1c enterprise network version. C Enterprise: Tasks of planning and financial analysis

Price: 25,000 rub.

The network version allows you to work with the Accounting component on an unlimited number of user workstations. The program "1C: Accounting 7.7" allows you to automate the maintenance of sections accounting: bank and cash desk operations; fixed assets and intangible assets; materials and MBP; goods and services, performance of work; production accounting; accounting of currency transactions; mutual settlements with organizations; settlements with accountable persons; salary calculations; budget calculations; other sections of accounting.

The solution allows you to automate the preparation of primary documents: payment orders; invoices and invoices; receipts and expenses cash orders; acts, invoices, demands, powers of attorney; other documents.

From July 1, 2011 1C Accounting 7.7 network version The USB key has been discontinued. Sales of the software product 1C Accounting 7.7 network version USB key are carried out on special requests.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the entry of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any documents according to various criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.

Various reports

"1C Accounting" includes a set of standard reports that allow you to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required degree of detail. "1C:Accounting 7.7" allows you to generate regulated reporting: entering, filling out and printing accounting, tax and statistical reporting, as well as reports to funds.

In the “Manual” mode of filling out reports, the accountant enters the main indicators, and the program calculates all total and derived indicators. In Automatic mode, the program fills out reports based on business transactions entered for the period; before generating reports, a special mode allows you to check the status of accounting and identify accountant errors that do not allow you to correctly prepare reports. The decoding mode allows you to get a “justification” for automatically filled in indicators down to each primary document and business transaction. Reporting forms are updated quarterly by 1C and are provided to registered users.

In addition to the main Standard configuration, the program delivery package also includes " Simplified configuration".

For companies with varying amounts performed business transactions, the company "1C" offers different versions programs "1C Accounting": single-user version, network version, SQL version (client-server).

When legislation and accounting methodology change, configuration updates are released and distributed to registered users. Update mode allows you to download new features without losing user input. Find out more about the new version of the program

Currently, software products on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform are sold only through partners with franchisee status upon special requests. Support for software products in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line is provided as part of a subscription to information technology support ().

Software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system were developed from 1999 to 2003. They met the requirements of their time and gained wide popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. However, since 2004, the development of application solutions from 1C has been carried out on a new promising platform of the next generation "". The 1C:Enterprise 7.7 technology platform is not updated after 2003.

Currently, a number of users feel the need to further purchase 1C:Enterprise 7.7. For example, the user has his own development on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform or there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of the same group, which were previously automated in a standard way on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 version. For such users, the sale of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products is carried out through partners with franchisee status on special requests. These applications must include information about the client, the motivation for the need to purchase software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, as well as confirmation that the end user has been notified that software product the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system does not fully meet modern requirements. At the same time, the existing procedure for supporting these software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line within the framework of a subscription to information technology support (ITS) is maintained.

The 1C company strongly recommends that users consider the possibility of transferring systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform to the " " platform. This will help improve the efficiency of organizations through the use of new capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and application solutions created on its basis.

Learn more about the terms and conditions for the sale of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products, effective from July 1, 2011.

List of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products that can be purchased through partners with franchisee status:


Software product


Permanent partner

1C:Predpr.7.7 PROF.Complex delivery + ITS USB

25 000

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and personnel 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

33 40 0

1C: Set of reports 7.7 (basic version) with a standard configuration for preparing reports from government agencies

1C: Clothing allowance 7.7

1C:Enterprise 7.7. Web extension version 2.0

1C:Enterprise 7.7. Management of distributed USB infobases

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF. Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 Configuration "Production + Services + Accounting for Ukraine" CD. Sales only through franchisees

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version) with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

Economic programs previous versions (2.0, 5.0, 6.0)



Permanent partner

1C: ACCOUNTING basic version 5.0 for DOS


1C: ACCOUNTING PROF 2.0 network version

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows network version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows"95 network version 6.0

1C products version 7.7 are no longer available for sale!
You can buy 1c 7.7 only with a written application!
We recommend purchasing a new one
version 1C Enterprise 8

