What do we know about the mysterious swami dasha. The star of the “battle of psychics” swami dashi told why he hides his family Peter Smirnov swami dashi for how many years

Swami Dashi (Petr Smirnov)

Psychic Date of birth August 22 (Leo) 1967 (51) Place of birth St. Petersburg Instagram @swami_darshi

The Russian project “Battle of Psychics” has presented hundreds of extraordinary and mysterious participants over 16 seasons. Among them, Swami Dashi looked bright and original. Master of spiritual practices, yogi and mystic who has comprehended the secrets human soul and bodies in India and Tibet, brought his own energy to the program. An army of fans watched his performance without taking their eyes off him. The mysterious participant attracted the attention of the audience with his supernatural powers and the gift of reading people. His victory in season 17 was recognition of the effectiveness of his “Spirit-Soul-Body” system.

Biography of Swami Dasha

For more than 20 years he has been calling himself Swami Dashi. The mystic earned this spiritual name by studying Sufism and spiritual practices for years. Swami is a Hindu honorary title. It is used to contact yoga masters and spiritual mentors. Translated it means “free from feelings.” The real name of the psychic is Peter Smirnov. Information about his age and place of birth is conflicting. Swami prefers to remain a mystery to the public. He believes that exact date birth gives power over a person. Fearing damage and other magical attacks on energy, he did not advertise personal information until the finale of the “Battle of Psychics” program. The only thing that Dashi did not hide was his birthday - August 22.

Peter was born into the family of the famous Soviet athlete Claudia Smirnova. His grandmother was a champion of Europe and the USSR in skeet shooting. At an advanced age, she could shoot for the title of master of sports. The psychic's parents chose a different path in life. As a child, the boy was involved in athletics, specializing in pole vaulting. Peter did not achieve success and left the sport early. My father insisted on entering the Leningrad Pediatric Institute. The young man lived an ordinary life - he got married and raised a child. It is not known what event made him change everything radically.

Smirnov dropped out of school, left his family and homeland, and went to India. He traveled extensively throughout Asia, visiting Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Dashi studied the Islamic esoteric movement Sufism. He lived for several years in an ashram - the abode of sages and hermits. Meditation, yoga, and special cleansing rituals helped him unlock his inner strengths. In Tibet, Swami studied the pulsations of human energy, and in Pune - Ayurveda massage.

Returning to Russia, the mystic began conducting unique seminars and master classes. He gathers students for meditations and individual sessions. At her seminars, Dashi helps people develop, teaches them how to manage their body and spirit.

Before appearing on the TNT project “Battle of Psychics,” Swami was popular with an audience passionate about yoga and OSHO healing. During the program, he found himself surrounded by witches, magicians, and clairvoyants. The mystic's main rival was Marilyn Kerro. The clairvoyant and witch participated in the project for the third time, had great experience and an army of fans. Swami spoke more than once about rigging the results in favor of the Estonian. Several indignant participants left the battle early, but Dashi decided to stay until the end. He successfully passed all the tests - he found the man in the trunk, told the details of the murder, and discovered all the snipers. In the final of the “Battle of Psychics”, 53% of the audience voted for Swami Dashi.

The personality of the mystic and his practices to achieve balance of spiritual, mental and physical activity became popular with a huge number of people. Hundreds of people gather for his seminars, lectures and meditations. Dashi does not consider himself a Master, he continues to improve and expand the boundaries of reality.

“Battle of Psychics” celebrates its 10th anniversary: ​​what happened to the brightest participants in the reality show

Personal life of Swami Dasha

By hiding personal information, the psychic wanted to protect his family from excessive attention from journalists and rivals in the battle of magicians. Peter is married twice. His first wife was a high jumper. She did not achieve much success and left the sport after the birth of her son Roman. Second wife Irina Nogina is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. She fully shares her husband's passion for yoga and spiritual practices. Irina helps in organizing the work of the Spirit-Soul-Body meditation center. She oversees Swami's social media pages. Irina Nogina teaches Pilates, yoga, fitness and stretching. The family has three children - two sons and a daughter. For the youngest child 6 years old, he has already managed to join the secrets of health and happiness known to his father.

