Lobsters. Salmon, sturgeon, pike caviar

Lobsters are a family of Atlantic decapod crustaceans that people readily eat. It is known that by the beginning of the nineteenth century an attempt was made artificial breeding sea ​​animals. Lobsters and lobsters did not take root in conditions created by man, or from a commercial point of view, keeping them turned out to be unprofitable. This cancer lives in the waters Atlantic Ocean at a depth of no more than 200 meters. Lobsters are scavenger predators. Animals feed on algae, benthos (zooplankton), organic remains, and small fish.

What are lobsters

This is the most famous subspecies of crustaceans and is often confused with lobsters. In fact, these are etymologically different names for the same creature. From a culinary point of view, lobster is an expensive delicacy, rich in vitamins and minerals. The large body of the lobster, which hides a powerful shell, is famous for its large amount of tender delicious meat, which has a unique marine aroma. The cost of fresh crustacean, frozen or live, can vary from 3,000-15,000 rubles per kg.

What they look like

Lobsters are large crustaceans that can reach 40-50 cm in length. They have a hard chitinous shell covered with unevenly spaced spines. The front pair of limbs are powerful claws with a serrated edge, perfectly adapted for grasping and tearing prey. The tail is powerful, with pronounced chitinous articulations, and makes up about a third of the body length, including the limbs. Under the shell there are 4 pairs of paws located close to each other. The color of the outer shell varies depending on the age and subspecies of the lobster.

Lobsters are often confused with lobsters, although the differences between the subspecies are very pronounced. The latter are distinguished by an elongated body and greatly elongated limbs. They do not have claws: the subspecies of crustaceans feeds on plankton, carrion, and seaweed. On the front of the head there are two antennae covered with chitin. The length of the processes is approximately equal to the rest of the lobster's body, which is appearance, structure, location internal organs looks like a regular shrimp.

How long do they live?

Like all crustaceans, lobsters grow throughout their lives, gradually going through complex biological process change of shell, called molting. Conventionally, the age of a lobster can be determined by its body size and color. It is known that the maximum recorded life expectancy for a male was 31 years, for females - 54. Particularly old individuals acquire a more matte color of the shell, by which they can be easily distinguished from young animals. Most big lobster was caught off the coast of Canada. The mass of the individual, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was 20.15 kg.

Chemical composition

Key distinctive feature marine crustaceans is the chemical composition. The body of arthropod inhabitants of the oceans is very rich in useful salts, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. This is explained by the characteristics of their area (habitat), as well as their diet. Eating tender lobster meat helps strengthen human immunity, improve physical fitness, normalization of the acid-base balance of the blood, etc. The meat of these crustaceans contains the following substances:

  1. Vitamins. Half of group B: choline, niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic, pantothenic acids, cyanocobalamin, vitamins A, E.
  2. Macroelements. Sodium, phosphorus, potassium, many calcium salts, magnesium.
  3. Microelements. Copper, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium.

Useful properties

Due to availability large quantity useful chemical elements and compounds, lobster meat can be conditionally considered a means of preventing and treating certain diseases. Residents of countries that have access to the sea, who often eat Atlantic crustaceans, note their excellent health. Such people, according to statistics, are less susceptible to the influence of chronic diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, digestive systems. When using the product there are noticeable following processes in the functioning of the body:

  1. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stabilizing the process of hematopoiesis, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.
  2. Beneficial influence on hormonal background associated with the reproductive system. Normalization of testosterone production in men.
  3. Promoting the removal of waste and toxins from the intestines. Reduced absorption of fatty acids.
  4. Improving the body's defense systems, normalizing the functioning of the immune system.
  5. Stabilization nervous system, reducing stress levels, developing resistance to the consequences of strong emotional and mental stress.

Hazardous properties

People suffering from gout should beware of eating Atlantic crustaceans. Lobster meat contains a lot of the substance purine, which contributes to the accumulation and production of large amounts of uric acid, which aggravates the symptoms of the disease. Lobster meat itself is considered a high protein food. Its use in large quantities will lead to a sharp increase in blood cholesterol levels, which will adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is also possible that an individual allergy to such seafood may occur.

