Where are Cleopatra's ancestors from? Legends about the life, love and death of the great Cleopatra

Young girls they imagine “the same career, but without a tragic ending,” and from older people you can often hear “here was the right woman—beautiful, smart, determined.” However, this image is inspired more by movies than by an actual study of publicly available facts. The legend “about an incredibly beautiful and sensual queen, before whom they bowed world's strongest this" began to take shape after death. In different eras, the legend changed “according to the demands of the time”: Cleopatra, in the minds of people, then became a fair ruler with “a number of successes in love front”, then an example of “a smart beauty with a strong man”, then, in the end, a prudent careerist who well “monetized” natural beauty. In our time, the idea of ​​the Egyptian queen has crystallized into something between Disney's Little Mermaid and the Statue of Liberty: good, fair, powerful, faithful to her love and lived somewhere after Adam, but before Stalin.

As often happens, in reality everything is much more complicated and at the same time sadder. In fact, Cleopatra VII Philopator was married in turn to her two younger brothers, gave birth to four children and became the last representative of her royal dynasty. In fact, all the “pillars” on which the modern legend of Cleopatra rests turn out to be myths.

Myth 1. Egyptian

Cleopatra belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty, which is called “Greek” or “Macedonian”. The dynasty was founded by Alexander the Great's comrade and commander Ptolemy, son of Lagus. The legend even gives him a kinship with Alexander the Great himself. Whether this is true or not, after the Macedonians captured Egypt, Ptolemy was appointed satrap (ruler) of this country. He founded a dynasty, whose representatives tried to “preserve the purity of their blood,” in other words, they married their sisters. There is a theory according to which Cleopatra’s mother was a certain concubine, but in general her nationality is easy to determine - the last representative of the Ptolemies was Macedonian, or, to generalize, Greek. To her credit, it must be said that she was perhaps the only representative of the dynasty who deigned to learn the language of the submissive Egyptian people.

Myth 2. Queen-autocrat

Bust of Cleopatra VII from Cherchell in Algiers (Berlin Antique Collection). wikipedia.org

Formally, this is true, Cleopatra really was the queen of Egypt. However she had real power “periodically”, let alone talk about actual government independent state It won't work at all. We should not forget that we are talking about the ancient world, where the role of women was (at least officially) secondary. Cleopatra could not reign independently in Egypt. After her father's death, she "shared the throne" with her younger brother Ptolemy XIII. Officially they were married, although in practice the “husband” was only 9 years old at the time of joining the kingdom, while Cleopatra was already 17. However, her attempt to rule independently failed - hiding behind the name of the pharaoh, the courtiers actually drove the girl out of the capital, capturing power.

The failed queen was returned to the throne by her lover Gaius Julius Caesar. Rich, but almost no longer independent Egypt was a “close client” of the warlike center of the then world - Rome. Caesar (very opportune for Cleopatra) visited Egypt in a large company, as was customary among the Romans, his friends - smiling but well-armed legionnaires. The brother and husband of the disgraced queen were overthrown, and she was placed on the throne, not forgetting to formally marry her other brother, Ptolemy XIV. Having become the illegal but actual wife of the almighty Caesar, Cleopatra really ruled Egypt, but only in the direction that was convenient for Rome. It got to the point that Caesar, who applied the rule Divide Et Impera (“divide and conquer”) to both Cleopatra and Egypt, openly summoned the “independent ruler” to come to Rome, “closer.”

The period of the queen's reign after the death of Caesar is well illustrated by one fact: the legionnaires left in Egypt, without a strong hand, robbed the local population until Rome itself took them out of the controlled country. Subsequent cohabitation with Caesar’s comrade-in-arms, the ruler of the eastern part of the Empire, Mark Antony, gave Cleopatra more power, but also only within the framework that was beneficial to the “capital of the world.” The civil war that then began between Anthony and the official heir of Caesar, who was part of the era of omnipotence, Octavian, led to disaster for both Cleopatra the Seventh herself and all of Egypt.

Myth 3. Incomparable beauty

The most fundamental and most controversial “pillar” in the creation of the cult of Cleopatra. Paintings dedicated to the queen, even during the Renaissance, depicted a Greek woman in accordance with the beauty standards of that time. If desired, you can track the change in the image in accordance with changes in these standards. The current perception was inspired rather by the imagination of filmmakers: the roles of Elizabeth Taylor and Vivien Leigh were completely candied by Monica Bellucci.

Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor and Monica Bellucci as Cleopatra. Collage AiF Unfortunately, we cannot say exactly what Cleopatra looked like. There were a couple of thousand years left before the invention of photography, so we can only discuss busts that were close in production time to the life of the character. On those of them that are identified specifically as busts of Cleopatra, she appears as a woman with a large, slightly hooked nose, a narrow forehead and a thick lower lip. However, the most objective thing in this case is to study the opinions of her contemporaries; they certainly assessed her according to the “standards” of that time. People begin to write about the Egyptian queen as a woman of incredible beauty a couple of hundred years after her death. True, the same people also write about the “unprecedented depravity” of Cleopatra. In general, most of these assessments are questioned by historians, although they are at the origins of the creation of the legend. The most authoritative is the opinion of the famous Plutarch, cited by him in his work “Comparative Lives” (in the part where he talks about Marche Antonia, the queen did not deserve an independent biography from a historian). As Cleopatra’s advantages, he names “the irresistible charm of her address,” the persuasiveness of her speeches and the incredible beautiful voice. However, at the same time he mentions that “the beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and amazes at first sight.” At the same time, Plutarch is as close as possible to the period described and is considered a historian who rather sympathized with the last representative of the Ptolemaic family. Researchers most often agree that Cleopatra's main advantage was, undoubtedly, her intelligence and ability to find common language(hence the approach) with men.

Myth 4. Sensual and romantic

Cleopatra and Caesar. Painting by artist Jean-Leon Gerome (1866). wikipedia.org

According to legend, a carpet was brought to Caesar's chambers in which Cleopatra was hidden. The carpet was unrolled, and she allegedly suddenly appeared before the gaze of the powerful Roman, who was instantly struck by her slenderness and inexpressible beauty. Then the narrator of the legend must, apparently, become significantly silent, because “children under sixteen...”. Here you need to press stop, and then “rewind the film.” While pitying the romantic feelings of the girls, we will not dwell on the fact that they brought Cleopatra in a bag for bed linen. Let's focus on Caesar. By the time he met the Queen of Egypt, he was already over 50. He was an excellent commander, a very smart politician, a cunning intriguer and a decisive ruler. It’s just that his romanticism was, let’s say, special. Caesar was famous for his numerous connections, so much so that even the legionnaires he led into battle sang: “Hide your wives, we are bringing a bald libertine into the city.” Of course, the girl’s charms played a role in the fact that the Roman supported her in the fight for the Egyptian throne. However, he completely prudently “made” her a queen - he created a puppet ruler devoted to him personally. Apparently, it was more convenient for him to “combine business with pleasure” with twenty-one-year-old Cleopatra than with her teenage brother in the role of pharaoh. Subsequently, Caesar will order a gilded statue to be erected to his mistress, but in his will he will not mention either her or their joint child Caesarion at all.

Your next "Roman lover" Mark Antony Cleopatra conquered, of course, more powerfully. But this had to be done thoroughly and with serious preparation. Several days of feasts and receptions, demonstrating fabulous wealth to the detriment of the treasury, giving gifts, finding an approach. Antony turned out to be an “easier nut to crack” - realizing that the Roman was not stupid, but rather a brave soldier than a cunning politician, she chose the appropriate line of behavior. Rustic military humor, participation in “hooligan antics” - and here she is, a fighting friend, and with money at that. It doesn’t matter what just recently she was choosing - in which direction exactly to direct her hugs, who would be the winner in the “Roman squabble”.

The famous Italian historian Guglielmo Ferrero summed up his opinion about Cleopatra with the words "completely cold and emotionless, by nature incapable of sincere feeling".

