Chinese slimming patch Slim Patch. Does pepper patch help with cellulite?

A slim body is the dream of every woman. How many unusual procedures they tried to make this dream come true. One of them is the use of pepper plaster. We will find out further how to glue it correctly and what its effect is.

How does pepper patch work?

- this is the main direction of activity of this method. The burning effect that this small sticky piece gives accelerates blood circulation and breaks down fat deposits, as well as removes toxins, thereby speeding up and cleansing the body. Also, this way you can get rid of the unfortunate effect of orange peel on the buttocks and thighs.

It is worth saying that with the development of the popularity of this method, manufacturers began to produce special patches aimed at losing weight in certain places - the stomach, thighs. In addition to pepper, these can be coffee and other types. For similar special means companies charge a lot of money.

A positive effect can be achieved with the simplest patch, purchased at a regular pharmacy for pennies.

Moreover, manufacturers claim that their devices can also be worn on the stomach to reduce its volume and tighten it. However, doctors do not recommend doing this without prior medical consultation. Otherwise, it may negatively affect women with gynecological problems.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are:

  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • tendency to varicose veins;
  • allergic reactions for red hot pepper;
  • increased sensitivity skin.

How and where to stick pepper patch

Most often, this method is used on the most problematic areas: on the inner and outer thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The last part of the body must be treated very carefully, as mentioned above. The patch should be used as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to take a shower so that your body steams, your skin cleanses, and your pores open.
  2. Take a regular pharmacy pepper plaster and cut it into six equal strips. Don't worry about the strips being too thin. They cover large areas of skin. But such thin pieces will be removed relatively painlessly.
  3. Use alcohol to degrease the areas where the strips will be glued. Then stick them on.
  4. You need to apply the strips this way: one on each buttock, one on the outer thighs of both legs, and one on the inner thighs. All six lanes are in use.

Subtleties of use

The most important question is how long to keep such a device on your skin. If you feel a strong burning sensation, then 20 minutes is enough. Then peel it off carefully. If you can hold it longer, hold it longer.

Use this method regularly for at least two weeks and the results will impress you. In any case, numerous reviews on the Internet indicate the effectiveness of this technique. After 8-10 procedures, many note an improvement, the skin becomes more toned, elastic, and its shape becomes more prominent. And in combination with physical activity the result can be accelerated several times.

Among the means for weight loss, in addition to the traditional ones, which include sports and diets, we can also highlight non-traditional ones - various drugs, cosmetic procedures and others. Similar unconventional methods of weight loss include weight loss patches.

How do weight loss patches work?

Manufacturers of weight loss patches claim that when using them there is no need to go on diets or exhaust yourself with sports. Your lifestyle doesn't change at all. All you have to do is use the patch and the fat will go away on its own.

These weight loss patches use biologically active agents that, penetrating the skin, activate fat burning, improve blood circulation, have a drainage effect, and help eliminate cellulite. Red pepper is usually used as a heating component, thanks to which the active substances penetrate better into the tissues and which enhances metabolic processes in the affected area (be careful, it can cause allergies). Some patches contain caffeine - it speeds up metabolic processes and helps tighten the skin.

The patch is used as follows. It must be glued to the body (usually in the abdomen or thighs - where the main fat deposits are located) and changed at the intervals indicated in the instructions; the course of treatment is 1-3 months. According to reviews of the weight loss patch, it will help to significantly enhance the effect of its use. physical exercise, but even without them you lose weight - fat in the selected area is actively burned and eliminated naturally.

Chinese slimming patches “Soso”

One of the most popular among such drugs are Chinese weight loss patches “Soso”. They contain components plant origin, and their action combines the use of plant extracts and effects on biological active points on the stomach, located in the navel area and helping to improve digestion, activate metabolic processes, and cleanse the body. Using Chinese Soso weight loss patches allows you to control your appetite, blocks the formation of fatty tissue, normalizes metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fats. They contain Pennsylvania sedge, which effectively removes salts and toxins, violet root, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling, ginseng, which tones and tightens tissues and enhances metabolic processes in them. As well as extracts of several more medicinal plants, which help you fight fat deposits.

