Ringworm on the male genitals. Common causes and types of genital lichen

Sometimes men develop lichen on the penis. Unfortunately, this problem is not immediately noticeable. That is why, when a man discovers trouble, it is already at a serious stage.

It is advisable to contact a dermatovenerologist as soon as possible so that the treatment is faster and more effective.

Is it contagious

This disease is not transmitted. So you may not have to worry about sex or domestic contacts. However, it is worth considering that if a man suffers from such lichen, it means that not everything is in order with the immune system. Therefore, there may be other infections and viruses present in the body.

And we should not forget that research and statistics indicate that this infection is not contagious. However, humanity is changing, becoming resistant to what was previously ill, and vice versa.

That is why, if such a problem occurs on the penis, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse until the problem is completely eliminated. Otherwise, there is a risk that the partner will no longer be immune to such a disease due to some genetic mutations.

Is it dangerous to health?

This problem does not pose a threat. At least if the lichen is localized only on the penis. However, this does not mean that the problem is not worth fighting, because these are fungal formations, and they tend to grow in the absence of restraining factors.

It also slightly weakens the immune system and, in principle, indicates its weakness. That is why it is advisable to get rid of such a nuisance. Otherwise, over time, other problems are sometimes added to this seemingly insignificant disease. And the latter may be more serious.

What does it look like

The disease manifests itself in different forms, depending on the stage. At first nothing is noticeable, but already at this stage slight discomfort is possible. However, this does not manifest itself in everyone, because the degree of sensitivity varies among men.

Then it appears in the following sequence:

  1. White rash. This is why the problem is called lichen planus on the penis.
  2. Plaques of the same color.
  3. The plaques become crusty and the color changes to red or pink.

The rash is already visible to the eye, but it can easily be confused with goose bumps if a man likes a cool shower. However, then the rash merges into plaques. It’s hard not to notice these anymore. Then the plaques begin to peel off, and a crust appears on top of them.

Such formations differ in hypertrophic, vesicular, ring-shaped and pigmented. However, it is not so easy to distinguish them from photos. This is another reason why you should see a doctor.

The rash and plaques look like nodules. More often these are ring-shaped formations. Sometimes the spot in the middle of the ring is dark. Other forms are much less common. All varieties need treatment, otherwise they will progress.

Why does it occur

The reasons for this problem are different. Sometimes it's stress. We are not talking about just one or a couple of such conditions, but about regular nervous overexertion.

This is why it is so important to develop a calm and positive attitude in any situation. This is difficult to combine with an adequate perception of reality, but it’s worth trying and making it a habit.

Also, red versicolor on the penis occurs as a result of various diseases that weaken the immune system. After all, the main reason lies precisely in the weakening of the body’s defense system, otherwise the fungus simply would not be allowed to multiply. Therefore, any factor that weakens the immune system can indirectly cause lichen.

Lastly is the lack of proper personal hygiene. However, one should not think that it is only a matter of insufficient procedures. Of course, in such a situation, dirt accumulates, the immune system can no longer cope, and the fungus creates additional favorable conditions for reproduction.

However, even with excessive hygiene, such a problem sometimes arises. The fact is that in this case, the body’s protective layer disappears and pathogenic microorganisms develop more easily.

It is important to consider that even with a calm and measured life, good genetics and a competent lifestyle in general, a weak immune system is enough for this trouble to occur. And if this happens, it is important to check the body for autoimmune diseases.

Such diseases are dangerous because a person has little or no protection against infections. And such people often become infected at the first minor contact with sick people, for example, while standing in line.

The illness that occurs afterwards is often severe, and therefore it is important to immediately begin the fight not only against all infections, but also against the autoimmune problem.

Typically, this problem is encountered between the ages of 15 and 45 years. It is extremely rare that such a nuisance is caused by genetics. Often these are men with weak immunity and prone to stress. Often this problem goes side by side with some chronic diseases.

How to deal with lichen

To overcome the problem, you should first undergo diagnostics. For these purposes the following is used:

  • histology;
  • sowing scales;
  • examination of fragments under a microscope.

The doctor will also examine the rash. It is important to understand that the symptoms of this problem are similar to the manifestations of other diseases, including syphilis. This is why differential diagnosis, that is, one that will help distinguish one problem from another, is so important.

If lichen is found on the head of the penis or on another part of this organ, a course of treatment is prescribed. It is advisable to follow this to the end to achieve results.

Injections of calcium gluconate, as well as other drugs with similar effects, help. Antihistamines are also used. It is possible to prescribe sedatives. If the disease has spread further, antibiotics are prescribed. They also use immune agents, for example, Cycloferon. Corticosteroid ointments are used for local treatment.

