Can my butt hurt from injections? Help from folk remedies

Nowadays, injections are quite widespread in medicine and are already used in practice. large number time. Probably every person at least once in his life went to a hospital where he was prescribed injections. Not only is the injection procedure itself not very pleasant, but pain remains for quite a long period of time. Pain appears regardless of whether a qualified doctor or a neighbor gives you an injection. In addition, bruises form at the site where the medical needle has been. How to act to facilitate such an unpleasant treatment procedure? When your buttock hurts after an injection - what to do?

Causes of hematomas

In medicine, doctors call infiltrates lumps and hematomas. These are areas where blood and lymph cells accumulate. Infiltrates occur due to physical effects on a specific area of ​​the skin. Injecting medications may also have an effect on bruising. When an injection is administered, the syringe needle damages the skin and thereby stimulates the appearance of infiltrates; after some time, the bruises disappear. But sometimes the origin of bruises is provoked by too sensitive skin, a large layer of internal subcutaneous fat, close proximity of blood vessels to the skin or fragile capillaries. But most often, bruises and bumps appear due to unprofessional injection.

Often, from numerous injections, lumps form along with bruises. It is advisable to pay attention to them and begin to treat them. Often, such bumps are not dangerous to the human body; they simply cause inconvenience at the moment when you need to sit down. But sometimes they can cause a lot of problems; during the injection you can get an infection, which can ultimately lead to pharyngitis, an abscess, or even worse, blood poisoning.

If you know the rules of conduct during injections, you can try to alleviate the condition in which the buttock hurts after injections and the lumps are quite large, and also avoid infiltrates.

  1. The most optimal position during injections is the lying position. While lying on your stomach, you will feel that your muscles can relax as much as possible and not become tight.
  2. It is necessary to select the correct syringe. A lot depends on the needle; if it is too small, it does not reach the muscles and the medicine accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer. If a blunt needle is inserted into the buttock, inflammation of the vein may occur, leading to thrombophlebitis.
  3. The composition of the drug also affects the pain syndrome; if the consistency is thick, then it will take a long time to be absorbed in the body. It is important to warm up oil-based preparations to a warm state, otherwise, if you introduce a cold composition, inflammation may form. Also, if the oil solution is not administered correctly, it can lead to drug embolism. If oily fluid gets into the artery, a blockage will occur and the nearby tissues will not be nourished, which will subsequently lead to necrosis.
  4. If the injection site is sore and itchy, it means that there is an allergic effect on some element that is part of the drug. You need to tell your doctor about this; you may need to replace the medicine with an analogue.
  5. If the course of injections is long, it is necessary to change the buttocks to administer the drugs. If the entire buttock area is damaged, you need to change the injection site to the shoulder or thigh.
  6. If injections are given at home, it is important to wash your hands before the procedure and place medications and syringes on a clean napkin.
  7. To avoid the entry of harmful germs and bacteria, be sure to treat the buttock with an alcohol solution before the injection.
  8. After the injection, it is recommended to move a lot, so the medicine will be absorbed more actively.

In what cases should you be wary?

When you should doubt the correctness of an injection in the buttock:

  • if after a course of injections there are bumps that seem to be “burning with fire”;
  • if your body temperature rises shortly after the injection;
  • if suppuration occurs at the injection site;
  • numbness of the buttock.

If you urgently need to go to the hospital after an injection, internal suppuration is possible, which can only be removed surgically.

Reasons for the formation of seals

The main reasons why the buttock and leg hurt after an injection are:

  • rapid administration of the drug;
  • unsuitable needle for injections;
  • injection in middle part buttocks;
  • an injection of a drug with the addition of air;
  • introduction of infection.

You can tell that a lump has occurred by following criteria:

  • when an infection occurs: high temperature, redness and pus in the painful area;
  • if air enters during an injection: the appearance of a compaction.

Rules for intramuscular injections

There are certain areas on the buttocks into which a medical needle can be inserted, this is the upper left or right corner of one of the two buttocks. To make it easier to determine the injection area, you need to mentally divide the buttock into four equal parts, and inject into the desired part. Otherwise, if you apply a needle to the wrong area, you can damage the nerve endings not only due to physical impact, but also from drugs that are displaced near these endings. The consequences can be very serious, including paralysis of the legs.

