Recipe: Pancakes with red caviar - beautiful presentation. The hallmark of Russian cuisine - pancakes with red and black caviar, recipes with photos

Thin openwork pancakes stuffed with red caviar will decorate any holiday table and will be an excellent replacement for tired sandwiches. Especially if they are presented beautifully, skillfully rolled into shapes and skillfully decorated with greens.

Real Russian pancakes are good with any filling, be it pink salmon caviar, black caviar, capelin or cod caviar. The dish is often supplemented with red fish, grated hard cheese, egg, sour cream or butter.

For pancakes, the recipe uses choux pastry. It is thanks to this method of cooking that the pancakes turn out tasty, thin, and tender. But at the same time, they are quite strong, pliable, and do not tear when stuffed.

And still bake good pancakes- this is only half the battle. But a beautiful presentation of a dish, executed with skill and soul, will show all your skills and abilities. We will tell you below in our recipe with step-by-step photographs how to cook deliciously, as well as skillfully decorate pancakes with red caviar, and how to wrap them festively and beautifully.

From the specified amount of ingredients you get 20 - 25 pancakes. Cooking time: 45 minutes.


  • For the test:

  • Milk - 2 tbsp.;

  • Egg - 2 pcs.;

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;

  • Salt - 1 tsp;

  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;

  • Water (boiling water) - 1 tbsp.;

  • Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp;

  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp;

  • For the filling:

  • Red caviar - 100 g.

How to cook pancakes with red caviar and wrap them beautifully

To prepare the dough, take a suitable container with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters to make the ingredients more convenient and easier to mix. Break eggs there, add sugar and salt.

To make the pancakes porous and tender, add half a teaspoon of baking soda (can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of baking powder).

Preheat the milk until room temperature, combine it with the eggs and mix thoroughly.

Add flour in small portions, kneading the dough well. Make sure that no lumps form. If the dough is not smooth and homogeneous enough, beat it for a minute with a mixer.

Then add vegetable oil, thanks to which the pancakes will not stick to the pan, even if you do not grease it. Finally, pour a glass of boiling water into the dough and stir quickly. Hot water here it performs two functions. First, it extinguishes the soda in the dough. And secondly, the pancakes turn out incredibly soft.

Let the dough sit for 10 minutes, and then fry the pancakes in a frying pan over high heat for one to two minutes on each side.

How to beautifully wrap pancakes with caviar?
The simplest and most commonly used method is to roll pancakes into rolls or tubes.

In this case, the filling in the form of red caviar is laid out in an even layer on the surface of the pancake.

Then the pancake is rolled into a roll and cut diagonally into three parts (photo). Pancakes with red caviar are carefully laid out on a plate.

For a beautiful presentation on the holiday table, try serving red caviar in bags of thin pancakes. And making them is absolutely easy.

To do this, fold the pancake in half.

Then alternately bend the right edge to the center, and then the left.

Turn the top edge of the bag outward.

Fill the pancakes with caviar, garnish with herbs and serve, it turns out original and beautiful.

A simple, but very beautiful and elegant presentation of the dish: grease the surface of the pancake with a thin layer of melted butter (you can use sour cream or mayonnaise), fold the opposite edges of the pancake towards the center.

Then fold it in half.

Next, roll the pancake up and secure it securely with a toothpick so it doesn’t fall apart.

Place a spoonful of caviar on top of each roll prepared in this way. Hard cheese and fresh herbs will be a good addition to the dish. It turns out to be a nice canapé-shaped appetizer.

There are a huge number of ways to wrap pancakes, and only you can decide which one to choose.

There are a huge variety of recipes for dishes based on pancakes. Pancake is a traditional element of our cuisine. It is clear that the options for preparing pancakes, pancakes with with different fillings, so popular. And today I will tell you interesting recipe excellent holiday snack- pancakes with caviar. Yes yes, this is the way to cook those famous ones pancakes with red caviar.

So, we need red caviar for the filling.

Well, let's make pancakes. To do this, put it in a bowl 2 chicken eggs. Pour in a small heaped tablespoon granulated sugar, and also, literally, a pinch of salt.

Beat the eggs with a whisk or mixer.

