ADHD (diagnosed by a neurologist) - what is it? signs, correction. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults and children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common mental neurological and behavioral disorders in children. A huge number of specialists (in particular psychologists and neurologists) classify it as stable and incurable, but there are also those who believe that this belief is a myth. Not being professionals in the field of psychotherapy and neurology, we will not accept any of these points of view, but we will present in the article the most complete information about this pathology.

Below we'll go into more detail about what ADHD is, its causes and symptoms, and how it's diagnosed. We will also bring to your attention some rules for the treatment of ADHD (ways to combat it and ways to benefit from it) and tips on the prevention of this disorder, which can be used by parents who have identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in their children.

The most important thing about ADHD

According to statistics, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is observed in about 5% of cases, which is the most common mental disorder in children. It is also known that for every one girl with this disease, there are three boys.

Children suffering from this disease inevitably face various problems not only in kindergartens and schools, but also at home, because they experience serious problems with any processes or objects and control of their own impulses. And due to an unstable emotional background, there is misunderstanding and even condemnation on the part of people around, which in many cases becomes the cause of low self-esteem, negative thinking, anger and other destructive consequences.

In addition, children with ADHD are more likely than others to suffer domestic injuries. But what’s more scary is what’s already in early age they may start smoking, drinking alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Other pathologies that accompany ADHD are often depression, antisocial or manic behavior, stuttering, nervous tics and bipolar disorders, which manifest themselves in a destructive symbiosis of depressive and manic states.

That is why it is very important to know the causes, symptoms, methods of prevention, methods of control and ways to benefit from it, as well as related methods, including.

Main Causes of ADHD

There are some problems with determining the reliable causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, because even today they have not been definitively established. However, psychologists and neurologists consider the following to be possible factors in the development of the disease:

  • Features of the nervous system. This refers to the individual characteristics of human development, manifested in attention deficit and increased activity.
  • Genetic predisposition, when the causes of the disease are in the genes. The risk of developing ADHD increases if one of the person’s close relatives has similar mental disorders.
  • Lifestyle of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman smokes, drinks alcohol and/or uses drugs, her child may develop ADHD as a result.
  • Features of childbirth. This factor includes premature birth and difficult pregnancy.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions. This includes polluted air, water containing lead compounds, as well as exposure to toxic and noxious substances present in the environment.

Based on this, one of the most effective ways to prevent ADHD is management. But we will touch on the issue of treatment and prevention, but for now let’s talk about the symptoms of the syndrome in children.

ADHD symptoms and diagnosis

First, it is important to note that the diagnosis of such a severe mental illness is only possible in situations where its symptoms are fully manifested. It is carried out not through special methods or the use of some kind of apparatus, but through ordinary observation, obtaining data about family members (to establish predisposition) and collecting information from people around the child, for example, relatives, parents, teachers, friends, etc. d. In addition, for a final analysis of the mental state, a general medical examination is also required.

As for symptoms, we take information from the American Psychiatric Association as a basis. Its experts highlight following signs ADHD in children:

  • Absent-mindedness. It is expressed in the fact that the child constantly loses his things, for example, clothes, school supplies, toys; and also that he cannot independently perform certain actions in a calm state: write, draw, read, play, etc.
  • Forgetfulness. It is expressed in the fact that the child constantly forgets the requests of parents, teachers, and friends; does not remember his promises, often abandons homework, homework, or instructions before finishing.
  • Inattention. It is expressed in the fact that the child makes many mistakes when performing any actions, the reason for which is the inability to concentrate on the same processes.
  • Dispersion. It is expressed in the fact that the child is distracted from what he is doing, does not express a desire (and even resists) to participate in work that requires the use of the mind, because realizes that he will not succeed. Here we can note the inability to concentrate for a long time on games, lessons, studying and performing other tasks.
  • Hyperactivity. It is expressed in the fact that the child talks a lot, restlessly and chaotically moves his legs and arms, feet and hands, cannot sit quietly in one place, constantly fidgets, often gets up when he should sit, performs an excessive number of aimless movements, including in situations where it is impossible to behave this way. Speaking of hyperactivity, it would not be superfluous to note that in children with ADHD, motor activity can continue even when they are sleeping, and such children most often sleep in the fetal position. If you talk to a child with ADHD and, for example, ask him questions, he begins to answer them before he has even listened to the end. You can also judge hyperactivity by the fact that children always interfere in conversations that do not concern them, and interfere in other people’s activities and games.

However, there is no need to sound the alarm if you suddenly notice something from the above in your child. The fact is that we can talk about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when six or more symptoms appear in behavior. In addition, this should happen systematically over six months at school or kindergarten, at home, in interaction with other people. It is also important that only psychologists, neurologists and some other specialists who understand the developmental characteristics of children can make an appropriate diagnosis. And only after the diagnosis has been determined, treatment can begin.

ADHD Treatment

As we have already mentioned, most experts believe that attention deficit disorder is an incurable disease. Despite this, there are those who are sure that this is a myth and propose certain measures for the treatment of ADHD.

Treatment of ADHD involves the use of short-term and long-term drug therapy and behavior correction through psychotherapy. The main medications in this case are psychostimulants like Dextroamphetamine-amphetamine, Lisdexamfetamine and Methylphenidate, which act on neurotransmitters to normalize attention and reduce hyperactivity. Antidepressants are also often used, but their effect is much slower. Remember that only a doctor can prescribe medications and select the dosage.

