American businessman Donald Trump: biography and achievements. Donald Trump biography

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump - American businessman, billionaire and candidate for the 45th President of the United States. The world heard the name “Donald Trump” long before the election race; the businessman has always stood out for his unusual approach to life. Loud statements, extravagant antics and shocking behavior - all this is about Donald Trump. But who Donald Trump really is, how he achieved success and his real views on life, only a few know. During the election race in the United States, dozens of facts were made public that had not previously been published anywhere. This made it possible to lift the veil of secrecy over Trump’s personality and understand who he really is.

Brief biography

To understand a person, you need to look at his life story. The life story of Donald Trump clearly shows that it is difficult to call him a member of the common people. Donald was born in New York in 1946 into a very wealthy family. From childhood, the boy was surrounded by luxury and permissiveness. All this spoiled the child, and by now school years began to be observed serious problems with behavior.

In order to raise a real man from a spoiled and restless child, his father transferred young Donald from a regular secondary school to the New York Military Academy. It was here that the future billionaire received not only training in disciplines, but also a real school of life. The once obnoxious boy turned into a perspicacious, intelligent and lively young man.

Donald's friends spoke about him in the same way - he never sits still, very active and with ebullient energy inside. The Military Academy made it possible to re-educate a bad character and direct energy in the right direction. After the academy, the young man faced the question of university. Of all the options, Donald considered only two - cinema or economics. The final choice – Fordham University and an economics major – was the first step on the path to today’s success.

In 1968, Donald Trump graduated from university with a degree in economics, and for the first time in his life began serious work. Donald's father, Fred Trump, a successful real estate businessman, accepted his son into his staff.

Donald became the best in the company after his first deal. The profit on the Swifton Village project was about $6 million. This deal is considered to be a key moment in the rise of Trump. Still a very young and inexperienced university graduate, he felt that he could control sums with six zeros.

Donald Trump Empire

People in America are divided on two fronts. Those who love Donald Trump and those who hate him. It seems that the personality of Donald Trump has not left a single citizen of the country indifferent. Business, or as it is also called, the Trump empire, is the main reason for the attacks from haters. Shocking antics, scandals with statements or accusations from women cannot compare with the intrigue around business.

Trump's first deal was associated with a big scandal. The first million was earned at the Swifton Village residential complex in Ohio. Having spent a total of about 6 million dollars, Donald managed to sell the complex for almost 12 million. No one disputes the fact that the deal was a good investment. The main question is where does the young man get 6 million to invest? His father's company was the launch pad, but his father did not allocate a single cent to Donald for this project.

This legendary deal is still full of secrets, but according to official documents, the project was financed by the state. Donald himself also confirmed that he earned his first million without investments. Questions arise about how and under what conditions the state supported the future millionaire, and why all the profits went to Donald.

Donald Trump quickly outgrew his father's firm. His son’s vision was different; he dreamed of working in the most expensive price segment, making money from very wealthy people. My father worked with the middle strata of the population. Donald understood that without connections, even with 6 million, he would not succeed. Therefore, he worked for the next few years in his father’s company, bringing the company several million dollars in profit. At this age, Trump has already formed several life rules for himself:

  • Connections are everything;
  • It is necessary to personally keep records of all your finances;
  • Trust your intuition;
  • Be optimistic;

The dream of achieving something more not only did not fade away, it flared up more and more every day. According to Donald’s own recollections, he walked a lot along the streets of New York and just looked at the houses. It was these walks, as well as an ever-growing circle of acquaintances, that allowed Trump to take part in the tender for the sale of the Commodore Hotel in New York in 1974.

The Commodore Hotel was owned by a railroad company and was in such poor condition that the state ordered Trump to immediately carry out a full reconstruction. And Trump obliged the state to give him a 40-year tax holiday. How did he do it? main mystery, but that's the whole point of Donald. This person not only knows what he wants, he knows how to achieve it, even if it’s incredible things.

6 years after purchasing the hotel, Donald completes its full reconstruction and signs a contract with Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Thus, a skillful investor and developer enlisted the support of a large hotel chain. This was the only chance to start a successful hotel business without having any knowledge. Trump's hotel business is still operating and constitutes one of the main parts of the billionaire's income.

In 1983, Donald Trump completed the construction of a 58-story skyscraper in the heart of New York. As a name, Donald chooses his own surname - The Trump. It is from this moment that a brand begins to form, for which today millions are willing to pay. Trump Tower was for some time considered the tallest building in New York. The apartments and office space were quickly sold out, and Donald Trump again proved to be a successful investor.

In 1984, Donald opened the most expensive hotel-casino in Atlantic City. The tailwind for Donald's business suddenly changed direction in early 1990. Donald increased his momentum using bank loans. At the moment when the amount of loans reached $10 billion, Trump was on the verge of collapse. Two things led to this - lack of experience and the economic crisis. By mid-1991, Donald Trump had practically lost his empire.