Myth 5.Ideal wife

Jan de Brey, "The Feast of Antony and Cleopatra", 1669. wikipedia.org

Having contacted Caesar, Cleopatra started a war with her formal husband-brother Ptolemy. While fighting against the Romans and their allies, Ptolemy XIII drowned. Enjoying life with Caesar, the queen arrived in Rome - during her stay there she became the object of irritation of all the enemies, and often the allies of her lover. The cup turned out to be overflowing - a group of conspirators kills Caesar. Cleopatra returns to Egypt - her second formal husband and brother Ptolemy XIV dies. It is believed that he was poisoned, and most of all this death was beneficial (of course) to Cleopatra.

Supporting the whims of Mark Antony in everything, the queen of Egypt went to war with him and against Octavian, the future emperor Augustus. Along the way, with her intrigues, she alienated many of his associates from Anthony. Whatever the preparation was (feasts and parties), such was the war. In the decisive naval battle off the Cape of Actium, Cleopatra took command of part of Antony's fleet - about 200 (almost half) of the largest ships equipped in Egypt. At first, these ships did not enter the battle, standing in reserve, and when Octavian’s fleet began to win, the Egyptian ships completely left the battlefield. The defeated Anthony rushed after his beloved - his tragic end was only a matter of time.

Cleopatra on the terraces of Philae. Painting by Frederick Arthur Bridgman Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

Myth 6.She died so as not to live without her beloved

Mark Antony and Cleopatra in the capital of Egypt were losing hope of victory and expected Octavian's invasion. To avoid getting bored waiting, they spent all their time feasting, at the same time vowing to die together. True, when Octavian’s legions actually entered Alexandria, the oath was unfulfilled. Anthony really threw himself on the sword, but Cleopatra allowed herself to be captured and, according to most historians, tried to pull off her signature trick. She allegedly tried to seduce Octavian, the heir of her first famous lover and enemy of the second. But this battle was lost from the beginning. On the one hand, she is a mother of four children, 39 years old. On the other hand, Anthony is not a simple warrior, but a cunning, calculating and tough ruler.

Cleopatra's story ended when she realized why Octavian was keeping her alive - to see her off to a triumph. In the winner's parade, she was given the role of a trophy and a museum exhibit - along with elephants and exotic plants. The queen killed herself (and at the same time, perhaps, two of her maids) with the help of poison - either a snake, or hidden in her clothes. Be that as it may, this was the end of the story of Cleopatra, the Ptolemaic dynasty and the independence of Egypt. The winners no longer wanted to play games with their mistresses and controlled queens.

"The Death of Cleopatra", painting by Reginald Arthur, 1892. wikipedia.org

P.S. Often in favor of supporting the myths about Cleopatra, the opinion “She was slandered by her victorious enemies” is heard. Of course, the enemies “corrected” their opinion about this woman, but the important thing is that we are talking about the ancient world. In the absence of the media, it was difficult to launch outright lies into the crowd of people who were direct witnesses of the events. Therefore, with an obvious discount, but still worth trusting the opinions of contemporaries of Cleopatra VI Philopator. In any case, much more than Hollywood directors.

If it didn't exist, it would have to be invented. Her life inspired first painters and poets, then playwrights and filmmakers. People like to present her relationship with Caesar and Mark Antony as a classic love triangle: some authors believe that she adored Caesar, others, no less authoritative minds, are sure that the only true love her life - Mark Antony.

Behind all this, somehow the fact that Cleopatra VII was the last Egyptian pharaoh was completely forgotten.


She was born in 69 BC. Her parents are Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V, sister and Ptolemy's consort (common practice for representatives ruling dynasties Egypt at that time). In addition to little Cleopatra, the family had two older sisters - Cleopatra VI and Berenice, a younger sister - Arsinoe, and two younger brothers - Ptolemies.

The last Egyptian pharaohs were not Egyptians: Ptolemy I was a general in the army of Alexander the Great. After the death of the great commander, he became king of Egypt.

If you are unlucky and were not born the eldest child in royal family, then your chances of taking the throne are extremely small. In 58 BC, the people of Alexandria rebelled against the tyrant Auletes and overthrew him. The elder sister Berenice ascended the throne.

Berenice marries her boyfriend sibling, but very soon, on her orders, the unfortunate husband will be strangled so that the queen can connect her life with someone else.

Berenice has been in power for three years. During her reign, Cleopatra VI, the next contender to the throne, dies of an unknown illness.

In 55, Ptolemy XII regained the throne with the support of the Roman general Pompey. Berenice and her husband are beheaded. Now Cleopatra VII becomes the eldest child.


Pharaoh Ptolemy XII dies in 51. The throne passes to Cleopatra VII and one of her younger brothers, twelve-year-old Ptolemy XIII, whom she immediately marries. That year she turned 17 years old.

Contrary to popular belief, the last Egyptian queen was not at all pretty. On old coins we see her image - a long nose, masculine facial features. But the gods endowed Cleopatra with a charming voice and charisma. In addition, she was a well-educated woman. And let the spiteful critics shut up - Cleopatra VII was the first pharaoh from the Ptolemaic dynasty who could speak Egyptian. In addition, she knew 8 more languages.

It was no secret to anyone that Ptolemy XIII was only called pharaoh, but Cleopatra ruled the country.

If you are in power, you should have been prepared for the fact that they would try to take this power away from you. The first attempt to overthrow the queen was made... by her own husband, three years after the wedding. 15-year-old Ptolemy XIII was not an independent figure, but behind him stood the ambitious mentor Pofinus...

In 48, an uprising began in Alexandria, Cleopatra fled Syria along with younger sister Arsinoea.


But Cleopatra was not one to give up easily. Very soon she moved the army to the Egyptian border... Brother and sister, husband and wife were going to sort things out on the battlefield.

At the same time, there was also a fight for power in the Roman Empire: between Julius Caesar and Pompey. After losing the battle of Pharsalos, Pompey fled to Alexandria, hoping to receive political asylum there. But in power is not the same Ptolemy, whom the Roman general once helped return to the throne, but his weak-willed offspring.

The advisers believe that it is unwise to quarrel with Caesar, so Pompey is killed right in front of the pharaoh. Three days later, Julius Caesar, who arrived in Alexandria, was presented with a kind of “gift” from Ptolemy XIII - the head of Pompey.

The advisers miscalculated - before the struggle for power began, Pompey was a friend of Caesar, so the “gift” horrified the Emperor. Caesar ordered a cessation of hostilities and ordered his brother and sister to come to the palace for clarification.

Cleopatra understood perfectly well that as soon as she appeared in Alexandria, her brother’s henchmen would immediately kill her. The queen comes up with a brilliant move - she, wrapped in a carpet, is secretly brought to the palace as a gift to the great Caesar. The carpet is unrolled... Caesar falls under her charm. That same night they become lovers.

The next day, Ptolemy discovered that his older sister had outwitted him. He tries to storm the palace, but Caesar orders his arrest.

Have you forgotten about Pofinus yet? Led by him and (look at this) Cleopatra's younger sister Arsinoe, the Egyptian army begins an offensive.

The Alexandrian War lasted six months until it fell in one of the battles. ideological inspirer Pofinus, and Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile while trying to escape.

Alexandria swore allegiance to Caesar, Arsinoe was arrested, the throne returned to Cleopatra, who marries... the only surviving brother of Ptolemy XIV (12 years old).

After the victory, Caesar and Cleopatra set off on a two-month journey along the Nile. It was during this period that Cleopatra became pregnant and in due course gave birth to a son, who was named Ptolemy XV Caesarion. Caesar recognized the boy as his son.

From now on, three Roman legions are stationed in Alexandria to protect the queen. A year later, Cleopatra comes to Rome with her son and husband to celebrate the end of the war. Prisoners are driven through the Roman streets, including Arsinoe. Caesar spared her life, but a little later Mark Antony would kill Arsinoe at her request older sister Cleopatra.