Besides traditional medicine Alternative methods may also be used to treat ADHD, although to a greater extent they refer to adults. Among these are yoga, qigong, and special diets where food is taken without sugar, allergens, artificial colors, preservatives and caffeine. But we should not forget that in addition to physical treatment, to prevent and alleviate ADHD, you also need to engage in intellectual treatment. You can, for example, take specialized courses on developing thinking, play special online games ( excellent selection you can find these). And if you approach the issue of treatment and prevention of ADHD in a comprehensive manner, you can achieve, although not completely getting rid of this disease, but still make sure that the child simply outgrows it, having the opportunity to enter adult life as a prepared person.

Now we want to give some advice to parents who have identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in their children.

Children with ADHD are specifically taught to cope with the symptoms of this disease. But methods of struggle and ways to benefit from this can only be effective when treatment (medication, psychotherapy and other methods) is accompanied by the direct participation of parents in it. What can you do at home to alleviate your child’s illness? Here are some effective recommendations:

  • Show your feelings and let your child know that you appreciate and love him. Give him more time, without the participation of strangers, kiss, hug and in every possible way show that you accept him this way.
  • Increase your child's self-esteem, for which sports are great. For example, introduce him to martial arts and active training. Even if no noticeable achievements are achieved, sport in any case, discipline, the desire to work on oneself, and also accustoms one to a routine.
  • Set tasks correctly. When entrusting something to your child, try to express it simply. Your words, phrases and formulations must be age appropriate and clearly perceived and understood by the child. It is recommended to divide large tasks into several smaller stages.
  • Don't forget about rest. You must provide your child with conditions for rest. Do not tire him out, do not allow him to become overly tired, and do not overload him with tasks and work. Take breaks, arrange a nap, allow you to do what you love.
  • Follow the regime. Build a schedule for each day to instill discipline in your child. But do it casually and gently. It is much easier to raise children with ADHD when the parent stops unwanted behavior and encourages desirable ones.
  • Involve teachers. This means that you simply need to tell the teachers and educators with whom he interacts about the characteristics of your child in order to ensure support from them. We can talk about the possibility of changes in the rating system, develop individual plan classes or even transfer the child to a private school, where a special approach will be applied to him.
  • Stay confident and be patient. Accept the fact that you won’t be able to deal with difficulties overnight. Therefore, try to remain calm and balanced. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and avoid overwork in raising your beloved child. In addition, children tend to copy the behavior of adults who are authoritative for them, which means you should always serve as a good role model.
  • Develop your thinking. Pay special attention to your child's intellectual development. Reading books is suitable for this, solution logical problems, watching educational TV shows and documentaries, all kinds of games (including and) and courses on.

And let us remind you once again that in no case should you determine attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children on your own. If you regularly notice any deviations, do not draw hasty conclusions, but seek advice from professionals. Most likely, in unusual behavior the developmental peculiarities of your beloved son or daughter simply appear.

In conclusion, taking into account the fact that in the article we examined the features of ADHD in children, it is worth saying a few words about this disease in adults.

ADHD in adults

Many adults who were not diagnosed with ADHD in childhood do not understand that this particular illness is the cause of most of their difficulties in life, problems with attention and learning new material, and difficulties in relationships with other people. Therefore, people who are familiar with this are recommended to study ADHD on their own and seek help from qualified specialists, because appropriate examinations can provide answers to many questions.

And if we talk about the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults, it depends on the concomitant psychological problems they have. For example, a study conducted in Mexico in 2007 showed the presence of the disease in 5.37% of 149 people not seen by psychiatrists and in 16.8% of 161 people who were seen by psychiatrists. It is also curious that in the category of psychiatric patients, the difference in the presence of ADHD was “inverted” in relation to the general category and the category of children (remember the beginning of the article): the syndrome was observed in 21.6% of women and only 8.5% of men.

Problems with concentration are a real scourge of modern society: everything more people complain of fatigue, distractibility and inability to concentrate on an important task. This can be either a consequence of multitasking and information overload, or a manifestation of a specific mental disorder - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. “Theories and Practices” tried to figure out what ADHD is and how to cope with it.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder reveals all the weaknesses of psychiatry as a science: it is difficult to find a more controversial, vague and mysterious disorder. Firstly, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, and secondly, scientists are still arguing whether it is a disease at all or a variant of the norm - and if it is a disease, then can ADHD be considered a full-fledged diagnosis or is it just a set of symptoms, perhaps , not united by one reason.

The history of research into attention deficit disorder (which received its current name only in the second half of the twentieth century) began in 1902, when pediatrician George Frederick Still described a group of impulsive, poor learning children and hypothesized that such behavior was not associated with developmental delays. The hypothesis was subsequently confirmed - although the doctor was unable to explain the reasons for this phenomenon. Twenty-five years later, another doctor, Charles Bradley, began prescribing benzedrine, an amphetamine-derived psychostimulant, to hyperactive children. The stimulants turned out to be very effective, although again, for a long time doctors could not understand the mechanism of their effect on patients. In 1970, American psychiatrist Conan Kornetsky first hypothesized that the disease may be associated with reduced level certain neurotransmitters in the brain and similar drugs help increase it. The American Psychiatric Association proposed the first methods for diagnosing the syndrome only in 1968, and in Russia they started talking about it only in the second half of the 1990s - and then without much enthusiasm.

