Fortune telling about a missing person. Online fortune telling by search

Interesting layout Tarot in form question mark, the purpose of which is to help find out important information about a missing thing or an absent person. Have a successful session!

1. Significator of loss: its description, your attitude towards it. 2. Reasons for the loss (people, circumstances, etc.): 3. Where is the property now? 4. Additional facts about the loss: 5. What will help in the search? 6. Future: will the loss be returned?

  • Significator of loss: its description, your attitude towards it.
  • Reasons for loss (people, circumstances, etc.)
  • Where is the missing person now?
  • Additional facts about the disappearance.
  • What will help in the search?
  • The future: will the loss be returned?

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

Secrets and tips for reading cards here

You have already laid out 6 cards and familiarized yourself with their meaning. Now the most interesting and exciting part will begin. What else could the card mean, its number, suit, whether it is the Major Arcanum or the Minor, in connection with your situation?..

You can try to clarify all this, for which we will once again go through the points of the layout, and once again more deeply, carefully, focusing on what could previously go unnoticed, take a look at the cards in the positions.

The first position - the signifier of loss - will describe its condition on at the moment. First card - important card. Using it, you can immediately verify (determine whether the description of the loss on the card corresponds to the loss itself based on a set of signs known to you).

The second point of the layout talks about explicit or implicit reasons: the main driving forces, because of which something valuable to you was lost. For example, inattention, oversight or forgetfulness, or an intentional/unintentional action of another person (theft, misunderstanding).

If we are talking about the disappearance of a person (a serious issue, which I always strongly recommend contacting the relevant authorities!).

The third position should ideally show the location. Skillful reading of the map can significantly help determine whether the missing person is on the move (that is, moving), mainly then cards related to the road (6 of swords, 8 of wands, Knight of Wands, Page of Wands, Chariot, etc.) appear.

Or the thing is motionless, located in a closed space, which is typical for Tarot fours. For example, 4 of cups, 4 of pentacles mean indoor places (cafe, home, bathroom, safe, drawer, closet, wallet).

The difference between the 4 of Cups and the 4 of Pentacles is that the 4 of Cups will be characterized by a comfortable atmosphere, round shape, moisture, taste, while the 4 of Pentacles will be something dry, hard, square.

The Four of Swords can mean a place of a lower or hidden level - under something, a cavity of something (cellar, shelter), a state of peace or numbness.

While the 4 of Wands may be related to a place of rest, outside the home, familiar space (garden, park, suburb). Indirectly, space, but wider and larger, is shown by the 8s and 10s of the Tarot (which can mean multi-story buildings, hills, large territories).

By suits you can determine landmarks and cardinal directions. Wands - south, Cups - west, Swords - east, Pentacles - north (basically a generally accepted classification in Tarot, which is important to personally confirm with specific examples).

Card numbers Minor Arcana may suggest the distance or proximity of a thing (for example, twos symbolize short distances), in comparison with, for example, Tarot 8s.

In what environment is the loss located? The 5s and 7s of the Tarot symbolize multiplicity and can denote people from a few people to a group, and the 3s and 10s are various kinds of teams, unity (10 cups - family, 10 wands - work, formal, 3 cups - company , informal). Twos often symbolize a pair of something.

If the third position of the layout shows something expected, then the 4th point is associated with factors that may not be taken into account, so it makes sense to read two positions in the spike.

The fifth position will show where to expect help and support in the situation. Point 6 answers the question whether what was lost will return. Always read the Major Arcana and Figure Cards (pages, knights, more influential Queens and Kings) with increased attention. The positions where these cards fall acquire a greater influence on the situation.

Perhaps it makes sense to guess the time before the session, then the alignment should be interpreted in accordance with the time frame. You can also determine the time by spontaneously drawn cards: the fastest are wands, the slowest are pentacles. Happy searching!

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"Search" Lenormand layout - fortune telling on Lenormand cards, based on the principles of houses accepted in astrology. "Search" Lenormand is used to find lost objects or missing people. The possible location of the loss and the direction of the search will be indicated by the location of the card in the layout in one of the astrological houses.

