The chemical composition of the mushroom is Triumphant. Places of distribution of yellow cobweb: description of the fungus, photo

The lower plants of the genus Lacticaria have a wide variety, among which is the mushroom, the photo and description of the forest representative emphasizes certain similarities with camelina, red milk mushroom or real milk mushroom. Among the waves you can also find a lot different types, for example, the wave is white, pink or faded.

Not every beginner who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what the mushroom looks like.

Not every beginner who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what the mushroom looks like. Photos and characteristics of the plant can be a good help before starting to collect lower plants.

The main difference between the white trumpet (downy trumpet, white trumpet, etc.) and other species is the color of the cap and the density of the body. Top part plants are white, with a slight darkening in the center, with a concentric pattern on the cap porcini mushroom No. At the beginning of growth, it has a densely lowered, convex shape. Over time, the appearance of the cap changes, becoming flat-like, with a small depression in the center, up to 6 cm in diameter. The body of the upper part has thin adherent plates, they are endowed with a white color.

The shape of the leg is usual, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height. The small fungus has a stalk without cavities; during the period of growth, the structure of this part of the body changes, and an emptiness appears inside. When broken, the product releases a bitter milky juice, it is quite aromatic, and does not change color when oxidized in air. White trumpets grow in well-lit places; they can often be found at the entrance to the forest.

Another representative of the genus Lacticaria is the roseate. This attractive mushroom is rarely found in forests. Unlike its white counterpart, the pink wavefish settles in shaded and humid places. In cooking, volushka is used after heat treatment. It belongs to the conditionally edible representatives of the second category. Most often it is pickled and salted.

The diameter of the cap reaches 12-14 cm, its color is pleasant pink. Young mushrooms have a convex cap; as they grow, its shape changes to flat, with a small depression. The cap of a large wave is similar to a funnel; its upper part is decorated with small fibers. They are located in circles. At the bottom of the cap there are thin cream-colored plates. This part body is very fragile. When cut, the forest product exudes a faint resinous aroma; the raw body tastes bitter. Pink milkweed can be found near edible mushroom families; the plant loves birch trees.

The shape of the leg is normal, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height

The first wave of milkmen appears in the second half of July, the second batch begins to make its way in August. At first Indian summer pink volnushki bear fruit most actively.

An interesting representative of the laticifers is the fading moth, otherwise this mushroom is called the gray russet, some call it the moth. This mushroom grows on moss, under birch trees. When exposed to air, the white milky sap of the plant oxidizes and turns gray. When you press on the body of the faded wave, dark spots are formed. The upper part of the body has a wavy appearance, the cap grows from 3 to 8 cm in diameter. The cylindrical leg has a void inside.

By nutritional value this mushroom belongs to the second category; it is salted, pickled and even fried. Before any culinary procedure, the plant undergoes active heat treatment.

Volnushki, greenfinches, pigs (video)

Culinary processing of mushrooms

It was noted earlier that volushki must be boiled before use. Gourmets claim that pink trumpet is extremely good when pickled. The caps of young representatives of the forest are used for salting. Any mushrooms, white, pink, etc. After they enter the house, they must be washed thoroughly and cleared of forest debris. Then the mushrooms are soaked for 40-50 minutes in cold water. During this period, the plants will lose their unpleasant bitterness. After all, the semi-finished product is boiled with salt and bay leaf.

Ready boiled mushrooms laid out in jars prepared in advance, garlic, allspice and other favorite spices are added to them. The containers are filled with brine and a small amount vegetable oil. The jars are sealed and stored in a dark, cool place for 40-50 days. The brine is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of water you need to take 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt.

Volushka mushroom (video)

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We value some mushrooms for beneficial features, and others - for excellent taste. They combine both the first and second waves, which will be discussed in this article. Volnushka is an edible mushroom belonging to the Russula family. Popularly it has many names: volvenka, volzhanka, rubella, volnukha, etc. Volvenka mushrooms (described below) are very common and have many species, including pink and white volnushki, non-caustic, faded, prickly, brownish and common laticifer, as well as violins, bitters and milk jugs. The first two types are the most famous. Their representatives are conditionally edible mushrooms that require special processing.

Description and differences between types

What should you know when picking mushrooms? The pink cap differs from the white cap by its pink cap, which in young organisms is convex and gradually flattens until a small depression appears in the center. The edges are turned down, slightly pubescent, the skin is slightly slimy, and becomes covered with dark spots when touched.