For two years, Cleopatra and her son have been living in a villa near Rome. Her royal lover idolizes her: a golden statue of the Queen of Egypt is placed in the temple of Venus; Caesar even tries to change the law in order to marry Cleopatra and make Caesarion his only heir... Alas, Caesar had a legal wife, Calpurina, a woman whom few people remembered then and remember now.

On March 15, 44 BC, the famous meeting of the Senate will take place, during which a group of conspirators kills Caesar.

Cleopatra immediately leaves Rome and heads back to Egypt. Soon after her arrival, Ptolemy XIV dies, poisoned by order of the queen - no one should stand between power and her son, Caesarion.


After Caesar's death, power was divided between Caesar's nephew Octavian, Marcus Lepidus and Mark Antony.

In 42, Mark Antony orders Cleopatra to appear in Tarsus to find out if she supports his enemies. The Queen arrives on a barge, dressed in a Venus costume, surrounded by maids dressed up sea ​​nymphs and cupid boys. She unmistakably determines weak points Mark Antony and skillfully plays along with him. Cleopatra is not embarrassed by the fact that her new lover is somewhat uncouth and loves crude soldier humor.

Mark Antony is enchanted, he drops everything and goes with the queen to Alexandria. Orgies and dubious entertainment continue throughout the winter. Cleopatra does not leave him unattended either day or night. With great difficulty, the Roman manages to escape from this round dance of pleasures and return home.

6 months after his departure, Cleopatra gave birth to twins - Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. She will see their father again only after 4 years. By that time, Mark Antony would marry Octavian's half-sister Octavia, and in this marriage he would have two daughters, both of whom would be named Antonia.

In 37, Mark Antony begins another military campaign. But very soon he finds himself in the arms of Cleopatra, who in 36 becomes his wife. Another heir is born - Ptolemy Philadelphiaus.

Unexpectedly, Octavia’s wife goes to visit her husband who has been on a spree. A letter from Anthony awaits her in Athens, in which he informs her that she does not need to go further, he himself will come to Athens. Having learned about this, Cleopatra uses all her feminine tricks to prevent Mark Antony from meeting his first (legal) wife. She succeeds - Mark Antony cancels the trip, Octavia returns to Rome without seeing her husband.

The Romans are outraged by this attitude of Mark Antony towards legal wife. The last straw was the proclamation of Alexander Helios as the king of Armenia, Cleopatra Selene as the queen of Crete, and Ptolemy Philadelphiaus as the king of Syria. Caesarion was declared "king of kings" and Cleopatra "queen of kings".

Outraged, Octavian declares war on Egypt. In a fatal battle near Actium (Greece), Cleopatra, deciding that Mark Antony is losing, hastily leaves the battlefield and actually “surrenders” her lover.

For three days Anthony refuses to see her or talk to her. The lovers return to Egypt, where they are overtaken by the news that the troops of Mark Antony are surrounded and defeated. It's time to prepare for death. Cleopatra experiments with various poisons to find out which one brings quick and painless care.

In the year 30, Octavian's army was on the outskirts of Alexandria. Mark Antony's army swears allegiance to Octavian - after the Battle of Actium, no one doubts that Mark Antony has lost his head over a woman and is unable to think for himself.

Cleopatra orders the servants to announce to Antony that she has died. In desperation, he stabs himself with a dagger. Still alive, Mark crawls to Cleopatra’s mausoleum. The queen is afraid to open the door, so the mortally wounded Mark Antony is forced to climb through the window using the ropes dropped by Cleopatra. He dies on her bed.


When Octavian's soldiers surrounded the mausoleum, Cleopatra refused to open the door and attempted suicide. But she was disarmed and taken prisoner.

After Anthony's funeral, she tried several times to take her own life - the alerted guards stopped all attempts. To deceive the vigilance of the future emperor, the proud queen fell at the feet of Octavian, begging for her life. Surprisingly, the insightful ruler of Rome believed in the sincerity of the suffering woman.

The queen had no illusions about her future - like her sister Arsinoe, she had to walk in chains through the streets of Rome. The only thing she asked Octavian was that the Egyptian throne remain with her children.


Cleopatra managed to avoid shame: the servants devoted to the queen gave her a basket of fig fruits. The guards examined the basket and found nothing suspicious in it.

After dinner, Cleopatra wrote a letter in which she asked Octavian to bury her next to Mark Antony. Alarmed, Octavian sent guards in case she attempted suicide again. But it was too late - the poison of the small snake kills almost instantly; when the guards arrived at Cleopatra’s chambers, the queen was dead.

Cleopatra VII was the last pharaoh; after her death, Egypt became one of the Roman provinces. Her son Caesarion, by order of Octavian, was strangled by a teacher, her daughter Cleopatra Selene married the King of Mauritania, nothing is known about the fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphiaus.

In one of his studies, the American cultural theorist Harold Bloom noted that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII is the world's first celebrity. It’s hard to disagree with him, because no other woman managed to perform more vividly on the historical stage. Even the famous Nefertiti pales in comparison. With all this, the image of Cleopatra is shrouded in the fog of fiction, and sometimes dirty slander. What do historians say about this woman more than 2000 years after her death?

Bust of Cleopatra VII

The girl who was destined to become the last queen of Egypt was born in Alexandria in 69 BC. She became another representative of the famous dynasty founded by Ptolemy, a companion of Alexander the Great, who subsequently took possession of Egypt. Cleopatra's ancestors ruled Egypt for about three centuries, during which time they became famous for incest and bloody feuds within the family.

The queen's father was Ptolemy XII Auletes ("Fluteist"), and her mother was Cleopatra V Tryphena. Both were Ptolemies, but it is still difficult for scientists to accurately determine the extent of their relationship. There is also a hypothesis according to which Cleopatra was the daughter of one of the concubines of Ptolemy XII.

Be that as it may, the birth of Cleopatra was not something remarkable. She became the third daughter in a family that had been expecting a son for a long time. She was given a name traditional for the Ptolemaic dynasty (the meaning of the name is “the glory of the father”), without expecting that she would stand out in any way among the string of her namesakes.

However, the future ruler of Egypt began to stand out among others from childhood. The first thing that distinguished her from other descendants of Ptolemy XII was her thirst for knowledge. Scientists suggest that Cleopatra during her life managed to master languages ​​such as Greek, Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Abyssinian, Parthian and, of course, Latin.

It is worth noting that Alexandria, where the princess grew up, was the intellectual capital of the then world. Despite her Greek origin, the princess was in awe of the history and culture of Egypt. Before her, none of the Ptolemies bothered to learn the Egyptian language.

Cleopatra's worldview was influenced not only by books, but also by brutal feuds in her own family: the overthrow of Ptolemy XII by her daughter Berenice and the subsequent murder of Berenice by her father. Later, she will not disdain any means on the way to power.

images on coins

Beginning of the reign

Cleopatra received the kingdom according to her father's will; it was not for nothing that she was considered his favorite. According to the will of Ptolemy XII, Rome became the guarantor of the Egyptian state. The document also stated that the 18-year-old girl should become the wife of her brother, 10-year-old Ptolemy XIII, and rule the country with him. The royal couple ascended the throne in 51 BC.

But the actual rulers of Egypt are not Cleopatra and Ptolemy, but the so-called “Alexandrian trio,” which included the royal dignitaries Theodotus, Achilles and Pothinus. They manage to turn Cleopatra's younger brother against her. The queen is accused of wanting to rule alone, which was not far from the truth. As a result, she decides to flee to Syria for a while. Here she gathers an army that sets up camp near the Egyptian border. The army of Ptolemy XIII is ready to confront him.

Bust of Caesar from the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

The acquaintance of Cleopatra and Caesar was preceded by the treacherous murder of the Roman commander Gnaeus Pompey, arranged by Egyptian dignitaries. In this way they hoped to gain Caesar's favor, but great commander Didn't appreciate the "service". When Pompey's head was presented to him, he turned away and began to cry.

