What happens if you wash your hair every day? Experts' opinion. Cleanliness of the body - to wash or not to wash?

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Since childhood, we have been taught that frequent washing spoils our hair, but proper care can work wonders on the volume of our hair. However, as it turns out, most of these immutable truths are nothing more than a myth.

Myth No. 1. The more often you cut your hair, the faster it will grow.

Since hair grows not from the tip, but from the root, cutting does not affect the growth rate in any way. In addition, shaving your head, contrary to popular belief, does not affect hair thickness, since the number of hair follicles is genetically determined in each person.

Myth No. 2. Drying your hair naturally is better than a hair dryer.

If you have short hair, which dry in a few minutes, it is not necessary to use a hair dryer to dry them. However, it is preferable to blow-dry long hair, since water molecules, penetrating into the hair structure, literally wash away the keratin from it, making it brittle and dry.

Myth No. 3. Hair “gets used” to shampoo

Since hair, like nails, consists of dead tissue, there can be no talk of any “addiction”. In other words, if you wash your hair with the same shampoo for a long time, your hair will not get dirty faster or grow slower - this can be influenced by many factors, but not the “habit” of your hair to a particular brand.

Myth #4: Dry scalp is the main cause of dandruff.

Myth No. 5. Split ends of hair can be restored

Using special masks or oils, you can temporarily “close” split ends, however, to get rid of them, you will still have to cut your hair from time to time.

Any girl counts her hair business card. But what to do if lately Have you noticed that your curls are starting to get greasy quite quickly? Most people who are faced with a similar problem begin to wash their hair more and more often. But isn't such frequent washing harmful to our hair?

Hair washing rules

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that there is no optimal period of time between two shampooing sessions. It all depends on the hair type. For example, if you have normal hair, then you shouldn’t wash it more often than once every five days.

If you have dry hair, then the frequency of washing your hair should not be less than once a week.

And one more thing: quite often those with dry hair try to get rid of itching by washing their hair too often. But unfortunately, this will only make the situation worse.

The reason for this effect is the fact that any shampoo dries out the skin a little. And with more frequent use, such drying increases significantly. That is why such a problem should be treated not by frequent hair washing, but by special cosmetics.

But those girls who have oily hair will have to wash it more often than everyone else. Optimal frequency washing in this case is two to three days. In this case, you can look great without causing much damage to your hair.

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question “ is it possible to wash your hair every day? - No. Some experts advise generally reducing the use of all kinds of water procedures to a minimum, since the chemistry that is present even in ordinary water, is very harmful to health.

But in my opinion, such an approach will indicate not so much concern for one’s own health, but rather sloppiness.

But you also can’t brush aside the obvious harm to the health of your hair from excessive use of a variety of shampoos. The ideal solution in this situation, as usual, will be somewhere in the middle.

Why you can't wash your hair every day

The main reason for this limitation is the fact that any shampoo, even the most gentle one, will certainly destroy the protection of your curls, which is represented by the fatty layer of each hair. And here's the phenomenon: the more diligently you try to get rid of this fat layer, the more it becomes every time.

Most likely, almost every owner of oily curls has noticed that if you wash your hair every morning for several weeks in a row, then by the evening there will be nothing left of a beautiful and clean hairstyle. But you just have to make a little volitional effort and start washing your hair at least once every two days, and after a while you notice that by the evening your hair doesn’t look so bad.

In addition, if you start washing your hair every day, then you will also have to use a hair dryer every day. And this will definitely affect your appearance in a negative way. And who wants to become a “happy” owner of brittle and weak hair with split ends?

Why hair gets oily too quickly: main reasons

Before we think about proper care, you need to figure it all out possible reasons the appearance of excess fat.

These include:

  • Lack of vitamins. Excess sebum under the hairline can be a signal from our body that there is not enough nutrients. And in this case, the first thing you need to do is review your diet;
  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body. Don’t forget to drink at least two liters a day, because you need to moisturize not only your skin, but also your hair;
  • Improper hair care. Even if you wash your hair once every three days, and your head is still oily, you may need to pay attention to the way you wash it. The water should not be too hot or too cold. You should not rub shampoo into the roots with all your might; it will be best if you combine regular washing with a gentle skin massage;
  • Using low-quality styling products. If you spray a little hairspray on your curls every day, then by the end of the second day, your hair will look like dirty tow. So you shouldn’t use styling products unnecessarily; it’s not every day that you go to an event.

Also, do not forget about a variety of nourishing masks for curls. After all, each of our hairs needs careful care. Ideal option There will be a mask carefully selected for your type, which should be applied once a week.

You have to wash your hair every day: what to do?

