The aquarium red-bellied piranha is a legend of the Amazon in your aquarium. Aquarium piranhas

The common piranha (lat. Pygocentrus nattereri, as well as Natterer's piranha, red-bellied piranha, red piranha) is a fish that already has its own history, because it has been kept in aquariums for more than 60 years. This is the most common type of piranha and is widely found in nature, especially in the Amazon and Orinoco.

The red-bellied piranha looks luxurious when it becomes sexually mature. Its back is steel-colored, the rest of its body is silver, and its belly, throat, and anal fin are bright red. This is one of the most large piranhas, reaches up to 33 cm, although in an aquarium it is usually smaller. In nature, they live in packs of 20 or more individuals, thus making it easier for them to hunt without becoming victims themselves. The red piranha is considered the most ferocious of all piranha species found in nature.

Although it is not picky about feeding and is quite hardy, it is recommended only for experienced aquarists to keep it. This is a truly predatory fish with very sharp teeth. Most of the bites of aquarists happened due to negligence, but it’s still better not to stick your hands into the aquarium again. In addition, it is very demanding on water quality.

Piranha aquarium fish are predatory and certainly not suitable for a role in a general aquarium. They can live alone in an aquarium, but it is better to keep them in a flock. However, even in a formed group, cases of aggression and cannibalism are not uncommon. As a rule, the largest and most dominant fish leads the school. She takes best places and the first one eats. Any attempts to challenge the current state of affairs end in a fight or even injury to the opponent. You can try keeping him with other large related species, such as the black pacu, while he is a teenager.
An aquarium of 150 liters is enough for one piranha, but a larger one is needed for a flock. They eat a lot and greedily, leaving behind a lot of waste, and a powerful external filter is needed.

Habitat in nature

The common predatory piranha or Natterer's piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri formerly, Serrasalmus nattereri and Rooseveltiella nattereri) was first described in 1858 by Kner. There is a huge amount of controversy over the scientific name of piranha, and it is possible that it will still change, but in at the moment We settled on P. nattereri.
Piranha is found throughout South America: Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Uruguay. Lives in the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana and countless other small rivers.

Lives in rivers, tributaries, small rivulets. Also in large lakes, ponds, flooded forests and plains. They hunt in packs of 20 to 30 individuals. They feed on everything they can eat: fish, snails, plants, invertebrates, amphibians.


Piranhas grow up to 33 cm in length, but this is in nature, and in an aquarium they are much smaller. The normal lifespan of a piranha is about 10 years, but cases have been recorded when they lived for more than 20.

The piranha has a powerful, dense, laterally compressed body. They are very easy to identify by their head with a massive lower jaw. Add a powerful tail and a body covered in scales, and you have the perfect portrait of a fast, active killer.

Mature piranhas are luxurious in their coloring. Body color can vary, but is generally steel or gray, the sides are silver, and the belly, throat and anal fin are bright red. Some also have a golden tint on the sides. Juvenile piranhas are paler, with a silvery color.

Difficulty in content

Piranha is unpretentious in food and is quite easy to keep in an aquarium. However, not recommended for inexperienced aquarists. They are predatory, they are large, even it is better to maintain the aquarium with caution; there have been cases when piranhas injured their owners, for example, during transplantation.


In nature, piranhas eat a very varied diet, most likely not even the same - what they catch. As a rule, these are fish, shellfish, invertebrates, amphibians, fruits, and seeds. But, gathering in flocks of more than a hundred, they can also attack large animals, such as a heron or capybara. Despite their scary reputation, in nature piranhas are more likely to be scavengers and insect hunters. They show aggression during times of hunger and drought and in large flocks that gather not for hunting, but for protection from predators. Only weakened and sick animals become prey for piranhas.

Aquarium piranhas eat protein food- fish, fish fillets, frozen shrimp, squid meat, hearts, earthworms and crawlies, sometimes even live mice. But it is not recommended to feed piranhas with mammalian meat, as it is poorly digested by fish and leads to obesity. Please note that there will be a lot of food leftovers after them, and when they rot, they can seriously poison the water.

Poor mouse:

Poor fish fillet:

The question of whether piranha can live with other species of fish is perhaps the most controversial. Some say that this is impossible, others successfully keep piranhas with very small fish. Most likely, it all depends on many factors: how big the aquarium is, how many plants, the number of piranhas, their nature, how densely they feed, and others. The easiest way to keep piranhas is with large species: black pacu, singing catfish, plecostomus, pterygoplichts. The last two get along well with them, since they live in the lower layers and are protected by bone plates.
You can try other fish, but it depends on your luck. Some piranhas do not touch anyone for years, others...

