When is World Animal Day? World Animal Day

Every year, most countries around the world celebrate World Animal Day. The purpose of creating this holiday was the desire to encourage people to take care of all forms of life living on our planet.

History of origin

A holiday dedicated to animals appeared thanks to the activity of participants in the World Congress of Proponents of Respect for Nature. The congress took place in the city of Florence in 1931.

The day of celebration was not chosen by chance. The holiday is held on the day of remembrance of the saint from the pantheon of the Catholic Church, Francis of Assisi. This pious man lived in the 13th century and was distinguished great love to everything living.

Saint Francis is the founder of a charitable monastic society whose main activity was helping the suffering. Moreover, members of the order were ready to provide assistance not only to people, but also to animals and birds in trouble.

According to surviving legends, Saint Francis not only loved animals, but had unique ability“talk” with the inhabitants of forests and fields. And the animals understood him and, if necessary, stood up to protect their patron.

The saint taught his followers that nature is the most valuable thing on our earth and humans should not interfere with natural processes. In a word, Saint Francis can be safely called the first ecologist on the planet.

Therefore, when choosing the date for celebrating Animal Day, it was decided to choose the day of remembrance of the saint who did so much to protect nature.

Modern defenders of wildlife also do not sit idly by, but actively fight for their beliefs. So that ecologists living in different countries, could join forces, and a holiday was organized.

The defenders of the “smaller brothers” managed to achieve a lot. The legislation of most countries has articles providing for liability for people who abuse animals. In 1986, a special Regulation was adopted in Europe aimed at protecting the rights of laboratory animals. A year later, a convention was signed protecting the rights of animals kept by people as pets.

In Russia, International Animal Protection Day began to be celebrated relatively recently - in 2000. The initiative to introduce a new holiday date came from the Wildlife Protection Fund.

When is Animal Day celebrated in Russia? In our country, the holiday date coincides with the international one; the holiday falls on October 4th.

Traditions and events

Celebrations on Animal Day are distinguished by a wide variety of events. On this day, many different events, demonstrations, parades, charity concerts and fairs take place. The purpose of all these events is the same - to encourage people to remember that they are not alone living on the planet. And animals have the right to comfortable and free life no less than people.

Within festive events They often hold photo exhibitions featuring photos of wild animals. People must remember that because of their economic activity animals are deprived of their natural habitats, and some species even disappear from the face of the Earth.

We have to protect not only wild animals, but also domestic animals. In many cities there is an acute problem of stray dogs and cats. Most animals end up on the street because of the cruel attitude of people towards them, who take the animal into their home without realizing the full extent of their responsibility towards it. Having played enough with a live toy or having encountered the first difficulties, such people simply throw their pet out into the street. And there are more “vagrants” on the street.

Works in many cities volunteer movement to help abandoned animals. On a holiday, such societies often organize events with the aim of finding selected animals new home and loving owners. And also, to attract new members to the ranks of the movement and raise funds that will be used to purchase food for homeless animals and provide them with veterinary care.

The meaning of the holiday

Our distant ancestors respected living nature, endowing animals with special qualities. For many peoples, the symbol of fidelity is a dog, and the symbol of strength and courage is a lion. Nowadays, people often have no time to think about preserving wildlife, and yet such frivolity can turn into a disaster for all of humanity.

However, even the strongest animals need our protection, careful attitude to nature, preserving forests, purity of water bodies and air is the basis for the peaceful coexistence of all forms of life on the planet.

A holiday dedicated to animals should once again remind people of one of the wonderful human qualities - mercy, which should extend to our " little brothers" After all, their life and well-being largely depends on people.

For the 86th year in a row, World Animal Day is celebrated on the fourth of October to draw attention to the problems of the animal world.

The decision to introduce such a date was made by environmentalists at a congress in Florence in 1931, but in Russia it began to be celebrated only in 2000 on the initiative of International Fund Animal Welfare (IFAW). WWF Russia is engaged in the protection of such rare species How amur leopard, bison, Atlantic walrus, snow leopard, Amur tiger, polar bear. This year, the Foundation draws attention to the need to take urgent measures to save the only remaining steppe ungulate species in the country, the saiga, from complete destruction.

The saiga is an ancient animal that massively inhabited the arid plains of Eurasia until the 20th century. However, today the species is on the verge of complete extinction due to poaching (the horns of males are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine), habitat fragmentation and habitat degradation. On the territory Russian Federation Only one group of saiga has survived - the Caspian ( Astrakhan region and the Republic of Kalmykia). For another 20–30 years, its range included vast territories on the right bank of the Lower Volga, and its migration routes reached Rostov region and Dagestan.