Catalog of programs of the 1C:Enterprise system

Prices for 1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management

  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Complex delivery
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 - discontinued and technical support!
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 7.7—discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • Solutions for the public sector
  • 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Financial planning 7.7 - no longer available for sale and technical support!
  • Set for a small company 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • Other 1C solutions

  • 1C:Taxpayer 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Payment documents 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Aspect-Jeweler 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C:Money 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • WEB extension
  • 1C:Construction Contractor
  • 1C: Construction customer
  • Quality management
  • 1C-Intalev: Business Architect

Advice for users of 1C programs
Transition to "1C:Enterprise 8"

The procedure for replacing protection keys for software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line from April 24, 2008.

Why the 1C:Enterprise software system

The 1C:Enterprise software system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises.

"1C:Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built according to common principles and on a single technological platform. The manager can choose a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or the tasks of CCT automation expand.

Accounting and management tasks can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, and the required level of automation. It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and yet satisfying the needs of most businesses. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his enterprise, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass-proven product. The combination of these needs is what 1C:Enterprise provides as a software system.


  • New software products and accounting solutions for individual entrepreneurs and organizations using a simplified taxation system
  • Development of accounting capabilities for self-supporting and budgetary organizations
  • Development tax accounting for income tax in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 Tax Code RF and methodological recommendations Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia
  • Advanced payroll and HR accounting capabilities
  • New solutions for financial planning and analysis financial condition
  • Significant development functions of accounting and planning of production activities
  • New opportunities for management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations; expanding the range of automated tasks trade warehouse accounting


    Typical configurations

    1C:Enterprise software products are supplied with standard configurations. Standard configurations implement the most common accounting schemes and can be used in most organizations.

    Changing Configurations

    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. The system includes a Configurator, which provides:

    • setting up the system for various types of accounting;
    • implementation of any accounting methodology;
    • organization of any directories and documents of any structure;
    • setting appearance information entry forms;
    • setting the behavior and algorithms of the system in different situations using a built-in object-oriented language;
    • wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;
    • the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;
    • quick configuration changes using “constructors”.

    Configuration development

    In some cases, the accounting system adopted by the organization has unique character. Then the standard configuration included in the 1C:Enterprise system software products can be taken as a model for creating a unique configuration completely tailored to the characteristics of your organization.

    The configurator, which is part of the 1C:Enterprise system software, allows you not only to change elements of the standard configuration, but also to create your own configuration from scratch. Such development can be carried out by our employees and is called comprehensive automation of enterprises.

    Creating original configurations allows you to solve a wide variety of tasks for automating economic activities using 1C:Enterprise.


    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system contain a variety of tools for communication with other programs and hardware.

    File sharing

    • Tools for importing and exporting information through text files, DBF and XML format files make it easy to organize data exchange with any systems.
    • Saving printed forms in formats Microsoft Excel and HTML. Ability to export data to Small Business Contact Manager in Microsoft Office 2000.

    OLE Automation, DDE

    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise program system support modern means integrations: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to:

    • control the operation of other programs using the built-in language, for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel
    • access 1C:Enterprise data from other programs;
    • insert objects created by other programs into documents and reports, for example, place pictures and graphs in reports.

    External component technology

    The technology for creating external components (additional 1C Enterprise software modules) was developed by 1C to solve special problems that require closer and more efficient integration of the 1C:Enterprise system with other programs and equipment. This technology includes everything necessary information and a set of examples on creating external components and their interaction with 1C:Enterprise. External components can be developed by users of 1C:Enterprise programs and by independent companies in the languages ​​MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi.

    Working with commercial equipment

    For users of the 1C:Enterprise program system, 1C offers a set of solutions for connecting various equipment used in trade and warehousing: cash registers, POS terminals, barcode scanners and printers, customer displays, electronic scales, data collection terminals. These solutions are based on the technology of external components and information export-import modes.


    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system are able to “grow” along with the organization in which they work. The range of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system includes single-user and network versions; versions operating in a client-server architecture, as well as an additional component for organizing the exchange of information between geographically remote branches of an organization.