White trumpet mushrooms are much less common; they are characterized by a light pink or white color and the absence of concentric rings.

The flesh of representatives of both species is white, in some cases with a pink tint, and dense, so the volushki withstand even long-term transportation well, which makes them a profitable commercial product. When cut, the pulp abundantly secretes milky white juice, which does not change color when oxidized. The stem, hollow in mature mushrooms and dense in young ones, reaches a height of six centimeters and a diameter of two centimeters.

Volnushki are medium-sized mushrooms. When salted, it is an excellent snack.


Volnushki contain fats, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, mineral elements, and water. They contain organic acids such as acetic, lactic, and oleic acids. Carbohydrates are contained mainly in the form of fiber, which, in turn, consists of chitin compounds that are poorly absorbed by the body. On the one hand, this property of mushrooms can be called beneficial for the intestines, on the other hand, the use of these mushrooms should be avoided by people with gastritis, increased acidity, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Edible mushrooms: features

Despite the fact that moths are nutritious and tasty, they are almost the only representatives of milkweeds that can cause poisoning if not properly processed. They are dangerous to the human body, since in their raw form they are mildly poisonous and can cause intestinal disorders and colic. Before cooking, it is necessary to carry out processing: soak and boil. Salted mushrooms can be eaten only a few months after salting. Volnushki are mushrooms whose taste is comparable to milk mushrooms and even saffron milk caps.

Beneficial features

Abundance useful substances in the composition speaks about the corresponding properties of the wave. The main ones are the following:

  • They exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity.
  • Promote healing in diseases of the joints and back, rheumatism.
  • They fight bacteria (the fungus is destructive to certain pathogens).
  • After physical and mental fatigue, they replenish lost strength.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Promotes recovery after operations and long-term illnesses.
  • Normalize the condition of the skin, nails, hair.
  • Improves vision.


Despite the presence of many beneficial properties, mushrooms (mushrooms) should be eaten with caution. They have certain contraindications for use. It is not recommended to use them in food:


We’ve already told you what wave mushrooms look like, now we’ll tell you where to look for them. Since these representatives of Russula mycorrhizae form only with birch, they grow mainly in birch forests, although they are also found in mixed forests, where they are located near boletuses and saffron milk caps. Entering a broom or linden forest mixed with birch, mushroom pickers often see orange-pink clearings, which are completely strewn with pink waves, openly growing and clearly visible even against the background of September grass.

White trumpets love light, so they are found in large numbers at the entrance to the forest. Pink ones are not so demanding of light and can settle right among windbreaks or in bushes.

The age of the trees does not play a special role, many delicious mushrooms can be found even in young birch trees. Volnushki are mushrooms that prefer damp areas, even swampy ones. They usually grow up in families. In warm weather rainy weather the highest yields are observed.

In the first half of summer, you shouldn’t look for tremors; they appear only in August, and that’s when you need to start collecting them en masse. They grow until October, until severe frosts hit. It is important when collecting to remember the description of the mushroom and not to take something inedible instead. If a mushroom is in doubt, you need to consult an experienced mushroom picker, and if there is not one nearby, pass by.

Features of choice

As professional mushroom pickers say, from the point of view of culinary use, the best mushrooms are young ones. They have a richer, interesting taste, and the milky juice is not so bitter. When collecting or purchasing mushrooms, study their color and structure. The volnushka should be solid, with a uniform color. The most delicious and most edible part of the mushroom is the cap.


Fresh volushki must be placed in the refrigerator, first wrapped in a paper bag. It is advisable to wrap each mushroom separately in paper towel or damp cloth.

Volnushki can be frozen, but the temperature should not be lower than -18 degrees, otherwise the beneficial properties will be lost. If you comply with the above conditions, you can store volushki for a year. However, it is still recommended to use them in the first six months after collection and freezing.

Use in cooking

The most best ways Preparation of tremors - salting and marinating. Excellent preparations are made from young mushrooms whose caps do not exceed a few centimeters in size. During the process of pickling or salting, the volushki lose their pink-white color and become gray-gray.

We must not forget that these mushrooms can be eaten only after preliminary processing. Volnushki are distinguished by a hard-to-remove bitterness, and there is more of it in the pink form than in the white form. Therefore, before salting or pickling, they are first soaked, often changing the water, and then boiled for ten minutes.

