The constitution determines the form of government in the Russian Federation. Form of government of the Russian Federation

This concept characterizes the organization of the supreme state power, the order of formation and interaction of its bodies with citizens. In Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that Russia has a republican form of government. This means that the highest state power belongs to elected bodies, elected for a certain period of time and responsible to the voters. The modern republican form of government is based on the principles of democracy (Article 3), recognition, respect and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms (Article 2), and separation of powers (Article 10).

Republics are divided into parliamentary and presidential. They differ mainly in which body - parliament or the president - forms the government, and, accordingly, in whether the government reports to parliament or to the president. Analysis of constitutional provisions makes it possible to characterize Russia as a presidential republic, where the Government is formed by the President and is responsible to him. In accordance with the provisions of Ch. 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Rice. 12.

The President of the Russian Federation is also vested with other very broad powers. Theoretically, this is justified by historical traditions, the mentality of the population, and the need to stabilize public relations, the formation of a national idea.

At the same time, the Federal Assembly - the Russian parliament - has a number of powers in this area. In particular, State Duma gives consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, resolves the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation, hears annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma, brings charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office (Art. 103 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). In this regard, it seems advisable to continue discussing the problem of the possibility of using it as a form of government in modern Russia presidential-parliamentary republic, in which a strong, truly independent government is formed by both the president and parliament with the participation of large political parties, and the government is controlled by the president and parliament.

The presidential-parliamentary form of government will increase the management capabilities of state power, strengthen the role of collegial bodies - parliament, courts and especially the Government of the Russian Federation, but will retain the essential, reasonable positions of the president.

Form of government

Russia in accordance with Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is a federal state, the features of which are a huge territory, a multinational population, many subjects of the Federation, significant differences in the socio-economic development of regions, political and legal asymmetry.

Russia includes 83 subjects of the Federation with different constitutional and legal status: 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 2 cities federal significance(Moscow and St. Petersburg), one autonomous region (Jewish) and 4 autonomous districts. Among them, only republics are defined as states (Part 1, Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). They have a number of rights that other subjects do not have (for example, establishing their own state languages). At the same time, in relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights.

The main problem here is to find and maintain the optimal balance between the activities of the federal government to ensure territorial integrity, unity of the state and the desire of regions for greater independence. Any distortions are very dangerous. An immense strengthening of federal power is the path to super-centralism and unitarism. The consequence of excessive independence of regions can be separatism, weakening and destruction of statehood. Hence the task of science and practice - to find such a form government system modern Russia, which would ensure effective governance, harmonious development and strengthening of the federal state as a whole and all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Russia is a constitutional federation based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The 1992 Federal Treaty1, a number of bilateral treaties, agreements between government bodies of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not change the constitutional nature of the federation. Part 2 of Section 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation established the priority of the Constitution in relation to the norms of treaties.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have state independence, the limits of which are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They have their own territory, which is part of the territory of the Russian Federation. They adopt constitutions (republics), charters (other subjects of the Russian Federation), laws and other normative legal acts, establish their own government bodies, including the highest bodies of legislative (representative) and executive power. Subjects of the Russian Federation own the property necessary to exercise their own powers. They have the right to carry out international and foreign economic relations with subjects of foreign federations, administrative-territorial entities of foreign states, and have the right to participate in the activities of international organizations within bodies created specifically for this purpose.

The state independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation does not mean that they have sovereignty. They do not form a federation, but are part of it, without having the right to secession (unilateral withdrawal from the federation). Confirmed the absence of state sovereignty among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in a ruling dated June 7, 2000, the Court indicated that the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not allow any other bearer of sovereignty and source of power other than multinational people Russia, and, therefore, does not imply the existence in Russia of any other state sovereignty other than the sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

State-political regime

This is a system of ways, methods, ideological means of implementation political power in general and the state in particular. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes a regime of democracy in our country (Article 1), characterized by the ownership of state power by the people, the election of representative bodies of state power (Article 3), securing political and other rights, freedoms and their guarantees for citizens (Chapter 2), ensuring ideological and political diversity, multi-party system (Article 13), the presence of constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the proclaimed democratic regime.