    All versions are fully functionally compatible, which makes it easy to move from using the program at one workplace to multi-user and distributed use of the system.

    Single-user version

    For each software product of the 1C:Enterprise system there is a delivery option in the form of a single-user version. This version is designed to work on one computer, but has full capabilities for automating accounting and adapting to the characteristics of a particular organization.

    Version for SQL 1C Enterprise

    "1C:Enterprise" version for SQL is an extension of the "1C:Enterprise" system that allows you to organize work with the database in the "client-server" mode. The use of client-server technology significantly increases the reliability, performance and stability of the system, especially when a significant number of users work with information databases large size. The system uses Microsoft SQL Server as a database server.

    Network version of 1C Enterprise

    Network versions allow several users to simultaneously work with one information base. All changes made by one user immediately become available to other users of the system. The system supports blocking user-edited objects from being changed by other users. For each user working with the network version, a set of rights to access information processed by the system can be assigned, and an individual interface can be configured for quick access to frequently used functions and modes.

    Web extension 1C Enterprise 7.7

    The new component “1C:Enterprise 7.7” allows you to:

    • combine the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise system in the implementation
    • business logic of application solutions and Internet technology tools for the organization remote access to data and interface design;
    • create wide range applications that provide access to 1C:Enterprise functionality via a Web interface both for users of the intracorporate network (intranet solutions) and for an arbitrary circle of clients and partners (Internet solutions).

    Distributed Processing

    To organize a unified automated accounting system at enterprises that have geographically remote divisions (central office, store, warehouse, etc.), there is an additional component “Distributed Information Base Management”. The capabilities provided by this component make it possible to organize the work of a distributed information system with an unlimited number of autonomously operating information bases.

    Information and technological support for 1C:Enterprise

    Users who have subscribed to information technology support (ITS) regularly and promptly receive the package teaching materials, consultations, answers to questions, updates of programs and configurations, new forms of documents for programs of the 1C:Enterprise family, legal support for accounting and taxation 1C:Garant and much more. This information and CCT materials are published monthly by 1C on the ITS CD. ITS subscribers, as part of online user support, have the opportunity to receive tax and financial statements and software updates from the 1C web server.

    Other 1C solutions

    Attention! The 1C company is making a number of changes in the release of programs. See notes.

    • 1C:Taxpayer 7.7
    • 1C: Payment documents 7.7
    • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system
    • 1C:Aspect-Jeweler 7.7
    • 1C:Money 7.7
    • 1C:Enterprise spreadsheet document converter for Microsoft Excel
    • Managing distributed infobases
    • WEB extension
    • 1C:Construction Contractor
    • 1C: Construction customer
    • Quality management
    • 1C-Intalev: Business Architect



    "1C: Accounting" is a universal mass-use program for automating accounting. It can be used in enterprises different directions activities and forms of ownership. "1C: Accounting" provides the accountant with flexible accounting options:

    • the arbitrary structure of the account code makes it possible to use long account codes (subaccounts) and maintain multi-level charts of accounts with a large level of nesting;
    • the ability to work with multiple charts of accounts allows you to maintain accounting in several accounting systems (for example, Russian and GAAP);
    • "1C: Accounting" contains built-in mechanisms for maintaining quantitative and currency accounting;
    • on any account you can maintain multidimensional (up to 5 different sections) and multi-level (up to 10 nesting levels) analytical accounting;
    • "1C: Accounting" supports consolidated accounting, so it can be used in centralized accounting departments.

    The program allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting:

    • bank and cash transactions
    • fixed assets and intangible assets
    • materials
    • goods and services, performance of work
    • production accounting
    • accounting of currency transactions
    • mutual settlements with organizations
    • settlements with accountable persons
    • payroll,
    • calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax
    • budget calculations and others.

    The standard configuration of “1C:Accounting” corresponds to the accepted accounting methodology in self-supporting organizations and allows for tax accounting in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Both manual entry of transactions and work “from a document” with automatic generation of transactions for various sections of accounting are provided. The package includes more than 30 reporting forms in tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds and statistical bodies.