Slim Patch patches for weight loss

This weight loss patch must be applied to the problem area for 30-40 minutes daily for 1-3 months. It was developed by scientists from America and works on the following principle. It heats the affected area, so that the active substances better penetrate and are absorbed into the tissues.

The components that make up the “Slim Patch” weight loss patch block the absorption of fats in the digestive tract, as well as the absorption of starch and sugar - the main causes excess weight. They also help you control your appetite. As a result, your cravings for food disappear, constipation disappears, and your body silhouettes become smaller. The patch helps remove toxins and salts from the body.

The slimming patch “Slim Patch” contains the following components:

  • micromagnet that affects the body magnetic field, affecting metabolism;
  • Cassia tora seeds;
  • poria seeds;
  • ginseng;
  • lotus and aloe leaves;
  • radish seeds;
  • safflower

This composition helps cleanse the body, saturates it with vitamins and normalizes metabolism, while dulling appetite. In addition, the patch, by heating the affected area, promotes the breakdown of fat in it. This can be compared to wrapping, using tea to cleanse the body and therapy using magnetic influence - it’s like three in one.

Slimming patch “Flat tummy”

Transdermal patches for weight loss “Flat tummy” from the company LUSERO work according to the principle described above: they heat the affected area, due to which, firstly, the breakdown of fats in this area occurs, and secondly, the absorption of active components into the tissue is facilitated.

The active ingredients are kelp and camellia sinensis. They help eliminate toxins, normalize metabolic processes in tissues, tighten the skin and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.

Weight loss patches - contraindications

There is a list of contraindications for use this method weight loss. They are:

  • age under 15 years and over 65 years;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • skin diseases, sensitive skin, allergies, rash, itching, mechanical damage to the skin in the affected area;
  • allergy to the components included in the patch;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic problems;
  • diabetes.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews of weight loss patches, they are really very convenient - stick it on and don’t worry about anything, you walk around with a band-aid, then you peel it off and that’s it. As an advantage of this method of losing weight, it is noted that it is very suitable for those who have fat accumulated in certain places, that is, those who need to lose weight “locally”. The patches do not have an aggressive effect on digestive tract, like teas or tablets, and do not stain clothes like creams.

The disadvantages of weight loss patches include high cost, low effectiveness in advanced cases, uselessness for eliminating deep fat reserves (fat that “hugs” your internal organs). That is, the patches are effective if you are not severely overweight, you just need to remove a small tummy or “ears” on your hips. But you are unlikely to be able to lose 5-10 kg with them.

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It is better to apply the Chinese patch to the area of ​​the body where there is excess fat deposits. Immediately after contact with the skin, the effect begins: the active substances from the impregnation are softened by body heat and enter the blood through the pores, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder. Once inside, the active substances improve metabolism, accelerate blood flow to the problem area, and enhance lymph flow.

This action leads to a gradual reduction in swelling and dissolution of fat under the skin. As a result, excess weight disappears, the figure becomes slim and toned. You should use with caution those options that include pepper tinctures (many people are allergic to them). You shouldn't expect an instant effect from Chinese stickers, but they are safe and easy to use.


Experts advise sticking Chinese patches on the navel area, because this is the center area human body, through which energy flows pass, this makes it possible to achieve results faster. The main substances with which the stickers are impregnated:

  • red pepper, capsaicin - quickly burns fat, but you should not abuse it, it is better to apply a patch based on it for 15-20 minutes;
  • caffeine – improves metabolism, blood microcirculation, is effective in the fight against cellulite and varicose veins veins;
  • Chinese camellia, guarana, fucus finely blistered, cactus extract - these components remove excess moisture and enhance metabolism;
  • kelp – algae nourishes the body useful microelements, smoothes the skin, removes excess moisture and toxins.

Before using the Chinese patch for weight loss, you need to make sure that the patient has no contraindications. According to the instructions, the area of ​​skin where you plan to stick the sticker is cleaned and dried. You cannot glue the sticker onto wet skin, it will not be securely fixed. The protective film is removed from the sticker and gently smoothed over the skin without folds or gaps between the skin. You need to keep the product on the skin for 20-30 minutes, some options require exposure for a day or night.