We are all familiar with the situation when a person unexpectedly loses something and cannot find it. Chaotic rearrangement of things, papers and frantically looking at places familiar to this thing with the hope that it is still in its place, just for some reason it is not visible. After this, a nervous state begins and annoyance to relatives and friends with questions with suspicion: no one saw or no one took it and put it in its place? Often in this case, searching through closets and bags does not help, and the person begins to painfully remember where this damned paper or thing could have ended up. Perhaps I dropped it, lost it forever, or it was stolen, or perhaps it’s lying in plain sight and I don’t see it?

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Work order and layout structure

The layout uses all 36 cards of the deck, which are laid out into 3 face-down cards for 12 astrological houses. Before shuffling the cards and starting the “Search” Lenormand layout, the card that will be responsible for the lost is determined:

1) if the Lenormand “Search” layout is used to search for a person, then you need to determine the card that best suits his description:

13 “Child” - to search for a young child, and also, if a mother is telling fortunes about her child, even an adult;

28 “Man” - to search for an adult man, father, husband, brother;

29 “Woman” - to search for an adult woman, mother, wife, sister;

Sometimes it is more appropriate to use animal cards to find a person:

7 “Snake” - to search for an intruder, enemy, traitor;

14 “Fox” - deceiver, seducer, insidious liar;

15 “Bear” - patron, guardian, boss or other influential person;

18 “Dog” is a friend;

23 “Rats” – thief, destroyer, devastator.

2) if you are looking for a lost item, then you need to choose a card that describes it as accurately as possible. There may be some difficulties at this stage, so try to be creative. Here are some guidelines for notation:

1 “Rider” - telephone, fax, computer, cassettes, disks, floppy disks and other means of communication and storage media;

2 “Clover” - art objects, exclusive items and clothing;

3 “Ship” – car, scooter, boat, boat, bicycle and any other means of transportation;

9 “Bouquet” - a card can indicate a gift, any other thing, if it was given;

10 “Scythe” - piercing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;

21 “Mountains” - semi-precious and ornamental stones, figurines and objects made of natural stone;

25 "Ring" - jewelry, gems, jewelry, watches and other valuables;

26 “Book” – books, photographs, albums and other printed products;

27 “Letter” – letters, documents and other papers;

30 “Lily” - paintings, any things, objects of art inherited from ancestors;

31 “Sun” – golden things, objects made of gold;

32 “Moon” - silver things, objects made of silver;

33 “Key” – keys, small tools and other small metal objects;

34 “Pisces” - money, valuables, as well as food products.

After a card is selected, the deck is shuffled and laid out according to the pattern, then the selected card must be found. You should open the closed cards until you see the selected card indicating the loss. You also need to open cards adjacent to it in the same house. Only the position of the card in the house and in combination with two neighboring cards is interpreted; other cards are not considered, they are not informative.

In the Lenormand “Search” layout, the cards are divided into groups, which we conventionally call houses by analogy with astrological principles.

House meanings

First house. A room or place in which the fortuneteller usually spends a lot of time or mainly stores his personal belongings, the fortuneteller's personal place. Can also refer to the entrance to a house, veranda, porch, as possible places. The first house may indicate the maternal grandfather if relatives are involved in the disappearance. The lost should be looked for somewhere nearby and, first of all, where the item is usually stored. It is not very difficult to find and everything will soon be found, within a few minutes or hours. Search direction - East;

Second house. The lost item is located somewhere among the fortuneteller's valuables. This could be a box, a safe, a secluded place where the fortuneteller keeps cash, jewelry, securities. Can mean a basement, attic, attic, friend's house, external buildings, as other possible places of loss. It will be difficult to find the item; it is not in its usual place; the search will take from several hours to three days. The direction to search is east of northeast;

Third house. The vision of this house is associated with neighbors, brothers and sisters, relatives, and place of study. The loss may be in the table, in the location of the telephone, computer, TV, etc. Look where newspapers, magazines, papers, books, letters, stationery are stored, possibly in mailbox or even in a car. Look in the garage, library, office where someone is doing writing or studying, neighbors, brothers or sisters. The thing is not in sight, hidden under something, it is difficult, but can be found if good cards will be next to the loss card. The search direction is north-northeast.

