What are the names of all the characters from mortal kombat. Hit of the season

The history of deadly tournaments in the Mortal Kombat universe goes back more than a thousand years. For players, the most famous of them is the one in which the Shaolin monk Liu Kang interrupted the series of victories of the Outer World, thus preventing the invasion. However, events then took on a completely different character, which is why the tournament was unclaimed. In Mortal Kombat X, the plot began twenty years after those events. Not all the fighters survived, and some were enslaved in the Underworld by the warlock Quan Chi. But the past years have also given rise to new heroes - some have taken the path of protecting the Earth, while others are helping the Outer World. Be that as it may, fighting game fans have plenty to choose from. The authors of the gaming section voted for the five best Mortal Kombat X fighters.

5th place: Milina

Essentially, Mileena is a clone of Princess Kitana, only diluted with Tarkatan blood. Once the ruler of the Outer World, Shao Kahn, realized that he could not count on the loyalty of his adopted daughter Kitana. Then he ordered the sorcerer Shang Tsung to make a replacement for him - a daughter worthy of inheriting his throne. The sorcerer mixed Tarkatan DNA with genetic material stolen from the princess. This is how Mileena was born, whose distinctive external feature was sharp, protruding teeth, like those of the Tarkatans. She turned out to be bloodthirsty and evil, but at the same time she had the combat skill and experience of the Edenians, Kitana's race. When Raiden killed Shao Kahn, Mileena took the throne of Outer World.

In Mortal Kombat X, she refused to march with the Earthrealm army to repel the Underworld's attack and was deposed. The player witnesses Mileena leading a rebellion against the usurper Kotal Kahn, commanding the Tarkatans and teaming up with other fighters, as well as enlisting the help of the Earth mercenary Kano. However, she can stand up for herself, and her fighting abilities should not be underestimated. Milina combines the grace of a silent killer and the ferocity of a Tarkatan, as well as the strength and agility of an Edenian. She can move instantly, falling on enemies from above. And if she manages to get close enough, she will not miss the opportunity to bite the enemy with terrible Tarkatan teeth. In addition, Mileena is excellent with sai.

4th place: Kung Lao

Kung Lao is a Shaolin monk and descendant of the Great Kung Lao, who was once the first mortal to defeat the sorcerer Shang Tsung in the Mortal Kombat tournament. However, then he lost to the four-armed Goro. Unlike his famous ancestor, Kung Lao is not so skilled in martial arts, but when a new threat loomed over the Earth, he secretly joined the deadly tournament. And I was able to prove myself. Kung Lao defeated several opponents, but misfortune awaited him. Emperor Shao Kahn broke his neck, and the warlock Quan Chi enslaved his soul.

Kung Lao doesn't play a major role in Mortal Kombat X. Like a puppet, he is controlled by Quan Chi, setting him against former friends and comrades. He appears several times in the story and also fights with the player, but that's all. Unlike Scorpion and Sub-Zero, Kung Lao has not yet been brought back to life. And he is a formidable opponent - he has the martial art of the Shaolin monks, is fast and dexterous, uses a hat with sharp edges, which he sometimes uses for finishing moves.

3rd place: Ermak

Ermak is the souls of thousands of warriors who died when Emperor Shao Kahn conquered Edenia. Using black magic, he created Ermak and he became his reliable servant and ally. In general, in the Mortal Kombat series, Ermak appeared in a strange way - due to an error in the first part, when Scorpion suddenly turned red, and his name was replaced by an error message: “Error Macro” (which later transformed into “Ermac”) . There were many different rumors, but in the second part the developers did not add any Ermac; he appeared only in “Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3”. When Shao Kahn was defeated, Ermak remained loyal to the emperors of Outworld - first he served the rightful heir Mileena, and then supported the usurper Kotal Kahn.

In Mortal Kombat X, we see Ermac's key role in putting down the uprising. He is a serious opponent, since he is not a person at all. Ermak has the ability to telekinesis and can travel to other realities. On the battlefield, he unleashes bolts of energy on the enemy, and can teleport, levitate and immobilize the enemy. He also uses telekinesis during X-Ray, when he lifts a fighter into the air and hits his head on the ground, and Fatality: in one case, he tears off his head from a distance, in another, he pulls out the intestines from the mouth. Despite some apparent slowness, Ermak remains quite agile and fast.

2nd place: Sub-Zero

The story of Sub-Zero is full of events and life's ups and downs. Initially, the name Sub-Zero was given to the older brother of the fighter we see in MKX, Bi Han. Together with Kuai Lien (the current Sub-Zero), he loyally served the Lin Kui clan, but was killed by Scorpion at the Mortal Kombat tournament. The younger brother set out to take revenge on the killer, took the name Sub-Zero and went to the Outer World. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Lin Kui clan began the Cyber ​​Initiative program, turning fighters into cybernetic ninjas, in their opinion, more effective and devoid of human weaknesses. Kuai Liang was also captured and turned into a cyber Sub-Zero. Fortunately, later the god of thunder Raiden and the defenders of Earthrealm restored his soul, after which Kuai Liang joined them.

However, during the Outworld invasion, Sub-Zero was killed and his soul was enslaved by the Netherworld warlock Quan Chi. As revealed in Mortal Kombat X's backstory, Sub-Zero served the demons during the ensuing war. But then Raiden managed to return him to human form. Then Kuai Liang revived Lin Kui and dedicated himself to protecting the Earth. In MKX we even see him teaching a lesson to new recruits, thus training them. Sub-Zero, as his name implies, has freezing abilities and makes full use of them during battles. He can quickly build up an ice sword or hammer, throw a freezing ball at the enemy, cover himself with an ice barrier, or leave a clone whose touch will freeze the enemy. But even without these tricks, Sub-Zero is a strong opponent, trained within the walls of a once great clan.

1st place: Scorpio

Scorpion's fate is perhaps one of the most tragic in the Mortal Kombat universe. Once upon a time, Hanzo Hasashi (his real name) was a member of the Shirai Ryu clan of assassins, which competed with the Lin Kui (Sub-Zero's clan). One day, the warlock Quan Chi instructed Hanzo to retrieve a map from the Temple of the Elements. As it became known later, he gave the same task to the elder Sub-Zero. The second one emerged victorious from the battle for the map, killing his opponent. However, Hanzo Hasashi did not know that while he was fighting, his family had already been slaughtered. As a result, his soul ended up in the Underworld, where Quan Chi took possession of it, channeling the rage of the newborn Scorpio into the direction he needed. Hanzo was given the opportunity to return and take revenge on Sub-Zero, not knowing that Quan Chi had orchestrated everything. This is how Scorpio found himself drawn into the Mortal Kombat tournament.