Adults need to administer injections with a 5 ml syringe, and small 2 ml syringes can inject the medicine only under the skin. If your buttocks hurt for a long time after injections, you should consult a doctor. It's better to prevent it in time negative consequences.

If it’s too much, what should I do?

The most simple method The fight against bruises and various seals is iodine mesh. It should be applied to the painful area of ​​skin using a cotton swab and iodine a couple of times a day.

Ointments and gels based on troxerutin, this is a component that eliminates inflammation, or heparin, which thins the blood, will help to quickly remove bumps and hematomas. Modern pharmacists offer a group of active drugs, such as:

  • "Troxevasin".
  • "Lyoton".
  • "Traumel".
  • "Arnica ointment."

How to use them

Be sure to read the instructions before using these medications and pay attention when reading side effects and contraindications in order not to harm yourself even more. Apply the ointment with light circular movements in a thin layer.

If the injection site is quite bothersome, you can take a painkiller such as Paracetamol, Analgin, Nurofen. These medications will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. As practice has shown, a compress with Dimexide helps relieve swelling. If a large lump with suppuration has formed at the injection site, Vishnevsky ointment should be applied to the sore spot overnight and secured with a gauze bandage.

Is it possible to relieve the condition on your own?

Many people are skeptical about traditional medicine, but sometimes it has a positive effect and perfectly complements the actions of medications. Below is a series traditional methods, which effectively relieve pain, lumps, and bumps after injections.

Effective recipes

Below are several recipes that are used if the buttock and bruise hurt after injections:

  1. Application cabbage leaf or an aloe stem to a sore spot was used by our grandmothers. Before use, be sure to thoroughly wash the sheet and secure it to the damaged area of ​​skin with an adhesive plaster.
  2. Honey - effective remedy against many ailments, it also helps against bruises. It is necessary to mix honey with flour and stir until a viscous consistency is obtained to form a “honey cake”. It is advisable to fix such a cake with plastic wrap on the sore spot and leave it for 12 hours. After the treatment session, you need to wash off the residue with water. This treatment must be repeated for a week.
  3. Radish, grated and mixed with honey in equal quantities, wrap in gauze and apply to the injection site for three hours. This procedure can be done daily for 7 days.
  4. Compresses with yogurt, sour cream or yogurt are effective in relieving pain. The cotton pad should be moistened in dairy product and apply to the damaged area for an hour. Such lotions can be done a couple of times a day.
  5. An effective remedy for bumps and lumps is onions or raw potatoes. You should cut the onion or potato in half, apply the cut to the cone and leave for 30 minutes. After which the sore spot must be lubricated with baby cream. Onions also help relieve pain and swelling; within a day you can see a positive result.
  6. A warm heating pad helps effectively resolve bruises and infiltrates.
  7. Another method for dealing with bumps and bruises is alcohol compresses. But you need to be careful with this method of treatment - alcohol dries out the skin, the skin may begin to peel, and burns may also remain. Before using such a compress, it is necessary to lubricate the damaged area with a nourishing cream.
  8. Using lotions from a solution of laundry soap.

Along with traditional and traditional medicine A combination of physiotherapy, warming and massage will be very effective. Ultrasound is also a very productive way to solve the problem.

What absolutely should not be done

Basic rules if a muscle hurts after an injection on the buttock:

  1. Under no circumstances should a patient overheat in a sauna or bathhouse. Hot temperatures can aggravate the inflammatory process.
  2. There is no need to crush the lump with your hands, because if there is even the slightest abscess there and it bursts, this will lead to blood poisoning. Also, do not knead the bump with various massagers.
  3. If Dimexide is used for treatment, it should not be left as a compress on long time, otherwise there may be a burn on the skin.

If you follow these simple rules, you can quickly relieve pain, eliminate bumps and resume treatment with injections.

Is it prohibited to take water procedures after

Many people ask the question of whether it is possible to take water procedures after injections. However, it all depends on the composition of the medicine used for treatment. Therefore, such questions should definitely be asked to your doctor. He must explain in which cases you can take a bath, in which you can simply limit yourself to a shower, and in which cases you can completely abstain even from a shower.