You can do your normal activities while using the sticker. After the required time, the old sticker is removed, and a new one is glued to the problem area with a shift of 1-2 cm. If, after using the products, redness, peeling, or irritation appears on the skin, wipe the area with a damp towel, apply the cream and move the patch away from the problem area.

The devices are used without a break for a month, then a rest is taken for 7-10 days. To consolidate the weight loss effect, you need to repeat the course 2-3 times a year. The advantage of patches is safety, but many people do not like that they work slowly (the active substances enter the body smoothly). The ideal place to apply the sticker is the stomach, 5 cm below the navel, or on its sides. The patches remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, and smooth out cellulite.

Contraindications for use

The products are not ideally safe because they contain active plant components, to which allergies can manifest in the form of redness, burning, and dryness. Contraindications for the use of Chinese patches are:

  • pregnancy, breast-feeding(lactation);
  • menstruation;
  • diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • rash, skin injuries, scars;
  • sensitive skin;
  • allergy or intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • age under 18 years;
  • use for more than 30 consecutive days.

Popular Chinese slimming patches

You can buy a weight loss patch in online stores or some chains, cosmetics stores, and pharmacies. A popular product is the Slim Hot sticker, which is applied to the stomach, buttocks, and thighs. The result of use is fat burning and smoothing of the “orange peel”. The patch can be used multiple times and is applied for 20 minutes every two days. Other popular stickers are described below.

This Chinese patch is magnetic, impregnated with mineral powder, resins, mint ether and phytoncides. Such active components work on losing excess weight. The product is stored closed (it begins to heat up when opened) in a cool, dark place. Restrictions on its use include pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, allergies, exacerbations of dermatological diseases, body injuries, and wounds.

Slim Patch may cause skin irritation; if it occurs, therapy is canceled. The patch acts around the clock on problem areas and adjacent areas, reduces appetite, restores skin firmness and elasticity, and removes moisture. The composition contains Tibetan herbs:

  • alisma rhizomes (chastukha) – lymphatic drainage component, eliminates swelling;
  • hawthorn fruits - restore, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels;
  • sesame seed – blocks the growth of fat cells, reduces fat deposits, removes waste and toxins;
  • Cassia seeds – have antibacterial properties, remove waste and toxins, reduce cholesterol;
  • tree resin – softens the skin and ensures reliable adhesion of the patch.

It is advisable to apply the sticker overnight and change it to a fresh one in the morning for a better effect. The manufacturer says that if you are overweight up to 10 kg, using the patch for a month will help to significantly correct your figure. If you add sports and diet to the use of the sticker, the weight loss effect will be even more pronounced. The price for one piece is 150 rubles, sold in packs of 10 or 30 pieces.


The Chinese Soso sticker contains extracts of Alexandria leaf, wormwood, Sichuan pepper, eclonia thallus, and Florentine iris, which helps solve two problems at once - excess weight and cellulite. In addition to improving your figure, the patch improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes excess moisture from the body, and stabilizes the function of the endocrine system. You can glue it on the navel or 5 cm below every 2-3 days (change every 3-5 hours during the day) for 1-3 months. The result is noticeable in the second month. Cost for 1 piece. – 99 rubles.


This patch is not Chinese. and made in Korea, contains caffeine. According to the manufacturer, it ideally fights overweight, cellulite. The patch is applied to dry skin, previously cleansed, for 4-8 hours. Consumer reviews are mostly negative, because the product is expensive and causes discomfort when used at night. Price for 1 piece. – 320 rubles.


Chinese Meitan weight loss patches are more often called bio-stickers. They contain natural gems, violet root, bitter radish seeds, and Pennsylvania sedge. The stickers are glued to dry, cleansed skin 1 cm below the navel. After a day, they are replaced with new plates. In addition to losing weight, using the sticker normalizes metabolism. Cost 1 piece. – 230 rubles.

Hao Gan

Haogang slimming patches are only applied to the stomach or navel. Due to the penetration of active substances, the use of the product helps to break down fats, remove excess moisture, toxins and impurities. Hao Gan improves intestinal motility, functionality of the lymphatic system, and blood circulation. The sticker is used once a day, one piece costs 160 rubles.


