American businessman Donald Trump: biography and achievements. Biography of Donald Trump

The story of Donald Trump is not at all similar to the fate of most famous businessmen, financiers and traders. He didn’t have to start his journey with the dream of getting out of poverty or making his first million, because he is a millionaire by birthright.

Donald's father, Fred Trump, was in the construction business in New York. He, although he did not grab the stars from the sky, was able to achieve some success, earning 20 million dollars. But his son became one of the most successful businessmen in the world, increasing his family's fortune to several billion.

Donald John Trump was born to Fred and Melissa Trump on June 14, 1946. There were three more children in the family, but only Donald developed exactly the character that allowed the boy to continue his father’s work. Pressure and aggression helped him not only preserve family capital, but also greatly increase it.

However, such personal qualities are at a young age caused a lot of trouble both to Donald himself and, of course, to his parents. At the age of 13 he became almost uncontrollable. Fred and Melissa realized that the best way out The best solution to this situation would be to send his son to a place where strict discipline can curb his violent temper. The choice fell on New York military academy. Time has proven that this decision was absolutely correct. It was there that Donald was able to learn a lot, including the ability to survive among competitors. Already in his youth, D Trump was very similar to his father, which greatly influenced their relationship. They were really close.

The boy inherited from his father many personal qualities that are simply necessary for a successful large businessman. He knew how to motivate people, influence powerful of the world this, even representatives of official authorities.

Donald successfully graduated from the military academy. The next stage of his education was his studies at Forham College, which, however, did not last long. By that time, Trump knew exactly what he wanted to do in the future, so he chose the Pennsylvania State University of Commerce, leaving college for a long time. Today, the name Donald Trump is known throughout the world, and not only because of his brilliant achievements in business. He is a popular television star and host of the reality show The Apprentice.

Anyone who even occasionally accesses the Internet knows about his personal life: he was married three times and was repeatedly awarded the “honorary title” of Playboy. Who would have thought that such a person at one time led a quiet and measured student life. His fellow students cannot remember a single juicy story involving Donald. He did not drink, did not smoke, and was not interested in the opposite sex. Even then, all young Trump’s thoughts were about New York.

Where it all began

Donald received his diploma and went to work, where? Surprisingly, it was to the company of his father. The first project with his participation was the construction of an apartment complex called Swifton Village, located in Ohio.

The state took over the financing of the construction, which was not at all typical for projects of this kind. Even more surprising was the fact that even more money was allocated than necessary. The Trumps never missed an opportunity to take part in socially significant projects, and never left at a loss. If we talk about the mentioned construction, they invested 6 million dollars in it, and sold it for 12. 100% profit, cool!

Already at the very beginning of his career, Donald realized that the current state of affairs in his father’s company was quite satisfactory. Fred Trump limited himself to building projects intended for the so-called middle class. This not only ensured a stable sales market, but also made it possible to obtain significant benefits, including support from city authorities and tax breaks. But Trump the son, with his innate instinct, felt that truly big money could only be earned from those who were not used to saving, that is, from the richest representatives of society. It took Donald some time to acquire the necessary connections. By the way, his father helped him a lot with this.

The then young Trump not only dealt with routine projects, but also walked a lot around New York. This was not just a fun pastime. Sam Walton, the famous founder of Wal-Mart, once studied retail trading network all over America. Trump did the same, but the object of his study was the architecture of the city. This paid him huge dividends in the future.

Grand deals

In 1974, Trump made his first big deal - he won the tender for the purchase of the Commodore Hotel, which by that time was in a deplorable state and was practically not working. Donald took upon himself to restore the hotel, and the city authorities, in turn, gave him the opportunity to pay taxes at a reduced rate for 40 years. It still remains a mystery how Trump managed to do this.

A little later, he had another opportunity to prove himself as a talented negotiator. The Hyatt Hotel Corporation was looking for a location for its hotel in downtown New York. The contract was eventually concluded with Trump, who by 1980 had restored the old Commodore Hotel. Today the famous Grand Hyatt stands on this site. Such a successful deal could not go unnoticed. All of New York was talking about the young talented developer. It was from this moment that Donald Trump began to create his name. Another super successful and very famous project was the construction of the 68-story Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue.