The result of a self-administered injection

Many people find it difficult to prick themselves in the buttock. However, there are also those who overcome their fear. But it must be remembered that before the procedure it is important to disinfect the injection site with an alcohol solution. The medical needle must be inserted at an angle of 45° and, slowly, inserted medicinal product. If at least one of the actions is completely wrong, complications can arise that are dangerous to human life. For example, after an injection in the buttock, a lump hurts. If you have the slightest suspicion that the injection was given incorrectly, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Why does blood bleed after an injection into the buttock?

A very common and common occurrence is when, after an injection into the buttock, the injection site oozes for a long time, and sometimes blood flows from it. In such cases, there is no need to be afraid; most likely, the medical needle damaged the vessel under the skin and a puncture formed in the vessel. This can happen by accident or due to individual characteristics body - for example, in a person there are vessels located nearby in relation to the skin. In such cases, it is recommended to pull the syringe slightly towards you; if blood flows inward, it is better not to continue the intramuscular injection.

In any case, you should remember that it is better to prevent any, even minor inflammation, redness or thickening, than to treat it later. To do this, it is important to monitor changes in the body that may occur after injections. If you have the slightest doubt or suspicion, you should go to the hospital for help.

Let's start by defining what an “injection” is? In common parlance, this word usually refers to an injection, that is, the introduction of medicinal substances into the human body by breaking the integrity of skin through an injection needle or under high pressure.

Depending on the depth of penetration of the injection needle, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, and sometimes intra-arterial injections are distinguished, respectively.

Usually pain at the injection site occurs immediately during the injection and several minutes after it, which is normal. Prolonged pain at the injection site may indicate complications. Let's look at the main ones.

Sometimes a piece of the needle may break off during an injection and remain in the tissue. This rarely happens these days, thanks to the use of disposable syringes. In more early period When reusable needles were used, this complication was much more common. Although this can still happen if a reflex muscle contraction occurs during the manipulation.

In case of hit medicine irritation may also occur in a layer of skin not intended for its introduction, and in some cases even necrosis (death) of a tissue area. This complication develops mainly when intravenous agents enter the subcutaneous layer - these are hypertonic saline solutions, some antibiotics, and other irritating substances.

In the case of a “puncture” of blood vessels, hematomas (soaking of soft tissues in blood) can occur using any method of drug administration, and sometimes they suppurate.

Frequent complications include infiltrates (hardening of soft tissue at the injection site). They usually appear a few days after the injection. This complication can often occur when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are violated, as well as with repeated injections into the same place, or with the introduction of concentrated oil solutions. An abscess (post-injection abscess) may form at the site of the infiltrate. It manifests itself as redness, local soreness, swelling, and a “softening”—a purulent core—can be felt.

In case of infiltrates, local treatment is used, using an “iodine mesh”, compresses, ointments, and physiotherapy.

The presence of an abscess requires urgent surgical intervention. Evacuation of purulent contents, drainage, bandages with antiseptics, and antibiotics are required.

Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis are somewhat less common - local inflammation of the veins at the site of intravenous injection. In this case, heparin ointments, topical gels, and anti-inflammatory therapy are used.

Sometimes post-injection neuritis and neuropathies may develop. Damage to nerve fibers occurs either directly from the mechanical impact of the needle, or can occur from compression or exposure to medication. The development of these complications requires treatment by a neurologist and can take quite a long time.

In general, there are more than enough reasons for pain at the injection site; fortunately, they do not develop too often.

Features of pharmaceuticals, individual characteristics of the body, errors during manipulation as the causes of pain after injections. Diagnostics, treatment, preventive measures.

An injection or injection is invasive (penetrating), that is, it violates the integrity of the outer integument or tissues of the body, manipulation. This operation is painful in itself. The skin and underlying tissues are penetrated by nerve fibers that respond to pain. We also must not forget that any traumatic penetration into the body from the outside can be fraught with infectious complications.

When assessing the risk of pain after an injection or effectively helping the patient cure the disease, compensate for the pathological condition, or anesthetize the surgical site, the decision, as a rule, is always resolved in favor of treatment. Thus, the question of whether or not to give an injection is resolved positively in almost one hundred percent of cases.