In the early 1990s, the population declined sharply, primarily due to the rise of poaching. Inclusion in the International Red Book in the category of “endangered species” in 2002 did not help save the species. Today, on the black market, the cost of 1 kg of horns (3-5 pairs) reaches about 25 thousand rubles, in China - several thousand dollars. Hunting for the horns of males has led to their share in the population dropping to 3-4%, sharply reducing the chances of its self-restoration.

Pavel Arylov

“If radical measures are not taken to save the saiga, we will soon lose this species. First of all, it is necessary to direct resources to combat poaching and preserve the remaining animals, and then develop measures to restore the population,” said Vladimir Krever, head of the biodiversity conservation program at WWF Russia.

The main role in the conservation of this antelope species is played by the Federal State Natural Resources biosphere reserve“Black Lands” (Kalmykia) and the “Stepnoy” nature reserve (Astrakhan region) - this is where the saigas population of the North-Western Caspian region lives. The activities of these protected areas are also supported by WWF Russia: in 2016, with the financial support of WWF supporters, as part of a project to assist anti-poaching teams in saiga habitats, inspectors were able to patrol the territory more often and for a longer period of time, avoiding violations of environmental legislation.

Wild Wonders of Europe Igor Shpilenok WWF

In the summer of 2017, WWF staff visited Chernye Zemlya and Stepnoy to assess and analyze the ongoing conservation measures. To preserve the species, it is necessary to take a number of further measures, in particular, expand security zone reserve "Black Lands", conduct a one-time numerical and age census of saigas, support the fight against steppe fires, poaching and trade in derivatives.

Did you know what's up late XIX century, one of the most common birds on Earth were passenger pigeons? And quaggas, relatives of zebras, were considered the best guards of herds, because they noticed the approach of predators before others? And the fact that for the first three months of their lives, marsupial wolf cubs were born and fed exclusively in the abdominal pouch of the mother? Agree, very amazing facts o no less Only extinct. Because thanks to the activity, or, conversely, inactivity, of man, they completely disappeared from the face of the planet.

Quagga - the cutest subspecies of Burchell's zebra, completely exterminated by humans

More recently, the World Wide Fund wildlife(World Wide Fund) provided another report on the biodiversity of the animal world. His data is amazing: over the past 40 years, the number of animal species has decreased by 2 times. Especially on the inhabitants of freshwater bodies, the number of species of which has decreased by 75%! Things are “better” with terrestrial species - their number has decreased by 40%.

In order to influence the situation and this problem, in 1931 in Florence, at the International Congress of supporters of the movement for the protection of nature, it was decided to establish October 4 is World Animal Day Animal Day). The date was not chosen by chance - it was on this day in 1226 that Saint Francis of Assisi died. The founder of the monastic order was the greatest intercessor and patron of our lesser brothers, who was sensitive to any manifestation of life, who taught us to have compassion and feel the pain of living beings more acutely than our own. He preached spirituality and tried to replace the idea of ​​the limitlessness of human dominion with the idea of ​​the equality of all living creatures, including humans. The Saint Francis Award recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of conservation.

Saint Francis preaching to the birds
Icon painter: Alexander Stolyarov

Initially, the purpose of Animal Protection Day was to attract public attention to the plight of endangered species, but the idea of ​​the holiday received such massive support that it gradually turned into a day of honoring all the animals of the world. On this day of the Animal Welfare Society, environmental organizations, and simply groups of concerned citizens hold various events aimed at raising awareness of existing animal problems, expressing gratitude to our smaller brothers for their significant roles in our lives, glorifying animal life in all its manifestations. As a result, not only the replenishment of the ranks of animal rights activists, but also the legal registration of animal rights. Thus, in 1986, the Council of Europe adopted the Convention for the Protection of Experimental Animals, and a year later – for the protection of domestic pets.

World Animal Day

Every year on October 4, an international holiday is celebrated - Animal Protection Day, or simply Animal Day. The decision to create this holiday in 1931 was made at the International Congress for the Protection of Nature, held in Florence, Italy. Supporters of the movement chose this particular date because October 4 is known as the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the Catholic saint most revered by Catholics, the patron saint of animals, who died on this day in 1226. Saint Francis of Assisi, who lived in the 12th century, founded a mendicant monastic order. He provided help to all persecuted and suffering, preached that animals are also God's creatures, they must be treated with love, just like people. He urged to leave space in gardens for both flowers and wild herbs, whose beauty glorifies the power of the Creator. Francis also spoke out in defense of animals kept in captivity. He bought the birds that were being sold to fairs and released them. According to one legend, when the Saint died, his soul was accompanied to heaven by a flock of larks.