And he became a terrifying enemy - a ghost warrior endowed with enormous strength and magical abilities. Having killed Sub-Zero at the tournament, Hanzo calmed down a little, but Quan Chi continued to use him for his own purposes. Scorpio later invaded Earthrealm along with the warriors of the Underworld. In the backstory of Mortal Kombat X, Raiden managed to rid Hanzo of the evil spell, after which he returned to a more or less calm life. So, at the request of Kenshi’s friend, he undertook to train his son Takeda. Scorpio himself in the game is a fairly easy fighter to master, but this makes him no less dangerous and, perhaps, the most popular. In his arsenal there are many tricks that can discourage the enemy - the famous throwing harpoon, as well as hellfire and demons in other variations. In addition, Scorpio can teleport, although even without all this he is an excellent fighter and can fend for himself in hand-to-hand combat.

Nowadays there is hardly a person who has never heard of the Mortal Kombat series - this fighting game is rightfully legendary, since it has existed for quite a long time, but during this time it has not lost a drop of relevance. This is a whole universe with its own history, its own characters and the relationships between them. There are computer games, films, animated series, and books, the events of which take place with the same characters. But, naturally, the most popular are computer games, which began to be published quite a long time ago. In 1992, gamers got acquainted with the first part, which instantly captivated absolutely everyone. Many years have passed since then, the games in the series have constantly improved, becoming better graphically, more thoughtfully physical, and also more diverse in terms of both characters and combat techniques that they can use.

The next part will be released in 2015, which promises to be even brighter and more impressive. And it will be called Mortal Kombat X. Its characters have not yet been fully determined, but there is already some information that lifts the veil of secrecy. The title of the game includes the letter X, which implies the Roman numeral ten, but it still reads like a letter. Moreover, it is worth noting that there are already more than ten games in the series - it’s just that some of them are not numbered and are located between other parts.

At the moment, not much is known about this game - the plot, some locations where battles will take place, and, of course, several Mortal Kombat X heroes. The characters are the most interesting thing, so talking about them should be postponed until later . Now we will talk about the plot of the upcoming game. The first announcement of this part of the series was made in April 2014, and since then the project has been surrounded by new rumors. For example, it became known that the events of this game will take place within twenty-five years from the end of the previous one. Even this information mostly refers to the characters that will be introduced. The fact is that this is a fairly large time period, so in the game you will meet both old and beloved heroes, as well as new ones that you have not yet seen in any of the previous games. This will be the main difference between Mortal Kombat X. The characters will become much older, and some will no longer exist at all. But you will be able to get acquainted with other heroes, for example, the descendants of previous characters. Therefore, you definitely won’t be bored. In addition, before the release of the game itself, perhaps some more intriguing information will appear.

Innovations in the game

In Mortal Kombat X, characters will be of primary importance as they begin to tell a whole new story. But there will be other interesting innovations that have not previously been seen in any of the games. For example, it is worth noting the increased interactivity of the environment. Previously, only in some games it was possible to find a single object that could be used during the battle. As for this episode of the game, here in each of the locations there will be a set of objects with which the player can interact. As in previous parts of the game, you will find objects here with which you can influence your opponent to cause damage. But if previously it was just a banal gray stone, now it will be something special - in the forest, say, it will be a branch, and in the market it will be a person from the crowd. Separately, it is worth noting the fact that objects will appear on the screen from which you can push off. For example, in the same forest you can push off from a tree trunk to speed up, and in one of the other locations you will find one that can be used to increase the height of your jump. In this regard, Mortal Kombat X offers fans of fighting games new opportunities and ways to achieve victories.


The first character who appeared at the announcement of the new game in the series was Scorpio. For this hero, age does not matter, so his appearance in Mortal Kombat X was expected without question. After all, the original Scorpio was killed quite a long time ago, since then he has acted as a ghost who was reborn in the Underworld and is always on the side of the forces of evil. As before, he confronts another ninja, whose name is Sub-Zero - he was also present in all episodes of the game, but is not a ghost. As before, Scorpio uses snakes flying from his hands to hit his opponent and pull him towards him, but in addition he has a fairly wide range of abilities that he can successfully use in the fight against the enemy. Naturally, it is not yet known what capabilities X will have. But what the first trailer shows gamers inspires great hope.


One of the most colorful characters in the series will appear in the new game Mortal Kombat X. Players were able to learn about this from the first trailer, which demonstrated the confrontation between two sworn enemies - Scorpion and Sub-Zero. For the first time in the series, this character was completely different - he had the same powers, but was the older brother. Quite quickly he was destroyed by Scorpio, which is why the younger brother appears in almost all subsequent games in the series. As before, Sub-Zero's main moves and abilities are based on handling ice. He can freeze his opponent, throw blocks at them, create an ice copy of himself, and so on. He was later turned into a cyborg to reduce the chances of Scorpio killing him, like his older brother. As a result, the Sub-Zero storyline is quite confusing, and even the above trailer does not tell exactly who is hiding behind the Sub-Zero mask in Mortal Kombat X. Perhaps some light will be shed on this in the near future, or maybe this will be one of those riddles that gamers will have to solve on their own as they progress through the game.

Di Vora

Judging by the first trailer for Mortal Kombat X, it may seem that only old characters will be present in the game, since those who fans of the series have already seen, and more than once, are fighting there. But in fact, the next presentation of this game revealed the fact that there will be quite a few new heroes in this episode. First among them is Di Vora, who is not just unusual, she is amazing. The fact is that she is a representative of a race that has not previously existed in the MK universe - insect people. For battles, she uses insects, in particular bees, and does it very effectively. Unfortunately, there is very little information available about her and her race, so users will have to wait before they learn more details about this heroine of Mortal Kombat X. The characters, whose images have already spread across the Internet, will appear in the new episode " Mortal Kombat." And it will be an impressive debut.

Ferra and Torr

Naturally, Di Vora is not the only newcomer to the game. Mortal Kombat X's characters, who have not previously appeared in the series, are not yet very diverse. But the fact that four new heroes have already been announced raises hopes that there may be even more to come. Only fans of the series hope that this will not be done to the detriment of old and beloved characters. So, the next hero, or rather, a team of heroes, is Ferra and Torr. Torr is a huge giant who has incredible power. On his neck sits a dwarf named Ferra, who commands him during the battle, and can also help him in battle with blows of daggers. They also have a rather original move - Torr can throw Ferroy at the enemy, which is also impressive. Who these two are, how they are connected, why they are in the new episode of the game is a mystery that still remains unresolved. But it's nice that in Mortal Kombat X the list of characters is growing and not remaining the same.