Add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Beat again. Then pour 500 ml of milk into a bowl. Beat again.

We have created the basis for the pancake dough. Now add flour, little by little. Gradually beat.

As a result, you need to get a fairly liquid dough, at the same level as the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then it will turn out exactly thin pancakes, which are required.

Let's move on to frying pancakes. Heat a large frying pan. Let's heat up the oil. Take the dough with a ladle and pour it into the frying pan.

Usually, the first one is lumpy, but the second one is better. The third one is already quite good. Turn the pancakes over with a spatula and fry on both sides.

And so we make pancakes from all the dough.

Meanwhile, caviar was crying over the pancakes.

So, there are two approaches, simple and more complex, more show-off. It is clear that you can simply spread a thin layer of caviar on the pancake, wrap the pancake in a tube and it will roll perfectly, like an appetizer. However, you can modernize the recipe for pancakes with caviar, complicate it somewhat, and improve it.

For our upgrade, we will need, in addition to pancakes and caviar, soft curd cheese and a can of pitted olives.

Spread the pancakes with a thin layer of cream cheese over the entire surface.

And roll the pancakes into tubes.

Cut the rolled pancakes into small pieces, ala.

It turns out something like this.

Take a jar of large pitted olives. Cut the olives into strips.

We put caviar on each piece of pancake, making a kind of cap. And decorate the top with pieces of olives.

It turns out just a magnificent bouquet of flavors. The tender pancake itself is like a background, a basis. Bright but delicate cheese flavor, plus gorgeous red caviar and a hint of olive flavor. An excellent appetizer that you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve for a festive occasion, New Year's table at any level, from a home feast to a corporate event in Gazprom.

Pancakes with caviar are everyone's favorite delicacy. If pancakes appear in our diet quite often, then with caviar things are somewhat more complicated. Although it is a quite affordable product, we often treat ourselves to it only on holidays. Pancakes stuffed with something so expensive but indecent delicious delicacy, during Maslenitsa you can see it on almost every table. Anyone can prepare pancakes with caviar, and you won’t have to rack your brains about how to treat the most demanding guests, because such pancakes are truly a royal dish. It would seem that something new can be invented? After all, pancakes with caviar were and will remain pancakes with caviar, no matter how we wrap them and no matter how we decorate them. However, pancakes prepared according to different recipes and stuffed with the same caviar, can have completely different tastes, in addition, there are many delicious fillings based on caviar, which we invite you to get to know better.

50 ml vegetable oil,
50 gr. butter,
50 gr. Sahara,
3 eggs
500 ml milk,
250 gr. wheat flour,
200 gr. red caviar,

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt and 250 ml of milk. Whisk the resulting mixture. Gradually add all the flour to the dough, mixing thoroughly and trying to avoid the appearance of lumps. When all the flour is in the dough, add the remaining milk and vegetable oil. Stir again. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Place 1 heaped teaspoon of caviar into each pancake, distribute evenly throughout the pancake and wrap it in a corner.

Pancakes with caviar and tomatoes

several thin pancakes,
200 gr. red caviar,
50 gr. frozen butter,
1 tbsp. sour cream for each pancake,
1 cherry tomato for each pancake,
a bunch of green onions.

We reduce the diameter of each pancake by about a couple of centimeters to make an even circle. Finely chop the onion. Grease the middle of a small pancake with sour cream, add 1 teaspoon of caviar in a heap, add a little green onion. Cut the cherry tomato into 8 pieces and place them around the mound of caviar. Carefully gather the edges of the pancake and tie them with pancake ribbon from the cut edge. Grate the frozen butter on a coarse grater. Place the pancake bags on a plate, sprinkle with grated butter and garnish with green onions.


2 eggs
1 tsp Almette curd cheese,
2-3 tbsp. flour,
½ tsp. baking powder,
½ tbsp. milk,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,

Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them thoroughly with a whisk. Add cream cheese and beat well again. Add flour and baking powder, mix thoroughly and pour in milk. Mix again and leave the dough alone for a while. Now add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and prepare pancakes. Grease the finished pancakes well with butter, roll each pancake into a tight tube and cut diagonally into 2 cm pieces. Place the pieces on a plate and put ½ tsp on each piece. red caviar.