The eldest son, Roman Smirnov, was born in 1984. In sports, he achieved impressive results. The young man is engaged in athletics and running. He is a 10-time champion of Russia, a participant in the 2008 Olympics, and a winner of European and world championships. The athlete is married to Ekaterina Smirnova. The couple plays together for CSKA and works with the same coach. Katya is a 5-time Russian champion. The Smirnovs have a son, Martin.

Dasha has many large tattoos on her chest and arms. Among them are images of animals, wings, the face of a woman and an old man. Each drawing carries a special mystical meaning. For a mystic, the wolf is a totem animal; it is a guide to another world and a protector from evil spirits. The next tattoo was a wolf paw. This image was made on Dashi’s neck in one of the tattoo parlors in Almaty. The face of the old man, stuffed next to the animal, represents the wisdom and help of the ancestors.

    Swami Dashi - famous master oriental practices, which uses both yoga and meditation skills, as well as massage and Osho’s bodily pulsations to change a person’s consciousness. These are practices entirely aimed at improving the health of the body. Swami Dashi has opened several Meditation Centers named after himself, regularly conducts his own Seminars, and the Internet is literally flooded with praise about this unique person. And at the same time, a very mysterious person. It is unknown how old Swami Dashi is, what his nationality is, where he came from on this planet. We can only say with confidence that this personality is unique.

    Sign up for individual lesson You can visit Swami on the website of his Center.

    Swami Dashi (Petr Smirnov), participated in the 17th season of the battle of psychics and won. According to information, possibly from the official page of Peter Smirnov, he is married. Swami Dashi was born on August 22, 1960 (as confirmed by entering Swami Dashi and selecting age from 56 to 56 years old in the VKontakte search bar), is interested in yoga, alternative Eastern medicine, meditation and various healing techniques. He is an active traditional healer.

    Swami Dashi is a relatively new media personality. But to say that he was not known to anyone before the Battle of Psychics (he will take part in the 17th season) is to sin against the truth.

    Swami Dashi has been practicing spiritual practices for more than 20 years. His path includes personal physical improvement. But not only personal. In certain circles he is known as a guru who conducts various trainings and seminars. This is his life and work.

    These classes are quite expensive, so probably not everyone can attend them. The areas of activity for spiritual and physical improvement are very different, a mix of different practices.

    There are examples of his master classes online. You can also listen to reviews here. But even from the video you can understand what the meaning of Swami Dasha’s methods is.

    Judging by the information available, as well as from reviews, it is about 50 years old.

    He came to his first classes in an Armani jacket and with a gold chain on his chest, with two security guards. During my introduction to this philosophy, I changed.

    His real name is not advertised and could not be found online. As well as nationality, but, apparently, he is Slavic. Russian speech is pure, without dialectical impurities. They write that he comes from St. Petersburg, quite possibly.

    Quite a lot of information in the official group. Here you can learn about Dasha’s own projects and those in which he is a participant.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, who has one of the highest chances of winning this year. This is a fairly well-known person in esoteric circles, who is also an athlete and practices yoga, therapeutic massage and other methods of spiritual and physical development.

    His name in the world is Peter Smirnov, he is originally from Kazakhstan. Although Swami Dasha’s biography was not published directly by him, some facts from his life are known from messages on his official website forum, where he shared information with other participants in conversations. You can also glean bits of knowledge about him from Dasha’s Instagram. But his real age is a secret; he himself wrote several years ago about preparing for his sixtieth anniversary. However, according to him appearance It is extremely difficult to give him so many years; however, all people who really take care of their body look younger than their age.

    By religion, Dashi is a Sufi Muslim, however, he does not deny the enormous influence of other religions and cultures on people’s lives, believing that in fact, all people worship the same god simply in its different manifestations and relative to their understanding.