Difficult negotiations with creditors and further debt restructuring allowed Trump to save his business. This year, Trump lost 49% at his Trump Plaza casino. By 1994, he had to give up the airline. But by 1997, Trump had completely repaid his personal debts (900 million) and reduced the company’s debts to an acceptable level. Trump emerged from this financial battle not only with colossal losses, but also with strategic ones. Trump lost all the promising land for the construction of new buildings.

Trump's reputation played into the hands of the billionaire. He received development contracts on almost all of his former sites. The new owners trusted the Trump brand so much that the question of choosing a developer was determined from the very beginning. Until 2008, Trump's life consisted of a series of successes. The amount of real estate owned by Trump grew. But in 2008, the economic crisis came again.

Because of the crisis, Trump resigned from the board of directors of Trump Entertainment Resorts, lost his stake in the gambling business, and again lost some promising sites for development. Today, Trump's main income comes from real estate and new construction. His company is one of the largest real estate developers in the United States. In addition to the United States, the company’s activities extend to some other countries of the world, including Russia. In 2015, Trump entered the US presidential race.

Presidential term

History knows many millionaire presidents. But powerful clans always stood behind them. Trump may be a billionaire and has extensive connections, but in relation to other presidents, he is a lone wolf. His own party condemns some of his actions, and the volume of sponsorship does not reach a third of what his main competitor, Hillary Clinton, has.

Allowing a person whose business operates in this country to govern a country is a controversial issue. On the one hand, new powers and power could provide Trump with unlimited opportunities for his business. On the other hand, a person who managed to raise an empire from scratch several times probably has the necessary skills to govern a country in times of crisis. The US foreign debt has reached astronomical proportions, the pension system and healthcare are bursting at the seams, and a tough and experienced person must take the helm of the country.

Many poor people dream of becoming rich. But this does not apply to Donald Trump. This famous businessman was born in rich family. His father, Fred Trump, is a millionaire construction magnate and successful New York City developer. Throughout his life, Trump managed to earn more than 20 million US dollars. All Donald did was increase his father's legacy and in 2016 he became the newly elected President of the United States of America. He ran for this office as a Republican. Will take office on January 20, 2017.

Brief biography

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 to Fred and Mary Trump.. There were three children in the Trump family, but only one of them, Donald, inherited his business acumen. Only he took up his father’s business and increased his capital. Donald's mother always noted his acumen, pressure and some manifestations of aggression, which his father considered the basis of the character of every successful businessman.

Donald's strength of character was always noticeable. At the age of thirteen, because of this, his father sent the future millionaire to study at a military academy in New York. Fred Trump was right with his decision. At the academy, Donald was taught many things, including the ability to survive in a brutally competitive environment, not to mention discipline.

In addition to the academy, Donald learned many of the basics of life from his father, who often pointed out his similarities with his son.

The ability to motivate people, communicate with influential people - Donald learned all this from his millionaire father.

After studying at the military academy, the younger Trump continued to gnaw on the granite of science at Fordham College. After some time, Donald suddenly finally understood what he would do in life. So he dropped out of college and entered Pennsylvania State University of Commerce.

After completing his education, Trump quickly gained a reputation as a successful businessman as well as a television star. Today, this financial tycoon not only has tens of thousands of millions under his belt, but also does an excellent job as the host of a television show about business, “The Candidate.”

Donald Trump's career

Immediately after graduating from the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania, the younger Trump begins to build his career in the family business. Having taken a job with the elder Trump's company, he begins the famous project to build 1.2 thousand apartments in Ohio - the Swifton Village complex, financed by the US government. Surprisingly, many facts indicate that the amount of government investment exceeded the actual costs of implementing the project.

In general, and father and son of the Trump family were famous for their passion for working on government projects. Of course, it allowed them to make good money.

Getting his first experience in his father's company, Donald realizes that his father does not intend to develop his business further. The elder Trump's business was aimed at the middle class American consumer. This had its advantages, but Donald wanted more. Therefore, he decided to focus his activities on the powerful and rich of this world.

Before embarking on his dream, Trump spent a lot of time studying architecture by walking the streets of New York and gaining experience by painstakingly working on complex, routine projects.

Independent steps in business

Already by the mid-seventies, Donald Trump became the winner of the tender for the purchase of the Commodore Hotel owned by the railway company. Despite the terrible condition of the hotel, Donald undertook its reconstruction. The first thing he did to achieve this goal was to allow local authorities to pay reduced taxes over the next 40 years. Many were surprised how Trump managed to achieve this. In fact, this is not surprising, since the Trump family was famous for such talents.

By 1980, on the site of the hotel located in the heart of New York, a hotel of the Hyatt Hotel Corporation - Grand Hyatt appeared. The hotel has been beautifully restored. Thanks to this, the reputation of the Trump company has skyrocketed: Donald was the talk of the town all over New York.

Following the Commodore Hotel, Trump took on the 68-story Trump Tower skyscraper on New York's 5th Avenue. Feature of this project was its location. The skyscraper was located opposite the Tiffany brand store and also had an unusual name. Donald explained his choice as follows: “ Tiffany stores are always located on the most best streets cities. Wealthy people are always hanging around these stores!».

