Salting tremors: getting ready for winter. Cold-salted volnushki

In mid-summer, the harvest of low-calorie tremors begins. Mushrooms will delight mushroom pickers late autumn. Housewives prefer hot salting of volushki. The mushrooms will come out crispy and aromatic, and less cooking time is required compared to cold pickling.

Let's prepare the trumpets for hot salting

Collect fresh, not overripe mushrooms of approximately the same size. Don't tear it down wormy mushrooms. After a walk in nature, start processing the waves at home:

  • separate pink waves from whites. Cook each type separately;
  • carefully clean the mushrooms from soil and small branches;
  • Use a knife to cut off the bottom of the mushroom stem. For pickles, usually only dense and fresh caps are chosen. Cut large caps into pieces or leave whole as desired;
  • Rinse the volushki under running water and place them in a separate bowl for a while.

Let's prepare the ingredients for hot pickling of volushki


  • 1 kg of volushki;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 2 pcs. dill umbrellas;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • a large leaf of horseradish;
  • 2 large cloves of garlic;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt (not iodized).

Use cloves, cumin, and allspice as desired. Prepare jars or a special container for pickles.

Hot salting of volushki

The hot method does not require long soaking of mushrooms to remove the bitterness. Soaking replaces boiling in salted water. If there are a lot of mushrooms, divide and boil one by one. Do not cook all the volushki in one water, they will darken and begin to taste bitter. Start salting:

  • put a pan of water on the fire and wait for it to boil;
  • place in lightly salted boiling water bay leaf, pepper and cherry leaves with currants. Do not add all the salt specified in the recipe to the water;
  • follow the spices with the spices and place them in a pan of water;
  • Boil the volushki for 15-25 minutes. Be sure to remove scale;
  • Place the cooked mushrooms in a colander. Excess liquid will drain from them. Do not pour out the brine; it is needed for further use. Pour it into another pan. Thus, treat all the waves, if there are many of them;
  • rinse the cooled mushrooms under running water;
  • transfer the volushki to a large saucepan or other container for pickling. Add garlic, dill, the rest of the salt and pour in the hot brine in which the mushrooms were boiled. Place a horseradish leaf on top;
  • put a little pressure on the mushrooms. Make sure that the caps do not float out of the brine, but are completely immersed in it. Cover the vessel with a clean cloth, a wooden circle, and place a weight on top;
  • put the vessel with the cooled trumpets in the refrigerator or cold cellar. After a week, try the delicious aromatic mushrooms.

Roll hot-salted volushki into jars

Do you want to put lids on jars of pickled mushrooms and store them in the cellar in winter? This can be done, but do not store the volushki for more than two months, because they are considered conditionally edible. Remove the mushrooms salted using the above method from the pan after 24 hours and you can roll the preparations into glass jars. Don’t try the mushrooms; they haven’t been completely salted yet!

Place washed and dry jars in the oven for 3 minutes. Take them out, immediately place the mushrooms in a hot bowl, pour in the brine in which they are salted, and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, place them in a designated place and cover them with a warm thing or blanket. After a day, take it to the cellar and after two weeks treat your family and friends with fragrant mushrooms.

Volnushki grow under fallen leaves or hide in the grass. Finding them is difficult. But if you managed to find these mushrooms, you will make an excellent preparation for the winter.

Lovers may want to think about how to pickle volnushka mushrooms deliciously “ quiet hunt"and subsequent processing. Volnushki are considered the cutest mushrooms, which are so called because of their velvety cap and pattern in the form of ripples on the water. Volnushki are easy to find near birches, as well as in deciduous forests. Working with them is also quite simple. It is marinated and fried, as it is the purest, softest and most delicious.

Despite the fact that the flesh of the mushroom is loose and brittle, it is perfect for pickling.

Some people prefer to pickle mushrooms after drying, but it is important to do this process correctly to avoid poisoning.

Drying naturally begins with cleaning, and there are many opinions as to whether the product should be washed before further processing. In fact, you should not wash the mushrooms before drying, but it is much better to use a soft, damp cloth to remove all dirt. It is worth noting that in this process, minimal humidity is important to prevent rotting.