Kotal Kahn

Kotal Kahn will most likely be of great importance. As it became known, he is the new ruler of the Outer World, the successor of Shao Kahn. Of course, all of the new characters in Mortal Kombat X play important roles, but Kotal Kahn is still one of the most significant, as he replaces the main villain of the previous games. Many fans have decided that Kotal Kahn is the son of Shao Kahn, but in fact this is not the case at all. Here Kan is just a title, and there are no family ties between these two characters. Little is known about this hero yet, except that he has quite impressive dimensions, an unusual skin color and Indian elements of clothing. These are the interesting characters in Mortal Kombat X. Fans have already installed wallpapers with them on their desktops for a long time, and now they live in anticipation of new information about the upcoming game.

Cassie Cage

The Mortal Kombat series, of course, is not without romantic lines. From the first episodes it became clear that Sonya Blade was destined to be together. In Mortal Kombat X, the characters Kotal Kahn and Cassie Cage are the ones who have some connection to previous heroes in the series. But if Kotal is only the heir of Shao Kahn without blood relationship, then Cassie is the daughter of Johnny and Sonya. This implies that this character's fighting style includes advanced techniques from both Cage and Blade. Unfortunately, Cassie's story is still unknown, as is the purpose of her introduction into the new game. As you can see, there are even such characters in Mortal Kombat X.

Smoke, however, has not yet been announced. Although, undoubtedly, it is one of the favorites of many gamers. Therefore, now it’s worth talking about those characters who have already been announced for the new game, but this will not be their debut.


Raiden is the god of thunder, who is known to all fans of the series from the very first episode. He is skilled in both martial arts and lightning, which cause serious damage to opponents. Naturally, he has changed quite a lot in appearance, like many others in Mortal Kombat X. The characters, photos of which can already be found on various resources, are very different from how they looked in the first games in the series. Naturally, the answer here is very simple. Still, twenty-five years is a long time. Therefore, it will be even more interesting to watch old characters in the new game.


It also became known that in the new episode of MK gamers will meet one of the villains who has appeared in almost all games - Kano. This is a former criminal who lost his eye and part of his face, replacing them with technological implants. He is the sworn enemy of Sonya Blade, as well as her partner Jax, who caused such damage to him. Over time, Kano became more and more powerful, being a mercenary of Shao Kahn. And for the money he receives, he will diligently improve his implants.


Prince Goro is one of the most famous characters in the series. He is huge in size and has four arms, making him an incredibly dangerous opponent. That is why in the very first game of the series he was not a playable character, but was the main boss with whom everyone had to fight in arcade mode. And this was a real test. Since then, Goro has become a playable hero, and all fans of the series can try the power of his four arms - the same opportunity will be available to those who play Mortal Kombat X in 2015. But he is a bonus hero, so you'll have to pre-order the game to get your hands on him.

Quan Chi

Quan Chi is one of the most powerful sorcerers in the entire universe. It was not available until the fourth part of the series, but since its introduction it has become one of the most popular and in demand. He is Shao Kahn's advisor, but this character most likely will not appear in the new game, so we can only guess what role the developers will assign to him. Considering the presence in the game of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, who became ghosts thanks to him, the plot may take an unexpected turn. In any case, there is no information yet about all the characters in the game, so all that remains is to wait for news and its release itself.

Back in 1992, children flocked to the slot machines to spend their pocket money on one single game: Mortal Kombat. The level of violence in games established by this fighting game outraged many with its cruelty. Nevertheless, the crowds at the slot machines did not thin out; the game itself was very well made.

As of 2017, Mortal Kombat remains one of the most brutal franchises in arcade history. A dozen sequels and several branches from the main plot suggest that Mortal Kombat will exist for a long time.

The idea of ​​the game is very simple. The action takes place in a fictional universe in which there are 18 opposing worlds created by the Elder Gods. Earth is one of them. There is enough good and evil in the worlds, and their worst representatives strive to seize the kingdoms of their neighbors. To make the situation fair, the Elder Gods decided that one world could only conquer the other by defeating the defending world's greatest heroes in ten consecutive contests. This is how “Mortal Kombat” arose - a platform for such fights.

Each world has its own powerful champions, and we meet them in the game. But despite all their strength, some of them are still inferior to others by Mortal Kombat standards. And here are the 8 strongest and 7 weakest characters in the game.

15. Strongest: Ermak

It's funny, but its appearance is due to a glitch in the original version of the game. Since then, he has become one of the strongest characters. And when the creators came up with their own story for the animated glitch, its power increased tenfold.

Ermak is an entity that has absorbed countless souls of those killed in the battles of the Outer World. That is why he speaks of himself as “we” and “our”, and not “I” and “mine”. These souls provided Ermak with the ability to telekinesis, which well complemented his own teleportation skills and ability to travel between worlds. Ermak also owes the increase in his strength to the spirit of Shao Kahn that has now poured into him.

14. Weakest: Striker

Curtis Stryker you don't have to be afraid, especially if you have otherworldly powers at your disposal, like most Mortal Kombat characters. Stryker is one of the heroes - people called upon to protect the Earth Kingdom from those who want to attack it. To fight demons and other evil spirits, he must be provided with special equipment. Overall, he is still a weak character.

Stryker is a police officer, which gives him the ability to use weapons such as a police baton, grenades and pistols in battles. And although this would be fatal for ordinary people, it is worth recognizing the fact that firearms and explosives may well not work against monsters like Goro and Onaga. Stryker can hold his own against other human Mortal Kombat characters, but to defeat Shao Kahn, Kano, Kintaro and the like, he'll need an incredible amount of luck for himself and a streak of bad luck for the bad guys.

13. Strongest: Kotal Kahn

- the main negative character of the game, since Shao Kahn went to his forefathers in the ninth part of Mortal Kombat. After the death of the ruler of the Outer World, someone had to take his place, and this role went to the new character of the game Kotal Kahn. The fact that the Mayans worshiped Kotal Kan as the god of war speaks volumes about his power.

In battle, Kotal Kahn could rival his predecessor. He can use the power of the Sun to attack, but his main advantage is the power and speed of his strike. Kotal Kahn is not as cruel as Shao Kahn, he prefers peace to war and would like to restore peace to Outworld. But it would be a mistake to ignore Kotal Kahn's dark side: he can be very rude at times.

12. Weakest: Hsu Hao

Other than the unpronounceable name, there's not much to brag about. He is nothing more than an evil Mongolian fighter who loves to wreak havoc. The main distinguishing feature of the character is a huge red pulsating cybernetic machine that serves as his heart - an excellent target for Mortal Kombat warriors.

The implant on this character's chest is capable of firing a laser beam, but I think once he dodges the first attack and gets to his weak spot, it will all be over for Hsu Hao. He is a powerful fighter thanks to the fact that his cybernetic heart adds strength to him. But it's hard to ignore the fact that his weak spot is so exposed, because it gives the rest of the Mortal Kombat heroes an opportunity to kill him with just a few punches to the chest.

