Favorite time of year reasoning. What's your favorite time of year? Mini essay “Autumn”

Essay on the topic: Mine favorite time year.

Each season has its own color for me:
winter - in silver-blue,
spring - in dirty pink color,
summer - yellow-orange,
but only autumn presents a whole range of colors - from beige to brown.
Autumn is painted for me in the warmest and most comfortable colors.
But many people don’t like this time of year, saying that there is too much dirt, slush, and cold.
But isn’t it nice to walk through the park, wrapped in a warm and soft woolen sweater, through the yellow-brown leaves still falling from the trees, look into the distance at the cold sky, with schools of birds flying away, and, plunging into your thoughts, remember how fun it is and did you have a good summer?
I love autumn very much for all the warmth, comfort and beauty that it gives us every year.
And how pleasant it is to walk through the forest when the trees seem to be preparing for the holiday in the golden autumn.
And autumn dresses them up in expensive clothes. She, like a housewife, decorates the forest and lays colorful carpets. Well, it seems everything is ready for the leaf ball.
Coming late autumn.
At the end of the golden autumn, the faithful servant-wind announces happy holiday.
The Waltz of the Leaves begins.
The wind tears gold coins from the trees and swirls them in the sky. Rusting the autumn carpets, the wind gives music to everyone.
Autumn is reminiscent of a masquerade, when everyone is dressed in beautiful unusual clothes. Everyone is having fun, although they understand that the masquerade cannot last forever.
Fun turns into sadness, but this sadness is light.
The holiday ends, the noise in the forest ceases, the last leaves thoughtfully fly to the ground.
They resemble lingering guests.
But then the last guest left the hall. In the forest, everything fell asleep until spring, as if everything was quiet until the next masquerade.
That's how I imagine autumn forest. He has a solemn and magical mood.
And autumn itself reminds me of a fairy-tale beauty.
It can take a very long time to describe it.
But all good things always come to an end.
The last leaf falls and we say goodbye to autumn...

Essay on the topic: My favorite time of year is autumn.

So autumn has come.
From mid-September to about mid-October, the leaves on the trees will turn from green to gold and red.
This period is called golden autumn.
The grass in the steppe withers and turns yellow, and the trees are painted in a variety of shades from yellow and red.
You look at the forest, which is all shimmering with gold, and you think: yes, a truly golden autumn!
This is a very beautiful time and many poets dedicate their poems to it, and artists especially like to paint pictures on the theme of autumn.
I especially like the two weeks in September called Indian Summer.
At this time, the day is still warm like summer, and the falling leaves are already slowly covering the ground with gold.
Fallen leaves swirl in the wind, rustle underfoot, and this makes you a little sad.
It's sad that summer is over and the holidays are over.
How more leaves on the ground, the fewer of them remain on the trees, until one day there will be none left.
The trees are gradually falling asleep, preparing to face winter, but it will still be the whole of November.
This is also autumn, but not at all golden - damp, cold and dark.
And so on until December comes and the earth is covered with a blanket of snow.

We have compiled this collection of 4 essays about each season. In terms of volume and content, they are suitable for all students in grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each work reveals the advantage of a particular time, filled with originality and charm.

(185 words) It seems to me that winter is the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. There is a lot of snow everywhere, unique snowflakes are slowly falling, and people are rushing to take pictures of the twinkling lights of the city. Over the course of three winter months, life changes, and for the better.

Of course, during this period you can go skiing, sledding, and skating to your heart's content. And if you do all this in the company of family and friends, then these moments will become the most memorable! Winter is beautiful and Happy New Year. The streets and squares are dressed in colorful and vibrant costumes to bring joy to every person. Various exhibitions, installations, decorations - all this makes December magical and wonderful. At such a time, it is a sin to sit at home and be sad. But at the same time, what is winter without home comfort? Many people associate it with good films, books, cocoa, baked goods, garlands and, of course, the Christmas tree. And on December 31, every home is filled with joy. The closest people meet, exchange gifts, give each other smiles and love. It is in New Year everyone feels happy again.

Every year I look forward to winter with great impatience, because it is so beautiful and festive! Frosts don’t scare me, because it is during this cold, menacing season that you can feel the warmth and comfort of your home.


(188 words) My favorite time of year is spring. It is during this period that the snow begins to melt, giving way to still small, but already green grass. The buds on the trees swell and fly again migratory birds, and the sun begins to shine even brighter and warmer. Everything seems to come to life and be reborn!

At the very beginning of spring, we are greeted by a good holiday - March 8! It is on this day that because of the abundance of flowers and smiles, we understand that spring has come. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer and sunnier every day. At this time of year it’s difficult to sit at home, because it’s so tempting to breathe in the fresh spring air! This time of year is also wonderful because people also begin to be reborn and renewed, not yielding to nature. Many people change their images, try something new, dream, rejoice, believe and love. Life is so busy! Besides women's holiday, in the spring we are waiting for Labor Day and Victory Day, which always unite people and give a feeling of unity with the country. Good weather tunes in active recreation on weekends.