It is very interesting how Trump approached choosing a suitable location. So, he decided that his skyscraper must be located opposite the Tiffany store.

There were two reasons for this:

  • Tiffany stores are always located in best places cities.
  • Wealthy people always walk near these stores.

Obviously, these people simply could not help but notice the skyscraper. This construction became for Trump one of the most memorable periods in his life. He spent 14 hours a day on the site, constantly lacked sleep and... fired a huge number of people. Albeit with some difficulties, the skyscraper was built. It became a huge success.

Trump negotiator

Trump is not only a competent developer and a talented negotiator, he is also an excellent marketer. He not only received money for the construction work, but also used the skyscraper to create his own brand, giving it his name. Then this became the subject of ridicule from the press, saying that Trump decided to erect a lifetime monument to himself. It's a laugh, but this tactic was completely justified. Today, construction companies around the world are willing to pay exorbitant sums just to use the Trump name in their work.

Offices and expensive apartments in Trump Tower were sold out almost instantly. Trump has seen first-hand how quickly rich people are willing to part with their money. Very little time has passed and the situation on the New York real estate market has noticeably changed for the worse. Developers began to lower their prices, but not Trump, who raised them even more.

He firmly believed that status was the most important thing for very wealthy people. And I was right. Very soon, the Trump brand became firmly associated with luxury; it became a real symbol of New York skyscrapers.

On the edge of the abyss

A string of successful contracts dulled Trump's innate sense of caution. He financed all his projects through bank loans. Time after time, they paid off with interest, and this dulled the vigilance of not only Trump himself, but also his creditors. They were ready to give him any amount without any collateral, firmly believing that the famous developer would return everything along with interest. And at the same time, Trump himself paid less and less attention to the content of the deals he was concluding. He began investing in everything: a casino in Atlantic City, several golf clubs, a football team, a huge Trump Princess yacht, brands of vodka and groceries.

This list can be continued for a long time. If we add to the above several not entirely successful construction projects against the backdrop of a brewing real estate crisis, it becomes not at all surprising that after some time Trump’s debt amounted to 9.8... hold your breath......BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!

As soon as Trump stumbled a little, he didn’t have to wait long for attacks from the press. Journalists vied with each other to write that Trump had lost his instincts, weakened his grip, and generally went out of print. Of course, this really hurt a person like Donald. Financial problems also added to the unpleasant emotions. Trump's innate talent for negotiating anything with anyone has helped him convince some creditors to wait for the next payment.

But they still had to part with part of the real estate - a huge skyscraper in the very center of New York went to pay off debts. Later, Trump will write a book in which he will remember how he wandered the streets of New York, met homeless people and truly envied them, because each of them was richer than him by 9.8 billion dollars.

A talented businessman found himself literally on the edge of an abyss, into which he could fall at any moment. The situation became even more terrible from the fact that along with Trump’s own empire, his father’s business would also go down. But this was the launching pad that allowed Donald to achieve such amazing success. Everyone knows that trouble does not come alone. In addition to difficulties in business, during this period of time Trump had to face problems in his personal life.

His marriage to the supermodel from Czechoslovakia, Ivona Trump, was falling apart literally before our eyes. Even three children together did not help the spouses maintain their relationship, and it all ended in divorce, which in such circles also costs money, and a lot of it.

Those who gave up on Trump in these difficult times were clearly in a hurry. He managed to overcome a very difficult stage of his life and gradually pay off all his debts. Of course, we had to part with a significant part of the business, but the remaining $4 billion was quite decent compensation.

Donald Trump, what is he like?

His business projects can tell a lot about Donald Trump as a person. In 2001, under his leadership, the 72-story Trump World Tower skyscraper was built, which is located directly opposite the 50-story UN headquarters. Trump was not stopped even by the fact that Kofi Annan was categorically against this construction.

