The most powerful disasters in history. The worst natural disasters

Nature often presents us with unpleasant surprises. And it happens that these “surprises” turn into monstrous consequences and the death of a large number of people. In this article we will look at the worst natural disasters in the world, including earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and fires.


On January 23, 1556, an earthquake occurred in the Shaanxi province of China, which caused the death of eight hundred and thirty thousand people. According to experts, the power of this earthquake corresponds to eight points; in terms of the number of deaths, this incident is one of the three most terrible natural disasters in the world in the entire written history of mankind.

All residential buildings were destroyed and several architectural monuments were destroyed. The destruction affected the area within a radius of five hundred kilometers from the epicenter.

Such a large number of deaths from this disaster is explained by the following reasons:

  • The territory of China has been quite densely populated throughout its history;
  • At that time, most citizens lived in fairly simple houses that did not have high strength, much less resistance to seismic shocks. In addition, they stood on loose soil and quickly sank into the ground;
  • The earthquake occurred at five in the morning, when most people were in their homes. In addition, this time made it somewhat difficult to detect signs of an earthquake in a timely manner.


The landslide that occurred in 1911 near the village of Usoi is considered the most powerful in the entire twentieth century. Unfortunately, since this disaster occurred in a remote corner of Russia, this disaster became known only two months later.

The landslide area was only surveyed in 1913, and because of this, some features of this disaster remained unknown. In addition, the exact date of this incident still remains unknown.

However, it is thoroughly known that the cause of the landslide was an earthquake.

The Pamir landslide, consisting of rocks and clay, completely covered the village of Usoy, which killed all its inhabitants, namely 54 people. In addition, rocks that descended from the mountains completely filled up the valley and blocked the Mugrab River, resulting in the formation of a new large lake.

Collateral damage caused by the landslide was the gradual rise of water in the newly formed lake, which caused the flooding of the nearby village of Sarez. After some time, the water was able to break through a new channel in the landslide mass, which equalized the outflow and inflow, which made it possible to create a constant water level.

Based on the results of this incident, the Pamir landslide undoubtedly ranks among the largest natural disasters in the world.


In 1931, a series of floods occurred in south-central China, which are among the world's most famous natural disasters. These incidents caused the deaths of between 145 thousand and four million people.

Between 1928 and 1930 there was a very severe drought in China, and the subsequent winter of 1930-31 was very snowy. Melting snow and large amounts of spring rain caused rivers to overflow. Showers continued into the summer and reached their peak intensity in August.

Because of this, the largest rivers in China - the Yangtze, Yellow River, and Huaihe - overflowed their banks. The water flooded and almost completely destroyed the city of Nanjing, which at that time was the capital of China.

On August 19, the water level exceeded the norm by sixteen meters, and on the evening of August 25, the Grand Canal was flooded, the dams were washed away, which caused the death of two hundred thousand people in one night.

The inability to quickly bury the dead caused an epidemic of typhus and cholera, and due to the lack of food, cases of cannibalism and infanticide began.


The most destructive flood in the entire history of St. Petersburg occurred on November 7, 1824. And although floods are not an unusual phenomenon for the city on the Neva, this event undoubtedly ranks among the worst natural disasters in Russia.

On November 7, 1824, heavy rain poured in St. Petersburg, which was complemented by a cold and damp wind. In the evening, the bad weather began to intensify, and a rapid rise of water began in the canals, which quickly attracted the attention of citizens, as the water rose by more than four meters. The total damage from this disaster at that time was estimated at 15-20 million rubles.

  • 462 houses were destroyed and 3,681 damaged;
  • More than 3,600 head of livestock died;
  • Between 200 and 600 people drowned and many went missing.


One of the most terrible and grandiose disasters in the world is without a doubt the Great Lisbon Earthquake, which occurred on November 1, 1755 at 9:20 am. And this is not surprising because because of this incident, the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, was completely destroyed.

In just six minutes, about eighty thousand people died. It is also impossible not to say that seismic tremors caused tsunamis and fires. According to experts, the power of this earthquake corresponds to 8.7 points. Its epicenter was in the Atlantic Ocean, 200 kilometers from Cape San Vincente.

Lisbon was not the only city to suffer due to the disaster. The tremors were felt in all southern regions of the country, and reached Finland and North Africa. The tsunamis caused by the earthquake hit the islands of Barbados and Martinique and the coast of North Africa.