The need for injections

Any treatment preventive measures or pain relief from surgical interventions, associated with injections. The occurrence of pain after it often depends on the location of the injection; the buttock is especially sensitive to this. The purpose of administering drugs using a syringe depends on several reasons:

  • effectiveness of treatment;
  • form of the drug;
  • the purpose of administering the medicine or prophylactic drug;
  • the condition of the patient's gastrointestinal tract;
  • diagnosis, individual characteristics.

It is necessary to understand in detail exactly when injections cannot be avoided and how to avoid pain after them.

The effectiveness of treatment and the form of the drug

The prescription of various drug injections depends on the purpose of treatment and the pharmacological characteristics of the drug itself. For example, there are conditions in which administering medications by injection is several times more effective than taking the same drug in tablet form. It's about about the following diseases.

  1. Emergency conditions: stroke, heart attacks, shock, trauma, burns, etc.
  2. Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, severe infections of the body: tuberculosis, pneumonia, myocarditis.
  3. Threat to the life of the victim: vaccinations in the stomach against suspected rabies, against tetanus.

The form of release of the drug also depends on its pharmacological properties. Not everything can be cured by taking pills; many medications only exist in injectable forms. In this case, there are also few options whether to give injections or not. Even the resulting pain from the injections is better than disability from a serious infection or the consequences of a stroke.

Also worth mentioning are injection drugs, which are particularly toxic and cause serious damage and therefore pain after injection, especially if the injections are given in the abdomen or intravenously.

Purpose of drug administration

If the prescription of a medicine is associated with anesthesia for surgical manipulation, then, of course, no one will prescribe pills. Especially for local anesthesia. General anesthesia is performed for extensive, abdominal interventions or in individual cases if the patient is panicky afraid of surgery.

With a small volume and accessibility of the locus for surgical treatment local anesthesia is administered. The injection site determines the nature of the disease and the purpose of the injection. Often this is the gums for dental surgery, any soft tissue around the perimeter of the surgical site.

Very often you may encounter complaints of pain after injections during vaccination. The vaccine itself also plays a big role here.

We must not forget that infectious pathogens serve as the material for producing vaccines. When preparing drugs, pathogenic agents undergo special treatment; they do not cause an infectious process, but only stimulate the immune response.

But they still remain infectious agents. Tetanus shots are especially painful. The drug for children is complex; it contains weakened pathogens of diphtheria and whooping cough, so children often experience pain at the injection site after a tetanus vaccination.

Adults receive a single drug for tetanus vaccination; pain may occur in the buttock after the injection, and sometimes even the back may hurt.

Patient's condition

When a patient seeks help, the doctor not only determines the cause of the complaints, but also pays attention to concomitant diseases. Medicines that can help in this particular case and in the form of tablets are prescribed in injection form if, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or its traumatic, surgical damage, the medicine does not have an effect required action, otherwise it will do harm.

Causes of pain

The most frequently injected site human body- this is the buttock. The tissue here is the softest, at the same time well supplied with blood vessels, thus ensuring active penetration of the pharmaceutical drug or vaccine for vaccination into the blood.

In second place is the stomach. If the injection site is not the buttock, then the medicine is injected into the abdomen. On next place for the same reason the soft tissues of the thigh. The gums suffer no less. Many people prefer to treat their teeth using anesthesia, so the gums are the optimal injection site for this treatment.

The injection site or surrounding tissues hurt for several reasons.

  • unsuitable quality of injection instrument;
  • the peculiarity of the medicine itself;
  • individual characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • errors during manipulation;
  • infectious complication.

Tool quality

Injecting with a needle that is not sharp enough or is not suitable for the drug may cause pain after administration. The buttock is especially sensitive to this. Nowadays, reusable needles are no longer available; this is only possible in a disadvantaged social environment, for example, for those who take injecting drugs.

These people often use the same disposable syringe several times. A dull needle injures the skin, underlying tissue, and veins. Thrombophlebitis and suppuration at the injection site may develop.

A needle of a larger diameter than necessary for this medicine, the age of the patient or the site of administration (gums), can also lead to a prolonged pain reaction.

Feature of the pharmaceutical drug

Antibiotics, vaccinations, especially for tetanus, many injection drugs are, by virtue of their chemical structure quite painful when administered intramuscularly or intravenously. This is why many antibiotics, especially cephalosporins, are administered along with painkillers.

Novocaine and lidocaine are used for anesthesia injections. If all medications are selected correctly during anesthesia, then the buttock rarely hurts after such injections. If the anesthetic is chosen incorrectly, your back and legs may hurt.