A democratic regime presupposes the creation of appropriate conditions for the manifestation of economic, political and legal activity of citizens and their associations, for freedom of creativity and openness, the involvement of citizens in the discussion and resolution of various issues of state and municipal construction, ensuring information openness of public life and secrecy privacy, transparency and responsibility for spending budget funds, activities of the bureaucratic apparatus.

The form of government is the organization of the highest bodies of state power, their structure, order of formation, distribution of competence and relationships with the population.

There are two main forms of government:

1. Monarchy- a form of government in which supreme power is exercised by one person who receives this power, usually by inheritance.

All power belongs to the monarch, i.e. The final decision on absolutely any issue depends on him, he makes decisions on his own behalf, can create and abolish any bodies, etc. There are no legal restrictions on the powers of the monarch. The monarch uses the title (king, king, emperor, etc.), has the right to receive from the state treasury cash to support himself and his family. The monarch receives power, as a rule, by inheritance. The stay in power is not limited by any period.

Depending on the scope of powers vested in the monarch, there are:

- absolute(unlimited) monarchy - concentration of all power in the hands of the monarch; There are no legal restrictions on the powers of the monarch.

- limited monarchy- the power of the monarch is limited both by law and by the existence of a representative body. Depending on how limited the power of the monarch is, they distinguish:

A) dualistic monarchy– the principle of separation of powers has already been implemented here: the executive power remains with the monarch, and the legislative power, in principle, belongs to the parliament. The monarch exercises executive power through the government he appoints. The monarch has the right of absolute veto and the right to dissolve parliament, can issue emergency decrees that replace or cancel decrees, but he is forced to reckon with parliament.

B) parliamentary monarchy– the power of the monarch is limited in almost all areas of activity. The monarch plays a mainly representative role and is a “symbol of the nation.” Legislative power belongs to parliament. Executive power is exercised by the government, which is formed by and responsible to parliament. The monarch cannot reject a member of the government if it has passed through parliament. Without the signatures of the head of government or minister, decrees issued by the monarch have no legal force.

2. Republic- this is a form of government in which the supreme power in a given state is exercised by elected bodies.

The source of power in a republic is the people, who at certain intervals elect the highest representative bodies of the state (popular sovereignty). The people elect the highest legislative body - the parliament and, in some cases, the president. All other supreme bodies of the state are formed by these representative bodies. The powers of the highest elected bodies are limited to a certain period. The principle of separation of powers was implemented.

According to the nature of the relationship between the legislative and executive authorities, they are distinguished:

- parliamentary republic– a strong legislative branch, and the executive branch is subordinate to it. Here the supremacy of parliament exercises legislative power. The government is formed by parliament and is responsible to it. The post of president may be provided, but he does not have broad powers and is dependent on the government for his activities. A significant place is occupied by the head of government - the prime minister (federal chancellor) - he is elected by parliament. The government is formed by the leader of the party that wins the elections and remains in power as long as it has the support of the majority of parliamentarians. Members of the government are responsible to parliament for their activities.

- presidential republic– the president occupies a very significant place in the state apparatus. Legislative power belongs to the highest representative body - parliament, which issues laws, and executive power belongs to the government. Parliament does not form the executive branch, and the latter is not responsible to it. The president is the head of state and head of the executive branch; he independently appoints ministers and forms the government. The government is responsible to the president and not responsible to parliament for its activities. The president is elected by popular vote.

- mixed republic– combines elements of presidential and parliamentary republics. There is a strong president, elected by the people, who is the chief executive and runs the government. But parliament must take part in the formation of the latter.

In Russia, a mixed (semi-presidential) form of government prevails. A sign is that the constitution establishes the possibility of dissolving parliament or its lower house on the initiative of the president in the event of an insurmountable conflict between executive authorities and parliament at the same level.

13. Form of government: concept, classification. Form of government in the Russian Federation

Form of government- this is an element of the form of the state that characterizes the internal structure of the state, the method of its political and territorial division, which determines certain relationships between the organs of the entire state and the organs of its constituent parts.