11. Strongest: Scorpio

Hanzo Hasashi, better known as , can be called the calling card of “Mortal Kombat”. This is the most popular character, and along with Raiden and Sub-Zero, he appears in all editions of the game. He is also one of the most powerful heroes in the franchise. It's understandable why creators are so eager to use this image again and again.

Without the mask, Scorpio's head is a flaming skull. This flame is called “the fire of the underworld,” and you will not envy those whom it touches. Scorpio himself is not threatened by the flame, so he uses it to cause pain to others. In addition to being a pro at hand-to-hand combat, Scorpio also has several special abilities, including teleportation, the ability to throw fireballs and a variety of uses of the fire of the underworld. Perhaps his most popular move is his harpoon attack, during which he emits the most memorable cry in gaming history: “Come here!”

10. Weakest: Cobra

At first glance it looks a lot like Master Ken from Street Fighter. Ever wonder why he looks like a copy of Ryu's buddy? Yes, because that's who he is. Previously, when the sixth part of Mortal Kombat was created, Cobra's name was Ken. Perhaps the developers took pity on Cobra and changed his name so that the character would have at least some distinctive feature. The fact that Cobra is a very weak fighter did not improve the situation one bit.

Cobra is a ruthless martial artist, but that's all that can be said about him. Like most of the weak characters on this list, Cobra would be a real threat to ordinary people, but almost all of the Mortal Kombat warriors are able to squash him like a bug. True, it is worth admitting that he has several really cool fighting techniques, the best of which is the “burning fist”. The rest of his attacks are based on what you would see in any martial arts movie.

9. Strongest: Onaga

is one of the underrated characters in Mortal Kombat, but that doesn't make him any weaker. He was the ruler of Outworld until Shao Kahn usurped power. One of his titles, the Dragon King, speaks of his power. Quite a few players spent a lot of time trying to defeat Onaga in the finale of Mortal Kombat Deception, which was very difficult to do. Besides the fact that he looks really cool, Onaga is also one of the most powerful characters in the game's legend.

Many Mortal Kombat heroes consider Onaga to be the sole legitimate ruler of the Underworld - and for good reason. If not for Shao Kahn's betrayal, Onaga would still occupy his rightful place on the throne. Onaga is a dragon, and by nature he can breathe fire at his enemies. Add to this the terrifying wings - and no one escapes death.

8. Weakest: Nightwolf

The guys from Netherrealm Studios managed to create one of the most famous gaming images of American Indians - and this. This very prominent character appears in a number of games in the series. However, few would call Nightwolf their favorite hero: his attacks and special abilities are too ordinary, so Nightwolf is often ignored.

Nightwolf can use mental energy in a variety of ways, such as using it to create a bow, arrows, and even tomahawks. But still, Night Wolf is a weak character, and players prefer not to bother with him. And the incredibly boring way he finishes off his opponent does not add to his popularity. Perhaps Nightwolf's only strong point is that he is the most technically savvy character in the game.

7. Strongest: Shao Kahn

No character is more terrifying than the conqueror of worlds. Powerful muscles and a skull-shaped helmet make his opponents tremble, and it’s hard to blame them for that. Shao Kahn's huge hammer is also terrifying. The outside matches the inside: behind the terrifying appearance lies an even more terrifying power.

The MoviePilot website claims that Shao Kahn is known for god-like strength equal to, if not greater than, that of Raiden, the god of thunder. He is also characterized by heartlessness, cruelty, ferocity in battle and the desire to carry out the death penalty personally. In addition, Shao Kahn can absorb souls. He terrorized other worlds for many years, and if not for the defenders of Earthrealm, Shao Kahn would have already taken over the universe.

6. Weakest: Meat

As its name suggests, it is a huge piece of meat. To his credit, at first glance he is intimidating. This is a creature without skin, and it is precisely because of this that it is initially very vulnerable. For many characters in the game, it will not be difficult to fry Meat by simply throwing a couple of fireballs at it.

In fact, Meat is an escaped result of Shang Tsung's experiment and has no special abilities. In battle, Meat uses his all-too-unique body to launch a series of nasty attacks. One of the moves in his arsenal allows Meat to tear off his own head and throw it at his opponent. He can spread out into a pool of blood and guts to teleport to another location, and the ability to tear out his eye and then put it back gives him the ability to partially restore his health.

5. Strongest: Sub-Zero

- The male counterpart of Elsa from Arendelle in the Mortal Kombat universe. He appeared in the very first game in the series and has been present in every sequel since then. Sub-Zero is a ninja who wields the power of ice. Sub-Zero is not one person; several characters in the franchise have had this name, but they are all equally deadly.

In the hands of a good player, Sub-Zero is virtually invincible. Some of his attacks can freeze the enemy for several seconds, and this is a good chance for Sub-Zero to win a clear victory. In addition to turning opponents into ice statues, Sub-Zero's abilities include creating clones of himself and teleportation. He is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the game, so fans of the new parody song about him should think twice before showing off their singing talents in front of him.

4. Weakest: Bo Rai Cho

The Mortal Kombat universe is filled with characters skilled in various types of martial arts. Not without the “drunk fist” style performed. At first glance, Bo Rai Cho is not suitable for a fight in Mortal Kombat at all. He's just a drunk, capable of a few punches and kicks to solve his problems. And when it comes to strength in general, Bo Rai Cho is not someone you should rely on.

In battle, Bo Rai Cho can demonstrate many tricks to confuse the enemy, one of them is vomiting at the opponent's feet. He was drunk during the fight, remember? He also uses his beer belly to hit either an opponent or the ground, causing an earthquake. His place is in a bar, not an arena, so Bo Rai Cho is lucky to still be alive.

3. Strongest: Liu Kang

When the guys from the Underworld cause problems for the Earth Kingdom, the only one you can count on is . Come to think of it, he doesn't come across as intimidating as the other characters in the game. He is not a cyborg, not a ninja, and has no special abilities. He's just so good at martial arts that he's saved the Earth four times already, from the first Mortal Kombat to the fourth.

Although it was not easy, Liu Kang was able to defeat such fighters as Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Goro and many others. Unfortunately, he was killed by Shinnok and Shang Tsung in Deadly Alliance, but returned as a zombie in later parts of the game. In Mortal Kombat X, he becomes one of those who fight against the heroes of Earth, so that the latter are forced to confront their former ally.

2. Weakest: Mockup

And why do all fighting game developers strive to insert a comic character into the game? In Mortal Kombat, it's none other than . It doesn't take a genius to understand what Mockup is. This dude in a spandex motion capture suit with balls found himself in one of the most dangerous fights to ever happen. Actually, the character owes the name Mocap (from the English “motion capture” - motion capture) to this costume.

