How does a no parking sign work? How does a road sign prohibit parking work?

In order to ensure order on the road, there are some prohibitions and restrictions. One of the prohibitory signs that are often found on the path of motorists is the “No Parking” sign. It is most often installed on sections of the roadway where car parking reduces throughput roads, making it difficult for other vehicles to move. What does it mean, and on what section of the road does it continue to operate?

Main Features

In order to park correctly and avoid paying fines, you should clearly know where traffic regulations do not allow parking. According to the Rules, parking a vehicle must not:

  • threaten traffic safety;
  • block the movement of vehicles or pedestrians;
  • force other drivers to violate the Rules.

In places where there is a possibility of such situations, road sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” is installed.

It applies to prohibit parking of all types of transport, acting only on the side of the road where it is installed. Therefore, if necessary, the car can be parked on the other side of the road.

Also on the roads of our country you can find 2 more varieties of this sign:

  • 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month” (one vertical stripe);
  • 3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month” (two vertical stripes).

They limit parking of vehicles on certain dates of the month (odd or even) and are also valid only on the side of the road where they are installed.

Important! There is one peculiarity: sometimes both signs are installed simultaneously on opposite sides of the road, usually this happens during relocation (19.00-21.00). In this case, you can park the vehicle on both sides, but only for the specified time.

It is worth noting that the ban applies only to parking and does not apply to stopping vehicles. Therefore, it is important to know how long you can stand under a sign that prohibits parking. If the car stops for up to 5 minutes, and the stop for more than 5 minutes is due to the fact that passengers are getting on or off, or the vehicle is loading or unloading, then this is not a violation. Because such a stop is not regulated by this road sign.

How to determine coverage area

Novice motorists sometimes wonder: “Is parking prohibited before the sign or after?” Therefore, it is important for every driver to understand where the prohibition zone begins and ends. The sign is valid from the place where it is installed to the following sections of the road:

  • the nearest intersection (the car can be parked behind the intersection);
  • leaving a populated area (if there are no intersections along the road, then you can park the car only after leaving the city);
  • sign 3.31 “End of all restrictions zone.”

After the driver has passed the above sections of the road, he can safely park the car (if there are no other prohibiting signs).

Attention! The sign continues to be valid at exit points from territories adjacent to the roadway (gas station, courtyard, parking lot, enterprise), as well as at intersections with field, forest or other secondary roads, if there are no corresponding signs in front of them.

Additional signs and symbols

The coverage area of ​​a sign is sometimes determined by other symbols or signs that are placed below and contain additional information.

Penalties and exceptions to the rules

For failure to comply with the requirements of a sign that prohibits parking, the driver will receive a warning or fine from 1500 to 3000 rubles. The size of the fine depends on the conditions of the violation, as well as the scale of the locality. IN major cities fines are higher, in small towns lower. For example, for a violation within St. Petersburg or Moscow, the fine is 3,000 rubles.

Since most rules have their exceptions, they are also present in this case. The effect of the sign does not affect the following types transport:

  • transport postal service(it is marked with a white stripe diagonally dividing the blue background);
  • metered taxi;
  • vehicles that belong to or transport disabled people (they must be marked with a special designation “Disabled”).

Warning! Drivers of shuttle buses, as well as car owners living or working in the prohibited area, are not allowed to park in this area.

Avoiding trouble with traffic police officers or paying a fine is not so difficult. First, before you park your car, you need to make sure there is no sign nearby that prohibits parking. Secondly, when leaving the car even for a short time, you should pay attention to whether it is clearly visible from afar and whether it does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

The constant increase in the number of cars per capita in Russia leads to an excessive oversaturation of large cities with them. As a result, traffic jams in the country's megacities are increasing from year to year, and parking in the city center is becoming more and more problematic. Finding a free parking space takes a lot of time, which not everyone has the patience for. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their cars in the wrong places or with gross violations parking rules.

For incorrect parking, a fine and towing of the car. Tow truck services are paid separately

Such actions not only interfere with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, increasing traffic jams and congestion on the roads, but also bring significant fines to car owners. The city authorities, in turn, are fighting traffic congestion on the streets, increasing penalties for violating parking rules and introducing forced evacuation of violators’ cars from the streets to impound parking, which is also paid for by the violator. As a result, ignoring stop and parking signs is prohibited and can lead to unpleasant material and moral costs.