A wary attitude towards this topic is understandable: the study of ADHD and the development of diagnostic criteria have been accompanied by scandals since the 1970s - the creators of the American reference book DSM-4 were accused of the fact that their descriptions of the disorder caused an entire epidemic of overdiagnosis in children and adolescents. Some doctors and parents chose medications as the path of least resistance: it was easier to drug difficult children than to cope with their characteristics pedagogical methods. In addition, amphetamine-type drugs prescribed to active and uncontrollable children sometimes migrated into the arsenal of their housewife mothers: stimulants gave strength and helped them cope with housework (the most effective horror story on the topic of what the domestic abuse of such drugs leads to is the story of a mother main character in "Requiem for a Dream"). In addition, the criteria for diagnosing the disorder changed several times, which also caused a flurry of criticism. As a result, attention deficit disorder was greatly discredited and for some time fell into the list of “non-existent diseases”.

However, the experience of psychiatrists has shown that the problem, no matter how you classify it, still exists: a certain percentage of the population experiences difficulties associated with low concentration attention, inability to self-organize, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Often these characteristics persist into adulthood, and manifest themselves strongly enough to create serious problems for a person (especially an ambitious one) in school, at work and in his personal life. But usually the disorder is perceived by others and the patient himself not as a serious illness, but as a manifestation of personal shortcomings. Therefore, most adults with such a set of symptoms do not go to doctors, preferring to fight their “weak character” through strong-willed efforts.

Attention deficit disorder causes difficulties for patients even at school: a teenager with this diagnosis, even if he has a high IQ, finds it difficult to learn material and communicate with peers and teachers. A person with ADHD can immerse himself in a topic that is subjectively interesting to him (however, as a rule, not for long - such people are prone to frequent changes of priorities and hobbies) and show bright abilities, but it is difficult for him to perform even simple routine work. At the same time, he is bad at planning, and when high level impulsiveness - to foresee even the immediate consequences of one’s actions. If all this is also combined with hyperactivity, such a teenager turns into a nightmare school teacher- he will get bad grades in “boring” subjects, surprise others with impulsive antics, disrupt order and sometimes ignore social conventions (since it will be difficult for him to focus on the expectations and demands of others).

It was previously believed that the disorder would “dissolve” on its own with age - but according to recent data, approximately 60% of children suffering from ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms of the disease into adulthood. An employee who is unable to sit through the end of a meeting and ignores important instructions, a talented specialist who misses important deadlines by suddenly getting distracted by some personal project, an “irresponsible” partner who is unable to organize his home life or suddenly blows a lot of money on some strange whim. - all of them may not just be weak-willed slobs, but people suffering from a mental disorder.

Diagnostic problems

According to various estimates, 7-10% of children and 4-6% of adults suffer from this disease. At the same time, the popular idea of ​​a patient with ADHD as exclusively an impulsive fidget is already outdated - modern science identifies three types of the disorder:

With an emphasis on attention deficit (when a person does not have signs of hyperactivity, but it is difficult for him to concentrate, work on the same task for a long time and organize his actions, he is forgetful and gets tired easily)

With an emphasis on hyperactivity (a person is overly active and impulsive, but does not experience significant difficulties with concentration)

Mixed option

According to the American classification of mental disorders DSM-5, the diagnosis of “attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder” can be established no earlier than 12 years. In this case, the symptoms must be presented in different situations and settings and manifest themselves strongly enough to significantly affect a person’s life.

ADHD or bipolar disorder? One of the problems in diagnosing the syndrome is that, according to some signs, the syndrome overlaps with other mental illnesses - in particular, with cyclothymia and: hyperactivity can be confused with hypomania, and fatigue and problems with concentration can be confused with signs of dysthymia and depression. In addition, these disorders are comorbid - that is, the probability of getting both at the same time is quite high. In addition, suspicious symptoms may be due to non-mental illnesses (eg, severe head trauma or poisoning). Therefore, experts often recommend that those who suspect they have attention deficit disorder undergo a routine medical examination before contacting psychiatrists.

Gender nuances. Last year, The Atlantic magazine published an article about how ADHD manifests itself differently in women than in men. According to the studies described in the article, women with this disorder are less likely to show impulsivity and hyperactivity and more often show disorganization, forgetfulness, anxiety and introversion.

The editors of T&P remind you that you should not rely entirely on self-diagnosis - if you suspect you have ADHD, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

Losing control

The genetic factor plays a large role in the development of ADHD - if your close relative suffers from this syndrome, the probability that you will be given the same diagnosis is 30%. Modern theories ADHD is associated with functional disorders in the neurotransmitter systems of the brain - in particular, with the balance of dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine and norepinephrine pathways are directly responsible for the executive functions of the brain - that is, for the ability to plan, switch between different stimuli with volition, flexibly change one's behavior depending on changing environmental conditions, and suppress automatic reactions in favor of conscious decisions (this is what Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman calls). All this helps us control our behavior. Another function of dopamine is to maintain the “reward system,” which controls behavior by responding to “correct” (from a survival point of view) actions with pleasant sensations. Disturbances in the functioning of this system affect motivation. In addition, people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may also have abnormalities in serotonin balance. This can cause additional problems with organization, timing, concentration, and emotional control.

