How to survive in extreme conditions. Stories of survival in extreme situations

Publication date 02/23/2013 17:33

In this article you will learn about basic steps to survive in extreme conditions, including in wildlife. Several recommendations that will help you navigate the area, gain confidence in your abilities and solve your problems. Depending on your circumstances and the initial supplies you have, these tips may vary. Therefore, the information in this article is for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as the only way to survival in extreme conditions, in the wild, in the forest or mountains.

If you are lost in the forest, desert, mountains and plan to reach civilization in the near future in order to continue your normal existence, then listen to a few recommendations that will significantly increase your chances of surviving in difficult conditions.

Basic steps to survive in the wild

First, you need to find a good shelter where you can escape the heat, cold and wind;

You need to somehow try to signal about yourself, for example, through an SOS signal, placing a bright element on the top of a tree, or you can light a strong fire;

Water must be conserved; if there is very little left, you should look for a new source of water;

Save food and try to find new ones.

1. Try to find dry material - wood chips, twigs, birch bark or straw.

2. You will need to find good place for the fire. In this case, it is important to cover this place from all sides, except the leeward one, with branches and stones. It is also possible to cut the turf in such a way that it also covers the fire from unnecessary sides.

3. Prepare branches for the fire.

4. Light the fire, gradually fan it and start adding branches.

5. In order for the fire to last as long as possible, it is necessary to cover it on all sides with branches or stones. You should also throw in a couple of thick branches.

6. In order not to freeze at night, you should lie down in the space between the fire and some elevation, which can be built with the help of branches. Read also about how to start a fire on our website.

How can you make water clean?

1. If you have a thick cloth, it can clean the water perfectly.

2. On such a cloth you will need to put sand, charcoal, small pebbles and pass water through it all. In the end it will work out clean water, which can be used after boiling for 10 minutes.

How to cook food using a fire

1. You will need to cook food only on coals, but not on fire, so do not rush to burn your prey (if any) in the flames.

2. If you are cooking fish or meat, they should be boiled longer rather than fried. This is necessary in order to remove poisons and dirt from them. Although it is worth noting that any heat treatment gives its positive results. But boiled food is more healthy and acceptable to the stomach, although it is much more difficult to cook meat or fish in extreme situations, because most often there are no necessary devices for this, in particular, a cooking container.

3. If your stomach hurts and you feel nauseous (you ate something wrong in a hurry), then induce vomiting by inserting two fingers closer to the throat. You can also use crushed charcoal or chalk (1-2 tablespoons). You need to wash all this down with water.

What plants can be eaten

1. Under no circumstances pick up the first plant you come across for food - many plants contain poison.

2. Use only those plants that you know for sure.

3. Mushrooms should be avoided.

4. If you want to determine whether a plant can be eaten, you need to take its leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. If the juice is colored white, then this will mean that the plant contains toxic substances.

5. You can check the edibility of the plant in another way - just attach the leaf to the tip of your tongue. If after 5 minutes you have a burning sensation, then the plant should not be eaten.

How to survive in quicksand and swampy areas

You will need to find a long stick and move through this terrain as slowly as possible, while trying to look for high ground. For example, good, more or less strong places are places where shrubs grow.

How to get out of the swamp:

Try to get rid of heavy things and objects, also throw off your backpack;

Try to place a stick or pole under your foot;

Move very slowly - sudden movements are not allowed;

If you realize that you are beginning to be pulled down, then take a more or less horizontal position and ask, if possible, to throw a rope or stretch a pole;

As soon as you grab a stick or rope, gradually begin to climb out;

If there is no help nearby, then simply lie as far as possible on your back and at the same time try to move your legs and arms as if you were swimming on your back;

If you feel tired, just spread your arms and legs and rest for a minute or two and continue.

These are simple basic rules will help survive in difficult situations , including in the wild, if you are lost and want to get home safe and sound to your family and friends. Read more detailed information about survival in the wild on our website in the appropriate section.

Survival in the wild requires a certain base of knowledge, skills and abilities. The larger this base, the easier it is to cope with the most difficult situations. But even in conditions of autonomous existence it is necessary to have elementary representations how to survive. However, in this case, a person prepares himself in advance, is familiar with the area, has a certain supply of food (or knows how to get it himself) and necessary things.