The aquarium piranha fish lives in all layers of water. An aquarium with a volume of 150 liters can contain no more than one fish. Considering that it is recommended to keep piranhas in schools of 4 or more individuals, the volume for such a school is needed from 300 liters or more. Oddly enough, piranhas are quite shy, and in order for them to feel more comfortable, the aquarium needs places where they can hide. In this case, it is better to use driftwood or other decorative items, since piranha plants can be damaged.

The most important thing in keeping piranhas is always clean water. Check ammonia and nitrate levels weekly using tests, and change the water weekly as well.

It is important that the aquarium has a powerful external filter and regular water changes. This is all due to the fact that they are extremely wasteful while eating, and eat protein foods that quickly rot. The filter needs to be washed regularly, and this should be done more often than in other aquariums. The best way to understand when the time has come - these are, again, tests. Don't forget that when washing filter materials, you need to use water from the aquarium!

The most important (and fun!) thing about keeping piranhas is to observe. Watch your pets, study, understand, and after a while you will no longer need to be afraid for them. You will see all problems at the inception stage.

Sex differences

It is extremely difficult to distinguish females from males in piranhas. Visually, this can only be done through long-term observations of behavior, especially before spawning. At this time, males are painted in the brightest colors, and the female’s abdomen becomes rounder from the eggs.


First of all, the aquarium should be in a quiet place where no one will disturb the fish. Further, the fish must be compatible (a long-established school, with a developed hierarchy). For successful spawning, you need very clean water - a minimum of ammonia and nitrates, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 28 C, and a large aquarium in which the couple can allocate their own territory.

A pair ready for spawning chooses a spawning site, which it aggressively guards. The piranhas' coloration darkens and they begin to build a nest on the bottom, uprooting plants and moving rocks. Here the female will mark the eggs, which the male will quickly fertilize. After spawning, the male will guard the eggs and attack anyone who approaches it.

The eggs are orange in color and will hatch in 2-3 days. For another couple of days the larva will feed on yolk sac, after which it will float. From this moment the fry is placed in a nursery aquarium. Be careful, the male can even attack an object while protecting the fry.

Already as a fry, piranhas are very greedy for food. You need to feed them with Artemia naupilia for the first days, and then add flakes, bloodworms, daphnia, etc. The fry should be fed frequently, two to three times a day. The juveniles grow very quickly, reaching a centimeter within a month.

Piranha in an aquarium: contents, compatibility, video review

Pygocentrus nattereri Piranha in the aquarium

Squad, family: characins.

Comfortable water temperature: 24-26°C.

Ph: 6,0-7,0.

Aggressiveness: 100% aggressive.

Compatibility: It is advisable to keep it separately.

Helpful Tips: Fish - legend, fish terrifying, causing instinctive fear in people. In natural natural conditions Piranha is really dangerous, but its aquarium relatives are adaptively calm and less aggressive. But for some reason people’s fear does not disappear because of this. Once I started a Piranha Paku - the excitement and furore among friends and guests was deafening!!! But no matter how much I convinced, no one dared to put their hand into the aquarium: winked:


They live in rivers and reservoirs of South America. Size 30 cm or more.

Piranha predators are literally armed to the teeth. The teeth are plate-like and razor-sharp. Piranhas have powerful jaws; an adult can bite through a wooden stick as thick as a human finger.

It is worth noting that aquarium piranhas lose their aggressiveness, but retain their formidable appearance. You can put your hand into an aquarium with piranhas without fear.

In an aquarium, piranhas can get along with other representatives of the characin family. Piranhas are a schooling aquarium fish, so it is best to keep them in a school of 5-8 fish of the same size and age.

The volume of the aquarium must be at least 150 liters.

Comfortable water parameters for keeping: hardness 12-16, pH 6-7, water temperature 24-26 °C. Aeration and filtration will be useful.

The aquarium is equipped with soil and shelters of driftwood, large grottoes and large bushes of plants.

In an aquarium, piranhas live quite a long time, about 10-12 years.

Piranhas are fed: meat, squid fillet or sea ​​fish. I recommend feeding beef heart (not fatty, dietary, not expensive) - they eat it with a bang!!!

Particularly “cold-blooded owners” feed piranhas with inexpensive aquarium fish: guppies, swordtails, “Goldfish”, etc.

Feeding aquarium fish must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. Article “How and how much to feed aquarium fish” talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous; the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include in its diet food either with the highest protein content or, conversely, with plant ingredients.

Popular and popular food for fish, of course, is dry food. For example, you can find food from Tetra, the leader of the Russian market, on aquarium shelves all the time and everywhere; in fact, the range of food from this company is amazing. Tetra’s “gastronomic arsenal” includes individual food for a specific type of fish: goldfish, cichlids, loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, arowanas, discus, etc. Tetra has also developed specialized foods, for example, to enhance color, fortified, or for feeding fry. Detailed information You can find out about all Tetra feeds on the company’s official website - Here.