It should be noted that this earthquake was a powerful impetus for the emergence of modern seismology.


Hurricane San Calistico is one of the deadliest weather disasters on record in the North Atlantic basin. The hurricane raged from October 10 to October 16, 1780. More than twenty-seven and a half thousand people became its victims. Unfortunately, exact data on its strength and trajectory are unknown, since the database began to be maintained in 1851.

It originated near the Cape Verde Islands, and began to grow and intensify as it moved west. The hurricane first hit Barbados, at which point the wind speed exceeded 320 kilometers per hour. After this, the disaster struck Martinique, Saint Eustatius and Saint Lucia. With each new city through which the hurricane passed, the number of victims increased by thousands. In addition to populated areas, the disaster damaged the fleets of Great Britain and France.

The total death toll from Hurricane San Calistico is the highest on record for such a weather event, making it one of the most famous natural disasters in the world.


Hurricane Mitch is considered the second most powerful weather event on record in the Atlantic Basin. It was formed on October 22, 1998, in the western Caribbean Sea.

Nicaragua and Honduras suffered the most from the violence of the elements. The hurricane caused the death of eleven thousand people, while approximately the same number are considered missing. In addition, this disaster made two million seven hundred thousand people homeless.

In addition to the direct damage caused by the hurricane, up to eighty percent of Honduras' infrastructure was destroyed. Roads and bridges were destroyed, airports were destroyed, which significantly hampered the supply of food, water and medicine, which led to severe famine and the spread of diseases such as cholera, dengue and malaria. The total property damage from the hurricane in Honduras exceeds one billion dollars.

Nicaragua became the second state in terms of the amount of damage caused. Heavy rains that accompanied Hurricane Mitch caused Lake Casita to overflow and flood nearby villages with mud. Just like in Honduras, the violence of the elements caused famine and the emergence of various diseases.

Countries such as El Salvador and Guatemala were less affected, with several hundred people killed and most of their sugar cane, coffee and grain crops destroyed.

One of the main reasons for such high destruction is that this hurricane was not detected immediately, even despite the technical resources available.


This hurricane is rightfully considered the most powerful in US history. According to scientists, it is the sixth most powerful among the known hurricanes of the Atlantic basin, and belongs to the fifth category on the Saffir-Simpson scale, and is undoubtedly one of the most famous natural disasters in the world.

Hurricane Katrina began forming on August 23, 2005, near the Bahamas. It should be noted that as it moved towards the coast, the hurricane weakened somewhat, and its wind speed reached 280 km/h.

The heaviest damage was caused to cities such as New Orleans and Louisiana, where approximately 80% of the city was under water. One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six people died, and the total economic loss was $125 billion, according to a 2007 estimate.

It should be noted that the majority of those affected by this disaster were city residents who lived below the poverty line and did not have money to pay for travel and hotels. At the same time, government services, although they declared the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama as disaster areas, were in no hurry to help evacuate those who could not do it on their own.

In New Orleans, by the time Hurricane Katrina approached, there were one hundred and fifty thousand people left who lived in poor areas. The city authorities offered them the Superdome stadium as a refuge, in which thirty thousand people could take refuge.


Krakatoa was an active Indonesian volcano located in the Malay Archipelago between Java and Sumatra. Until 1883 it was a large island.

In May 1883, a powerful eruption began, which is one of the most terrible natural disasters. Explosions and ejections of rock continued until the end of August, and led to the devastation of the “underground chamber” under the volcano. The last powerful explosion occurred on August 27, with the ash column reaching a height of 30 km. Its force was equivalent to two hundred megatons of TNT, which is ten thousand times more powerful than the bomb that hit Hiroshima. According to various sources, the shock wave circled the earth from seven to eleven times.

The island was almost completely destroyed, and the tsunamis that rose were up to thirty meters high, and their impact led to the destruction of 295 cities and villages, and the death of thirty-six thousand people.

In addition, volcanic ash rose up to eighty kilometers into the atmosphere and remained there for several years. Fortunately, the most noticeable consequences of such a release for most people was the intense coloring of the dawns.


