Survive a relationship crisis for 1 year. Don't part with your loved ones: how to cope with a crisis in a relationship

Harmony in a relationship is a source of pride for any couple. Everyone looks at such unions with undisguised delight and tries to imitate them. But in order to find harmony in a relationship, you need to put a lot of effort into it, be patient and have a reserve of love and respect for each other.

Young people who are just entering into relationships with the opposite sex often do not have the slightest idea of ​​how to build relationships correctly, which is why unions created in youth most often fall apart. IN at a young age a year of relationship seems unattainable.

First crisis

One year is enough time to get to know each other well; during this period, an increasingly deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses occurs, and during this period quarrels and omissions can often arise. Usually during this period the candy-bouquet period ends, and everyday life begins, partners begin to notice some shortcomings in each other, rose-colored glasses gradually subside. And at this stage it is very important not to make impulsive decisions. It is important for each partner to decide whether this relationship will be long-term, or whether it has already exhausted itself and the best option would be separation. If you decide to build a long-term relationship, then all controversial issues that arise must be resolved as soon as possible jointly.

It is after a year that love goes away and partners begin to feel that they have lost interest in each other, that the passion has passed.

Signs that a relationship is in crisis:

  • You begin to notice your partner's shortcomings, some of which irritate you greatly.
  • Frequent quarrels.
  • The feeling that love has passed, the desire to part.
  • Constant grievances and omissions.

How to overcome the crisis of the first year of a relationship:

  • It is important to talk to each other and discuss everything that does not suit you about each other. If you don’t like the fact that he throws his socks around the apartment, talk about it. More serious psychological difficulties have arisen - this also needs to be discussed with your partner.
  • Don't get hung up on the little things. Of course, everyday troubles can ruin anyone's mood, but you shouldn't start a scandal just because your partner didn't close the tube of toothpaste or didn't wash his mug.
  • A sense of humor saves anyone difficult situation. You can approach any problem creatively and try to solve it easily, in a comic form.

Loving couples will definitely overcome the crisis of the first year of relationships; to do this, it is enough to be patient and not pay attention to some little things. And then the relationship will move to new level- they will be more mature and meaningful.

Is there life without crises? Don't they happen too often in our lives? And what is this phenomenon, a crisis of relationships? Experts from many sciences argue that without it there is no movement forward, that is, development. are no exception, and crises follow each other in an endless series. The most difficult of them is the crisis of the first year family life.

Identifies a number of stages through which married couples pass in their relationships. Objectively, there are psychological laws that govern our emotions, communication, and relationships. But various fateful situations also happen in our lives. Love and marriage are events on a grand scale that lead to drastic changes in everyone’s life. young man. But why not a crisis? And how many changes happen in life, often little dependent on people: fading of feelings, moving, illness, loss of loved ones, transition to new job, birth of children. And no one cancels age crises experienced by spouses. And they often provoke and become an integral part of family crises.

Features of the first year of family life

The first stage that young people have to overcome falls in the first year of marriage. It can safely be called a complete crisis. The family is just being born, it is so fragile and vulnerable. Statistics say that larger number divorces occur during this period. gives rise to hope for cloudless happiness, complete mutual understanding and eternal passion. And no one thinks that feelings can change or even fade away, that the fire of love needs to be preserved and supported. After all, when we are in love, we strive to show ourselves in all our glory, demonstrating the best human qualities. We strive with all our might to attract attention to ourselves, to win the love of another person. Everyone has their own expectations for a partner. True, he knows nothing about them and has no idea about anything. But the attention and love of the partner has been won. Wedding, “Bitter! Bitter!” – why and what is it about? About bad days? But here it is - the honeymoon and the beginning of life together. There is love, sex, but there is no need to talk about family relationships yet. They have yet to come together. Active actions end, and it would seem that peace and quiet sets in. What do they give to young spouses? Of course, there are many discoveries, but not always pleasant ones.

The collapse of expectations

Firstly, the partner does not meet the expectations formed before marriage, a very unpleasant feeling. He (she) now demonstrates those qualities of which none of them suspected the existence. Why pretend? They are tired of appearing and playing along with each other. Partners become who they are in real life. This is called the declassification process, which causes frustration and disappointment to the newlyweds. Expectations are quickly shattered. He is always helpful, reserved, sociable and cheerful, but in fact turns out to be an irresponsible, harsh and rude person who does not know how to listen to his wife. She is gentle, beautiful and tactful, but in family life she appears capricious, grumpy, lazy and spoiled. And the further, the more. What is the cost of the bleaching process! Everyone sees their loved one no longer from the front view, but in everyday life, not always well-groomed and in a great mood. And they begin to behave indecently frankly, which does not add charm to anyone.