If you often receive penalty notices from the traffic police, then there is a reason to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules and the layout of parking lots and areas where vehicles are allowed to stop. See where the “No Parking” signs are and where the “No Stopping” signs are in those areas of the city where you visit most often and where you need to stop for business or personal reasons. This will allow you to act more confidently in the future when searching for a free parking space and will significantly reduce the time it takes.

In no case should you hope for “maybe you’ll be lucky and they won’t notice us” or act on the principle “everyone is standing, and I will stand up.” It must be remembered that collecting fines is one of the legal ways for the authorities to replenish the budget, receive bonuses, and increase their own salaries. This is a profitable item and many people “feed” from it. Therefore, it is foolish to count on leniency from official bodies. One of the simplest and effective ways for parking is to comply with the requirements of traffic rules, the Code of administrative offenses and be able to defend one’s innocence in case of illegal actions on the part of parking attendants.

What are the differences between a “No Stopping” sign and a “No Parking” sign?

Can accurately explain the difference between the terms “stop” and “parking” as interpreted in the traffic rules. The external design of the “No Stopping” sign also differs slightly from the “No Parking” sign by the presence of an additional intersecting diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of these signs differ significantly from each other. The Rules contain interpretations of the terms “stop” and “parking” (see clause 1.2), according to which we can conclude that if you stop for up to 5 minutes, then it will be a stop, and for a longer period - parking. In reality this is not always the case.

For example, a truck unloading goods to a vegetable depot or hypermarket may stand on the road for several tens of minutes or even hours until unloading is completed. This situation is interpreted by the Rules as a stop if the unloading process continues continuously. At the same time, if you stopped near a store to buy cigarettes, but were delayed for 10 minutes because of the line at the checkout, then this situation will be assessed by the inspector as parking. Thus, a stop may last longer than 5 minutes when it is due to waiting and serving passengers or loading and unloading cargo.

A stop is considered to be any stop lasting longer than 5 minutes, when it is not due to passenger service or cargo reloading. In the Rules, parking and stopping are interpreted as driver actions performed according to at will or the passenger's wishes. A forced stop in the movement of a car due to its malfunction, at the request of a traffic light or an inspector, due to a traffic jam or an accident, is not a parking or stop, since it is carried out by the driver unintentionally, not of his own free will. Such a stop cannot be prohibited.

It is carried out in the place where the driver is caught in a given force majeure or emergency situation. In case of forced emergency traffic stop require the driver to perform certain actions to ensure traffic safety for other participants. So the driver is obliged to turn on the flashing emergency warning light and move the car to the side of the road. If the stop is long, then install an emergency sign (see clause 12.6 of the traffic rules).

Video: Stopping and parking 2016

The term “parking” in the Rules means a place or territory allocated for parking a car. These places are indicated by a special information sign with the letter “P” (parking). In everyday life and in official terminology, this word is also understood as an action aimed at carrying out a long stay. The rules for parking cars determine the procedure and requirements for installing them in a parking lot, as well as requirements for the location of parking areas on the territory.

How to distinguish and understand stop and no parking signs?

For illegal parking, you need to carefully study those requirements and areas where stopping and parking are prohibited by the Rules. Further, based on the principle “it’s not prohibited, it’s possible,” you have a complete advantage over others to occupy a free parking area where they were afraid to do so. Thus, traffic rules help the driver in the difficult search for a parking space in a crowded metropolis.

The rules require that a parked car:

  1. did not interfere with the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles;
  2. did not create obstacles that would force other road users to violate traffic rules;
  3. did not lead to the emergence of another threat to the safety of public order and traffic.

Where stopped vehicles may threaten traffic safety, the traffic police installs stop signs and parking is prohibited. These are the favorite signs of driving school instructors and traffic police inspectors who take practical driving exams for motorists. They like to distract attention and force the driver to park behind such a sign so that clear conscience fail. Despite such cruel “flights”, many, even after successful completion exams and cannot read and use signs correctly.

So, what do you need to know to use these signs correctly?