    Dashi is Russian by nationality; it is also known about his family that his son is also an athlete and even participated in the Beijing Olympics as a member of the Russian national team. athletics. His grandmother was also fond of sports, and in his youth Swami Dashi himself was very successful in pole vaulting. And his wife Irina Nogina is now also a fitness, yoga and Pilates trainer. Dashi was born in Kazakhstan, in the family of an academician.

    It is also interesting that this is one of the few participants in the Battle of Psychics, whose talents were known to a wide range of people long before the appearance of the program itself. Dashi has been teaching and helping people for more than twenty years.

    Information about Swami Dashi is, one might say, hidden. None of the sources mention his nationality or how old he is. It is only known that he is a practicing yogi: he treats with massages, dances dervish dances and generally behaves very strangely.

    I got into the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, and during the tests I received a moment of fame by giving a massage to the winner of one of the seasons, Natalya Banteeva.

    The trunk passed the test with ease and was included in the list of participants. Now the whole country will be watching this strange man and his abilities.

    He is from St. Petersburg, owns many meditation centers and leads healthy image life.

    As one would expect, Swami Dasha’s personal life did not remain a secret for long. In the modern world, it is generally difficult to hide anything, especially if there are those who are very interested in unearthing hidden, secret facts biography of such a person as Swami Dashi.

    It became known who Swami Dasha’s wife is. This is Irina Nogina, a former master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, who now works as a Pilates trainer, that is, she does what she loves. Irina Nogina also helps her boyfriend in everything famous husband, Swami Dashi, or in the world Peter Smirnov, is the real name of Swami Dashi, and even oversees groups on social networks.

    Irina Nogina is 36 years old and much younger than Swami Dasha, but the couple has at least one common child, and knowing how charming and energetic Dashi can be, we can safely assume that peace and tranquility reign in the psychic’s family. It’s not for nothing that Dashi diligently protects her family from rumors and gossip.

    This rogue is Swami Dashchi! People are scammed out of money and hooked on endorphins! The crazy women don’t even fully understand what they are doing! Read about Osho and these practices, and don’t madly worship the new god! And he’s not enlightened at all. Enlightened people don’t do this, especially for money! And in the contact on his page it is written about this that he is not enlightened, nor a guru, etc., but just an instructor. Read, and do not deify a person. Psychics are no different from him in terms of energy, the same Marilyn Kerro and her energy is much stronger and purer than his!

    Swami Dashi is engaged in Eastern practices, and as is known, they include yoga classes, various meditative practices, as well as Osho’s techniques for the development of consciousness. All this moves the body towards healing if you practice it constantly, i.e. methods of alternative medicine.

    This person conducts group classes on these topics, there are Internet sites where you can contact him regarding training.

    Swami Dashi will take part in the new season of the Battle of Psychics. There are also reviews from those who studied with him, and you can read them here. This name is considered spiritual by him, but it is not known from his passport; at the moment about 50 years.

    We should get to know Swami Dashi more closely while watching the next seventeenth season of the popular Battle of Psychics on TNT.

    From online sources it became known that Swami would adequately cope with the selection tasks and would be included in the circle of selected participants.

    Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for being quite active in conducting all kinds of seminars, not only in Russia, which are aimed at unifying the soul, thinking, spirit and body.

    Swami is approximately fifty years old.

    Swami from the northern capital of Russia.

    Nothing is known about Swami's nationality.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Swami Dashi is a pseudonym, according to some sources his real name is Peter, born on August 22 in St. Petersburg.

    He specializes in working with the body, mainly his activities are seminars, lectures on development inner world person, has been practicing for more than 20 years, works in the northern capital and Moscow.