Suitable for drying large mushrooms without serious defects, but it is best to avoid soft and wormy species. If you need to dry the waves large sizes, then you need to sort all the available mushrooms by height. This process allows you to dry the product as efficiently as possible and without harm to health.

Drying can be done directly in different ways:

There are several ways to dry the wool: in the sun, in the oven, in the microwave and in the oven.

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a Russian oven.

Mushrooms for drying can be strung on knitting needles or skewers with a small thickness. As an option, it is possible to use a wire rack, but the mushrooms should lie with their caps down.

Previously, they used a method of laying mushrooms on straw. The product should be laid out at a temperature of 60°C, and no more and no less, since at low temperatures they will begin to rot, and at high temperatures, on the contrary, they will burn.

Drying mushrooms in the open air is considered the easiest, since no action needs to be taken, but in fact there is a danger that if the humidity increases, the mushrooms may begin to rot. If softness and lethargy appear, you should immediately remove the hair, as it can cause not only harm, but also cause poisoning and even death. If you choose this method, it is important to make sure that flies and other insects do not land on the product, and this can be done by covering the waves with gauze.

The best option for drying is an oven, since it is important to observe temperature regime, which was mentioned earlier, but at 60°C you should turn it on gradually, otherwise you may encounter darkening of the product. In order for the mushrooms to dry exactly as needed and not burn, you should use parchment to place under the mushrooms.

Hot method of salting volushki

Before salting, the volushki must be soaked in water for 2-3 days.

Before you learn how to pickle mushrooms, it is important to properly collect and process the product. It is worth noting that some countries recognize wavelets poisonous mushroom and are not used. In fact, it all lies in cooking, through which it is important to remove the milky juice, which has a bitter taste, from the mushroom. Any mushrooms are not edible unless they are peeled and boiled, as they can lead to poisoning and death.

Pickling mushrooms at home always begins with soaking in cold water for at least 48 hours, and the water must be salted or diluted with citric acid. During settling, do not forget about changing the water, as you need to remove liquid filled with harmful components.

Soaked mushrooms need to be boiled for 40 minutes in a salty broth, then fried and eaten.

There is a more pleasant way to prepare volushki, for example, salting them for the winter using the hot method. To do this you will need:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • leaves of cherry, currant, oak, laurel;
  • cloves and peppercorns.

After soaking the mushrooms for 24 hours, they are cleaned, the stems are removed and boiled for about 15 minutes in salted water. Then they cool, lay out in an enamel pan, and at the same time arrange them with leaves. This mixture should be pressed down with a weight and refrigerated for 2 days. After this period, the volushki can be placed in jars, filled with pre-prepared brine and rolled up for the winter.

Such jars should be stored in a cool, dark place for ripening.

I love volushki very much, I deliberately collect them to preserve them for the winter. I like pickled mushrooms less than salted ones, but trumpet mushrooms are more suitable for the latter method of preservation.

I like volushki for their wonderful taste (there are some nuances in preparation). But in general, I love collecting them in the forest - little pink heels, almost always not rotten, neat, growing in clearings, it’s very pleasant and convenient to collect them. This weekend I had such pleasure, deliberately collecting volushki, so that later I could prepare them for the winter. There are 2 ways to preserve volushki: hot (which I’ll write about now) and cold.
Here it is my bucket with volnushki, literally from the forest.
First of all, we disassemble the mushrooms, clean them of dirt and leaves. This is not a difficult task, if the mushrooms are dry - everything is very simple. I'm collecting waves until average size, I don’t take large ones - they’re fragile.
The most important point in salting volnushki is soaking. They need to be soaked overnight so that later in the preparation they do not become bitter. Don’t forget and don’t be lazy - otherwise all your hard work will be in vain, and it will be difficult to appease the bitter taste. So we clean it from dirt, soak it, and then wash it. I wash each wave under the water tap - it’s a painstaking task, but I like everything to be clean.

After this, throw the volushki into boiling, slightly salted water to cook for 10-15 minutes. We remove the foam.

After boiling for 10-15 minutes, put the fritters in a colander, rinse with cold running water, and let drain.