  • Firstly, both signs have the same appearance- round disk blue with red edging and stripes. The “Parking is prohibited” sign has one inclined stripe (sign 3.28 of traffic regulations), and the “Stopping is prohibited” sign has two intersecting stripes (sign 3.27).
  • Secondly, it is clear that the second character is obtained by crossing out (prohibiting) the first character. That is, the “No Stopping” sign has more high status than a “No Parking” sign. You can neither stop nor park behind it. This is quite logical, you cannot get into a parking lot without stopping, and where there is a ban on stopping, it will be impossible to park. Conclusion: where there is a blue sign with two intersecting red stripes, don’t even think about stopping. Only route public transport can stop there and strictly in designated places.
  • Thirdly, based on the opposite, when the sign has one red stripe (parking is prohibited), therefore, there is no prohibition on stopping. This means that you are allowed to stop behind this sign at your whim for no longer than 5 minutes or more, if this is related to loading and unloading luggage and passengers.

The parking ban does not apply to:

  1. postal vehicles;
  2. on-call taxis waiting for clients with taximeters running;
  3. transport for disabled people of groups 1-2.

Areas covered by stop and no parking signs

You must clearly notice both the beginning of the sign’s action, immediately after the place of its installation, and the area of ​​its action, and its end. It may happen that the sign you previously noticed is no longer valid in the area where you are looking for a parking space. To do this, you need to know that the coverage areas of stop and parking signs are limited to the following:

  • Signs are valid on one side of the road on which they are posted. That is, if a stop sign is prohibited on the left side of the street, then you can safely stop on the right side.
  • In the absence of additional signs, the effect of the sign is canceled by the first intersection. If there is no sign after the intersection, you can park. To extend the prohibition zone after an intersection, the sign must be posted again.
  • The sign is valid until the end of the village, when there are no intersections on the road. Exits from courtyards and country roads do not apply to intersections.
  • The ban is valid until the “End of restrictions” sign. This situation often occurs on country roads or on roads where repair and construction work is carried out.

Yellow markings under the prohibition sign determine the area of ​​the sign's coverage.

  • When using a prohibition sign and yellow markings along the edge of the road together, the coverage areas of the stop and no parking signs are determined by the length of the road markings. In this case, a solid line prohibits stopping, and a broken line prohibits parking. Such markings can last for several kilometers, indicating the effect of the ban.

  • Stop and no parking signs are also supplemented with signs explaining the beginning, continuation and end of their action. Thus, arrows pointing up indicate the beginning of the prohibited zone, double-sided arrows remind that the prohibited zone continues to operate and parking is prohibited, and a sign with a sign with arrows pointing down indicates that the prohibited zone has ended and you can park.

"Restricted parking zone" sign and "End of restricted parking zone" sign

The rules also provide for a rectangular sign “Zone with limited parking” (sign 5.27) with the image of a “No parking” sign. Its peculiarity is that parking is prohibited along the entire width of the road on both sides and is valid until the cancellation sign, regardless of the presence or absence of intersections and populated areas in this area. In addition, this is a sign of transport, be it a taxi, postal car or wheelchair transport. That is, if you saw this sign, you will not be able to park until you pass the “End of restricted parking zone” sign.

The legislation specifies a fairly large list of places limited for stopping and parking a vehicle. They need to be learned. There are also special traffic rules signs indicating that stopping is prohibited. certain place. What do they look like? Let's consider traffic rules sign 3.27 Stopping is prohibited.

This restrictive stop sign does not allow parking or stopping of vehicles on a certain section of the roadway. Two crossed lines on the sign give a signal of an absolute ban on any stopping of the car. What not to do:

Stop the vehicle for more than five minutes to disembark or pick up passengers, or to load or unload anything.
Stop the vehicle for other reasons or for no reason.

Area of ​​operation of the stop sign is prohibited

The effect of the No Stopping sign extends from the place where it is installed to the nearest intersection. That is, you can safely park your car on the side of the road or in a parking lot behind an intersection. IN rural areas, in the absence of intersections, the coverage area covers the entire path to the end of the settlement.

Do not forget that leaving the adjacent territory, the yard, is not an intersection. In this case, the effect of the sign is not canceled.

The coverage area of ​​the “No Stopping” sign is canceled in the following cases:

If there is a sign 3.27 with plates and 3.31;
The sign can also be combined with road markings, indicating the restricted area in the area indicated by the marking line.

Sign 8.2.3 indicates that the No Stopping sign has been removed and you can park behind the sign on the side of the road. This sign with a down arrow prohibits stopping only in front of the place where it is installed.

The sign marked 3.31 indicates the abolition of all restrictions on parking and stopping a car.

The sign reminds you that you are in a restricted traffic zone and parking is still prohibited.

Important! Restriction signs are valid only on the side of the road where they are installed.