It should be noted that when purchasing any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food in bulk, and also store the food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

Popular video about piranha

Amazonian piranha is a legend in the home aquarium

The common piranha has many different names - red-bellied, red or Natterera. If you apply one of these names to a domestic piranha, you won’t go wrong. The first predators appeared in the aquariums of exotic lovers more than 65 years ago. They were brought to our country in the middle of the last century from the waters of the Amazon and Orinoco.

It is worth noting that the most beautiful appearance of the aquarium piranha becomes at the moment of full puberty. The photo clearly shows the play of colors from the steel back, to the silver body and red belly, throat and anal fin. The red-bellied reaches about 30 centimeters in length wildlife and 25 in an aquarium. IN natural environment they live in flocks. Minimum quantity individuals in one group have 20 tails. They unite to facilitate the search for food. Piranhas are fierce predators, so they choose a prey and attack it in a flock. This species is considered the most ferocious of the inhabitants of the planet's waters.

Despite the fact that piranhas are not difficult to care for and are quite hardy, they are best kept by an experienced aquarist. Don't underestimate her sharp fangs and death grip. Inexperienced breeders can get into trouble with her through ignorance and carelessness. Under no circumstances should you place an aquarium with predators low if you have small children.

Piranhas are not suitable for multi-fish aquariums. They prefer the company of “their own,” but tragic cases cannot be ruled out there either. If you look closely at their habits, you can find the leader. He is always the first to eat, takes the best seats, shows who is boss home aquarium, and, most often, the largest in size. It is not uncommon for fights to occur during clarifications. Aggression and cannibalism are possible. The only option with whom you can try to settle a piranha is a black pacu, provided that the latter has not reached sexual maturity and is considered a teenager.

One piranha will live in an aquarium, but it is better to have several individuals at once. For large fish, it is necessary to choose the correct capacity of the aquarium. Each individual requires approximately 150 liters of water; this same parameter should be taken into account if you decide to place several fish in an artificial reservoir. Piranhas are very voracious and, as a result, produce a lot of waste, so be careful about the choice of filter and its power. Active killers live in aquariums for at least 10 years, this should be taken into account before organizing an aquarium.

Water requirements:

  • 150 liters per individual;
  • A large number of shelters;
  • The purest water and daily replacement of parts;
  • Powerful filter with active filter element.

Carefully monitor the behavior of your pets and regularly do tests to determine the ammonia content of the water.


In their natural environment, these fish eat whatever they can catch, so the diet of piranhas is incredibly varied. It may include other fish, shellfish, various invertebrates, fruits and seeds from the surface, and amphibians. Officially confirmed facts are that a flock of more than a hundred individuals can attack large vertebrates, for example, capybaras. Most often, corpses and insects end up in their teeth. They become aggressive in times of famine, drought, or constant attacks. The predator chooses sick and weak animals to attack.

Piranhas living in an aquarium happily eat foods such as:

  • Fish.
  • Shrimp.
  • Squid.
  • Earthworms.
  • Heart.
  • Crawls.
  • Mice.

Beginning aquarists sometimes start feeding their fish with mammalian meat, but this should not be done, since the abundance of such food will inevitably lead to obesity and indigestion. In addition, undigested meat will come out and rot, severely polluting the aqua.


To distinguish a male from a female you will have to try. The only way is observation. The behavior of piranhas in a regular aquarium becomes characteristic before spawning begins. The males become much brighter, as can be seen in the photo, and the female’s body is rounded due to the accumulation of eggs in the abdomen.

To create a spawning tank, choose a quiet place. Despite all their aggressiveness, these fish are quite shy. You only need to keep compatible fish that have been “familiar” for a long time and have gotten used to each other.

Requirements for the spawner:

  • Clean water;
  • Hardness from 6.5 to 7.5;
  • Temperature is about 27-29 degrees;
  • Sufficient volume.

At the beginning of spawning, the pair will find a place convenient for laying eggs. After that, they aggressively guard the place they like. Now you will notice how the color darkens and a small nest appears at the bottom. After fertilization occurs, the male will fiercely defend the clutch from others.

The eggs have a rich orange color. She will hatch on the third knock. After this, the larva will lie for another couple of days, and the fry will appear. Now you need to carefully catch the tadpole. Do this with a cage with a long handle, because the male guarding the clutch can attack any approaching object.

Keeping piranhas in an aquarium. Breeding piranhas

There is probably not a single person who has not heard anything about the evil piranha fish that live in the Amazon River and keep local residents at bay. There are legends about numerous attacks by schools of piranhas on cows wandering into the Amazon to water and about their ability to gnaw the hand of an inattentive tourist to the bone in a second.