With the help of this concept, the state structure is characterized from the point of view of the distribution of power in the center and locally.

Depending on this criterion, the following forms are distinguished:

I) unitary- a simple, unified state, parts of which are administrative-territorial units and do not possess signs of state sovereignty; exists in it unified system supreme bodies and a unified system of legislation, as, for example, in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy.

In a unitary state, all external interstate relations are carried out by central bodies that officially represent the country in the international arena. The state, not the territory, has the monopoly right of taxation. Collection of local taxes, as a rule, is allowed with the sanction of the state. Territories, unlike the state, do not have the right to establish and levy taxes at their own discretion. Unitary states are centralized - Norway, Romania, Sweden, Denmark, etc., and decentralized - Spain, France, etc., in which large regions enjoy broad autonomy and independently resolve issues delegated to them by the central authorities;

2) federal- a complex, union state, parts of which are state entities and have, to one degree or another, state sovereignty and other signs of statehood; in it, along with the highest federal bodies and federal legislation, there are the highest bodies and legislation of the constituent entities of the federation, as, for example, in Germany, India, Mexico, Canada; federations can be built on a territorial (USA) or national-territorial principle (Russia).

Federations are built on the basis of the distribution of functions between its subjects and the center, fixed in the union constitution, which can only be changed with the consent of the subjects of the federation. Moreover, one part of the powers is the exclusive competence of the union bodies; the other - the subjects of the federation; the third - the joint competence of the union and its members). There are currently 24 federal states in the world.

3)confederation- a temporary union of states formed to achieve political, military, economic and other goals. The Confederation does not have sovereignty, because there is no central state apparatus common to the united entities and there is no unified system of legislation. Within the framework of the confederation, union bodies can be created, but only for those problems for the sake of which they united, and only of a coordinating nature.

The confederation is a fragile state formation and exists for a relatively short time: they either disintegrate (as happened with Senegambia - the unification of Senegal and Gambia in 1982-1989), or are transformed into federal states (as was the case, for example, with Switzerland, which confederation of the Swiss Union, which existed in 1815-1848, was transformed into a federation).

A new form of associated state association has emerged, called the commonwealth of states. An example would be the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). It is a more amorphous and indeterminate form than a confederation.

In addition to the above-mentioned forms of government, there have been some other specific forms in history - empires, protectorates, etc. Thus, empires are state formations, the distinctive features of which are an extensive territorial basis, strong centralized power, asymmetrical relations of domination and subordination between the center and the periphery , heterogeneous ethnic and cultural composition of the population. Empires (for example, Roman, British, Russian) existed in different historical eras.

A protectorate is the formal guardianship of a weak state by a stronger one, leading to the loss of the weak one, and may be accompanied by its occupation.

In Russia, the form of government is a federation, built on the national-territorial principle. The Russian Federation includes 84 constituent entities (Irkutsk Region and Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug cease to exist as constituent entities of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2008)

republics - 21

regions - 47

federal cities - 2

autonomous regions - 1

autonomous okrugs - 5

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Form of government in the Russian Federation [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The form of government is the organization of power in the state in accordance with a certain model. Throughout history, the Russian Federation has had several forms of government.

The Russian Federation is one of the most developed and progressive countries in the world. Russia was both a monarchy and a republic. Currently, the Russian Federation is a mixed republic in which a balance is established at the legal level between the president and parliament.

Russia is a democratic federal rule of law with a republican form of government.

World experience shows that each form of government has pros and cons. Before you consider features of the form of government in the Russian Federation, one should refer to the classification of forms of government.

Classification of forms of government

In modern legal science the following is recognized classification of forms of government: republics and monarchies. Each form of government has subtypes, which are shown in the figure below. Each subspecies is endowed complex system features influencing the development of society.

Types of government forms

Form of government represents the structure of the highest bodies of state power, the procedure for their formation and the distribution of competence between them.