The fine for stopping under a sign is 3.27

You already know which sign prohibits stopping in the prescribed places. The penalty for violating traffic rules is regulated by Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (part one) and amounts to 500 rubles. But in some cases the amount increases:

When stopping at a site for disabled people - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.
If you interfere with the movement of other cars, you face evacuation to a special site or a fine of 2,000 rubles.
Breaking the rules in cities federal significance the amount of the fine ranges from 2500 to 3000 rubles.

That is, if you decide to quickly park to buy cigarettes at a kiosk, your car can just as quickly be towed to the impound lot. And if you are a resident of a federal city and ignored the stop sign the fine increases significantly.

In which cases a fine is not imposed:

Vehicle breakdown;
poor health of the driver.

The number of cars in our country is increasing every year, which is why there are numerous traffic jams on the roads, and parking in the city center is becoming a big problem. To find free space for parking, you have to spend a lot of time and not everyone has the patience for it. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their car in the wrong place or grossly violate parking rules.

As a result of such actions, an obstacle is created for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, causing traffic jams and congestion. For such a violation of parking rules, a fairly large fine is provided, and the car is towed to the impound lot. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the stop sign and parking is prohibited to avoid material and moral costs.

If you email often notifications about payment of a traffic fine are received from the traffic police, then this is a reason to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules, as well as the location of parking spaces for stopping vehicles. In addition, it is advisable to remember in which places there are road signs “No Stopping” and “No Parking” in the area of ​​the city where you visit most often. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to quickly find a suitable place to stop without unnecessary hassle.

Where is it prohibited for any vehicle to stop? Such places include:

The difference between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”

Not every car owner will be able to correctly explain the difference between terms such as “parking” and “stop”. Road The “No Stopping” sign looks very much like the “No Parking” sign., but differs from it in that it has an additional intersecting diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of such signs differ greatly. In the Rules, these terms are interpreted as follows: if the car stopped at short time(up to 5 minutes) is a stop, and if for a longer period, then a parking lot. In reality, things don't happen quite like that.

For example, a truck brought goods to a hypermarket or vegetable warehouse and while it is unloading it, it can stand on the road for quite a long time until the process is completed. According to According to the rules, this situation is interpreted as a stop, if the goods are unloaded continuously. But if the driver stopped near a store to buy cigarettes, but because of the long line at the checkout, stood there for 10 minutes, then the inspector assesses this situation as parking.

The rules of stopping and parking are interpreted as actions of the car owner, carried out both at will and at the request of the passenger. If the car was forced to stop due to a breakdown, at a traffic light, as a result of a traffic jam or an accident, then this is not considered a stop or parking because the driver did it unintentionally.

A forced stop is carried out in the place where the car owner is caught in an emergency or force majeure situation. In this case he certain actions need to be performed to ensure the safety of other vehicles. So, the driver must turn on the flashing alarm and park the car on the side of the road. If the stop is expected to be long, then it is necessary to install an emergency sign.

How to distinguish between “No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs?

To avoid getting fine for wrong parking, you must carefully study the Rules traffic, indicating where stopping vehicles is prohibited. Only after this can you confidently occupy a free space in the parking lot.

According to road rules, a parked car must:

  • do not interfere with the normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
  • do not create obstacles that force you to violate road rules other traffic participants;
  • not lead to a threat to the safety of public traffic.

In a place where standing vehicles can cause emergency situation, install “No Parking” and “No Stopping” signs. Even experienced drivers can confuse them, as they are very similar to each other.

They can be distinguished by the following signs:

It is not prohibited to stop:

  • postal vehicles;
  • transport for disabled people of groups 1–2;
  • taxis that wait for the client with the taximeter on.

Sign areas

The driver must always notice from which place the sign begins to operate, as well as the entire area of ​​its action and its completion. Let's consider this point in more detail.

Area of ​​operation of the “No Stopping” sign

Everyone knows that the effect of any sign begins from the place where it was installed. Therefore, if a car stops right in front of him, then a fine cannot be imposed in any case.

In accordance with traffic regulations, effect of a sign prohibiting stopping, has its distribution only on the side of the road where it was installed. The length of its action varies:

  • to the intersection, which is located next to the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest one begins locality;
  • to the “End of all restrictions zone” sign.

In addition, there is another option for determining the coverage area: an information plate is installed under the sign, which indicates the length of the restriction. That is, it stops operating after the distance shown on the plate.