The doctor will also advise removing any factors that create favorable conditions for the development of or.

It is difficult to say how long it will take to fight, because it largely depends on the individual person, his immunity, and allergies. However, if you consult a doctor at the initial stage, you will definitely be able to overcome the problem within a month.


It is important to treat ringworm on the penis. This is not some harmless formation on the skin. The sooner you start treatment, the faster the problem will be dealt with. In addition, timely control of the disease will eliminate complications.

Quite often, patients turn to a dermatologist with skin diseases such as lichen. At the same time, many patients do not even suspect that they have lichen on their skin, and not a rash of another nature.

Among adults, there is a mistakenly widespread stereotype that lichen is an exclusively childhood disease that occurs during contact with street animals.

But this is not at all true; lichen can have a very large list of causative factors. And with almost a 50/50 chance, lichen can appear in both children and adult patients.

Most often, adults experience lichen planus. It is a chronic disease that can affect not only the skin, but even the mucous membranes. In rare cases, ringworm can even affect the nails.

Why does lichen ruber appear?

Research to determine the causes of lichen planus (LP) is ongoing. This is due to the fact that the exact factors that contribute to this disease have not yet been identified.

Scientists name only hypothetical reasons that unite most patients with lichen ruber. But at the same time, these reasons do not have scientific confirmation.

Let us list the main factors that, according to scientists, can contribute to the emergence of LP:

  • Impaired immune system. Among patients who have been diagnosed with LP, the following immune diseases are quite often detected: vitiligo, alopecia areata, ulcerative colitis.
  • Impact of stress. Strong experiences, emotional fatigue and shock, according to research, can not only provoke the appearance of lichen ruber, but also intensify the exacerbation of the disease.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin. Places of the skin where a person has scratches, abrasions, chafing and other damage can become areas where new foci of lichen ruber are localized. The mucous membranes of the mouth can be injured by sharp edges of teeth, dentures, and in places that are constantly susceptible to injury, lichen ruber may also appear.
  • Taking medications. In rare cases, patients claim that the appearance of lichen ruber on the mucous membranes of the mouth was associated with the start of taking the following drug groups: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; sulfonylurea derivatives; medicines for malaria; beta blockers; painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Aspirin). In these cases, the patient must consult a dermatologist.
  • Allergic reactions. The mucous membranes of the mouth may be susceptible to the appearance of red lichen if the patient has an allergic reaction to the components and flavors that are included in toothpastes, mixtures for filling teeth and dentures. For this reason, lichen ruber versicolor may require replacing toothpaste or dentures to make it disappear.

Is LP contagious?

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether LLP is a contagious disease.

The answer to this question is negative; this type of lichen is not transmitted between people and is not contagious.

The danger is that in some patients, LP can be provoked by viral hepatitis C. And this disease is sexually transmitted.

Therefore, if you find out that your loved ones have been diagnosed with LP, be sure to consult with your doctor on how to protect yourself from contracting hepatitis. The doctor will definitely prescribe a test for hepatitis C.

These measures are not unnecessary, since hepatitis C can develop in the body for a long time without showing any external symptoms.

What symptoms can you use to identify LP?

We will describe specific symptoms that can help identify LLP in various areas of the body.

Face, chest, torso, legs, arms, groin area

  • Ringworm begins to form with the appearance of dark red to purple nodules (lumps) on the skin.
  • The nodules cause severe itching. The initial lesions are localized in the joints of the arms and legs.
  • After 2 to 3 weeks, nodules begin to appear on other parts of the body.
  • The most severe itching is caused by groups of nodules on the fingers.

Lichen ruber in the listed areas has the following forms:

  1. Ring-shaped. Nodules on the skin appear in whole groups. As they develop within the group, they disappear, and new ones are added around the edges. Therefore, the lichen looks like a ring.
  2. Vesicular. Over time, fluid-filled blisters appear on areas of lichen. This form is often found on the back, legs, buttocks and mouth.
  3. Warty. From the initial nodules, hard and compacted plaques form. Frequent locations: finger joints, shins, ankles.

Tongue and oral mucosa

Ringworm looks like a small red lump. This form can be characterized by either a complete absence of any symptoms or manifest as painful ulcers.


Ringworm in the genital area is more often diagnosed in men than in women.

Ringworm on the genitals causes the following symptoms:

  • Severe scratching in the localized area.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

Areas of localization of lichen on the genitals:

  1. In men - the area of ​​the foreskin; scrotal skin; head of the penis. The shape of lichen is ring-shaped.
  2. In women - the labia, the inner walls of the vagina. The growth of lichen leads to narrowing of the vagina and urethra, as well as difficulty urinating.