Extreme and autonomous survival

Extreme conditions without preparation can lead to the most disastrous outcome, so any advice on obtaining food, fire and fresh water, building a shelter and first aid will be not just important, but vital.

Autonomous conditions, if they do not include an established life, then at least presuppose a pre-selected area, route and navigation skills.

The most important problems, which almost always come into contact with survival in extreme conditions, are:

  • lack of drinking water;
  • place to stay overnight;
  • making fire;
  • search for food.

You need to be aware of such difficulties and, if possible, prepare for them as much as possible. At the first failure, continue and try to maintain calm and mental balance, which are just as important in extreme survival.

Overcoming fear, self-confidence and other psychological aspects are very important for a person when he is left alone with nature. Even if you have a backpack with a full set of vital things, this is not a guarantee of safety and peace of mind. Autonomous existence can last quite a long time large number time. Supplies will quickly run out, and you will have to get everything yourself.

Survival, no matter extreme or autonomous, requires overcoming many tasks, obstacles, and one’s own fears. And also the acquisition of many more new ones practical skills, which in the conditions of civilization, perhaps, a person did not even suspect.

Essential Survival Skills

Anyone who wants to master this science must have an idea of ​​the basics of autonomous existence. This applies to both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. To prepare yourself for the harsh realities you'll encounter in the wild, you need to learn some basics.

Expertise in creating shelter and finding food will be useful to everyone - both adults and children. To know what needs to be trained, it is worth identifying the main points.

Making fire and setting up a fire

To survive in an extreme situation, this skill will help you stay warm and survive any frost. There are many simple and effective ways getting fire with ordinary items. When teaching a child, it is worth showing him how to use a flint and matches.

– one of the basic survival skills. Obtaining branches, the ability to light and maintain a flame will help even in the most harsh conditions. The basic principle of an open fire is that it will either burn long or hot.

Ability to get water

During extreme survival, the body loses moisture faster. That is why you need to know how to look for and process it. You shouldn't drink any fresh water, which you meet on the way - it can contain many harmful bacteria. It is also worth learning a method of extraction such as condensation. extremely important in any situation. If a traveler has several plastic bags, he can wrap the branches of trees and bushes, and after a few hours collect them - they will contain small quantity liquids.


A basic survival skill is . First, you should learn how to use a compass and map, and relate the data received to the real terrain. It's quite simple. In addition to the basic topographical signs and scales, you need to know how the sides of the horizon are determined by natural characteristics. Survival in extreme conditions without such skills will become much more difficult.

Knowledge of wild animals

A common cause of disability for people stranded in the forest is injury from wild animals. Often it turns out to be a snake. Here main advice for survival - be careful when passing through forest areas. It is also important to learn the rules of behavior in such situations. For example, you should not throw sticks at snakes when attacking them. This specific survival skill represents behavioral knowledge various types wild animals.

First aid

Most common cause, according to which it is worth learning the rules of first aid - there is a risk of finding yourself in a situation where it is needed. This could be injury, loss of consciousness, or a sudden attack. The main difficulty in training a physician is to develop the ability not to panic. Staying calm can save more than one life. By studying the basics of medical art in practice, you can quickly memorize every movement and act confidently in case of danger.

Creating a Shelter

If the fire is lit, there are no animals around, and first aid has been provided to the victims, you should think about creating shelter. In case of rain, a hut is built from spruce branches and tree branches. You also need to know in what place it is possible to install a structure, and in what place it is impractical or even dangerous. You need to clearly understand what functions the shelter should perform, know the basics and methods of arrangement with minimal effort.

Psychological preparation

Any person can know the intricacies of finding food and starting a fire, be able to build a hut and provide first aid, but in stressful situation becomes incapacitated due to fear, despair or despondency. All actions must be performed automatically, no matter how extreme the conditions around you may be. This can only be achieved by practice combined with personal example.

Physical training

One of the most important rules and survival skills - to always be in shape. You need to learn how to deal with physical activity. To do this, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with daily training - just run 30-40 minutes a day at an easy pace, do 3-5 approaches on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. To teach a child healthy image life, you need to become a role model for him.