Fourth house. The place where you should look for the loss is, first of all, your own home, a room where you often visit. Other possible places in the room or house of parents, elderly relatives, the central part of the house or its very old part, closet, kitchen, basement, places where the ground is located, in the yard or in the garden around the house. The item is in plain sight, not very difficult to find, the loss will be discovered within a few days. The direction to search is north.

Fifth house. Children's rooms, lounges, exhibitions, theaters, cafes, bars, restaurants, casinos and other places for games and entertainment. Look for lovers or children. The item is not in plain sight and is difficult to find; a thorough search is required. The search direction is north-northwest.

Sixth house. The item is well hidden in the work area, place of work, service, government agency, office. Other possible places are shops, clinics, service establishments, and places where pets are kept. Lost inside something, in a drawer, closet, box or pocket. Most likely, you will need to search hard and spend a lot of time searching. The direction to search is west of northwest.

Seventh house. The item is in personal belongings in a marriage partner's room, a business partner's room, or in the living room. Possible places of loss are at the maternal grandmother, paternal grandfather, and nephews. But, if the missing card is in the seventh house, most often it is stolen. Card 23 “Rats” will certainly indicate this if it is also in the seventh house and next to the missing card. The return of the loss is a big question and depends on neighboring cards. The direction to search is west.

Eighth house. This house indicates that the prospect of finding a loss is extremely unfavorable. Within the house, the map indicates dirty and latrine places, the bathroom, toilet and other places where there is running water and sewerage. The fortuneteller may be in danger. A lost item can be badly damaged, disassembled, thrown away and lost forever. This will be directly indicated by bad cards next to the loss card in the same eighth house. Other possible places of loss are places and hiding places where the partner stores money or valuables. The direction to search is southwest.

Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, higher organizations, churches, places associated with long-distance and foreign travel. A foreigner or a person of a different nationality has brothers, sisters and other relatives of a partner. The ninth house, in any case, indicates that the lost thing is very far from you. The search will take quite a lot of time, up to several months. The search direction is south-southwest.

Tenth house. The search should start from the place of work, the workplace of the boss, the employer. The place in your home where you usually do things. If you think that the item is at home, then other possible places are in the hallway, dining room, mother's room. The item may be located where you think it was left or lost. But more often it is an indication that the loss occurred somewhere in public place. The search time is calculated in days. Search direction - south.

Eleventh house. The eleventh house controls the places where papers and financial records are stored. Club premises, meeting places, public organizations, meeting places for friends. In your home, this could be the living room. The search time can take weeks. The search direction is south-southeast.

Twelfth house. In your home - in the bedroom, under the bed. The twelfth house indicates hard-to-reach places, hospitals, sanatoriums, places of isolation, shelters, ritual places, darkrooms. There may be places where medicines and chemicals are stored. The loss card in this house says that the item is very well hidden, is in a secluded place and will be difficult to find. The search direction is east of southeast.

There are twelve houses in the layout. Each house of the layout contains three cards. The search card can be in any of these three positions. Conventionally, you can assign the following values ​​to each position in the house to search for a missing item:

if the card is on the left, first in the house, the item you are looking for is on the lowest level of the apartment, on the floor, bottom drawers, in the basement;

if the card is in the middle, the second one is in the house - the thing you are looking for is at the middle level, at the height of human growth;

if the card is on the right, third in the house, the item you are looking for is on the top tier of the room, on the top shelf, on the closet, on the mezzanine.

In one of his works, Charles Bukowski wrote: “ simple things will kill us, simple things are killing us.” This is in a figurative sense, because if you think about it and compare the facts, then ordinary person Over the course of a lifetime, simply a huge number of different things accumulate, it is simply impossible to keep track of them.

The imagination immediately pictures a playful brownie with an ominous grin, hiding the necessary thing in his bins. Panic begins and the search for the lost item begins. Should I immediately resort to magical rituals and conspiracies? Is it worth bothering higher powers? Definitely not.