The worst part is that Mocap is not just a symbolic character. He is an important person in the legend of the game. In all likelihood, he is stronger than an ordinary person, since he is well versed in various fighting styles, but that’s all. The mocap cannot boast of possessing magic or supernatural skills. And he becomes a participant in fights and in general events of the game, simply by finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

1. Strongest: Raiden

No true Mortal Kombat fan will be surprised to see it on our list. Any selection of the heroes of this game cannot do without him, not to mention the list of the strongest. For those who don't know, Raiden is the legendary god of thunder in the Mortal Kombat universe, and as one of the deities of the franchise, he's clearly capable of more than just throwing some lightning bolts.

Throughout the series of games, Raiden demonstrates a range of impressive abilities. Many characters in the game have ever come face to face with Raiden - and suffered an inglorious defeat at the hands of the god of thunder. And an impressive variety of skills helps Raiden, even on the verge of defeat, turn the situation in his favor.

In the ninth installment of Mortal Kombat, Raiden speaks with his past incarnation to prevent the events of Mortal Kombat Armageddon. There is more to Raiden than meets the eye, and he is quite capable of shocking acts.

As you know, history is written by the winners, so my new post about the universe Mortal Kombat I decided to dedicate it to the characters of this fighting game series. Over almost ten years, there have been about a hundred of them, so I will only focus on some of the main characters, most of whom will appear in the new Mortal Kombat, and also say a few words about the factions to which they belong.

Worlds and realities

The first fundamental division to exist in the universe Mortal Kombat, is a division into realities or worlds. However, this was not always the case. Plot Mortal Kombat: Deception says: at the beginning of time there was only The One Being and The Elder Gods. During the conflict between them, victory was on the side of the Elder Gods, and the One Essence was divided into six parts, for each of which a special artifact was created - Kamidogu. According to legend, if all Kamidogu are united again, then the worlds will merge into one (which actually practically happened in the finale Mortal Kombat: Deception).


One of the realities formed during the division of the Single Essence was called the Outer World. For thousands of years it was ruled Dragon King Onaga(Dragon King Onaga). With his iron fist, he conquered and united most of the known worlds. However, when literally one step separated him from the coveted immortality and omnipotence, advisor Onaga appeared on the stage - Shao Kahn(Shao Khan). He poisoned the Dragon King and took his place. However, this did not change the general line of the party - the warriors of the Outer World continued to annex more and more worlds to the Empire. Until the moment the emperor's gaze fell on Earth.

Earth (Earthrealm)

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Despite its relatively small size, the Earth has always occupied one of the most important places in the universe of the Elder Gods. “The Pearl of Space”, a concentration of great forces - it has always been a tasty morsel for invaders from the Outer World.

The God of Thunder has been the protector of the Earth since ancient times. Raiden(Raiden). It was at his request that the Elder Gods organized the first Mortal Kombat tournament and decreed that the warriors of the Outer World must win ten times in a row. Twice in the history of Mortal Kombat the entire population of the Earth was destroyed - the first time during the war between Raiden and Shinnok, and the second time during the expansion of Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat 3).


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

The complete opposite of Earth is the Nether, the third reality of the Mortal Kombat universe. This is a world of volcanoes and fiery wastelands, inhabited by evil demons and monsters. If hell exists, it is in the Lower World. But in the Mortal Kombat universe, the Nether is also a prison, not only for souls convicted of crimes, but also for villains on a universal scale. At different times, the Dragon King Onaga and the exiled god Shinnok languished there, the necromancer Quan Chi hid there and Sub-Zero wandered.


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Where there is hell, there must be heaven. And it's called Edenia. For thousands of years, this blessed place was home to millions of Edenians and flourished under the guidance of a wise queen Sindel(Sindel) and her princess daughters Kitans(Kitana). However, all this came to an end when Shao Kahn came to Edenia.

Ten thousand years ago, the fighters of Edenia lost ten tournaments in a row, and Shao Kahn gained power over this world. By killing the king Jerrod(Jerrod), he forced Sindel to become his wife, and named Kitana his adopted daughter. God protector of Edenia Argus(Argus) was unable to protect his world, but his wife Delia(Delia) - a sorceress and seer - predicted that the Mortal Kombat tournaments and Shao Kahn's conquests would ultimately lead to Armageddon. She put her sons Taiven and Daegon into a magical sleep so that they could prevent the end of the world in the distant future.

World of Order (Orderrealm) and World of Chaos (Chaosrealm)

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Two more Mortal Kombat worlds are mentioned in the games only indirectly - as the birthplace of some fighters, for example, Hotaru(Hotaru) or Darrius(Darrius). As the name suggests, one of the realities is the embodiment of order and correctness, while the other is a realm of chaos and anarchy.

Two sides of the conflict

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe
Forces of Light
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon clearly divides all the characters in the universe into two parts - the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness, who faced each other in a great battle in Edenia.
  • Ashra(Ashrah) - a demon of the Lower World in the guise of a beautiful young woman.
  • Bo'Rai Cho(Bo" Rai Cho) - legendary martial artist, teacher of Liu Kang and Kung Lao.
  • Ermak(Ermac) is a mysterious ninja created by Shao Kahn from the many souls of defeated warriors.
  • Jade(Jade) - Edenian warrior and close friend of Princess Kitana.
  • Jax(Jax) is a semi-cybernetic professional soldier and assistant to Sonya Blade.
  • Johnny Cage(Johnny Cage) - Hollywood star and martial artist.
  • Kenshi(Kenshi) is a blind swordsman who managed to develop his senses so much that he became one of the fighters of Sonya Blade's squad.
  • Kitana(Kitana) - Princess of Edenia, long considered the daughter of Shao Kahn and formerly his personal assassin.
  • Li Mei(Li Mei) is a warrior from Outworld and Shujinko's student.
  • Night wolf(Nightwolf) - a warrior-shaman with an amazing connection with spirits.
  • Sarina(Sareena) - a demon from the Lower World who fights against Quan Chi.
  • Sindel(Sindel) - Queen of Edenia and mother of Princess Kitana.
  • Sonya Blade(Sonya Blade) - Lieutenant of the US Army Special Forces.
  • Striker(Stryker) - NYPD officer.
Forces of Darkness
All negative and neutral characters in the Mortal Kombat universe can be united under the pathetic name “Forces of Evil.”
  • Baraka(Baraka) - Tarkatan general, commander of Shao Kahn's army.
  • Dairo(Dairou) - Seidan warrior and one of the guards of Seido or World of Order
  • Darrius(Darrius) - a Seidan who rebelled against the very essence of the World of Order.
  • Frost(Frost) is a cryomancer girl and student of Sub-Zero the Younger.
  • Hawick(Havik) - resident of the World of Chaos, ally of Darrius.
  • Hotaru(Hotaru) - General Seido, World of Order.
  • Su Hao(Hsu Hao) - Mongol warrior, ally of Daegon and Shinnok.
  • Jarek(Jarek) - student and follower of Kano.
  • Cabal(Kabal) - an earthling, forever disfigured after a clash with Shao Kahn's punitive squad.
  • Kano(Kano) is a mercenary and criminal who is being hunted by Sonya Blade and Jax.
  • Kintaro(Kintaro) is a Shokan warrior serving Shao Kahn along with Goro and Shiva.
  • Kira(Kira) - an ally of the Cabal, who, before meeting him, was engaged in supplying weapons to terrorists.
  • Cobra(Kobra) - Another Cabal ally.
  • Mavado(Mavado) - companion and one of Daegon's main allies.
  • Milina(Mileena) - a clone created by Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn, from the blood of Princess Kitana and the flesh of Tarkatan warriors.
  • Nitara(Nitara) is a winged vampire who wants to create her own world.
  • Onaga(Onaga) - The Dragon King and the first emperor of Outworld, overthrown by Shao Kahn.
  • Quan Chi(Quan Chi) is a sorcerer and necromancer seeking world domination.
  • Rhine(Rain) - a warrior from ancient Edenia, brother of Taiven and Daegon.
  • Reiko(Reiko) - a general serving Shinnok and Shao Kahn.
  • Reptile(Reptile) - one of the last representatives of the race that once inhabited the Earth; humanoid lizard.
  • Shang Tsung(Shang Tsung) is a powerful sorcerer and first assistant to the Emperor of the Outer World, Shao Kahn.
  • Shao Kahn(Shao Kahn) - conqueror and emperor of the Outer World, who betrayed and poisoned his predecessor, the Dragon King Onaga.
  • Shiva(Sheeva) - bodyguard of Queen Sindel from the Shokan race.
  • Tanya(Tanya) - Edenian warrior, sorceress and diplomat; Jade's rival.