    I think that this whole project, Battle of Psychics, is a complete setup, a fake, a well-staged performance, good game actors, but no more! There are too many mistakes, too many obvious lies from season to season. The last straw in the formation of this opinion was that the actor playing the role of a psychic named PAKHOM appeared in our Russian cinema, although his biography was presented in this SHOW not at all as an actor

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the show Battle of Psychics. In fact, he can hardly be called a magician, sorcerer or sorcerer. It combines a combination of Eastern and Western practices aimed at understanding your body, spirit, and soul.

    Swami Dashi a very popular character who is already practicing his meditation seminars all over the country (I am sure that after advertising at the Battle of Psychics he will become even more in demand). LINK to official group Swami Dashi VKontakte- on it you can find contact numbers, faces, as well as information about the nearest seminars, cities and the cost of the magician’s receptions.

    There is no more information about Swami Dasha’s personal life on the Internet yet.

The fortune teller makes no secret of Swami Dasha's biography.

Swami's initial acquaintance with magic occurred at the age of seven. This happened when he and the children indulged in children's games on the territory of an abandoned church. The boys staged a competition to see who could climb the old bell tower using the old wooden steps the fastest. The tensile strength of the dilapidated ladder ended on Swami, and he fell down from a height of five meters. The guys froze in horror in anticipation of an imminent disaster, and suddenly, before their eyes, their comrade’s flight began to slow down, and a moment later, like a professional acrobat, he found himself on a healthy step of the stairs, after which he safely went down.

Visitors to the area report intense sensations that usually lead to clear states of anxiety. On the other hand, some of those who ventured into such a mysterious forest returned with unexplained skin eruptions, scratches, burns, migraines, nausea, vomiting and even lost time. Additionally, to give it a more menacing appearance, many of its trees are twisted and seemingly misshapen, as commonly depicted in ancient tales and witches. This landscape creates even more anxiety for those who enter it.

There are many people who compare the Romanian forest of Hoia Baciu with the famous Bermuda Triangle. Likewise, in a certain area of ​​the forest known as the "Circle", no trees grow. Some researchers paranormal phenomena This type of activity is believed to be particularly common in this area. Many locals believe that the forest is haunting and that if they enter it, they will never be able to return. In fact, according to the traditions and legends of the region, the name of the forest arose precisely in memory of a local shepherd who disappeared in it along with his flock of two hundred sheep.

Swami tried for a long time to find an answer to what or to whom he should be grateful for his salvation. The father gave the answer. Knowing well the genealogy of his ancestors, he realized that his son became the successor of the magical abilities characteristic of previous generations.

Indeed, this was followed by a number of convincing examples that unconditionally confirmed that little Swami had extraordinary abilities. In one case, he advised a neighbor to install a stronger lock on his garage door. He initially waved it off, but followed the advice of a young psychic, thanks to which he saved his property - that same night, the attackers tried to break into the premises, but in their way stood a modern security device, which the criminals were unable to do. In another case, a boy dissuaded a neighbor from buying peaches (and how did he know about her intention?), and thereby saved the woman and her family members from acute poisoning - the fruits were stuffed with nitrates beyond any permissible limit.

There are also legends that say that some villagers were killed in the forest and that their souls remain trapped in place, unable to break free: there are enough visitors who often claim to have heard voices in the surrounding area, and even witnesses who claim to have seen eyeless bodies floating among the trees.

How Swami Dashi came to extrasensory perception

Patrol has continued to study the area since the 1970s, but at the moment there are no definitive conclusions about what is happening in the forest. IN recent years the place attracted numerous tourists who were looking for supposed ghostly encounters or various spiritual experiences. In today's world, legends are often buried and ignored. However, the Hoya Baciu forest and its legendary stories continues to amaze neighbors and outsiders thanks to the numerous stories of those who dare to visit it and the large amount of supposed photographic evidence that exists.

This was followed by a phase of active knowledge of the magical sacrament, which, alas, did not last long. Either the boy hadn’t played enough yet, or his parents’ strict orders to prioritize his studies at school and participation in various clubs and sections had an effect. Therefore, Swami’s activity decreased sharply, although he found a certain minimum of time for magic.