One of the largest casinos in Atlantic City, the Taj Mahal, belongs to Trump. This project might not have happened if not for Trump's connections with the city authorities. With their help, he was one of the first to learn that the second Las Vegas was to be located here, and, consequently, land prices would be seriously reduced. It was the casinos that once helped Trump pay off his huge debts.

Donald owns a golf course and several clubs, which are very popular year after year. Forbes magazine named Donald Trump the most famous businessman in the United States, placing him ahead of such titans as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

What is the reason for such crazy popularity? It's very simple - Trump is a fairly frequent guest on NBC. He hosts the reality show “The Candidate,” and also regularly organizes the world-famous beauty contest “Miss Universe.”

Personal life of a construction tycoon

Donald Trump is not just a successful businessman. He loves, and most importantly knows how to live beautifully. Rich, famous, talented speaker, author of many popular books about business. How can the public not love such a person? Trump even thought about running for president of the United States.

But balance is one of the laws of the Universe. In the life of Donald Trump, he showed himself in all his impartiality. Against the backdrop of business success and public life, his personal life did not go so smoothly. Trump loves beautiful women and is not embarrassed to admit this to himself and others.

Because of this, or for some other reason, but strong family he could not create it. The first time he married Ivana Trump, had three children, and divorced. In his second marriage to Marla, Trump had a daughter, but the end was the same.

Now Donald is living in his third marriage with model from Slovenia Melanie Knauss, who has already pleased her husband with the birth of an heir. What the end will be, and whether there will be one at all, this time we can only guess.

Trump himself explains his failures in his personal life by saying that he ex-wives They couldn’t come to terms with the fact that Donald was truly in love with his work. Work always came first for him. On the other hand, could Trump have achieved such success if it had been different? Today, Donald Trump is no longer young and monstrously rich, but he still continues to dream. He wants to create something that will forever inscribe his name in world history in golden letters, something that will live for centuries.

We can only wish you good luck, Donald!

Donald Trump: quotes

Donald Trump's biography interests many people today, not only in the USA, but also in other countries. And although the press never let his personal life and business out of their control, recent events have especially attracted funds mass media to his personality. In 2016, Trump nevertheless became the president of America.

  • 45th President of the United States;
  • politician;
  • businessman;
  • media mogul;
  • President of a construction corporation;
  • casino owner;
  • founder of a hospitality company;
  • organizer of the Miss USA beauty pageant (1996-2015);
  • bit actor;
  • producer and host of the television show “The Candidate” (2004-2015);
  • Person of the Year according to Time magazine (2016);
  • football team owner;
  • owner of a pharmaceutical company that produces vitamins;
  • author of several books.

Donald Trump's childhood

Was born future president V New York June 14, 1946. His parents met when his mother Mary, then 18, came here on vacation. There she met 25-year-old Fred Trump, who at that age already had his own construction company. The family had four children, Donald was the youngest of them. His paternal grandfather immigrated to America from Germany, and it was from him that the boy got the surname Trump.

Due to his difficult, stubborn and mischievous disposition, his parents sent thirteen-year-old Donald to study at the New York Military Academy. All his talents were fully demonstrated there. He was remembered as an excellent student, talented organizer and athlete. Here the young man received the “Trainer” award, the rank of sergeant major, cadet captain, and organized a march for the Day of Reconciliation.

At one time, the young man wanted to become an actor and dreamed of graduating from film school, but he thought about it and decided to connect his profession with finance. Therefore, he studied at Fordham University for several years, but did not graduate. Then he entered the Wharton School of Business and successfully graduated with a degree in economics and finance.


At first, the young man worked in his father’s construction company. There he was engaged in the rental of real estate. His first successful project was the modernization of a residential complex. More than half of the houses there were empty; after the end of the project, one hundred percent were occupied. After the deal, my father’s company made a profit of $6 million.