Disorder or personality trait?

The concept of neurodiversity, an approach that views different neurological features as a result of normal variations in the human genome, is gaining popularity. Adherents of neurodiversity are interested in both sexual orientation and gender self-identification, as well as some genetically determined mental illnesses, including autism, bipolar disorder and attention deficit disorder. Some scientists believe that many of the behaviors that lead to a diagnosis of ADHD are natural personality traits and do not indicate the presence of unhealthy abnormalities. But because such traits make it difficult for a person to function in modern society, they are labeled as “disorders.”

Psychotherapist Tom Hartman developed the spectacular "hunter and farmer" theory, which suggests that people with ADHD have retained their genes primitive people, responsible for behavior that is optimal for hunters. Over time, humanity switched to agriculture, which required more patience, and “hunting” qualities - quick reaction, impulsiveness, receptivity - began to be considered undesirable. According to this hypothesis, the problem lies only in setting tasks, and the ability of people with the syndrome to “hyperfocus” - strong concentration on a task that is subjectively interesting to them to the detriment of all others - can also be considered as an evolutionary advantage. True, it is difficult to consider Hartman an objective researcher - his son was diagnosed with ADHD.

But in any case, there is a sound grain in this theory: since one of the most important criteria of mental health is the ability to successfully cope with everyday tasks, many problems can be mitigated by choosing a suitable field of activity. That is, one where routine processes and patience play a lesser role and a “sprinting” temperament, the ability to improvise, curiosity and the ability to easily switch between various activities are valued. For example, it is believed that with ADHD you can make a good career in sales or entertainment, in the arts, and in “adrenaline” professions (say, a firefighter, a doctor, or the military). You can also become an entrepreneur.

How to be treated

Medicines. Psychostimulants containing amphetamine (Aderall or Dexedrine) or methylphenidate (Ritalin) are still used to treat ADHD. Drugs from other groups are also prescribed, for example, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (atomoxetine), antihypertensives (clonidine and guanfacine) and tricyclic antidepressants. The choice depends on the specific manifestations of ADHD, additional risks (propensity for drug addiction or related mental disorders) and the desire to avoid certain side effects (sample list“side effects” from different drugs can be viewed)

Since in Russia psychostimulants are firmly entrenched in the list of dangerous drugs that are not available even by prescription, domestic psychiatrists use atomoxetine, guanfacine or tricyclics.

Psychotherapy. It is believed that cognitive behavioral therapy helps with ADHD, which, unlike many other schools of psychotherapy, places an emphasis on working with the conscious mind rather than the subconscious. For a long time, this method has been successfully used in the fight against depression and anxiety disorders - and now special programs have appeared for the treatment of attention deficit disorder. The essence of such therapy is to develop awareness and not allow irrational patterns of behavior to take over a person’s life. Classes help control impulses and emotions, deal with stress, plan and systematize your actions and bring things to completion.

Nutrition and dietary supplements. You can try to adjust your diet in accordance with the advice of foreign medicine. The most common recommendations are to take fish oil and avoid sudden spikes in blood glucose levels (that is, say no to simple carbohydrates). There is also evidence showing a relationship between low levels of iron, iodine, magnesium and zinc and increased symptoms. Some studies suggest that small amounts of caffeine may help you concentrate, but most experts still advise against drinking too much coffee. In any case, adjusting the diet is more of a “maintenance” measure than a full-fledged way to combat the disorder.

Schedule. People with ADHD, more than anyone else, need planning and a clear routine. Compensate internal problems External “backbone” helps with systematization and time management: timers, organizers and to-do lists. Any large projects should be broken down into small tasks and periods of rest and rest should be included in the plan in advance. possible deviations from the schedule.

The most common cause of learning problems and behavioral disorders in children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The disorder is observed mainly in schoolchildren and preschool children. Young patients with this diagnosis correctly perceive their surroundings, but are restless, show increased activity, do not complete what they start, and do not foresee the consequences of their actions. This behavior is always associated with the risk of getting lost or injured, so doctors regard it as a neurological disease.

What is attention deficit disorder in children

ADHD is a neurological-behavioral disorder that develops in childhood. The main manifestations of attention deficit disorder in children are difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Neurologists and psychiatrists regard ADHD as a spontaneous and chronic disease for which an effective treatment has not yet been found.

Attention deficit disorder is observed mainly in children, but sometimes the disease manifests itself in adults. Disease problems are characterized different degrees severity, so it should not be underestimated. ADHD affects relationships with other people and overall quality of life. The disease carries complex nature Therefore, sick children have problems performing any work, learning and mastering theoretical material.

Attention deficit disorder in a child is a difficulty not only with mental, but also with physical development. According to biology, ADHD is a dysfunction of the central nervous system (CNS), which is characterized by the formation of the brain. Such pathologies in medicine are considered the most dangerous and unpredictable. ADHD is diagnosed 3-5 times more often in boys than in girls. In male children, the disease often manifests itself as aggression and disobedience, in female children – inattention.


Attention deficit disorder in children develops for two reasons: genetic predisposition and pathological influence. The first factor does not exclude the presence of illness in the child’s closest relatives. Both distant and short-range heredity play a role. As a rule, in 50% of cases, a child develops attention deficit disorder due to a genetic factor.

