidays in October. Where to fly in October: Six warm countries for a seaside holiday

Where to go on vacation in October? This question is sooner or later asked by those who happen to go on vacation in the midst of autumn.

Seems like it could be sadder than free time, which happened during one of the rainiest months of the year, when the weather is so changeable that when you go to work in the morning, as a rule, you don’t know what to take with you: an umbrella, a raincoat or a light shirt for a change.

However, experienced travelers claim that even in this case it is possible to organize a vacation, because there are plenty of destinations where you can go in October. The choice is actually quite wide, both for lovers of sea holidays and for those who prefer to spend their free time getting to know the planet and constantly discovering new places.

This article will not only tell you where to go on vacation in October, the reader will learn the main nuances of such a trip. Namely, all the advantages and disadvantages of autumn vacation.

General information

If you have not yet decided where to go in October, you should reconsider your pessimistic approach to this season. Believe me, autumn is not only puddles, dampness, cloudy skies and piercing winds.

It is not without reason that the beauty of this period is glorified by poets and artists. They were able to see all the delights of the second month of the golden season. What makes it unique? First of all, of course, in the unreal juiciness, richness, joy from the flowering of all kinds of representatives of the autumn flora. By the way, the sad autumn rains with glimpses of dim sun do not detract from the beauty of October.

And how rich in gifts natural world! Don't know where to go in early October? First of all, stay positive and remember that you are truly lucky. This is, one might say, the ideal time for a vacation. Why? First of all, thanks to the simple task of finding a place to stay. For example, you can go to a country where it is already cool, and therefore the weather is very cold. favorable time for excursions, or, conversely, lie on the beach in a warm country, listening to the noise of the waves rolling onto the shore.

Where to go on vacation (September, October, November)? Cheap, but at the same time comfortable

Of course, no one wants to spend extra money, so most of us try to find more budget option. Experienced travelers They claim that this can be done much easier in the fall than at any other time of the year.

So, where should thrifty travelers go in October? The choice is really wide. And one of these places is Türkiye. Why? Well, at least because during this period of time there will definitely not be a huge demand for trips. Agree, people usually come here in the summer, so during the hot season, trips are expensive, and there are practically no “hot” offers.

And in October in Turkey, judging by the reviews of travelers, it is not very hot, but warm and pleasant, so tickets and hotel rooms will be much cheaper.

It should be noted that three- and four-star hotels are in great demand for accommodation. Indeed, you shouldn’t spend money on luxury villas or bungalows, because a lot of time will be spent on sightseeing.

Don't know where to go at the end of October, but would like to bask in the sun? Then go to Egypt. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that already in December prices for tours and air tickets almost double. This is due to the fact that many Russians already miss the warmth, sea and soft sand, which means they will want to meet new year holidays right here.

In autumn, prices are very affordable.

Conquering Europe

Don't know where to go inexpensively in October? Go to Europe. Here tourists will not be bored at any time of the year.

Italy will be a great place to have a fun and educational holiday in mid-autumn. The climate here is very mild: the temperature during the day in Rome at this time is no lower than +18-25 degrees. In the evening, of course, it is cool, so don’t forget warm clothes.

The big advantage of this direction is that at this time there is a so-called low season, so the prices are sure to please budget travelers. By the way, you can also visit museums without queues.

Honestly, according to most tourists, holidays in Greece and Spain at this time of year are not much different from holidays in the aforementioned Italy.

In fact, it is believed that autumn is best time to visit Mediterranean countries.

A little cooler weather in France - in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, the temperature does not exceed +18 degrees. But many interesting events take place here: film festivals, international music festivals and the traditional flea fair in Amiens. More than 80 thousand people visit it. By the way, tourists have the opportunity to very low prices become owners of rare and antique goods.

Oktoberfest is a holiday that everyone should attend

Probably, many have heard about such an unusual beer festival as Oktoberfest. Perhaps this is the most famous festival of its kind in the world. Traditionally, it takes place in Munich, Germany, at the end of September - beginning of October.

The celebrations begin on the weekend and continue continuously for another two weeks. Especially for this occasion, the German meadow Theresienwiese becomes a giant amusement park, where beer literally flows like a river day and night.