In fact, these stories are greatly exaggerated and almost half of all existing species piranhas are vegetarians. Only 4 species of these fish can pose a real danger to animals that live on land but have frequent contact with water.

Aquarium piranha

Aquarium piranhas are quite cowardly, which does not at all correspond to the legends about their wild relatives. They are afraid of sudden movements and impacts on glass, loud sounds. Therefore, it is advisable to plant dense vegetation in the aquarium, mainly near its back wall - this will provide shelter for the fish.

Appearance and characteristic features of aquarium piranhas

Outwardly, piranhas do not look too much like menacing ones predators in appearance this is normal peaceful fish carp family. But the presence of triangular and razor-sharp teeth makes it dangerous for its aquarium mates.

The color of young individuals is unremarkable, mainly a narrow range of colors from dark gray to light gray. Silvery inclusions stand out well against the main background. The back is usually somewhat darker than the main body of the fish, and the tail is bordered by a black stripe. As they mature, piranhas turn completely silver.

The body is laterally compressed and disc-shaped. Until puberty, it is almost impossible to distinguish between males and females.

Piranhas can hardly be called easy-to-keep fish. They require an impressive amount of space - on average, one fish should have at least 50 liters of water. Also, only one type of piranha can be kept in an aquarium, otherwise, when individuals of another species are added there, conflicts between them are inevitable.

Piranhas do not tolerate sudden fluctuations in water parameters. Ideally, the water should be clean, slightly acidic, soft, and well saturated with oxygen. The water temperature should be between 24-26°C. The main diet of piranhas is earthworms, meat, squid, as well as swordtails, guppies and other inexpensive fish. Heart, poultry and beef can be considered as backup food.

Breeding piranhas

An important condition for the reproduction of fish is the volume of the spawning aquarium - one pair of fish per 300 liters of water. Stimulation of reproduction is achieved by increasing the water temperature, daily replacement of a quarter of the volume of water in the aquarium and increased feeding of live fish.

If you decide to become a piranha breeder, be sure to follow all safety precautions and limit children’s free access to the aquarium.

Piranhas in an aquarium

Exotic predatory fish Piranhas often become decorations for home aquariums. Subject to certain rules content, some types of piranhas can easily live in such conditions. The most common of them are the common piranha, red pak, lunar metinnis and common metinnis.

Keeping piranhas in a home aquarium

Setting up an aquarium for piranhas and caring for them has its own nuances and features. First of all, the correct temperature regime– within the range from +25 to +28°С. To maintain it, the aquarium must have a thermometer and a water heater. A prolonged decrease in temperature can lead to fish diseases, decreased immunity, heart damage, etc.

As for the volume of the aquarium, for every 2.5 cm of the fish’s body you need 8 liters of water. Accordingly, the minimum volume of water in the aquarium is 100 liters. The lack of space affects the behavior of the inhabitants - piranhas can injure each other. And since piranhas love to hide, the aquarium should contain vegetation, driftwood, houses, caves and other shelters.

What to feed a piranha in an aquarium?

When it comes to food, piranhas are completely unpretentious. They eat all types of live food equally well. The only rule is that they should not be overfed. It is advisable to feed them once a day, limiting it to two minutes. More long time feeding leads to the fact that the food settles to the bottom and pollutes the aquarium, otherwise it is extremely undesirable, since it leads to fish diseases.

Young piranhas are excellent eaters of bloodworms and tubifex. Gradually, as they grow older, fish and meat should be included in their diet. And at the age of three months, piranhas can be completely transferred to an adult diet.

Aquarium piranhas

Perhaps only one shark can rival them in the number of legends and stories in which these fish are mentioned. Therefore, many aquarists, when such an opportunity arose, immediately got excited about the idea of ​​keeping such formidable and famous creatures. How true are all these creepy stories about their cruel temperament, and is it so difficult to keep piranha aquarium fish?

Types of aquarium piranhas

Let's name the types that are most common among amateurs:

Aquarium piranhas - content

Outwardly, it does not look very much like a terrible and formidable predator, but its sharp teeth can bite painfully at an unwary aquarist. In captivity they live from four to fifteen years. It is better to buy individuals of the same species and size for one aquarium. It’s good if it’s a flock of ten individuals. Formidable predators may be frightened by tapping, splashing water or bright light. The water temperature should be kept around 26 degrees. Too large fluctuations in temperature have a detrimental effect on them. On average, an adult needs up to eight liters of water per 2.5 cm of body. Piranhas feel comfortable in aquariums with dense vegetation and equipped with various decorative shelters.