    The program comes with a standard configuration intended for accounting in self-supporting organizations. For accounting in institutions and organizations that are on a budget, the separately supplied configuration “Accounting for budgetary organizations” is intended. The 1C:Military Unit product is intended for keeping records in military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defense that are on a budget. "1C: Accounting" can also be used with other (specially created) configurations that take into account various accounting features. The delivery set includes a number of tools that make it easier to independently master the program - a configuration guide, an “Introduction to Configuration” manual, a “Tax Accounting Guide” and much more.

    “1C: Accounting” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Accounting” component and a standard configuration. The Accounting component can be used to implement any accounting scheme.


    The 1C: Trade and Warehouse program is designed to record all types of trade transactions. The program is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to obtaining various statements and analytical reports.

    The program allows you to:

    • Automate accounting in wholesale and retail trade
    • Keep records warehouse operations
    • Generate all necessary primary documents, including invoices, sales and purchase books, keep records imported goods in terms of gas customs declaration
    • Maintain interconnected records of customer requests and orders to suppliers with the possibility of reservation at the time of planned shipment, taking into account expected receipts
    • Monitor the status of mutual settlements with counterparties
    • Conduct mutual settlements with foreign suppliers, take into account customs duties and fees
    • Keep records cash, trade loans and goods for sale
    • Receive a variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money.

    Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the program can adapt to the characteristics of trade and warehouse accounting of a particular organization.

    “1C: Trade and Warehouse” is the “Operational Accounting” component of the “1C: Enterprise” system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade. The “Operational Accounting” component is designed to account for the availability and movement of material and cash resources. Areas of application of the components: trade automation, warehouse management, accounting material assets, accounting in the service sector, etc.


    The program "1C: Salary and Personnel" is designed to automate the calculation wages and maintaining personnel records at enterprises various types financing and forms of ownership.

    The program allows you to:

    • automate payroll calculations for any types of accruals and deductions;
    • keep tax records of the income of employees and other individuals under personal income tax and unified social tax;
    • organize personnel records of employees;
    • register official movements;
    • generate reports for submission to various regulatory authorities.
    • The standard configuration supplied with the program can be used both for simple payroll calculations in a small enterprise and for automation of enterprises with complex system staff payments.

    “1C: Salary and Personnel” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Calculation” component and the standard configuration “Salary + Personnel”, which implements payroll and personnel accounting. The Calculation component can also be used to automate rent accounting, stock accounting, dividend calculations and other complex periodic calculations.


    The delivery includes three 1C:Enterprise components, combined into one program and working with a single configuration. While maintaining all the capabilities of the system programs, this configuration provides integrated accounting: a unified system of regulatory and reference information, automatic reflection of trade and warehouse operations and payroll calculations in accounting, financial accounting for several legal entities, consolidated management accounting.

    The software product also includes separate configurations that implement automation of accounting and tax accounting (configuration "Accounting"), operational accounting in trade (configuration "Trade + Warehouse"), accounting in production (configuration "Production + Services + Accounting"), calculation wages and personnel records (configuration "Salary + Personnel"), as well as drawing up financial plans (budgets) of the enterprise (configuration "Financial planning").

    The kit includes an information technology support (ITS) disk of the current release. Within 12 months from the date of purchase of the kit, users are provided with warranty service via ITS: monthly receipt of an ITS disk, consultation line services by telephone and email; receiving reporting forms, new releases of programs and configurations, Internet support.


    The “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting” and “Calculation” components of the 1C:Enterprise software system can be used either independently or in conjunction with other components. When used together, 1C:Enterprise components not only work with common data in one information base, but also completely combine their functionality. The user actually works with unified system, comprehensively reflecting economic activity enterprises using the capabilities of installed components.


    Designed for automation of enterprises whose main activity is the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, as well as trade in purchased goods as a related activity. Allows you to maintain operational management accounting for all operations related to production activities, and also provides a detailed reflection of the entire process of production or provision of services in accounting and tax accounting.