Pathological influence occurs for the following reasons:

  • maternal smoking;
  • taking medications during pregnancy;
  • premature or rapid labor;
  • malnutrition of the child;
  • viral or bacterial infections;
  • neurotoxic effect on the body.

Symptoms of ADHD in children

It is most difficult to track the symptoms of the disease in preschool children from 3 to 7 years old. Parents notice the manifestation of hyperactivity in the form of constant movement of their baby. The child cannot find something exciting to do, rushes from corner to corner, and constantly talks. Symptoms are caused by irritability, resentment, and intemperance in any situation.

Once the child reaches 7 years of age, when it is time to go to school, the problems increase. Children with hyperactivity disorder do not keep up with their peers in terms of learning, because they do not listen to the material presented and behave uncontrollably in class. Even if they take on a task, they do not complete it. After some time, children with ADHD switch to another activity.

Reaching adolescence, the hyperactive patient changes. The signs of the disease are replaced - impulsiveness turns into fussiness and internal restlessness. In adolescents, the disease manifests itself as irresponsibility and lack of independence. Even at an older age, there is no planning of the day, time management, or organization. Relationships with peers, teachers, and parents deteriorate, which gives rise to negative or suicidal thoughts.

Common ADHD symptoms for all ages:

  • impaired concentration and attention;
  • hyperactivity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • increased nervousness and irritability;
  • constant movements;
  • learning difficulties;
  • delayed emotional development.


Doctors divide attention deficit disorder in children into three types:

  1. Predominance of hyperactivity. More often observed in boys. The problem doesn't only occur at school. Wherever it is necessary to remain in one place, the boys show extreme impatience. They are irritable, restless, and do not think about their behavior.
  2. Prevalence of impaired concentration. More common in girls. They cannot concentrate on one task and have difficulty following commands and listening to other people. Their attention is distracted by external factors.
  3. Mixed appearance, when attention deficit and hyperactivity are equally expressed. In this case, the sick child cannot be unambiguously classified into any category. The problem is considered individually.


Treatment for attention deficit disorder in children begins after diagnosis. First, a psychiatrist or neurologist collects information: a conversation with parents, an interview with the child, diagnostic questionnaires. A doctor has the right to make a diagnosis of ADHD if, for 6 months or more, the child has had at least 6 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity and 6 signs of inattention, according to special tests. Other specialist actions:

  • Neuropsychological examination. The EEG (electroencephalogram) brain function is studied at rest and while performing tasks. The procedure is harmless and painless.
  • Pediatrician consultation. ADHD-like symptoms are sometimes caused by conditions such as hyperthyroidism, anemia, and others. somatic pathologies. Their presence can be excluded or confirmed by a pediatrician after a blood test for hemoglobin and hormones.
  • Instrumental research. The patient is sent for ultrasound dopplerography (ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck), EEG (electroencephalography of the brain).


The basis of ADHD therapy is behavior correction. Drug treatment for attention deficit disorder is prescribed on an outpatient basis and in extreme cases, when the child’s condition cannot be improved without it. First, the doctor explains to parents and teachers the essence of the disorder. Conversations with the child himself, to whom the reasons for his behavior are explained in an accessible form, help improve the quality of life.

When parents understand that their baby is not spoiled or spoiled, but suffers from a neurological pathology, their attitude towards their child changes greatly, which improves family relationships and increases the little patient’s self-esteem. An integrated approach is often used to treat schoolchildren and adolescents, including drug and non-drug therapy. When diagnosing ADHD, the following methods are used:

  1. Classes with a psychologist. The doctor uses techniques to improve communication skills and reduce the patient’s anxiety. A child with speech impairments is advised to work with a speech therapist.
  2. Physical activity. A student should choose a sports section that does not provide for competitive activities, static loads, or demonstration performances. Best choice with attention deficit there will be skiing, swimming, cycling and other aerobic exercise.
  3. Folk remedies. For ADHD, medications are prescribed for a long period, so from time to time synthetic drugs should be replaced with natural sedatives. Tea with mint, lemon balm, valerian and other herbs that have a positive effect on the nervous system have an excellent calming effect.

Treatment of ADHD in children with drugs

Currently, there are no medications that completely eliminate attention deficit disorder. The doctor prescribes a small patient one medication (monotherapy) or several medications (complex treatment), based on the individual characteristics and course of the disease. The following groups of drugs are used for therapy:

  • Psychostimulants (Levamphetamine, Dexamphetamine). Medicines increase the production of neurotransmitters, which leads to normal brain activity. As a result of their use, impulsivity, depression, and aggressiveness decrease.
  • Antidepressants (Atomoxetine, Desipramine). The accumulation of active substances in synapses reduces impulsivity and increases attention due to improved signal transmission between brain cells.
  • Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (Reboxetine, Atomoxetine). Reduce the reuptake of serotonin and dopamine. As a result of taking them, the patient becomes calmer and more assiduous.
  • Nootropic (Cerebrolysin, Piracetam). They improve brain nutrition, provide it with oxygen, and help absorb glucose. The use of this type of drug increases the tone of the cortex cerebral hemispheres, which helps relieve general tension.