But in the famous “Festhalle” tent you can learn the history of German breweries.

Also here you can find a huge number of shops with souvenirs and snacks, as they say, for every taste and budget. High-quality beer, delicious sandwiches, famous sausages and pretzels - how can you deny yourself the pleasure and not try all this deliciousness?

The beginning of the festival is marked by a traditional street parade, and a festive atmosphere reigns everywhere. Local residents consider participation in Oktoberfest almost their duty, and breweries at this time have the opportunity to advertise their products absolutely free.

The parade procession is led by the mayor of the city, and until he opens the ceremony, not a single glass will be filled with a wonderful drink. And only after the solemn announcement of the start of the feasts, fun begins, dancing and beer flows like a river.

Isn't it time to go skiing?

Let's talk about where to go on vacation in October for those who already in the fall begin to dream of snowy peaks and dizzying mountain descents. For them, this month is a very suitable time to visit a ski resort. October is the start of the season in many North American and European ski resorts. In the resort of St. Moritz in Switzerland, the weather allows this sport to be practiced already this month.

Snow also falls early in the French resort of Tignes, as it is located high in the mountains. In addition to skiing, vacationers are offered many other winter activities: ice diving, ice climbing, ice karting, snow sled or bicycle racing.

For snowboarders the best resort Mammos Lake is considered, which has tracks for both professionals and beginners. And at the end of October, the ski resorts of Killington and Stowe, located in Vermont (USA), open the season.

The sea is still waiting to meet you

Do you love swimming and sunbathing, but still haven’t decided where to go in October in order to get that much-needed dose of ultraviolet light? Experienced travelers advise beach lovers to go on holiday to those countries where the sun constantly shines and the sea is calm and storm-free. Where exactly?

It is rightfully considered that Egypt is the most suitable option for budget-conscious tourists. Good service, fast flight and no typhoons or rain.

You can also visit the resorts of Jordan, which are located in the Gulf of Abaca on the shores of the Red Sea.

European quality of service will be provided to vacationers Canary Islands. It should be noted that warm weather remains here all year round.

Cuba is also a good option, but no one can guarantee cloudless weather in the tropics.

Opens in October tourist season in the United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah. Reviews from tourists confirm that vacationers at these resorts are guaranteed a comfortable beach holiday.

Time for new sensations: Dominican Republic

Do you consider yourself a sophisticated traveler, but still don't know where to go in October? Discover a new destination - the Dominican Republic.

This is truly an ideal country for those who love to bask on the sand by the calm sea.

In October, the weather in the Dominican Republic is already stable and warm. Feeling like you're in tropical paradise, will hit you as soon as you step off the plane. Travelers are greeted by a clear blue sky and unusually colored water. In October, prices here are still low, as the popular season is just beginning.

In addition to a wonderful beach holiday, in the fall in the Dominican Republic you can take part in the celebration of America's Discovery Day or attend the annual merengue festival. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this celebration continues for several days and nights without interruption. At this time, the coast turns into a large stage on which everyone dances: fashion groups invited to the festival, guests who come on vacation, local residents.

Do you want something exotic?

When answering the question about where to go on vacation in October, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s time to treat yourself to something new and not quite ordinary.

October is rightfully considered the most suitable month to learn more about culture and real life exotic countries.

Believe me, there are quite a lot of places on the world map where the autumn weather is favorable for excursion and educational recreation.

Thus, in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, the average daily temperature in October is +25 degrees. From this city you can continue your journey around the country, and then move to India, Tibet or China.

It will be very interesting to visit South Korea or countries rising sun Japan: in any city where tourists go, the weather will be favorable for their vacation.

Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Bhutan and other Asian countries are ready to welcome tourists at this time of year.

It will also be interesting to visit African countries in the midst of autumn: South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco or Kenya.

Kenya in October

Note that the flow of tourists to Africa in October decreases significantly. This allows you to relax with greater comfort.

According to experts, the cost of travel and flights will be lower if you book a tour in advance.

October in Kenya - spring month, the small rainy season begins here. But the showers are short-lived, and precipitation does not fall often.