How to get an appointment with Swami Dashi?

Cover image: photography mysterious forest Hoia Baciu in Transylvania, Romania. Energy exchange points or tertiary circuits that act as "exchangers" and receivers along the channel system and etheric body. Each of these circuits has different functions, both physically and bioenergetically and in the ether, and although each can be considered as a completely independent system, all are interconnected and work together to support mutual requirements and functions, as they are integral parts of the underlying energy structures. supports of the physical body, usually described as components of the vital or etheric body that we possess.

After graduating from school, the young man returns to extrasensory perception, only now in a more meaningful way. He travels a lot, meets with famous magic specialists, leads an ascetic lifestyle, and actively improves in yoga, which, in his opinion, must be in the arsenal of a self-respecting psychic.

He learned to diagnose a person through short contact, remove necessary information from a photo card, objects or things, block black energy, restore the sagging energy field, aura and tone, assist in business success and career growth, creating good family relations and much more that a person needs every day. Unlimited magical abilities and the capabilities of a psychic are given at. However, we repeat, today he prefers to work towards the development of the body and its bioenergetic components.

Development of higher human functions. The primary chakras and their higher functions cannot be manifested or fully utilized until the necessary energy support structures have been developed to do so. In this way, new energy pathways are formed and old or blocked ones are redefined and cleared as one begins to work with the entire energy support structure we have. It works as if the water dam with different gates, which is the main energy retention and rafts of the mentioned tantins, is processed, from there it moves to the tertiary and secondary circuits, develops the secondary centers and chakra energy transmission channels, and then they can open them to their maximum potential and exhibit superior functions of the main vortices.

Today Swami is a successful and sought-after psychic with fifteen years of experience in magical practice; the elite of society consult with him or undergo rehabilitation, famous politicians, representatives of art and sports. Numerous positive reviews from grateful clients are the best business card for a psychic; no one has doubted his professionalism for a long time. The psychic has several centers in St. Petersburg that are very popular among those who want to learn magical science and techniques. In addition, the psychic practices visiting seminars.

Photos from the Battle of Psychics

When this flow of energy does not work in this order and attempts are made to force the opening or use certain functions in a person, without the energy flows that support this development, it is normal for someone to begin to notice fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, depression, cramps, discomfort, pain and various emotional disturbances that can become temporary problems, with a number of combinations and degrees of severity depending on the efforts that the chakras and their associated organs make to open or go beyond their "limits", without an additional flow of energy that supports this opening, because for this energy is absorbed from other parts of the body that are not are ready to suffer from such "malnutrition", When certain areas are left without a minimum supply because they have been redirected to work with the primary chakras, physical body suffers when the flow of qi, prana, etc. cannot be restored with a sufficient rate of emptying of channels and energy exchange centers.

Your extrasensory orientation and magical power the psychic decided to demonstrate in the seventeenth season of the prestigious magical project “”. Numerous fans of Swami are full of hope that their idol is quite capable of a high step on the magical Olympus. How far this is possible, the psychic himself will demonstrate in live on the TNT channel.

Sometimes one is surprised to discover how blocked they are, and this small energy even enters the first chakras through a connection with the energy of our planet. Although this process of preparing the vital force distribution system may seem laborious, it provides great benefits for long-term development, for once it is begun and consolidated, the energy will begin to flow more freely and more powerfully through the etheric body, which itself promotes faster and healthy development in all aspects energy body and its functions, while in turn it strengthens the immune system and other self-healing processes that allow us to maintain better physical health.


Swami Dashi's real name- Peter Smirnov
Was born: 22.08.1960
Place of birth: Kazakhstan, lives in St. Petersburg, Russia
Activity: spiritual guide and master of oriental practices

Biography of Swami Dasha

Winner of the “Battle of Psychics - 17” born in Kazakhstan on August 22, 1960. At birth he was given the name Peter. And my middle name is Dashi, he has already received more mature age. In fact, it is very difficult to find out about the mysterious practice, since he prefers to keep his personal life secret. It is known that in at a young age he and his parents moved to St. Petersburg, where he now lives. Dasha’s father, Vladimir Smirnov, is a well-known biochemist in Russia and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There is no special information about the mother. The only thing that is known is that the woman committed suicide when Peter was 20 years old.