Nails and scalp

Lichen ruber on the scalp is a brown lump with scales on top. This type of lichen causes severe itching and even hair loss.

When lichen ruber is localized on the nails, the following symptoms appear:

  • The nail plate becomes deformed and becomes covered with grooves.
  • The color of the nails becomes brown, they become cloudy and thicken.

How is the treatment carried out?

The choice of treatment method for lichen ruber depends on the area in which the disease occurred and how seriously it has progressed.

Methods of treatment for localized lichen on the skin

In this case, the disease should go away on its own. But this may take a long period. To speed it up, your doctor may give the following recommendations:

  • Ointments based on corticosteroid hormones. They must be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day.
  • Corticosteroid injections (Triamcinolone acetonide).
  • Acitretin course.
  • Corticosteroid tablets (Prednisolone). Reception within 21 – 42 days.
  • Phototherapy sessions 2 – 3 times a week.

Treatment of diseases in the mouth

Doctors note that if lichen tumors in the mouth do not cause pain or discomfort, then there is no need to treat them.

Otherwise, the doctor will recommend the following treatment methods:

  • Laser cauterization of lesions.
  • Preparations with corticosteroid hormones.
  • Medicines based on pimecrolimus (the effectiveness of this treatment has not been scientifically proven).

As noted in the reasons, lichen ruber in the mouth can occur due to constant trauma to the mucous membrane from tartar and sharp edges of the teeth. In addition, the composition of mixtures for dental treatment can have an effect. Therefore, before starting treatment for lichen on the oral mucous membranes, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Treatment of lichen on the genitals

  • Local application of corticosteroid ointments (Clobetasol, Triamcinolone).
  • Ointments containing Tacrolimus (Protopic).
  • Water-based lubricators with ice-caine. Necessary if the patient experiences pain during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of LP when localized on the nails and scalp

If a patient is diagnosed with lichen ruber on the scalp, treatment must be started immediately, as lichen causes hair loss that cannot be reversed.

Treatment is as follows:

  • Ointments with corticosteroid hormones.
  • Corticosteroid hormones.

Treatment of red lichen on nails occurs in a similar way.

In the long list of skin diseases, united under the general name “lichen,” the most unpleasant are those that target the human genitals - in both men and women. The first are bothered by lichen on the penis, itchy rashes on the testicles, the second suffer from irritation in the labia area. It is not always possible to accurately determine the cause of lichen. Fungi and viruses can provoke diseases of the genital organs, but doctors even suspect an autoimmune reaction in some “unsolved crimes.” However, lichens on the genitals can be cured quite successfully.

Rash and peeling on the genitals: what could it be?

There are several types of lichen on the list of suspects. Some require mandatory treatment, others can present a surprise - they will go away on their own and for no reason.

Lichen planus

The most mysterious lichen, since doctors still cannot determine the etiology of this dermatosis. Potential culprits include dysfunctions of the central nervous system or immune system and viruses. The incidence rate is low - 1-2% of the entire world population; victims most often are adults who have crossed the 40-year mark. Those at risk of contracting this sexual pathology are those for whom frequent stressful situations and contact with stray animals are common.

LP in men is as rare as in women, with the only exception being its oral form, which prefers the weaker sex. The main symptoms are skin rashes. They are flat, rise slightly above its surface, have a crimson-red color, irregular shape, and a diameter of 3 to 5 mm. Then, merging, the spots form large plaques on the genitals.

Lichen planus on the penis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • papules that are flat-topped and shiny;
  • rashes in the absence of itching;
  • lichen on the penis has a characteristic mesh pattern called Wickham's sign;
  • If you injure the skin of the penis, another element of the rash will appear at the site of the wound.

Lichen planus of the vulva and vagina can be suspected by the following list of symptoms:

  • The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of white stripes in the area of ​​the labia. There is no itching or burning during this period.
  • But there is pain during penetrative sex due to the narrowing of the vaginal opening during illness.
  • It is possible that the color of the vulva may change to pale white, pink or red, as well as the formation of weeping lesions. Green or yellow discharge may occur.

Pityriasis versicolor

The culprit of this type of lichen on the genitals is known for certain - it is a yeast-like fungus that exists in three forms: Malassezia furfur, Pityrosporum ovale and Pityrosporum orbiculare. These diseases can easily transform into each other. They usually behave peacefully, but extremely unfavorable conditions contribute to their rapid growth, which leads to pathology in the genital area. The disease prefers men, people with large body weight, those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, and also have oily skin.