The weather makes for a wonderful holiday. The average daily temperature reaches +30 degrees, at night - +23, the water warms up to +26 degrees.

It’s wonderful in October on the Indian Ocean coast at those resorts where, in addition to a great beach holiday, you can walk in shady palm groves, go diving, and visit good restaurants. The resorts of Lamu, Mombasa and Malindi are especially popular.

Visit National Park"The Gates of Hell" will leave a lot of indelible impressions. The park is located inside the famous African Rift. In it you can climb rocks, wash your hands in hot springs, and admire waterfalls.

And in national reserve Amboseli is worth observing the world around you or immediately organizing a photo hunt for hippopotamus, leopard, elephant, buffalo and lion, herds of zebras, giraffes and gazelles. From here they open beautiful views on Kilimanjaro.

Where to go with your baby

It is better to vacation with children at sea in those countries where the flight does not take too much time. For example, in Israel, Egypt, Turkey, UAE.

October in Turkey is still beach season, but in the evening it’s already cool, so don’t forget about warm clothes. In the fall, you can take advantage of discounts and last-minute trips to travel to Turkey.

The ideal time to holiday in Egypt is autumn. It never gets cold here, and the October temperature is +30 degrees.

Israeli resorts are hot and dry at this time, so you can have a great rest here too.

In addition, you can visit the resorts of Jordan with children. In the second month of autumn it is still warm here and you can have a great time by the sea.

We should not forget that Dead Sea salts have miraculous properties for healing best place can't be found.

Active recreation will be provided by a resort in Austria on the Sturbai glacier. Here children will have a lot of fun learning to ski. First tracks ski resort open in October.

What trips should you avoid?

In the middle of autumn, enjoy the gentle sun, warm sea possible in Greece, Montenegro, Spain or Croatia.

But in October, count on constant warm weather, according to reviews from tourists, it is impossible, this is a time of frequent cold winds. You won't be able to get a full rest.

Thailand and Vietnam are also not ideal holiday destinations in October; the rainy season is just ending here.

What can Russia offer? Where to go in October? There are, of course, many interesting places. However, it is still better to go on excursions. Beach holiday, unfortunately, will no longer be available.


When summer is behind you, and you still want to go to the sea, to the sand, then you need to fly abroad, where the beach season is in full swing and there is not even a hint of dull autumn. But few people know where they can relax abroad in October 2019 at sea. Inexpensive beach holidays can be arranged in countries south asia, also the season has not yet ended in some European countries. We will tell you about them in our article, and you can decide for yourself whether to fly there or not.

Countries of Southeast Asia.
With the coming late autumn The beach season opens in countries located in Southeast Asia. These days the rainy season ends here and a wonderful time begins when the sun is shining and you can swim in the sea. What countries are waiting for you?

Firstly, this is Thailand, which is so loved by many of our tourists. Thailand has an excellent climate and luxurious hotels with beaches. In October there is neither heat nor cold here. The temperature during the day is about +27 degrees, and the sea has warmed up to +23 and above.

Although the rainy season is over, sometimes there are short-term downpours that last 30-40 minutes. Of course, it's not very pleasant when you're on the beach. But in such a case, there are cafes and restaurants on the beaches where you can hide and wait out the elements.
But prices at this time of year are especially low. In October there are not many tourists here, and hotels want to lure them in and offer discounts and other goodies. You can take advantage of this offer.

In October it is also warm here, there is no heat and no rain. At the same time, there is no rain even for short periods. And the sea temperature is slightly higher than in Thailand.
Goa compares favorably with its neighbors in prices. Here they are lower and sometimes by a lot. Plus in India, and Goa is India, there are many beautiful sights. The country itself has a rich culture and if the weather is bad, you can enjoy city tours and see life as it is.

Also don't forget about Vietnam. Especially about his resort Nha Trang. It is the most popular among tourists, and people vacation here all year round, even during the rainy season.

Vietnam has recently become a tourist country. But this is even better, because the country has modern hotels, excellent beaches and beautiful nature.
Almost all hotels have their own swimming pools, and in cases bad weather you can stay in it and swim in the heated pool. The local jungle deserves special attention. They are beautiful, monkeys and other animals of the country live in them. Jungle excursions are very popular with tourists, who walk along the trails, admire the animals and take photographs.