Well, that's it negative aspects We have already described the transition to daily hair washing, but what to do if you are reading our article after the fact. What if you can no longer cope with your constantly oily hair? In this case, we can wish you only one thing - patience!

After all, in order for the hairline to return to normal, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort. First of all, you need to suddenly stop washing your hair every day. Of course, in this case you have to go with dirty head, but later your hair will look simply gorgeous.

First, try doing a “headwash” once every two days! By the way, it is best to start such a rehabilitation course in the winter, since under a hat it is easiest to hide the mess that is going on on your head for the first time. Over time, slowly increase the break from two days to three or four.

Attention! Quite a few sources on the Internet suggest not washing your hair for a month so that your curls stop quickly becoming oily. But this option is absolutely unacceptable.

Firstly, if you don’t wash for a month, you can get lice as a “pleasant” bonus for virtually oil-free hair. And secondly, even if you are not afraid of these cute little insects, it is simply indecent to leave the house in this form. So let's do without extreme species eliminating the need to wash your curls too often.

Now regarding more specific ways to get rid of excess fat. First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of your shampoo. If you can’t find a suitable hair care product for a long time, then perhaps it makes sense to make your own shampoo.

To do this, you need to buy a special soap base for shampoo. Regular baby shampoo will also work. Add a few drops of what you like to the product. essential oil and a weak decoction of chamomile or mint. You can use this shampoo in the same way as a regular one.

If you constantly use a balm, you can replace it with a regular one. apple cider vinegar. The advantage of this home remedy is the absence of a film that envelops each hair after using the balm, which contributes to rapid contamination. In addition, vinegar does not weigh down your curls, which cannot but have a positive effect on your appearance.

As you can see, washing your hair every day is still harmful and there are quite enough ways to get rid of such a habit.

The main thing is that you should not expect quick results, because your curls need a little time to get used to the new way of life. So be patient and you can get your hair in order!

Did you know that if too wash often, can you cause great harm to your health? And is there much truth in the expression “washing your body means you won’t live long”? Despite the fact that daily self-care is most optimal, excessive Keeping your body clean can be detrimental to your health.

Hygiene is the basis! From all sides we are constantly bombarded with calls to take intensive and complex care of our bodies or homes. More and more innovative and sophisticated balms, creams, lotions, scrubs, antibacterial soaps are constantly appearing on the market... It’s hard to resist all this variety - it’s a sin not to try! Moreover, they are all designed to give us beauty and care. But isn't this an exaggeration?

Why is it harmful to wash frequently?

Usage large quantity body care products, combined with an overly sterile environment, which we create for ourselves by using various chemicals, leads to disorders of the protective functions of the skin. The result is increased sensitivity of the body to external irritants and allergies.

Among the results of excessive hygiene, one can also find numerous irritations of the skin, which does not have time to cope with the conditions that we create for it. Various redness appears, the skin becomes very dry (remember that the use of balms creates vicious circle- dependence of the skin on chemical moisturizing).

Excessive use of antibacterial and disinfectants especially unsafe for children, whose immune system is still learning to fight germs. For such a baby, who is constantly in “sterile” conditions, when the house is immaculately clean, contact with the natural environment (for example, a school or playground) can be fraught with the appearance of a rash, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, instead of focusing on fighting bacteria, it is better to allow them to develop in moderation and not go too far with excessive cleanliness.

Where is the golden mean?

Of course, all of the above does not mean that from today you need to switch to showering once a week exclusively using liquid soap. Among all this hygiene madness, it is necessary find balance, which will allow us to take care of both cleanliness, health and well-being.

For house cleaning Try not to use strong disinfectants, which can lead to allergies or skin problems. Better to use natural, eco-friendly products that do not harm environment and your hands. For example, this could be mustard powder for washing dishes, vinegar for cleaning an oven, refrigerator, coffee maker or citric acid for cleaning bathtubs, toilets, kettles, etc.

For daily care it is better to stick to simple rinsing the body with water, without using any chemicals. It is better to use gels as rarely as possible, since most of them dry out the skin greatly. The best option will give up chemistry altogether, switching to natural wash body using fruits, berries, coffee grounds, etc. On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for homemade body cleansing products made from natural products.

It also matters washing method- try not to use hard sponges or scrubs, because they unnecessarily damage top layer skin, causing micro-trauma and redness.

It is very important that the detergent has a suitable pH level. The skin especially does not like alkali, as it can lead to irritation and damage the lipid layer.

Limit your intake of aromatics bubble baths up to once a week. Excess fluid can damage the protective layer of the skin, leading to excessive dryness.

Don't use multiple different medications(e.g. shower gel, lotion, strengthener) at a time. Each of them can enter the bloodstream and affect the body's hormonal balance.