At this time Cleopatra received detailed information about everything that happened in Alexandria. Having arrived in Egypt to collect his debts, Caesar declared that he was ready to become an arbiter in a dispute between the royal spouses. Soon he calls Cleopatra to his place. The Queen of Egypt appears before him suddenly and, importantly, impressively. According to one version, she arrived to Caesar wrapped in a carpet, according to another, she was secretly smuggled in a bed bag. An affair between the 53-year-old Roman consul and the 21-year-old queen breaks out that same night.

Why did she charm Caesar? This is perhaps the main question of her biography. The usual feminine charms were clearly not enough here. Most likely, he appreciated her intelligence, originality, courage and, as ancient authors say, the enchanting voice of an eastern ruler. In addition, in her person he could expect to receive a reliable Egyptian puppet. The morning after meeting Cleopatra, Caesar declares that sister and brother should rule together.

In response, Egyptian dignitaries proclaim her queen youngest daughter Ptolemy XII Arsinoe. A war begins, in which Caesar wins, Arsinoe is captured, and Ptolemy XIII dies. After this, the great Roman organizes the wedding of Cleopatra with her second brother, 16-year-old Ptolemy Neoteros. As a result, with the help of Rome, Cleopatra becomes the de facto sole ruler of Egypt. In 47 BC. The son of Caesar and Cleopatra is born - Ptolemy Caesarion. Caesar leaves Egypt, but soon enough calls Cleopatra to his place.

In Rome, the Egyptian queen was given Caesar's villa. Here she spends about two years. There was even a rumor that Caesar wanted to make an Egyptian his second wife. The great commander’s admiration for this woman greatly disturbed the Roman nobility and became another argument in favor of his liquidation. Caesar's murder forced Cleopatra to flee Rome.

Bust supposedly depicting Mark Antony

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Shortly after Caesar's death, Queen Cleopatra's co-ruler, Ptolemy XIV, dies. There was a rumor that he would have been poisoned on the orders of his sister, who thus got rid of her future rival. In Rome, meanwhile, one of the prominent positions was occupied by Mark Antony, Caesar's comrade-in-arms. Without thinking twice, he decided to demand money from Cleopatra for a new military campaign.

The fateful meeting of Anthony and Cleopatra took place in 41 BC. in the city of Tarsus on board the queen's magnificently decorated ship. The Egyptian ruler appears before the amorous and vain Anthony in the image of the goddess Aphrodite. She invites the Roman for a sumptuous feast. As a result, Anthony selflessly falls in love with the queen. In the same year, with his hands, she gets rid of her sister Arsinoe, who is in Rome.

In an effort to be with Cleopatra, Anthony practically moves from Rome to the capital of Egypt. True, here he mainly indulges in drinking and entertainment. Soon the lovers have children, twins Alexander and Cleopatra. In 36 BC. Antony turns from Cleopatra's lover into her husband. The marriage takes place despite the fact that Anthony already had a legal wife. In Rome, this union begins to be viewed as a threat to the empire, especially after Mark Antony bestows Roman territories on his children from Cleopatra.

Antony's behavior leads Octavian to declare "war against the Egyptian queen." The culmination of this confrontation is the Battle of Actium, which took place in 31 BC. Its result is the complete defeat of the fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra. Modern historians believe that victory in this battle led Rome to world domination.


In 30 BC. Octavian's troops entered Alexandria. At this time, Cleopatra, along with her trusted servants, locked herself in her own tomb. By mistake or intentionally, Anthony received false news of his beloved’s suicide, after which he threw himself on the sword. He died in Cleopatra's arms.

After the death of her husband, Cleopatra enters into negotiations with Octavian's envoy. Perhaps she still retained a faint hope of retaining the kingdom. Plutarch notes that a Roman officer in love with the queen warned her that Octavian wanted to lead her in chains during his triumph in Rome.

To avoid public humiliation, the Egyptian queen decides to commit suicide. Before this, she gives Octavian a letter asking him to bury her with Antony. Soon the ruler is found dead. Cleopatra died on August 12, 30 BC. in royal attire, reclining on a golden bed.

One of possible reasons The death of the queen is called a snake bite; according to another version, it was a pre-prepared poison. The location of Cleopatra's tomb and her mummy have not yet been discovered. After the death of Cleopatra VII, Egypt became a Roman province.

Appearancelast queen of Egypt. This woman is usually associated with the image of a fatal beauty. But even by the standards of her time, she looked quite ordinary. Plutarch wrote that it can hardly be called “incomparable.” According to him, she was more impressive with her charm and persuasiveness of speech.

The portraits on the coins depict a woman with big eyes, protruding chin and long nose with a hump. The queen's height was no more than 152 cm, while she was plump and stocky.

Cleopatra's underwater palace. The proposed palace is located off the coast of Alexandria. The ruins of this ancient building were flooded as a result of an earthquake that occurred one and a half thousand years ago. Now it is located at a depth of 50 m. The possibility of creating an underwater museum on its territory is being discussed.

The fate of children. Cleopatra had four children. Son Caesarion from Julius Caesar and three children from Mark Antony - twins Cleopatra and Alexander, as well as son Ptolemy. The shortest story was the life of the queen's eldest son. He was killed by order of Octavian, and the twins and Ptolemy were given to Octavia, Octavian’s sister, to raise. ex-wife Mark Antony. Cleopatra's only daughter was subsequently married to Juba II, the ruler of Mauritania.

Cleopatra is the last queen of Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic (Lagid) dynasty. She is one of the most famous queens in history.

Many books have been written about Cleopatra and many films have been made. Kings and generals fell in love with her, and were ready to give their lives for her.

In this article we will look at the features of Cleopatra, and also try to understand why she managed to gain such popularity. Indeed, when talking about the women of Egypt, people immediately remember two queens: and Cleopatra.

And in general, for the ancient world, Cleopatra is a fairly important and iconic figure.

So, in front of you biography of Queen Cleopatra.

Biography of Cleopatra

Cleopatra VII Philopator was born on November 2, 69 BC. e. Historians still argue about the place of his birth. According to the official version, she was born in Alexandria, which was then one of the most developed cities in the world.

An interesting fact is that Cleopatra did not have a drop of Egyptian blood, since she came from the Ptolemaic family.

The Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling Egypt in the 4th-1st centuries BC. e., was founded by one of the commanders - the Greek Ptolemy I.

Childhood and youth

It is fair to say that almost nothing is known about the childhood of the future queen. However, her biographers suggest that she was a very educated girl.

Such conclusions are drawn on the basis that Cleopatra had good thinking, knew how to play musical instruments and knew 8 languages.

Moreover, during her life she was able to repeatedly conduct brilliant negotiations from a political point of view with various government and military figures. She can rightfully be called an outstanding diplomat.

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra

Obviously, while living in the city named after Alexander the Great, she repeatedly visited the famous Library of Alexandria, which housed hundreds of thousands of books.

During the biography of 58-55. BC e. Cleopatra witnessed the expulsion of her father Ptolemy 12 Auletes from the state, after which power was in the hands of her sister Berenice.

It is worth noting that Berenice was the complete opposite of Cleopatra. She loved fashion, entertainment and jewelry. Besides this, she was a rather lazy and stupid girl.

After some time, with the help of the Romans, Cleopatra's father was again elevated to the throne of Egypt. However, instead of taking charge of governing the state, he begins to take revenge on his opponents. During his reign, many repressions and political assassinations occurred.

As a result, Berenice herself became a victim of repression. Cleopatra could see with her own eyes what horrors were happening in the palace and beyond. She also understood that her father, in fact, was a puppet in the hands of the Roman authorities.

Queen Cleopatra

After the death of her father, power actually passed into the hands of Cleopatra, who was then about 17 years old. An interesting fact is that her first official husband there was her brother Ptolemy XIII, who at that time was not yet 10 years old.