Featured factions and characters

Elder Gods

Lords of destinies and makers of history - Elder gods - the most ancient and powerful force in Mortal Kombat. It was they who divided the universe into separate realities and established the Mortal Kombat tournament. Unlike lesser gods such as Raiden or Fujin, Elder Gods are rarely mere mortals. Huge shadows, ghostly faces and even a flaming dragon, which became the logo of “Mortal Kombat” - all these are the faces of the Elder Gods.

Only once did the Elder Gods directly intervene in the events taking place - during the period of Mortal Kombat: Deception, they recognized Scorpio as their Champion, and entrusted him with the mission of destroying the resurrected Dragon King Onaga.


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Age: Immortal

Race: God

Reality: Nether world

Reality: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero

The God of Thunder and protector of the Earth, Raiden is one of the main characters in the Mortal Kombat series. It was at his request that the Elder Gods ordered the Mortal Kombat tournaments to be held.

For the first time, Raiden had to defend his world long before the war with Shao Kahn, when his world was attacked by the apostate god Shinnok. With the support of the Elder Gods, Raiden was victorious, but life on the planet was almost destroyed. Shinnok was imprisoned in the Lower World, and his amulet was buried in a temple in the mountains of Nepal under the protection of four minor gods - wind, water, fire and earth.

Time after time, Raiden helped the warriors of the Earth and defended his world from invaders. When Shao Kahn's army nevertheless invaded the Earth (Mortal Kombat 3), Raiden abandoned his power and divine essence and fought with enemies in his mortal incarnation. Such valor could not go unnoticed - the victorious god of thunder received a ticket to the pantheon of the Elder Gods. However, when the exiled god Shinnok and the necromancer Quan Chi teamed up to take over the Earth, and the Elder Gods refused to help, Raiden again abandoned his status, and, enlisting the support of his old enemy Shang Tsung, went to Outworld to fight the forces evil. And finally, in a fight with Emperor Onaga, Raiden sacrificed himself, putting all his divine power into a crushing blow. However, the Dragon King turned out to be “raid-resistant,” but the God of Thunder successfully glued his fins together in order to then once again be reborn on Earth. However, the past was not in vain, and Raiden, frankly speaking, went a little crazy - he tried to kill Shujinko, the last hope for victory over Onaga, and then resurrected Liu Kang, who had died earlier, as a zombie. Finally, before the fight with Taiven, Raiden entered into an agreement with Shao Kahn and promised him help in capturing all the other worlds of the universe, except Earth.

His moment of enlightenment occurs only before his death at the hands of Shao Kahn. Using Shinnok's amulet, the god of thunder, in an attempt to change history, sends a mental warning message to himself in the past. What comes of this can be found out in Mortal Kombat 2011. Raiden also created the White Lotus Society, a community that included many of the defenders of the Earth.


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Age: Immortal

Race: God

Reality: Earth

Reality: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero

Game character: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

Non-player character: Mortal Kombat 2011

God of the wind and Raiden's longtime assistant, Fujin has long been one of the guards of Shinnok's Amulet. In his ending to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Fujin defeats Blaze, after which his power increases many times over, and creates new worlds from the fragments of the universe destroyed by Shao Kahn.

"White Lotus" (White Lotus Society)
The White Lotus was founded by the thunder god Raiden. Many of the Earth's defenders belonged to this organization.

Liu Kang

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Age: 24 years old (at the time of MK1)

Race: Human (zombie in Mortal Kombat: Deception and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon)

Reality: Earth

Non-player character: Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

Liu Kang is one of the central characters of the Mortal Kombat series, a Shaolin monk and champion of the Earth, who more than once saves it from death. Orphaned at an early age, Liu Kang was raised in the Shaolin Temple in China. Almost from birth, the monks trained him in the technique of the Great Kun Lao - the first champion of the Earth. The young warrior eventually achieved outstanding success in the study of martial arts and attracted the attention of the god Raiden, who chose him as one of the representatives of the Earth in the Mortal Kombat tournament.

Liu Kang lived up to Raiden's hopes and became the champion of the tournament, defeating Shang Tsung and Goro. He also accompanied the God of Thunder to the outside world during the events of Mortal Kombat II, and then, upon returning to Earth, founded a new school of Shaolin, where he began to raise and train a new generation of warrior monks.

Up until Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Liu Kang was undefeated. And only a vile attack from the Deadly Alliance of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung put an end to his glorious history. However, even after his death, Liu Kang was not destined to find peace. Like the souls of other fighters who were defeated at the hands of Shang Tsung, his soul was absorbed by the sorcerer, and after his death it turned into a free spirit. And the body, buried on Earth, was resurrected by Raiden in the form of a zombie. Only in the finale of Mortal Kombat: Deception were Liu Kang's spirit and body reunited again, largely thanks to the Edenian princess Kitana, with whom Liu Kang had a very warm relationship.

In the finale of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Liu Kang defeats first Blaze and then Raiden himself. After which he takes the place of the god of thunder and himself becomes the guardian of the Earth. However, this ending is not canonical.