These stickers are also used only on the stomach and navel, because in the process they improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Using them for weight loss helps burn excess fat, remove toxins and improve skin elasticity. These stickers are available different sizes(from small 74*44 mm to large 93*82 mm). The main components of the composition are extracts of violet, sedge, styphnolobium, extracts of red pepper, green tea, prunes and saltwort, caffeine. Cost for 5 pcs. – 1600 rubles.

Benefits of Chinese weight loss patches

People who use patches report a number of advantages and disadvantages. TO positive qualities stickers include:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to lose weight without dieting and exercise;
  • there is an option for losing weight in specific places where excess fat accumulates;
  • the active substances of the composition do not penetrate the digestive tract, which does not impair the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • stickers do not have a regime - you can stick them in the morning and forget them until the evening, going about your usual business (with some you can even take a bath and shower);
  • do not stain clothes;
  • minimal amount side effects;
  • you can always remove it if allergies or irritation occur;
  • The possibility of overdose is completely excluded.


Weight loss stickers are also not without their negative qualities. Their main disadvantages include:

  • high cost of the course, not everyone can afford it;
  • only external fat is burned, but internal fat (visceral, enveloping the intestines and liver) does not go away;
  • not suitable for those who have more than 10 kg of excess weight or an advanced case of cellulite, otherwise they will have to combine gluing with diet and sports;
  • if there are many problem areas, stickers are applied to everything that can negatively affect sweating.


Usually in a pharmacy display case you can find adhesive plasters among cotton wool and bandages, and among them is a patch with pepper extract. Actually, it was invented to treat somatic diseases, but some people use it to get rid of cellulite.

What is pepper patch

Pepper patch (Plaster capsii) is a drug that is used to treat:

  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • lumbago;
  • gout;
  • lesions of the upper respiratory tract.

It comes in different sizes, but to combat cellulite, Internet users recommend taking large plates at once. The larger the patch, the more surface of the skin it covers, therefore, you can treat a large cellulite area of ​​skin at once.

Patch sizes:

  • 2x18;
  • 10x18;
  • 6x10 cm.

The pepper patch contains extracts of belladonna, arnica, as well as rubber, rosin, lanolin, and petroleum jelly.

The patch irritates the skin, stimulates blood circulation, reduces pain (due to the distracting effect).

It is a common idea that extracts of certain substances: sea salt, coffee, pepper help eliminate fat deposits. Therefore, in order not to be limited to wraps alone, someone came up with the idea of ​​​​using a patch.

How to use pepper patch for cellulite

After making sure that there are no contraindications (hypersensitivity), you first need to clean and degrease the skin using any alcohol-containing solutions. Then stick the patch on the affected area of ​​skin and hold it there. Internet users recommend keeping it on for up to two hours, and the instructions for the drug advise not to remove it for a couple of days.

Does the patch work?

We can judge the effectiveness of a product by two parameters: its declared functionality and reviews on the Internet.
So, the functionality: the fight against neurological diseases and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Not a word about cellulite. If the manufacturer had admitted the idea that his drug could help fight this problem, he would definitely have reported this in the instructions for use - after all, his sales would have increased tenfold. However, even an entrepreneur chasing profit understands that a pepper patch will not save you from cellulite. And in general, almost nothing will save you. Why?

To date, researchers disagree about the causes of cellulite. Therefore, if you don’t know how something came into being, then it’s completely unclear how to get rid of it. There are different hypotheses regarding the etiology:

  • wrong diet;
  • obesity;
  • low physical activity;
  • intoxication (smoking, drug therapy, alcohol).

The medical community agrees on only one thing: cellulite is one of the variants of the normal condition, and therefore cannot be treated. It occurs in 90% of women, therefore it is simply part of female nature. It is impossible to cure something that is not a disease. Moreover, no one has ever invented a means of “treatment”.

Indeed, burning substances irritate the skin and increase blood flow. So what. They irritate the surface of the skin, and the problem lies in the subcutaneous fat. Pepper extract (like any other extract) cannot penetrate to this deep level.