As we said in the introduction, the “average” person typically only absorbs a small portion of the energy they need each day. We work by designing the type of life we ​​have and the structures of the system in which we live. We've talked about this in many previous articles. The energy we need is absorbed during sleep, through drinking and eating, through breathing, sunlight, energy loads environment etc. if, for example, the average amount of "raw" energy that any of us absorbs out of 100 units per day, which may be sufficient for our daily functions, is completely insufficient if we want to carry out bioenergetic development, faculties working on the higher chakras, etc. d. since obviously energy use will increase, consuming and using 200 or more units of energy per day at least.

IN at a young age, at that time still Pyotr Smirnov, decided to go to India and spent twenty years of his life studying Eastern practices. He decided to part with his previous image of a “new Russian” and with each year of study, his attitude towards everything that existed changed.

The problem then arises: where is the rest of the life force we need and what we didn't get from what we ate, breathed or assimilated energetically that day? In principle, this 100 unit deficit must be provided through the energy supply areas of the energy body, which we will look at in more detail in the next article, since they add excess beyond the "base" energy that We all bring with us at birth and from which we "take" small deposits which we sometimes never "re-introduce", producing then physical symptoms energy depletion, as we mentioned earlier, if storage areas are depleted or reduced in excess.

He studied with OSHO himself, who gave him his current name. A Swami is a certain title given to those who have mastered the skill of Yogi. It is translated as “freed from feelings.” Perhaps, Dashi became one of the last students of OSHO, because he died in the 90s. After the death of his teacher, the winner of the Battle of Psychics did not immediately return to his homeland, but continued to study other mystical practices while traveling around Asian countries. In one of his interviews, he talked about meeting Filipino healers who perform operations without using any instruments.

IN next post we will move on to the topic of energy exchange points and the functions of tantions or accumulators, and we will see how to store them, and that they “overflow” to the rest of the energy chain and allow us, Then yes, do any “mental” exercises without danger and without contraindications.

Iker and Carmen analyze sensory isolates in caves. Do you think they have heard anything about witchcraft? The remains of the Itigilov Lama, a relic found in a Buddhist temple in the Siberian Republic of Buryatia, are renowned worldwide for their exceptional state of preservation 79 years after his death, seemingly defying science. Some have long believed that the mummy is still alive in a nirvana-like state. Now Lama Damba Ayusheev, the current visible head of Russia's traditional Buddhist sangha, has presented two video images that would show him that the lama has moved to his "palace" of Ivolginsky Datsan, about 23 kilometers from the region's capital, Ulan-Ude.

Studied Dashi(Peter) at the Pedagogical Institute, but did not finish it, because he went to India. He never regretted his decision to leave college.

Path to glory

Before you come to Season 17 of the Battle of Psychics project, Dashi was already known. For more than ten years, he has been conducting various trainings and seminars, about which participants respond only positively. Also, Dashi became one of the first people who brought sacred knowledge to Russia and began to use it. His therapeutic massage managed to help more than one person, but it is not cheap, about 10 thousand rubles. Also, throughout the country there are several Meditation centers founded Swami Dashi.

In one of the images, a figure is observed in the first member, and in the second, captured the next day, a similar figure appears next to or possibly on a sofa. Lama Ayusheev insists he is not joking and dismisses possible explanations that confirm that the sequence captured by the building's closed-circuit television cameras shows a single security guard holding two plastic bags.

Ayusheev presented a second photograph in which Lama Itigilov appeared to be moving again, this time near the sofa. The quality of the images is not very good, and the full video sequence has not yet been published, although Ayusheev says that "There is no video, you only see a flash of the body in the picture."