Monarchy is considered more ancient form government than a republic. Monarchy was characteristic of many early states. The word monarchy has Greek roots. It is first found in the works of ancient philosophers. The term “monarchy” entered Latin no earlier than the 2nd century. n. e. This is evidenced by the fact that it occurs this concept for the first time in Tertullian and Lactantius.

Republic known since antiquity. The Roman Republic remains of particular interest to jurists and historians.

Roman Republic- form of government of the Ancient Roman state in the period from 509 to 31 BC. The Roman Republic was a combination of democratic, oligarchic and monarchical elements.

IN modern world There are other, atypical types of republics. For example, a theocratic republic (Iran, Afghanistan). Some African countries are characterized by a peculiar form of presidential monocratic republic: in a one-party political regime, the party leader was proclaimed president for life, but the parliament had no real powers (Zaire, Malawi).

Read more about the types and their detailed characteristics.

History of forms of government in the Russian Federation

Russia - amazing country. Throughout its history, it has experienced several forms of government. Monarchy in Russia existed until the Great October Revolution socialist revolution. Despite the fact that by the beginning of the 20th century the majority developed countries got rid of the monarchy or carried out reforms to update it, in Russian Empire there was stagnation in power and degradation of the monarchy as an institution. Reforms of the monarchy in Russia suggested themselves even under Alexander I. Inaction led to the overthrow of the tsar and the victory of the October Revolution.

After the monarchy overthrown by the Bolsheviks came a socialist republic. Socialist republic, which existed in the USSR, is a unique historical experience for our country. The USSR had Constitutions, many laws and decrees. Public administration was implemented with the support of deputies. Acted as president general secretary, who possessed wide range powers.

After the treacherous collapse of the USSR, democracy and so-called Western values ​​came to Russia. The Soviet Republic turned into an inert state with an officially designated form of government - a republic. Chaos in public administration did not stop throughout the entire term of M.S.’s presidency. Gorbachev, and then B.N. Yeltsin. Uncontrolled pluralism, corruption in power and constant squabbles in the State Duma - this is what Russia lived with until 2000.

Modern republic in the Russian Federation

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the form of government in Russia is republic. In the Russian Federation, the republic has a mixed character. The head of state is the President. He is the supreme commander. In Russia, the parliament is vested with broad powers, but no more extensive than the President. Due to the balance of power, a mixed republic is being realized in the Russian Federation.

The President in the Russian Federation is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and reports to him. The composition of the government is formed by the Prime Minister, not the President.

The country regularly holds elections to the State Duma. Deputies are elected by the people in constituencies. The features of the republic in the Russian Federation are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote in 1993. Changes are regularly made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation aimed at updating the basic law of the country.

The current President of the Russian Federation is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Prime Minister and Head of the Government of the Russian Federation - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The Speaker of the State Duma for 2018 is Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin.


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  2. Chirkin, V. E. State Studies - M.: Lawyer, 2009 - 382 p.
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According to Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

A republic is a form of government in which all the highest organs of government are either elected or formed by a national representative institution. Establishing a republican form of government in the Russian Federation, the Constitution enshrines its following features: rejection of any independent and long-term possession of state power based on individual right; Creation government agencies based on the coordination of the interests of government with the inviolability of civil liberties; formation of government bodies through free elections and for a limited period.

The republican form of government is inherently democracy, and democracy is the republican form of government. Democracy as equal freedom for all complements the republican form of government.

The republican form of government has two main varieties: presidential And parliamentary form of government.

A presidential republic is characterized by the combination of the powers of head of state and head of government in the hands of the president. Formal hallmark A presidential republic is the absence of the post of prime minister, as well as a strict separation of powers.

Features of a presidential republic are: extra-parliamentary method of electing the president; extra-parliamentary method of government formation; lack of parliamentary responsibility, i.e. the possibility of dissolution of parliament by the president; absence of the position of prime minister, i.e. The president directly heads the government.

Legal status state bodies coincides with the actual ones. In a presidential republic, parliament has significant powers; the government is generally stable; the judiciary is independent.

In a parliamentary republic, the principle of the supremacy of parliament is proclaimed, to which the government bears political responsibility for its activities. The formal distinguishing feature of a parliamentary republic is the presence of the post of prime minister.