But they were in successful career businessman Donald and not better times. So, during the crisis of 1989-1997, he had to sell more than 50 percent of the shares of the casino and hotel. The company's revenues dropped significantly during this time. In the 2008 crisis, he lost one of his towers in Chicago. The businessman needed time to cope with financial problems through borrowed funds. Now his business is thriving and is worth more than 4 billion dollars.

Trump's construction company built the Trump Tower, the tallest of his residential buildings, as well as international hotels and towers in Florida, Chicago, Toronto, and residential buildings in Atlanta. The buildings he built are in different countries. Trump says he plans to create something similar in Moscow. Donald Trump founded a huge family business, in which, in addition to his two sons and daughter, his brother Robert also works.


Trump first ran for president of the United States in 2000, but he lost the election. In November 2016, he became the country's first 70-year-old president. His opponent, Hilary Clinton, lost to him because she received less than 50 percent of the popular vote.


In 2002, Trump created the reality television show The Apprentice. The participants competed for the position of top manager in his company. It was in this program that it sounded famous phrase: “You’re fired!” Today the businessman is one of the most expensive TV presenters. Trump has been a participant in various television programs more than once. His dream of cinema also came true. He starred several times in episodic film roles, where he played himself.

Husband and father

Donald Trump - his personal life is constantly savored in the media and is surrounded by new myths. The only fact is that the newly elected president was married three times. His first marriage lasted 15 years, his wife was model, actress and business lady from the Czech Republic Ivana Zelnichkova. They had two sons and a daughter. The second wife was American Marla Mapes; the union lasted for 8 years. A daughter was born in the marriage.

In 2004, Trump married for the third time and the couple had a son. Donald Trump, wife, who is she? Melanie works as a fashion model and designer. Donald Trump's children, his 3 sons and 2 daughters, are also the subject of close public attention. The three eldest work in their father's construction corporation. Daughter Tiffany dreams of becoming a singer. And myself youngest son only 10 years old. And it is possible that the list of children may be replenished. Donald now has 8 grandchildren.

Curious facts

  1. He calls his hairstyle his calling card, so he never changes it.
  2. Giving rise to the aphorism “You’re fired!” saying it on a TV show.
  3. He loves to play golf and is a member of a golf club.
  4. Trump's third wife is 24 years younger than him.
  5. The tycoon has written a dozen books on business and self-development.
  6. Has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  7. Participated in the video for Emin's song.
  8. The President's zodiac sign is Gemini, and according to eastern horoscope he is a dog.
  9. His weight is 100 kilograms, height is 191 centimeters.

What awaits America with a new president? Let's wait and see for ourselves.

Donald Trump, a notorious billionaire, financial analyst, businessman and one of the most influential people in world business, was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens.

Childhood and youth

I spent my childhood in the same small town and school years future billionaire. By the way, he got his not-American surname from his grandparents, Germans by origin, who emigrated to America back in the 20s. His parents were already Americans, which gave Trump the right to participate in the presidential race.

Very little is known about exact biographical facts from his childhood. He did not do well at school, preferring to study only those subjects that interested him. But sport was an important part of his life since early years. In his youth, he grew up very active, so his parents tried to give this energy an outlet that was not destructive to the family.

He's changed enough large number different circles and sections. It was there that two very important traits of Trump’s character first appeared. First of all, he liked to win. He did everything possible and impossible to be the best. And he succeeded - Trump’s collection includes several sports awards and cups.

His second signature trait was that everything he did, he did with passion and dedication. He was not afraid to give it his all, take risks and go for broke. Perhaps it was these traits that allowed him to put together in just a couple of decades multi-million dollar fortune. But first things first.

Business start

Trump has never said anywhere that he made his fortune “from scratch.” Although, due to the impulsiveness of his character, during the period of active development it ended up at zero more than once. Having taken the helm of the family business with his father, he began renting real estate with its subsequent rental.

Donald Trump (left) takes over the family business

This business brought a stable, but not too large income. Therefore, less than 10 years have passed since Trump moved to Manhattan, deciding that building and selling houses is much more profitable than simply renting them out. Having neither economic nor construction education, and not yet knowing all the intricacies of this market, Trump, in fact, went by trial and error.