In days summer heat the city often suffers from a lack of wind. Exhaust fumes make it difficult to breathe, and your hair always seems dirty. Therefore, they have to be washed frequently. On the one hand, the feeling of freshness tones and charges with optimism, but if you wash your hair every day, what will happen? Perhaps your hair will become thin and brittle? Or, on the contrary, will they gain brightness and strength? The truth can only be found out through experience. Is it worth risking the health of your own hair or will there be no risk at all? Let's check.

Cleanliness is the key to what?

Let's think about why a person takes care of his own hygiene? Why can’t he give up this tiring routine, calmly get covered in a layer of dirt, or at least limit himself to a weekly shower? Why do we constantly invent new personal hygiene products? And they appear wet wipes, disinfectants or thermal water for the face. Being clean makes us feel comfortable and confident. We understand that we look presentable, exude a pleasant aroma and, therefore, make a good impression. Washing your hair is a necessary daily procedure for modern man. It’s not for nothing that clean hair is featured in most commercials. Can you imagine a politician with a dirty head? A brilliant actress with oily curls? Whatever you say, people are still judged by their clothes. So cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also good luck, beauty, attractiveness and an important image component.

Who washes their hair more often?

For men, washing their hair is a task of a couple of minutes; applied shampoo, massaged and rinsed. But for representatives of the fair half of humanity, this is a whole complex of procedures that lasts for 30-40 minutes. Sometimes the passion for one’s own hair reaches the brink of absurdity, when a girl seriously thinks that she needs to wash her hair every day in order to achieve an exceptional effect. It’s not enough to just use shampoo; comprehensive care is provided with the help of conditioner, balm, several masks and an arsenal of hair oils! Isn't it too difficult? Maybe this is actually harmful? Half of the population asks this question from time to time, but there is still no concrete answer.

I have an opinion

A certain group of experts believe that frequent hair washing removes oil from the scalp. At the same time, the skin strives to replenish losses and produces more sebum, and therefore the hair becomes dirty faster. Of course, there are emergencies. For example, an evening hairstyle with a large number varnish and other styling products simply require rinsing off. There is no time for thinking anymore. But, you see, this situation is the exception rather than the rule, and therefore does not require special consideration. In addition, there is a group of experts who believe that daily washing scalp does not harm either the hair structure or the scalp. If a person lives in big city with strong gas pollution, then the hair is really exposed to toxins. This is especially true for residents of industrial areas. Harmful substances It is imperative to wash it off, and as quickly as possible.

Is this necessary?

So, we find ourselves at a fork in the road. Washing your hair every day if there is no indication is excessive scrupulosity, which can provoke a number of not entirely pleasant consequences. But not washing your hair if there are such indications is simply stupid. How do you know if there is a need for washing your hair every day? You cannot give out such information at random, since each person is individual, as is his body. In addition, the condition of the hair also matters, which is influenced by heredity, diet, as well as the health of the scalp and condition. internal organs. In addition, you always need to take into account the territorial location of your place of residence, climate and the list of hair care products used. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to wash your hair with shampoo every day can only be answered after systematic observations of your hair in everyday life.

Determining the need

There are four types of hair: dry, normal, oily and damaged. The latter are close in appearance and care characteristics to dry hair. Normal hair represents a conventional ideal and therefore is as unpretentious as possible in care. They need to be washed as they become dirty, using conditioner to saturate the hair with oxygen. It is recommended to use the balm, but not more than once a week. Oily hair is a little more difficult to manage, as it requires the use of lightweight shampoos and specific care products. You need to rinse thoroughly and avoid applying balms to the scalp.

Problem hair

For dry and damaged hair, a softening, restorative shampoo rich in nutrients is indicated. Thanks to this comprehensive care, hair becomes elastic, gains shine and is moisturized. Dry and damaged hair needs deep hydration and nutrition, using medicinal balms and applying masks twice or thrice a week. You can often “nourish” your hair with masks self-cooking to improve blood circulation in the scalp. You should not wash your hair every day if your hair is dry and damaged, as this destroys it and dries out the scalp, causing dandruff. They suggest washing once a week or even less often. We also need to mention another problematic type - combined. Such hair is somewhat dry at the ends, but oily at the roots. Caring for such hair must be specific. In particular, masks are selected for oily hair, and shampoos for dry hair.

