In which climate zone does Africa lie? Africa climate zones

The article contains information about the climatic zones of the continent. Forms an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the geographical location.

Climate zones of Africa

The characteristic features of the continental climate are determined by the orientation of most of it in the latitudes of the equator and tropics.

At elevated temperatures air masses The climatic differences between individual regions depend on the amount of precipitation and the duration of the rainy season.

Rice. 1. Zoning of the continent’s climatic zones.

Large areas of the continent regularly need moisture. The mainland is characterized by the transfer of tropical air by trade winds. The height of the banks prevents the entry of humid winds.

Western territories located in tropical latitudes are at the mercy of cool currents.

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There are seven climate zones:

  • equatorial;
  • a pair of subequatorial ones;
  • a couple of tropical ones;
  • a couple of subtropical ones.

Due to Africa's location in these climate zones, its climate is determined by its geographic location.

Rice. 2. Flora of the climatic zones of the continent.

Table “Climatic zones of Africa”

Natural area


The soil



Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs



Holm oak, jujube, wild olive

Leopards, zebras, antelopes

Semi-deserts and deserts


Desert, sandy, rocky

Acacias, saltworts, spurges, thickets of thorny bushes

Scorpions, beetles, turtles, locusts, hedgehogs, snakes, jerboas


Red, iron-containing

Baobabs, cereals, palms

Giraffes, buffalos, lions, gazelles, elephants, antelopes, rhinoceroses, zebras

Variably humid, moist forests

Equatorial, subequatorial

Red-yellow, iron-containing

Ficus, ceiba, bananas, coffee

Gorillas, chimpanzees, termites, parrots, okapi, leopards

Rice. 3. Fauna of the mainland.

To get an idea of ​​what climate zones Africa is located in, you need to understand that the continent is cut by the contour of the equator. The climatic zones here begin from the equatorial zone.

At zero latitude lies the wettest continental natural area. The area accounts for the maximum amount of precipitation. Over two thousand mm. in year. Then follows sub equatorial belt. Here the level of precipitation is significantly reduced. Behind calendar year About one and a half thousand mm of precious moisture falls.

The tropical zone, among others, is a significant area of ​​the continent.

Regarding the orientation to the hemisphere, the level of precipitation can vary: from three hundred to fifty mm. in a year.

The subtropical climate zone covers only the edge of the coast in the northern part of the mainland and the “corner” that belongs to the southern part of South Africa.

Here all year round windy and humid. IN winter period the temperature can drop by about 7°. Total number precipitation does not exceed five hundred mm. in year.

What have we learned?

We found out in which climatic zones the continent lies. We determined what factors influence the climate of Africa. We found out which climate zone in Africa receives the most and least rainfall.

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In Africa, peculiar climatic conditions. Since the continent crosses the equator, except for the equatorial belt, all other climatic zones are repeated.

Equatorial belt of Africa

The equatorial belt of the African continent is located in the Gulf of Guinea region. The air is warm here and humid climate. Temperature maximum reaches +28 degrees Celsius, and approximately the same temperature above +20 degrees remains year-round. Precipitation amounts to more than 2000 mm per year, which is distributed relatively evenly throughout the territory.

On both sides of the equator there are two subequatorial zones. The summer season is humid and warm with a maximum of +28 degrees, and winter is dry. Depending on the seasons, air currents also change: equatorial wet and dry tropical. This climate zone has long and short rainy seasons, but the total annual precipitation does not exceed 400 mm.

tropical zone

Most of the continent lies in the tropical zone. The air mass here is continental, and under its influence deserts were formed in the Sahara and in the south. There is practically no precipitation here and air humidity is low. It may rain once every few years. During the day the air temperature is very high, and at night the degrees can drop below 0. There is almost always a strong wind blowing, which can destroy the crop and intensify sandstorms. The small area in the southeast of the mainland has a tropical, humid climate with significant rainfall throughout the year.

Africa climate zone table

The extreme territories of the continent are located in subtropical zone. Average level The temperature is +20 degrees with noticeable seasonal variations. The southwestern and northern part of the continent lies in the Mediterranean type zone. IN winter time This area receives precipitation and summers are dry. A humid climate with regular precipitation throughout the year has formed in the southeast of the continent.

Africa is the only continent that is located on both sides of the equator, which influenced the formation of unique climatic conditions. So on the continent there is one equatorial zone, and two subequatorial, tropical and subtropical zones. It is much hotter here than on other continents with similar climatic zones. These climatic conditions influenced education unique nature in Africa.

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December 11, 2016

Each continent is characterized by its own temperature, change of seasons, abundance or lack of moisture, diversity of vegetation, or vice versa - its complete absence. All this is formed under the influence of climatic zones, which create this or that climate.

In what climatic zones is Africa located, its climate, precipitation

The African continent is the only continent in the world that lies on either side of the equator. By the way, it has seven climatic zones, since the same zone, depending on which hemisphere it is located in, has its own climatic characteristics.

Yes, equatorial climatic belt, forms winds that carry heat and moisture all year round. The temperature here is +25°-28°C, rain falls evenly throughout the year and there is no division into seasons.

Subequatorial The belt occupies the north and south of the land. Depending on the dry or rainy season of the year, clearly formed types of air masses change. In the summer season, equatorial winds carry heat and moisture, and in winter - tropical winds - drier, hotter.

The temperature stays within +24-28°C all year round, there is little rainfall, and it falls during the summer season. By the way, regardless of what climatic zones Africa is located in, everywhere on this continent there is a lack of moisture.