At first there were more mistakes. Over the next 20 years, his companies (by the way, already having millions in profits!) found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. And each time he found the strength and courage to start all over again. Over time, the situation leveled out and by the early 2000s, Trump had already established himself as one of the most successful and richest people in the United States.

New millions

Trump's next hobby was the gambling business. Having high income, Trump could already afford to buy out unprofitable hotels and organize casinos and gambling centers there. This began to bring fabulous profits, and Trap's capital began to increase rapidly. Moreover, he himself was not a gambler - but the casino owner always wins.

However, it turned out that the hotel business also brings excellent income. Therefore, Trump's network of luxury hotels was constantly expanding. He made more and more new investments, which paid off very quickly. And even unexpected blows of fate could not knock Donald Trump off his path, along which he rushed like an express train, sweeping away everything in its path.

For example, in 1989, a plane crashed, tragically killing three of Trump's top financial managers, whom he trusted very much. It took him about three months to recover from the loss.

The global financial crisis that erupted in the early 90s also hit the Trump empire. The real estate market simply collapsed in a matter of months. Back then it was possible to buy the most luxurious houses at the lowest price, but it was almost impossible to sell anything.

And since Trump almost never worked with his money, the time came when creditors began demanding a return on their investment. A debt of almost a billion was created.

To get out of difficult situation he had to sell most of the shares of his two most expensive hotels, but his plans already included a grandiose casino in Atlantic City.

With great difficulty, he managed to convince investors of the high profitability of this project, and in the end he received a deferment, due to which he was able to improve his affairs in just a few years.

Being a passionate follower modeling business, he organized the Miss Universe modeling center, which held annual world-scale competitions, collecting the most beautiful girls from all over the world. Naturally, many of them then remained to work for the Trump agency, bringing him fabulous profits.

So he was able to realize another passion of his and surround himself with the most charming models in the world, one of whom later became his wife.

Personal qualities

Undoubtedly, Donald Trump is a very bright and extraordinary personality. And such people rarely go unnoticed. They are always talked about. Good or bad is another question. So Trump’s life has always been in plain sight. Constantly under the gun of cameras and surrounded by nosy paparazzi, Trump nevertheless always remained himself.

Having once decided that he was not going to adapt to this world, Trump simply decided to remake it for himself. It cannot be said that he succeeded in everything, but the ability of this man to directly influence events on a global scale is beyond doubt.

Moreover, he does not hesitate to speak out loud about his successes and failures in business and writes books from which aspiring businessmen can learn very valuable lessons.

The ambitious Donald Trump is not shy about calling himself the most famous person in the world. However, this is far from bragging - this statement is confirmed by several opinion polls conducted in the United States. And throughout the world, this name is often heard on TV screens, and from time to time it is on everyone’s lips in connection with scandals or interesting facts from the life of a billionaire.

Very often in interviews, journalists ask him the same question: “What is the secret of Donald Trump’s success?” His answer is unchanged: “In myself!” And also in his crazy performance. During difficult periods, he could work 20 hours a day, forgetting about women, entertainment and gambling.

He never made decisions that he was not sure of and never took any steps in business that were not carefully thought out. Trump's participation in the presidential election was an equally thoughtful step.

Donald Trump, his wife Melania (left) and model Heidi Klum

For the first time, he was asked a question about whether he plans to become president by a young Oprah Winfrey more than 20 years ago in one of the TV shows. Then he replied that he would nominate himself for elections only if he was one hundred percent sure of victory. Apparently, now the moment has come.

Trump's victory was only a few tenths of a percent, but he and his team firmly believed in success.

The interesting thing is that even this triumph came with scandal. His victory stirred up a wave of mass protest across America, which was raised by supporters of his main political rival, who did not expect Trump's victory. But the law is inexorable, and the extraordinary billionaire became the rightful owner of the Oval Office for the next 4 years.