Volnushki grow in birch and mixed forests until October. There are white and pink waves in color, and they also differ in the size of the cap. When the mushroom is cut, a very thick, oily, burning juice is released. Such characteristic feature creates difficulties for preparing dishes from tremors.

General information about the mushroom

Volnushka is a conditionally edible mushroom from the genus Lactarius of the Russulaceae family. The mushroom is found under popular and local names: volvenka, volvyanitsa, volnyanka, volzhanka, volnovkha, volminka, krasulya, rubella, decoction.

Characteristics of the wave


The cap of the moth reaches 12 cm in diameter. In a young mushroom it is convex in shape, but gradually flattens, leaving a small depression in the center of the cap. The edges of the cap are turned down and slightly pubescent. There is a vague concentric pattern on the skin of the cap. The color of the cap ranges from light pink to pure white. The skin is slimy. After touching, dark spots remain on the skin.


Pulp white, dense, strong, making the mushroom easy and convenient to transport over long distances. It tastes islandy. The milky juice is white, does not change color when oxidized, and is released abundantly.


The height of the leg is about 6 cm, the diameter is up to 2 cm, the color is light pink. A young mushroom has a dense, solid stalk, while a mature mushroom has a hollow stalk. There are small grooves and slight pubescence on the surface of the stalk.

Volnushki are very widespread in Eurasia; the mushroom is especially common in Russia, as it likes to grow next to birch trees. Volushka grows with old trees in deciduous forests. It is less common in mixed forests.

White wave grows from August until the end of September. The season for pink trumpets begins in the second half of June and lasts until October. The most widespread period of appearance of these mushrooms covers the end of July and lasts until the end of August.

Volnushka is a conditionally edible mushroom good quality. The peoples of the north often prepare volushka for the winter. In Central and Southern Europe This mushroom is not eaten. And, for example, in Finland, they blanch for 5-10 minutes, fry and use in the preparation of first and second courses.

Volnushka is a difficult mushroom to prepare due to the bitter juice it contains. Therefore, the wave is well soaked in salted water.

Volushka is eaten in salted and pickled form, as well as in second courses. fresh. These mushrooms are great for frying and making sauces for meat and vegetables. Volushki are also good as a side dish: simple frying with onions and sour cream gives delicious dish. Young mushrooms (cap diameter up to 3-4 cm) are valued in pickling; they are called “curls.” Before cooking, the volushka is thoroughly soaked and blanched.

After heat treatment Volushki retain both their consistency and a number of useful substances that they contain. And their rich smell becomes a decoration for any dish.

Insufficiently cooked volushka before cooking causes irritation of the mucous membranes and can cause intestinal upset. Salty waves consumed 45-50 days after salting.

Waves cause harm to people with low acidity gastric juice, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. This mushroom is limited in the diet of people with a removed gallbladder.

Types of fungus mushroom

The cap is 4-12 cm in diameter, convex at first, then becomes flat, with a depression in the center, the edge is pubescent, turned down. Thick and coarse villi are located on the skin in uneven concentric circles; the skin is slightly mucous, pale or gray-pink in color, darkens when touched. The pulp is white, dense, and the taste is pungent. The milky juice is released abundantly, sharp, white, and does not change color in the air. The stem is 1-2 cm in diameter, 3-6 cm in height, cylindrical in shape, strong and hard; in a young mushroom it is solid, then hollow, pale pink, tapering towards the base. The surface is covered with fluff. The plates are white, frequent, and not wide. The spores are white or cream-colored.

It differs from the pink wave in its white cap and smaller size.

It is also a conditionally edible mushroom that forms mycorrhiza with birch. Grows in clusters. The cap is funnel-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter in adult mushrooms. In young mushrooms, the cap is convex, densely pubescent, gradually it becomes prostrate, and a depression appears in the center. The skin is white, there is no concentric pattern, it is slightly darker in the center. The plates are descending, adherent, narrow, white. The stem of adult mushrooms is up to 4 cm in height, its diameter reaches 2 cm. The shape of the stem is cylindrical, it is smooth, less often - with weak fluff. In young mushrooms, the stem is dense, while in adults it is brittle and hollow, white or cream in color. The milky juice is released abundantly, it is caustic, white, and does not change color when oxidized.

Poisonous and inedible species of trevally

The similarity of the trumpet with inedible or poisonous mushrooms. The species with which it can be confused is the pale milkweed, which has a hairless edge of the cap.