    Main features of 1C Enterprise 7.7:

    • production planning: accounting for orders from customers, generating orders for production and suppliers, monitoring the fulfillment of established volumes and deadlines; identifying needs for products, materials and goods;
    • flexible mechanism for describing cost standards and breakdown of products;

"1C: Accounting" is a universal mass-use program for automating accounting. It can be used in enterprises of different areas of activity and forms of ownership. "1C: Accounting" provides the accountant with flexible accounting options:

  • the arbitrary structure of the account code makes it possible to use long account codes (subaccounts) and maintain multi-level charts of accounts with a large level of nesting;
  • the ability to work with multiple charts of accounts allows you to maintain accounting in several accounting systems (for example, Russian and GAAP);
  • "1C: Accounting" contains built-in mechanisms for maintaining quantitative and currency accounting;
  • on any account you can maintain multidimensional (up to 5 different sections) and multi-level (up to 10 nesting levels) analytical accounting;
  • "1C: Accounting" supports consolidated accounting, so it can be used in centralized accounting departments.

The program allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting:

  • bank and cash transactions
  • fixed assets and intangible assets
  • materials
  • goods and services, performance of work
  • production accounting
  • accounting of currency transactions
  • mutual settlements with organizations
  • settlements with accountable persons
  • payroll,
  • calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax
  • budget calculations and others.

The standard configuration of “1C:Accounting” corresponds to the accepted accounting methodology in self-supporting organizations and allows for tax accounting in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Both manual entry of transactions and work “from a document” with automatic generation of transactions for various sections of accounting are provided. The delivery set includes more than 30 reporting forms to tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds and statistical authorities.

The program comes with a standard configuration intended for accounting in self-supporting organizations. For accounting in institutions and organizations that are on a budget, the separately supplied configuration “Accounting for budgetary organizations” is intended. The 1C:Military Unit product is intended for keeping records in military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defense that are on a budget. "1C: Accounting" can also be used with other (specially created) configurations that take into account various accounting features. The delivery set includes a number of tools that make it easier to independently master the program - a configuration guide, an “Introduction to Configuration” manual, a “Tax Accounting Guide” and much more.

“1C: Accounting” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Accounting” component and a standard configuration. The Accounting component can be used to implement any accounting scheme.


The 1C: Trade and Warehouse program is designed to record all types of trade transactions. The program is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to obtaining various statements and analytical reports.

The program allows you to:

  • Automate accounting in wholesale and retail trade
  • Keep records of warehouse operations
  • Generate all necessary primary documents, including invoices, sales and purchase books, keep records of imported goods in the context of customs declaration
  • Maintain interconnected records of customer requests and orders to suppliers with the possibility of reservation at the time of planned shipment, taking into account expected receipts
  • Monitor the status of mutual settlements with counterparties
  • Conduct mutual settlements with foreign suppliers, take into account customs duties and fees
  • Keep records of cash, trade loans and goods for sale
  • Receive a variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money.

Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the program can adapt to the characteristics of trade and warehouse accounting of a particular organization.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” is the “Operational Accounting” component of the “1C: Enterprise” system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade. The “Operational Accounting” component is designed to account for the availability and movement of material and cash resources. Areas of application of the components: trade automation, warehouse accounting, inventory accounting, accounting in the service sector, etc.


The 1C: Salary and Personnel program is designed to automate payroll calculations and maintain personnel records at enterprises of various types of financing and forms of ownership.

The program allows you to:

  • automate payroll calculations for any types of accruals and deductions;
  • keep tax records of the income of employees and other individuals under personal income tax and unified social tax;
  • organize personnel records of employees;
  • register official movements;
  • generate reports for submission to various regulatory authorities.
  • The standard configuration supplied with the program can be used both for simple payroll calculations in a small enterprise and for automation of enterprises with a complex personnel payment system.

“1C: Salary and Personnel” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Calculation” component and the standard configuration “Salary + Personnel”, which implements payroll and personnel accounting. The Calculation component can also be used to automate rent accounting, stock accounting, dividend calculations and other complex periodic calculations.


The delivery includes three 1C:Enterprise components, combined into one program and working with a single configuration. While maintaining all the capabilities of the system programs, this configuration provides integrated accounting: a unified system of regulatory and reference information, automatic reflection of trade and warehouse operations and payroll calculations in accounting, financial accounting for several legal entities, consolidated management accounting.