Holidays in Europe at sea in October.
Many people think that in October there are no countries in Europe where it is warm and you can swim. They are mistaken, such countries exist, and they are well known to everyone.
The velvet season is underway in Greece and Cyprus. These days it is still quite warm here and up to +25 degrees during the day. The sun is shining most of the day and there is no sign of rain yet.
You can also relax in Montenegro, but not everywhere. Only some southern resorts of the country are ready to receive tourists and guarantee them that there will be warm sea and excellent sunny weather.
If you fly even further into Europe, you can relax in Spain, on the gorgeous azure beaches. Holidays in Spain are not very expensive; plane tickets are expensive due to the distance they have to travel.

Next to Spain is Portugal, which is even cheaper. But again, due to the fact that it takes even longer to fly here, it seems that the cost of the tour is very high. But both Spain and Portugal are hot. During the day the air can warm up to +30 degrees, and the nights are as warm as summer and up to +22. The sea pleases with warmth and warm water. But these days it may not be calm and there may be high waves.

In this article we have collected several vacation ideas for October. This is the month when the season at Mediterranean resorts has not yet dried up, but closer to the equator it is just getting ready to begin. Everywhere - prices are still or already low. This is a great month for an inexpensive and memorable vacation. Our list included both budget destinations in Europe and northern Africa, and the more expensive shores of Southeast Asia, .

List of places abroad where you can have an inexpensive holiday on the warm sea in October

Coast of Goa in India

Wild beach on the coast of North Goa. Photo by $holydevil from Flickr

We are talking, first of all, about Goa. From mid-late October you can safely go here to swim and sunbathe, although there is a chance of encountering cloudy weather. Prices on the Indian coast begin to rise from December, so October and November remain the ideal time to relax, have fun without spending extra money. During the day in October, the air here warms up to 31 degrees Celsius, the water - up to 27.

Inexpensive and warm Egypt

Sunset on the beach in Sharm el-Sheikh. Photo by WomEOS from Flickr

It is better to go to Egypt in early and mid-October, as closer to winter the water here becomes cloudy and cold winds begin. In October the heat subsides here, which, however, even in August is not felt as much as in Turkey. The air temperature reaches 31 degrees Celsius, the waters of the Red Sea - up to 27-28. It is quite possible to swim, and there will be no hordes of tourists around, and prices will have already dropped to unseasonal levels.

Thailand after the rainy season

Ha Long Bay in October. Photo by mr clearview from Flickr

In Thailand, the rainy season begins to come to an end from the end of September. In October, in Bangkok and other northern cities the sky is still covered with clouds, so it is better to choose Phuket or Koh Samui for your vacation instead of Pattaya. When the sun shines, sunbathe and swim in the sea. On rainy days, take excursions and go to nearby attractions - most likely, due to the small number of tourists at this time, the excursion group will consist of you alone. The same situation applies to diving: a group trainer will become your personal trainer.

UAE with shopping and warm sea

Burj Al Arab at sunset. Photo by modenadude from Flickr

In October there is no hint of the approaching winter. In Dubai, Sharjah and other cities of the Emirates, the sun is shining, the water temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, the air temperature is up to 35 during the day. At night the air cools to 21-23 degrees. October in the UAE is a time of fresh fruit and weather suitable for swimming. And you can go here to buy gold, clothes and electronics not only during the summer, but all year round. You can with our help.

With children to Turkey

Cleopatra Beach in Alanya. True, in August. Photo by floodkoff from Flickr

It is believed that the end of the beach season in Turkey comes at the end of September. Indeed, prices for tours go down after this date. Although the temperature here in October is in no way inferior to summer in Moscow. In mid-autumn in Turkey you can swim in the warm sea and sunbathe, and the air and water have approximately the same temperature: 26-27 degrees Celsius. Türkiye in October remains the most inexpensive option for a holiday, although here.