Now about reviews on the Internet. Like any other ineffective drug, of course there are reviews for the pepper patch, and they are enthusiastic, but they relate to the first or second day of use. No one writes about what results people got after two weeks or a month of use. Not surprising, because there is no result.

When a person puts a pepper patch on himself for the first time, he really wants it to work. Therefore, it holds longer, despite the instructions. But even if not longer. All the same, the skin becomes irritated, turns red and swells a little - this is normal, this is the effect of the drug. When the skin swells, the “orange peel” appearance is less pronounced. The voids between the tubercles are smoothed due to edema. But the person takes off the patch and sees that the skin is red (which means there is at least some effect) and somewhat smooth (it works!). Some even believe that after wearing the patch for two hours, they can get rid of cellulite.

Let's summarize. Today, medicine considers pepper patch an ineffective way to get rid of cellulite. Any positive effect is short-term and illusory.

Cellulite or lipodystrophy are stagnant processes in the collagen fibers of the subcutaneous layer, which lead to impaired blood circulation and obstruction of lymph outflow. Changes inside the skin are characterized by visible manifestations: the skin thickens, adipose tissue forms indentations, bumps and pits that are visible to the naked eye.

Fight with pathological changes skin treatment includes a whole range of activities, which includes massage, wraps, baths, the use of anti-cellulite ointments, scrubs, creams, physiotherapy. One way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is pepper patch.


Pepper cellulite patch is a light brown mass with a slight specific odor, which is glued to a chintz or paper base. It is sold in a pack of two pairs, each wrapped in protective cellophane. Sticker length 18 cm, width 8-12 cm.

The main active ingredients of the heating patch:

  • Hot pepper in extract;
  • Belladonna extract is thick.

Pepper increases blood circulation, nourishes the fat layer, reduces swelling, fights congestion, and belladonna relaxes muscles, relieves spasms and pain.

The anti-cellulite sticker contains additional substances:

  • To give a sticky effect - pine rosin;
  • For better adhesion to the skin - rubber glue;
  • To penetrate the main active ingredients into the skin, the composition contains arnica tincture, lanolin, and petroleum jelly.

In addition, to give the desired thickness and density, salipod resin, technical neonazone, and wheat flour are used.

All components are added in a certain proportion, then the components are mixed, applied to the base and dried.

Mechanism of action

The traditional use of pepper stickers is colds or inflammatory diseases of a neurological nature (osteochondrosis, radiculitis).

The anti-cellulite effect of the product is based on heating the skin, as well as the deep subcutaneous layers:

  • You feel a pleasant warmth, a slight burning or tingling sensation at the site of gluing, while the active components act from the inside.
  • They improve the circulation of blood and lymphoid fluid, relieve swelling, restore fat metabolism, and remove toxins and toxic substances.

Skin after using a warming agent:

  • acquires elasticity, smoothness,
  • stagnation of fat deposits is smoothed out,
  • Orange peel bumps become less noticeable.

In addition, the pepper sticker absorbs fat cells well, and then helps to utilize them from the body, which promotes weight loss.


How effective this remedy will be depends on the frequency, duration of use, as well as the regularity of its use. Once started, the fight against pits on the skin should not stop for a minute.

To achieve greater effect, you can additionally apply:

  • Baths– before gluing the patch, take a warm bath with the addition of 4-5 drops of essential oil, for example citrus pre-mixed with kefir, cream or milk, you can replace the oil sea ​​salt, use an anti-cellulite scrub during the bath;
  • Wraps– for this procedure, add a few drops of essential oil to 20 ml of base (vegetable, olive, coconut or cocoa butter). After the session, be sure to apply anti-cellulite cream;
  • Carry out regular body massage, To do this, you can use vacuum cans or purchase a special anti-cellulite massager.

Also, the effectiveness of the patch will increase if you do gymnastic exercises daily to constantly maintain muscle tone.


It is unacceptable to use the patch if there is visible damage to the skin: abrasions, scratches, cuts on the skin may cause pain, irritation and redness.

You cannot use an anti-cellulite sticker on open wounds, burns, or apply it to moles or warts, so as not to provoke their growth and birthmarks.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their doctor. If you have gynecological problems, do not stick the sticker on your stomach. The product is strictly contraindicated if there are allergic reactions to the active ingredients.