Trump Tower in Chicago

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Donald decided to name the skyscraper after himself. This is a thoughtful move in the overall commercial PR strategy. And here Trump was not mistaken. Luxurious offices and apartments in the skyscraper were quickly sold out, and the Trump brand has become a kind of symbol of luxury and skyscrapers in New York.

Success literally followed Donald in every project he implemented. The construction magnate was not afraid to take risks. He took out bank loans for almost all his projects, forgetting to be vigilant. As a result, Donald Trump stopped delving into the essence of the deal altogether, which left the construction tycoon with $9.8 billion in debt. Donald Trump miraculously managed to survive this crisis at the cost of losing part of his business.

Among Donald's subsequent projects that deserve special attention, it should be noted the construction of the 72-story Trump World Tower skyscraper opposite the 50-story UN building.

In addition to his construction business, Donald Trump owns largest network Casino in Atlantic City - Taj Mahal. The history of the acquisition of these casinos is separate. As many sources report, here too Donald was not without the ability to negotiate with the authorities, who informed him of their intention to turn Atlantic City into a second Las Vegas. Thanks to the casino's profitability, the construction magnate repaid all his bank loans. Many consider the purchase of the first casino fatal for Trump.

Today, Donald Trump also owns a golf course and a network of clubs (quite popular in the USA).

According to the famous American magazine Forbes, Donald Trump is considered the most popular millionaire in the United States. His wealth is inferior to the achievements of such tycoons as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, but people are interested in Trump’s fate and money much more often than others. Most likely, this is due to his frequent appearances on American television. In particular, today Donald Trump hosts a television show on the NBC channel, “The Candidate,” and regularly organizes the popular beauty contest, “Miss Universe.”

As far as business is concerned, achieved history Donald Trump is not ending. The millionaire has repeatedly stated on live broadcasts about his dream to implement a project that would bring his name into the world history.

Not everything is going smoothly in the personal life of the construction magnate. Donald has always been, is and will be passionate about business. That's why his wives have to put up with it. Trump has been married three times and has five children.. The last wife is Melanie Knaus, a model from Slovenia.

Dream of becoming US President

Announced his entry into the race for the post of the next President of the United States on June 16, 2015. In May 2016, having outpaced all his rivals in the primaries, he virtually guaranteed himself the nomination as a candidate from the Republican Party. Officially approved at the party congress held on July 18-21. He became the second candidate in history for the presidency of the United States from two major parties who initially gained fame primarily as a businessman (the first was Wendell Willkie in 1940). On November 8, 2016, Trump won the presidential election, managing to beat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

In the end, I would like to add just one thing: millionaire Donald Trump has always loved and continues to love living beautifully! He has repeatedly stated on live broadcasts about his dream of implementing a project that would bring his name into world history. And it looks like he succeeded!

Donald John Trump - 45th President of the United States, a billionaire television personality and author of books on how to achieve success, whose career took an unexpected and dramatic leap with the election of Trump as the Republican President. Confident, contrary to all forecasts, Trump’s victory in the presidential election on November 8, 2016 caused shock waves in world markets and confronted the world with the eternal Russian question “what will happen now.”

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York, large family with German and Scottish roots. Donald has two brothers and two sisters. Donald's father, Frederick Trump (1905-1999), was a real estate developer, and Donald followed in his father's footsteps after graduating from university. Over the years, Trump's business acumen and drive have made him one of New York's most prominent developers. Forbes estimates Trump's wealth at more than two and a half billion dollars and ranks him about 324th in the world in terms of wealth.

Donald Trump spent his childhood in Queens in eastern New York. The boy grew up energetic and daring. At the age of 13, Donald’s parents sent him to a military academy to channel the child’s fighting energy in the right direction, but Trump never joined the army. In 1964, Trump entered Fordham University in New York, and two years later he transferred to the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1968 with a bachelor's degree in economics.

Donald Trump's career in the construction business began in 1971, when he took control of the family firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son. Under Donald's leadership, the family business grew to unprecedented proportions and became a colossal construction empire called The Trump Organization. The empire owns dozens of skyscrapers, hotels, casinos and residential buildings around the world.

Personal life of Donald Trump is typical for a billionaire: he is married for the third time and has five children and eight grandchildren.

With his first wife, former Czech model Ivana Zelníková (1949), Trump has three children: Donald Trump Jr. (1977), Ivanka Trump (1981) and Eric Trump (1984). Trump's second wife is American actress Marla Maples. In this marriage, which lasted from 1993 to 1999, a daughter, Tiffany, was born - an Instagram star and almost a singer. Trump's third wife and first lady of the United States is Melania Trump (1970). The marriage took place in 2005 and was born in 2006. youngest son Trump Barron. It’s interesting that this is Melania’s first and so far only child.

Trump's election program is one of the most scandalous in the history of the United States: he promises to build a wall on the border with Mexico, make friends with Putin and ban Muslims from entering the States. And although everyone understands that none of these promises will be fulfilled, the world is preparing for a fun and enjoyable four years of the Trump presidency, which began on January 20, 2017, after the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Interesting facts about Donald Trump:

At the time of taking office (January 20, 2017), Trump was the oldest (age 70 and a half) and richest ($2.5 billion) US president.