For dates in Tunisia

Coastal hotel in Mahdia. Photo by khowaga1 from Flickr

Tunisia is perhaps the ideal holiday destination in October. The summer heat subsides, giving way to the gentle sun and warm breeze along with the same comfortable sea. This month the date harvest begins here - great opportunity fly to Tunisia in October and eat fresh fruits. Swim in the sea, sunbathe and book a three-day jeep safari to the Sahara - an unforgettable adventure.

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19 countries where you can fly to the sea in October. Where is the best beach holiday in October? Pros and cons of each country. Weather and sea temperature. Prices for tours, air tickets, hotels.

Where to go on vacation at sea in October - 19 options

Russians associate October with deep autumn, colored leaves, rain and slush. A trip to a warm country, where it’s so nice to lie on the beach, swim and sunbathe under the sun, will help bring back the bygone summer. gentle sun. Where to relax in October to make your vacation bright and memorable? Ride on Black Sea coast tempting, but risky - you may be unlucky with the weather. Therefore, Russian tourists prefer to fly to where it is warm and sunny - abroad, to the southern seas.

© fourfridays / / CC BY 2.0

When solving the dilemma of where to go to the sea in October, Russians prefer visa-free countries. Flying on vacation to Turkey means exchanging autumn boredom for a beach holiday.

Tourists are attracted by:

  • short flight;
  • Russian-speaking staff;
  • many beaches have been awarded the Blue Flag;
  • infrastructure and service at the highest level;

Of the minuses:

  • excessive attention to Russian women;
  • cases of discrepancy between the ordered number and real conditions accommodation.

Continues in October velvet season without the tedious heat and crowds. On the banks of the Black and Aegean seas The weather in mid-autumn is unreliable and rainy. But you can go on vacation to Turkey in October by buying a cheap last-minute ticket. It’s possible to fly two people on vacation for a week for 45-47 thousand rubles.

The air temperature during the day is from 20 to 27°, at night – 17-20°, at the end of October the sun is still warm, but at night it gets cold to 13-17°. At sea – 22-24°.

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© davidstanleytravel / / CC BY 2.0

The beach season in Tunisia lasts until mid-autumn. At the beginning of October, the weather here is comfortable - 25-27° in the air and 22-24° in the sea. If you want to get into a warm place where it’s nice to sunbathe and swim, you need to fly to the island of Djerba. Thanks to hot southern winds, during the day the air warms up to 27-29°; you can swim at 25°.

In mid-October until the end of the month there are often strong winds and rains begin. Although there is no prolonged precipitation, the sky is covered with dense clouds. It's time to go on excursions to Carthage and the Sahara Desert.

Pros of traveling to Tunisia:

  • no visa required;
  • the beaches are sandy and clean;
  • prices for tours are reduced;
  • The all-inclusive system is common.

Disadvantages for picky tourists:

  • in hotels 3* and below the level of service is low;
  • Russian is not widely spoken, although the staff is actively studying it;
  • not everywhere there are animators;
  • Tunisians really like Russian girls.

This month you can relax on a budget for 45,000 rubles in a 3* hotel and from 89 thousand for two in 4-5* hotels on the first beach line.


If you are wondering where to fly to the sea in October, choose Egypt. It's better to relax here late autumn, it's too hot in summer. In the autumn months, the beach season is still in full swing, but schoolchildren and students have gone home, and you can buy last-minute trips at a good price.

For $750 two people get a great sea ​​holiday And I note among the advantages T:

  • real summer weather(30-32°);
  • warm sea (26-27°);
  • no visa;
  • helpful staff.

A significant disadvantage is security problems and tedious intrusiveness of traders

© shoesmiths / / CC BY 2.0

A beach holiday in October becomes a reality when it comes to Cyprus. Sea temperature 25°, air temperature 26-27°. Sometimes the wind rises and it rains with a thunderstorm, the thermometer drops to 20°. But such vagaries of nature do not happen often.

Holidays in Cyprus in October delight tourists with comfortable weather and beautiful scenery. This month you can not only relax on the beach, but also take an exciting trip around the island without fear of the tedious heat.

You can fly in without a visa; it is issued at the airport of arrival. There are few tourists at this time, and you can spend a vacation for as little as 50,000 rubles.