The most popular medications for the drug treatment of ADHD in children are:

  • Citral. It is recommended for use in the treatment of pathology in preschool children. This is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent, which is prepared in the form of a suspension. It is prescribed to children from birth as a sedative and a medicine that reduces intracranial pressure. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug if you are hypersensitive to the components.
  • Pantogam. Nootropic agent with neurotrophic, neuroprotective, neurometabolic properties. Increases the resistance of brain cells to toxic substances. Moderate sedative. During the treatment of ADHD, the patient's physical performance and mental activity are activated. The dosage is determined by the doctor in accordance with individual characteristics. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug if you have an individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition.
  • Semax. A nootropic drug with a mechanism of neurospecific effects on the central nervous system. Improves cognitive (cognitive) processes of the brain, increases mental performance, memory, attention, learning ability. Use in individual dosage prescribed by the doctor. The drug is not prescribed for seizures or exacerbation of mental disorders.

Physiotherapy and massage

A variety of physical therapy treatments are used in comprehensive ADHD rehabilitation. Among them:

  • Medicinal electrophoresis. Actively used in children's practice. Vascular drugs (Eufillin, Cavinton, Magnesium) and absorbable agents (Lidaza) are often used.
  • Magnetotherapy. A technique that is based on the effect of magnetic fields on the human body. Under their influence, metabolism is activated, blood supply to the brain improves, and vascular tone decreases.
  • Photochromotherapy. A method of treatment in which light is applied to individual biological active points or certain areas. As a result, vascular tone is normalized, central nervous system excitations are balanced, concentration and muscle condition are improved.

During complex therapy, acupressure is recommended. As a rule, it is done in courses 2-3 times a year of 10 procedures. A specialist massages the collar area and ears. A relaxing massage is very effective, which doctors advise parents to master. Slow massaging movements can bring even the most restless fidget into a balanced state.

Psychological and psychotherapeutic methods

As already mentioned, the most effective therapy is psychological, but lasting progress may require several years of sessions with a psychologist. Specialists use:

  • Cognitive-behavioral methods. They involve forming different behavioral models with the patient, subsequently choosing the most correct ones. The baby learns to understand his emotions and desires. Cognitive-behavioral methods help facilitate adaptation to society.
  • Play therapy. There is a formation of attentiveness and perseverance in the form of a game. The patient learns to control increased emotionality and hyperactivity. The set of games is selected individually, taking into account the symptoms.
  • Art therapy. Practicing various types of art reduces anxiety, fatigue, relieves excessive emotionality and negative thoughts. The realization of talents helps the little patient increase self-esteem.
  • Family therapy. A psychologist works with parents, helping to develop the correct line of education. This allows you to reduce the number of conflicts in the family and make communication easier for all its members.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a minimal brain dysfunction. This is a clinical syndrome manifested by impulsivity, excessive motor activity, and impaired concentration.

There are 3 types of ADHD diagnosis: in one of them hyperactivity predominates, in the second there is only attention deficit, the third type combines both indicators.

Children suffering from ADHD syndrome are unable to maintain attention on anything for a long time; they are absent-minded, forgetful, often lose their things, do not perceive instructions and requests from adults the first time, and find it difficult to follow a daily routine.

They are too active, talkative, fussy, strive to be leaders everywhere, are often pugnacious, very emotional, impatient, and love to fantasize. It is difficult for them to learn the rules and norms of behavior, they are distracted by any sounds, and at school such children often lack motivation to study. In a dialogue, they often interrupt the interlocutor and impose their own topic that interests them at the moment.

At what age is the disease typical?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder begins to manifest itself with the beginning of the child’s development, but it becomes especially noticeable in children by the age of 4-5 years. But the diagnosis is officially made only at 7-8 years of age, despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease appear much earlier.

According to studies, in most cases the disease is more common in boys than in girls, and the ratio between those affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is 4:1 in favor of the former. At primary school age, about 30% of students suffer from the disease, i.e. In each elementary school class, 1-2 students are children with ADHD. Only 20-25% of patients undergo any treatment.

Causes and risk factors

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be caused by the following reasons:

  • pathology of the development of the frontal lobes of the brain and disruption of the functioning of its subcortical structures;
  • genetic factor, - children whose relatives have a history of ADHD are 5 times more likely to suffer from such a disorder;
  • – a central nervous system disorder in newborns resulting from brain damage in utero or during the mother’s labor;
  • prematurity;
  • problematic pregnancy(umbilical cord entanglement in the fetus, threat of miscarriage, stress, infections, taking illegal medications, smoking, alcoholism);
  • rapid, long-lasting, premature birth, stimulation of labor.

Frequent conflicts in the family, excessive severity towards the child, physical punishment are factors that can trigger the development of ADHD.

Features of ADHD in adults

For adults suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the following symptoms and manifestations are typical:

A large percentage of people diagnosed with ADHD become drug addicts and alcoholics, they lead an antisocial lifestyle and often take the path of crime.

Hyperactivity in children of preschool and school age

The first signs of hyperactivity syndrome begin to appear in infancy in the form of the following symptoms:

  • frequent movements of arms and legs;
  • randomness of movements;
  • delayed speech development;
  • clumsiness;
  • disinhibition, lack of control in behavior;
  • restlessness;
  • inattention;
  • inability to maintain attention on a subject;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • constant haste;
  • difficulty communicating and establishing contacts with peers;
  • lack of fear.