The ranking of the largest natural disasters would not be complete without the powerful tropical hurricane Irma. It hit the Antilles and Virgin Islands, bringing with it destruction to Cuba, Florida, and the Bahamas. Economic damage from Hurricane Irma is estimated at $65 billion, and the death toll is 134 people.

Hurricane Irma destroyed buildings and infrastructure, thousands of people were left homeless, and transport links were disrupted. In the state of Florida (USA) alone, almost a quarter of the population, over 6 million people, was evacuated.

Hurricane Irma was not the only devastating natural disaster in 2017: Hurricanes Harvey and Maria hit southeastern Texas (USA) and the Atlantic coast of South America. Economic damage from Hurricane Harvey is estimated at $70 billion, and the death toll is 83 people.

In general, 2017 is considered the most destructive year in terms of the scale of natural disasters; after the Atlantic hurricanes, large forest fires occurred in California (USA), as well as a series of hurricanes in European countries.

2.12.2018 at 23:03 · oksioksi · 2 240

10 worst natural disasters in the world

The history of mankind has undergone a large number of disasters with various natural disasters. Some occurred so long ago that most scientists cannot estimate the extent of the destruction.

Natural disasters are extremely unpredictable, highly destructive and often overwhelming. That is why people fear them the most. We present to your attention a list of some of the most horrifying natural and man-made disasters that have claimed many human lives.

10. Banqiao Dam

In 1952, there was a disaster at Banqiao, a dam made of soil that was built to protect against flooding. During the construction of the dam, gross mistakes were made; as a result, the dam was covered with microcracks, and later could not withstand the pressure of tropical hurricane Nina. As a result, the flood killed 26 thousand people. Seven areas in China were flooded, with the few remaining communications destroyed after the rain.

A dangerous disease with famine quickly spread among the survivors, and the consequences of the disaster claimed another 170-220 thousand people.

9. Indian cyclone - 1839

On November 25, 1839, a cyclone and storm occurred in India, which destroyed the city of Coringa. He destroyed almost everything he came into contact with. 2 thousand ships that were in the bay were destroyed. The city was not restored. The storm wave that the cyclone raised washed away almost 300 thousand people.

The incident was one of the worst floods ever to hit the typhoon-ravaged area. The ancient city of Coringa was never restored.

8. Flood in Kaifeng

The year 1642 was marked by a tragedy - a flood in Kaifeng, a man-made catastrophic event. Kaifeng was located on the southern banks of the river. Yellow River. The city was covered with yellow river waters immediately after the Ming Dynasty soldiers ordered the dams to be opened to prevent the advance of Li Jicheng's troops. Then the subsequent famine with plague and flood claimed the lives of 300-380 thousand people.

7. Earthquake in Aleppo

One of the horrific natural disasters that ever occurred in nature was the earthquake in Aleppo in October 1138. According to some estimates, more than 230 thousand people died. In those ancient times, Aleppo was the largest urban center. The city was located along major geological faults. After the earthquake, the population of Aleppo was able to recover closer to the beginning of the 19th century.

6. Chinese earthquake - 1556

In 1556, one of the most destructive earthquakes recorded in historical reference books occurred, which occurred on January 23, 1556 in the Shaanxi region. Historical reference books believe that the tragedy claimed the lives of more than 820 thousand people.

In some areas of Shaanxi no one was left alive at all, while in others more than half the population died. Such human losses were due to the fact that more people lived in caves that collapsed as a result of the tremors.

5. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake

The third largest earthquake in history was the Indian Ocean earthquake at the end of December 2004. This resulted in a very large wave that caused great damage. Scientists estimated the amplitude of the earthquake at 9.1-9.3 points.

The source of the earthquake was recorded under water; large waves, approximately 15 meters high, reached the coast of Thailand, southern India and Indonesia. Many territories suffered greatly, the earthquake caused a lot of destruction, the exact losses are unknown, according to rough estimates it is 220-300 thousand people.

4. Tangshan earthquake

In the provincial Chinese town of Hebei in 1976, the strongest earthquake of the 20th century occurred. According to official statistics from the PRC authorities, disasters have the following indicators: the number of deaths was estimated at 250 thousand, an earthquake with a fluctuation magnitude of 7.9. Unofficial calculations revealed that the number of victims is 650-800 thousand people.

The epicenter of the earthquake occurred at a depth of 22 kilometers. The city collapsed almost to the ground in a couple of tens of seconds. About 800 thousand people were injured with varying degrees of severity.