Undeniable advantages:

  • clean sandy beaches marked with the Blue Flag;
  • excellent service;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • no language barrier;
  • conditions for recreation of parents with children.


  • high prices for accommodation;
  • charging for services and beach activities;
  • noise until late at night.

Newlyweds often come to Cyprus to honeymoon, the animators are preparing a very beautiful ceremony especially for them.


© amira_a / / CC BY 2.0

It’s quite possible to travel to Europe without a visa and have an inexpensive vacation if you decide to spend your vacation in Montenegro. But weather conditions in October are fickle. If you can still swim at the beginning of the month, then the second half of October is more suitable for excursions. At night the thermometer sometimes drops to 14°, during the day it warms up to 21°. There is a high probability of rain, there are frequent storms at sea, the water cools down to 18-20°.

But prices drop by 35-40%; a week’s vacation for two costs from 55,000 rubles.

What attracts Montenegro:

  • European service;
  • sanatoriums at balneological resorts;
  • hospitality of local residents;
  • a calm, measured holiday for retirees who cannot stand the heat;
  • beautiful nature;
  • reasonable prices.

The only disadvantage is rainy weather and piercing winds on the coast, which will overshadow part of the holiday.


The climate in Bulgaria is not much different from Montenegro. You can swim only in the first half of October. Then the air and water temperatures equalize - 18-19°, and by the end of the month nature is in the grip of autumn. It’s even cooler in the mountains – 9-10°.

You can have an interesting holiday traveling around the country. A significant disadvantage is that you need a Schengen visa. The minimum cost of a week of rest is 43,000 rubles.

Italy, Spain

© 129472585@N03 / / CC BY 2.0

The most popular destinations– Italy and Spain, beautiful at any time of the year.

© velo_denz / / CC BY 2.0

In October, tourists get the chance to profitably purchase a week-long tour to Portugal for 84,000 rubles for two.

The beach season is not closed yet, but in the sea it is only 18-20°, and in the air 23° during the day and 14-16° at night. Vacationers are looking for where it's warm and heading to the heated Azores warm Gulf Stream. Here in the sea it is 22°, at lunchtime the atmosphere is 22-24°.

From the middle of the month the sky becomes cloudy and rain is common. But, according to tourists, the sun shines every third day.

What's good about Portugal:

  • active youth recreation is developed - surfing, diving, etc.;
  • many holidays, including bullfighting;
  • interesting excursions;
  • European service.

Disadvantages of rest:

  • frequent winds, high waves;
  • Schengen is required/

© geoffdude / / CC BY 2.0


In October, the tourist season begins in the Emirates, but the heat makes itself felt - 34-38°. Water like fresh milk– not lower than 27°. Holidays at this time are mainly beach holidays.

The beaches and hotels amaze with their wealth and luxury, the prices are high, but there is always the opportunity to purchase a last-minute ticket and relax for 62,000 rubles.

Undoubted advantages:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • sandy beaches;
  • varied shopping;
  • unusual architecture.

In 2018, it became possible to obtain a visa upon entering the country for free.

There are also disadvantages:

  • hot;
  • expensive;
  • far;
  • Prohibition.

The Emirates has strict laws regarding appearance and behavior of tourists. One girl, unaccompanied by a man, may feel uncomfortable on the streets of the city.


© dawolf / / CC BY 2.0

Israel has the most best vacation in October. The thermometer rarely rises above 30°, the water is warm – 24-27°. The shores are washed by the waters of 4 seas.

Tourists are attracted by:

  • visa-free regime;
  • no language barrier;
  • excursions to holy places;
  • hospitals around the Dead Sea.

Of the minuses:

  • high prices;
  • crowded;
  • security problems;
  • long inspection.

The price range is quite high: from 63,500 rubles. in the capital up to 133,500 rubles. in Eilat.

Thailand, Vietnam

© fukata / / CC BY 2.0

Asia is in power in October wet season. When the air temperature is 30-32° during the day and 23-25° at night, it often rains, hence the high humidity. The sea is rough, but warm – about 27°. Nature is especially rampant in the northern and central regions. Due to storms and typhoons, the water in the sea is cloudy.