This lichen has other names - multi-colored, colored, summer and sunny.

  1. Lichen versicolor begins with the appearance of numerous tiny spots on the body that do not rise above the surface of the skin. They have an irregular shape, and their edges are not clearly defined. Their color changes from flesh to brown. Later the spots will fade. Intense tanning does not change the picture.
  2. The affected areas peel slightly, but there is no pain. Without treatment, their area inexorably increases, the result is a large flaky spot.
  3. Pityriasis versicolor practically does not bother the owners; sometimes mild itching and some discomfort during sexual intercourse are noticed.

Diagnosis of this dermatosis is not too difficult. Identification of versicolor is based on the detection of fungal mycelium by laboratory methods.

This type, also called Zhiber's disease, is of an infectious-allergic nature. Just like the pityriasis variety, which is active in the summer, pityriasis rosea tends to be seasonal - it runs amok in the spring and autumn. This acute dermatosis often appears after a person has had a cold without seeing a doctor.

Men and women who are promiscuous should undergo a full examination by a venereologist at least 2 times a year.

The causative agent of pityriasis rosea is still considered the main subject of debate: some argue that herpesvirus type 7 is to blame, others believe that the culprit is the respiratory syncytial virus.

How it manifests itself:

  1. First, one or 2-3 maternal plaques appear on the body. Their color is bright pink, their diameter can reach 5 cm. Peeling is noticeable in the center, which soon disappears.
  2. Then the color of the mother's spots changes: they become yellow-brown, and a pink border appears around the perimeter of the affected areas. This resemblance to a medallion makes it easier for dermatologists, so diagnosing this pathology of the genital organs is very simple.
  3. After about a week or two, the patient discovers other rounded elements on the body: they are the same color, but smaller in size, which is why they are called daughter elements. Localization sites can be any area of ​​the skin, the genitals are no exception. Over time, the younger spots in the center turn yellow and, just like the larger ones, acquire a pink border.

The duration of the appearance of new elements is 2-3 weeks, then the spots reluctantly fade and then disappear completely, leaving healthy areas of the skin without pigmentation. But the skin will successfully restore its previous color after a short period of time.


The disease is caused by viruses belonging to the herpetic family - Varicella-zoster. They are famous for the fact that they can provoke 2 different diseases at once - herpes zoster, which is also called herpes zoster, and chickenpox. It is the latter pathology that is responsible for the occurrence of this lesion of the reproductive system. Having had chickenpox in childhood, the child’s body acquires a new and quiet “tenant” who can remind of its presence several years and even decades later.

If you find yourself with these signs, consult a doctor immediately!

All you need is a push - a problem in the functioning of the immune system. Further developments are not long in coming:

  1. The disease begins with a simple malaise, followed by an increase in temperature and pain, the intensity of which can vary. Redness occurs in areas of future rashes.
  2. After a few days, bright red bubbles appear on the surface of the skin; they are the size of the head of a pin. More often they are located in isolation, without a tendency to merge.
  3. The transparent contents turn into pus after a week, then the cavities are opened, leaving crusts in the localized areas.
  4. After they disappear, pigmentation remains on the affected areas, which can persist for quite a long time.

Genital herpes is extremely rare. In women, the development of the disease takes longer than in men.

Lichen sclerosus

This skin pathology has another name - lichen. She almost always specializes in the genitals (80%). It occurs in both men and women, but women suffer from it 10 times more often. Children are less likely to be targeted, but gender also plays a role: in most cases, girls are targeted. The cause of lichen sclerosus also remains a sealed mystery. There are two versions explaining its occurrence - autoimmune and infectious.

The disease develops over years. Due to the fact that the rashes do not cause discomfort, many do not even suspect the presence of problems with the health of the reproductive system. Ringworm begins with the appearance of white papules with clearly defined boundaries. In addition to the genitals, localization sites can include the upper chest, shoulders and neck. Their maximum diameter is 5 mm; due to their compact arrangement, they subsequently also merge into plaques.

Such a spot rises slightly above the surface of the skin, sometimes small bubbles are present on the plaque. The skin on the genitals may itch only occasionally, but dryness is always felt. The disease is wavy, the affected area can change size - decrease or increase.

Lichen sclerosus is not as harmless as its “colleagues”. Women and girls may be at risk for squamous cell carcinoma. Such cases are rare (3%), but this skin disease should not be neglected. It is also dangerous for men - failure to see a doctor in a timely manner will lead to recurrent balanitis and phimosis.

Features of localization in men and women

Each type of pathology on the genital organs has its favorite places.