How to cut a lobster

It is very simple to obtain meat from the carcass of a large arthropod encased in a durable chitinous shell. To do this, you will need large scissors, a towel or any clean cloth, cloth and latex gloves, a durable knife with a wide massive blade, and a large board. The cutting is done in the following order:

  1. Wear fabric construction gloves to protect your skin from sharp chitin fragments. Pull the latex ones over the top so that there are no fabric fibers left on the shell.
  2. Dampen a small cloth and place it under the board to prevent it from slipping.
  3. Grasp top part lobster head plate. With your other hand, gently loosen and twist the limbs with claws in a circular motion. In the same way, divide them in two at the joints. You will get 6 finished parts.
  4. To remove the meat from a lobster claw, you need to break it. Make it edgy with a strong blow flat, blunt side of the knife. Cut the phalanges of the claw along the tubular shell with scissors.
  5. The tail should be separated from the body in a circular motion. Its chitinous cover may be needed for beautiful presentation, so don’t rush to separate it. Inside the remaining part of the lobster are internal organs that are not eaten.
  6. In particularly large specimens, meat can be obtained from 4 hind pairs of limbs. The legs are separated and cut in the same way as small phalanges of claws.

How to cook

On restaurant menus you can find many dishes that require... various types culinary processing lobster The main methods of preparing it are baking, boiling, and frying. The crustacean is usually served with other seafood such as caviar, mussels, and scallops. The following cooking methods are the most popular:

  1. Boiling. A traditional intermediate method of preparation followed by further cooking. To boil lobster, add salt to the water at the rate of 170 g of salt per 2 liters of liquid. After boiling, the lobster is thrown whole into the vat. The boiling time depends on the weight of the carcass: for each kilogram it takes 20 minutes. At the same time, the shell acquires the famous bright red color.
  2. Roasting. Often used for pre-cooking before adding to Caesar salads. The most presentable parts are used - claws, phalanges of the legs. They are turned out of the joints in a circular motion, the chitin is cut or split. The extracted meat is very quickly fried in refined olive oil.
  3. Baking. The most beautiful lobster dishes are created using this method. There are two known variants feeding and preliminary cutting of arthropod carcass. In the first case, only the tail is baked, from which the lower part of the armor is cut off with scissors, where the filling is placed. Second way: very sharp knife The lobster is split in two along the body. The insides are cleaned, half of the animal is stuffed with filling, baked, and served on a large platter.

How to eat lobster

Large marine arthropods are a delicacy, the rules for their consumption are worth understanding. To properly cut a whole cooked lobster carcass, you will need a special long fork, scissors, and special tongs for breaking the claws. Like all seafood, it is customary to eat arthropods with your hands, only using cutlery to help yourself. Depending on the method of preparation and serving, the eating method may vary.

Start with the animal's massive claws. Twist and break them out of their joints. Break the anterior grasping phalanx with special tongs so that you can remove the meat. Cut the chitinous cover of the remaining parts with scissors. Stick a fork into the upper part of the body to make it easier to hold onto the tail. Turn the last one out, pulling it away from the carcass. Open the bottom layer of its shell with scissors and remove the black vein. You can start eating meat.

Rules for selection and storage

Before buying lobster, figure out how to correctly distinguish a fresh product from a spoiled one. Remember that marine arthropods can remain edible for no longer than a day. You can delay the spoilage of the product using blast freezing. There are no particular difficulties in determining the freshness of a lobster: the difference between spoiled and quality goods is obvious. Find out the methods, conditions, shelf life of Atlantic arthropods, and the rules for choosing them when purchasing:

  1. The first sign of a high-quality fresh product is a pleasant marine aroma. When a lobster spoils, the carcass begins to emit a terrible putrid odor.
  2. Large crustaceans are loners. They are kept alive strictly in separate aquariums, otherwise the individuals can greatly harm each other. A recently caught lobster can be easily identified by its shiny black eyes and movable antennae, with which the animal tries to feel everything around.
  3. A fresh, chilled product can be easily distinguished from a spoiled tail by its appearance, which should be in a curled, tense state.
  4. After slaughter, large marine crustaceans are stored for less than a day. Do not try to place a live lobster in an aquarium with fresh water- such an environment will quickly destroy him.
  5. At low temperatures, cooked lobster meat can be stored for two days without losing freshness.
  6. Before serving a whole boiled crustacean carcass that was cooked more than 5-6 hours ago, boil it again for 2-3 minutes.

Many people have heard about such a delicacy as lobster, but not everyone has tried it. Whoever you ask on the street, everyone will say that lobsters (lobsters) are an attribute of the rich, luxurious life. Associations immediately arise: this delicacy is eaten by those who have country villas, private helicopters, who wear exclusively designer clothes and keep coiffed, expensive miniature dogs at home. Of course, there is truth in such reasoning. It is worth admitting that large types of lobsters are not a cheap pleasure. Not everyone can afford this delicacy. But the fact that it’s worth trying at least once in your life is the best recommendation.

If you haven't tried lobster pulp yet, try to do so soon. The lobster is a must try. The taste is simply divine. Many who have already tried them say that this is the most delicious meat in the world, that they have never eaten anything like it before.