This is a conditionally edible mushroom that grows in coniferous and mixed forests. The cap of a mature mushroom reaches a diameter of 7 cm. Its shape is first flat-convex and then becomes funnel-shaped. The edge is slightly turned down, wavy. There is a small tubercle in the center of the cap. A faintly concentric pattern is visible on the cap. Distinctive feature The color of the cap for this mushroom is determined by the waves: from gray to purple. The plates are descending, frequent, narrow. In young mushrooms they are white, in mature ones they are fawn. The length of the leg is up to 8 cm, the height is about 1.5 cm. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, regular. In a young mushroom, the stem is dense; in a mature one, it becomes hollow and brittle. The milky juice is white and turns gray when oxidized. The pulp is fragile, fawn in color, and becomes gray when cut.

Planting and obtaining the mycelium of moths is done closer to autumn, since the season for moths in the forests begins only at the end of summer. Before this time, it will not be possible to obtain planting material.

To grow wolves, you need overgrown wolves, as well as sawdust, straw or foliage.

To obtain mycelium, overgrown moths are found in the forest, cut into small slices, and dried in the shade for a day. While the mycelium is drying, prepare a place for planting mushrooms. They dig up the earth and fertilize it well organic fertilizer. Then dry pieces of volushki are sown in deep furrows. The planting is mulched with sawdust (but not coniferous trees), and covered with leaves or straw on top.

There is another way to breed volnushki. To do this, overripe trumpets are cut into pieces, placed in a basin and soaked in cold water. The contents of the basin are stirred several times a day wooden stick. After 24 hours, water the planting with water from the basin. And they also make a layer of mulch from sawdust or straw.

For a good harvest of white trumpets, choose a planting site that is well-lit and not very humid. The pink wave, on the contrary, prefers shady places and high humidity. A layer of wet moss is laid on top of the sown pink waves.

With the beginning of spring, it is better not to disturb the planting of tremors. If weeds appear, remove them manually. The first harvest is not harvested, but is left to fully ripen. This results in additional seeding. But starting next year, the second harvest is completely removed, cutting off the mushrooms at the root with a sharp knife.

The harvest of tremors ripens once a year.

Calorie content of volnushka

The calorie content of the mushroom is 22 kcal per 100 g. The composition of the mushroom includes:

  • Proteins………………….2.5 g.
  • Fats………………….0.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates……………..1.7 g.

  • Volnushkas contain lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the human body, which has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system, improves metabolism.
  • Volnushki contain vitamin A and are useful for people with poor eyesight.
  • Microelements that are part of the pulp of the trumpet improve brain function, reduce fatigue, strengthen nervous system, prevent stress and fatigue. Volnushka has a tonic effect on the human body.

Volnushka (volven, volzhanka) is one of the most common. It grows everywhere in Ukraine and Russia and is easily distinguishable from poisonous species. With the help of Volzhanka you can prepare not only a tasty and aromatic dish for the family, but also a means traditional medicine. Volven contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Externally, the waves are unremarkable– the cap is inconspicuous, wide and quite inconspicuous in the grass. The usual lamellar and its varieties have a wavy pattern that diverges in all directions. That is why the Volzhanka received so much interesting name. It is noteworthy that in the West these mushrooms are not eaten - they are popular only among the Slavs.

Volnushka (volven, volzhanka) is one of the most common types of mushrooms

Sometimes inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse the laminaria with another mushroom – white mushroom. There are several signs that wolven is edible that you should pay attention to.

  1. The wavy blade can be colored pink or yellow, while the whitefish has a much thinner and darker leg. The color of the cap of the mushroom mushroom can be white or with a gray tint. In this case, the surface is decorated with stripes of dark and light shades.
  2. The buffalo has hairs on the edge of its cap that are barely visible to the human eye. They can be short or long. If the hair is old enough, the hair becomes inconspicuous.
  3. The milky juice of the mushroom released when picking the fruits is yellow-white in color and has a pungent taste. It does not change color when in contact with oxygen.
  4. The cap of the lamellar reaches a width of no more than ten centimeters, has a convex shape and slightly turned inward edges.
  5. The color of the cap of the mushroom mushroom can be white or with a gray tint. In this case, the surface is decorated with stripes of dark and light shades.