And only on the southern shores are they not uncommon sunny days and periods of calm.


  • no visa required;
  • cheap food and accommodation;
  • beach holidays have not been cancelled;
  • adult pleasures (in Thailand);
  • cheerful, friendly residents.

Disadvantages are mainly related to the weather:

  • high humidity;
  • rains;
  • Hurricanes and typhoons happen.

A long and expensive flight is compensated by cheap accommodation. The price of a week-long tour for two with breakfast starts from 52 thousand rubles.

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Morocco, Jordan

© 33200530@N04 / / CC BY 2.0

Holidays in Africa are suitable for those who intend to combine a beach holiday with exploring the local flavor. The sweltering heat subsides only by October - 28-30° during the day, and from 16 to 22° at night, depending on the region. You can stay in the water all day – 25-29°.

The most cheap tours start in Morocco from $1,390, in Jordan – from 99,000 rubles for two.

Pros of rest:

  • low prices within countries;
  • conditions for surfing and diving;
  • health and beauty treatments;
  • affordable prices for natural creams, cosmetics, bags, fabrics.
  • Vacationers are attracted by:
    • online visa application for 1805 rubles;
    • exotic landscapes;
    • free beaches;
    • centers practicing yoga and Ayurveda;
    • cheap clothing and food markets.


    • unsanitary conditions and crime outside the resort areas;
    • tap water is unsuitable for drinking and washing fruit;
    • very spicy food;
    • Beggars pester tourists.

    The price for the tour varies from 97 to 165 thousand rubles in a hotel on the seashore.


    On a vast territory with many climatic zones It's very difficult to decide on the weather. In different regions, weather conditions differ radically. The most comfortable place to swim in October is southern regions, where in water it is 26-28°, in air 29-30°. The number of rainy days also depends on the region.

    In the north of the country, where residents Far East fly on weekends average temperature– 19-20°.

    For vacationers from the European part, significant disadvantages will be:

    • flight range;
    • high cost of air tickets;
    • Unstable weather.

    There are also advantages:

    • rich excursion program;
    • immersion in the philosophy of the ancient East;
    • cheap shopping.

    The cost of a week's vacation for two is from 75,000 rubles and above.

    Concluding the review of holidays in October, it is impossible not to mention Cuba.

    The rainy season is ending, but the likelihood of tropical downpours is still high. The temperature of the atmosphere and water is almost the same: 30-31° in the air and 29° in the sea.

    Pros of rest:

    • visa-free entry for up to 30 days;
    • wide sandy beaches;
    • fishing sport is developed;
    • happy holidays and festivals.


    • expensive and long flight;
    • very intrusive locals;
    • money scam.

    The minimum price for a trip for two is 100 thousand rubles.

    Traveling outside of Russia is impossible without a passport. In our country, only the Black and Caspian Seas are accessible for swimming. But weather conditions do not always allow swimming in October.

October is a unique month for Russia. Somewhere people are still sunbathing on the beaches, but somewhere else the first snow is already falling. And this means that there are recreation options for everyone - both for fans of warmth and for admirers of coolness. Let's see where to go in October to please your soul, body, and wallet, of course.


This is the last opportunity to relax at sea this year. Of course, in October you can go to other regions of Russia, but Yalta is the warmest. At the same time, it is better to go on a trip in the first half of the month, when the temperature remains at +18...+22 °C. The water in the Black Sea warms up to +18°C, and if the autumn is warm, then swimming is quite possible.

In October, not only a beach holiday is possible in Yalta, because Greater Yalta includes many settlements: Gurzuf, Massandra, Livadia, Gaspra, Koreiz, Simeiz and others. There are everywhere interesting places, where you can go on an excursion. In Yalta itself it is worth visiting the ancient Armenian Church, look into the Massandra Palace, take a walk along the excellent embankment. If you come on vacation with children, go to the Yalta Zoo and the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Not far from Gurzuf you can see the famous Ayu-Dag mountain, and also visit Chekhov’s White Dacha. Guests of Crimea are also attracted by its palace capital - Livadia. Here is the White Palace of Nicholas II, where the Yalta Conference took place in 1945. You can also go to Gaspra, where the Swallow’s Nest castle is located, famous not only throughout Russia, but throughout the world.