Bust of Cleopatra in Algeria (Berlin Antique Collection). Cleopatra wears a royal diadem and a headband

Naturally, this marriage was only a formality, as the customs of the country required it. Cleopatra, being a woman, could not reign on her own.

She ascended the throne as Thea Philopator, that is, “the goddess, loving father».

At that time, some territories of Egypt belonged to the Roman Empire, but the state as a whole was not conquered.

The country was experiencing a financial crisis and had a lot of debt. In this regard, the first years of the reign of Queen Cleopatra turned out to be very difficult.

At that time, the people suffered from hunger due to a two-year crop failure. In addition, as Cleopatra’s husband Ptolemy 13 grew older, he began to unequivocally lay claim to power in Egypt.

His supporters were the eunuch Pothinus, who was something of a head of government, the general Achilles and his tutor Theodotus (a rhetorician from the island of Chios).

Escape to Syria

The growing king's advisers turned him against Cleopatra. The residents of Egypt were even told that she allegedly wanted to overthrow the rightful heir, Ptolemy 13, from the throne.

All this led to the fact that the queen had to flee to Syria. However, while in a foreign land, Cleopatra developed plans on how to regain power.

Around the same time, the Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar organized a military campaign in Alexandria, directed against his longtime enemy Pompey.

However, he never managed to fight him, because having reached the banks of the Nile, Gnaeus Pompey was killed by supporters of Ptolemy 13. But Caesar did not think of leaving Egypt quickly, since he decided to collect from the government the huge debts that the Egyptians owed to Rome.

At this moment, Cleopatra realized that she urgently needed to act. She set out to win over the Roman commander at all costs and enlist his support.

According to a famous legend, the queen ordered a slave to wrap her in a carpet, which was to be presented to Caesar.

When he unrolled the carpet and saw Cleopatra inside, he was so amazed by the dazzling beauty of the queen that he immediately decided to support her in the struggle for power.

Queen Cleopatra and Julius Caesar

In 47 BC. The Roman army defeated the Egyptians, as a result of which Caesar took possession of the entire territory of Egypt. Interestingly, Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy 13 drowned in the Nile during his flight.

Thanks to this outcome, Cleopatra again became a queen, beginning to rule together with her other brother, twelve-year-old Ptolemy 14.

Personal life

In fiction and cinema, Cleopatra is presented as a charming and luxurious girl, capable of captivating the hearts of men with one glance.

Many people associate the image of Queen Cleopatra with, who played her in the film “Cleopatra”.

Cleopatra and Caesar. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1866

However, in reality, the appearance of the Egyptian queen was not particularly beautiful, but rather, on the contrary, was unattractive. After coins and statues of Cleopatra were found, scientists were able to recreate her possible portrait.

Judging by the finds, Cleopatra had big nose and a narrow chin. Obviously, only thanks to her intelligence and natural charm she was able to impress the stronger sex.

According to documents, the queen repeatedly tested the effects of various poisons on her slaves, and then watched as the unfortunate ones died in agony.

According to some sources, many were ready to give their lives for one night with Cleopatra. Noble men agreed to this even though the price for a night with the queen was death.

Rachel Riley as Cleopatra

The next morning, Cleopatra's lovers had their heads cut off and then displayed in the palace as trophies.

There are many legends telling about romantic relationships between Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.

At the same time, the Roman commander really loved the queen, for whose sake he broke off his relationship with his mistress Servilia. Cleopatra even gave birth to a son from him, called by a double name - Ptolemy Caesar.

Queen Cleopatra in Rome

In the summer of 46 BC. e. Cleopatra arrived with her brother on a visit to Rome. Many noble Romans came to her to pay their respects, which terribly irritated the Republicans and, according to historians, accelerated the death of Caesar.

An interesting fact is that the famous philosopher and orator Cicero once wrote in one of his entries that he “hates Cleopatra.”

After Caesar was killed by the conspirators, he was succeeded by Mark Antony. He was going to accuse Cleopatra of involvement in the conspiracy, but Cleopatra resorted to cunning.

She put on the best clothes and jewelry, and thereby charmed the Roman commander. A whirlwind romance began between them, which lasted 10 years.

As a result, they had three children: twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphus.

This story shows that Cleopatra's influence on men was truly incredible and almost mystical.

Death of Cleopatra

It is unknown how Queen Cleopatra died. The most common version of her death is the story told by Plutarch.

Thus, during the confrontation between Octavian Augustus and Mark Antony, the latter was falsely informed of the death of Cleopatra. Hearing the terrible news, he decided to commit suicide by throwing himself on the sword.

At this time, the queen was hiding in the tomb, where the mortally wounded Mark Antony was later taken.

Death of Cleopatra. Artist Jean-André Rixan, 1874

After his death, Cleopatra fell into depression and did not get out of bed for a long time. Later she learned that Augustus intended to put her in chains and carry her around Rome in this form.

Not wanting to endure such shame, she took a bite from poisonous snake, which was secretly brought to her in a vessel with treats.

It is still unknown where the mummy of Queen Cleopatra is located. Some historians suggest that she, along with Mark Antony, could have been buried under the necropolis temple, but there are no reliable facts confirming this version.

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Cleopatra VII Philopator (ancient Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ). Born November 2, 69 BC. - died August 12, 30 BC. The last queen of Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic (Lagid) dynasty.

Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC. e. (officially the 12th year of the reign of Ptolemy XII), apparently in Alexandria. She is one of the three (known) daughters of King Ptolemy XII Auletes, possibly by a concubine, since, as Strabo notes, this king had only one legitimate daughter, Berenice IV, queen in 58-55 BC. e.

Nothing is known about Cleopatra's childhood and youth. Undoubtedly, she was strongly impressed by the turmoil of 58-55, when her father was overthrown and expelled from Egypt, and his daughter (Cleopatra’s sister) Berenice became queen.

Restored to the throne by the forces of the Roman governor of Syria, Gabinius, Ptolemy XII rushes into massacres, repressions and murders (of which Berenice also fell victim).

As a result, he turns into a puppet, retained in power only by the Roman presence, which burdens the country's finances. The troubles of her father's reign taught her a lesson to the future queen, who used every means to get rid of her opponents and everyone who stood in her way - such as her younger brother Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC. e. and later from the sister of Arsinoe IV.

Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt for 21 consecutive years in co-government with her brothers(they are also traditionally formal husbands) Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, then in actual marriage with the Roman commander Mark Antony. She was the last independent ruler of Egypt before the Roman conquest and is often, although not entirely correctly, considered the last pharaoh Ancient Egypt. She gained wide fame thanks to her love affair with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She had a son by Caesar and two sons and a daughter by Antony.

Sources on Cleopatra - Plutarch, Suetonius, Appian, Cassius Dio, Josephus.

For the most part, ancient historiography is unfavorable to her. There is an opinion that the denigration of Cleopatra was carried out by the conqueror of Egypt, Octavian and his entourage, who tried with all their might to denigrate the queen, presenting her as not just a dangerous enemy of Rome and the evil genius of Mark Antony. An example is the judgment about Cleopatra by a Roman historian of the 4th century. Aurelia Victor: “She was so depraved that she often prostituted herself, and had such beauty that many men paid with their death for the possession of her for one night.”

Testament of Ptolemy XII, who died in March 51 BC. e., transferred the throne to Cleopatra and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII, who was then about 9 years old, and with whom she was united in a formal marriage, since, according to Ptolemaic custom, a woman could not reign on her own.

She ascended the throne under the official title Θέα Φιλοπάτωρ (Thea Philopator), that is, a goddess who loves her father (from an inscription on a stele from 51 BC). The first three years of the reign were not easy due to a 2-year crop failure caused by insufficient flooding of the Nile.

With the accession of the co-rulers, a hidden struggle of parties immediately began. At first, Cleopatra ruled alone, removing her young brother, but then the latter took revenge, relying on the eunuch Pothinus (who was something like the head of government), the commander Achilles and his tutor Theodotus (a rhetorician from Chios).