If the thing disappeared, then only from our field of vision, its legs did not grow and no one supernatural moved the object. You need to stop searching, calm down and mentally count to 50. After this, carefully examine the place where the loss was located before and imagine where, logically, it could have been thrown. A calm state makes it possible to immediately find a lost item in half the cases.

Psychologists have developed interesting technique, the basis of which is to divide it into three categories:

  1. “Contact” things that we use most often.
  2. Things “for a while”, they are used, but not as often as the basic necessities from the first group.
  3. “Non-contact” items that are needed only in specific cases and extremely rarely.

Based on these points, we determine the storage location of certain things and look for our loss among them. This way you can find another 20 percent of total number lost items. But not everything is predictable, and there are many unexpected places where you can hide something you need and then forget about it. It is for these cases that magical rites of searching and prayer for a lost thing are used.

Fortune telling to find an object

Tested and effective method, which our grandmothers used when they didn’t find the right thing in the house. In the middle of the room, where last time They saw an object, drew a square on the floor and divided it into four parts. After that, they took a pinch of holy salt, some bread and sugar, wrapped it in a small rag to make a pellet and whispered into it: “I call upon the brownie, I demand his powerful help. Show me, dear, where the loss is, where you brought it, I’ll give you some bread, some milk and a tasty treat, where you’re hiding, tell me, help me find what’s missing, it’ll be good for you and me, everyone will be happy.”

After this, you need to throw bread in salt and sugar into the middle of the square; it will fall exactly in the part where the thing is hidden. In order not to forget which side is which, you can put an object from each corner of the room in any part.

Simple and effective conspiracy can even return long-lost items or documents.

If the gold disappeared, ring or earring, then to find it, whisper to the brownie:

“I don’t have much gold, I don’t feel sorry for the brownie, but the toy is not yours, return it, it’s mine. It’s hard for me without an earring, a ring, I will be sad and cry without him. My dear brownie, return it, I’ll give you something else, I’ll bake milk and bread, I’ll treat you and prepare food, just return my gold, point to it, the best brownie.”

Using a playful form of communication with the brownie often gives a positive result, and the thing is in the most unexpected place within a few hours.

You can read about how to quickly find a lost item at home on online resources, which also offer help using other techniques.

Karma and loss, what is the relationship?

Sometimes the items we lose have a minor role. But there are also more serious losses. It could be required document for an apartment, big money, wedding rings, and to find them, it is not enough to simply contact the brownie. After all, these are no longer pranks, but an influence on a person’s fate and a warning about something.

Numerology gives the exact concept, why such a problem arises and reveals the topic of karma and sins of past lives. Perhaps the person has committed a bad deed or needs to work off a sin past life. But he fails to repay the debt to the Universe, and then the loss of important and serious things begins. It is very difficult to restore losses, because this is a way to pay off karma, but you can stop them both with the help of practicing magicians and parapsychologists, and on your own.

The method of clearing the energy at home can help in the search and indicate the location of the item. Done on a waxing moon. A new broom is used to sweep all the thresholds and corners of the house outside and inside, after which, with the other end of the broom, you need to knock on the window sills and frames and say: “I cleanse my house from evil and filth, I will work off my sins, I will release bad power. My house is clean and free (repeat 3 times).” Light candles in every room, because the energy of fire helps to enhance the cleaning process and charges you with positive emotions.

In addition, you definitely need to call a person who works with aura and energy into the house so that he can identify the problem areas of the house and the owner himself and cleanse them with the help of his rituals. If this is not possible, then call a clergyman to the house so that he could pray with the owner. This will greatly improve general atmosphere indoors and will allow you to clear some karmic shortcomings.

It also happens that personal belongings disappear on the street, here it will be more difficult to find them or return them, because other people go there, often the finds are not returned, and there is no one to ask for help. In this case, you need to calm down, return to the place where the thing was in sight last time, and just follow the same route.

To prevent such situations from happening, it is best to put necessary and important items in a bag with a lock or in pockets that also close. It is also advisable to hide money, phone or car keys here. If you carry them in your hands down the street, there is a high probability that they will get lost.