Secondly, everyone is charged with their expectations of taking or receiving something from another partner, but does not think about the fact that they first need to give a lot. Unfulfilled expectations raise doubts about the correctness of the choice. And not even a year has passed before the conclusion is drawn that there was no love or it has already passed, that life together with this person is, in principle, impossible. The first family crisis occurs in the relationship of the young spouses.

Causes of the crisis in the first year of family life

How so? Why does a man whom he knew, it would seem, better than himself, appear as a stranger. The fact is that falling in love and sexual attraction turn off a person’s mind. He is like someone who is painfully and sweetly sick with love. He wants to love and be loved. He sees and hears what he wants to hear and see and fills in the missing qualities. And in this not entirely adequate state, people rush down the aisle and families are created.

Days and weeks pass, and the scales fall from our eyes. Real acquaintance with your partner begins. It can last the first year of family life and the rest of your life. The differences between young spouses come to the fore. After all, people differ from each other not only physically, but also in character traits and temperament, level of education and abilities. Different hobbies, desires, tastes and habits of one spouse can cause anxiety and dissatisfaction in the other. Different ideas about the family, about the role of husband or wife, learned back in early childhood, are catalysts. All these differences are perceived with resentment. How so? He (the partner) is not at all what he seemed before. He is different. She is not like that. Endless conflicts and showdowns begin. And no one wants to give in. Everyone feels like a person deceived in their best feelings and disappointed. Indeed, how difficult it is to accept another person with all his characteristics. We accept strangers as they are with all their advantages and disadvantages, but we don’t want to understand and forgive those closest and most beloved for their uniqueness.

Another area of ​​tension that arises in the first year of marriage is the struggle for power. Modern young families are turning into arenas of real battles for leadership in the family, laying the foundations for a relationship crisis. There are never winners here because these wars kill everyone good feelings and leave behind only hatred. Love in such families leaves only bitter memories.

Manifestations of the crisis

So, what are the harbingers of an impending crisis in the first year of family life?

  1. Increasing quarrels and conflicts for minor reasons. Everyday little things come to the fore in the relationship between spouses.
  2. Resentment and unwillingness to forgive the partner’s mistakes. The growing wave of claims against the spouse causes retaliatory claims and grievances.
  3. Inability to accept the characteristics of another person. All his virtues shown before marriage have become habitual and are no longer admired or appreciated, and new sides of a partner are often perceived negatively.
  4. Lack of mutual understanding caused by the inability to communicate constructively. What is not allowed in communication with other people becomes commonplace in the family. The appearance of selfishness towards a loved one.
  5. Reluctance to communicate with a person with whom just recently you did not want to part with even for a minute. And the more often it manifests itself, the faster the desire for.

How to survive the crisis of the first year of married life

Uniqueness initial period life of spouses is that this is the most important time for grinding in characters and adapting to each other. It is at this stage that we need to lay the foundations for future family relations. What to do?

  • Learn to live under one roof. It's not so easy to be together all the time. A banal weariness sets in from a once dearly loved person. That's why it's so important to work on relationships. Love is expected, it comes, and then goes away if it is not taken care of. Many people believe: “If there is love, everything else will follow.” No, it won’t work and nothing will come of it. It takes enormous work of the soul for all good things to happen, and happy family it worked out.
  • Learn to communicate with each other. From the very beginning, discuss any problems and controversial issues openly, and not in hints. Immediately after the wedding, draw up a prenuptial agreement. Let him be playful and frivolous. Write down in it your expectations for your partner, your responsibilities and obligations, joint affairs and desires of each spouse, and so on. Get creative! And then try to strictly carry out everything that you have planned. At first, this is easy to do, since there are still feelings and a willingness to do everything for your loved one. You can draw up a family charter, which should determine what is permissible in your family and what is not, how to discuss problems and when to quarrel, how to conduct free time, where and with whom.
  • Accept your partner for who he is, without trying to remake him for yourself. Re-educating an adult, against his will, without breaking him, is an impossible task. You will then stop loving him.
  • Solving skills problematic situations and getting out of conflicts and quarrels without losses is not given by nature. This needs to be learned patiently. It is precisely mutual tolerance in such controversial situations that is lacking, and ambition is off the charts. Ask yourself often, what are you sharing? What is more important to you: love or some everyday trifle? Or will stubbornness and desire have their way?
  • Divorce your parents, as many psychologists advise. What does it mean? Starting a family life separately from your parents - best option. Do not transfer the parental image of the family into your relationship, because 95% of the problems that arise at the initial stage of a relationship are brought by newlyweds from their families of origin. That’s why it’s so important to establish your own style of family life. The strength of the marriage depends on what it is like. But it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to build new family under the wing of parents, without experiencing their attention and influence. The coexistence of two families under one roof sometimes poses serious problems in mutual adaptation not only of young spouses, but also of their parents.