Melania Trump became the first First Lady of the United States in history to English language is not native.

Article Donald Trump is in the lists: celebrities, politics

Brief biography of Donald Trump, the most important thing

Mary Ann, Donald's mother, moved from Scotland to the United States at the age of 18. Donald's father, the son of German immigrants, Fred Christ Trump, married her in 1936. Donald was born in New York on June 14, 1946, 10 years after his parents' wedding. His father was a very wealthy businessman, and Donald grew up in prosperity from the cradle. He was not the only child; there were five children in the family, but Donald could rightfully be called the most difficult child. Possessing a tough, domineering and restless character, the boy constantly caused trouble for his parents. Finding no other way out, they took their son out of public school and sent him for re-education to a private boarding school, the New York Military Academy, hoping that military discipline would settle their son down.

Military doctrine certainly benefited the cadet, instilling strong-willed traits in Donald, the ability to achieve his goals, and teaching him how to survive in a competitive environment. After graduating from the military academy, the question arose about receiving higher education, and Donald, who at first decided to enter a cinematic university, finally changed his mind and decided to choose his father’s path and also become a businessman. After receiving a bachelor's degree in economics in 1968, the future president of the United States got a job in his father's company, which was engaged in the rental and sale of real estate. Donald quickly got used to it and realized that he was in his element. At first, he took part in business projects under the patronage of his father, who Donald considered his favorite.

In 1974, the city decided to give away a bankrupt hotel for a pittance and very favorable tax breaks to a novice businessman for investment obligations - the hotel had to be reconstructed. The successfully completed project brought Donald his first millions. Gaining experience and already a millionaire, Donald Trump is monetizing his second grandiose business - a project to reconstruct the Atlantic City hotel, which by the time it opened became the largest casino in America.

In 1989, Trump had financial difficulties due to the crisis in the country, and he could not repay the loans he had taken for construction. The billionaire was close to bankruptcy. Banks and stockholders, who had lost hundreds of millions of dollars, finally decided to restructure Donald's fabulous debts. In 1990, Trump's debt was about $10 billion. The lack of managerial experience had an impact, but his calm character allowed him to significantly improve his financial situation in the next 3 years. By 1997, the media magnate completely relieved himself of responsibilities to creditors.

In 2015, the insatiable ambitions of one of the richest people in his country made him think about political career, and in 2016, Trump entered the race for the presidency. Known for his extravagant behavior and scandalous statements, the self-confident Donald was confident that the electorate would support him in the elections, allowing him to beat his main rival, Hillary Clinton. Fortune did not fail the businessman here either - Hilary’s reputation, tarnished by her diplomatic mail published by hackers, significantly worsened her position in the presidential race, which allowed Trump to bypass her and become the 45th President of the United States of America.

Donald Trump is known for his loyal attitude to Russia's position on Syria, as well as his categorical anti-Muslim position.

In Russian

Biography of Donald Trump about the main thing

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York. Donald's father was Fred Christ Trump, a business developer, and his mother was Mary Ann MacLeod. The family itself belongs to the number of German immigrants. In addition to Donald, there were 4 more children in the family, 2 boys and 2 girls.

John attended Kew Forest School in Queens, New York's most ethnically diverse borough. Because of this, young Trump has problems and his parents decide to send him to study at a military academy. It was not quite a military academy in the classical sense, but rather a boarding school in the image of a military academy. Thus, the parents hoped that such training would help bring out the positive qualities of young Donald and they were right. While studying at the military academy, Trump becomes a very active student, participates in public life academies, and sports are not ignored. After graduating from the military academy, John entered the Wharton Business School, from which he graduated in 1968, receiving a bachelor's degree in economics.

Donald Trump

Despite his upcoming job at his father's company, Donald majors in finance.

It's not hard to guess where Trump's career begins. While working for his father, Donald still enjoys real estate and is involved in rentals. A few years later, John moves to the historical core of New York - Manhattan. The economic opportunities of the center that opened up to him were amazing, so Donald is heavily investing in real estate and begins to actively develop the metropolis. Anticipating the enormous financial prospects of such a development, Trump begins to take out loans, which will work against him in the future.

1989 is the time of the financial crisis, which hits Donald hard in his pocket. It is at this moment that they begin to “burn” cash loans, which Trump is no longer able to extinguish on his own. Despite all attempts to save itself and its business, expressed in regular loans and deferred interest, the company is overtaken by bankruptcy, and Trump himself is on the brink. Despite the gigantic losses, the debts were still restructured. Donald gradually climbs out of the debt hole and by 1994 his position does not look so shaky. $900 million invested in paying off personal debt. Business is also experiencing an influx of cash and Trump is gradually paying off the company’s debt obligations. The hard times only came to an end in the mid-2000s when the debts were restructured.