What to feed aquarium piranhas?

For these predatory creatures, tadpoles, small fish, frogs, defrosted food can be excellent food. fish fillet, shrimps. It is better not to give meat to piranhas, they say that this may cause their color to fade. Sometimes, for variety, you can offer them chopped green vegetables (spinach, raw potatoes, zucchini). Not all aquarium piranhas are so bloodthirsty; there is also a herbivorous species - pacu. He is similar to the others, but these creatures lack terrible teeth and pose no danger. They are omnivores and are not very picky about what they eat. Aquarium piranhas look beautiful in their glass house and are not particularly difficult to keep. By performing simple daily procedures, you can enjoy playing them in a soft chair, imagining yourself on the banks of the Amazon.

Money fish in a home aquarium

Did you know that vegetarian piranhas live in our world? It turns out that the most bloodthirsty fish can be safe for a person and even bring him good luck!

Metynis common (silver, Schreimuller, dollar fish, lat. Metynnis argentus) is a herbivorous fish of the Characin family. Lives in the waters of the Amazon. Unlike the piranha (its closest relative), it is a peaceful and slightly timid creature. It prefers secluded thickets and feeds on algae, although it does not refuse protein foods. They have small teeth.

Metinis breed fish are school inhabitants of reservoirs, but they adapt perfectly to the conditions of the aquarium. In the wild, their length reaches 15 centimeters; in captivity they are slightly smaller. They do not offend their aquarium neighbors and are not afraid of larger fish. Due to its perfectly rounded body, reminiscent of a silver coin, it was given the name “thaler fish”, “mirror fish”. They are absolutely unpretentious in maintenance, so they will please the eyes of household members, office workers, and visitors to shopping malls.

Appearance and content

The body of the fish is diamond-shaped, pressed from the sides. The dorsal fin is sickle-shaped, the caudal fin is weakly expressed. Metinis have transparent fins, in males the caudal fin has a black outline, and the anal fin is veiled. In females, the anal fin is straight and red. The scales are very small, tightly adjacent to each other, and shimmer in the light with a bluish-greenish tint. During the spawning period, the male's body acquires a reddish-golden color. The fish's eyes are also silver, with a black pupil.

It is best to buy several metinis at once, since they are schooling fish that do not like being alone. They are very active and can live in captivity for more than ten years.

Comfortable keeping – 2-8 fish in one aquarium. However, be careful with the living creatures that these fish can feed on (metinis can chase small fish and crustaceans). Do not house them with guppies, neons, frogs, crayfish and shrimp.

Is the Metinis breed whimsical in its maintenance? Is it difficult to keep them? Easy if you are an experienced aquarist. If you are a beginner, start with 2-4 fish. 1 individual requires from 80 to 100 liters aquarium water. Since these fish are very active, it is advisable to keep the aquarium closed (especially at night) so that they do not accidentally jump out.

Filtration and aeration of the aquarium should be high power, it is advisable to create a small flow using the filter pressure. 20% (1/5 part) of the water should be changed weekly. Metinis feel great at a water temperature of 23-27oC, pH 5-7. The fish aquarium is decorated with dark soil, stones, driftwood, synthetic plants or greenery with harsh leaves. Avoid plants that are rich in calcium and magnesium. Metinis eat many plants, so you need to be careful with them.

Look - silver metinissas look good in a large aquarium.

Nutrition and reproduction

About 70-80% of Metinis food is plant origin(spinach leaves, lettuce leaves, Brussels sprouts, dried nettle, scalded oatmeal, dandelions, zucchini, etc.). The remaining 20% ​​of the diet is special food (containing spirulina) for fish or live food. Before feeding, food (plants) should be doused with boiling water.

Having reached a year, the Metinis are ready to reproduce. A separate 200 liter aquarium with soft and slightly acidic water (hardness 4o, pH 6.4-7) is suitable for spawning. The temperature is raised to 28-29oC.

Before spawning, it is recommended to specially prepare the parents. They are placed in different aquariums with small-leaved plant food (two weeks before the start of spawning). After transferring to the spawning aquarium, its lighting is gradually increased.

The female lays 300-1000 transparent, non-sticky, yellowish eggs, which fall to the bottom of the aquarium or settle on plants. After four days, larvae appear, which begin to feed after 4-8 days on small plankton, crushed lettuce leaves, and artificial food. The young are fed several times a day. By 6 months they become adult fish.

Look how these peaceful piranhas deal with a shrimp

After spawning, adult metinis show no interest in eggs, so they can be placed in community aquarium. And they were nicknamed “dollar fish” for a reason. They will bring joy and prosperity to their owner, while being absolutely unpretentious and friendly. This is a real treasure that is available to everyone.