Kung Lao

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Age: 24 years old (at the time of MK II)

Race: Human

Reality: Earth

Reality: Mortal Kombat II

Game character: Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat

Non-player character: Mortal Kombat Deception

Another Shaolin monk, Kung Lao, is a friend of Liu Kang and the last heir of the Great Kung Lao, the first Champion of Earth. He was originally supposed to represent Earth instead of Liu Kang, who was chosen after Kung Lao refused.

Up until Mortal Kombat3, Kung Lao supported Liu Kang, but in the battle with Shao Kahn he was very seriously wounded, and his friends believed that he had died.

After the invasion by the Outworld army was repulsed, Kung Lao decided not to return to Earth. He fought against Shinnok's forces, and then it was he who informed Raiden about the death of Liu Kang and the creation of the "Deadly Alliance" of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.

Kung Lao vowed revenge for the murder of his friend. To do this, he trained for some time under the guidance of martial artist and teacher Liu Kang Bo'Rai Cho.

Even though Kung Lao teamed up with Princess Kitana to battle Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, both warriors of light were defeated and died. Kung Lao was subsequently resurrected by the Dragon King Onaga and became his loyal slave, but was freed by the spirit of Liu Kang.

Decades before the events of Mortal Kombat: Deception, a messenger from the Elder Gods, Damashu, appeared to a young warrior named Shujinko. He brought a great mission - to find and collect together six Kamidogu artifacts, each of which symbolized one of the existing realities. He also endowed Shujinko with the ability to adopt the fighting styles of those he met along the way. And finally, aged, but having gained great strength, Shujinko managed to collect all the Kamidogu and unite them in the Nexus - a place between worlds. However, it turned out that the spirit of Damashu that appeared to him was not a messenger from the Elder Gods, but from the first emperor of the Outer World, Onaga. Realizing his mistake, Shujinko, who by that time had become the strongest warrior in the universe, challenged the Dragon King to a duel and won, thereby putting an end to his conquests. In Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Shujinko defeats Blaze, but after that he goes crazy from the power overwhelming him, destroys all the warriors and challenges the Elder Gods themselves to battle.

Lin Kuei
The ancient Chinese clan of warriors and assassins is one of the most famous factions in the Mortal Kombat universe. Warriors of the clan joined its ranks in early childhood, and they could only leave it by dying. The Lin Kuei's mortal enemies were ninjas from the Shirai Ryu clan.

The name of the Lin Kuei in the history of Mortal Kombat is associated primarily with two important points - the story of the Sub-Zero brothers and their feud with Scorpion, as well as the program of turning their soldiers into cyborgs during the events of MK3.

After Sektor killed the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei and then lost in battle to Sub-Zero, the clan's fate changed forever. For the first time in history, the New Master announced that the Lin Kuei warriors would now serve the forces of good.

Sub-Zero the Elder/Noob Saibot (Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot)

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Real name: Bi-Han

Age: 32 years old (at time of death)

Race: Cryomancer

Reality: Earth, Nether, Outer World

Playable character (Sub-Zero): Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 2011

Playable character (Noob Saibot): Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat Advance, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Mortal Kombat: Unchained, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat 2011

Non-player character: Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3

A Lin Kuei warrior named Bi-Han was raised and trained as an assassin from childhood. He was one of the best in the clan, so it was he who was given the mission to steal the legendary amulet of the exiled god Shinnok from their temple by order of the necromancer Quan Chi. During this journey, Sub-Zero kills a ninja named Hanzo Hasashi, also known as Scorpion, from the Shirai Ryu clan, which begins their feud.

During the MK1 tournament, Scorpion, revived by the sorcerer Quan Chi, defeats and kills Sub-Zero the Elder. However, the soul of the Lin Kuei takes on a demonic form in the wastelands of the Lower World and a new name - Noob Saibot. Subsequently, he fights on the side of Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok.


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Real name: Kuai Lien

Age: 32 years old

Race: Cryomancer

Reality: Earth

Reality: Mortal Kombat II

Game character: Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Mortal Kombat: Unchained, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Mortal Kombat 2011

A Lin Kuei clan warrior named Kuai Lien, like his older brother Sub-Zero, has the power to control ice and cold. After Sub-Zero Sr. was killed by Scorpion during the MK1 tournament, Kuai Lien took his name. True, unlike his brother, he always sided with the forces of good.

A strong friendship connects Sub-Zero with another member of the Lin Kuei - Smoke.

In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Sub-Zero becomes the new Grand Master of the Lin Kuei, and this leads to big changes. From this time on, members of the Lin Kuei begin to fight on the side of the forces of good.

The cryomancer girl Frost becomes Sub-Zero's personal assistant and student. At the end of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Sub-Zero also has the chance to return his brother Noob Saibot to the side of light.


Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Factions and heroes of the Mortal Kombat universe

Real name: Thomas Vrbada

Age: 34 years old

Race: Human/Cyborg

Reality: Earth

Reality: Mortal Kombat II

Game character: Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Mortal Kombat: Unchained, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat 2011

Non-player character: Mortal Kombat II

Warrior Lin Kuye and friend of Sub-Zero the Younger. As part of a program to transform the best members of the clan into cyborgs, he would be captured and forcibly turned into a machine. However, in the future, he more than once helped Raiden's followers and the defenders of the Earth, until Noob Saibot reprogrammed him as his assistant.

Sektor became the first member of the Lin Kuei to undergo transformation into a cyborg. After this procedure, his task was to find and kill Sub-Zero, who decided to leave the clan. After several failures, Sektor's program was corrupted and he decided that he must destroy the Lin Kuei Grandmaster. He succeeded, and for some time Sektor himself became the Grand Master, until he was defeated by the same Sub-Zero. After this, Sektor fled to Japan, where he founded his own clan of cybernetic ninjas, the Tekanin.

Cyrax was one of three Lin Kuei warriors transformed into cyborgs, along with Sektor and Smoke. He was also sent to kill Sub-Zero, who wanted to leave the clan, but failed. During the events of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Cyrax was able to regain his humanity and joined the Outworld Research Organization, along with Sonya Blade and Jax. Defeating Blaze in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon allows Cyrax to regain his human form.

Other members: Frost, Sareena, Tremor.

Shirai Ryu
The Japanese ninja clan was founded by one of the Lin Kuei members named Takeda. This was one of the reasons for the irreconcilable rivalry between these clans, which was ended by the fight between Scorpion and Sub-Zero the Elder. A member of the Shirai Ryu was defeated, and the sorcerer Quan Chi, who organized this battle, destroyed all representatives of the clan.

Scorpion, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, Mortal Kombat 2011

Killed at the hands of Sub-Zero the Elder, Hanzo Hasashi was revived by the sorcerer and necromancer Quan Chi in the wastelands of the Nether. From that moment on, Scorpio’s only purpose in existence was revenge on the killer, which he carried out at the MK1 tournament.