Another good piece of advice for absent-minded people that helps them remember things: so that nothing important is lost either at home or on the street - just don’t carry these things with you or try to take as few items as possible on the road. Why take a whole wallet or a whole bunch of keys when going to the store? When walking with your family, you can refuse to have your phone in your pocket; this will help you get rid of constant worries about whether your gadget has been lost.

So, you can find lost things using:

  • plot per square;
  • whisper to the brownie;
  • contacting a magician specialist.

The topic of how to find something that you lost at home often interested me. I lost almost everything, from expensive mobile phone and ending with a gold ring and jewelry. At first I thought it was my little brother who was frolicking like that, but the younger one didn’t take anything. I went to a fortune teller and it turned out I had some karmic debts. But the problem has already been solved, everything is in order and the disappearances have stopped.

When I was little in the village with my grandmother, I saw how she looked for things with the help of milk and a square of bread. It scared me. But just recently I also couldn’t find my passport and used this method. I discovered it was missing almost immediately. And it’s not a matter of absent-mindedness at all, the brownie is just being naughty. I believe in its existence, it really is true.

I read it and laughed. Do you seriously think that some brownie comes to your house to do this all on purpose and then watch, how to search for missing items? People, we live in the 21st century, where do these signs and other heresies come from? Put things in their places, don’t make a mess at home and don’t collect a bunch of rubbish and you will be happy, and you don’t need to go to a fortune teller, it’s just extra expenses.

Attention, TODAY only!

No matter how careful we are, material losses are inevitable, and arise as a result of our own negligence or malicious intent. When those who want to profit at the expense of another deliberately commit theft, this is an evil intent that brings harm to both the one from whom it was stolen and the one who stole. The loss of any thing does not contribute to the formation good mood, affects the condition nervous system person. As well as the expectation of punishment that will certainly follow the crime.

In the case when a person has lost things, and he cannot understand whether it was theft or whether the things are simply in a place inaccessible to him, it is best to turn to Tarot fortune-telling. The interpretation of these cards includes such concepts as clarifying place and time. And he will cope perfectly with the question asked of him.

Features of fortune telling for lost objects

We get acquainted with the proposed deck of cards, choose the one that suits your heart. When doing “live” fortune telling, it is important to touch the deck and listen to your feelings. If they are easy and enjoyable, this is your deck of cards. This means that working with her will be just as pleasant. In case of negative feelings, it is better to change the deck of cards.

So, let's start with the Loss Tarot reading:

  • We choose the missing item as a significator.
  • We receive a description of the item that was lost or stolen.
  • We study the place where this thing was located. Tarot card interpretation can do this quite accurately.
  • In the next two positions of the layout cards, it becomes clear who did it. Perhaps you yourself put this thing somewhere and just can’t remember where. We find out in whose hands this thing is, and whether there are any possibilities of returning it.
  • The final card of the layout will sum it up. And the conclusions drawn will serve as an indication for your subsequent actions.

It should be noted that the interpretation of Tarot cards allows for some errors due to the inexperience of the fortune teller or the person who came to make the layout, but the main meaning is always given correctly.

Knowledgeable people say that you should not get attached to things and bet their existence on highest level. Since the loss of some material goods to which we were attached can lead to severe nervous disorder. So don't bet material assets on the same level or higher than spiritual ones. Having material benefits, do not forget about acquiring spiritual ones. And never lose. Neither one nor the other.

Have you often had to worry about lost things, money, keys, documents? Has it ever happened that lost things brought, in addition to stress, big problems into life? Lost your keys - can't close it front door and go to work, and the next day you were reprimanded for absenteeism, or even fired?! Or you’ve lost your passport and can’t get it important documents, on which your life depends?! Or maybe, on the eve of important transactions or urgent payments, you cannot find your wallet, although you have turned the whole house upside down?

Then you definitely need urgent help from above, which will help you quickly understand where the loss is and if it is in the house, quickly find it.

I learned about this method, which helped me, in a desperate period of my life. At that time I was a little over twenty. I didn’t have a personal life, so I went for happy life, from the provinces to the capital. I found a job, rented a room on the outskirts and started working without days off or “passing days.” Almost a year passed when I realized that the money I earned was only enough for rented housing, food and travel. Therefore, I could not afford unplanned waste of money, much less lose it.