Gallery: pink and white waves (25 photos)

How to recognize waves (video)

Description of types of waves

The name volnushka refers to all mushrooms of the Russula family.. There are several types of laminaria, the most common among them are white and pink thyme, white and brownish milkweed, as well as bitterwort and milkweed. Mushrooms have many popular names - rubella (due to the color of the cap), volven, volzhanka and others.

Volnushka white

White Volzhanka also belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. For growth it prefers birch groves and other deciduous forests. The root system is developed - the lamina can only be found in a group with others forming a clearing. The diameter of a mature blade reaches eight centimeters, and the pattern on it is pale, white and not so dark inside.

The inside of the mushroom is whitish; when the mushroom is collected, a caustic juice is released.

Volnushka white

Volnushka pink

Pink Volzhanka belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms, since in its raw form it contains poisonous juice. To prepare food from this variety, you need to use preliminary heat treatment, that is, boil or steam the mushrooms. The cap is pink, about ten centimeters in diameter, slightly depressed in the center. The lamellar is a little slimy to the touch, and when touched, darkish spots form on the skin.

The pulp of the fruit is white and dense. This is quite convenient, since it can be transported to any distance without harming its appearance.

Volnushka pink

Faded milkman

Faded milkweed is a mushroom that requires coniferous soil for normal growth. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. It differs from other types of wavefish in the color of its cap - it can be gray or purple. The leg of the blade is high (about eight centimeters), and the shape is cylindrical and regular. Fruits from mid-summer until the end of September-mid-October.

Faded milkman

Nutritional value and benefits of volushki

The plant contains many substances useful to humans, as well as water, fiber, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In Volzhanka it is observed a large number of acetic and lactic acid, as well as chitin compounds. Therefore, it is recommended to use volushki for people with low stomach acidity to normalize digestion.

Distinctive features of the mushroom (video)

Places and rules for collecting tremors

Laminaria form mycorrhizae only with birch, which is why they are common in birch groves. They can also be found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. Located near saffron milk caps or boletuses. Mushrooms are noticeable on the grass, do not require light and can appear in the middle of a windfall.

Harvesting continues until mid-autumn, until severe frosts strike and the mushroom goes dormant until warmer weather sets in.

There are constant disputes between mushroom pickers about how to properly collect mushrooms - turning them inside out or cutting them off from the root system. In fact, according to research by scientists, there is no difference and everything depends only on the personal preferences of the mushroom picker.

Volnushki are noticeable on the grass, do not require light and can appear in the middle of a windfall

How to deliciously cook Volushka mushrooms

The laminaria, which bears fruit all summer, is allowed to be cooked savory snacks, salads and gravy. It can also be frozen in freezer for future use

In cooking, salted Volzhanka is most often used. You can pickle them yourself

Before cooking, the product must be cleaned of any remaining soil. The most convenient way to do this is with a toothbrush. There is no need to press the mushroom too hard - it may crumble in your hands. It is also recommended to separate white fronds from pink ones, as well as small fruits from large ones. Next, they need to be soaked in water for at least two days, changing the water periodically.

The collection of tremors continues until mid-autumn, until severe frosts hit.

Cold pickled mushroom recipe


  • mushrooms – 8 kg;
  • non-iodized salt – 150 g;
  • citric acid – 15 g;
  • dill seeds – 60 g;
  • – 30 g;
  • cabbage leaf – 4 pcs.

Peel the mushrooms and mix the salt with the other dry ingredients of the recipe. Lay the volushki in layers of 5-6 centimeters, sprinkling with seasonings. Place on top of the last layer cabbage leaf. Place the plate and set the weight. The cooking process should take place at a temperature from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius for two months.

Before preparing the trumpets, you need to clean them from any remaining soil.

Soup with salted Volzhanka and egg


  • meat broth - 2.75 l;
  • potato tubers – 4 pcs.;
  • onion – 1.5 pcs.;
  • mushrooms – 400 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • dill for decoration.

Rinse the salted mushrooms under running water and pour hot water for half an hour. Finely chop the onions and carrots and fry in a hot frying pan with added oil. After the carrots are fried, add the chopped mushrooms and continue to fry for another five minutes, and then turn off the heat.

Among the hundreds of species of mushrooms, there are those that are well known to every lover." quiet hunt" Such representatives of the mushroom kingdom grow almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, and therefore are available to everyone for collection in the forests. One of them is pink wave, cute and girlishly tender in appearance, but with a rather pungent taste. And yet, mushroom pickers continue to hunt for her. Where to look for it, how to distinguish it from poisonous mushrooms, and what is so good about the trumpet that it constantly ends up in the baskets of those who like to collect forest gifts?