Personal life

The personal life of such an extraordinary personality as Donald Trump cannot be boring. Moreover, he himself often said that there were two weaknesses in his life: beautiful women and beautiful shoes. It cannot be said that he changed women as often, but in his life there were three legal spouses(the number of extramarital affairs is not known with certainty).

Donald Trump with his first wife Ivana

The first two marriages quickly ended in divorce. And each of his three wives gave him heirs. The billionaire has five children who received an excellent education and now have own businesses. And just recently his eighth grandson was born.

Trump's third wife and today the first lady of the United States was a famous former model who is 24 years younger than him, Slovenian businesswoman Melania.

Donald was born to construction company owner Fred Crist Trump and Mary Ann MacLeod. He has two brothers and two sisters.

Trump attended the New York Military Academy boarding school. During his studies, he played on the football and baseball teams. In 1964, he graduated from the academy and entered Fordham University, but two years later he transferred to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating from business school in 1968, he returned home and began working for his father's firm.

The first project entrusted to Trump turned out to be profitable. With a cost of $6 million to build the residential complex, his father's company managed to earn $12 million from the sale of the apartments.

In 1971, Donald moved to Manhattan, where, in his opinion, there were more opportunities to develop the family business. That same year, he moved the office of his father's construction company there. One of the young businessman’s first independent projects was the construction of a business center on a plot of land from the bankrupt Central railway on the west side of Manhattan. In 1975, Trump became president of the family company, at which time he changed its name to the Trump Organization.

In 1974, Donald purchased his first hotel, and the following year he signed a partnership agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation and in 1980 opened a new hotel, The Grand Hyatt, which gained wide popularity. Currently, the Trump Hotel Collection company owns a chain of hotels in Las Vegas, Chicago, Hawaii, Miami, Toronto and other cities.

In 1982 it was implemented new project businessman - the 58-story Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue.

In the 1990s, he experienced financial difficulties and was almost on the verge of bankruptcy, but Donald Trump managed to restore his business by 2005. In May 2005, his company began operating again, but under the name Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings. In 2009, Donald resigned from the company's Board of Directors.

From 1996 to 2015, Trump was the owner of the Miss Universe beauty pageant. The businessman also owns a network of golf courses in the USA, Scotland, UAE, and Ireland.

In 2005, he launched his own clothing line, and later began producing home goods, as well as his own fragrance.

Donald Trump has also made cameo appearances in a number of films and television series, including Sex in big city" In addition, the businessman was the host of the reality show “The Candidate” for several years.

In November 2016, he became the 45th President of the United States.

Hobbies : Golf, music,

Personal life : In 1977, Donald Trump married Ivana Zelnichkova. In their marriage they had three children: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. The couple divorced in 1992.

The businessman married for the second time in 1993 to Marla Maples. During their marriage, they had a daughter, Tiffany. The couple broke up in June 1999.

On January 22, 2005, Donald Trump married former model Melania Knauss, who is 24 years younger than him. On March 20, 2006, Melania and Donald became parents: their son Barron was born.

Donald Trump has eight grandchildren.

Scandals\ interesting facts\charity

Donald Trump does not drink alcohol or smoke.

The businessman and politician has written a number of books about business, including “The Art of the Deal,” “Trump: The Path to the Top,” “How to Become Rich,” and others.

Donald has not changed his signature hairstyle from the very beginning of his career.

Quotes :

I listen to my instincts, and, as a rule, my instincts do not deceive me. Everyone thought that I would not win the election, but I said that I would most likely win

Money has never attracted me on its own. For me it's just a way to measure success.

Many people say that I behave like a gambler, but I have never gambled in my life. A gambler is someone who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines

Women are not what they are thought to be. They are much worse than men, more aggressive and, my God, they can even be smart. Women are great at acting. Those who are smarter look very vulnerable and defenseless, but inside they are real killers. Whoever came up with the expression “weaker sex” was either very naive or joking. I saw how a woman manipulates a man with one movement of her eyes, well, or another part of her body

Greetings! Who is Donald Trump? President of the United States, billionaire businessman, writer, showman and connoisseur of young and beautiful women. Or maybe he is an adventurer who has simply had great luck all his life? After all, the surname “Trump” is translated from German as “trump card.” And Donald himself called himself “fate’s darling” a bunch of times.

