Equestria girls naughty twilight play online. Equestria girls games

The girls from the elite school are so similar to Sparkle’s friends, whom she misses as soon as she parted. But what about herself? Won't they surprise ordinary people pony and dragon at school, this isn't a computer game? It's simple - magic. With her help, after passing through the magic mirror, Sparkle becomes the same girl as everyone around her, and Spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, at first everything is unusual - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually Sparkle gets used to being a girl, although this is not for long - after completing the mission she will become a pony again, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of her coming to this world? The fact is that the villainous pony, who never became a princess, stole the magic crown, which provided protection for her beloved Equestria - by the way, many Equestria Girl games are based on this plot. Sparkle rushes in pursuit of the kidnapper, who hid in the human world and hid the crown in a cunning way - now, to get it, you need to become the princess of the school. However, Sparkle is no stranger to - even computer games often offer to go from an ordinary pony to a princess. But can she do it without her magic?

Friendship is…

Yes, because the magic of friendship works in any world, even one where there is no magic of unicorns. So, despite the sneaky thief’s attempts to ruin everything, Sparkle does everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and everyone else. Many Equestria Girls games are dedicated to this particular part of the film. Of course, it won’t be possible without obstacles later, but the magic of friendship is already working - and in this, people are very similar to ponies - so it will be much easier for everyone to get the crown together, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the sneaky thief, the princess’s former pupil, Sunset Shimmer? This pony, having entered the human world, also became a girl. She offends the timid Fluttershy (whose Sparkle comes to her defense) and plots all sorts of intrigues - after all, in order to receive the magic crown, she must become the princess of the school. By the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often based on this - girlfriends must overcome all the obstacles that the vile Sunset Shimmer comes up with for them.

What magic can do is real victory

But does defeating an enemy necessarily mean destroying him? Ponies have repeatedly shown that the biggest victory is to teach not very good character to be friends (it’s worth remembering at least Discord - the “Friendship” series and games with him). First, of course, you need to win the competition - this is the second time Sparkle has proven that she is worthy of the title of princess - and then everything else. Many games about girls offer to follow the same path.

When the magic of true friendship, which is so familiar to us from cartoons about ponies, works even in the world of girls - this is a real miracle that will help Sunset Shimmer become a princess, if not by rank, by heart and behavior. This is where the games of Equestria Girls usually end, but the full-length cartoon shows the logical conclusion of the adventures of Princess Sparkle - she returns to homeworld pony.

The end and the beginning

Adventures to which many are dedicated popular games, are finished, but much is just beginning. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to continue the story about the girls themselves, only by hinting and predicting.

The girls remaining in the world of people, so similar to famous ponies in both character and details of appearance, will never be the same - they were connected by the strongest magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with everyone who meets them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic yet - apparently, everything is ahead.

But the pony who has visited their world also has a lot ahead. Having left her cute admirer behind the looking glass, in her world Sparkle finds an equally cute pony with a blue mane - who knows, maybe it’s still her destiny to encounter him, no matter what form her romantic feelings take. Since there is no continuation of the story in “reality”, it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game...

“Equestria Girls” is not appreciated by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games; nevertheless, the main characters in the feature film are not favorite and familiar ponies, but, to its credit, the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves both recognition and even praise.