See also: Aquarium piranhas - what to feed and with whom to house them?

Surrounded by mysterious legends of their free habitat in the Amazon River, piranhas fascinate aquarium fans throughout the world. globe. Piranha is hostile and at the same time quite fearful, hiding in the hidden corners of the reservoir, rushing to food with the speed of lightning.

Piranhas belong to the carp-like order of fish. These freshwater predators live throughout the Amazon in African rivers. The name of the fish means “devil fish” or “tooth fish”, received by aquatic inhabitants due to the possession of pointed teeth and a ruthless nature.

An aquarium piranha does not require special care, but for life to continue in normal circumstances, a few simple criteria must be adhered to.

General characteristics

Piranhas gather in schools, which makes it easier to find food, and represent real threat for encountered living objects. After the attack, the victim is torn to pieces within a few minutes. Some species of piranhas are not predators. Approximately 60% of fish feed on food of plant origin.

The reputation of predatory inhabitants of water bodies is not always deserved. Fish attack only when they think they are in danger, can get caught in a trap, or when they feel hungry. At the same time, some countries (for example, Israel) prohibit the possession, trade, storage, and shelter of these fish. Such actions are considered illegal.


Small species of predatory representatives are kept in water houses.

The following varieties of aquarium piranhas have received recognition:

  • metinnis vulgaris;
  • pacu red;
  • slender piranha;
  • red-bellied piranha;
  • lunar metinnis;
  • dwarf piranha;
  • flag piranha;

Body long (5-30 cm) with compressed barrels. The most widespread is the red-bellied piranha, which differs from other types of fish in its rather bright, beautiful color. The appearance of the fish is quite deceptive - it looks like a peace-loving fish of the carp family. But teeth piranhas can cause harm to neighbors in the house in the form of injuries, and they can grab onto the finger of an inattentive owner.

Young representatives of the carp family differ from adults. The differences are as follows (on mobile devices The table needs to be scrolled horizontally):

AppearanceLight silver shade. The body is covered with round black spots.The body is the color of ancient silver dotted a large number rich sparkles. The color range ranges from dark gray to sparkling.
BehaviorThey live in flocks. They often fight and show aggression.Be regal and calm.
PeculiaritiesAfter fights, wounds and injuries received heal quickly. There are no visible traces left in their place.With balanced feeding, the color of piranhas becomes bright and rich.

Aquarium inhabitants live up to 15 years (life expectancy depends on the type of piranha).

If you observe the flock, you can determine the leader. It is the largest in size (mostly), occupying best places, always eats first, displays the habits of the owner of the aquarium.

Look at the silver metinnis:

The optimal keeping option is individuals of the same species of approximately the same size. Flocks should be formed of 10 individuals. It may be that piranhas are not able to create a school. As a result, the fish feel discomfort, withdrawal, become very fearful, and develop poorly. But adult fish are able to exist independently without a school due to their confidence. In addition, mature aquarium inhabitants can attack their relatives.

Piranhas of reservoirs are strikingly different from aquarium representatives. If the former do not spare anything living, then the latter are afraid of everything and behave quietly. An aquarium piranha will start to panic if:

  • knock hard on the walls of the aquarium;
  • suddenly turn on a blinding light;
  • make a loud splash of water;
  • if you suddenly place a large object in water.

In this state, the fish can sink its teeth and even lose consciousness.


It is allowed to add other aquarium species to piranhas. Good compatibility will be traced if you move in with them:

  • guppy;
  • neon;
  • swordtails;
  • minors

You can't move in next door. Predators will mistake it for food.

Aquarium for piranha

Fish need to live in large aquariums.

Living conditions:

  1. Select the volume of the aquarium at the rate of 8 liters of water per 2.5 cm of the length of the fish’s body. Accordingly, the house must be at least 150 liters.
  2. Plant the bottom with densely growing algae. So, the piranha will be healthy.
  3. Plant 50-70% of the living space with plants and equip shelters in which individuals of the carp family are interested in hiding.
  4. Provide the aquarium with high-quality filters of appropriate design power. You can install 3-4 small filters (they will keep the pond clean).
  5. Equip with plenty of white light.

Water requirements:

The main maintenance condition is purified, fully oxygenated water.

  • air exchange and water filtration must be constant;
  • temperature – 26 degrees;
  • change water (10-15%) every day;
  • – 6,5.

There shouldn't be water for a long time warm or cold. To control the temperature, you should install a thermometer and an electric water heater.

Be sure to monitor the behavior of the fish, constantly checking for ammonia.


Piranhas are advised to eat a varied diet. Golden rule nutrition - provide food in such a volume as the fish can eat, and immediately remove the remaining food from the aquarium. When a state of satiety sets in, predators swim away from the treat, as it is no longer of interest.