In a parliamentary republic, the government is formed only by parliamentary means from among the leaders of the party that has a majority in the lower house. The participation of the head of state - the president - in the formation of the government is purely nominal. The government remains in power as long as it has the support of a parliamentary majority.

The president in a parliamentary republic is elected not by the people, but, as a rule, by parliament or a special board created on the basis of parliament. He does not have significant powers and does not influence political process, exercise of state power. All his actions must be sanctioned by the government.

In a parliamentary republic, the legal and actual position of government bodies does not coincide. Legally, in a parliamentary republic there must be the supremacy of parliament, to which the government is subordinate. In fact, state power is concentrated in the government, which, having the support of the parliamentary majority, can always pass the necessary bill through parliament and even dissolve parliament. The President does not have the right to issue a single act without the signature of the Chairman of the Government.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not determine the form of republican government in Russia. Analysis of the text of the Constitution allows us to conclude that the form of government in Russia is mixed, combining features of both presidential and parliamentary republics. By its essence the form of republican government in Russia is presidential-parliamentary, with the dominant position of the president in the power structures. The President is a strong head of state with significant powers, elected by the people through universal, equal, direct elections. The listed features are characteristic of a presidential republic.

At the same time, in Russia there is the position of Chairman of the Government. In situations defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President may dissolve the State Duma, and the State Duma may terminate the powers of the President ahead of schedule. The above is typical for a parliamentary republic.

Mixed forms of government have their positive aspects, which are the stability of government, reducing the possibility of frequent changes of government due to the collapse of party coalitions in parliament.

At the same time, it is also possible negative aspects mixed form of government. Among them: reducing the role of institutional factors in political system a state that is increasingly dependent on the individual holding the office of president; the tendency of some representatives of the presidential government towards authoritarianism and voluntarism; the emergence of new types of collisions and inconsistencies that were absent in classical forms of government.

Being a sovereign state, the Russian Federation independently establishes a form of government that determines the organization of government bodies and the order of their activities.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 1) establishes a republican form of government. Its main feature is the election and replacement of the head of state. This republican form of government differs from a monarchy, which is characterized by inheritance of the status of head of state.

If we consider the form of government from a purely formal position, we can say that it does not have a decisive influence on the nature of the state system. After all, it is known that monarchical Great Britain has long been a democratic, constitutional state, while republican Soviet Union there has never been such a state. And vice versa, monarchical Russia was neither a democratic nor a constitutional state, while republican France has been such a state for a long time.

The republican form of government, to a greater extent than the monarchical one, corresponds to the character of a democratic, constitutional state. For a monarchy, its constitutional option is the same distortion of its essence as for a republic it is a totalitarian option. Constitutional monarchy closer to the point democratic republic than a totalitarian republic. A totalitarian state with a republican form of government differs little in its essence from a state recognized as an absolute monarchy.

Establishing a republican form of government in the Russian Federation, the Constitution enshrines its following features: rejection of any independent and long-term possession of state power based on individual right; the orientation of the state system of the Russian Federation on reason and experience, and not on achieving ideal goals, which usually lead to totalitarianism of the right or left wing; the creation of government bodies based on the coordination of the interests of government with the inviolability of civil liberties; formation of government bodies through free elections and for a limited period.

The republican form of government is inherently democracy, and democracy is the republican form of government. Democracy as equal freedom for all complements the republican form of government. The Republic serves this equal freedom, promotes its rise and development, including equally distributed social benefits, equal elections, equal access to public office, to education, property, to participation in the formation of political will, as well as the legal organization of forces claiming government power. The combination of features of presidential and parliamentary republics in the Russian Federation is expressed in the presence of strong presidential power while maintaining some typical features of the parliamentary form (the presence of the Chairman of the Government, the possibility, although limited, of removing the Government from power by the Parliament and dissolving the Parliament by the President).