Spring means sun, grass, fresh air, joy and happiness. Changes in nature beckon you to smile for no reason. This is why I love this time of year! It gives hope and inspires good deeds.


(194 words) Oh, summer... This is my favorite time of the year. The weather allows you to walk all day without wearing several layers of clothing. The sun is shining brightly, and the wind gently blows across tanned skin. Besides, this is vacation time, so you can read all day long or draw, for example. In the summer, all your friends are free, which means you can visit new places every day and create memorable moments.

Nature in summer is simply incredible. I just want to capture it as a souvenir. Also at this time, a lot of ripe fruits and berries appear, which you can pamper yourself with as much as you want. But in summer you can not only relax. Yours free time can be allocated to playing sports, learning something new and useful. Yes, in these three months you can change radically! For example, learn to swim. What is summer without a river? When the weather permits, my friends and I always go swimming. We like to swim or just play in the water. Besides, we love to have picnics with fun competitions. In August, my family often goes on vacation at sea. I love spending time with my loved ones, so I look forward to this trip every year!

It seems to me that summer is a small life that definitely needs to be spent colorfully and brightly!


(192 words) Autumn is sung by many poets, writers, composers and artists. This is the most colorful and favorite time of the year.

Everything is beautiful in autumn, especially nature. It acquires all kinds of colors that please the eye. A walk in the park is a real pleasure! The foliage rustles underfoot, clouds slowly float across the sky, and pleasant thoughts keep coming to mind and cannot be stopped... It seems to me that yellow, orange and red are synonyms of autumn. Trees put on their holiday costumes and give people good mood. Yes, autumn is not complete without rain, but it can also become a real source of inspiration. At this time, my family and I always go mushroom picking. I'm really looking forward to this moment. Sometimes we also go to the park just to feed the ducks and squirrels. On autumn evenings I really like to read. I always sit down in my favorite big chair and “plunge” into another world. On weekends, my family likes to watch some good movies or just drink tea and pie at the same table.

September, October and November are my favorite months of the year. I always try to make them memorable! I see uniqueness in each of them: September is Indian summer, October is a carnival of bright foliage, and November is the harbinger of winter holidays.

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What is my favorite time of year? Of course it's summer! What could be louder, warmer, brighter than this time? Summer is a long holiday of nature. All living things are transformed and dressed up. It’s not for nothing that they say that summer is “a short life.” Better have time to take a walk fresh air, enjoy beautiful views, run as hard as you can with the wind.

In summer, some changes occur in nature every day. The robin sings more and more loudly every day, the carpet of grass becomes richer, the rye becomes more and more golden. When nature rejoices, I rejoice too.

All seasons are good in their own way. There is something good in every period. And summer is special.

What can you do in summer? Swim, sunbathe, pick berries and mushrooms, just wander through the forest, help adults in the garden, at the dacha, meet friends, ride a bike.

In summer I like to read books. The daylight hours are long, there is enough time for everything. During the cool summer evenings it is good to read fairy tales. I especially like Russians folk tales and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. After reading, I like to take quiz questions on these tales. Maybe I missed something or didn't read it carefully? I enjoy answering even the toughest quiz questions.

My favorite time of year also makes me happy because I can play sports to my heart’s content. In the summer there is no frost, you don’t need to warm yourself up, go outside and run, play football, roller skate.

In winter, when I'm bored, I draw summer. A beautiful golden sun, and let it be joyful, blue clouds, trees in green outfits and me, smiling, walking to the river with a fishing rod.

Summer loves smiles.

The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river outdoor pool and swim there. But there are also rains in the summer. The rains are small and warm, such rains are called mushroom rains. But on one holiday, “Trinity”, there was a heavy downpour, so that even in all the villages the lights were turned off. I was very scared then, but my mother said: “don’t be afraid, everything will be fine.”

The weather in summer is brisk. Early in the morning you can hear the singing of different birds. For example: the nightingale, warbler, cuckoo, starling they sing in our garden, grandfather made a birdhouse for them. IN summer period all the grass is green and fresh. There are a lot of insects in summer. For example: June beetle butterflies, ladybird butterflies and many other insects. There are a lot of animals in the forests: foxes, hares, bears, wolves, badgers and many others.

Children sometimes ask questions. Where can you go on vacation in the summer? I'll tell you that you can go to the village, to the camp. In the village you will help your grandmother: water the beds, weed them, water and feed the animals. Bring them out into the herd. And if you want to go to the camp, then you will relax and play there.

Games in the summer are very diverse: you can play hide and seek, tag, volleyball, jump rope, bungee jumping and many other games. You can also play on the water. For example: water football, basketball.