  • Lichen planus on the glans penis looks like a ring formed by small papules. The scrotum as well as the preputial sac may be affected. In women, white stripes first appear near the labia, then the skin turns red, and in case of complications, the lesion also appears in the vagina.
  • Pityriasis versicolor, starting with small papules, eventually affects the groin and genital area, spreading over the entire head of the penis. This lichen on the scrotum occurs more often than others.
  • Lichen sclerosus on the foreskin is considered a rare disease for which conservative methods are not suitable, therefore it must be treated radically - with circumcision. Otherwise, the disease will spread to the skin of the glans and urethra of the penis, which already threatens complications. Lichen sclerosus in women is located on the vulva, in the anus.

What are the risks for the sick person and his partner?

Whether it is possible to receive lichen as a “gift” through sexual contact with an infected person depends on the state of the person’s immunity, as well as on the type of disease. That is why such dermatoses are called conditionally infectious.

The most unpleasant ones on the list are the girdling and pink subspecies:

  1. Shingles cannot be contracted through airborne droplets; close contact is required, especially sexual contact. Using the patient's personal belongings also threatens with bad consequences. But these warnings apply only to the stage of the disease when a new rash appears. If the blisters are covered with scabs, the disease automatically becomes non-contagious.
  2. Due to little knowledge of the mechanism of activation of pityriasis rosea, it is not possible to accurately answer the question of its contagiousness. Therefore, it is assumed that this dermatosis is transmitted infrequently by contact. Doctors still recommend abstaining from sexual activity during illness, because sweat and water procedures are not the best companions for this dermatosis.

Treatment of different types of lichen

Each type of this pathology of the reproductive system requires both a specific treatment and a different duration. If the disease is diagnosed on time, then you can get rid of it in 1-3 weeks, otherwise recovery may take several months.

  1. Treatment of lichen planus is carried out comprehensively: antihistamines, sedatives, and vitamins A and B are prescribed. A severe form requires the use of corticosteroid hormones and ointments containing them. As an additional therapy, compresses from infusions of medicinal herbs - eucalyptus, chamomile or sage are recommended.
  2. In the question of how to treat pityriasis rosea, diet plays an important role. Be sure to exclude coffee and tea, alcohol, concentrated and spicy foods, canned food and smoked foods from your diet. Antihistamines and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed as medications.
  3. For pityriasis versicolor, a similar diet is also necessary. Local antifungal agents are used: Lamisil, Nizoral, Mycozolon. A combination of local therapy and tableted antimycotics is allowed if the first method is not effective enough.

Ringworm on the penis is a non-infectious skin disease, most often of fungal etiology. In most cases, it is diagnosed in men aged 16-35 years.

In patients of an older age category, lichen appears less frequently due to changes in metabolism. Most often in men, a urologist can detect lichen ruber planus or lichen planus on the penis. However, there are other forms of epidermal lesions localized to the genitals.

  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Shingles
  • Lichen sclerosus (lichen)
  • Treatment of various forms of lichen
    • Treatment of pityriasis versicolor
    • Treatment of herpes zoster
    • Treatment of lichen planus

Pityriasis versicolor on the penis

Tinea versicolor(pityriasis versicolor) or pityriasis(multicolored) lichen is a common dermatosis. Characterized by multiple, small, oval, scaly spots measuring 1-3 cm in diameter. It is a benign superficial skin infection.

Most often found in young people during hot, humid weather, it is caused by the fungi Malassezia globosa and Malassezia furfur. The lesions may be light brown, reddish or white, hence the name versicolor.

Pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) on the penis is quite rare. The main localization of rashes is the back and abdomen. The genital rash is usually asymptomatic, although some patients complain of mild itching. Differential diagnosis includes inflammatory pigmentation and vitiligo.

Although the pathogenesis of the color change is not fully understood, the fungus is known to produce azelaic acid. This is a substance that interferes with the activity of tyrosinase and the subsequent synthesis of melanin.

The rash will clear up completely over time, but recurrences of this type of lichen are common. Sometimes spontaneous disappearance of the rash under the influence of ultraviolet radiation is possible.

Wilson's lichen (lichen versicolor)

Lichen ruber planus or red lichen planus. It can appear on any part of a man’s skin, and the groin area is no exception.

Ringworm on the penis- chronic inflammatory, dermatous disease of unknown origin. It is characterized by various types of skin lesions (papules, nodules), more often in middle-aged people. The etiology of this type of lichen is still unknown.

Experts say that genetic, immunological and hormonal factors play a role in the formation of dermatosis. The most common lesions are purplish papules with well-demarcated borders. Commonly found on the wrists, lower extremities and genital area in men.