How are lobsters different from lobsters? Reply to this question worries many. In order not to start a lengthy debate, it makes sense to say that there is no difference between lobsters and lobsters. Essentially it's two different names the same crustacean.

In order to understand the differences between lobsters and lobsters, you should seek advice from biologists. The answer will probably surprise you: in fact, lobster and lobster are actually names for the same crustacean. If you consult a philologist, you will find out that two different names for the presented animal came into our language from English and German languages. It's about about English word"lobster" and the German word "hammer". Both denote large-sized crustaceans.

Therefore, wherever you read information about lobsters, know that it applies equally to lobsters. Therefore, you should not believe rumors that these crustaceans are related species.

Today, gurans eat lobsters. But two centuries ago they caught fish on the bottom and fertilized fields with them.

Lobsters: what is it, where do they live, what do they eat?

Lobsters belong to the family of the largest marine 10-legged crustaceans. They are distinguished by a powerful shell and 10 legs, 2 of which have transformed into powerful claws. Lobsters have very tender meat under their shell. They also eat meat, which is located on the legs and tail of the crustacean, as well as caviar and lobster liver.

Distinctive features of lobsters are long red mustaches and a fan tail. Different types have lobsters
different color. You can find lobsters of both gray-green and green-blue colors. When lobster
reaches the age of six, he weighs about one kilogram.

The lobster loves to live in the oceans and rocky shelves. In appearance it resembles a simple crayfish, only with huge claws. There are several types of lobsters. They all differ in both their taste and appearance.
Lobster varieties:

  • Norwegian are the most best view lobsters. Their sizes reach 22 centimeters in length.
  • European - a type of sea lobster larger size, they can be about 90 centimeters in length and weigh about 10 kilograms.
  • Northern (American) are crustaceans up to a meter long and weighing up to 20 kg. They live in the Atlantic and are bred on farms. This type of lobster is less impressive in taste than the European and Norwegian ones.

A huge number of dishes are prepared from lobster meat.

Rules for selecting and storing lobsters

Let it be known to everyone that lobsters are perishable foods. That is why the risk of running into poor quality product very big. There are a number of rules that allow you to purchase only high-quality and fresh lobster carcasses. Follow them.

Tips for choosing good lobsters:

  • It is advisable to buy live lobsters - mobile crustaceans with a soft shell. You can find them in large hypermarkets.
  • Quality lobsters have no blemishes on their shells and no damage or algae.
  • When choosing frozen lobsters, you should give preference to those options where less snow, ice.

As for storage, it is better to put the lobsters in the freezer. If you decide to refrigerate, use parchment paper seaweed for wrapping.

What are the beneficial properties of lobster meat?

Like other crustaceans, the lobster has a number of useful properties. And its key benefit lies in chemical composition. Lobster meat is a real source of protein, potassium, magnesium (these minerals are especially important for the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels). It is no secret that it helps improve metabolism due to the presence of B-vitamins. The nervous system returns to normal with this product. Lobsters are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and iron. This means that the blood will be replenished with hemoglobin, and the bone tissue will receive the necessary minerals. Interestingly, such meat also has a positive effect on reproductive system, since lobster meat contains zinc.

Can lobster meat be harmful?

Like any seafood, lobster has its contraindications. If a person has an individual intolerance, you should not eat lobsters. Plus, you should remember that they contain a lot of cholesterol, which in turn can provoke cardiovascular diseases. People with gout should not get carried away with lobsters; the product contains too much purine, and the accumulation of uric acid in the body will occur especially intensely.

How do modern chefs use lobsters?

As everyone knows, lobsters are considered a real delicacy. It is served in many famous restaurants. What kind of dishes are not made from lobster? For example, escalopes and medallions are made from the most tender meat located in the tail part. Lobsters are often simply boiled. Caviar is considered a special delicacy. Stuffed lobsters are considered especially delicious. Most often they are served with a variety of sauces (the most delicious is creamy), which enhance the taste and allow you to enjoy the tender meat even more. They also prepare mousses and aspic from lobsters. And how divine the lobster soup is. It's definitely worth a try. Using spices you can improve and diversify the taste of lobster meat. The most popular are curry and ginger. Perhaps not everyone knows, but lobster meat is even used for baking; its filling turns out to be especially tender and tasty.

Lobster belongs to the order of crustaceans, it is also called lobster. It lives on rocky shelves in the oceans. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary crayfish, but its claws are huge (see photo). There are several types of lobsters that differ not only in appearance, but also in taste:

Each type of lobster can have a different color, which ranges from gray-green to green-blue. TO distinctive features can be attributed to the long mustache red, as well as a fan-shaped tail. The durable shell hides tender meat, which is used in cooking to prepare a large number of dishes. At 6 summer age The lobster already weighs 1 kg.