Schooling for a child with ADHD becomes a burden for him or her. Due to his physiology, the student cannot sit quietly in one place, during the lesson he is distracted and disturbs others, he cannot concentrate his attention, he is of little interest in school subjects, during the lesson he can walk around the class or asks for leave under the guise of “going to the toilet”, and he himself walks through the school spaces.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main diagnostic method for a preschool child to identify ADHD is to observe his behavior in his usual environment: in a kindergarten group, on a walk, when communicating with friends, teachers, and parents.

To make a diagnosis of ADHD, attention, activity, thinking and other processes are assessed, for which a behavioral rating scale is used in children over 6 years of age.

The problem should be dealt with by a child psychiatrist. Particular emphasis is placed on complaints from parents, teachers and the child’s medical history. When assessing behavior patterns, the doctor needs to know the opinion of the school psychologist and the family situation. The child must exhibit at least 6 of the following symptoms over the course of six months:

  • makes a mistake due to inattention;
  • does not listen or hear the interlocutor;
  • avoids tasks that require mental effort;
  • loses personal items;
  • distracted by any noise;
  • plays restlessly;
  • interrupts those talking to him;
  • talks too much;
  • fidgets and rocks in the chair;
  • stands up when it is prohibited;
  • throws a tantrum in response to a fair remark;
  • wants to be the first in everything;
  • commits thoughtless acts;
  • can't wait for his turn.

When diagnosing ADHD in adults, a neurologist collects data on possible symptoms of the disease and prescribes studies: psychological and educational testing, electrocardiography, etc. It is necessary to collect symptoms of the disease.

Treatment and the necessary set of measures for correction

You should not expect complete relief from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But there are many means and methods capable of reducing severe symptoms. Treatment for ADHD includes medication, diet, psychotherapy, behavior modification, and other methods.

Drugs that affect concentration and reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity in ADHD: Methylphenidate, Cerebrolysin, Dexedrine. Their exposure time is up to 10 hours.

Children under 6 years of age should take these medications with extreme caution, because at an early age there is a high risk of developing allergic reactions, insomnia, tachycardia, decreased appetite, and dependence on medications.

Massage of the head and neck-collar area, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and the use of infusions will be of great benefit. medicinal herbs(pine bark, mint, ginseng, St. John's wort).

Corrective process in the family

The family should be involved in the correction process for symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

  • the child must be praised at every opportunity; it is important for him to be successful;
  • the family should have a reward system for every good deed;
  • the requirements for the child must be feasible for his age;
  • eliminate parental pickiness;
  • Sharing family time is important;
  • crowds of people contribute to outbursts of hyperactivity in a child;
  • Overworking a child, humiliation, anger and rudeness towards him is unacceptable;
  • do not ignore children's requests;
  • It is forbidden to compare the baby with peers, highlighting his shortcomings;
  • it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Preventive measures

Overly active children should not take part in competitions and games that have a pronounced emotional component. Strength sports are also not an option. Hiking and water tourism, swimming, jogging, skiing and skating are suitable for preventing ADHD. Physical activity should be moderate!

It is necessary to change the attitude towards the child, both at home and at school. It is recommended to model successful situations to eliminate self-doubt.

Children with ADHD can “cripple” the health of their household. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to undergo a course of family or personal psychotherapy. Mother and father should be calm and allow as few quarrels as possible. It is necessary to build a trusting relationship with the child.

Hyperactive children practically do not react to comments, punishments, prohibitions, but they happily respond to encouragement and praise. Therefore, the attitude towards them should be special.

Symptoms of the disease in most cases, as the child grows older, will smooth out and appear less pronounced; the child will gradually “outgrow” the difficult period. Therefore, parents need to be patient and help their beloved child get through a difficult stage of life.

Understanding the Causes of ADHD from the very beginning brought many problems to scientists. It is still not entirely clear what the reason for this type of violation is.

ADHD ( English Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) remains a mysterious disease. In the course of studies conducted with ADHD patients, many different hypotheses have emerged regarding the causes of this disease.

Causes of ADHD

For many years, the dominant view was that the development of ADHD was based on family relations child. The reason was seen in the upbringing mistakes made by the parents.

It is now known that this approach to the problem is wrong. Yes, disturbances in family relationships, a difficult family situation, the impulsiveness of parents, the lack of an appropriate system of norms can intensify the symptoms, but are not the causes of the disease.

Children with ADHD can't find their place!

The second hypothesis regarding the development of ADHD sees the main and immediate cause of this condition in damage to the child’s brain tissue. However, thanks to advances in medical diagnosis, it turns out that this is not the most common cause of hyperactivity symptoms.

What causes the development of ADHD?

Based on numerous studies, it was possible to come to the conclusion that cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stored in human DNA, i.e.

The basis of this disease is genetic factors. This means that ADHD can be passed on from generation to generation.

It is already known that the cause of the described disorders lies in human genetics. However, scientists have not yet been able to isolate the gene responsible for this condition. In connection with this, we can say that ADHD is a polygenic inherited disease. This means that for this disorder to occur, not just one, but several different genes must be triggered together.