On December 31st I was invited to nightclub to meet New Year. Since I had no more offers, and I was left alone in the rented accommodation, I accepted the invitation from my colleagues and went to the club.

I got ready in a hurry because the invitation arrived at 10 pm the night before and I mechanically grabbed my bag and didn’t bother to put out my documents and wallet, taking with me only a small amount of money for the club. I traveled economically, using public transport, so as not to spend an extra penny, because immediately after the holiday I had to pay for rented housing.

At the club, I tried not to order too much and not to overindulge in drinks, so as not to get drunk, and I was sorry for the money. But either lack of sleep due to a busy work schedule, or malnutrition due to a weak financial budget, affected my condition and a couple of glasses of tequila and a couple of glasses of champagne were enough for me not to remember some details of the New Year's Eve.

I woke up the next morning, in my apartment, alone. From a phone call I learned that after the club, me and a couple of friends went to my house. At home we continued the banquet and drank several more glasses of champagne. I didn’t remember how my friends left, in principle, I didn’t remember how we came to my home either.

The first thing I did was reach into my bag to count how much money I ended up spending, since I had to pay rent on the third. But when I put my hand into my bag, I didn’t find any money, wallet or passport there. According to my friends, we returned by taxi, which, due to my drunken generosity, I paid for alone. This means that there was a possibility that the wallet, which also contained the passport, could fall out in the taxi. Since my friend did not see me take out my wallet, it is possible that I could have lost it all before getting into the taxi and paid with money from my pocket. And I could have lost it anywhere before getting into the taxi. On the dance floor, in the club toilet, at the bar, or when getting into a taxi.

Perhaps I didn’t lose it at all and was naively robbed. I also didn’t disdain the version that the wallet with money could have been stolen by one of my two friends while visiting me and drinking champagne with me. After all, we were all drunk.

Nevertheless, having cast aside all my suspicions, I first began to search. She searched long and carefully, even turning over carpets. But all to no avail.
When I realized that there were no places left in the apartment where I would not go around the fifth circle, I sat down on the bed and cried out of hopelessness.

I have already presented the picture as in January holidays, I'll stay on the street with a suitcase in my hands. And without money I will have nowhere to go. And there is no one to ask, because I know almost no one in a foreign city. The prospect is to “become homeless”! In general, the situation is such that you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy.

After crying for 2 hours, I remembered that along the way of my search I came across, in the bookcase, a book with interesting name. It was about some kind of pendulums and magic. I was automatically drawn to her. Opening the first page I came across, somewhere in the middle of the book, to quickly see what it was about, I came across interesting title “how to use a pendulum to find a lost thing?” It was like some kind of sign “from above”! My surprise knew no bounds! I was literally amazed by this coincidence of events.

Having wiped my tears with my sleeve and noticeably improving in my mood, I eagerly began to read it. The book said that if you make a pendulum and ask it questions, you can find out not only whether the lost item is in the house, but even find it, because the pendulum can accurately indicate in which closet and on which shelf the lost item is located.

So, I started fortune telling. And now I will describe step by step what actions I did from “A” to “Z”

First of all I turned off mobile phone, closed herself in the room, lit the candles. The book said that a pendulum can be made from any object suitable for a weight: pins, nuts, spools of thread, earrings, pendants, or rings. I had a ring on my finger, I decided to use it as a weight, because this item was the best charged with my energy, because I wore the ring for several years.

I put a thread equal to thirty centimeters through the ring and tied the ends with a knot. I drew a circle on a piece of paper, and in the circle and in the center I drew two lines. One is horizontal, the other is vertical. The result is a cross in a circle.

Now I needed to find out from the pendulum which movement it would answer me with “yes”, with which “no”, with which “I don’t know” and with which “stupid question”. I asked questions mentally, to myself and in free form, because the book did not specify how to do this. My mental questions were: “Pendulum, tell me, how will you move if your answer to my question means YES?”

In the same way, I asked about all the other designations. How you ask questions is, as I have learned from experience, not important. Because when I was guessing for the tenth or twentieth time, my questions sounded like this: “how do I know if you say yes to me” or “show how it will mean “YES-NO-I DON’T KNOW”. And everything worked! The pendulum answered me, even when my question sounded without reference and consisted of three words “how will YES be?”