Also, many medications or vaccinations do not quickly dissolve from the injection site into the bloodstream, and the site itself hurts for quite a long time.

Feature of the organism

After intramuscular or intravenous injections, each person experiences pain differently. It depends on the intensity of metabolism, age, concomitant diseases, the condition of the veins or muscular system. The characteristics of the muscle and vein matter, more precisely, their permeability and strength.

A strong venous wall prevents thrombophlebitis during repeated administration of substances through a vein. Muscle elasticity allows it to be quickly absorbed into the blood and carried through the bloodstream to the site of application of the medicine. The buttock has significant muscle mass, so you should pay attention to its condition.

The general allergic status of the patient is of great importance. After injecting the drug not only into the buttock, abdomen, but also into the gums, you can get an actively expressed allergic reaction: from a small infiltrate at the injection site to anaphylactic shock. The gums are especially sensitive in this regard. If it hurts for some time after any injection, then any allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. And do it immediately.

Errors during manipulations

The most common disadvantages of injections that arise due to errors in their administration are those listed below.


Any injection can be complicated by an infectious process. That is why it is necessary to carefully treat the injection site with alcohol-containing solutions, warm the medicine and the muscle well before injection. The exception is vaccinations, in particular against tetanus. The thing to remember here is that tetanus shots themselves are painful. Vaccination should be carried out with drugs that have not been exposed to high temperatures.

Recognizing suppuration after an injection is not so difficult. Signs of inflammation appear:

  • redness;
  • hardening;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pain;
  • organ dysfunction.

If the buttock has been injected, then it is difficult for the patient to sit or lie down, he is in a forced position. If the stomach is affected, there may even be a restriction in breathing movements. When your gums hurt - special attention. The affected gum causes great discomfort: it hurts, swells, and facial expressions may be impaired.

Help and prevention

Infectious complications should be treated only under the supervision of a surgeon. If it is known that the patient has an increased allergic background, then all medications, especially for tetanus or antibiotics, should be administered under the guise of antihistamines.

Already existing infiltrates or compactions can be resolved using compresses with Dimexide, alcohol, or iodine mesh. For children, you can use a compress made from a slice of hard natural cheese. The product's active enzymes will safely help eliminate the consequences of buttock or stomach pain.

When giving injections, it is advisable to relax the muscles of the buttock and abdomen and take a deep breath. Remember that the manipulator must wash his hands thoroughly, treat the injection site and use disposable instruments.

Often, for treatment, doctors prescribe intramuscular injections (shots), which are placed in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. This place is the safest for such a therapeutic effect: the sciatic nerve is hidden under the thickness of the muscles, there are no large blood vessels.

For the majority, this course of procedures proceeds without any particularities, but there are some patients in whom the nerve, due to individual characteristics or insufficient body weight, is located close to the surface of the skin.

Such people may experience severe pain and numbness in the leg during or after the injection, and then it can be assumed that the injection has hit the sciatic nerve.

How does injury manifest?

The likelihood of such a problem occurring with a properly performed injection is negligible, but it cannot be completely excluded. You should tell your doctor if after an intramuscular injection you feel:

  • pain in the buttock on one side, radiating to the leg, lower back;
  • numbness;
  • tingling;
  • it hurts to sit, walk, forced lameness appears;
  • mild paralysis.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a neurologist to prescribe competent comprehensive treatment.

Treatment at home

What to do if the sciatic nerve is hurt during an injection, the pain is unbearable, and it is impossible to see a doctor? If such a situation arises, then you can, as first aid:

  • Use anti-inflammatory drugs with a warming effect: Finalgon, Viprosal, Carmolis, Betalgon.
  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic ointments: , Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, .
  • A good warming and analgesic effect is achieved by using pepper plaster. A small piece should be glued to the area that was touched during injection.
  • You can purchase orthopedic ones at the pharmacy used to treat various neuralgia, for example: Nanoplast forte, Dorsaplast, BANG DE LI.

Help with folk remedies

To complement drug therapy, “green pharmacy” preparations can be used. Their action should be aimed at improving blood supply to the injured area of ​​the sciatic nerve and restoring impaired functions.