In many countries around the world, on this day - October 4, or on a day close to the date, services are held, dedicated to the Day animals. This day is intended to draw the attention of humanity to “our little brothers” - the rest of the inhabitants of the planet and their problems.

Animal protection societies around the world have announced their readiness to organize various public events. In our country, the holiday has been celebrated since 2000. The initiator was the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Today, according to world statistics, Russia firmly holds second place after the United States in terms of the number of domestic animals. Every third Russian family contains a pet. In most Western European countries, pets are considered part of the family and have equal rights with other members of society. On this day in our country, many schools conduct bioethics lessons for students, during which children are introduced to the basics of relationships between humans and animals: kindness, care and responsibility. The children are told how they can help four-legged animals.

The purpose of creating this holiday was, firstly, the need for public awareness of the need to protect animals and environment, and secondly, increasing activity in the field of animal protection. According to statistics, over the past 25 years it has decreased by more than a third biological diversity of our planet. The statistics are very depressing; some species of fauna and flora are irretrievably disappearing from the face of the Earth. A person can stop this process.

World Animal Day is celebrated annually all over the world on October 4 - the holiday was established at the International Congress of Supporters of the Nature Movement, which was held in Florence (Italy) in 1931.

On this day, campaigns and events are held in different countries of the world aimed at protecting animals, including domestic ones, since there are examples of cruelty to them in recent years is getting bigger.

Patron of the "little brothers"

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance - this day is known as the day of remembrance of Francis of Assisi, one of the most revered Catholic Saints, the founder of a monastic order that helped the suffering, sick and persecuted, including animals. He died on October 4, 1226.

Saint Francis, according to legend, had an amazing ability to communicate with wild animals, called on believers not to offend their “lesser brothers” - animals and birds, and devoted very great attention nature.

© photo: Sputnik / E. Voitchenko

His reverent attitude towards all living beings made him a Saint, revered throughout the world - the St. Francis Prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection.

The idea of ​​​​protecting animal rights received legal formalization in Europe only 760 years later - the Council of Europe adopted the Convention for the Protection of Experimental Animals in 1986, and the Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals in 1987.

Where and how to celebrate

Events dedicated to World Day animals, have been held in more than 60 countries in recent years. On the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, this date has been celebrated in Russia since 2000, but the first " Russian society protection of animals" was created back in 1865, which was supervised by the wives of Russian emperors.

Every year, Animal Welfare Societies in many countries around the world hold a variety of mass events and charitable events aimed at protecting animals - on this day, seminars, conferences and exhibitions are held, and reports are given about the important role of animals in the life of the planet.

Experts criticize misconceptions about healing properties body parts various representatives fauna, since their death is also largely connected with such speculation. Measures to protect endangered species are also being proposed and bills are being discussed.

The Red List of Endangered Species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources, contains information about 46 thousand species on the verge of extinction.

The protected areas of Georgia are home to 90 species of rare and critically endangered animals, constituting 67% of the animal species included in the “Red List” (Red Book) of Georgia. It is noteworthy that in these territories you can find 27 species of birds that are on the verge of extinction on a global scale.

Animal rights in different countries

Pets have long been considered in many countries as full members of the family - they have their own rights, medical care, a “menu” for every day, and so on. Many countries have passed laws to protect animals, under which violators face substantial fines and, in some, imprisonment.

In Austria, a law has been passed that makes it a crime to keep chickens in cramped cages, cut off dogs' tails and ears, and tie up livestock with tight ropes. Also, it is strictly forbidden to use lions and other wild animals in circuses, keep puppies and kittens in stuffy display cases of pet stores, and so on. Violators of the law face a fine of two to 15 thousand dollars.

In Germany, animal rights are protected by the main law of the country - the constitution.

In Italy, according to the law, anyone who abandons a cat or dog will be prosecuted. criminal liability. Anyone found guilty could be jailed for one year and also be ordered to pay a fine of 10,000 euros.

The European Parliament decided to completely ban testing cosmetics on animals in Europe. In Europe, the rights of cats and dogs are protected by the Convention for the Protection of Animals against Cruelty. In some countries, you cannot leave a dog locked in a car on a sunny day - the interior quickly heats up and the dog may suffer from heatstroke. The policeman who sees this must break the glass and may fine the dog's owner.

Under John Paul II catholic church recognized the soul of dogs. They can now enter the temple.