Do you sometimes ask your mother: “Mom, what should I wear?” I'll tell you what to wear in summer. T-shirts, dresses, sundresses, shorts, skirts, jeans. And when it gets cool outside, you can wear: a light jacket, jeans, sneakers or boots. When you go swimming, you wear a swimsuit and swimming shorts. I really love summer. Do you kids love him?

Option 2 of the essay My favorite time of year is summer.

I really love summer! At this time of year, everything around blossoms and nature becomes alive again! I like to wake up with the first rooster crow. Watch the sun slowly rise in the sky. I like to bask in its rays. And in the evening, the radiant sunset attracts all attention, filling every human heart an overwhelming feeling of happiness.

Every summer, my brother and I go to the village to visit my grandmother for the entire holiday. We diligently help her with the housework: we take care of the vegetables in the garden and water the huge front garden with flowers. In summer, this front garden reminds me of the eighth wonder of the world, because each flower opens its bud, filling the entire area between the house and the fence. Many times I noticed how passers-by, passing by, could not take their eyes off the colorful plants. Often my brother and I could spend the whole day in this small garden, watching the flower lazily throw back its petals and insects immediately flock to it.

In winter, spring and autumn, nature does not smell so beautiful. It even seems to me that every year all the flora and fauna wait for summer, when you can finally feel free, shake off the heavy snow and warm up well from the winds and frosts.

Summer is still a great time for new adventures! Only in the warm season does hiking bring extraordinary pleasure. In the forest you can see many animals, swim in the river, try a real camp ration, and at night, when the sky is covered with dark fog and the stars illuminate the black canvas, you can take a guitar and sing inspiring songs by the fire. I really love such hikes, because it is in them that I feel one with nature.

And most importantly, summer is the period of the longest vacations. In three months I can have a good rest and start studying at school with renewed vigor!

A short mini-essay.

Summer is an incredibly wonderful time! The longest holidays begin in June, and I am happy that students from all schools can finally get enough sleep!

Every year my parents and I go to the sea, and I look forward to the summer holidays so that I can finally swim in a warm sea ​​water. I like to walk barefoot on the sand and ride on a catamaran with my mom and dad. In the evening, we all go to a cafe together and buy a huge ice cream to cool our bodies a little.

And in the summer it’s my birthday and all my relatives come to visit us, congratulate me and give me a lot of gifts. This is why I really like summer!

Summer is my favorite time

My favorite time of year is summer and there are some pretty good reasons for that. Firstly, summer is the warmest time of the year, when you can walk in light clothes and not wear heavy down jackets and warm boots. Also, at this time of year there is no need to attend school, because the longest vacation in the school year lasts three whole months. The advantages of summer are that you can walk all day and not freeze or get sick like in winter. Many people go with their families to the sea, where they relax, lying on the sea coast washed by the crests of waves.

Summer great time year and in terms of taste preferences. After all, many, including me, love to eat strawberries, cherries, and watermelon. You can find these fruits in winter, but they, greenhouse ones, will have a completely different taste than those that grew and ripened right under the scorching sun. Another delicacy unique to summer is, of course, ice cream. Fruit, ice cream, popsicle, in this matter you can give free rein to your imagination! In winter, no one forbids eating it, but when you came with cold street, sprinkled with snow flakes, you are unlikely to want to eat a portion of ice cream.

In the summer it is absolutely not necessary to get up at seven in the morning and go somewhere. You can easily lie in a cozy bed until noon, and, after waiting out the heat, get ready for a walk with friends without haste. For those who want to know a lot, summer is an additional opportunity to brush up on some subjects, read more books and get a lot of new and useful information, prepare for what's coming academic year, having become familiar with his program.
Summer is the favorite time of year for quite a large number of people, and most of them are schoolchildren who are waiting for the summer to take a break from the hustle and bustle of school and relax, unwind, and gain strength.
In summer, our planet Earth is flooded with the sun the most, which is why this wonderful time of year comes.

Short mini essay option 2

My favorite time of year is summer! After all, in the summer beautiful view near nature, surrounded by greenery, flowers and a lot of different activities. This summer I plan to go fishing with my grandfather, he has already taught me many fishing techniques. My dad and I go to outdoor games with simulated machines, as he says; – A real man must be prepared from childhood! And I completely agree with him. I'm also building a collection rare insects, and in the summer large number, which is very convenient.

Of course, I love summer, not only because there are many different hobbies, but also because in the summer we go with the whole family to the dacha and have a lot of fun there!

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How a person’s character is influenced by a person’s favorite season: winter, spring, summer, autumn

Of course, each of us has our own favorite time of year, when we feel cheerful, unusually cheerful and simply happy. Of course, for some this manifests itself to a greater extent, for others to a lesser extent. But the season to which you give your sympathy, according to psychologists, in a sense reflects the characteristics of your character, and also demonstrates your preferences when choosing a professional field of activity. Below we will talk about what his favorite season can say about a person.