The birth of a child and overcoming the first crisis

Married life becomes a serious test. Will the birth of a baby be able to strengthen the relationship between the young spouses or, conversely, will its birth only intensify the manifestation of disagreements and crisis? It all depends on psychological readiness young people become parents. If the birth of a child was planned and looked forward to, then difficulties will be experienced more easily. But often young people (not yet spouses) do not plan to have a child. The only thing they want for now is to enjoy sex. An unplanned pregnancy forces you to register a relationship. An unborn child dramatically changes the hopes and plans of young people. They, as a rule, are not yet psychologically ready to start a family. In this case, the family union is of a forced nature. The peculiarities of the first year of family life are superimposed on the difficulties associated with pregnancy and the birth of a baby. The test is quite difficult, since spouses are often emotionally unprepared for the appearance of a third family member. They may be afraid of the responsibility that falls on them. Thus, hoping that the birth of a child can unite relationships that have not yet strengthened in a young family is a very big misconception. If spouses do not have mutual understanding, then all contradictions in stressful situations intensify. And even in those families where there is mutual understanding, there are no quarrels.

What difficulties arise in the life of a young family due to the birth of a baby? In women, the maternal instinct is pronounced; in many men, the paternal instinct does not appear immediately. Very often, a small and helpless child simply frightens his father. And the young mother plunges headlong into caring for her child. The husband is relegated to secondary roles. Grandmothers and aunties circle around the baby, and he begins to feel superfluous and completely unnecessary in the family. He may develop jealousy and resentment. Thus, family relationships undergo major changes. They, of course, get more complicated. Parental relationships (mother-father, mother-child, father-child) are added to the marital relationship. Young spouses will have to master new social roles of father and mother while building relationships with the child. New problems and reasons for quarrels appear in the lives of young parents.

So, a relationship crisis in the first year of family life is an aggravation of all contradictions and disagreements, a search for ways to overcome them, adaptation of newlyweds to each other, a transition to a new level of relationships. Romantic feelings undergo changes. Time changes not only everything around us, but also ourselves. Love is not so bright and reverent, but stronger and more reliable. Those who managed to overcome the first crisis lay the foundation for future family relationships. The war of characters ends, a favorable family climate is established, the basis of which becomes psychological compatibility spouses.

Psychologists identify several periods of decline in the development of family relationships, which are caused by dissatisfaction with each other, frequent quarrels, disappointed hopes, differences of opinion, silent protests and reproaches.

These are normal crisis situations, however, they can be critical to the development of a marriage. It depends on how the spouses behave whether they will be able to resolve the crisis situation and develop the family, or whether they will lead the situation to the breakdown of the marriage.

The crisis is based on natural processes in the development of family relationships. Therefore, you should not look for the cause of problems in yourself or in your partner. These patterns must be taken into account and your behavior adjusted in accordance with them.

Popular on this topic: Stages of relationship development (editor's note)

It is very important to be patient in a crisis situation and not to act rashly.

The main periods of downturn in relationships may occur:

1. In the first days immediately after the wedding.

2. At 2-3 months of marriage.

3. After six months of marriage.

4. Crisis of 1 year of relationship.

5. After the birth of the first child.

6. At 3-5 years of family life.

7. At 7-8 years of marriage.

8. After 12 years of marriage.

9. After 20-25 years of marriage.

It is worth considering that these are conditional periods of family crises, and they do not happen in all marriages. Every change in the life of a family, any transition to a new stage, as a rule, is accompanied by the emergence of periods of crisis. The birth of a child, someone's illness, a child entering school - all these events can cause changes in the family or its structure, which are accompanied by problematic situations.