3. Cyclone Bhola

November 1970 was marked by tragic events with dire consequences. Almost 500 thousand people died as a result of the storm's tidal wave on the coast of East Pakistan.

The typhoon was truly fatal, as the map of states changed significantly. Due to sharp criticism of the authorities for slow actions in eliminating the consequences of the hurricane, the Eastern opposition party won the elections. After this, a protracted confrontation began, which led to military conflicts. As a result, Bangladesh was formed.

2. Floods on the Yellow River in 1887

Flood on the river The Yellow River in the late spring of 1887 became one of the most terrifying in historical records. According to some sources, 1.4 - 2 million people died. Disasters occurred in the northern provinces of China in the Yellow River Valley. Heavy rain in almost all areas of the Yellow River provoked flooding on the river, leading to flooding of 50 thousand square meters. miles around. Peasants, aware of the peculiarities of frequent flooding of the Yellow River, built dams that saved them from annual flooding. However, that year the river demolished everything in its path.

1. Flood in China - 1931

China's long dry summer brought heavy summer monsoon rains with a tropical cyclone. The result was rivers overflowing their banks, which flooded about 333 thousand hectares of land, at least 40 million people were left without homes and with huge crop losses. In large areas the water did not drain for 3 to 6 months. Diseases, lack of food, lack of a roof over their heads - all this led to great losses, according to some estimates up to 4 million people.

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Hi all! As always, the author of this blog, Vladimir Raichev, is with you. Recently, I have posted more than one rating of the most terrible natural disasters and catastrophes. Many readers probably already have dissonance and misunderstanding about what the most terrible natural disasters happened. More on this below.

The fact is that any emergency situation is characterized by several parameters:

  • the size of the territory it covered;
  • the number of human casualties;
  • the amount of material damage.

That is why it is quite difficult to single out some top natural disasters or industrial disasters that would give an unambiguous assessment of which emergency is the worst. So be patient, reader.

Fortunately, in the history of mankind there have been no such natural phenomena that threatened the extinction of all living things, although the activities of people themselves have repeatedly led to the extinction of various species of animals, plants and human populations on individual islands and territories. Here is an approximate top 5 of the most terrible natural disasters in human history:

1931 At the beginning of the year, China experienced a series of major floods that claimed 4 million lives. Ten times more people were left homeless. This, according to historians, is the largest natural disaster in the history of mankind, as it led to the largest number of victims.

The cause of the cataclysm was strong and prolonged monsoon rains, which washed away all the dams and protective ramparts in the lower and middle basin of the Yangtze River, as a result of which a huge area of ​​300 thousand square meters was flooded. km.

The huge number of victims is explained by the fact that the Yangtze River basin has been an area of ​​intensive agriculture for centuries, where peasants grow a lot of rice and other food crops.

TOP 2: earthquake in Syria

1202 On the territory of Syria, the epicenter was supposedly located in the Dead Sea, an earthquake occurred, which was not very strong, but very long, and shook for thousands of kilometers around - from Sicily to Armenia, so a huge layer of earth shook, which is obviously related with the crushing tremors of a huge area of ​​magma.

More than a million people died - the exact number of deaths is unknown, since in those ancient times there was no population census, and information about the earthquake itself was reported in chronicles, which, as we know, are often replete with inaccuracies and errors.

TOP 3: the worst earthquake in China

January 1556. China. Possibly the worst earthquake in human history. The number of victims is about 850 thousand, with most of the dead living in the area of ​​the epicenter.

The large number of victims is largely due to the fact that people then knew nothing about the technology of constructing earthquake-resistant buildings, and many of them lived in very fragile limestone caves.

This earthquake is also known as the Great China Earthquake. Its epicenter was in Shaanxi province, near the Himalayas, and 20-meter gaps and cracks opened here. Severe destruction was observed within a radius of 500 km from the epicenter.

I have already published the TOP 7 most terrible earthquakes in the history of mankind, read more about them.

TOP 4: another terrible earthquake in China

1976 Tangshan city, Hebei province, China. All 655 thousand inhabitants of the city died. The epicenter of a very strong earthquake was at a huge depth - 22 kilometers and just under this ill-fated city.