If you have not yet decided for yourself which season you like, do not despair. It is enough just to relax and think when you feel a surge of vitality, feel comfortable, calm, etc. It may happen that you will notice this feature: at certain times of the year it is easier for you to cope with certain tasks, solve problems, etc. d. And if you already know exactly which season brings you luck and success, all you have to do is compare your observations with the information presented below.

The character of those who love winter

As practice shows, people who prefer cold winter months, individualism and leadership predominate in character. Their life passes according to the so-called “cat” principle, which can be expressed in two words: by itself. Quite often this closed people who do not tolerate stormy communication and overly active communication. However, at the same time, they always understand what they want from life itself, as well as from those around them. They overcome difficulties and obstacles with ease, and life difficulties, before which anyone else would give up, are perceived by them as another obstacle that they just need to get around. Of course, these are extremely patient and at the same time persistent people.

Winter lovers really know how to achieve their goals, therefore, success for them is a matter of time. They are very careful and circumspect, do not like to talk much, and do not advertise their emotions in public. Even if their feelings are extremely strong, they will try to hide them from others and keep their experiences secret. They do not make open statements. They speak only when they are asked a question. True, they do this only when they themselves want to be heard.

No different big list friends, and even he endures constant testing. They are unusually demanding and scrupulous in their choice of acquaintances; they only bring a few people closer to them. If they decide to start a family, they are exemplary spouses.

Often these are hardened materialists who prefer comfortable living conditions, a convenient and clean environment. Of course, they will do the impossible for their loved ones. But they will never forgive betrayal, betrayal, etc.

Favorite season - spring

For the most part, these are very gentle people, whose character is cheerful, light and carefree. These are very playful individuals who are characterized by a certain frivolity. They value their life and know how to be truly happy, because every moment for them is a reason to rejoice. Quite rarely they fall into despair and depression, often act as the “life of the party”, they simply love communication and various adventures.

As a rule, they do not like to act as the initiator of any event, but at the same time they will readily support an interesting idea. Fortunately, they have plenty of enthusiasm and passion. Ready to accept active participation in an activity that they find fun, exciting and funny. People around them love such people, take advantage of their good spirits and appreciate the ease of communication with them.

However, connoisseurs of spring are not capable of long-term friendship, because even this entails a certain amount of responsibility. But these people do not understand what they really want from life. Therefore, they are not aware of why they need true friends and comrades. Ease of thinking allows them not to linger long on one situation; joy and cheerfulness make it possible to easily make vital decisions.

As a rule, their character is characterized by selfishness and demandingness. However, at the same time, there is a place for romance here. They believe that they can come at any time convenient for them and leave without saying “goodbye.” Moreover, it is quite normal for them to simply leave you, completely forgetting that you were together. And everything is explained by their selective memory, which does not allow them to linger on one thing.

Summer season lovers

Of course, these are real leaders whom nature has awarded with appropriate qualities. They are able to win your mind and heart with their enthusiasm, conquer you with self-confidence and bribe you with energy. Their head is always full interesting ideas, far-reaching plans and simply original solutions.

Of course, many people envy them. They make excellent bosses, however, as practice shows, summer lovers do not always strive for this. They are not attracted to leadership as such; they prefer to be free from various kinds of circumstances.

They strive to live their lives brightly and variedly, which sometimes goes to the extreme. Often these are stubborn individuals who always and everywhere try to get their way. True, they easily make compromises.

Probably, more than others, they are capable of crazy and passionate love. However, if problems arise, they take a long time to decide to break; however, in this case, all bridges to retreat are burned.

Your favorite is autumn

It would seem that connoisseurs of the autumn season should be incorrigible romantics. However, in reality this is not always the case, because this time of year is often liked by people who are strict, self-confident and reserved, who have a weak nervous system, a tendency to depression, as well as a depressed internal state. The character in this case is quite changeable, which is so inherent autumn season. The mood, accordingly, jumps from joyful and positive to irritable.

They value peace and moderation most of all, and love solitude. Quite rarely do they feel an urgent need for communication. It is difficult to get along with new people. They do not try to get to know themselves better by penetrating into the depths of their “I”. Never try to play an important role in relationships with such people, because they are not capable of passionate impulses and actions due to their natural rigidity, restraint and lack of self-confidence. Due to the fact that there is a weakness of spirit here, they often feel a craving for alcoholic drinks etc.

But there are also other situations when connoisseurs of autumn are distinguished by their not entirely traditional behavior, as well as their outlook on life: they behave defiantly or, let’s say, act as charmers themselves.
Among those who love autumn there are many poets and artists.