Autonomous and extreme conditions

Regarding the differences in extreme and autonomous conditions, then they are very significant.

The first can also be defined as being in the wild, where there are no familiar or familiar places and structures. Also extreme survival sometimes it includes the nature of surprise (plane crash, accident, natural disaster, natural disaster). Therefore, in this case, the psychological factor of behavior is exacerbated.

Extreme conditions, in contrast to autonomous conditions, require the construction of a shelter, food production, medical care and others necessary actions using improvised means and, most likely, without the necessary tools.


If you are sure that someone will be looking for you, do not move away from the crash site. It will be much faster to find you. Moreover, the debris vehicle will provide you with better protection. Permanent parking is easier to adapt for long-term survival.

Make sure you don't get hurt. Your condition is the resource that will help you hold out until help arrives. Then take care of providing the simplest needs: protection and food.

Conduct an audit of the property. Check your pockets, bag. Take into account the amount of food and water and calculate the consumption rates. Make sure your clothes and shoes are in order.

In winter, first of all, provide protection from the wind. The combination of a sharp wind with low temperatures very dangerous. Build a windbreak from snow blocks, cut out the bricks the right size from dense crust. By laying such blocks in a spiral, the Eskimos build an igloo.

When sitting in an unheated shelter, prepare for your hands and feet to cool first. Take off your shoes, put mittens on your feet and wrap them in a sweater or any blanket. Constantly wiggle your toes and bend and straighten your ankles. Place your hands under your arms or on your stomach. Every 10-15 minutes, get up, rub your body and face with your hands, and do squats.

If you are in the forest, be sure to make a flooring on the snow from spruce or pine branches. This will prevent your clothes from getting wet.

Watch for insects and birds. Flies do not fly further than 90 meters from the reservoir. Granivorous birds, for example, pigeons, always fly to water. If a pigeon flies low and straight, follow it, it will probably lead you to a source of moisture.

Try to get a spark by carefully connecting oppositely polarized battery terminals from cell phone or any battery. Use the headphone wires to connect. In sunny weather, fire can be easily produced using a lens from glasses.

Use dry, flammable things as tinder: toilet paper, pieces of cotton wool, threads, dry moss, bird feathers, dry pine needles. Then add small wood chips, shavings, dry cones, and thick cardboard. And last of all, add what will give good.

Don't try to find in winter forest food, unless you are a survivalist. Don't waste energy, you will need it to warm your body.

All snakes, except sea snakes, are edible. Frogs and lizards can also be eaten. The amphibians must first be removed from their skins. Cut raw fish into thin strips and dry. Don't eat caviar and milk.

If you do not plan to hunt, try to stomp loudly when walking on the grass. Take a stick and rustle it in front of you to avoid being attacked by a disturbed snake.

Do not take off your clothes under any circumstances. This is reliable protection against overheating and dehydration. Don’t forget, it’s enough to raise your body temperature by just 7 degrees for your brain to die irrevocably.

Life is an unpredictable thing. And even if at the moment you are sitting peacefully on the couch or drinking tea at your workplace, there is no guarantee that in a month or a year or two you will not have to pull a friend out of quicksand or meet a bear in the wilderness. And in such an extreme situation, it’s good if you remember these simple ways survival.

We don’t want to dramatize or cast doubt on the peace of your life, but all kinds of knowledge are important. Including...

1. What to do if you find yourself in quicksand

Quicksand can be destructive to many animals and even people. But everything is not as doom-dramatic as shown in Hollywood films. The chance of going headlong into the “pool” is not so great. Therefore, the first thing to do is calm down. No matter how paradoxical it may sound. Instead of floundering, try to gently and slowly pull both legs toward the surface. As soon as you take a horizontal position (on your back or stomach), swim to the “shore”. You will swim out.

2. What to do in case of burial alive

A bad dream for many people and a real nightmare for a few lethargics. Good news: It is possible to get out of the grave. First, again, calm down. There is about 3 hours of oxygen in the box. So it’s pointless to waste precious O2 screaming. Secondly, take off your shirt and tie a bandage around your head and face to protect yourself from the dirt and skidding that will soon occur. Now start knocking out the lid with your foot. You need to hit it until it cracks.