Parallel worlds hide a lot of interesting things, and gamers will get acquainted with one of these magical places in games about Equestria Girls. The story begins with the adventures of girlfriends who arrive in one of the Empires of the fairy-tale world. At night, when the little horses went to rest after a long journey, an evil pony named Sunset stole Sparkle's magic crown and escaped into a magic mirror. The chase was unsuccessful and the friends went to the princess. Celestia told Twilight that Sunset Shimer had moved into a parallel world and now Equestria is in danger, its harmony is crumbling. The brave pony decides to follow the thief into the human world and save her dimension, but she doesn’t have much time. The main character must manage to take the crown in three days, otherwise the portal will close. Despite the princess's ban, Spike goes on a dangerous journey with his friend to help her in difficult moments. Sparkle transforms from a pony into a girl, and Spike transforms into a dog. Following Sunset's trail, the friends end up at school. As it turned out, the crown got to the director educational institution and the winner of the autumn score will receive it. The guys will have to help the good Sparkle win the competition, despite the meanness that Shimmer has prepared.
The boys will meet their friends main character– Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. Children will also learn about love story Sparkles and Flash Sentry. A guy and a girl met at school and liked each other from the first time they met, after which the guy began to help the mysterious student. Twilight Sparkle made friends with many students and found new friends, but Shimmer collected dirt on the girl and undermined her authority. Thanks to friends who threw a big party, all the students voted for the beauty and Sparkle earned the coveted crown, but Sunset did not accept this development of events. She took the crown and reincarnated as a terrible demon, promising to take over Equestria with the help of an army of zombie students. Naturally, the pony did not make it within the specified time and the mirror portal closed. Spike and Twilight remained in the human world for another thirty moons. Having lost their strength, the friends defeat Sunset and soon find themselves home. Their adventures continue and gamers can take part in them. Girls are able to dress up any of the heroines and choose an outfit for her for a grand party. Jewelry and other accessories turn girls into unsurpassed beauties, and comfortable shoes allow you to dance all evening. Entertainment allows you to create unique makeup for gorgeous girls, taking into account their character and features. Soon the kids will witness Shimmer's unusual transformation, because the girl intends to go over to the side of good and make friends with everyone. Naturally, the path of reconciliation is long and not everyone wants to forgive the offender, but Sunset will show her good side.
Games about girls from Equestria teach children to support, help and trust each other. Brave ponies go towards their goal despite difficulties, and kids follow the example of their favorite heroes. Gamers go through unusual quests and puzzles against time, learning to quickly solve the task assigned to them. Children can learn to cook delicious pies along with the gorgeous Pinkie Pie. In order for the dough to be airy and aromatic, all ingredients must be added in the specified quantities. It is enough to follow the recipe and remember all the nuances of preparation. The oven should be preheated and the pan should be greased with oil so that the dough does not stick. For small children, a simple puzzle with magic ponies is offered, in which they have to create a picture from small parts different shapes. Puzzles with favorite characters develop children's thinking and attentiveness. In one of the adventures, cheerful ponies have created their own group and are preparing for a rock performance. Each heroine needs to choose the appropriate outfit. The girls will also have to choose an instrument and an image for all the rock stars to make their concert unforgettable. At the same time, new opponents of the inhabitants of the magical world appear, who make insidious plans against good ponies. Dance lovers are invited to visit the dance studio with the popular pony girls. To begin with, the player selects the type of dance and the heroine who will teach the movements. After this, a long and fun dance lesson begins, during which the girl remembers necessary elements for a performance. At the end, the beautiful pony demonstrates her skills on stage with her friends, and the players take memorable photos. Sighting games challenge little gamers to find all the hidden stars in a picture with magnificent ponies. The children explore different images and develop patience in the search process.

Of course, if we suddenly find ourselves in a place unfamiliar to us, anyone can get confused. But the Equestria Girls, who are the main characters of the game, turned out to be quite brave that they easily settled in it, even managing to transform into the guise of . In the world where they live and the environment familiar to them, these are colorful, different ponies with the magic of magic. You can easily recognize them by their characteristic features. Sparkle and her friends love to dress up and try on different things, go to hair salons and explore a new kitchen with interest. Our ponies like something new, so they settle into their new home with joy and interest. They love travel, entertainment and fun. And if you suddenly want to draw with ours, then we advise you to get the brightest colors.

Equestria Girls - only the most interesting, challenging and easy games

Equestria Girls is a huge and exciting collection of games with characters from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic”. Not so long ago, our mischievous heroines were bright, colorful ponies, but who would have thought that they would find themselves in a completely different world, where such a transformation awaits them. Swap them appearance, clothes, demeanor and much more! One day, Sparkle wanted to return the Crown that belonged to her, which Sunset Shimmer stole from her. From that moment on, our ponies’ fascinating and mysterious journey to another world began.
"Fight for the Crown" is the most popular game. It is in this game that you can feel the atmosphere of Equestria and experience all the delights of this place. In this category you will meet many famous characters from "My Little Pony”, which will certainly captivate and interest you with their adventure.

The mysterious world truly drives you crazy

The Equestria Girls games show you a magical land with its mysteries and mysteries, where magic is a familiar and everyday thing. But if you are careful and look at its inhabitants, you inadvertently begin to think that there is not so much that separates us. The girls living in this mysterious country love things just as much as we do. Therefore, once in the human world, the pony girls easily joined their way of life. Sunset Shimme did not act nicely, stealing the crown and running away to the human world from Twilight. Pony Taillight could not lose the crown and therefore went after Sunset, where, in turn, she also became human. An unpleasant loss marked the beginning of a fantastic, exciting journey.

The best games for girls in one place

During the time spent playing Equestria ponies, you will make friends with all the friends who in their world look like ponies, but when they find themselves in the land of people, they immediately become people. But for our heroes it doesn’t matter where they are, because they can quickly captivate themselves with something new and unusual. Without a doubt this The best way learn new things, gain experience and unforgettable feelings and emotions. The adventures of pony girls with the world of people begin with transformation into a new image, since with each girl you find yourself in a hairdresser and a store fashionable clothes, where you can transform your girlfriend. Let's try to transform Rarity together by visiting a store or beauty salon. There are many different things on the playing field under each icon. By exploring each one in turn, you will see a section with new products for this season.

Let's sum it up - these games about Equestria Girls will make everyone look at the world in a new way!