Until 2007, he continued to be actively involved in real estate and construction, and also began to participate in politics, participating in the 2000 elections. The financial crisis of 2008 passed quite calmly for Trump himself, but not for his company; in 2009, it filed for bankruptcy, and Trump himself left the board of directors.

In 2015, Trump announced his nomination as a candidate for the presidency in the upcoming elections from the Republican Party. At the beginning of the presidential race, the vast majority of voters considered such a move a joke or another PR move by an extraordinary politician, however, such skepticism quickly disappeared when in the end only 2 candidates remained, one of which was Trump. Even greater amazement was associated with Trump's victory in the US presidential election.

In Russian

Interesting facts and dates from life

Donald Trump: biography, personal life, wife, children (photo)

Donald John Trump (June 14, 1946, Queens, New York, USA) is an American businessman and politician. Newly elected President of the United States of America. He ran for this office as a Republican. Will take office on January 20, 2017.

A well-known businessman and media mogul, Trump is the president of the construction conglomerate Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which specializes in the gambling and hotel businesses. From 1996 to 2015, he was the owner of the Miss USA beauty pageant. He appeared as himself in a number of films and television series. In addition, he is the executive producer and host of the reality show “The Apprentice” on NBC for 14 seasons (2004-2015).

Announced his entry into the race for the post of the next President of the United States on June 16, 2015. In May 2016, having outpaced all his rivals in the primaries, he virtually guaranteed himself the nomination as a candidate from the Republican Party. Officially approved at the party congress held on July 18-21.

He became the second candidate in history for the presidency of the United States from two major parties who was initially known primarily as a businessman (the first was Wendell Willkie in 1940). In the presidential election, Trump won the popular vote on November 8, 2016, beating Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Books (5)

Think like a billionaire

Section: Secrets of success

To become a truly rich person, you need to learn to think like a billionaire. And here real estate genius, best-selling author and TV star Donald Trump will come to your aid.

He will show you how to approach money, career, your own talents and life in general. In this book, you'll find great advice from a recognized expert on investing in real estate, from how to communicate with brokers to advice on building renovations and real estate valuation techniques.

Never give up!

Section: Secrets of success

The book is about how failures, problems, crisis, collapse, catastrophe can be turned into a springboard for victory, about how, having found yourself in a deadly whirlpool, push off from the bottom and soar upward again to success.

The main thing is to perceive all problems not as obstacles or bad luck, but as new opportunities and additional chances given to you by fate.

And then you are invincible. Nothing can bring down a man who stubbornly refuses to admit defeat. No obstacles are scary for those who never give up.

America's Past Greatness

Section: Miscellaneous

Donald Trump's most famous phrase is “You're fired!” A shocking, charismatic, unstoppable billionaire is seriously planning to become political leader leading world power.

He doesn't know political correctness. He offers his solutions to all the problems America faces - unprecedented in simplicity and severity. He has his own special opinion on any issue - about illegal immigration and the US domestic debt, about Lady Gaga and Vladimir Putin, about the correct world order and the fair distribution of public goods - and he will not hesitate to express it, whether you want it or not.

Donald Trump is a real candidate to be the next US President. And this book is essentially his political program.

Donald Trump - biography and personal life

What awaits America and the world if a construction magnate-showman becomes president? Read and find out.

How to become rich

Section: Secrets of success

He will tell you how to invest money correctly; impress your boss and get promoted; successfully manage a business; hire, stimulate and fire employees; negotiate; support good name his trademark; think big and live your best.

The book is full business advice and worldly wisdom and talks about how huge fortunes are legally created and how to manage a first-class business.

Think big and don't slow down!

Section: Secrets of success

In the book, the great businessman and provocateur Donald Trump brilliantly debunks the illusions associated with the world of business. According to Trump, not everyone can become rich and famous. Success and wealth go to the strong, while illusions and doubts are the lot of losers.

Donald Trump's motto in life and business is passion, healthy anger, a realistic view of the world and a creative approach to solving any problem. Life is a tough fight, and if you want to come out victorious, forget the word “no”, learn to work with your fists, return blow to blow, never give up and calculate every step you take. This is the only way to achieve big goals, and you shouldn’t set others!

Donald Trump, whose biography and achievements still arouse great interest to this day, is a world-famous businessman. His success story is unusual. He did not come from a poor family, who all his life dreamed of becoming one of the people. The biography of a businessman like Donald Trump turned out somewhat differently. From birth he was a millionaire.

His father was a construction magnate who worked in New York. His name was Fred Trump. He was a fairly successful developer, although not that famous. Neat, decent and tough, Fred was able to earn about $20 million. And Donald, his son, managed to increase his father's wealth, making his family billionaires.

Origin of the future businessman, childhood

On June 14, 1946, Donald Trump was born (his photo is presented in the article). He was not the only child in his family. Mary and Fred Trump had three more children besides him. However, only Donald was able to continue his father’s work, since he was the only one who possessed the aggression and pressure necessary to successfully run a business.

Already from childhood, these qualities began to appear in his character. When Trump turned 13, his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy. They decided to take this step largely because their son was practically uncontrollable. A harsh environment was needed to curb his temper. Trump learned a lot at the military academy. He later recalled that it was here that he understood how to survive among numerous competitors.