Simple recipes:

  1. Mix grated potatoes, finely ground fresh horseradish root, and a tablespoon of honey in equal parts, and distribute the mixture evenly over gauze. Apply a little sunflower oil to the area where the nerve is damaged, apply a compress, wrap it up, and press it on top with a pillow. Lie there for an hour, trying to endure the intense burning sensation. Repeat every other day.
  2. Spread a little sunflower oil on the sore buttock, apply a layer of fir oil on top, cover with cellophane, and put on a warm heating pad. Burning during this procedure is normal, you need to be patient.
  3. Apply a mixture of aloe leaf pulp with non-hot red pepper powder on gauze, stick it as a compress on the sore spot, cover with cellophane, leave overnight, sleep under warm blanket. 5-6 such regular procedures will help significantly relieve discomfort.
  4. Melt natural, then carefully apply to greased vegetable oil surface of the skin, wrap it, leave until completely cool. Repeat once a day.
  5. Baths. Brew a kilogram of pine shoots, steep, cool, strain, pour into a bath, and take before bed. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Treating a sciatic nerve hit by a needle during an injection at home is difficult, time-consuming, and there is always a risk of developing various complications.

Timely contact with a neurologist, individually selected comprehensive treatment, including,

Causes of pain after an injection:

1. Infiltration is the most common complication after an injection. Most often, infiltration occurs if: a) the injection is made with a blunt needle; b) for an intramuscular injection, a short needle is used, intended for intradermal or subcutaneous injections. Inaccurate choice of injection site, frequent injections into the same place, violation of aseptic rules are also the cause of infiltrates.

2. Abscess - purulent inflammation of soft tissues with the formation of a cavity filled with pus. The reasons for the formation of abscesses are the same as for infiltrates. In this case, infection of soft tissues occurs as a result of violation of asepsis rules.

3. Breakage of the needle during an injection is possible when using old worn-out needles, as well as when there is a sharp contraction of the buttock muscles during an intramuscular injection, if a preliminary conversation was not held with the patient before the injection or the injection was given to the patient in a standing position.

4. Drug embolism can occur when oil solutions are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly (oil solutions are not administered intravenously!) and the needle enters the vessel. Oil, once in the artery, will clog it, and this will lead to disruption of the nutrition of the surrounding tissues and their necrosis. Signs of necrosis: increasing pain in the injection area, swelling, redness or red-bluish discoloration of the skin, increased local and general temperature. If the oil ends up in a vein, it will enter the pulmonary vessels through the bloodstream. Symptoms of pulmonary embolism: a sudden attack of suffocation, cough, blue discoloration of the upper half of the body (cyanosis), a feeling of tightness in the chest.

5. Damage to nerve trunks can occur with intramuscular and intravenous injections, either mechanically (if the injection site is chosen incorrectly), or chemically, when the drug depot is located next to the nerve, as well as when the vessel supplying the nerve is blocked. The severity of the complication can vary - from neuritis to limb paralysis.

6. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with the formation of a blood clot in it - is observed with frequent venipunctures of the same vein, or when using blunt needles. Signs of thrombophlebitis are pain at the injection site, skin hyperemia and the formation of infiltrate along the vein. The temperature may be low-grade.

7. Tissue necrosis can develop when a vein puncture is unsuccessful and a significant amount of an irritating agent is mistakenly introduced under the skin. Ingress of drugs along the course of venipuncture is possible due to: piercing the vein “through and through”; failure to enter the vein initially. Most often this happens due to inept intravenous administration 10% calcium chloride solution. If the solution does get under the skin, you should immediately apply a tourniquet above the injection site, then inject a 0.9% sodium chloride solution into the injection site and around it, a total of 50-80 ml (it will reduce the concentration of the drug).

8. Hematoma can also occur during inept venipuncture: a purple spot appears under the skin, because the needle pierced both walls of the vein and blood penetrated into the tissue. In this case, the vein puncture should be stopped and pressed for several minutes with cotton wool and alcohol. In this case, the necessary intravenous injection is given into another vein, and a local warming compress is placed on the area of ​​the hematoma.

9. Allergic reactions to the administration of a particular drug by injection can occur in the form of urticaria, acute runny nose, acute conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, which often occur after 20-30 minutes. after administration of the drug. The most formidable form allergic reaction- anaphylactic shock.