1c enterprise 7.7 network version.

Platforms (program files) – release 027
1. Accounting (Accounting component)
2. Trade and Warehouse (operational accounting component)
3. Salary and Personnel (Calculation component)
4. Comprehensive (includes all 3 components (Accounting, Operational Accounting and Calculation))
5. Entrepreneur
6. Money
7. Aspect
8. General floppy disks (required for ALL platforms - download is required if downloading any platform)
9. Universal installer from user Tpynuk. (a tablet is not required for this installer).

1. Accounting
Basic - release 508
Typical - release 508
Budget - release 633
Basic simplified tax system - release 163
Standard simplified tax system – release 163
2. Salaries and Personnel – release 289
3. Trade and warehouse – release 960
4. Construction customer – release 136
5. Construction Contractor version 1.4 – release 1437
6. Construction Contractor version 2.3 – release 2343
7. Complex configuration (Configuration “Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salaries + Personnel”, edition 4.5) – release 492
8. PUB (Production+Services+Accounting) – release 310
9. Analyte:Hospital.Diet - release 002
10. Payment documents – release 333
11. Entrepreneur – release 155
12. Money – release 243
13. Data conversion – release 143
14. Agricultural enterprise. Accounting. Unified Agricultural Sciences rev. 1 - release 016
15. Agricultural enterprise. Accounting - Release 413
16. UPDATE configuration Taxpayer – release 229
17. UPDATE configuration Aspect 7.7 – release 022
18. UPDATE configuration Aspect-Jeweler – release 010

Sets of regulated reports:
1. 1st quarter 2008

USN (for USN accounting department)
2. 2nd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur)
3. 3rd quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur)
4. 4th quarter 2008
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting) – release 2
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated) – release 2
Simplified tax system (for simplified tax system for accounting) – release 2
Entrepreneur (for 1C:Entrepreneur) – release 2
5. 1st quarter 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated) – release 3
Simplified tax system (for simplified tax system for accounting) – release 3
6. 2nd quarter 2009
Budgetary (for Budgetary Accounting)
Enterprise (for Accounting, PUB, Integrated)
USN (for USN accounting department)

Program files tablet (universal), not required for universal installer.
Patches for various types platforms.

If you don't find something on the list, don't hesitate to ask.

Currently, software products on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform are sold only through partners with franchisee status upon special requests. Support for software products in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line is provided as part of a subscription to information technology support ().

Software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system were developed from 1999 to 2003. They met the requirements of their time and gained wide popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. However, since 2004, the development of application solutions from 1C has been carried out on a new promising platform of the next generation "". Update technology platform"1C:Enterprise 7.7" is not produced after 2003.

Currently, a number of users feel the need to further purchase 1C:Enterprise 7.7. For example, the user has his own development on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform or there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of the same group, which were previously automated in a standard way on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 version. For such users, the sale of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products is carried out through partners with franchisee status on special requests. These applications must include information about the client, the motivation for the need to purchase software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, as well as confirmation that the end user has been notified that the software product of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system does not fully comply with modern requirements. At the same time, the existing procedure for supporting these software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line within the framework of a subscription to information technology support (ITS) is maintained.

The 1C company strongly recommends that users consider the possibility of transferring systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform to the " " platform. This will help improve the efficiency of organizations through the use of new capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and application solutions created on its basis.

Learn more about the terms and conditions for the sale of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products, effective from July 1, 2011.

List of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products that can be purchased through partners with franchisee status:


Software product


Permanent partner

1C:Predpr.7.7 PROF.Complex delivery + ITS USB

25 000

1C:Enterprise 7.7 ( network version). Complex delivery + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and personnel 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

33 40 0

1C: Set of reports 7.7 (basic version) with a standard configuration for preparing reports from government agencies

1C: Clothing allowance 7.7

1C:Enterprise 7.7. Web extension version 2.0

1C:Enterprise 7.7. Management of distributed USB infobases

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF. Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 Configuration "Production + Services + Accounting for Ukraine" CD. Sales only through franchisees

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version) with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

Economic programs previous versions (2.0, 5.0, 6.0)



Permanent partner

1C: ACCOUNTING basic version 5.0 for DOS


1C: ACCOUNTING PROF 2.0 network version

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows network version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows"95 network version 6.0

Networks are a natural way of representing real-life relationships between objects. The network model also relies on graph theory.

Appeared in the 70s of the XX century. Typical representatives are the Integrated Database Management System (IDMS) DBMS from Cullinet Software, Inc. and General Electric's Integrated Data Store (IDS).

The network approach to data organization is an extension of the hierarchical one. In hierarchical structures, a child record must have exactly one ancestor; in a network data structure, a child can have any number of ancestors.

7.1. Structural part

The main elements of a network database are data element, data aggregate, record, set.

A data element is the smallest indivisible named information unit accessible to the user. A data element can have its own type. A data aggregate is a named collection of data elements within a record (date - day, month, year).