My father had a pretty strong connection with Fred, who felt that Donald Trump would be the one to follow in his footsteps. The biography of his son in subsequent years completely confirmed his guesses. Trump took after his father and adopted many skills and qualities from him, including the ability to influence people and motivate them, even powerful of the world this (for example, local mayors).

Donald Trump, after graduating from the academy, entered Fordham College. However, he did not manage to stay here for long, since he was not at all interested in studying at college. Donald was determined about what he would do in the future. Having strengthened his opinion, he entered the University of Commerce, located in Pennsylvania. This is where they passed student years such as Donald Trump. His biography during these years is marked by interesting details.

Student years

Donald Trump is known today largely due to his very extraordinary image. He is not only a successful businessman, but also a TV star. Donald is the host of the reality show "The Candidate", the theme of which is business. He was married to three women. He is often given the title of playboy. However, oddly enough, Donald Trump did not show himself in any way during his student years. He did not smoke, did not drink, and was not famous for his love affairs. Moreover, Donald generally avoided student events. His fellow students recalled that all of Trump’s thoughts at that time were already about New York.

First projects

Trump, after graduating from university, began working at his father's company. Swifton Village is one of the first projects in which Donald Trump took part. His biography interested many businessmen after the completion of construction. Swifton Village is located in Ohio large complex, consisting of 1200 apartments. The project was noted because the state decided to finance the work of Fred Trump's company. Cash were highlighted even in larger size, than was necessary for the construction of the complex, which is quite remarkable. The Trumps loved to carry out socially significant projects, and it more than paid off. Having spent $6 million on the work, they were able to sell the complex for $12 million. That is, they received 6 million.

Donald, working on the first projects, realized that Fred did not want to go further. His father tried to implement projects that were designed for the poor. On the one hand, this had its advantages - lower taxes, help from the city leadership. However, Donald understood that big money could only be obtained from rich people who were not accustomed to saving.

Trump has been developing routine projects for some time. He set about making connections (it’s good that his father could help him with this). Donald also loved to wander around New York. During these walks he studied urban architecture. Trump waited, and the wait was worth it.

Restoration of the Commodore Hotel

Donald won a bid from the railroad company to buy the Commodore Hotel in 1974. He was in very poor condition and could no longer function. Donald undertook to restore it. At the same time, he was able to achieve phenomenal conditions from the city authorities - to pay reduced taxes for this hotel for 40 years.

But Trump's deal-making talent didn't stop there. Having learned that the Hyatt Hotel Corporation was looking for a place for a hotel in New York City, Donald offered his services to the company. As a result of all this, in 1980, in the city center, on the site of the old Commodore, there was a Grand Hyatt, restored by Trump.

Soon after this successful deal, the whole of New York learned who Donald Trump was. Donald gradually began to make a name for himself.

Skyscraper Trump Tower

His new project brought him even greater popularity. It was the Trump Tower skyscraper, located on Fifth Avenue, a tall building of 68 floors. What’s interesting is how Trump chose the location for its construction. He decided that the building should be located opposite the Tiffany store. Donald had two reasons for this:

  • Wealthy people often pass by this store;
  • Tiffany always chooses the most best places cities.

The bet turned out to be correct - the rich noticed the skyscraper. Donald subsequently often recalled his time working on this project. He spent 14 hours a day on the construction site, suffered from lack of sleep and fired many people. After some time, the project was completed and highly appreciated by the city residents.

It must be said that American businessman Donald Trump made another skillful marketing ploy- he gave his name to the skyscraper. Already at this time, Donald began to promote the brand of his name. The press ridiculed him, saying that Trump was already building monuments to himself. This may have been true, but construction firms around the world are now willing to pay huge amounts of money to be given the opportunity to use the Trump name in their activities.

Success of Trump Tower

Donald soon saw how the rich spent their money. Expensive apartments and offices in the skyscraper he built were bought up instantly. Trump Tower has become a symbol of luxury. The situation on the New York market quickly began to get complicated. Donald's competitors began to lower prices, but he did not follow their example. On the contrary, Trump even raised them. The businessman believed that status for rich people is valued much higher than money. And Donald’s calculation turned out to be correct. The Trump brand soon became a symbol of luxury and New York skyscrapers.

Achievements in the field of gambling business

Meanwhile, businessman Donald Trump began studying the profitable gambling business. He began working actively in this field in 1977 in New Jersey. Trump purchased in 1980 land plot, located in Atlantic City. Donald instructed Robert, his younger brother, the position of head of the project to obtain a business license, land rights, financing and all kinds of permits. Holiday Inns offered the brothers a partnership agreement. As a result, the Harrah's Casino Hotel appeared in the Trump Plaza complex in 1982. $250 million was invested in this project.