In Switzerland, pets have been given a special status - they are no longer equated with things. This means that during legal proceedings the interests of “pets” will be taken into account, for example, when dividing property in court during a divorce between animal owners. If until now a dog or cat was simply assessed by its market value, then now the judge has the right to give them to one of ex-spouses with whom, in his opinion, the animal will be better.

If a four-legged friend is injured due to someone else's fault, the judge may order the culprit to pay for treatment from a veterinarian, even if these costs exceed the value of the animal.

In Hong Kong, a person who abuses his own pet is subject to a fine of about 25 thousand dollars and a three-year imprisonment.

According to a new law by the city council of Turin, Italy, dog owners who take their animals for walks less than three times a day face a fine of up to 500 euros.

The British Parliament has granted rights and freedoms to the 7 million dogs, 8 million cats, 650 thousand horses, 2 million rabbits and uncountable poultry inhabiting the British Isles. The law provides for tougher penalties for animal owners for violating the law: from large fines to imprisonment.

In Georgia, where almost every third family, if not the second, has pets, and some have two, three or more, “Cruelty to animals resulting in their death or injury, as well as torture of animals” is punishable under the country’s Criminal Code a fine or correctional labor for up to one year. And the same action, committed by a group of persons, repeatedly or in the presence of minors, is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to two years.

However, the NGO "Federation for Animal Protection" believes that ill-treatment with pets is a serious problem for Georgia, and the country's authorities do not respond effectively to such incidents.

The weight of a hippopotamus skin can reach 500 kilograms.

The most eared animal on Earth is the Chinese jerboa, its ears are more than half of its body.

Darwin's spider from the island of Madagascar weaves the largest web - up to 25 meters in length.

The desert locust is, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the most destructive insect on Earth.

Polar bears can run at speeds of 40 kilometers per hour, and swordfish can reach speeds of up to 130 kilometers per hour.

A bee has two stomachs - one for honey, the other for food, but a moth has no stomach at all.

A camel can go without water for two weeks, a giraffe longer than a camel, and rats the longest.

There are 2,500 species of mosquitoes in the world. Mosquitoes kill more people than all other living things on the planet combined. They say that mosquitoes love children more than adults, blondes than brunettes, and their favorite color is blue, so draw your own conclusions.

The practice of hermaphroditism is more common among fish than among any other vertebrate groups. Some fish change sex due to hormonal cycles or environmental changes. Others have both male and female reproductive organs at the same time.

Male monkeys go bald just like men.

The albatross can sleep in flight at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

A mole can dig a 76-meter long tunnel in one night.

The snail has about 25 thousand teeth.

The black spider can eat up to 20 spiders a day.

Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper.

Goat's milk contains five times less fat than cow's milk. Cow's milk it takes an hour to digest, goat's takes 20 minutes.

A shark replaces its teeth every eight days. Shark teeth are hard as steel and are simply attached to the gums.

An octopus can squeeze through any crack its eye can fit through.

A goldfish has a memory of three seconds.

Mammals have red blood, insects have yellow blood, and lobsters have blue blood.

The most powerful animal on Earth is the rhinoceros beetle. He can lift 850 times his own weight.

Eye giant squid the size of a basketball.

Giant tentacles arctic jellyfish can reach a length of 36 meters.

The snail's genital organs are located in its head.

Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth. Medium elephant weighs less than the average blue whale's tongue. They are also the noisiest animals in the world. The melodious singing of blue whales can deafen a person. A person can withstand 85 decibels without harm to their hearing; at a rock concert the sound volume is 100 decibels; blue whales sing at 188 decibels and can be heard 800 kilometers away.

The smallest bird is the bee hummingbird, less than five centimeters long.

Emperor penguins can dive to depths of up to 500 meters and can hold their breath for 18 minutes.

The only dog ​​whose tongue is not pink is the Chow Chow, and the only dog ​​that cannot bark is African breed Basenji.

The smartest dogs are considered to be Border Collies, and the dumbest are Afghan Hounds.

It is believed that the dumbest animal in the history of the Earth was the Stegosaurus, which had a brain the size of walnut with a body weight of 3 tons.

At the same time, there is an opinion that the smartest animals are dolphins. You can often hear that dolphins are no more stupid than humans, only their minds are different. The brain of an adult dolphin weighs about 1,700 grams, while that of a human weighs 1,400.

When they began to study and train dolphins in the middle of the last century, the first results seemed so unusual, and even surprising, that a legend gradually developed about the extraordinary high intelligence dolphins.

At the same time, some scientists believe that primacy can be challenged by monkeys, the ancestors of humanity, and elephants, which have excellent memory.

The material was prepared based on open sources