In a document dated October 27, 50 BC. e., the name of Ptolemy appears emphatically in the first place.

In the summer of 48 BC. e. Cleopatra, who fled to Syria and recruited an army there, at the head of this army set up a camp on the Egyptian border, not far from the fortress of Pelusium. Her brother also stationed himself there with the army, blocking her path into the country.

The turning point was the flight of the Roman senator Pompey to Egypt and his murder by Ptolemy's supporters.

Cleopatra and Caesar

At this moment Rome intervenes in the fight.

Pompey, defeated at Pharsalus, in early June 48 BC. e. appears off the Egyptian coast and asks the Egyptian king for help.

Young Ptolemy XIII, or rather his advisers, hoping to achieve generous favors from the victors, give the order to kill the Roman. This was accomplished as soon as Pompey set foot on Egyptian soil, in front of his entire entourage (July 28, 48). But the king miscalculated: Caesar, who, in pursuit of Pompey, landed in Egypt two days later, was angry at this reprisal and buried Pompey’s head near the walls of Alexandria, where he erected a sanctuary of Nemesis.

Once in Egypt, Caesar tried to replenish his treasury with the help of debts that Ptolemy XII had incurred on the Roman banker Rabirius during his efforts to restore the throne, and which Caesar now chalked up to his own account.

He writes that Caesar “did not dare” to turn Egypt into a Roman province, “so that some enterprising governor would not be able to rely on a province with enormous resources for new unrest.”

However, Caesar announced his intention to act as an arbiter in the dispute between the kings. Ptolemy XIII was the de facto ruler even without him, and also recognized by Pompey. Therefore, Caesar was interested in Cleopatra, who could become a puppet, owing power to him.

Soon after his arrival, he summons Cleopatra to his place in Alexandria. Penetrating the capital, guarded by Ptolemy's people, was not an easy task - Cleopatra was helped to do this by her admirer, the Sicilian Apollodorus, who secretly smuggled the queen in a fishing boat, and then carried it into Caesar's chambers, hiding it in a large bed bag (and not in the carpet, as this is embellished in films, see Cleopatra's Carpet). From this fact we can draw a conclusion about the queen’s fragile physique. Throwing herself at the feet of the Roman dictator, Cleopatra began to complain bitterly about her oppressors, demanding the execution of Pothinus.

52-year-old Caesar was captured by the young queen, especially since the return to the will of Ptolemy XII corresponded to his own political interests. When the next morning Caesar announced this to the 13-year-old king, he ran out of the palace in a rage and, tearing off his diadem, began shouting to the assembled people that he had been betrayed. The crowd was outraged, but Caesar at that moment managed to calm it down by reading the king’s will.

However, the situation for Caesar became more complicated. The detachment accompanying him consisted of only 7 thousand soldiers; In Africa, supporters of the murdered Pompey gathered, and these circumstances aroused the hope in the Ptolemy party to get rid of Caesar.

Pothinus and Achilles called troops to Alexandria. The execution of Pothinus by Caesar could no longer stop the uprising. The troops, supported by the townspeople, outraged by the extortion and self-will of the Romans, received a leader when Ptolemy XIII and his sister Arsinoe fled to them. As a result, Caesar in September 48 BC. e. found himself besieged and cut off from reinforcements in the royal quarter of Alexandria. Caesar and Cleopatra were saved only by the approach of reinforcements led by Mithridates of Pergamon.

The rebels were defeated on January 15, 47 BC. e. near Lake Mareotia, while fleeing, King Ptolemy drowned in the Nile. Arsinoe was captured and was then carried out in Caesar's triumph.

This was followed by a joint journey of Caesar and Cleopatra along the Nile on 400 ships, accompanied by noisy festivities. Cleopatra, formally united with her other young brother Ptolemy XIV, actually became the undivided ruler of Egypt under the Roman protectorate, the guarantee of which was the three legions left in Egypt. Soon after Caesar's departure Cleopatra gives birth to a son on June 23, 47, who was named Ptolemy Caesar, but who went down in history under the nickname given to him by the Alexandrians Caesarion. It was argued that he looked a lot like Caesar both face and posture.

Caesar fought with the king of Pontus Pharnaces, then with the last supporters of Pompey in Africa; immediately after the end of the wars, he summons Cleopatra and her brother to Rome (summer of 46 BC), formally - to conclude an alliance between Rome and Egypt. Cleopatra was given Caesar's villa in his gardens on the banks of the Tiber, where she received noble Romans who were in a hurry to pay their respects to their favorite. This caused extreme irritation among the Republicans and became one of the reasons that accelerated the death of Caesar.

There was even a rumor (reported by Suetonius and indicative of the general mood) that Caesar was going to take Cleopatra as his second wife and move the capital to Alexandria. Caesar himself ordered a gilded statue of Cleopatra to be placed at the altar of Venus the Progenitor (Venus as the mythical ancestor of the Julian family to which he belonged). Nevertheless, Caesar's official will did not contain any mention of Caesarion, whom he thus did not dare recognize as his son.

Sovereign reign of Cleopatra

Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy on March 15, 44 BC. e. A month later, in mid-April, Cleopatra left Rome and arrived in Alexandria in July.

Shortly after this, 14-year-old Ptolemy XIV died. According to Josephus, he was poisoned by his sister: the birth of a son gave Cleopatra a formal co-ruler. In this situation, her growing brother was completely unnecessary to her.

In 43 BC. e. Famine struck Egypt and the Nile did not flood for two years in a row. The queen was primarily concerned with supplying her capital, which was prone to rebellion. The three Roman legions left by the late Caesar rampaged until their withdrawal.

The war between Caesar's killers, Cassius and Brutus, on the one hand, and his heirs Antony and Octavian, on the other, required resourcefulness from the queen.

The East was in the hands of Caesar's assassins: Brutus controlled Greece and Asia Minor, and Cassius settled in Syria. Cleopatra's governor in Cyprus, Serapion, helped Cassius with money and a fleet with the undoubted consent of the queen, no matter what feelings she had for the murderers of her Roman patron. She later formally renounced Serapion's actions. On the other hand, Cleopatra equipped the fleet supposedly, as she later assured, to help the Caesarians.

In 42 BC. e. The Republicans were defeated at Philippi. The situation immediately changed for Cleopatra.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Cleopatra was 28 years old when she died in 41 BC. e. met a 40-year-old Roman commander. It is known that Antony, as commander of the cavalry, participated in the restoration of Ptolemy XII to the throne in 55, but it is unlikely that they met at that time, although Appian cites a rumor that Antony became interested in 14-year-old Cleopatra during that period. They could have met during the queen's stay in Rome, but before meeting in 41, they apparently did not know each other well.

During the division of the Roman world, carried out after the defeat of the Republicans, Antony got the East. Anthony decides to implement Caesar's project - a big campaign against the Parthians. Preparing for the campaign, he sends the officer Quintus Dellius to Alexandria to demand Cleopatra to come to him in Cilicia. He was going to accuse her of helping Caesar’s murderers, apparently hoping, under this pretext, to get as much money as possible from her for the campaign.

Cleopatra, having learned through Dellius about Antony's character and, above all, about his amorousness, vanity and love of external splendor, arrives on a ship with a gilded stern, purple sails and silvered oars; she herself sat in the outfit of Aphrodite, on both sides of her stood boys in the form of erotes with fans, and maids in the robes of nymphs steered the ship.

The ship moved along the Kidn River to the sounds of flutes and citharas, shrouded in incense smoke. She then invites Antony to her place for a sumptuous feast. Anthony was completely enchanted. The queen easily rejected the prepared accusations, saying that Serapion acted without her knowledge, and she herself equipped a fleet to help the Caesarians, but this fleet, unfortunately, was delayed by contrary winds. As a first show of courtesy to Cleopatra, Antony, at her request, ordered the immediate execution of her sister Arsinoe, who had sought refuge in the temple of Aphrodite at Ephesus.