The disease is diagnosed by visual examination of the patient, and can additionally be confirmed using dermatoscopy. In some cases, a biopsy is recommended to help identify squamous cell carcinoma. This is a possible complication of genital lichen.

Lichen ruber planus localized on the genitals is rarely accompanied by extensive symptoms. Patients may complain of severe itching and the formation of bright papules on the head of the penis.
Treatment includes the prescription of hormonal drugs, steroids, antihistamines, and sedatives. The rash may persist for several months and appear periodically for many years.

Pityriasis rosea

Ringworm Zhibera or pityriasis rosea refers to infectious-allergic dermatous pathologies. Pityriasis rosea or Pityriasis rosea on the penis is characterized by the development of patchy rashes that can last up to 6 weeks on average.

There is an opinion that this type of lichen is contagious (infectious), but this judgment is erroneous. Pityriasis rosea can go away on its own, even without drug treatment. In some patients, scaly redness on the penis may persist for several months. Until they completely begin to regress over time.

In almost 90% of cases, the disease is asymptomatic, sometimes accompanied by itching. The development of pityriasis rosea can be facilitated by a decrease in immunity due to a viral or infectious pathology. More often the disease is diagnosed in men aged 10 to 40 years.


Herpes zoster(herpes zoster) is based on the reactivation of chickenpox infection.

Since the virus persists after the primary infection in childhood throughout life. Reactivation may be caused by stress or immunodeficiency. Shingles (Herpes zoster) on the penis is not uncommon.

The disease is accompanied by the formation of a rash in the form of blisters the size of a pinhead. After this, burning, itching and soreness occur in the skin area.

Approximately 4 days after the onset of the disease, erythema with uniform vesicles and papules is observed. After 7-12 days, the rashes dry out and form brown crusts. After 2-4 weeks, complete healing of the skin can be observed.

Shingles in the genital area requires special attention. To eliminate the risk of complications, it is necessary to begin a course of antiviral therapy as soon as possible.

Lichen nitidus

Ringworm is a rare and benign inflammatory skin condition first described in 1907 by Pincus. The prevalence is estimated to be about 0.34% of all dermatological conditions. Lichen nitidus usually occurs in children and young adults.

It is characterized by the presence of many asymptomatic, skin-colored or white, small, flat-topped papules that have a shiny surface. The most common sites affected are the arms at the elbow, the dorsal sides of the arms, and the genitals.

Lichen pelvis on the penis appears as small, dense nodules that are not prone to merging and spreading. The main localization of the rash is on the head of the penis. The disease is not accompanied by any special symptoms and does not cause genital itching or burning.

Lichen pellucida does not require special diagnosis and treatment. It is possible to prescribe symptomatic therapy, which will include taking steroids, antihistamines and immunostimulants. Patients with Lichen nitidus may be advised to take a course of physiotherapeutic treatment and take vitamin supplements.

Lichen sclerosus (lichen)

Lichen sclerosus(Lichen sclerosus) is an inflammatory dermatological disease that occurs in a chronic form. Accompanied by changes in the histomorphology of the skin of the genital organs and the formation of scar tissue.

The main localization of the pathology is in the anogenital area; in men, such lichen occurs on the head of the penis. On other areas of the body, such as the back, arms or abdomen, lichen sclerosus is rare, occurring in about 6-15% of cases. The exact causes of the pathological process are unknown.

There are suggestions about hereditary transmission of the disease. It was found that 15% of patients with this diagnosis have relatives with the same disease.

Some researchers believe that lichen sclerosus may be an autoimmune disorder, where the immune system attacks its own cells and healthy tissue. Lichen sclerosus has also been found to be more common in women with other autoimmune diseases. Such as problems with the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) or diabetes, psoriasis.

Lichen sclerosus is a fairly serious dermatological disease that can lead to phimosis without appropriate treatment. Ringworm can also lead to more serious complications: urination problems, narrowing of the urethral canal, cystitis and other genitourinary diseases.

Long-term lack of treatment leads to the development of severe forms of the disease. This, in turn, can serve as a trigger for the formation of penile cancer.

Main symptoms: whitish spots and nodules (hyperkeratosis), which may coalesce into larger areas (plaques). It is also possible to develop severe itching.

Antibacterial drugs and mycotic agents are usually ineffective. In this case, a consultation with a urologist and determination of an individual treatment regimen is required.

Methods for diagnosing forms of lichen

To make an accurate diagnosis, differential diagnosis of various forms of lichen, including sexually transmitted infections, plays an important role. The first stage of the examination consists of a face-to-face examination of the patient by a dermatologist.