Pink trumpet (Lactarius torminosus) belongs to the Russula family, genus Milky. This is conditionally edible agaric, belonging to the second category in terms of its nutritional and taste qualities. Since the collection of this gift of nature has been carried out for many centuries, it has a lot of names: volnyanka, volzhanka, decoction, krasulya, volnovukha, volminka, volvyanitsa, volvenka, rubella. Most of them originated in villages and villages, but the emergence of many of them is united by one external sign mushroom - basically, all the names of the waves are associated with the word “wave”, since the surface of its cap resembles light ripples on the surface of the water.

The approximate description shared by reference books for this type of wave is as follows:

  • The cap is funnel-shaped, with a well-pressed center; as the mushroom matures, it takes on a flatter shape. The edges are turned down, and the surface is covered with thick, dense fibers arranged in the shape of concentric circles. The edge of the cap is well pubescent. The color is pink-orange, slightly reddish; in the sun the skin fades and becomes pale pink or whitish. The diameter rarely exceeds 10 cm, but there are specimens with large sizes(up to 15 cm) hats;
  • the leg is short, up to 6 cm high and up to 2 cm thick, in the shape of a cylinder tapering towards the base or smooth, covered with fluff. It is very dense, but in adult mushrooms a cavity forms inside it. There are sometimes small pits on the outside. Surface color is pinkish;
  • the pulp is fragile (in young mushrooms it is denser), cream or white in color; when damaged, it abundantly secretes white milky juice, which has a pungent taste and emits a light resinous aroma. At a break, when in contact with air, its shade does not change;
  • the plates are frequent and narrow, descending along the stalk, of a whitish hue. There are also small intermediate plates;
  • The spores are white.

Distribution and fruiting season

Volnushka or Volzhanka, as it is popularly called, prefers to grow in birch forests or mixed ones in well-lit areas among grass. It forms mycorrhiza with birch, mainly with aged trees. Sometimes found in wetter places. A good harvest of these mushrooms can be collected in the forests of the northern climate zone. Usually grows in groups, but single individuals are also found.

The most favorable period for hunting for trumpets begins at the end of July and lasts until the first half of September, although you can find this mushroom in June and October.

Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

Among the representatives of the mushroom kingdom there are species similar in external characteristics with a wave. This is the spiny milkweed (Lactarius spinosulus), white wave(Lactarius pubescens), as well as real forest beauties - spruce saffron milk caps (Lactarius deterrimus) and real ones (Lactarius deliciosus). Fortunately, none of them are poisonous.

The pink milkweed differs from the first type in that it has a heavily pubescent edge of the cap - the spiny milkweed has a smooth and even edge. He is considered inedible form, but some still use it in salted form.

The pink one differs from the white one in a more saturated color, but sometimes it is very easy to confuse them, especially in dry sunny weather, when the pink cap takes on a very light shade. The white one is slightly smaller in size than the pink wave.

It is very easy to distinguish the saffron milk cap from spruce and real saffron milk caps - both species, when the pulp is damaged, abundantly secrete a bright orange milky juice.

All of the mushrooms listed above are edible, and there is no risk of poisoning for an unknowing mushroom picker. However, if in doubt, it is better either not to take the mushroom, or to subject it to good heat treatment in order to avoid meeting with doctors.

Primary processing and preparation

Pink volnushka is usually used in salted or pickled form. However, before making preparations for the winter from it, it is subjected to prolonged soaking and blanching - this will help remove excess bitterness and reduce toxicity.

It is worth remembering that, if not prepared correctly, this mushroom is slightly toxic and can cause illness. digestive system. Even from the moment of salting, you must wait at least 45 days, and only then use it as a fragrant and delicious snack or additions to the main dish during cooking.

Volnushka is one of those species that is traditionally prepared for the winter by the population northern regions Russia. The most valued are “curls” - small mushrooms with a cap diameter of no more than 4 cm.

Salty pink trumpet is one of the most delicious views appetizer, which is not a shame to serve even for festive table. At the same time, in order to collect a large basket of such mushrooms, you do not need to look for protected forests, because it grows almost everywhere where there are birch trees. This is one of the most common and popular mushrooms of the Milky genus for eating.