Thus began a romance that lasted ten years, one of the most famous in history - even though we cannot judge what was the share of political calculation in relations with Antony that Cleopatra needed to carry out her plans. For his part, Anthony could only support his huge army with the help of Egyptian money.

Anthony, leaving the army, followed Cleopatra to Alexandria, where he spent the winter of 41-40. BC e., indulging in drinking and entertainment. For her part, Cleopatra tried to tie him as tightly as possible.

Plutarch says: “she played dice with him, drank together, hunted together, was among the spectators when he practiced with weapons, and at night, when he, in the dress of a slave, wandered and wandered around the city, stopping at the doors and windows of houses and showering her usual jokes on the owners - people of simple rank, Cleopatra was here next to Anthony, dressed to match him."

One day, Anthony, planning to amaze Cleopatra with his fishing skills, sent divers who constantly hooked him with a new “catch.” Cleopatra, quickly realizing this trick, for her part sent a diver who planted dried fish on Antony.

While they were having fun in this way, the Parthian prince Pacorus went on the offensive, as a result of which Rome lost Syria and the south of Asia Minor with Cilicia. Antigonus Mattathius, a prince hostile to the Romans from the Hasmonean (Maccabean) dynasty, was confirmed by the Parthians on the throne of Jerusalem. Mark Antony led a brief counter-offensive from Tyre, but was then forced to return to Rome, where, after a clash between his wife Fulvia and Octavian's supporters, a peace agreement was negotiated at Brundisium. The clashes were caused by the fault of Fulvia, who, according to Plutarch, hoped in this way to tear Antony away from Cleopatra.

At this time, Fulvia died, and Antony married Octavian's sister, Octavia. At the same time in 40 BC. e. Cleopatra in Alexandria gave birth to twins from Antony: a boy, Alexander Helios (“Sun”), and a girl, Cleopatra Selene (“Moon”).

For 3 years until the autumn of 37 BC. e. There is no information about the queen. Upon Anthony's return from Italy, the lovers meet in Antioch in the fall of 37, and from that moment a new stage in their politics and their love begins. Antony's legate Ventidius expelled the Parthians.

Antony replaces the Parthian proteges with his own vassals or direct Roman rule. Thus, the famous Herod, with his support, becomes king of Judea. Something similar is happening in Galatia, Pontus and Cappadocia. Cleopatra directly benefits from all this, since her rights to Cyprus, which she actually owned, are confirmed, as well as to the cities of the Syrian and Cilician coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the kingdom of Chalkidice in present-day Lebanon.

Thus, Cleopatra managed to partially restore the power of the first Ptolemies.

Cleopatra ordered the new era of her reign to be counted from this moment in documents. She herself took the official title Θεα Νεωτερα Φιλοπατωρ Φιλοπατρις (Fea Neotera Philopator Philopatris), that is, “the younger goddess who loves her father and fatherland.” The title was intended for the annexed Syrians, who already had a queen (senior goddess) of Ptolemaic blood, Cleopatra Thea, in the 2nd century BC. e., the title also indicated, according to historians, the Macedonian roots of Cleopatra, which was a powerful argument for the Greek-Macedonian ruling class of Syria.

Children of Cleopatra and Mark Antony

In 37-36 BC. e. Antony launched a campaign against the Parthians, which turned out to be a disaster, mainly because harsh winter in the mountains of Armenia and Media. Anthony himself barely escaped death.

Cleopatra remained in Alexandria, where in September 36 BC. e. gave birth to a third child from Anthony - Ptolemy Philadelphus. In Rome, they began to view the union of Antony and Cleopatra as a threat to the empire and to Octavian personally. The latter, in the early spring of 35, sent his sister Octavia, Antony's legal wife and the mother of his two daughters - Antonia the Elder (future grandmother of Emperor Nero) and Antonia the Younger (future mother of Germanicus and Emperor Claudius) - so that she would join her husband.

However, as soon as she reached Athens, Antony ordered her to immediately return back. This happened with the participation of Cleopatra, who threatened Anthony with suicide if he accepted his wife.

Anthony wanted to take revenge for his defeat in the war with the Parthians: in 35 BC. e. he captured the king of Armenia Artavazd II, entered into an alliance with another Artavazd - the king of Media Atropatena and celebrated a triumph, but not in Rome, but in Alexandria with the participation of Cleopatra and their common children.

A little later, Caesarion received the title of king of kings. Alexander Helios was proclaimed king of Armenia and the lands beyond the Euphrates, Ptolemy Philadelphus received (nominally, since he was about 2 years old) Syria and Asia Minor, and, finally, Cleopatra Selene II received Cyrenaica.

Not all of the granted territories were under the real control of Anthony. Josephus claims that Cleopatra also demanded Judea from Antony, but was refused.

The news of the distribution of lands caused severe indignation in Rome; Anthony clearly broke with all Roman traditions and began to pretend to be a Hellenistic monarch.

Battle of Actium

Anthony still enjoyed considerable popularity in the Senate and army, but with his antics in the Eastern Hellenistic spirit, which challenged Roman norms and traditional ideas, he himself gave Octavian a weapon against himself.

By 32 BC. e. things came to a civil war. At the same time, Octavian proclaimed it a war of “the Roman people against the Egyptian queen.” The Egyptian woman, who enslaved the Roman commander with her charms, was portrayed as the focus of everything eastern, Hellenistic-royal, alien to Rome and “Roman virtues.”

On the part of Antony and Cleopatra, a fleet of 500 ships was prepared for the war, of which 200 were Egyptian. Antony waged the war sluggishly, indulging in feasts and celebrations together with Cleopatra in all passing Greek cities and giving Octavian time to organize an army and navy.

While Antony was gathering troops to the western coast of Greece, intending to cross to Italy, Octavian himself quickly crossed to Epirus and imposed a war on Antony on its territory.

Cleopatra's stay in Antony's camp, her constant intrigues against everyone in whom she saw her ill-wishers, served Antony a disservice, prompting many of his supporters to defect to the enemy. Characteristic is the story of Antony's ardent supporter Quintus Dellius, who was nevertheless forced to defect to Octavian because he was warned that Cleopatra was going to poison him for a joke that she considered offensive to herself.

The defectors informed Octavian about the contents of Antony's will; it was immediately removed from the Temple of Vesta and published. Anthony officially recognized Cleopatra as his wife, her sons as his legitimate children, and bequeathed to bury himself not in Rome, but in Alexandria next to Cleopatra. Anthony's will completely discredited him.

Octavian, who was not a major military leader, found in Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa a competent commander who successfully waged the war. Agrippa managed to drive the fleet of Antony and Cleopatra into the Ambracian Gulf and blocked it. Their troops began to feel the lack of food.

Cleopatra insisted on a sea breakthrough. At the military council, this opinion prevailed.

The result was the naval battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BC. e. When Cleopatra feared that victory was slipping away, she decided to flee with her entire fleet in an attempt to save something else. Anthony ran after her. His defeated fleet surrendered to Octavian, and after that the demoralized land army surrendered without a fight.

Death of Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Anthony returned to Egypt and did nothing to continue the fight against Octavian. However, he had no real resources left for this. He wasted his energy in drinking bouts and luxurious festivities, and announced, together with Cleopatra, the creation of the “Union of Suicide Bombers,” whose members swore to die together. Their close associates had to enter into this union. Cleopatra tested poisons on prisoners, trying to find out which poison brought a faster and more painless death.

Cleopatra was concerned about saving Caesarion. She sent him to India, but he later returned to Egypt. At one time she herself was considering a plan to escape to India, but when she tried to transport the ships across the Suez Isthmus, they were burned by the Arabs. These plans had to be abandoned.

In the spring of 30 BC. e. Octavian marched on Egypt. Cleopatra tried to protect herself from treason with cruel measures: when the commandant of Pelusius Seleucus surrendered the fortress, she executed his wife and children. By the end of July, Octavian's troops appeared near Alexandria itself. The last units remaining with Anthony, one after another, went over to the winning side.