Family studies have shown that the risk of ADHD is significantly (seven times) higher in families where someone already suffers from the disorder. In addition, studies on identical and fraternal twins have confirmed the hypothesis of a genetic cause of attention deficit disorder.

ADHD symptoms

What is the connection between specific genes and the development of symptoms characteristic of ADHD? It turned out that genetic factors in people with this disease lead to the fact that the development of their nervous system slows down compared to healthy people. More metaphorically, children with ADHD have some parts of their brains that work less efficiently than their peers. This applies to areas such as: the prefrontal cortex, subcortical structures, large commissures and the cerebellum.

In the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the causes of ADHD were associated with microdamages of the central nervous system (CNS) that arose as a result of pathological factors in the perinatal period. However, it turned out that microtraumas occur in a small group of children with ADHD, but are equally common in healthy children. The source of changes in information processing and psychomotor reactions is differences in brain maturation caused by changes in genetic material.

U children with ADHD the functioning of the frontal lobes is disrupted. This area is responsible for emotions, planning, assessing the situation, predicting consequences, and memory. This condition can manifest itself in the form of disturbances in the child’s emotions, that is, for example, in the form of causeless aggression, unrelenting anger, or constant forgetting about something.

Another part of the brain where dysfunction is clearly important in causing ADHD symptoms is the so-called basal ganglia. This part of the brain is responsible for motor control, emotions, learning, and cognitive processes (for example, speech, memory, attention, thinking).

In this case, disturbances will manifest themselves in inability to concentrate, problems with learning, and lack of coordination of movements. The functioning of areas responsible for touch, vision and hearing may also be impaired.

The reason for these shortcomings is the weakening of the action of certain substances in the brain, which are responsible for the transfer of information between its individual parts. These are the so-called neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine and (less important in this case) serotonin.

  • Dopamine- is responsible for emotional processes, higher mental actions (for example, memory, speech) and to a lesser extent for motor processes. It is also called the “happiness hormone” because an increase in its concentration in the corresponding areas of the brain causes a state of euphoria.
  • Norepinephrine- a hormone produced in the adrenal glands during stressful situations. Causes increased heart rate and increased muscle tension. In the brain it takes part, in particular, in the processes of thermoregulation. Deficiency can lead to underestimation of the threat and constant stimulation of the body. Called the “hormone of aggression.”
  • Serotonin- necessary for normal sleep. Its level also affects impulsive behavior, appetite and sexual needs. Too low levels of serotonin are observed in aggressive people.

Based on research, it has been established that the level of these substances in people with ADHD is significantly reduced, which leads to an incorrect flow of information between different structures of the brain.

Factors that contribute to ADHD symptoms

Before it was recognized that the starting point for the development of ADHD was genetics, many tried to attribute the causes to other factors. It is now known that there was some truth in these approaches.

It has been shown that factors that are no longer considered as main reason ADHD, may significantly contribute to or intensify symptoms. The influence of the child’s environment plays an important role in this process.

First of all, you should pay attention to the relationships between family members. Frequent misunderstandings, quarrels, shouting and violent reactions can significantly intensify the symptoms of malaise in the child. It is also very important in what conditions the child is raised. In the case of a difficult family situation, the child develops in an atmosphere of lack of rules and regulations, as a result of which the symptoms can be expected to be more pronounced and the child to be more burdensome to the environment.

The role of environmental factors in the development and intensification of symptoms is also emphasized. Complications during pregnancy, alcohol consumption, exposure to toxic substances through food, and smoking during fetal life may be associated with higher susceptibility to the disease. Psychomotor hyperactivity is one of the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome ( English FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), which results from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

The role of perinatal hypoxia is also emphasized. Microtraumas to the child's brain that result from such complications can cause symptoms characteristic of behavioral disorders. But this only applies to a small group of small patients.

Of course, psychosocial factors are important in the development of ADHD symptoms, such as frequent changes of place of residence and problems at school, which prevent a child with ADHD from communicating in a peer group.

A “vicious circle” arises - child with ADHD meets with refusal from the environment, which only aggravates the symptoms, and as a result leads to an even more clear rejection of the child by the environment in which he lives. It is important to pay attention to the situation at school, as appropriate preparation for intimacy with other students can minimize difficulties associated with functioning in society.

In addition, among the causes of exacerbation of ADHD symptoms are disorders that can increase the imbalance. Factors of note include asthma, diet, and allergies. It must be remembered, however, that these factors do not cause ADHD, but can only increase the symptoms of the disease.

ADHD and pesticide exposure

The causes of ADHD are not fully known. It is known that genes, as well as alcohol, nicotine and contact with lead, play a large role in the development of the disease.

Recent research suggests that pesticides present in some fruits and vegetables may also increase risk of developing ADHD. Pesticides, and organophosphates in particular, can be found in high concentrations in berries and celery - of course, only in those grown in industrial scale and with the use of plant protection products.

The tests were completed by 1,100 children aged 8 to 15 years. Their long-term exposure to large amounts of pesticides increased their risk of developing ADHD. Pesticide levels in the body were measured through urine. It has not been revealed, however, that the effect of pesticides itself could be the cause of ADHD.

According to the scientists carrying out the research, pesticides can block an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, which works in the nervous system, and disrupt the functioning of brain transmitters. However, further scientific research is needed to gain certainty regarding pesticides and their role in the development of symptoms.