But the man’s greatest popularity came from his participation in the Battle, because it was there that he was able to show all his strength and power. Unlike other participants, Dashi did not use any additional attributes (except for his pendant with a stone, which, according to him, contains his own soul). All of his power is based on energy, not black or white magic.

Maybe, international organizations should work for peace? Others, however, agree on the hypothesis that a llama dressed in camouflage and in motion is a sign of approaching war. His last request was to be buried in the lotus position, where he died.

Of course, they hid this fact from Soviet authorities. It was carefully studied by temple monks, as well as scientists and pathologists. The remains were found in a condition similar to that of "a man who had died 36 hours previously", remarkably well preserved and without signs of decay. The muscles and internal tissues, as well as their soft joints and skin, remained intact, always in accordance with the testimony of the observers.

Personal life of Swami Dasha

The practitioner’s personal life is fine. He was married twice and current wife– 36-year-old Irina Nogina, raising two sons and a daughter. From her first marriage, Dasha also has a son, Roman Smirnov, who is 35 years old. Spouse Dashi, Irina strongly supports her husband in his endeavors and is a personal administrator. The woman herself is a certified Pilates and fitness trainer.

Some claimed that the salt was used to preserve the corpse of the Itigil Lama. Others, on the other hand, think that he is in a state of hibernation similar to nirvana and that in reality he will still be alive. Usually Lama Itigilov sits in his special glass sarcophagus, located on the second floor of his “palace”.

Cover: Some people have long believed that the lama is still alive in a nirvana-like state. Dealing with Death loved one not easy. Experts on the subject, such as renowned psychiatrist Elise Defer, say that in many cases, deceased loved ones try to communicate with their living relatives through messages or signals. These perfumes are used various ways communication, but they are usually subtle, so they end up being discarded.

But with family Dashi has not communicated for many years, because they do not support his passion for Eastern practice. Their relationship deteriorated when Peter dropped out of university, and soon his mother died.

Interesting facts about Swami Dashi

Dasha's follower the right image life, so he spends a lot of time in the gym, combining oriental teachings and sports. In the past, he was actively involved in sports (pole vaulting) and managed to win several medals. But he did not achieve great heights.
When Dashi was in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), he received islamic name- Mohamed Al Hadi and fully accepted Sufi Islam as a religion.
Doesn't like being called a psychic. The fact is that in Peter’s family there were no sorcerers or magicians, and all he does is many years of training and the disclosure of his energy, with the help of which he works.
He does not practice damage, the evil eye, clearing karma, etc., because they contradict his religion.
Does not work with magic and does not perform ancient rituals. The main tools in his work are massage, meditation, yoga and body pulsations.
Does not respond to the name given at birth, believing that he has long become a different person.
His development was influenced by a meeting with a Sufi woman, Zahira, who brought him to the OSHO temple. The man spent about 50 thousand dollars on training with Osho.

Swami Dashi now

After winning the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, Swami Dashi(Petr Smirnov), began to actively travel around Russia and conduct seminars. He also lives in St. Petersburg, and in between performances, he goes on vacation to India. Due to the popularity that fell upon him, the man had to create pages on social networks so that people would not fall for fake accounts.

Swami Dashi, the author of the popular project SPIRIT-SOUL-BODY, has a good business, being the founder of several schools. This is exactly what Dashi is doing now. In his trainings, he helps people find harmony and peace of mind. After New Year's holidays In 2017, practice is expected in Kazan, the Urals and Chelyabinsk, where he will conduct group classes and seminars.

The most mysterious and enigmatic participant in the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” surprises fans at every test. Swami Dashi combines incredible strength, warmth and abilities that are difficult for the human mind to understand. Fans confidently talk about him as the winner of the seventeenth season, and Marilyn Kerro considers him her main competitor. Fans have been interested for a long time family life the most unusual participant in the “Battle”, and also want to know details about the wife and children of Swami Dasha.