The fish do not pick up the remaining food from the bottom of the aquarium. In this regard, it is necessary to remove any leftover food from the aquarium immediately after feeding to avoid rotting. Thus, the water in the aquarium will always be fresh and clean.

Predators need to be fed once a day for two minutes. After feeding, remove leftover food. If you do not adhere to this scheme, it will be extremely short terms the water will spoil. And this is fraught with the occurrence of diseases among the inhabitants of the aquarium. Properly selected food strengthens the immune system of predators and increases life expectancy.

The feeding area should be open, without plantings or shelters. This will make it easier to remove the remains of predators' meals.

What to feed:

  • tadpoles;
  • earthworms;
  • raw potato pieces;
  • shrimps;
  • spinach;
  • mice;
  • cabbage;
  • live small fish;
  • frogs;
  • raw chopped zucchini;
  • heart;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • frozen fish fillet;
  • squid.

You should not feed meat due to obesity, fading of color, violation digestive system. Piranhas cannot digest meat. When it comes out of them, it begins to rot and greatly pollutes the water.


It is very difficult to breed piranhas. For predators to spawn, the water should be as close as possible to its natural habitat (the waters of the Amazon) - sour and soft.

Only possible way Determine the sex of a piranha by observing individuals. The female changes behavior before spawning. The male acquires a brighter color, and the female becomes rounder due to the accumulation of eggs in the belly.

The spawning tank should be placed in a quiet place. Pairs are formed from compatible fish, that is, which live for a long time in the same aquarium.

In order for the couple to succeed, future parents need to be pampered with high-quality food with a high content of animal feed.

The spawning tank must meet certain requirements:

  • clean water;
  • temperature 26-29 degrees;
  • hardness within 6.5-7.5;
  • large volume.

Before spawning, the resulting pair selects a place that they aggressively guard. After fertilization, the future dad frantically protects the nest from the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Caring for the fry

The eggs of a rich orange tone will hatch on the 3rd day. After 2 days the larva becomes a fry. Only after this you need to carefully catch the baby with a fishnet. The handle should be long due to the aggressive male. It will attack anyone who approaches the nest.

Young animals are kept in the same conditions as adults. You need to feed with brine shrimp, add daphnia and bloodworm flakes to the main food. Feed babies twice a day. After a few months, the diet of the fry becomes the same as that of adults.

The fry are rapidly growing in size. With balanced feeding, they grow up to 2.5 cm by a month. In order for the fry to grow well, it is necessary to keep it in a spacious aquarium. For example, babies of one pair of cyprinids need up to 3-3.5 thousand liters.

A story about piranhas:

Aquarium piranhas are entertaining and delightful fish. If you follow basic and simple maintenance rules, the inhabitants of the aquarium will delight the owner with their beauty and habits.

Piranhas: The family of freshwater ray-finned fish belongs to the order Characinidae, and lives in various bodies of water in South America. These fish are characterized by powerful jaws and sharp teeth. Today, the piranha family includes 16 modern genera and 95 species. (Wikipedia)

We can safely say that piranha is one of the most... famous fish in the world! There are many legends and myths about piranhas, but not all horror stories correspond to reality. These fish can pose a real danger during the dry period, when water bodies dry out greatly and they begin to lack food. Piranhas first eat all the fish belonging to other species in this reservoir, then they begin hunting each other.

Moreover, they are quite shy and therefore gather in flocks to protect themselves from predators. And in nature they have enough enemies: this and freshwater dolphins, Amazonian otters, various representatives cat families caimans, herons, arapaima - ancient fish Very unusual shape.

Famous teeth piranhas, relative to the size of the body, are quite large, have a conical shape, when closed, the upper rows fit tightly into the spaces between the lower ones, so that there is no room for a gap, in addition, The jaw muscles of piranhas are very strong.

Piranhas in an aquarium

The most common guest species found in aquariums include:

Piranha pacu

Paku- these are piranhas, which, despite their menacing appearance and impressive jaw apparatus, are not at all so scary, because they vegetarian piranhas. Under this name, scientists unite several species of South American freshwater piranhas who prefer primarily plant foods in their menu.

They have unique teeth, slightly similar to human ones. Such teeth serve the paku for crushing nuts and seeds and eating other tough plant foods rich in fiber.

However, if you keep a pacu in the aquarium, you still need to be extremely careful so that the fish do not accidentally bite your hand when you, for example, clean the aquarium.

Mileus redfin or Mileus moon

Mileus- fairly large peace-loving fish, keeping in schools. Their distribution area is the Amazon Basin, various bodies of water in Guiana and Suriname. Under natural conditions, mileus can grow up to 35 cm, in artificial conditions - up to 15 cm. Life expectancy - up to 10 years. Mileus are considered to be unpretentious fish species, so they are perfect for beginners and inexperienced aquarists. In artificial conditions it grows up to 15 cm.