If you want to relax in October 2018 and catch warm days, then Sochi is one of best options. This is where I need to say thank you. Caucasus mountains, which protect the city from cold air. At the same time, not a penny was spent on the construction of the mountains, unlike the Olympic facilities.

Sochi weather in October is not easy to predict. If there is no rain, then at the beginning of the month you can swim and sunbathe here. The nights are cold, the mornings and evenings are also very cool (slightly above +10 °C), but during the day it becomes warm - the air warms up to +23 °C, the sea to +20 °C.

Even if it rains or is just cloudy, it’s not a problem. There are plenty of places for walks and excursions in Sochi. You can go to the arboretum and marvel at all the different plants on earth. It’s worth stopping by the dolphinarium to smile at the local dolphins and be amazed when they smile back at you. If you have the courage and health, go to the mountains - just dress warmly.

In general, Sochi is one of the most profitable places to go in October. Holiday season is over, and the winter-New Year has not yet begun. This means that housing can be rented at fairly low prices. Vacations will cost much less than in summer or winter.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

This is not just a resort, but an established brand that has been attracting visitors since the time of Lermontov. The weather here is never hot, even summer is quite moderate, and in October the average daytime temperature is +15 °C. But the main plus is that at this time it is dry, windless and there is almost no rain: only 3-5 rainy days for the whole of October.

At KavMinVody you can perfectly combine 2 programs - recreational and excursion. Of course, everything revolves around mineral water. In Kislovodsk, for example, “Narzan” dominates, and in Zheleznovodsk – hot waters, which contain a lot of calcium and iron. To improve your health, you can not only drink water, but also take healthy walks. Special routes have been developed for them. Winding through parks and around mountains, you can strengthen your heart, increase the overall tone of your body, and add vigor to your body and spirit.

This region has many natural attractions. In Pyatigorsk, it’s a pleasure to look at Mount Mashuk, take a ride on the cable car, and go to Emmanuel Park and Tsvetnik Park. The main places of Kislovodsk are the Valley of Roses and the resort park. There is also a resort park in Essentuki. By the way, local parks are not just greenery and clean air. There you will find fountains, sculptural compositions, as well as mineral water springs - where would you be without them?


The capital of Tatarstan is so bright and cheerful that on vacation in October you don’t feel the melancholy atmosphere typical of many others. Russian cities V autumn days. The Kazan Kremlin still pleases with its white walls, next to which the yellow foliage looks very organic. And there are so many interesting things inside the Kremlin that you will hardly get bored here, no matter what the weather is. Observation platforms, museums, temples and one of the largest mosques in Europe - with such a set of attractions you simply forget about the seasons.

Upon leaving the Kremlin, miracles will continue. The eternally festive and eternally pedestrian Bauman Street will lure you with its atmosphere, the Palace of Farmers will dazzle with its beauty, and the building of the wedding palace, designed in the form of a cauldron, will surprise you with its shape.

In the center of Kazan, in addition to Bauman, there are other interesting streets, which many guidebooks undeservedly forget about. Directly from the Kremlin you can get to Kremlevskaya Street, among whose ancient mansions you want to wander forever. Also worthy of attention is Peterburgskaya Street, which was opened on the eve of the millennium - or, in our language, the 1000th anniversary of the city.

Even autumn can’t ruin the impression. Red Square is still wide, Arbat is still lively, and the domes on the Cathedral of Christ the Savior blend wonderfully with the nearby foliage.

If you want to take a look at all of October Moscow at once, go to Vorobyovy Gory - one of the main observation platforms in the capital. From here you can see Stalin's skyscrapers, Ostankino TV tower, White House and skyscrapers of the Moscow City complex.

If you want silence and antiquity, take a walk along Ostozhenka. There are interesting mansions there, including the Kekusheva house, which many consider to be the mansion of that same Margarita from the novel “The Master and Margarita” (sorry for the tautology, but there is no other way to say it).