Video: Alternative Methods

Advantages and disadvantages

Any anti-cellulite product has positive and negative properties. The main advantage of this medication is its low price.

The advantages also include:

  • The sticker is invisible under clothing, the effect can last throughout the day;
  • Easy to use, does not require much time for the procedure;
  • Providing a targeted action on the problem area;
  • Warming stickers do not affect the functioning of other organs.

Negative sides:

  • The medication is indicated only for the early stages of cellulite; in advanced forms it is unlikely to help;
  • It can be used as an independent remedy, but will not be very effective without the use of additional measures;
  • After use, it is painful to remove from the surface of the skin.

If, after applying the sticker, irritation or redness appears on the skin, it is necessary to lubricate this area with any greasy cream.

How to properly use pepper patch for cellulite

Using an anti-cellulite sticker does not require any special skills, however, you need to use the pepper patch for cellulite in accordance with the rules:

  1. Remove hair from the area where the sticker is intended to be glued, if it grows there, this will make it easier to remove after use;
  2. Degrease problem area with any alcohol-containing liquid, do not use pure alcohol for these purposes, so as not to dry out the skin;
  3. Remove the protective layer, apply the product to the problem area, straighten it, lightly press it onto the skin;
  4. It is not permissible for air to get under the patch; it forms folds, which will subsequently rub and cause pain.

After use, the anti-cellulite product is removed from the surface of the skin. Most modern patches have a water-soluble or fat-soluble adhesive base, which is usually indicated in the composition. Therefore, to make it easier to remove the sticker, it must be lubricated with any vegetable oil or plain water.

Review of popular brands

The pharmacy sells a wide variety various types patches, one of the varieties is Chinese anti-cellulite patches.

Types of Chinese patches

  • Cleansing – relieve swelling, remove toxins. Their composition is supplemented with Chinese angelica, magnetic powder, aconite root and large-leaved gentian;
  • Orthopedic – relieve inflammation, increase capillary tone. Added menthol, turmeric, chili pepper, ginger root, Chinese angelica;
  • Combined - increase metabolism, get rid of excess salts. Contains starch, tourmaline, bamboo vinegar, perlite, silicon.

Chinese remedies have a gentle effect on the problem area due to additional components, so the period of use and the course of treatment can be extended.

Slimming patches

  • Slim Hot– based on red pepper, additional components: horse chestnut, ivy, ginger, fucus, nicotinic acid. Removes excess fluid, which helps reduce swelling, which can result in weight loss;
  • Slim Patch– contains plant components: hawthorn, sesame, tree resin. Burns fat, reduces swelling, removes toxins. You can wear this sticker all day long.
  • Lucero– this weight loss product contains essential oils fucus, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, horse chestnut. Can be stuck on the thighs, buttocks, the sticker creates Greenhouse effect thanks to a special moisture-proof base. It is recommended to use 30 days and wear 24 hours.
  • Beauty Style– known components: tree resin, sesame, hawthorn fruit, cassia extract, alisma root. Sticks on overnight.
  • Soso- helps to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite fats. Removes toxins, improves the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The composition contains violet root and sedge.

Caffeine patches

The main active ingredient is caffeine in the form of a plant extract; red hot pepper is also added.

This product should be kept on the skin for no more than 20 minutes, it is reusable.

There are different opinions about this species. To avoid disappointment, apply this type it is necessary in the first stage of the formation of tubercles, the effect will increase if additional physical activity is given to the muscles.

All these stickers must be used according to the same rules as a regular pepper patch.

Doctors' opinion

The opinion of experts regarding pepper patches is definitely not:

  • Firstly, dermatologists do not consider orange peel disease, so going to great lengths to fight a mythical disease also makes no sense.
  • Secondly, the warming pepper sticker was originally created for treatment colds, it is glued to the chest area when coughing.

It also eliminates pain in some inflammatory diseases nervous system: glued to the neck area helps with osteochondrosis; if glued to the lumbar area, it reduces pain in lumbar radiculitis.

Doctors believe that the manufacturers of pepper patches added cellulite to the list of indications and gave it beautiful name, while increasing the price several times.