The doctor evaluates the characteristics of the rash, its structure and shape. To confirm the diagnosis, histopathological analysis is prescribed.

The histology of the affected area of ​​the epidermis is based on a microscopic examination of the tissue and allows identifying atypical changes. The doctor can also perform a dermatoscopy; its picture will give a more detailed answer regarding skin lesions due to lichen on the penis. In addition, the study is aimed at identifying atypical changes in skin tissue that are not detectable with the naked eye.

Dermatoscopy– a simple, safe, non-invasive and publicly available examination method. Provides valuable information for the evaluation of epidermal lesions of vague origin.
A more simplified version of diagnosing skin diseases uses a Wood's lamp.

Additionally, a scraping can be taken from the surface of the rash for Giemsa or Tzanck analysis. If lichen is localized on the genitals, a test for STIs is prescribed; it is important to exclude the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Blood tests for STDs can detect a specific type of pathogen or antibodies to it.

Treatment of various forms of lichen

Treatment tactics depend on the shape and type of skin lesion.

The therapeutic effect is selected by the doctor strictly on an individual basis. The specialist will provide a list indicating the necessary drugs for treatment, patterns of their use and dosage.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor on the penis is carried out using drugs of the mycotic group.

Your doctor may recommend topical antifungal medications. Such as Ketoconazole for oral and topical use.
Oral antifungal medications may cause side effects such as nausea and liver tissue damage. Therefore, medications should be taken strictly as prescribed by the treating doctor.

For patients with extensive damage to the epidermis and frequent relapses, Fluconazole is prescribed 150 mg / every seven days for 2 - 4 weeks.

Treatment of lichen planus (lichen ruber planus)

The following groups of medications are used in the treatment of lichen red:

  • Corticosteroid creams or ointments. Reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, speed up recovery
  • Vitamin RR. Improves skin condition, participates in cellular reactions
  • Antihistamines. Reduce the severity of itching
  • Antispasmodic or painkillers. Prescribed if necessary, when itching is accompanied by painful sensations

Therapy for Pityriasis rosea (pityriasis rosea)

Pityriasis rosea usually does not require any specific drug treatment. The rash may go away on its own within 6-8 weeks.

If the patient has unbearable itching, the dermatologist may prescribe antihistamines in the form of tablets or ointments. During the period of rashes, it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time and wear tight, synthetic underwear.

Treatment of herpes zoster

Herpes zoster- pathology of a viral nature; when treating the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed. More often they resort to prescribing: Acyclovir, Ciclovir, Valacyclovir, Groprinosin.

Valacyclovir is reported to have greater overall efficacy than Acyclovir.
Because it causes higher levels of antiviral activity in the blood. Thus, Valaciclovir may be a better alternative drug for patients at increased risk of complications.

Patients should avoid scratching the lesions to reduce the risk of scarring and keep the lesions dry and clean. At the time of therapy, it is necessary to exclude sexual contact to avoid transmission of infection.

Treatment of lichen planus

Ringworm characterized by a benign course. As a rule, rashes go away on their own and often require only symptomatic therapy.

Vitamin preparations and immunostimulants are prescribed, aimed at strengthening the immune system. As a local treatment, doctors recommend taking baths with a decoction of pine needles. Salicylic acid-based ointments are also prescribed externally.

If all of the above methods do not give the desired result, the doctor prescribes the use of a hormonal ointment, previously diluted in a baby cream.

Treatment of lichen sclerosus

Unfortunately, there is no treatment or way to completely get rid of this form of genital lichen.

However, there are ways to reduce or eliminate the clinical signs of the disease for a more comfortable life:

The patient will also need regular check-ups and visits to the primary care physician. This will allow you to control the disease and prevent complications.

For any, even minor changes in the skin or color or structure of the rash on the penis, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If you suspect lichen on the penis, contact the author of this article, a dermatovenerologist in Moscow with many years of experience.

The skin of the genitals is also affected by dermatological diseases. One such case is lichen on the penis in men. It is better to find out what pathological process is hidden under this name and what needs to be done to eliminate it from a competent specialist.

Causes and mechanisms

The name “lichen” unites a group of heterogeneous skin diseases that are in no way related to each other. Therefore, their reasons will be completely different. Changes in the penis may occur due to the following diseases:

  • Viral (shingles).
  • Fungal (pityriasis versicolor).
  • Infectious-allergic (pityriasis rosea).
  • Toxic-allergic (lichen planus).

As we see, microbial agents and disorders in the body itself take part in the development of pathology. A major role among them is given to endogenous intoxication and immune changes with the development of hypersensitivity. But each disease has its own characteristics that determine its development.