The most dangerous family crises

The most critical are the two periods that most often provoke divorces and remarriages. It is impossible to avoid these periods, but you can learn to manage them so that they end in the strengthening of the family, and not its disintegration.

  • Relationship crisis "3 years";
First critical period occurs between the 3rd and 7th year of marriage and lasts, at best, about a year. The root of the problems lies in the fact that there is no longer romance between partners, in everyday life they begin to behave differently than when they were in love, disagreements and dissatisfaction grow, and a feeling of deception appears.

Spouses are advised to limit discussions of the marital relationship and practical problems, temporarily avoid manifestations romantic love. It is better to communicate on topics of your partner’s professional interests, not to demand that each other be sociable, to lead an open life and not to give up your interests and social circle.

  • Midlife crisis.
The second critical period is between 13-23 years of married life, it is less deep, but longer. In this case, the family crisis coincides with a midlife crisis, which happens to many people closer to 40 years old. It occurs as a result of a mismatch between life goals and their implementation. At this age, the pressure of time begins to be felt - a person is no longer confident that he will have time to implement his plans.

Those around us also change their attitude: the time for advances is ending, we move from the category of “promising” to the category of mature people from whom results are expected. During this period comes a rethinking of plans, values ​​and adjustment of personality in accordance with changed living conditions.

In middle age, people experience increased emotional instability, fears, somatic complaints, and a feeling of loneliness after children leave. Women experience increased emotional dependence, they worry about aging, and are also afraid of possible betrayals by their husband, who may begin to experience an increased interest in sensual pleasures on the “before it’s too late” side.

In such a crisis situation, it is important for spouses to purposefully distract themselves from the problems of aging and strive for entertainment. Since at this age few people show such initiative, outside intervention may be required. Also, you should not unnecessarily exaggerate or dramatize your spouse’s infidelity. It would be more correct to simply wait until his interest in extramarital affairs wears off. Often this is where it all ends.

A person is characterized by the fact that he likes to create problems for himself. His nature, psyche and behavior will be studied for a long time. And the relationships between the sexes, their psychology, are even more complex. Let's try to find the answer to the question why a wonderful feeling and desire to live together lead to difficulties and negativity, what to do if a crisis occurs in a relationship, how to build a relationship to overcome the crisis?

Description of the crisis

But what does a crisis in a relationship mean? This:

  • lack of mutual understanding;
  • loss of interest in each other;
  • fading of passion, decrease in female and male sexuality;
  • rare sex;
  • quarrels over trifles;
  • mutual irritability;
  • quarreling.

The crisis of the first year of a relationship is associated with the period of the newlyweds getting used to each other. The pink veil is leaving, everyday life is coming. Something that was not apparent during meetings and going to the movies begins to appear.

Spouses subconsciously copy the relationships brought from their families. But everyone’s relationship strategy is different, and contradictions arise.

Psychologists have identified typical crisis years in relationships. This is a year, three years, five years, seven years (the most difficult stage), 14 years. But all this is relative, because a person is not a machine, but a bright individuality.

Sometimes the first crisis can come in the first hours after a fun wedding, when the donated money is being distributed. Imagine the state of the groom who had a wedding with his own, partially borrowed funds, and the young woman had already completely entered into the courage of owning money and made it clear - “This is my money, I will spend it at my discretion.”

Relationship crises before marriage are common; the reasons are similar to those during marriage. But it is also easier to explain them - after all, people know each other little, the first impression is deceptive.

Or an example - people have been dating for a long time, there are no obstacles to getting married, but you don’t want to get married. Two years of relationship have passed - what to do? Meet, or decide something. This situation needs to be discussed during a serious conversation, finding out what each of them is pursuing in communication, what goals they have set.

When the first crisis occurs in a relationship, good opportunity sort out your feelings, come to a common denominator and decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

This is even good, because it’s stupid to “trigger” the problem. And a good showdown will take feelings to a new, stronger level.

Everyone wants to know how long does a crisis in a relationship last? It all depends on the endurance of the partners, their wisdom and good manners. The wise can avoid it altogether.

From three weeks The period can last up to seven months. A crisis in a relationship for 1 year is extreme. There may be a crisis in a relationship at 1-2 or 3 years of age, and it may last a lifetime if both partners need a boost of mental emotions while living it.

How does a crisis manifest itself in a relationship? There are many of these manifestations. They are accompanied by a feeling when you don’t want to go home, but sex has moved from pleasure to duty. The mood is depressed and one gives up; there is no longer a spark and a high degree of frankness between lovers. Life comes to a dead end and loses its meaning, and beautiful and lonely boys and girls walk the streets. There is a feeling that you were in a hurry.