Place in a bowl, pour water so that it covers the mushrooms by 2-3 cm. Add per 1 kg of mushrooms (the weight of fresh mushrooms):
- 2 bay leaves;
- 30 grams of dill (umbrellas);
- 15 grams of chopped garlic;
-10 blackcurrant leaves (I didn’t have that many - I put 5 pieces);
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt (I put 2 tablespoons, in any case, try the brine, it should be salty);
- peppercorns - to taste, you don't have to put them in.

Cook for another 15 minutes. We don't put vinegar!!! Skim off any foam if it forms; I stirred occasionally to make the brine homogeneous.

We transfer the finished mushrooms into clean, sterilized jars, fill them with brine (in which the mushrooms were boiled), seal them, wrap them in newspaper and under a fur coat. Keep it there until the jars cool down.

I leave it overnight, and after the jars have cooled, I take them to the cellar, or if there is room in the refrigerator, I put them there.

Bon appetit!

Every mushroom picker knows about the beautiful and appetizing volnushki, which have other names: volzhanka or volvenka. IN Russian forests you can find 2 types of wavefish: whitefish (white), redfish (pink).

These are russula mushrooms; they do not require long-term heat treatment, but lovers of this forest delicacy should know how to pickle volushka mushrooms.

Methods for pickling Volzhanka

To get a tasty and enjoyable appearance snack, requires clarity of action, dexterity and a little creativity. There are several ways to properly salt volushki at home.

It is important not to violate the technology and recipe, then it will be impossible to get poisoned by pickled or salted delicacies. Salting for the winter must be done, observing all the rules for preparing raw materials and containers.

Preparing for pickling

Tip: Before salting the mushrooms, clean them with an unnecessary toothbrush; it is convenient for removing sticky leaves, debris, and insects from the mushrooms. To avoid damaging the fragile texture of the mushrooms, they should be peeled and washed carefully, without pressing. Otherwise the product will crumble.

Different containers are prepared for white and pink species. During preparation, products are sorted by type and size. If there are large specimens, they are cut in half or into quarters. To prevent the raw material from becoming bitter, it is soaked for a couple or three days in salt water, which is changed 5 times a day so that the mushrooms do not sour. The volnushki must be completely immersed in liquid so as not to mold.

Cold can method

To salt the mushroom, for 2 kilograms of mushrooms take 40 grams of iodized salt, 4 bay leaves and 2 horseradish leaves, a glass of vegetable oil.

Volnushki are salted by soaking in a solution of salt and citric acid. Mushrooms are placed in pasteurized jars so that each layer is sprinkled with salt and arranged with horseradish and bay leaves. Hot stuff poured on top vegetable oil. The preparations are closed with tight lids and stored for the winter in the refrigerator for a couple of months. Thanks to the oil, air will not penetrate to the product, and since the mushrooms were not cooked, they are not in danger of darkening.

Combination method

How to salt volnushki using a combined technique is familiar experienced cooks. Water and salt at the rate of 2 liters to 60 grams are boiled in a saucepan. Prepared mushrooms are placed there in portions. At the same time, the broth with mushrooms is stirred. Cook the volushki for 10 minutes, removing the foam. You need to remove them using a colander or slotted spoon. The raw materials are washed in running water.

The garlic is peeled, but not cut; only large cloves are allowed to be halved. Take a clean saucepan, into which the frills are added layer by layer. On the first one you need to pour salt, horseradish and garlic. For the second layer you will need to salt the mushrooms, add bay leaves and leaves from the currant bush and 3 garlic cloves. The third layer is covered with a mixture of salt and dill, and the last garlic is added.

A clean cloth is taken, which is used to cover the product, and pressure is applied on top. The saucepan with the fritters is placed for storage on a strong shelf of the refrigerator. This is the best winter method. The combination of the advantages of the two methods allows you to store mushrooms longer than usual. Heat treatment makes winter snacks safer to eat. But the hot cooking time for salted mushrooms has been reduced, own juice It helps to salt the volushki, so they are crispy.

Hot method

For one and a half kilos of volushki you will need salt in the amount of less than a full glass, 4 currant leaves, five cloves, 4 garlic cloves, 6 bay leaves, 4 peppercorns, 5 g of allspice, a liter of water, iodized salt in the amount of 30 grams.