Trump bought out Holiday Inns in 1986 and also gave his establishment a new name - Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. After corporations did not agree to issue him a license to conduct a gambling business, Donald also bought a casino hotel located in Atlantic City, owned by Hilton Hotels. After that, he named this complex, which costs $320 million, Trump's Castle. Somewhat later, the businessman had the opportunity to purchase the world's largest casino hotel, the Taj Mahal, which was under construction. It was opened in 1990

Unrealized project

Also in the 1980s, Trump purchased an apartment building in New York with the Barbizon-Plaza Hotel adjacent to it. This hotel overlooked Central Park. Trump intended to carry out a large construction project on this site. But the struggle of the building's tenants, who were protected by rent control programs, ended in Donald's defeat.

Then the businessman decided to reconstruct Barbizon, turning it into Trump Parc. Donald purchased about 307 sq. m. in 1985. km of land located in the western part of Manhattan. The purchase cost him $88 million. The businessman’s plans were to build a Television City complex on this site. It was supposed to consist, according to the project, of shopping center, dozens of skyscrapers and a park overlooking the river. It was a huge undertaking. The implementation of the project would bring the world the tallest building on earth. However, its implementation did not take place due to public opposition, as well as red tape in obtaining a construction permit from the city authorities.

Luck changes for Trump

Fate has not always been kind to a businessman like Donald Trump. His life story was marked by a very difficult period.

The real estate market crashed in 1990. This resulted in a decrease in the assessed value and profits of Donald's empire. At one point, the value of his network, which was $1.7 billion, dropped to $500 million. In order to protect the business from collapse, Trump needed to make many third-party injections. Because of this, there were rumors that Donald's company had gone bankrupt. Some believe the fall of Donald Trump's empire is symbolic of what awaits the economic, social and business giants emerging from the 1980s.

Trump may have been blinded by his rapid success. His business was built on a rather risky basis: Donald took money from banks to purchase his projects and construction. Trump has always been successful, which reduced the vigilance of not only him, but also his creditors. They began to give money to the businessman just for his name. As a result, billionaire Trump, whose biography is marked by many successful transactions, began to understand less and less about their essence. He became the owner of a football team, several golf clubs and casinos in Atlantic City, an airline, not very profitable construction projects, a brand of vodka, a huge yacht called Trump Princess, groceries, etc. Meanwhile, a real estate crisis was brewing, which we talked about . As a result of all this, Donald ended up with a debt of $9.8 billion!

The press hit the businessman most brutally at that moment. The newspapers wrote that Donald's luck had run out, that he had quit the game, loosened his grip, and much more. Of course, this hit his pride. Donald was starting to get nervous. The creditors were barely persuaded to wait. Trump even decided to include his property in the cost of the loan - a huge skyscraper located in the city center. Donald found himself in a situation where all his wealth could be destroyed overnight. Moreover, nothing would remain after this of Fred's business, which served as the basis for everything that Trump achieved. The situation was aggravated by the fact that in my personal life, big problems from a businessman like Donald Trump. A photo of him with Ivana, his first wife, is presented below.

Donald's wife (a supermodel from Czechoslovakia), who gave birth to three children to the businessman, suddenly lost interest in her husband. Constant quarrels began, ending in divorce, which also required additional expenses.

Trump's rehabilitation

However, Donald still managed to gradually get out of the crisis and pay off his creditors. Of course, most of his business was lost, but it is unlikely that billionaire Donald, who was already valued at $2 billion in 1997, would have greatly regretted the rest of the money.

New projects

Donald Trump implemented a rather bold project in 2001. He decided to build the 72-story Trump World Tower skyscraper opposite the tall 50-story UN building. opposed this, but Donald was not deterred by his statement.

Today, Donald Trump, whose success story has become known throughout the world, is also the owner of the Taj Mahal, one of the largest casinos in all of Atlantic City. Speaking about the history of his purchase, it should be noted that Donald was helped here by connections with the city authorities. He was one of the first to learn that it was planned to turn this place into a second Las Vegas, so land prices would be reduced. In addition to the casino, Donald also has his own golf course, as well as a number of clubs that are very popular. It’s interesting that casinos once played a key role in Trump’s life. They became the main source with the help of which the businessman repaid his loans.

Television appearances, political activities

Donald Trump, according to a study conducted by Forbes magazine, is the most famous entrepreneur in the United States. He is even more famous than Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. How did he manage to gain such popularity? Probably thanks to television. Trump is a frequent guest of the American channel NBC.

The businessman began hosting his own reality show “The Apprentice” in 2003. Its participants are given special tasks. If they decide, the winner is guaranteed a position as a top manager at Trump's firm. The show became very successful and brought great fame to Donald. At the same time, Trump became the highest paid presenter in the United States. For each episode of this television project, his fee is estimated at $3 million.

Trump loves beautiful life and loves luxury. By the way, it is Donald who organizes the Miss Universe competition. A rich and famous businessman, he became a real favorite of the people. Donald became famous for his ability to speak in public. Several times he tried to nominate himself for the presidency of the United States. Trump has created many books about doing business that have become real bestsellers.

In 2012, the American businessman returned to the political arena. He said that he was going to nominate himself for the presidency. However, his association with the radical "birther" group, which believes that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, discredited him as a politician. Despite this, Trump continues to make rather harsh statements about current president America. And not only about the place of his birth, but also about many points of the policy pursued by him.