Twilight and all her friends ended up in Princess Celestia's castle. Sparkle owned the crown, which stole the pony Sunset Shimmer and transported her to another world. As a result of this, Princess Celestia told Twilight to go to the human world, through her magic mirror opening a window to another dimension, and find the crown that belonged to her. Having passed through the magic window, she was reincarnated as a girl and now the entire fate of Equestria depends on her. Having lost the crown, they will be deprived of the elements of harmony that protect their entire world. Together with Sparkle, her pony friends, who also went through transformation, went to look for the crown. Together they begin their amazing and mysterious adventure.
Of course, our other heroines, such as Pinkie Pie, Sparkle, Fluttershy and many others, who also love to transform, did not go unnoticed. Without a doubt you will help them find bright image and enjoy spending time with them.
Spend time with Equestria Girls and fantasize about the image and style of each heroine. Together they are a friendly, close-knit team and simply charming friends! Equestria games and Equestria girls games for free right in your browser – great selection best games Equestria pony for all fans of the cartoon Friendship is a miracle. Play games May Little pony Equestria without registration and downloading. A magical country with a wonderful fairy-tale name, Equestria, is home to beautiful little ponies. Besides them, other creatures feel comfortable here - griffins, unicorns and even dragons. Ruled by the fairy-tale princesses Luna and Celestia, this power is based on the union of tribes, on peace and mutual understanding.

After the old hostile relations between ponies and other creatures have sunk into oblivion, many years have passed and two alicorn princesses wisely rule Equestria, listening to the will of the people. Thus, most decisions are made by local communities at a meeting of residents inhabiting a particular area, without frequent intervention supreme power. Like any modern power, Equestria has its own army, which is based on the Wonderbolts - the fastest flying horses who go through the Flight Academy and adhere to all the rules of military discipline. As for pegasi and unicorns, the best of them are guards of the princesses themselves. Since this wonderful country is inhabited mainly by horses, the cities in it are named accordingly: Ponyville, Mustangia, Las Pegasus and others. The little horses that inhabit the cities love to dress up, which you will come across closely in the games of Equestria girls dress up, have fun, collect noisy parties. The pony Pinkie Pie is the best at organizing holidays, and her friends Spikes Twilight Sparkle always take part in them. Like people, ponies love to visit cafes, spas, theaters, cinemas and even bowling. Well, what kind of horses don’t like sports! As befits horses, in order to keep themselves in excellent athletic shape, the inhabitants of Equestria eat exclusively plant foods - vegetables and fruits. However, sometimes they don’t mind pampering themselves with pastries, sweets and delicious sandwiches. Most of the settlers of the magical land are very intellectual, they read books, study art and painting, and do this themselves with some success. We also invite you to become a participant in the events taking place in a magical land, playing Equestria Girls games, Equestria Pony games, which we have carefully collected on our website and meet your favorite characters from the animated series - Pinkie Pie, Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and other heroes .

Equestria Girl games open doors for you leading to a mysterious land where magic is as common as science in our world. But once you take a closer look at its inhabitants, you realize that the difference that separates us is not so great. The girls living in this magical land love the same things as we do, and therefore, once they got into the world of people, the pony girls easily fit into the usual course of things for us and became our own. It all started by accident when Sunset Shimmer managed to steal Twilight's crown and ran away to the human world. Twilight could not allow this to happen and went after Sunset, where she also became human. Such an unpleasant theft served as an impetus for an astonishing discovery, real magic and subsequent adventures.

A variety of plots in the game Equestria Girls

First, let's choose beautiful hairstyle for Rarity. To do this, grab it with your mouse and drag it onto the heroine, and then release it. The new styling will fall into place on its own, and all you have to do is determine the color of the individual strands that are hidden under the next icon. Experiment until the result is the way you like. You can change her clothes by dressing her up in a dress or choosing from many options:

  • blouse,
  • T-shirt,
  • shorts,
  • skirts,
  • breeches.

Combine them so that they match in color and style, and then choose sandals, pumps or boots that suit the ensemble. When the costume is complete, look at the options for changing skin color - the fantastic horse will easily change into all the colors of the rainbow.

Friendship is the miracle of Equestria girls, it is also games with music. Go to a disco with your friends and learn to dance with them. When the course is completed, you will demonstrate your acquired skills at a school dance. Well, together with the sweet tooth Pinkie Pie, you will open your own confectionery - a paradise for gourmands and gourmets. There is always plenty of cakes, buns, cream rolls, sweets, pastries, jams, preserves, ice cream and cookies. To make the store more popular, help Pinky sell treats and make a profit from them.

My little pony Equestria girls games are waiting for you, allowing you to play in the most different directions. There is also a quest in which Twilight Sparkle and her friends from Ponyville ended up in Equestria and now they need help completing tasks so that they achieve their intended goal. Another pony girl, Apple Jack, decided to open a salon. Visit her establishment and get yourself in order to become even more beautiful and attractive. Even young skin needs special care, and you will learn about the rules for creating a style in the corresponding self-care game.