After this, the earth will begin to crumble - it should be laid around the feet. Then you need to sit down and continue to push the earth into the coffin. Afterwards, get up and dig your way to freedom.

3. How to find water in a forest or desert

Be observant: plants such as ash, willow or sycamore (and any large plants in principle, if we are talking about the desert) signal the presence of an underground source of water. Same as slightly damp sand. Start digging - if you are lucky, you are literally 30 centimeters away from the water.

Another way is to watch for insects (including mosquitoes). There is a chance that they are also heading towards the watering hole.

4. What to do during an earthquake

Ideally, be as far as possible from high-rise buildings and power lines. In reality, you will most likely be in a building. In this case, take the safest places in the room. These are the openings of load-bearing main walls (you need to clarify in advance which walls in your apartment are main walls, and remember this).

You can lie down in the bathtub (if it falls, the slab will linger on the walls of the bathtub) or take shelter under strong tables and beds that can withstand the weight of heavy objects. Main danger during devastating earthquake comes from the fall of internal walls, ceilings, chandeliers.

5. How to survive a bear attack

To survive a bear attack, you need to avoid it. Believe me. Not everyone can be Leo DiCaprio. And the easiest way to do this is to find yourself in the forest and behave as loudly as possible: talk loudly, make noise, crunch branches, or even use a whistle or decoy.

And don’t forget to put pepper spray in your pocket at home.— link

Life can present many surprises. And not always pleasant ones. We hope you don't have to get stuck on desert island or in the middle of the African desert with no access to drinking water. But, nevertheless, we advise you to find out how to desalinate sea water using improvised means. Will it come in handy?

The method described below is very popular among fans of survival hacks. And for good reason: the process is simple, does not require much “inventory” and relatively little time. If you start the distillation process at dawn, by noon sea ​​water will become suitable for drinking.

To desalinate sea water and make it drinkable, you will need:

1. Bucket, bowl or pan;

2. Dark container (black color attracts solar heat more effectively and heats up);
3. A glass or plastic bottle without a neck;
4. Film, plastic bag or cover;
5. Sunlight

Step 1

Place a dark container in a large bowl or bucket.

Step 2

Place a glass or plastic bottle with a cut throat.

Step 3

Fill the black container sea ​​water. Make sure it doesn't fall into the middle of the glass.

Step 4

Cover the entire structure with film or a tight lid. Tightness is everything to us. If you use film, place a stone or other weight in the center, directly above the glass for desalinated water.

Step 5

Leave your distillation apparatus in the sun and wait. In 8-10 hours under the film in artificial “heat” conditions, sea water will evaporate, turn into condensation and fall out in the form of fresh “precipitation” directly into the glass.

People periodically fall into unusual situations. Sometimes this happens voluntarily, when they go to the mountains, forests, remote, untrodden routes. Sometimes this happens unexpectedly - as a result of disasters or crimes.
But in any such situation, a person is faced with a choice - to quietly give up and die or to fear for his life and become the author of another story. survival in extreme situations.

1 Survive in the ice

Sir Ernest Shackleton led his team to conquer Antarctica in 1914. They started their journey on the ship Endurance. But soon the ship was covered in drifting ice, and the crew was forced to abandon it. After the death of the ship, there was no longer any talk about a trip to Antarctica, it was necessary to save the crew,< выживать любой ценой.

Shackleton's group walked in the ice for 2 years until they managed to move to Elephant Island using lifeboats. The team spent six months there; the basis of their diet during this time was whale oil and seal meat.

During this time, Shackleton continued his research with a group of five people. They walked around the island from the north, and then moved across the ocean to the island of South Georgia, covering about 1,300 kilometers. For 36 hours, Shackleton and two other crew members explored the island, mapping it for the first time. Only three months later did the researchers reach the main group on Elephant Island.

But despite the most difficult conditions, hunger and cold, they survived. They gained respect and pride through their journey.

2. Survive in the Amazon jungle

In 1981, Yossi Ginsberg, along with three other Israelis, decided to go to the Amazon jungle in Bolivia. Very quickly the companions got lost, and they also realized that their equipment was insufficient for such a journey. At this moment they decided to split into 2 teams and continue their journey separately. One deuce was never found later.