Why is Dashi hiding his family?

The mystic shares that he prefers solitude and silence, and also considers his life and the life of loved ones taboo for others. Specific dates, names and other data give strangers an extra opportunity to penetrate the protective barrier that the head of the family for a long time built for loved ones. At the same time, journalists learned that Swami Dasha has a beloved wife and four children. The mystic’s wife supports him in his favorite work and helps organize the work of a family meditation center called “Spirit-Soul-Body”. The spouses help those who want to improve their lives, health and well-being, and also share the secrets of harmony and happiness.

A little about Swami Dasha's children

A participant in the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” once mentioned that he has four children - the eldest of them is 32 years old, and youngest son six years. Journalists managed to find out that Dasha’s eldest son from his first marriage is a famous track and field athlete, as well as a repeated champion of Russia and participant olympic games in Beijing. Roman Smirnov is married to Ekaterina, a five-time Russian champion in athletics. With his current wife, Swami Dashi is raising three children - a daughter and two sons.

What does Swami Dasha's wife do?

In the world, the mystic’s name is Peter Smirnov. Previously, he was involved in pole vaulting, but did not achieve outstanding success in the sport, unlike his wife. Swami Dasha's wife Irina Nogina-Chernyshova is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Due to Swami Dasha’s busy schedule, the family lived in Moscow for a long time, but recently changed their place of residence to St. Petersburg. In the Northern capital, Irina is engaged in teaching and successfully conducts classes in Pilates, yoga and stretching.

It is worth noting that Swami Dasha’s grandmother is also involved in sports. Claudia Ivanovna Smirnova is the first Soviet woman, who became the world champion in skeet shooting.

Life and popularity of Swami Dasha

Journalists learned that one of the contenders for a place in the final of the seventeenth season was born in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Dashi spent twenty years of his life in India and Tibet, engaged in spiritual practices. There he learned to heal people, which is what he currently does in his Meditation Center. Swami Dashi was not used to popularity and such a number of fans, so he shared it in social network that the increased public attention is pleasant for him, but at the same time unusual and very strange. At the same time, the participant in the seventeenth season is open to change and suggests that perhaps new experience is a signal for the need to start enjoying the benefits of civilization. Swami Dashi also warns fans that he prefers personal consultations to online communication, so he strongly recommends being careful and taking into account large number fake accounts on social networks.

Unusual name of Swami Dashi

Fans have long been interested in the origin of the unusual name Swami Dashi. As the man says, he received his name from a mentor or Master. Swami is a title that is used quite often in Hinduism. The word denotes a person who is freed from feelings. In other words, Swami means a monk who serves other people by renouncing worldly desires. One of the practices that Dashi experienced was the need to ask himself every hour whether he lived up to his name. Over time naturally the need for questions disappears - the person himself becomes the vector that was given to him by his mentor.

September 26, 2016

The leader of several episodes of the Swami Dashi show turned out to be former athlete Peter Smirnov

The leader of several episodes of the Swami Dashi show turned out to be former athlete Peter Smirnov.

For so much short time on the project, the mysterious psychic managed to form a whole army fans. True, until recently, none of the fans knew any details of Swami Dasha’s life. Journalists managed to find out information about the magician’s past, his family, as well as his real name and past professional interests.

Swami Dashi/Photo: vk.com/bitva_extrasensov_tnt

According to the Life portal, the name of the popular psychic today is Peter Smirnov, a man originally from St. Petersburg. He is a former pole vaulter. Having failed to achieve success in sports, Peter became interested in studying Eastern and Western practices. Smirnov lived for 20 years in India. The wife of the star of the “Battle of Psychics” is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, 36-year-old Muscovite Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. Now Dasha’s wife teaches yoga and Pilates. The couple has two sons and a daughter. Also from the leader mystical show there is a child from his first marriage. The young man followed in his father’s footsteps and achieved impressive results in athletics.