1 l. milk,
2 tbsp. flour,
6 eggs
1 tbsp. Sahara,
100-150 gr. cream cheese,
100 gr. red caviar,
1 can of olives,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
sour cream,

Add salt and sugar to the eggs, beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Add warmed milk, vegetable oil and flour to the eggs. Mix thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Prepare pancakes from the resulting dough. Spread each pancake with cream cheese and roll into a tight roll. Cut the roll diagonally into 2 cm pieces. Place ½ tsp on each roll. caviar. Cut the olives into thin strips and place on the caviar. Serve pancakes with caviar and olives with sour cream.

1 l. milk,
2 tbsp. flour,
6 eggs
6 tbsp. spoons of thick sour cream,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
¾ tbsp. lemon zest,
¾ tbsp. horseradish (sauce),
100 gr. caviar,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
a bunch of green onions,

Add salt and sugar to the eggs, beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Add warmed milk, vegetable oil and flour to the eggs. Mix thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Prepare pancakes from the resulting dough. Mix sour cream with horseradish and lemon zest. Brush each pancake with the resulting mixture and roll into a roll. Cut the roll diagonally into pieces of approximately 2 cm. Place ½ tsp on each roll. caviar and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

Pancakes with cod roe

5 eggs
½ tsp. Sahara,
1 tsp grated lemon zest,
1 tbsp. flour,
2 tbsp. milk,
1 ½ tbsp. water,
vegetable oil,
bunch of lettuce leaves,
50 gr. cod roe,
3-4 tbsp. mayonnaise,
1 tsp spicy ketchup,
½ tbsp. cream,
1 bell pepper,
½ tsp. paprika,

Grind 3 eggs, sugar and salt with finely grated zest, add milk and water and stir everything thoroughly. Stirring constantly, add flour and ¼ tbsp. vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, trying to remove all lumps. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Separately, beat the remaining 2 eggs with cream and paprika, add a little salt. Pour the resulting mixture into a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry the omelette on both sides until golden brown, then cool and cut into small pieces. Cut the bell pepper into thin strips. Mix caviar with mayonnaise and ketchup. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them. Grease the pancakes with a mixture of caviar and mayonnaise, top with lettuce, bell pepper and egg omelet. Roll the pancakes into rolls, cut off the uneven edges and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

a few pancakes
1 avocado,
1 jar of caviar,
cream cheese,

Spread each pancake with cream cheese and place a thin layer of rice on top. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and cut into very thin slices. Place avocado slices on rice, add caviar and distribute it evenly over the pancake. Roll the pancake into a tight roll, cut off the uneven edges and cut each roll into 3-4 pieces. Decorate each resulting roll a small amount caviar.

a few pancakes
200 gr. cottage cheese,
2 tbsp. sour cream,
200 gr. lightly salted salmon,
100 gr. red caviar.


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind in a blender. Finely chop the greens and add them to the cottage cheese, add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Cut the salmon into very small pieces. Grease each pancake with curd mixture, place lightly salted salmon on top and spread it over the pancake in a thin, even layer. Roll each pancake into a roll and cut each roll into 3 parts. Place ½ tsp on each portion. caviar.

Maslenitsa is whole week holiday, good mood, delicious pancakes, new culinary discoveries and experiments. This means that for seven whole days you can cook fluffy, aromatic, fatty, rosy pancakes according to a variety of recipes and with different fillings. Don't miss the opportunity to pamper yourself and prepare several versions of pancakes with caviar. Have a delicious and fun Maslenitsa!

Alena Karamzina

Pancakes with caviar are not just ordinary pancakes sprinkled with a salty delicacy on top. This is a special ceremonial dish that attracts attention.

This means that when preparing it you need to take into account all the subtleties and tricks, of which there are many. After all, the pancake should not be too thick and thin at the same time.

It should hold its shape well when folded, without tearing at the bend. In addition to the pancakes themselves, you need to know how to properly and effectively wrap the filling and serve this dish on the table.

Pancake rolls with milk and red caviar

In order to roll the rolls and use caviar as a filling, you need thin, but at the same time unbreakable pancakes. These are the dough recipes I suggest using.