The second couple, which included Ginsberg and his friend Kevin, began to go down the river on a raft. But it was unsuccessful - the raft crashed on the rocks and the companions lost each other. For as many as 19 days, Ginsberg was left alone in the jungle. Kevin was luckier - he was picked up by local residents, and they also organized the search for Yossi. So the friends managed to get out of the jungle.

3. In the ice cave

Phil Dule And Mark Inglis in 1982 they began climbing Mount Cook (or Aoraki), the highest peak in New Zealand. While climbing the 3,764-meter mountain, they were caught in a snow storm. The climbers quickly built an ice shelter from the snow and began to wait for the end of the storm.

But rescuers managed to reach Phil and Mark only after 13 days. The climbers spent all this time in a small cave, eating croaker fish. The tightness of the cave and the cold, unfortunately, do not in the best possible way affected the boys. These factors led to disruption of blood circulation in the limbs, and the legs had to be amputated.

But the guys didn’t give up rock climbing. They nevertheless conquered Aoraki, and Inglis climbed Everest in 2006, becoming the first legless conqueror and losing his fingertips from frostbite.

4. Hand or life

Sometimes you have to perform surgery on yourself to survive. This happened with Aron Ralston. In 2003, while climbing in a remote canyon in Utah, his hand was crushed by a boulder weighing 360 kg. He spent 5 days trying to free himself, but when the water and food ran out he had to make a drastic decision.

He smashed the bones with a boulder and then sawed through the muscles and tendons with a dull pocketknife. After that, Ralston rappelled down a 65-foot cliff and was only found not far from the car by other tourists.

5. Mountain hike

Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes has an altitude of 6260 meters. After climbing to this peak the adventures began Joe Simpson And Simon Yates.

Simpson was the first to go down, he slipped and broke his leg. While Yates was walking towards him, Simpson fell off the cliff, but stayed on the edge. Sims spent a whole hour on the rope without Yates seeing or hearing him. Then Simpson flew down. Eat different versions why this happened - perhaps Yates cut the rope, which saved both of their lives.

But as a result, Yates went down, and Simpson fell into a crevice. He managed to get out of there, despite his injuries. Then he got to the camp for three days, without food, water, or painkillers.
He crawled to the base at night, where he met the already recovered Yates, who was planning the next stage of the route.

6. Lost in the Pacific

Tami Oldham Ashcraft with my boyfriend Richard Sharp We planned to take a pleasant walk along the route Tahiti - San Diego within a month. They needed to move the 44-foot yacht Khazana to the dock. But on the 19th day they were hit by a force 4 storm. It was an echo of Hurricane Raymond, which raised waves of 50 feet. As a result, the yacht capsized. Ashcraft, who was below deck during the storm, lost consciousness.

She woke up three days later. By this point Sharpe was dead, his lifebelt torn, mainmast broken. Fortunately, the sailboat returned to its normal position. Tami built a temporary mast, plotted a route to Hawaii and sailed fifteen hundred miles with a minimum of food and water. After 40 days, she entered Hilo harbor, and then reached her destination port.

7. Outback Australia

Spring 2006 Mark Clifford discovered a six-foot thin man on his land. Although it would be more accurate to call what appeared on a remote farm in northern Australia a real skeleton. It turned out to be Riki Migi, who had been wandering in the wilderness for 10 weeks.

It is not clear exactly how he got lost. According to Miga, his car broke down; there was also a version that he was thrown out by a hitchhiker who picked him up. In addition, Ricky himself used drugs, according to police information. But the fact is that he got lost, spent some time somewhere in the wilderness near a dam on a diet of leeches, frogs and grasshoppers. And most importantly, he survived!

8. Crashed in the Andes

The history of the Uruguayan rugby team is known to many - it is described in books, it is based on feature films and films. documentaries. In 1972, a plane with a crew of 45 people crashed in the mountains. In the first hours, 12 died, the next day another 5 died from injuries. Within a week, four more died, and eight were covered by an avalanche.

The last 16 people fought against hunger and cold. They even had to eat the corpses of their comrades who had previously died from wounds to survive. Hope for rescuers to arrive quickly faded, and then Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado left the mountain. They still managed to reach the people and bring help to their comrades.