Since its establishment as a constitutional state, the Russian Federation has constantly moved towards strengthening the features of a presidential republic. However, although it ultimately became a presidential republic in nature, it still retains some external signs parliamentary state. Currently, the Russian Federation has a presidential-parliamentary, or, as it is sometimes called in legal literature, a “semi-presidential” republican form of government: firstly, the President is elected by universal suffrage (this is its difference from the parliamentary form), secondly, he has its own prerogatives, allowing it to act independently of the Government; thirdly, along with the President, there are the Chairman of the Government and the ministers who form the Government, which is to a certain extent responsible to the parliament (this is its difference from the presidential form). It is these characteristics that characterize the Russian Federation as a “semi-presidential” republic.

Federation as a form of government.

Form of government and government in the Russian Federation.

Constitutional system of the Russian Federation (concept, content, main features). Sovereignty.

Lecture No. 3

Constitutional system- ϶ᴛᴏ form or method of organizing the state, which ensures its subordination to the law and characterizes it as a constitutional state.

The foundations of the constitutional system are the main foundations of the state, its basic principles, which are intended to ensure its character as constitutional.

Constitutional system of the Russian Federation

Civil society

DemocracyHuman rights and freedoms

Fundamentals of the Constitutional system

Characteristics for the Russian Federation:

· Welfare state;

· Federal State;

· Sovereign State;

· Rule of law;

· Economic basis– variety of forms of ownership;

· Secular state;

· Republican form of government;

· Separation of powers.

Chapter One of the Constitution is devoted to the fundamentals of the Constitutional system.

Civil society is a system of independent and independent of the state social instruments and relations that provide conditions for the realization of private interests and needs of individuals and groups, for the functioning of the social, cultural and spiritual spheres, their reproduction and transmission from generation to generation.

Sovereignty- a mandatory sign of any modern state consists in the supremacy of state power, its autonomy and independence. Supremacy essentially means:

1). state power extends to the entire territory, the entire population, parties, generally. organizations, etc.;

2). State power belongs only to the legislatively established system of state bodies;

3). The state has special means of influence (army, police, etc.);

4). Independence in resolving foreign policy issues.

The bearer of sovereignty is the people and exercises it directly or through representative bodies of power.

The form of the state answers the questions on what principles and how territorially state power is built, how the highest bodies of the state are created, how they interact with each other and the population, and by what methods it is implemented. Thus, the form of the state is determined by the form of government and the form of government.

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government. Chapter is devoted to the federal structure. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Federal state - union state entities, each of which has a certain independence. The subjects of such a union state have the same status and equal rights.

Federal structure based on the principles:

State integrity;

Unity of the system of state power;

Distinctions of subjects of jurisdiction between federal government bodies and state bodies. authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Equality of subjects.

The federal structure is determined by the constitutional and legal status, which is characterized by:

Sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

Territorial unity;

Single citizenship;

The presence of a unified federal legal system;

The presence of a single monetary and credit system;

Availability of common armed forces;

The presence of state symbols.

Basic principles of the Russian Federation:

Voluntariness of the unification of nations and nationalities;

The presence of national-territorial associations along with administrative-territorial ones;

State integrity and inviolability of borders;

Distinction of subjects of jurisdiction between the Russian Federation and its subjects;

Equality of subjects of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation there are 88 subjects: 21 republics, 9 autonomous okrugs, 6 territories, 49 regions, 1 autonomous region, 2 federal cities.

The form of government reveals the method of organizing the supreme state power, the order of formation of its bodies, their interaction between themselves and the population, the degree of participation of the population in their formation.

In the Russian Federation, the form of government is a republic, ᴛ.ᴇ. The highest state power belongs to elected bodies, elected for a certain period of time and responsible to voters.

Parliamentary republic - the parliament is endowed not only with legislative, but also with powers to demand the resignation of the government. The President is only the head of state, not the head of government. The government is formed by the majority party in parliament.

Presidential - with a certain parliamentary control, forms the government and is responsible to it. There is usually no position of prime minister, since the president himself often combines these two positions.

There are mixed forms.

A political regime, in the broadest sense, is a method of exercising political power (the main types are totalitarian and democratic).

Form of government in the Russian Federation. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Form of government in the Russian Federation." 2017, 2018.