Periods of relationship crisis depend on a number of factors - the length of time together, the age of the children, career, health, personal and spiritual growth. What crises there may be in a relationship depends on the relationship between a man and a woman.

A crisis in a relationship after 5 years is usually associated with a young mother going back to work after the birth of her baby. A fresh look at the world working hours, do not allow you to prepare food and clean on time. But the husband is not always able and ready to do this part of the worries. Relationship crises between 1 and 5 years old are most often associated with children. A crisis of two years in a relationship is inevitable if a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, or the couple is still dating, but there are no hints of marriage, although all possibilities exist- housing, stable income, age.

It is difficult to calculate crises in relationships by month. This calculation is suitable when a child appears. This is pregnancy when a woman changes greatly psychologically. After childbirth, when the child is 2-3 months old, the man fades into the background and becomes a “give-and-bring.” This really hits home for a lot of dads. It’s still the first year of a child’s life, when the wife is in postpartum depression.

When a crisis occurs in a relationship, you don’t have to ring the bells and think that everything is lost. This is normal. It is important not to do anything stupid when a crisis begins in a relationship. It doesn’t matter at all how long it takes for a crisis in a relationship to occur. The main thing is that we can overcome it.

What to do during a crisis in a relationship? Treat the problem philosophically - any difficulties are given to test your feelings. When a crisis occurs in a relationship, you need to start with yourself, delve into your soul, look for the problem first in yourself, and only then in your partner.

Often, the life crisis of the person himself can affect the crisis of the couple’s relationship. A man's midlife crisis always affects relationships and an attempt to find the reason for his failure in an unsuccessful choice of a life partner.

How to understand that a crisis in a relationship is caused by insolvency. Just try to simulate life without loved one. After all, a lot came to you precisely thanks to him.


When there is a crisis in a relationship, you should not resort to destructive methods of solution - alcoholism, betrayal, extraordinary actions. What to do if there is a crisis in a relationship?

The first action is to mutually recognize this, make a decision and develop a strategy to get out of it. It is advisable to write this down on paper. This will be a starting measure in eliminating the problem. Wise people know how to get out of a crisis in a relationship.

The principle “prepare your sleigh in the summer” works - you need to meet it fully armed, prepare in advance and wait and win!

The first year of a relationship - how to survive the crisis of the first year of family life and correctly build a model of your own family

Soon one of the most pleasant and exciting events is a chintz wedding, and the relationship is completely falling apart: each of the spouses withdraws more and more into themselves, spends time separately as a family, because at home there are showdowns over everyday trifles and clarification: “Who is the boss in the house? " What is this? Has love faded away? In just 12 months? Or was it not there?.. No, this is the most banal crisis of the 1st year of family life - an ordinary test of strength. And knowing in advance how you can get around the most sharp corners, it can be completely avoided.

Crisis of 1 year of relationship: stamps in the passport and in the family

The psychology of newlyweds is amazing: along with the wet stamp in their passports, they invariably transfer the stamps into their family life. No creativity, no ingenuity - it is, of course, easier to follow the beaten path. But this is where the most interesting thing begins: the girl had one family structure, and the guy had a completely different one. For example, in her family, the mother was the boss both at home and at work, everyone cooked for themselves what they wanted, and no one interfered in the personal lives of the household. And in his family, for example, the mother did not have the right to vote, perfect order reigned in the house, and for dinner there was first, second, and fifth. And the young husband, naturally, wants to see the same way of life in his family, but the girl begins to realize that, it seems, she married a despot...

In fact, such issues need to be resolved before the wedding, but even in this case there is a way out. This is a compromise. Each of the parties must make concessions for the sake of peace and tranquility in the family, and it is this way of life that will exist throughout life. If this can be done at the beginning of family life, the crisis of the 1st years will pass painlessly, and the chintz wedding will be celebrated with soul.

Or a year after the wedding celebration, everything internal problems and the conflict of roles will open up like a purulent wound. And it will be impossible to do without pain, insults and scandals. Do you feel a storm approaching? Try to outline a family model that is convenient for everyone now. Just don’t think about your loved one that he is cruel or, on the contrary, not what a Husband should be - believe in him, people change, and now he has a new exciting role. Be optimistic about your family's future because:

“Your thoughts become your life” Marcus Aurelius

Crisis of 1 year of relationship: test of everyday life

Love is not broken in everyday life if it is real. And all minor troubles will pass over time.