Some time later, Scorpio learned that his family and clan were also destroyed. Once again, Quan Chi named Sub-Zero as the culprit. In the next battle, the lord of cold lost, but Scorpio did not kill him. It soon became clear that the true killer of the Shirai Ryu clan was Quan Chi.

In Mortal Kombat: Deception, the Elder Gods made Scorpion their champion and sent him to fight the Dragon King Onaga, in return promising to revive his family and clan. The gods fulfilled their promise, but only partially - the Shirai Ryu returned to life, but became zombie killers. Then Scorpio swore that he would take revenge on the gods for this joke.

Here are descriptions of just some of the heroes inhabiting the Mortal Kombat universe. In the new game in the series, their destinies will change forever.

Outworld) has already won 9 tournaments against the Earthly world. Thus, the fate of the Earthly world depended on the outcome of this tournament.


Johnny Cage

(John Carlton)


Liu Kang



Sub-Zero Sr.



Shang Tsung

Mortal Kombat II (1993)

After Liu Kahn's victory in the first tournament, Shang Tsung was forced to beg Shao Kahn to spare his life. He told Shao Kahn that the invitation to the tournament could not be refused, and if they held the tournament in the Outer World, then the warriors of the Earthly world would be required to appear at it. Shao Kahn agreed to this plan and even restored Shang Tsung's youth.




Meath's history Mortal Kombat: Armageddon says that he is the result of a terrible experiment by Shang Tsung. It escaped from the sorcerer before it was completed. The official strategy guide for the game describes Mith as a joke character who helps Shinnok, although this is not mentioned in the game. At its end in Armageddon he defeated Blaze and gained the ability to change his appearance. Soon he began to use it so often that his own essence was dissolved in the essence of his forms.


Bo Rai Cho

Li Mei



According to the original plan, Dairo was supposed to appear in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance as a bloodthirsty samurai hired to protect the palace, but was not included in the game due to time constraints. For Mortal Kombat: Deception Dairo's image was redesigned: he became an assassin who prefers to get his job done as quickly as possible. Dairo wears leather robes similar to monastic robes and is skilled with swords. His head is adorned with a red tattoo, and his hair is tied back in a ponytail, exposing his high forehead.







During his stay in the World of Order, Hotaru was approached by Lei Chen, asking for help in saving the city. Lei Chen) in the Outer World from the Tarkatan army. In exchange for help, Shujinko joined the guards of the Kingdom of Order. Shujinko and Hotaru and the guards went to Outworld and liberated the city from Baraka's forces, after which Hotaru became the city's governor. Several years later, Shujinko asked him to help stop the Deadly Alliance, but Hotaru accused his former ally of breaking curfew and imprisoned him. Thanks to Shujinko, he managed to escape and fight Hotaru, defeating him. After the awakening of the Dragon King, Hotaru decided that the Outer World, which had been in chaos since he came to power, would change, and Onaga's dictatorship would bring stability to the kingdom. He swore allegiance to the Dragon King, set about suppressing riots and rebellions, and vowed to personally catch, the head of the Lin Kuei clan, who killed a large number of Onaga's warriors. Having fought Sub-Zero, Hotaru lost, but managed to save his life thanks to his cunning. He began pursuing Sub-Zero and who joined him, but he himself, in turn, was pursued by Dairo, who signed a contract to kill him. In Hotaru's ending Mortal Kombat: Armageddon he manages to defeat, and he becomes the very essence of Order. He transforms all kingdoms based on his vision of the principles of law and order, forcing the subjects to bow to him or transforming them. Hotaru also decided that the best way to repay for his crimes would be to transform himself into an agent of Order, and turns a Chaos Cleric into his main assistant.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (2006)



Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (2008)

Dark Kahn

Voice acting:Perry Brown and Patrick Seitz
At the same time, in two worlds, Raiden destroys Shao Kahn by shooting him with lightning when he tried to escape through the portal and Superman destroys the villain Darkseid by shooting him with a laser from his eyes when the villain tried to escape home through a teleporter. Due to the fact that this happens in both worlds at the same time, both villains find themselves fused into a single being - Dark Kahn, who begins to merge the Mortal Kombat and DC Universes.

DC Universe Characters

During the merger of the universes, DC super characters and Mortal Kombat warriors began to fall into a battle rage, forcing them to fight each other. Among the characters from DC comics who ended up in the united universe are the superheroes Superman


Voice acting: Dana Lyn Baron.
Shao Kahn has many warriors under his command, but he trusts exclusively the warriors of his own creation. The blood of warriors, collected from countless battles, merges with witchcraft, creating its most effective creation - Scarlett. An expert in retrieval, she hunts those considered enemies of the empire. In battle, Scarlett gains strength from the blood of her opponent, absorbing it through her skin. Shao Kahn gave her a new task: to find out Quan Chi's true intentions and kill him if he is involved in a conspiracy against the emperor. She uses paired kodachi and kunai. Scarlett has her own ending for the arcade mode in the game (it is not accessible in Necropolis): after defeating Shao Kahn and his death, the warrior realizes that, being bewitched by Quan Chi, she killed her emperor. Having “collected” the blood of Shao Kahn, Scarlett receives enormous power after the battle and goes to the Lower World to take revenge on the sorcerer. She defeats many warriors and gathers their forces, and having finished with Quan Chi, she can only wait for the revival of Shao Kahn.

$ Torch (Russian) Torch) and became the basis for the character, and the warrior in green pants was named Hornbuckle because of the inscription Hornbuckle Who? (rus. Who is Hornbuckle?), sometimes appearing after defeating Shao Kahn. The inscription was added by one of the game's programmers, Lynn Hornbuckle.

Nimbus Terrafaux

Nimbus Terrafaux was rumored to be an unlockable playable kickboxing character in the first Mortal Kombat. It was later revealed to be an April Fool's joke by Electronic Gaming Monthly, although Ed Boon himself initially hinted at the character in an interview with the magazine. The magazine published deliberately false information about the character, including fake screenshots and a fabricated storyline. Nimbus Terrafaux was named the best secret character in the series by Game Revolution magazine in 2003.


Spawn of Shao Kahn. At first it was planned to appear in MK 2011, as a playable character, then as a sub-boss. But due to lack of space, they did not do it. Then they decided to make a mod, with its appearance, but also due to lack of space they did not do it. But then they decided to place his model in the Krypt. You can open his model in the Krypt if you destroy one of the graves from about 1 to 18.

Criticism and reviews of characters


  1. Sareena's Armageddon bio (English). Archived
  2. Mortal Kombat Warehouse: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Sareena (English). Archived from the original on April 29, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2010.