How to select and store?

Lobster is a perishable product, so it is very important to know the rules that will allow you to choose fresh and high-quality lobster:

It is best to store lobster in freezer, but for a day you can wrap it in seaweed, wrap parchment paper and put it in the refrigerator.

Useful properties

The benefit of lobster lies in its chemical composition. This product is considered one of the best sources of protein. Lobster contains potassium and magnesium - minerals important for the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the presence of B vitamins, metabolism and nervous system function improves. This seafood contains iron, which increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as calcium and phosphorus - minerals important for bone tissue.

Lobster contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. This seafood contains zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of the reproductive system.

Lobsters are a real delicacy, served in many prestigious restaurants around the world. Escalopes and medallions are made from the delicate tail part. The meat in the claws is tougher. Besides this, the caviar of females, which is called “coral,” is used as food, as well as the liver, colored green, it is called "tomali". You can simply boil the lobster and eat it as is. In addition, it is stuffed, divided into parts and served with different sauces, but the creamy one is considered the best. You can also use lobster meat to make aspic, souffles, mousses, and first courses. To improve and diversify the taste of lobster meat, you can use various spices, for example, ginger, curry, etc. The meat can be used as a filling for a variety of baked goods.

How to cook?

There are several features to consider when preparing lobster:

How to cut a lobster?

To remove meat from a cooked lobster, you need to take a large knife and scissors. It is recommended to wear gloves to avoid damaging your hands. Remove the elastic bands and carefully detach the claws at the point of attachment to the body. Next, tear off the bottom of the claw. You need to gently loosen it and pull so that most of the meat doesn't come off. Now separate the claw from the oblong part. As a result, you will have 6 parts. Using the blunt side of the knife, you need to get a split on the edge of the claw somewhere in the center. This will allow the shell to be divided into 2 parts. As a result, you will be able to easily get the meat. Take the oblong part and use scissors to cut a piece diagonally. Insert the scissors inside and cut to length. This will allow you to separate them and remove the meat. It's time to take the most main part lobster - tail (separate it from the body). Place him on the table and let him curl up into a ball. Then fold your hands crosswise on top and press until you get a crunch. Thanks to these manipulations, you can easily separate the shell and get the meat. If the lobster is large, you can also get the meat from their legs.

Harm of lobster and contraindications

Lobster can cause harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected. Due to the high amount of cholesterol, lobsters can cause problems with cardiovascular system. People with gout should avoid eating lobster, as due to the presence of purine, uric acid can accumulate in the body.

Crayfish are several families of decapod freshwater crayfish: Cambaridae(distributed mainly in North America and to a lesser extent in Asia), Parastacidae(live in South America, Australia, on the island of Madagascar), Astacidae(live in fresh waters North America and Eurasia). The last family is the very familiar “classic” crayfish, a very simple and very affordable delicacy. It is impossible to find in our country at least an adult who has never tried or seen boiled crayfish.


For a long time boiled crayfish were considered an integral attribute of the beer table, an excellent appetizer for the “foamy” one. Nobody really delved into the composition and nutritional value delicacy. Today it is already known for sure that crayfish are an excellent source of protein, extremely useful for athletes of all levels. Also, if you constantly use crayfish as food, you can get rid of many problems associated with diseases of the internal organs: the stomach, gall bladder and liver.

It is useful to consume crayfish after getting rid of colds, after strong physical activity. Crayfish meat contains many different vitamins and iodine, helps prevent thyroid diseases and support immunity. All kinds of microelements give lovers of the delicacy the opportunity to strengthen their teeth and improve their hair health.

The main distinguishing feature of this type of crustacean is its habitat - freshwater bodies of water.

The body structure of crayfish is not very different from other crustaceans: the head, which has a sharp shape, expressive eyes and long mustache, also extends into the chest. The abdomen is divided into seven segments. Crayfish have six pairs of legs and one pair of claws, used as a weapon for obtaining food and as a weapon of self-defense from enemies.

The color of the crayfish is usually dark green, and there are also specimens brown. It should be noted that the color of the animal depends on the composition of the water in its habitat.

The crayfish found in our country, depending on the size of the claws, come in several varieties:

  1. Thick-fingered.
  2. Narrow-toed.
  3. Broad-fingered.

The food of crayfish is usually various microorganisms; in addition, crayfish feed on any meat that they manage to find in the water.