It is clear that not all modern young boys and girls know how to buy groceries, how to put things in order, how to do laundry, and even how to cook. Once upon a time, a girl of marriageable age was taught everything, but now hard-working, compassionate mothers are trying to take care of their daughter: “You will still work hard in life, rest.” There is nothing to say for the guys. But it’s no laughing matter for them when the wedding is over, the donated money they’ve been counting throughout the wedding night has run out, and now they need to save, distribute salaries correctly, take care of the house and arrange their daily life. But you can learn everything, the main thing is to avoid such terrible mistakes:

  • Meticulously nagging each other for every little thing.
  • Attempts to maintain absolutely sterile cleanliness.
  • Complete lack of order.
  • An ascetic lifestyle for the sake of illusory savings.

The main thing is that Love does not fade away with small grinding, and everything else will come with time, everything can be learned through trial and error:

“I didn’t suffer defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work." Thomas Edison

Crisis of 1 year of relationship: mother-in-law syndrome

The so-called “mother-in-law syndrome” often destroys young families. This is when the mother-in-law actually becomes the third in the marital bed. It happens like this: a mother who is visiting or permanently living with the newlyweds either “accidentally” enters the bedroom late in the evening without knocking, or stays up late because “the series is on,” or goes out at night to relieve herself, but listens very carefully to what is happening outside the door. Even worse: he starts making some comments about intimate life young, even if in innocent, decent form. But this is not a disease - it’s just a problem that sometimes even the mother-in-law herself does not realize. It is not for nothing that there is such a thing as the “Oedipus complex,” which originated according to legend, where a boy became his mother’s lover.

Yes, surprisingly, but adult boys are still the boys of their mothers, and with any mental problems or simply character traits, these mothers begin to be jealous of their own sons for their brides. A simple conversation, a divorce, or renting a separate home will help solve the problem. The main thing is not to discredit or shame the mother-in-law herself; her own son, after all, may zealously stand up for her.


A guy and a girl make love. The door opens and his father and mother appear on the threshold. Thoughts from all four:

- Guy: that’s it, now I’ll get into trouble.
- Girl: now he will definitely marry me!
- Father: hmm, the boy is growing...
- Mother: poor boy! Well, this is how she lies - it’s uncomfortable for him!

It is not for nothing that in some tribes, on the first wedding night, the mother of the groom literally holds a candle over the newlyweds. This is where the famous belief comes from.

Owls, larks and woodpeckers

How many times have family counselors exhorted couples to respect each other’s characteristics, to adapt at least a little, to show their love in deeds, and not just in words - everything is usually in vain. And this is especially true for the difference in biorhythms - just as the rule worked: “For someone who gets out of bed, falling asleep while remaining in it is a crime,” this is how it works. That’s why psychologists jokingly identified not two types of people according to their biorhythm, but three:

Type 1: Owls - they fall asleep late and get up late.

Type 2: Larks- They go to bed early and wake up early.

Type 3: Woodpeckers - because of them, owls get up early and larks go to bed late.

So, if someone in the family is a Woodpecker, things are bad. Because nature itself has determined for whom the morning is a time of activity, and for whom it is a time of half-sleep. It is useless to break biorhythms - even through severe, long-term habituation (for example, if an owl has to get up for work before dawn for years), the only thing that can be achieved is chronic irritability and even depression. And those husbands and wives are amazing who persistently get up from their sleep at the crack of dawn, or do not allow their significant other to go to bed two hours before midnight, turning on the TV loudly. Such a thoughtless attitude will sooner or later lead to divorce, because the person will simply begin to go wild. Are you making this mistake? Correct yourself immediately!

There are many ways for even the most avid night owl to get along with an incorrigible lark. All the tricks are in the repair. So, the bedroom for such a married couple should be located only in the northern room (so that the sun does not wake up the owl in the morning), and the kitchen with a plasma TV on the wall should be at the other end of the apartment, so that morning work coffee makers, watching the news and getting ready for work did not interfere with the other’s sweet dreams, and evening tea drinking and chatting on a mobile phone did not disturb the early sleep of the lark. Everything can be solved if you want.

But sincere attention, care and respect for the needs and characteristics of others speak of true love. And this is the only way to easily and painlessly survive the very first crisis of family life - the crisis of the first year.