A record is a named structure containing data elements (a record in a relational table).

A record type is a collection of logically related record instances that models a certain class of real-world objects.

A set is a named two-level hierarchical structure that expresses relationships between two types of records (one-to-one, one-to-many).

There are no special restrictions on the formation of connection types; For example, the following situations are possible:

This record type can be the ancestor of any number of relationships.

This record type can be a child of any number of relationships.

There can be any number of relationships to the same ancestor record type and the same child record type.

Record types X and Y can be ancestor and child in one relationship, and descendant and ancestor in another.

An ancestor and a child can be of the same record type.

Between the two types of records there can be any number of sets (the teacher can not only teach, but also be the curator of this group).

A simple example of a database network diagram:

Thus, a network database is a named collection of records various types and sets containing connections between them.

7.2. Integrity Constraints

The advantage of the network data model is the possibility of efficient implementation in terms of memory consumption and efficiency. In comparison with the hierarchical model, the network model provides greater opportunities for creating and modeling various connections between entities of the real world (subject area). The disadvantage of the network model is the high complexity and rigidity of the data scheme, difficulty for an ordinary user to understand and process information.


Price: 25,000 rub.

The network version allows you to work with the Accounting component on an unlimited number of user workstations. The program "1C: Accounting 7.7" allows you to automate the maintenance of sections accounting: bank and cash desk operations; fixed assets and intangible assets; materials and MBP; goods and services, performance of work; production accounting; accounting of currency transactions; mutual settlements with organizations; settlements with accountable persons; salary calculations; budget calculations; other sections of accounting.

The solution allows you to automate the preparation of primary documents: payment orders; invoices and invoices; receipts and expenses cash orders; acts, invoices, demands, powers of attorney; other documents.

Since July 1, 2011, 1C Accounting 7.7 network version USB key has been discontinued from sale. Sales of the software product 1C Accounting 7.7 network version USB key are carried out on special requests.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the entry of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any documents according to various criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.

Various reports

"1C Accounting" includes a set of standard reports that allow you to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required degree of detail. "1C:Accounting 7.7" allows you to generate regulated reporting: entering, filling out and printing accounting, tax and statistical reporting, as well as reports to funds.

In the “Manual” mode of filling out reports, the accountant enters the main indicators, and the program calculates all total and derived indicators. IN Automatic mode the program fills out reports based on business transactions entered for the period; before generating reports, a special mode allows you to check the status of accounting and identify accountant errors that do not allow you to correctly prepare reports. The decoding mode allows you to get a “justification” for automatically filled in indicators down to each primary document and business transaction. Reporting forms are updated quarterly by 1C and are provided to registered users.

In addition to the main Standard configuration, the program delivery package also includes " Simplified configuration".

For companies with varying amounts performed business transactions, the company "1C" offers different versions programs "1C Accounting": single-user version, network version, SQL version (client-server).

When legislation and accounting methodology change, configuration updates are released and distributed to registered users. Update mode allows you to download new features without losing user input. Find out more about new version programs

"1C: Accounting 7.7" is a universal mass-use program for accounting automation. It can be used in enterprises different directions activities and forms of ownership. The program provides the accountant with flexible accounting options:

The program allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting:

  • bank and cash transactions;
  • fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • materials;
  • goods and services, performance of work;
  • production accounting;
  • accounting of currency transactions;
  • mutual settlements with organizations;
  • settlements with accountable persons;
  • payroll;
  • calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax;
  • budget calculations and others.

From July 1, 2011, single-user and network versions can only be ordered upon special request with justification for the need to use version 7.7; the version for SQL is not available for order.

Transition to the program "1C: Accounting 8"

The 1C: Accounting 8 program is an improved analogue of 1C: Accounting 7.7, edition 4.5. The advantages of the new version are written in detail on the 1C website. The program has standard tools for transferring data from the standard edition 7.7.

Standard configuration "Accounting", edition 4.5

"1C: Accounting 7.7" comes with a standard configuration for accounting, edition 4.5.

In the new edition 4.5 of the standard configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7" the methodology has been improved tax accounting income tax calculations in accordance with the clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issued in 2003. Operations for accounting for R&D expenses have been automated (PBU 17/02), the norms of PBU 19/02 “Accounting for financial investments” have been reflected, and also, in accordance with Federal law No. 117-FZ dated July 7, 2003, took into account the reduction in the VAT rate from 20% to 18% for cases provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Configuration "Simplified taxation system", edition 1.3

When developing the new edition, experience was taken into account practical application"1C: Accounting for the simplified tax system" tens of thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs, a number of consultations were held with leading specialists of the Ministry of Taxation. This made it possible to combine accounting and tax accounting using a simplified taxation system, to implement a number of fairly sophisticated accounting mechanisms, some of which have no analogues in other systems, and at the same time to make accounting as convenient, “transparent” and simple as possible even for an untrained user.