On August 1 it was all over. Cleopatra, with her trusted maids Irada and Charmion, locked herself in the building of her own tomb. Antony was given false news of her suicide. Anthony threw himself on his sword. Soon, dying, the women pulled him into the tomb, and he died in the arms of Cleopatra, who sobbed over him.

Cleopatra herself, holding a dagger in her hand, demonstrated her readiness for death, but entered into negotiations with Octavian’s envoy, allowing him to enter the tomb building and disarm her. Apparently, Cleopatra still retained a faint hope of seducing Octavian, or at least coming to an agreement with him, and retaining the kingdom. Octavian showed less amenability to women's charms than Caesar and Antony, and the charms of a woman in her thirties and a mother of four children may have weakened somewhat.

Last days Cleopatra is described in detail by Plutarch from the memoirs of Olympus, her doctor. Octavian allowed Cleopatra to bury her lover; her own fate remained unclear. She said she was sick and made it clear that she would starve herself to death - but Octavian’s threats to deal with the children forced her to accept treatment.

A few days later, Caesar (Octavian) himself visited Cleopatra in order to somehow console her. She lay on the bed, depressed and dejected, and when Caesar appeared at the door, she jumped up in only her tunic and threw herself at his feet. Her hair, which had not been tidied up for a long time, hung in clumps, her face was wild, her voice trembled, her eyes were dull.

Octavian gave Cleopatra encouraging words and left.

Soon, the Roman officer Cornelius Dolabella, who was in love with Cleopatra, informed her that in three days she would be sent to Rome for the triumph of Octavian. Cleopatra ordered him to give him a letter written in advance and locked herself with the maids. Octavian received a letter in which he found complaints and a request to bury her with Antony, and immediately sent people. The messengers found Cleopatra dead, in royal attire, on a golden bed. Since a peasant with a pot of figs had previously approached Cleopatra without arousing suspicion among the guards, it was decided that a snake had been brought to Cleopatra in the pot.

It was claimed that two light bites were barely visible on Cleopatra’s hand. The snake itself was not found in the room, as if it had immediately crawled out of the palace.

According to another version, Cleopatra kept poison in a hollow head pin. This version is supported by the fact that both of Cleopatra's maids died with her. It is doubtful that one snake would kill three people at once. According to Dio Cassius, Octavian tried to revive Cleopatra with the help of the Psylli, an exotic tribe that knew how to suck out poison without harming itself.

The death of Cleopatra on August 12, 30, deprived Octavian of a brilliant captive at his triumph in Rome. In the triumphal procession they carried only her statue.

Caesar's adopted son Octavian executed Caesar's own son from Cleopatra, Ptolemy XV Caesarion, in the same year. Antony's children walked in chains at the triumphant parade, then were raised by Octavian's sister Octavia, Antony's wife, "in memory of her husband."

Subsequently, Cleopatra's daughter Cleopatra Selene II was married to the Moorish king Juba II, which is why the bust of Cleopatra from Cherchell appeared.

The fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus remained unknown. It is assumed that they died early.

Egypt became one of the Roman provinces.

Cleopatra's appearance

The true appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to discern due to the romantic flair surrounding her and the numerous films; but there is no doubt that she had a sufficiently courageous and strong character to bother the Romans.

There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey her physical appearance.

A damaged bust from Cherchell in Algiers (ancient city of Caesarea Mauritanian), created after the death of Cleopatra on the occasion of the marriage of Cleopatra Selene II, her daughter from Mark Antony, with the king of Mauretania Juba II, conveys the appearance of Cleopatra in her recent years. Although this bust is sometimes attributed to Cleopatra Selene II, daughter of Cleopatra VII.

Cleopatra VII is credited with Hellenistic busts depicting young attractive women with typically Greek faces, but the persons from whom the bust was made are not clearly identified.

It is believed that busts depicting Cleopatra VII are kept in the Berlin Museum and the Vatican Museum, but the classical appearance makes one suspect that the image is idealized.

The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a protruding chin and a hooked nose (hereditary features of the Ptolemies).

On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm and attractiveness, she used this well for seduction and, in addition, had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind. As he writes, who saw portraits of Cleopatra: “For the beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and amazes at first sight, but her manner was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with the rare persuasiveness of her speeches, with the enormous charm that shone through in everyone word, in every movement, firmly embedded in the soul. The very sounds of her voice caressed and delighted the ear, and her tongue was like a multi-stringed instrument, easily tuned to any mood, to any dialect.”

While the Greeks generally neglected the education of their daughters, even in royal families, Cleopatra clearly had good education, which, superimposed on her natural intelligence, gave excellent results.

Cleopatra became a true polyglot queen, speaking, in addition to her native Greek, Egyptian (the first of her dynasty made efforts to master it, perhaps only with the exception of Ptolemy VIII Physcon), Aramaic, Ethiopian, Persian, Hebrew and the language of the Berbers (the people who lived in southern Libya).

Her linguistic abilities did not bypass Latin, although enlightened Romans, such as Caesar, themselves were fluent in Greek.

The name Cleopatra - symbols, hieroglyphic spelling, transliteration

Cleopatra in the movies:

♦ Cleopatra (Cléopâtre, France, 1899) - silent black and white film, directed by Georges Méliès, in the role of Cleopatra, Jeanne D'Alcy;
♦ Cleopatra (Cléopâtre, France, 1910) - silent black and white film based on William Shakespeare’s play “Antony and Cleopatra”, directors: Henry Andreani and Ferdinand Zecca, in the role of Cleopatra Madeleine Roche;
♦ Cleopatra (Cleopatra, USA, 1912) - silent black and white film, directed by Charles L. Gaskill, starring Helen Gardner as Cleopatra;
♦ Cleopatra (Cleopatra, USA, 1917) - silent black and white film, directed by J. Gordon Edwards, starring Ted Bahr as Cleopatra, the film is considered lost;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1934) - Oscar nominee, in the role of Claudette Colbert;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (film, 1945) - in the role of ;
♦ Antony and Cleopatra (film, 1951) - in the role of Pauline Letts;
♦ Two Nights with Cleopatra (film) (1953) - in the role of ;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1963) - Oscar nominee, in the role of Cleopatra Elizabeth Taylor;
♦ I, Cleopatra and Antony (film) (1966) - in the role of Stavras Paravas;
♦ Cleopatra's Legions (1959) - as Linda Crystal;
♦ Asterix and Cleopatra (cartoon, 1968) - voiced Cleopatra by Micheline Dax;
♦ Antony and Cleopatra (film, 1974) - in the role of Janet Sazman;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (1979) - in the role of ;
♦ Crazy Nights of Cleopatra (film) (1996) - as Marcella Petrelli;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1999) - in the role of Leonor Varela;
♦ Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (film, 2002) - played the role of Cleopatra;
♦ Julius Caesar (film, 2002) - the role of Cleopatra was played by Samuela Sardo;
♦ Roman Empire. August (film) (2003) - as Anna Valle;
♦ Rome (2005-2007) - HBO/BBC television drama, in the role of Cleopatra Lindsay Marshall

Cleopatra in art:

Poems “Cleopatra” (Pushkin, Bryusov, Blok, Akhmatova);
Alexander Pushkin “Egyptian Nights”;
William Shakespeare "Antony and Cleopatra";
Bernard Shaw "Caesar and Cleopatra";
Georg Ebers "Cleopatra";
Henry Rider Haggard "Cleopatra"
Margaret George's The Cleopatra Diaries (1997);
Davtyan Larisa. "Cleopatra" (poetic cycle);
A. Vladimirov “Cleopatra’s Rule” (musical drama);
Maria Hadley. "Queen of Queens";
N. Pavlishcheva. "Cleopatra";
Théophile Gautier "The Night Given by Cleopatra"