TOP 5: terrible cyclone Bhola

5. 1970 A terrible cyclone named Bhola swept through the Ganges delta. As a result of its impact, a storm surge hit the Ganges delta for many hours, killing more than half a million people living on the islands of the delta.

What caused it is not known for certain. Most likely, there was an accumulation effect, since huge masses of water came from the sea for a whole day, and only then their outflow began.

Natural disasters not included in this TOP

This list does not include many terrible natural disasters, such as the 1906 magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Ecuador, which resulted in few casualties due to the country's low population density, and the more recent 2004 magnitude 9.2 Indian Ocean earthquake, which resulted in a tsunami. which hit all the shores of this ocean and claimed the lives of more than 250 thousand people.

As well as numerous strong earthquakes on the territory of the Japanese islands and waters. The small number of victims in Japanese earthquakes can only be explained by the hard work and qualifications of the builders of houses in the Land of the Rising Sun, which make them very, very earthquake-resistant. Or earthquakes in the Caucasus Range, Iranian Plateau and other earthquake-prone regions of the planet.

The most powerful earthquake in modern human history occurred in the Indian state of Assam in 1950. Crustal tremors in this area occurred for five days, and their magnitude was not determined, as it went beyond the instrumental scale. The number of victims turned out to be small - no more than seven thousand, since the area of ​​the earthquake was very sparsely populated.

Read about these natural disasters, I’m sure you will find no less terrible natural disasters among them. And I guess I’ll finish and say goodbye to you until the next meeting.

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There have always been disasters: environmental, man-made. A lot of them have happened over the past hundred years.

Major water disasters

People have been crossing seas and oceans for hundreds of years. During this time, many shipwrecks occurred.

For example, in 1915, a German submarine fired a torpedo and blew up a British passenger liner. This happened not far from the Irish coast. The ship sank to the bottom in a matter of minutes. About 1,200 people died.

In 1944, a disaster occurred right in the port of Bombay. While unloading the ship, a powerful explosion occurred. The cargo ship contained explosives, gold bullion, sulfur, timber and cotton. It was the burning cotton, scattered within a radius of one kilometer, that caused the fire of all the ships in the port, warehouses and even many city facilities. The city burned for two weeks. 1,300 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured. The port returned to its operating mode only 7 months after the disaster.

The most famous and large-scale disaster on the water is the sinking of the famous Titanic. He went under water during his maiden voyage. The giant was unable to change course when an iceberg appeared right in front of him. The liner sank, and with it one and a half thousand people.

At the end of 1917, a collision occurred between the French and Norwegian ships - Mont Blanc and Imo. The French ship was fully loaded with explosives. The powerful explosion, along with the port, destroyed part of the city of Halifax. The consequences of this explosion in human lives: 2,000 dead and 9,000 injured. This explosion is considered the most powerful until the advent of nuclear weapons.

In 1916, the Germans torpedoed a French ship. 3,130 people died. After the attack on the German hospital afloat General Steuben, 3,600 people lost their lives.

At the beginning of 1945, a submarine under the command of Marinesko fired a torpedo at the German liner Wilhelm Gustlow, which was carrying passengers. At least 9,000 people died.

The largest disasters in Russia

Several disasters occurred on the territory of our country, which in terms of their scale are considered the largest in the history of the state. These include an accident on the railway near Ufa. An accident occurred on the pipeline, which was located next to the railway track. As a result of the fuel mixture accumulated in the air, an explosion occurred at the moment when the passenger trains met. 654 people were killed and about 1,000 were injured.

The largest environmental disaster not only in the country, but throughout the world also occurred on Russian territory. We are talking about the Aral Sea, which has practically dried up. This was facilitated by many factors, including social and soil ones. The Aral Sea disappeared in just half a century. In the 60s of the last century, fresh water from the tributaries of the Aral Sea was used in many areas in agriculture. By the way, the Aral Sea was considered one of the largest lakes in the world. Now its place is taken by land.

Another indelible mark on the history of the fatherland was left by the flood in 2012 in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. Then, in two days, as much precipitation fell as falls in 5 months. Due to the natural disaster, 179 people died and 34 thousand local residents were injured.

Major nuclear disaster

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 went down in history not only of the Soviet Union, but of the whole world. The station's power unit exploded. As a result, there was a powerful release of radiation into the atmosphere. To this day, a radius of 30 km from the epicenter of the explosion is considered an exclusion zone. There is still no accurate data on the consequences of this terrible disaster.