He is one of the most controversial figures in US business and politics. And today I propose to get to know him better. So, Donald Trump: biography, interesting facts and secrets of success.

Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. The future billionaire and 45th President of the United States did not have a classic “difficult childhood.”

Donald's grandparents immigrated to the United States from Germany. His father was a successful entrepreneur and owner of a construction company. By the way, of the four children of the Trump couple, only Donald was able to continue his father’s construction business.

They say that when the future billionaire turned eight, he glued together a “skyscraper” from toy building blocks. The structure turned out to be so strong that it was never possible to dismantle it.

As a child, Trump was a restless and problematic child. Therefore, when the boy turned thirteen, he was sent to the New York Military Academy. According to Donald himself, education under conditions of strict discipline taught him to survive among competitors. At the academy, Trump was remembered as the captain of the baseball team. And, by the way, he was considered one of its best players.

After graduating from the military academy, the future US president first entered Fordham College, but almost immediately changed it to the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania.

In his youth, Trump was sharply different from other students: he did not drink, did not smoke, and had little interest in girls. True, he didn’t show much zeal for studying either. From a young age, Donald had fantastic ambitions. He dreamed of starting his own business and changing the Manhattan skyline.

The path to big money

The success story of the future US president began with his participation in his father's construction projects. Fred Trump specialized in low-income housing. The government allocated good funding for such projects. In addition, "social" construction company could count on tax benefits.

But after participating in the Swifton Village project (a residential complex with 1,200 apartments in Ohio), Donald came to a different conclusion: truly big money can only be made from the rich.

He was attracted by New York - a city of fantastic opportunities and prospects. How to become a billionaire according to Trump? Rotate regularly among millionaires!

The ambitious guy's goal is membership in a closed club of the rich and friendship with prominent politicians and bankers. By hook or by crook, he gets the treasured membership card. It's finished! Finally, he is among famous models, oil kings and top managers.

Despite access to the “cream of society,” Trump’s career as a real estate developer did not work out at first. He suffers failure after failure. The situation changed in 1974 (at that time the future billionaire was only 28). Trump wins the bid to buy the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. And he undertakes to bring the building into divine shape. For this, the authorities give him an invaluable gift: they reduce taxes for the next 40 years.

In 1980, Trump managed to rent the hotel building to the Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Instead of the old Commodore, the prestigious Grand Hyatt appears in the center of New York. Hotel renovated by Donald Trump!

A successful deal turns him into a celebrity. The next project is the Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue. Trump is building a 68-story building opposite the Tiffany store. He expects that next to the store there are expensive jewelry Rich people will definitely come through. And in once again turns out to be right. In 2006, the unique Trump Tower building with its jagged edges on the facade was valued at $300 million.

Expensive apartments and offices in Trump Tower are selling out instantly. Trump did not lower prices even when the real estate market in New York entered a downward trend. Donald is sure: for rich people, status is more important than money. And he guessed right again.

Trump managed to build a brand on own name. The businessman assigns the name “Trump” to all his projects. Steaks, clothes, perfumes, magazines, restaurants bear the name of the US President. board game, vodka, chocolates, watches and dozens of other most unexpected things.

Soon the Trump brand will become a symbol of New York skyscrapers and luxury. In the 80s, Trump's projects brought him millions. Things are going so well that Donald thinks he's a demigod. He is increasingly accused of arrogance and delusions of grandeur.

Trump's photo appears on the covers of all magazines: from business publications to Cosmopolitan. It was then that the billionaire’s famous quote was born: “I can do anything! But the best thing I can do is build.”