Mileus get along quite easily in an aquarium with other types of fish. Since plants constitute their natural diet, it is not recommended to use live vegetation when decorating. Much better fit inanimate objects, although some types of plants are suitable, for example, Thai fern or Java moss, since most herbivorous fish do not eat them. Despite my plant-based food preferences, mileus Still, a protein component in the diet is also necessary, so they should also be supplemented with live food, for example, bloodworms.

Red pacu

Red pacu Colossomabidens(bidentate). Habitat - South America, mainly in the Amazon and its tributaries, people use it as commercial fish(and who, in this case, eats whom?).

  • The red pacu is omnivorous.

Despite its striking similarity to piranha, red pacu is rarely included in its diet. meat food(maybe it affects small quantity teeth?). In nature, their main diet is a variety of freshwater plants. Young fish grow quite quickly: in the first year, a red pacu can reach 30 cm in natural conditions. The maximum length of adult fish reaches 80 cm with a weight of 25 kg; it is extremely difficult to achieve such indicators in an aquarium. The maximum recorded lifespan in an aquarium is 28 years.

Red piranha

Red Piranha ( Rooseveltiellanattereri) has a red color in the abdominal area only in at a young age. In the natural environment it grows up to 30 cm (in an aquarium - no more than 20 cm with a weight of up to 1.5 kg) - enough big fish, olive-silver with a reddish or purple tint, bright highlights on the back, a dissected tail with a blue-green border, a belly with a pronounced orange tint (fry have noticeable black spots that disappear with age). The body is relatively high, laterally compressed, the head has a large jaw, “like a bulldog.” It has a large mouth with very sharp conical teeth, with jagged edges, the upper ones fit tightly into the gap with the lower ones. The chest, as well as the base of the pectoral and anal fins, are painted bright red, the sides with gilded dots. In general, the color of the red piranha is very attractive! The lifespan of red piranhas in an aquarium is from 6 to 15 years.

Piranhas They are schooling fish and require large, elongated aquariums for maintenance. So, for example, in an aquarium 500 liters. It is recommended to keep 7 fish. Piranhas love well-purified, aerated water.

Therefore, the filtration system must be selected taking into account the increased load on the biofilter; it is better to install an external filter with a double reserve of the volume indicated by the manufacturers. Water temperature 25 - 27°C, pH 5.8 - 7. Hardness: 2 - 12 dHG. Regular, at least once a week, water changes are required, at least 20%. Since piranhas are shy fish(who would have thought!), the aquarium should have enough natural shelters: stones, grottoes, tufts of vegetation.

You can feed piranhas with frozen, lean sea fish without bones, after defrosting it and draining the water, finely chopped shrimp, squid, beef heart and liver. Piranhas will happily chew on a mussel and eat it earthworm or maggot. It is when eating that their famous unbridled character manifests itself!

Perhaps only one shark can rival them in the number of legends and stories in which these fish are mentioned. Therefore, many aquarists, when such an opportunity arose, immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​keeping such formidable and famous creatures at home. How true are all these terrible stories about their cruel nature, and is it so difficult to keep aquarium piranha fish?

Types of aquarium piranhas

Let's name the types that are most common among amateurs:

Aquarium piranhas - content

Outwardly, it does not look very much like a terrible and formidable predator, but its sharp teeth can bite painfully at an unwary aquarist. In captivity they live from four to fifteen years. It is better to buy individuals of the same species and size for one aquarium. It’s good if it’s a flock of ten individuals. Formidable predators may be startled by a tapping sound, a splash of water, or a bright light. The water temperature should be kept around 26 degrees. Too large fluctuations in temperature have a detrimental effect on them. On average, up to eight liters are needed per 2.5 cm of an adult’s body. Piranhas feel comfortable in aquariums with dense vegetation and equipped with various decorative shelters.

What to feed aquarium piranhas?

For these predatory creatures, tadpoles, small fish, frogs, thawed fish fillets, and shrimp can be excellent food. It is better not to give meat to piranhas, they say that this may cause their color to fade. Sometimes, for variety, you can offer them chopped green vegetables (spinach, raw potatoes, zucchini). Not all aquarium piranhas are so bloodthirsty; there is also a herbivorous species - pacu. He is similar to the others, but these creatures lack terrible teeth and pose no danger. They are omnivores and not very picky about their food. Aquarium piranhas look beautiful in their glass house and are not particularly difficult to keep. By performing simple daily procedures, you can enjoy playing them in a soft chair, imagining yourself on the banks of the Amazon.