The software product also includes separate configurations that implement automation of accounting and tax accounting (configuration "Accounting"), operational accounting in trade (configuration "Trade + Warehouse"), accounting in production (configuration "Production + Services + Accounting"), calculation wages and personnel records (configuration "Salary + Personnel"), as well as drawing up financial plans (budgets) of the enterprise (configuration "Financial planning").

The kit includes an information technology support (ITS) disk of the current release. Within 12 months from the date of purchase of the kit, users are provided with warranty service through the ITS: monthly receipt, consultation line services by telephone and e-mail; receiving reporting forms, new releases of programs and configurations, Internet support.


The “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting” and “Calculation” components of the 1C:Enterprise software system can be used either independently or in conjunction with other components. When used together, 1C:Enterprise components not only work with common data in one information base, but also completely combine their functionality. The user works, in fact, with a single system that comprehensively reflects the economic activities of the enterprise using the capabilities of the installed components.


Designed for automation of enterprises whose main activity is the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, as well as trade in purchased goods as a related activity. Allows you to maintain operational management accounting for all operations related to production activities, and also provides a detailed reflection of the entire process of production or provision of services in accounting and tax accounting.

Main features of 1C Enterprise 7.7:

  • production planning: accounting for orders from customers, generating orders for production and suppliers, monitoring the fulfillment of established volumes and deadlines; identifying needs for products, materials and goods;
  • flexible mechanism for describing cost standards and breakdown of products;
  • operational accounting of production costs with a high degree of detail;
  • accounting and control of inventories in production and storage areas;
  • accounting of settlements with counterparties, carrying out mutual settlements, automatic generation of purchase and sales books;
  • close integration of management and accounting;
  • accounting for all main sections of accounting;
  • tax accounting in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation;
  • automatic cost calculation, incl. for multi-process production;
  • To use the configuration, the installation of the “Operational Accounting” and “Accounting” components is required.

Platforms (program files) – release 027
1. Accounting (Accounting component)
2. Trade and Warehouse (operational accounting component)
3. Salary and Personnel (Calculation component)
4. Comprehensive (includes all 3 components (Accounting, Operational Accounting and Calculation))
5. Entrepreneur
6. Money
7. Aspect
8. General floppy disks (required for ALL platforms - download is required if downloading any platform)
9. Universal installer from user Tpynuk. (a tablet is not required for this installer).

1. Accounting
Basic - release 508
Typical - release 508
Budget - release 633
Basic simplified tax system - release 163
Standard simplified tax system – release 163
2. Salaries and Personnel – release 289
3. Trade and warehouse – release 960
4. Construction customer – release 136
5. Construction Contractor version 1.4 – release 1437
6. Construction Contractor version 2.3 – release 2343
7. Complex configuration (Configuration “Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salaries + Personnel”, edition 4.5) – release 492
8. PUB (Production+Services+Accounting) – release 310
9. Analyte:Hospital.Diet - release 002
10. Payment documents – release 333
11. Entrepreneur – release 155
12. Money – release 243
13. Data conversion – release 143
14. Agricultural enterprise. Accounting. Unified Agricultural Sciences rev. 1 - release 016
15. Agricultural enterprise. Accounting - Release 413
16. UPDATE configuration Taxpayer – release 229
17. UPDATE configuration Aspect 7.7 – release 022
18. UPDATE configuration Aspect-Jeweler – release 010

Sets of regulated reports:
1. 1st quarter 2008

USN (for USN accounting department)
2. 2nd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur)
3. 3rd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur)
4. 4th quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting) – release 2
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated) – release 2
Simplified tax system (for simplified tax system for accounting) – release 2
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur) – release 2
5. 1st quarter 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated) – release 3
Simplified tax system (for simplified tax system for accounting) – release 3
6. 2nd quarter 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)

Program files tablet (universal), not required for universal installer.
Patches for various types platforms.

If you don't find something on the list, don't hesitate to ask.