Falling from heaven to earth

Success and popularity have gone to the head not only of Trump, but also of his creditors. The fact is that Donald took out bank loans to purchase all his projects. In a couple of years, he managed to buy a football team, a golf club, a giant yacht, airlines, a casino in Atlantic City and a bunch of other trinkets.

The billionaire lost his vigilance. And then another real estate crisis arrived. In general, in 1990, Trump’s company could no longer service its debt of almost $10 billion. The press added fuel to the fire with articles with malicious headlines “Donald’s luck has left him.”

At one point, Trump's empire was hanging by a thread. The situation worsened even more when Ivan's wife decided to file for divorce.

But Trump managed to overcome the financial (but not family) crisis. Three years later, he fully paid off his creditors thanks to income from casinos and real estate. Donald still owns many buildings in New York and three casinos in Atlantic City.

Soon the downward trend gives way to an uptrend. Trump has become more cautious. He works only with large investors, finally hires a competent financial director and listens to the advice of consultants.

In 2016, Forbes magazine estimated Donald Trump's wealth at $3.7 billion. In his declaration (the president published it in June 2017), he indicated that he received income from 565 corporations and companies. But most of his money still comes from investments in commercial real estate.

Other achievements of Donald Trump

A book in three volumes could be written about the “exploits” of the extravagant president. I will just briefly list the main ones.

In 2001, Trump and Daewoo built a 90-story skyscraper on First Avenue. He found himself 31 floors higher than the UN building located opposite.

In addition, Donald Trump officially owns the prestigious Miss Universe and Miss America pageants. About 2.5 billion people in 90 countries watch the battle of beauties every year! Beautiful women not only please the eye, but also bring good money to the billionaire.

He was nominated twice for an Emmy Award. Trump has played himself in hundreds of films and television series. For example, in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Home Alone 2" and "The Nanny".

In 2004 current president USA hosted the most popular reality show in the United States, “The Apprentice.” The winner occupied leadership position in one of his companies with a salary of $250,000. The participants took turns being given the “steer” of one or the other enterprise. The worst “leader” dropped out of “The Candidate” as Trump shouted “You’re fired!”

Trump also acted as the prototype of a negative character: billionaire Biff Tannen (the film “Back to the Future 2”).

Trump also wrote 16 autobiographical books. For example: “The Art of Survival”, “How to Get Rich”, “Think Big”, “Formula for Success” and “Trump Never Gives Up”. Main character each of them is himself. Secrets of success, aphorisms, intimate details of his personal life - Trump does not hide anything from his readers.

By the way, a book called “Why We Want You to Be Rich?” Donald co-wrote with the legendary Robert Kiyosaki.

Donald Trump - US President

On June 16, 2015, at his headquarters in Manhattan, Trump announced his intention to run for president of the United States as a Republican. Its main slogan election campaign became the phrase: “Make America Great Again.” Opponents immediately replaced the word “great” with the word “white.”

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly made anti-Islamic statements. He proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States and introducing mandatory registration for American Muslims. And also build a wall on the border with Mexico and deport all illegal immigrants from the country.

Since becoming president, Trump has broken several records:

  • Firstly, he became the oldest first elected US president.
  • Secondly, before taking office, Donald did not hold a single military or government post. This has never happened in American history.
  • Well, finally, Trump became the richest US president.

Secrets of success from Donald Trump

Looking ahead, I will say that Trump does not say anything “revolutionary” in his books and interviews. Perhaps because there are no magic formulas for success in principle?

  1. If you have time to notice the mistakes of others, you are simply not busy enough with your own affairs.
  2. If you don't have information about every little detail in your work or business, expect unpleasant surprises.
  3. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, look at it from the other side. Every new day can give a new chance.
  4. Always dress appropriately for your environment.
  5. Sometimes the most best way investing money - not investing it anywhere at all. Invest only in assets that you understand. Or through people you completely trust.
  6. Before you enter into negotiations, write down your goals on paper.
  7. Bad times often present great opportunities.

What do you think of Donald Trump and his achievements?