We develop a reasonable approach

Dermatologists and stylists don't object to daily hair washing, but they don't recommend it either. Essentially, hair is a fiber that makes it look worse when washed. This is how the hair becomes drier and loses its elasticity. Hair is greatly damaged by styling gels and fixing varnishes, which are frightening in their composition. In addition, the frequency of use of such products seriously affects the frequency of washing. It is better not to comb with a comb and prefer a massage brush. This way, sebum will not be transferred from the roots to the ends of the hair. Of course, there may be less fat if you wash your hair every day. What will happen in this case with general condition hair? As mentioned above, appearance and the health of the curls will be undermined. What if you wash your hair? hot water and blow dry, hair loss may increase. If the curls have been dyed, then daily washing “steals” their shine and color.

What happens if you wash your hair every day? An unpredictable reaction, and with a greater probability we can say that the result will not be happy. For example, long, coarse and curly hair should not be washed more than once or twice a week. It is quite difficult to handle them and to wash them. But those with thin hair can perform ablution every 2-3 days. Normal if you wash your hair every day. What will happen to them next? It all depends on you, but bringing your curls back to their previous ideal state is much more difficult than getting them out of it.

Finally, it is worth considering the option that we forgot to pay attention to. How to solve the problem of washing if a person has a bald head? Maybe he should give up washing altogether and move on to simply wiping his skull?! Don't go to extremes. If a person goes bald due to age, heredity or other reasons beyond his control, then he also has every opportunity to stop the process or even reverse it. But in such situations, it is worth adding the use of special masks, oils and balms to washing. There is also a second option, when a bald head is not a forced measure, but a completely real goal and the image component of a person. Even in this case, the scalp needs hydration and nutrition. And it requires more care, since it is not protected by hair, and therefore experiences great exposure to weather disasters and receives ultraviolet radiation. A bald head can and should be washed every day, but do not forget about care products that replenish the protective layer.

It is a well-known fact that showering more than once a day or using very harsh soaps or gels that alter the normal acidity of the skin can lead to the development of skin diseases. Experts in cosmetology do not recommend using gels and soaps with a pH higher than 5.5. They damage the skin, rendering its hydrolipid layer unusable.

The habit of taking a shower has undoubtedly become firmly established in our lives in order to finally wake up in the morning or, conversely, to relax in the evening, and simply enjoy the cleansing effect of water. This usually takes from 5 to 10 minutes, using gels, soap and a sponge. The rules of personal hygiene, the habit of cleanliness and bodily comfort - these are the reasons that send us to the shower. Where is the line between hygiene and “ultra hygiene”? And what happens if you overdo it? Are there any health risks to this? Specialists in family medicine and dermatology will answer this question in the affirmative. Frequently washing the body and/or using inadequate products can cause significant harm to our skin.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, the most extensive. In addition, this is the first barrier that protects us from harmful microorganisms that live in external environment, and contacts with various objects and possible damage.

One of the components of the skin is its surface hydrolipid layer - a kind of “mantle”. It consists of fats, water and other elements that help retain water in the skin. To perform its functions, the skin must be well hydrated. Dear readers, if you are not reading this article on the website of the Embassy of Medicine, then it was borrowed there illegally. The hydrolipid layer protects it in a natural way, but few people know about it, and often it does not have the necessary and proper care.

In normal conditions, the surface of the skin maintains almost constant acidity with a pH of about 5.5. This is exactly what prevents germs, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms from easily penetrating the skin and developing in it. It is very important for a person not to disturb this natural acidity of the skin. When this happens, the skin becomes defenseless against external microbial influences, and this is not an exaggeration or a rare case.

The habit of taking a shower several times a day or using very alkaline gels to wash the body is to blame for the thinning of our protective “mantle” and the development of pathological processes in the skin, as specialists in family medicine are well aware of.

According to dermatology and cosmetology, our skin is ready to withstand only one shower a day. If this is done more often and not just with soap and water, then excessive dryness and damage to the skin develops, which are accompanied by the occurrence of skin diseases: diseases caused by excessive hygiene appear.

First of all, such situations are characterized by the appearance of atopic dermatitis and eczema. This occurs in 10% of the population, most often in children. When this disease occurs, the skin's hydrolipid protection no longer exists and it rapidly loses water, resulting in extreme dryness. skin. The result of this is the appearance of itching, tingling, scratching of the skin, and redness in areas of inflammation. The disease is chronic in nature, improving its course when taken medicines and medical intervention.

Another problem that often arises from the loss of normal skin acidity is infection. The skin becomes a victim of attack by a variety of infectious pathogens.

An example of this would be pityriasis versicolor, appearing as white spots and pigmentation disorders on the skin of the back and arms.

Skin with a damaged hydrolipid layer becomes more sensitive and frequent allergic reactions. Usually in this case, an allergy occurs to the components of gels and soaps. Sometimes atopic dermatitis and lichen are combined. A typical cause of such deprivation is the habit of using swimming pools that are filled with chlorine, which damages the hydrolipidic layer and makes the skin defenseless against infections.