Accordingly, at this time I was sitting at a table on which there were lighted candles; my right hand she rested her elbow and was a little relaxed; fingers held the thread with the weight in the place where the knot was; and the weight (ring) hung directly above the center of the circle that I drew on the sheet. And when I asked questions, one by one, the pendulum began to swing along a certain trajectory, and this meant that it was with this movement that he answered me YES (no - I don’t know - stupid question). The trajectories of his movements were as follows:

Circular movement clockwise
counterclockwise circular motion
direct swinging back and forth (just according to vertical line, which was in the circle)
straight swinging left and right (just along the horizontal line that was in the circle)

Unfortunately, I don’t remember which movement meant a certain answer, but for you this is not necessary and your pendulum can answer the question with a completely different movement. And, for example, if for me moving in a circle clockwise meant “yes,” then for you it might mean “no.” Moreover, when you make fortunes on other days and on other questions, the pendulum may answer differently than it answered you the first time. Therefore, you need to clarify his movements every time you sit down to guess.

I wrote down all the designations that I learned from the pendulum on a separate piece of paper so as not to forget during fortune telling.

Actually, everything was already ready in order to begin the most important part of fortune telling and find out where my missing item was, on which my life depended. And, of course, the first question that I mentally asked the pendulum sounded like this:
-Is my wallet in this apartment?

The pendulum responded with a movement that meant “YES”. I can’t convey to you my feeling at that moment, because then I almost jumped to the ceiling with happiness.

Notice how precisely I posed the question. I asked “my wallet”, because without a pronoun I could find the wallet, but it would not be mine, but, for example, a neighbor’s, who rented the next room. I also specified “in this apartment”, because if I had asked “is my wallet in the apartment?” - the pendulum could answer “YES”, and it would be right, because my wallet could really be in the apartment, and not in a private house, hospital, police station. But only in an apartment not mine, but the apartment of a thief, or an innocent person who was simply lucky to find my wallet.

The second thing I started to do was find out exactly where in the apartment the pendulum was located. The apartment I lived in was four rooms, had one kitchen and two toilets.
It took me a few questions to figure out that the wallet was in my room and not in the kitchen or in one of the toilets.

My room was large. And there was a lot of furniture in it, so the third step was to find out in which specific furniture my wallet was hidden. So I found out that the wallet was in one of the closets, which had several compartments and shelves. Gradually, I found out exactly what part the wallet was in, and even on what shelf it was lying.

The closet had one high and narrow compartment on which there were 5 shelves. On the shelves neatly lay sweaters, pants, towels, bed sheets and a blanket. At that moment, I couldn’t understand what was happening and I already wanted to be upset, because I rummaged through this closet several times and didn’t understand how my wallet slipped past my hands.
“Probably the pendulum is deceiving and all this is nonsense,” I thought and began to lay out one item at a time, feeling every detail of clothing.

When I came across a winter jacket that I rarely wore, I felt something thick in it, but not hard. Inside the jacket there was a large zippered pocket. It was in this pocket that I found my wallet!

Out of joy, I sat down on the floor and sat with my jacket for 10 minutes, in a daze, practically not moving. I couldn't believe this miracle! At the same time, I was happy that I would not end up on the street, because money was found and I would be able to pay for rented housing. I was also pleased that the amount in my wallet was almost the same as before the trip to the club, minus 800 rubles. So, I didn't spend much. But then I had to be upset! I didn’t find my passport in my wallet. Although the disappointment was temporary. Putting down my wallet and picking up the pendulum, I began to ask further questions. A few minutes, and with the help of a pendulum, the passport was found in the area of ​​my sleeping place, shoved along the carpet, the edges of which went straight under the bed.

Likewise, by asking questions to a pendulum, you can find everything! From your wallet being lost in the hallway, which is in the next apartment, hidden in the closet, because the neighbor accidentally found it and decided not to admit it, so as not to return it! To a needle that was hidden in a specific haystack that stands in a specific field.

And in the next article, I will tell you,