You need to salt the volushki by first adding water and bringing to a boil. After boiling, cook them, stirring, for 15 minutes. After draining the water through a colander, the boiled products are placed in an enamel pan. Place currant and laurel leaves on top. Mix salt with pepper and cloves and sprinkle on top. It is better to place thin slices of garlic on top of the salt layer.

The broth in which the tremors were cooked boils again. They are poured with raw materials, which should be covered with a plate on top and pressure placed on it. The cooled products are left in the refrigerator overnight.

4 half-liter jars are sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes. The lids are boiling. The volnushki are laid out in jars, and brine is poured on top. Products are sealed in hot and dry jars. Store salted crispy preparations for the winter at 16 or 18 degrees Celsius.

Cold salting method

Salting volushki in a cold way is necessary by specifically preparing the raw materials. For this method, soaking should be done with the addition of 50 grams of salt per liter of liquid and 2 grams of lemon to the water. The mushrooms are kept in a solution for three days, which is changed every 5 hours.

200 g of salt are mixed with 50 g of dry dill seeds and 20 g of caraway seeds. After the water has been drained, 7 kilograms of mushrooms are laid in eight-centimeter layers so that the caps are facing down. A mixture of salt and seasonings is sprinkled on each layer. A cabbage leaf is placed on top; if the container is a barrel, you can use several leaves. There should be a plate with a weight on top of the product.

Mushroom preparations for the winter are stored in a room with a temperature of 0 to 10 positive degrees. It takes a month or two to salt the volushki using this method.

Mushrooms are amazing creation nature. Scientists still cannot say whether they are plants or animals. But all researchers clearly speak out about their benefits.

Mushrooms contain sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Thanks to this, they are the most valuable nutritious product. But you need to keep in mind that mushrooms are heavy food. That is why they are contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, as well as small children. Healthy people can eat no more than one hundred grams per day.

Naturally, this will depend on the method. Let's take a closer look at how to pickle volushki in different ways. The fact is that this mushroom is conditionally edible, so you need to be very careful about the cooking process.

How to use the hot method?

Mushrooms are cleaned of soil and grass, washed several times and cut into pieces. Next, boil them, putting them in large number water, adding spices and salt. The best option would be to add dill umbrellas, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves and cinnamon. There should be at least half a large spoon of salt per liter of water.

After the mushrooms sink to the bottom, they need to be pulled out using a colander and placed in a large bowl. Next, you need to let the volnushkas cool, put them in clean jars and pour in the brine. To prepare it you will need a large spoon filled with salt per liter of water. If you want to make saltier volushki, you can add two tablespoons of salt. Bring the brine to a boil, pour it into jars and cover the top with horseradish leaves. We seal the containers and send them to a cool place. Serve the preparation by adding vinegar, crushed cloves of garlic and pouring oil on it.

How to pickle volushki coldly in a saucepan?

Put it on the bottom small quantity various spices. You need to proceed from the following ratio: for ten kilograms of mushrooms you will need a pack of peppercorns, two bay leaves, sprigs of dill and black currants, a little horseradish, pepper and cloves.

For pickling, you need to select strong and whole mushrooms, which must be thoroughly cleaned and processed. Place them on top of the spices, caps down. Each layer must be at least eight centimeters. Next, you need to sprinkle it with salt, based on the ratio of sixty grams per kilogram of mushrooms. The container filled with mushrooms should be sprinkled with various spices, covered with a napkin, then put a circle and press down with a weight. Place the pan in the refrigerator. After some time, the mushrooms will gradually settle. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly replenish the container with a fresh layer, always adding spices and salt. Salted volnushki will be ready only after forty days; before that, consuming them is prohibited.

But there are often situations when you really want to. Therefore, let’s dwell on how to pickle “Quick” tremors. To do this, sort out the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Send to cold water for the whole night. In the morning, rinse and boil for an hour. Next, place the volnushki in a colander to drain excess liquid, rinse them cold water. Place the mushrooms in the prepared bowl in layers, sprinkling each with salt and aromatic seasonings. With this method, salted volushki will be ready in three days. It is recommended to store them in glass or ceramic containers.

It turns out very delicious dish, which can be served as a unique snack and addition to any side dish, especially potatoes.

Bon appetit!