After rolling, each pancake is cut into small portions. And to prevent the eggs from spilling out, the inside of the pancakes is greased with oil.

To make such pancakes you need to take the following set of products:

flour – 1 glass; egg – 3 pcs.; milk – 2 glasses; sunflower oil – 1 tbsp; a stick of butter; a jar of red caviar.

  1. Using a mixer, beat eggs with granulated sugar (1 tbsp), add salt.
  2. I pour out the milk at room temperature.
  3. I sift the flour and add it in small portions.
  4. Add vegetable oil and knead the dough.
  5. I fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, slightly greasing the surface.
  6. Grease slightly warm pancakes with butter. If the pancake is too hot, the butter will melt and be absorbed into the pancake. And what we need is an oil layer.
  7. I fill it with caviar in the form of a thin strip. I start wrapping it in rolls.
  8. I cut it into portions 5 centimeters long.

The filling should look beautiful and serve as an original edible decoration for any festive table, because pancakes with red caviar are an indicator of the hospitality of the hosts.

Milk pancakes decorated with caviar

Another version of pancakes with milk, which are smeared with soft cheese and decorated with red caviar.

These milk pancake recipes are good because they hold their shape perfectly when rolled into rolls. Therefore, they can be used with different fillings and any decorations.

In order to prepare such pancakes you need the following set of products:

milk – 750 ml; flour – 650 g; egg – 2 pcs.; vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons; soft cheese; 1/3 can of caviar;

  1. I beat the eggs with granulated sugar and add some salt.
  2. I pour out the slightly warmed milk.
  3. I add sifted flour in small portions. Stir until smooth.
  4. I fry pancakes in the usual way.
  5. I grease each pancake with cheese and form rolls.
  6. I cut them into portions and place them on a beautiful dish, cut side down.
  7. I put caviar on top. You can sprinkle a little fresh parsley leaves.

Kefir pancakes with caviar and salted fish

These pancakes turn out tender, literally melting in your mouth. They are stuffed with red fish and soft cheese, and caviar is used as a decoration and an additional ingredient.

The result is a very original design for a hearty and tasty snack.

In order to bake such pancakes and decorate them beautifully, you need the following set of products:

  • for dough: kefir – 500 ml; flour – 500 g; egg – 2 pcs.; sunflower oil – 50 ml; soda; granulated sugar;
  • for filling: soft cheese – 0.3 kg; red fish (salmon, trout) – 0.150 g; caviar - 1/3 of the jar.

The cooking method with photo is as follows:

  1. I pour soda into kefir. I'm waiting for a reaction.
  2. I beat the eggs with granulated sugar and pour in the kefir.
  3. I sift the flour and add it in small portions.
  4. I add oil and knead the dough.
  5. I fry pancakes in the usual way on a hot frying pan.
  6. I grease each pancake with cheese and place fish cut into strips on it. I wrap it in the form of rolls.
  7. I cut each rolled pancake into pieces three centimeters long.
  8. Place the rolls cut side up on a beautiful platter. I decorate with caviar.

Pancakes on a water-milk mixture with caviar

If you have special flour intended for baking pancakes, then this cooking option is for you. Thanks to this flour, thanks to its recipe, pancakes are tender and airy.

As a filling, I suggest using caviar in combination with sour cream. They also use a beautiful presentation in the form of open bags with filling.

In order to bake and beautifully serve such pancakes, you need the following set of products:

flour – 1 glass; milk – 2 glasses; water – ½ cup; egg – 2 pcs.; sunflower oil – 1 tsp; sour cream – 250 g; caviar – 1 jar.

The preparation method is as follows:

  1. I sift the flour and salt into a mound and make a hole in it.
  2. I crack eggs into it.
  3. I dilute the slightly warmed milk with water and add granulated sugar. I pour a small stream into the center of the flour and add oil. I knead the dough.
  4. I fry pancakes in the usual way.
  5. Now about how to wrap pancakes with red caviar. I cut each pancake into two parts. I add from each bag.
  6. I fill it with sour cream mixed with salt or other spices to taste. I sprinkle caviar on top and place it on a beautiful dish.