"No Stopping" sign with arrow, pointing downwards, means that the area covered by such a restriction ends immediately after its passage. On the roads you can also find a prohibition sign with an information plate showing two arrows, one pointing up and the other down. This means that the driver is driving through the restricted area at this time.

On additional signs Restrictions that apply to a specific type of transport may also be indicated. Their absence means that no one is allowed to stop, except for route transport and taxis with the meter on. Drivers who violate traffic rules and stop under a sign prohibiting stopping are punished with a fine.

Regarding disabled drivers, they can park or stop in the place where the sign is valid only when there is an information plate underneath it indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens.

Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

Necessary know the boundaries within which this sign operates. They start from the place where it was installed and continue to the following sections of the road:

As soon as these sections of the road are crossed, you can park your car.

Thus, we have understood such concepts as parking and stopping, as well as signs prohibiting doing this. You should be careful not to confuse these two signs, as inspectors like to impose a fine for this offense. Knowing the rules of the road eliminates many unpleasant situations.

No Stopping Signdoes not enjoy much love among car enthusiasts. The situation is aggravated by the similarity (both semantic and external) of the signs “Stopping is prohibited” and “Parking is prohibited.” In our article we will talk about the main differences of the “No Stopping” sign, the restrictions it imposes and the exceptions provided for by the traffic rules for this case.

What do traffic rules say about the “No Stopping” sign?

According to traffic rules, a prohibition on stopping is indicated by a round blue sign with a red circle and two crossed red stripes depicted on it. This sign imposes a ban on stopping any type of transport, with the exception of route vehicles, the drivers of which have the right to stop in such a “prohibited zone” for the purpose of picking up/dropping off passengers, if this is provided for by the route. All requirements for drivers in the area covered by the “No Stopping” sign are stated in paragraph 3.27 of the Rules of Regulations.

According to the rules, this sign can also be duplicated by road markings - a solid yellow line applied to the edge of the roadway or curbstone. In addition, the “No Stopping” sign can be installed simultaneously with other signs that define the area of ​​the sign’s coverage or contain an indication of the transport to which it applies (or that to which restrictions do not apply). For example, along with the “No Stopping” sign, a sign may be placed - one of the provisions provided for in paragraphs. 8.4.1-8.4.8, 8.18, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4.

It is also important to pay attention to the difference between prohibitions on parking and stopping. According to the Traffic Rules, a stop is an action that lasts no more than 5 minutes - this time should be enough for the driver to board or disembark passengers and carry out other activities. necessary actions. Parking means a longer period of downtime, that is, lasting more than 5 minutes. The exception here is cases of a longer stop due to passenger service or unloading and loading of cargo. If the period of downtime is caused by these reasons, then, regardless of the duration, such a stop will not be considered a stop.

If the car is within the scope of the “Stopping Prohibited” sign, drivers should not forget that parking in this area, of course, also falls under the ban.

Sign's coverage area, stopping under the "No Stopping" sign

The “No Stopping” sign begins to operate from the place where it is installed, and if, for example, a car stops right in front of it, no penalties will be imposed.

According to the rules, the effect of the “No Stopping” sign applies only to the side of the road on which it is installed. However, the duration of its action may vary:

  • to the intersection located near the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest populated area begins or to the point where it ends (it is indicated by the corresponding sign);
  • to the “End of all restrictions zone” sign.

Another option for determining the coverage area of ​​a sign may be to indicate a section of the path by placing a sign under the sign indicating the length of the restriction. That is, in this case, the action of the sign ends after the distance that is reflected on the sign.

Signs also indicate restrictions that apply only to a certain type of transport. In the absence of such a sign, no one is allowed to stop, with the exception of route vehicles; if it is present, the prohibition applies only to the specified types of transport.

Drivers who violate this requirement of the Traffic Rules by stopping under a “No Stopping” sign will have to pay a fine. Currently, it is 500 rubles in the Russian Federation, and 2,500 rubles in federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Are there exceptions for the No Stopping sign?

By general rule Only route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, etc.) or professional taxis waiting for clients have the right to stop in the area covered by the “No Stopping” sign (provided the meter in the car is turned on).

As for disabled drivers, they have the right to park or stop at the location of the sign only if there is a sign under the sign indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens. At the same time, exceptions are provided not only for cars driven by disabled people of groups 1 and 2, but also for vehicles intended for transporting such disabled people or disabled children, driven by other persons.