Also, a nuclear explosion occurred in 2011, when the nuclear reactor at Fukushima-1 failed. This happened due to a strong earthquake in Japan. A huge amount of radiation entered the atmosphere.

The largest disasters in the history of mankind

In 2010, an oil platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. After the stunning fire, the platform quickly sank, but oil spilled into the ocean for another 152 days. According to scientists, the area covered with an oil film amounted to 75 thousand square kilometers.

The worst global disaster in terms of death toll was the explosion of a chemical plant. This happened in the Indian city of Bhapola in 1984. 18 thousand people died, a large number of people were exposed to radiation.

In 1666, a fire occurred in London, which is still considered the most powerful fire in history. The fire destroyed 70 thousand houses and claimed the lives of 80 thousand city residents. It took 4 days to put out the fire.

War takes tens of thousands of human lives, but even the bloodiest one cannot compare with the elements: the planet does not spare us - and does not even pay attention to the number of victims suffered from cyclones, floods and other terrible misfortunes. What's worse - a tornado or a fire? What are the chances of surviving a volcanic eruption? What about during an avalanche? Unfortunately, the answer in both cases is minimal. We have collected 10 of the most terrible natural disasters in the history of mankind: apparently, nature is beginning, gradually, to punish us for the careless destruction of the planet.

Eruption of Mont Pele volcano

1902 On May 8, 1902, the Mont Pele volcano, which had been dormant peacefully for decades, suddenly exploded. This catastrophe simply cannot be called an eruption: lava flows and pieces of rock literally destroyed the main port of Martinique, Saint-Pierre. In just a few minutes, as many as 36,000 people died.

Flood in China

1931 The beginning of 1931 became a terrible test for the entire people of China. A series of terrible floods, which modern historians call the worst natural disaster in human history, claimed almost 4 million lives.

Fire in Curonian-2

1936 The summer of 1936 turned out to be very hot. The fire that started near the village was fanned by the wind. The fire moved towards the people. At night, a train approached the village, and work began to save the logging site. At the very end, when the danger was very high, the train moved away - the villagers were sitting on logs. When the train approached the canal, the wooden bridge was already on fire. A train loaded with logs took over from him. People were burning alive. About 1,200 people died in one night.

Avalanche of Huascaran

1970 An earthquake off the coast of Peru destabilizes the northern slope of the majestic double-humped Mount Huascaran. An avalanche of ice and rock rushed down at a speed of 180 miles per hour. The town of Jungau, located on the spur of Huascaran, has already encountered 80 million cubic meters of mud, ice and snow. Of the 25,000 residents of the village, none survived.

Cyclone Bhola

1970 This tropical cyclone is recognized as one of the most destructive natural disasters of the modern world. The storm surge that hit the islands of the Ganges Delta killed half a million people. Once again, think about this number: 500,000 people died in just one day.

Storm in Iran

1972 A terrible snow storm lasted a whole week: rural areas of Iran were completely covered with a three-meter layer of snow. Some villages were literally buried under avalanches. Subsequently, authorities counted as many as 4,000 people dead

Tanshan earthquake

1976 This natural disaster occurred in the Chinese city of Tangshan. At about four o'clock in the morning, at a depth of 22 kilometers, a powerful earthquake occurred. The city was destroyed to the ground, none of the 655,000 people survived.

Tornado in Daulatpur

1989 Observers noticed a deadly tornado, the radius of which exceeded 1.5 kilometers, on the morning of April 26. A little later, this giant fell on Bangladesh. The tornado was powerful enough to easily lift entire houses into the air. People were literally torn apart: in just one day, about one and a half thousand people died, another 12 thousand ended up in the hospital.

European heat

2003 The summer heat wave of 2003 killed 70,000 people. According to the authorities, the local health care system was simply not designed for such incredible loads. It is noteworthy that weather forecasters claim a repetition of such a heat attack approximately every thirteen years.

Indian Ocean Tsunami

2004 An underwater earthquake that occurred on December 26, 2004 caused a tsunami of incredible force. The earthquake itself was recognized as the third highest in history in general. A tsunami with waves exceeding 15 meters in height hit the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand and killed more than 250,000 people.