Personal life

Not everything is going smoothly in the personal life of this entrepreneur. Donald Trump has repeatedly admitted that he has a great passion for beautiful girls. But he never managed to build a happy family. From his first marriage to Ivana, he had three children. However, they did not keep the family from falling apart. Pictured below are Donald Trump and his family. The photo dates back to the 1980s.

Donald married the actress in 1993. The couple's daughter was born 2 months before the wedding. But this marriage was not destined to be the last. In 1997, divorce proceedings between the spouses began, which caused a lot of noise. It ended only in 1999. Maples received $2 million under the prenuptial agreement.

In 2005, Donald decided to get married again. His wedding to Melania Knauss, famous model from Slovenia, became a big event in the world of celebrities. In March 2006, Barron William Trump was born - the first-born of Melania Knauss and the 5th child of a businessman. The photo below shows Donald Trump and his wife.

It is unknown whether this marriage will be strong. American billionaire Donald Trump, whose biography was so successful, is no longer young. He once said of his problems with his ex-wives that it was difficult for them to compete with what Trump loves most. Business always remained in the first place in the life of this entrepreneur, and his spouses were forced to put up with this. It couldn’t have been any other way in the life of a billionaire passionate about real estate.

Trump's dream

Today, few people do not know who Donald Trump is, especially in the United States. However, despite his enormous wealth and venerable age, he still has an unfulfilled dream - to create a project that will forever write his name in world history, which will be talked about for centuries. Well, let's see if such an outstanding businessman as Donald Trump will be able to realize this ambitious idea. The biography and achievements of this person suggest that he is capable of much.

Donald was born into the owner's family construction company Freda Christ Trump and Mary Ann MacLeod. He has two brothers and two sisters.

Trump attended the New York Military Academy boarding school. During his studies, he played on the football and baseball teams. In 1964, he graduated from the academy and entered Fordham University, but two years later he transferred to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating from business school in 1968, he returned home and began working for his father's firm.

The first project entrusted to Trump turned out to be profitable. With a cost of $6 million to build the residential complex, his father's company managed to earn $12 million from the sale of the apartments.

In 1971, Donald moved to Manhattan, where, in his opinion, there were more opportunities to develop the family business. That same year, he moved the office of his father's construction company there. One of the young businessman’s first independent projects was the construction of a business center on a plot of land from the bankrupt Central railway on the west side of Manhattan. In 1975, Trump became president of the family company, at which time he changed its name to the Trump Organization.

In 1974, Donald purchased his first hotel, and the following year he signed a partnership agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation and in 1980 opened a new hotel, The Grand Hyatt, which gained wide popularity. Currently, the Trump Hotel Collection company owns a chain of hotels in Las Vegas, Chicago, Hawaii, Miami, Toronto and other cities.

In 1982, a new project of the businessman was implemented - the 58-story Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue.

In the 1990s, he experienced financial difficulties and was almost on the verge of bankruptcy, but Donald Trump managed to restore his business by 2005. In May 2005, his company began operating again, but under the name Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings. In 2009, Donald resigned from the company's Board of Directors.

From 1996 to 2015, Trump was the owner of the Miss Universe beauty pageant. The businessman also owns a network of golf courses in the USA, Scotland, UAE, and Ireland.

In 2005, he launched his own clothing line, and later began producing home goods, as well as his own fragrance.

Donald Trump has also made cameo appearances in a number of films and television series, including Sex in big city" In addition, the businessman was the host of the reality show “The Candidate” for several years.

In November 2016, he became the 45th President of the United States.

Hobbies : Golf, music,

Personal life : In 1977, Donald Trump married Ivana Zelnichkova. In their marriage they had three children: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. The couple divorced in 1992.

The businessman married for the second time in 1993 to Marla Maples. During their marriage, they had a daughter, Tiffany. The couple broke up in June 1999.

On January 22, 2005, Donald Trump married former model Melania Knauss, who is 24 years younger than him. On March 20, 2006, Melania and Donald became parents: their son Barron was born.

Donald Trump has eight grandchildren.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

Donald Trump does not drink alcohol or smoke.

The businessman and politician has written a number of books about business, including “The Art of the Deal”, “Trump: The Path to the Top”, “How to Get Rich” and others.

Donald has not changed his signature hairstyle from the very beginning of his career.

Quotes :

I listen to my instincts, and, as a rule, my instincts do not deceive me. Everyone thought that I would not win the election, but I said that I would most likely win

Money has never attracted me on its own. For me it's just a way to measure success.

Many people say that I behave like a gambler, but I have never gambled in my life. A gambler is someone who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines

Women are not what they are thought to be. They are much worse than men, more aggressive and, my God, they can even be smart. Women are great at acting. Those who are smarter look very vulnerable and defenseless, but inside they are real killers. Whoever came up with the expression “weaker sex” was either very naive or joking. I saw how a woman manipulates a man with one movement of her eyes, well, or another part of her body