Pancakes with cream and caviar

The salty taste of caviar goes well with the delicate milky taste of cream. Based on them, I propose to bake pancakes and serve them along with the delicacy.

In order to bake such pancakes and decorate them beautifully, you need the following set of products:

3 eggs; 300 g flour; 25 g granulated sugar; 1.5 glasses of water; 0.1 liter of drinking cream with a high percentage of fat content; caviar; sunflower oil – 5 tablespoons.

The preparation option looks like this:

  1. I break eggs into drinking cream. I beat it a little.
  2. I add granulated sugar.
  3. Add sifted flour in small portions. I add some salt.
  4. I pour out half the volume of water and oil. Stir until smooth.
  5. I add the rest of the water and leave for ten minutes.
  6. I fry the pancakes in the usual way on a hot and greased frying pan.
  7. Pancakes can be greased with butter for a richer taste.
  8. I place caviar on the surface of each pancake and roll it into a tube. I trim the ends for a more presentable look.

You can also use any other decoration from the above. Or serve caviar in a separate bowl.

Just don’t forget that the pancakes should keep their shape well and not tear.

Pancake filling made from caviar and chicken eggs

The indicated volume of filling is for five medium pancakes. You can find their baking recipes above.

In order to prepare this filling you need the following set of products:

egg – 3 pcs.; mayonnaise – 5 tablespoons; 1/3 can of caviar; garlic – 1 clove; fresh greens.

The preparation option looks like this:

  1. I boil hard-boiled eggs.
  2. I peel and grate on a medium grater.
  3. I chop the greens and finely chop the garlic.
  4. I mix all the products with mayonnaise.
  5. I brush each pancake with egg paste.
  6. I distribute a strip of caviar on top.
  7. Next, you need to wrap the pancake in the form of a roll and leave it like that for a while.
  8. Before serving, cut into small or medium pieces.

Pancake filling made from caviar and crab sticks

This filling option is also designed for five medium pancakes, so if necessary, the quantity of products can be adjusted independently.

In order to prepare pancakes with this filling, you need to take the following set of products:

egg – 2 pcs.; crab sticks– 5 pcs.; mayonnaise – 100 g; hard cheese – 0.1 kg; caviar - 1/3 jar.

The preparation option looks like this:

  1. I boil hard-boiled eggs.
  2. I peel and finely chop.
  3. I also chop the sticks quite finely.
  4. I grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. I mix all the prepared products with mayonnaise.
  6. I grease the pancakes with the prepared sauce. I cover the top with caviar.
  7. Now you need to wrap the pancakes in the form of a roll and put them in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Before serving, cut into arbitrary pieces.

My video recipe

Step-by-step photo recipe for delicious pancakes with red caviar from the magazine "site"

Red caviar is very tasty and useful product. This delicacy is usually served as part of miniature sandwiches (canapés), gourmet salads, or as a filling for pancakes. Let's make these festive pancakes with red caviar.

To prepare pancakes stuffed with red caviar, we will need the following ingredients:

  • premium flour - half a glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons in the dough and a little more for frying;
  • red caviar - 130 g.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

1. Prepare quick pancake dough. Beat two eggs into a bowl and add no more than two tablespoons of sugar. Lightly whisk the mixture and then add a pinch of salt.

2. Add milk and water to the eggs. If desired, you can omit the water, but you will need to increase the amount of milk in the dough.

3. Next step- add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil to the dough, which will make the pancakes more elastic. Add flour to the dough and mix the mixture thoroughly using a mixer or blender. Make sure that there are no flour lumps left in the dough.

4. Prepare the frying pan. It should be washed thoroughly ( better soda), wipe dry with a napkin, and then heat thoroughly over the fire. Add a teaspoon of sunflower oil to the pan and distribute it over the entire surface using a brush or half an onion. Then pour 50 ml of dough into the center of the frying pan and, with quick movements of the frying pan, let the dough spread over its entire bottom. After 40-60 seconds, turn the pancake over to the other side, prying it with a knife or thin spatula. Finish frying the pancake and transfer it to a plate. Cook the pancakes in this way until all the dough is used.