African tropics

The tropics cover the largest part of the country. Tropical winds dominate throughout the year and shape the climate with deserts and savannas. The temperature in July is 32°C, in January +18°C. Precipitation is rare, no more than 100 mm per year. It is precisely the climate zones in which Africa is located that has led to the absence of severe cold, and especially frost, on the continent.

Subtropical The belt consists of two regions: the extreme northern and southern territories of the African continent. The temperature here is +24°C in summer, +10°C in winter. The northern and southwestern regions of Africa have a subtropical-Mediterranean climate.

From the above we can conclude in which climate zones Africa is located. The map also demonstrates that it can safely be considered the hottest continent on our planet.

Distant Australia

Australia is the smallest and driest continent on Earth. It has three climatic zones: subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Subequatorial occupies the northern part of the continent. In summer, the equatorial wind blows here, in winter - tropical. Air temperature +25°C all year round. Uneven precipitation affects the clear division of seasons. Summers are warm, with frequent thunderstorms and downpours of up to 2000 mm per year, and winters are hot and dry.

Tropical The belt has two types of climate. Depending on the location of the territory and the amount of precipitation that falls on it, continental (desert) and tropical climates are distinguished.

Area with especially arid climate is far from the ocean. There are desert areas here. The air temperature here in the summer season is +30 °C, in winter +16 °C. West tropical zone formed under the influence of the West Australian Current. Deserts stretch to the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The eastern part receives sufficient moisture in the form of rain. Warm air coming from Pacific Ocean, has created a favorable climate here in which tropical forest grows.

Subtropical belt covers southern territory Australia and is divided into three zones. The southwest is characterized by dry and hot summers and warm and rainy winters. The air temperature in January rises to +23°C, in June - up to +12°C.

The central part is completely desert. Here continental climate with its characteristic strong temperature changes all year round - hot summer and not so hot warm winter, with light rains.

The southeast has a humid climate, rain falls equally throughout the year, the air warms up to +24°C in summer, and up to +9°C in winter.

If you compare the climate zones in which Africa and Australia are located, you can see great similarities in the weather conditions of both continents.

Land of ice and snow

Antarctica is a continent of cold and ice. It is located in two climatic zones: Antarctic and subantarctic.

Antarctic The belt makes up almost the entire territory of the continent, which covers a layer of ice up to 4.5 km thick. And it has great importance in shaping the climate of Antarctica, since ice reflects up to 90% sunlight, which makes it difficult to warm the surface of the continent.

Arctic winter and summer

In summer, on a polar day, the temperature in the Arctic is -32°C. In winter, during the polar night, it drops below -64 °C. Maximum low temperature was -89°C, it was recorded at the Vostok station. Strong winds reach 80-90 m/s.

Subantarctic The belt is located in the northern part of Antarctica. Here the climate is milder, and the layer of ice is not so thick and in some places exposes the rocks with mosses and lichens growing on them. Precipitation in the form of snow falls in small quantity. Temperatures in summer are slightly above 0°C.

If you compare the climate zones in which Africa and Antarctica are located, you can once again see how radically different they can be. weather on our planet.

Individual regions are determined by the amount of precipitation and the duration of the rainy season. Vast areas lack moisture. Africa is characterized by the transport of tropical air by trade winds. High banks make it difficult for wet winds to enter. The western shores in tropical latitudes are washed by cold currents. In Africa there are seven: equatorial, two subequatorial, two tropical and two subtropical.

Most of the continent lies in a hot thermal zone. Between two tropics midday sun It is always high above and twice a year it is at its zenith. Even in winter average monthly temperatures do not fall below +18…+20 °С. The Sahara receives the most light and heat. Summer temperatures here are more than +30 °C. In the Tripoli area, the absolute maximum temperature on Earth was +58 °C. Africa is the hottest continent.

Equatorial belt covers a significant part of the basin and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea: extends to 7-8° N. w. and 5° S. w. Due to the strong warming of the land surface in the Congo, rainfall occurs throughout the year (Figure 50-1). The wettest place in Africa is located at the foot of the city - 9655 mm per year. In precipitation mode
There are two maxima associated with the highest position of the Sun.

Quantity atmospheric precipitation exceeds evaporation by 1.5-2 times. Average precipitation is about 2000 mm. High temperatures +26…+28 °C and above ensure continuous growth of plants. For equatorial climate characterized by one season - summer with daily heavy (zenithal) rains.

On east coast is being formed tropical humid climate With maximum number atmospheric precipitation in summer.

Subtropical zone covers the extreme north and south of Africa. On the coast Mediterranean Sea and on the southwestern edge of the continent a subtropical climate is formed with dry, hot summers (+28 °C) and warm, wet winters (+12 °C, precipitation up to 1000 mm) (Fig. 50-4). Subtropical humid climate South-East Africa is characterized by an even distribution of precipitation throughout the year. In winter, they are associated with the westerly transfer of air masses, and in summer, winds blow from . Precipitation are 1500 mm. In summer, a significant amount of moisture remains on the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains, in winter - on the western slopes of the Cape Mountains. A subtropical continental climate is characteristic of the deserts of the Cape Mountains and the Karoo.

Widespread use of heat reserves for maintaining Agriculture hampered by lack of precipitation and frequent rainfall. With precipitation of 600-800 mm, crops are unstable, and with less than that, farming is impossible without it. In deserts you can only practice in oases. Vast territories are occupied by unsuitable for human life and impassable equatorial forests. Low fertility of many soil types and dangerous tropical diseases hinder agricultural development in Africa.

Africa is located in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, and subtropical climate zones. The climate of Africa is determined by its geographical location, trade winds, ocean currents, relief features. Sufficient heat allows the cultivation of tropical and subtropical crops.