Lobster (aka lobster, Nephropidae) is a representative of crustaceans, resembling a common crayfish. They belong to the order of decapod crustaceans and live in sea ​​water all over the world. They are distinguished by large claws. It feeds on microorganisms and carrion. The color varies from grayish-green to green-blue. When cooked, the color of the lobster changes to red and therefore it is sometimes also called “cardinalfish.”

The main difference from ordinary crayfish is the size of the lobster, reaching up to 50 cm in length and growing to a weight of 4 kg.

One of the largest lobsters caught was 70 cm long and weighed 11 kg. On average, lobsters are found up to 25 cm long and weigh about 700 g. The Guinness Book of Records contains a description of a lobster caught in Canada and weighing 20.15 kg.

Another difference is, of course, the lobster lobster's habitat. This species lives exclusively in sea ​​salt water and is distributed throughout the world's waters, with the possible exception of the Baltic.

The lobster has a relatively long lifespan: on average, males live about 30 years, females - about 50 years. There are known facts of mining long-livers, approximately 140 years old. Lobsters are classified into species, differing in external and taste qualities.

Atlantic (Norwegian) lobsters are recognized as the most valuable.

They are small, up to 22 cm, but very tasty. European lobsters are larger - up to 90 cm in length and up to 10 kg. The American lobster reaches a size of 1 m and a weight of 20 kg. True, the “American” is more famous for its size than its taste. In the Indian Ocean there live very tiny lobsters, the taste of which is recognized as simply outstanding. Lobster meat has almost no fat and bad cholesterol, but a lot of easily digestible protein. The product is full of amino acids, magnesium, potassium, vitamins, and useful metals. There were times when lobster was even used as fertilizer in agriculture. Lobster is, of course, a delicacy. Meat, liver and caviar are used in cooking.

Salads, mousses, and soups are made from lobster. Gourmets highly respect “tomali,” the greenish lobster liver obtained from under the head shell, and “coral,” red caviar. Different types of lobster differ not only in appearance, but they also have their own original taste after cooking. After cooking, regardless of the initial color, all lobsters turn red.

Similarities and differences

So, the main difference between crayfish and lobsters is that lobsters are marine crustaceans, crayfish are river inhabitants. Other differences between these two crustaceans are important only to gourmets. Crayfish and lobster have a similar taste, but the crayfish is bland, and the lobster meat is more tender and piquant. The methods of preparing them also differ. Crayfish are usually boiled, adding a lot of spices; lobsters are often grilled or baked (but they can also be boiled). Crayfish are used as an independent dish, and lobsters are also used as an ingredient.

River crustaceans go well with beer; wines are better suited to “aristocratic sailors.” In general, both types are valued for their breathtakingly juicy and pleasant taste.

We must admit that despite all the elitism of these delicacies, they are simply marine relatives of our cancer. Even gourmets don’t know the difference between a lobster and a lobster and think that they are different animals. You will be surprised after reading this article and learning the features of all types of these exquisite seafood delicacies.

What is the difference between lobster and lobster?

At the mere mention of this series of crustaceans, all gourmets begin to have a real gastronomic frenzy. In our country, such products are expensive and are served only in the most sophisticated restaurants. So is there a difference between them?

If you consider yourself a real gourmet and don’t want to appear ignorant in an expensive restaurant by ordering seafood delicacies, then you need to know how these large crustaceans differ:

  • lobster is common name sea ​​crayfish;
  • lobster - that's what the French say about it;
  • lobster is a completely different type of crustacean, close relative shrimps.

Thus, we found out that lobster is no different from lobster except for the name. This is the same as garden strawberries and strawberries; the second name has stuck with us and many people confuse them.

Large, fleshy, powerful claws are what distinguishes a lobster from a lobster, as it uses them to defend itself. The second one instead has long antennae and a beautifully colored spotted body. The meat has them similar taste, but the larger the crustacean, the meatier it is and the more iodine it contains.

Another point that distinguishes a lobster from a lobster is the growth period. The lobster grows slowly, just imagine that in 15 years of its life it only gains 1 kilogram of weight. This determines the price of the delicacy; it is very expensive and can cost up to $300 for one in a good restaurant. The most delicious specimens weigh 600-700 grams and are about 7-8 years old.

Now let's get to know the lobster. It looks very impressive, but this animal does not have claws, which are so loved by gourmets. The Guinness Book of Records includes a specimen caught in Nova Scotia weighing 16.5 kilograms and more than a meter long. But basically it's just a big shrimp that has average weight 250-300 grams.

Answering the question of how a lobster differs from a lobster, we can say only by the presence of claws in the first and long antennae in the second. So now you, like a real gourmet, can point out the differences.

In addition to overseas delicacies, we also love juicy meat from the fire. It is interesting that the dish turns out perfect.