Since lichen is a collective concept, it requires clarification and diagnosis. The nature of the pathology can be determined based on a clinical examination and additional methods. The first is carried out directly at the doctor’s appointment - through questioning, examination and, if necessary, palpation.


Shingles is caused by the herpes virus type 3. In fact, the disease is a late relapse of chickenpox, resulting from the persistence of the pathogen in the nerve ganglia. The skin of the genital organs is affected when the virus persists in the nodes of the sacrolumbar plexus. The clinical picture consists of the following signs:

  • Damage to the epithelium (bubbles on a hyperemic background, erosion, crusts).
  • Ganglioneuritis (burning, pain, itching).
  • Regional lymphadenitis (enlarged and painful inguinal lymph nodes).
  • Intoxication (fever, malaise, loss of appetite, headaches).

The rash is localized not only on the penis, but can also affect the perineum, lower back, buttocks and thighs. Herpes zoster is characterized by unilateral damage and a tendency of elements to merge. There are also disseminated forms, when the vesicular rash spreads beyond the innervation zone of the affected ganglion.

Shingles on the penis is characterized by the appearance of bubbles (vesicles) filled with clear liquid. Later they are replaced by erosions that become covered with crusts.

Pityriasis versicolor

Skin infection with a fungus (pitirosporum) leads to the development of pityriasis versicolor, or pityriasis versicolor. It does not appear so often in the genital area - the back, limbs and abdomen are usually affected - but this possibility should also not be overlooked. First, yellow-brown-pink spots appear on the skin, which increase in size. Their edges are micro-scalloped, and the surface is covered with small scales, especially noticeable when scraped. The color changes to brown over time, but these areas do not tan when exposed to sunlight.

Such lichen on the penis does not bring any subjective sensations. The course of the disease is long, but even after clinical recovery, relapses are possible. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, spontaneous healing occurs.

Lichen planus

Quite often, a rash appears in the groin area, behind which the so-called lichen ruber is hidden. A typical element for this disease will be a flat papule with a shiny surface and a depression in the center, having a polygonal outline. Its color varies from pink-violet to red-crimson. Merging, the papules form plaques on which small scales are visible. And during the resolution process, pigmented areas remain for a long time after them.

From subjective sensations, lichen planus is characterized by itching, sometimes quite intense. Usually the rash is localized not only in the genital area, but also on the limbs and under the arms. A number of patients experience isolated damage to the mucous membranes, when papules are detected on the glans penis and in the mouth. In addition, lichen planus may be accompanied by damage to the nails (clouding, longitudinal striations).

Pityriasis rosea

Another disease that requires consideration is pityriasis rosea. First, a “maternal” plaque appears on any part of the body (abdomen, back, thighs) - a round spot with clear and slightly swollen edges, covered with scales. After a few days, pink-red spots or urticarial papules scatter around the primary element, the surface of which resembles corrugated tissue paper.

Sometimes the rash is accompanied by itching and burning. The number of elements increases with prolonged contact with water - so they can spread to other parts of the body. With improper care, complications in the form of pyoderma or eczema are likely. Pityriasis rosea resolves on its own (within 1–2 months).

Although pityriasis rosea is considered a relatively mild disease, it also requires the right approach.

Additional diagnostics

Additional methods will help you understand what type of lichen appeared on the penis. Some of them are included in the clinical examination in the form of special samples. For example, lichen planus, when moistened with vegetable oil, gives the appearance of a “Wickham grid” (small dots and stripes), and foci of pityriasis versicolor after treatment with an iodine solution are stained more intensely compared to the surrounding skin (Balzer test). Additionally, to clarify the diagnosis, the following is carried out:

  • General blood test.
  • Serological tests (detection of antibodies).
  • Analysis of discharge and scales (microscopy and culture).
  • Molecular genetic methods (PCR).
  • Examination under Wood's lamp.

Lichen should be differentiated from syphilitic papules, molluscum contagiosum, and leukoplakia. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will draw up a final conclusion, which will make it possible to begin therapy.


Therapy is carried out in accordance with the diagnosis. It usually involves the use of medications (local and systemic). Based on the clinical situation, the following may be prescribed:

  • For pityriasis versicolor - keratolytics and antifungal agents (ketoconazole, terbinafine, benzyl benzoate, sulfur-salicylic ointment).
  • For herpes zoster - antivirals (acyclovir, vidarabine, virazole), immunostimulants (interferon), antiseptics (diamond green), B vitamins.
  • For lichen planus - desensitizing agents (sodium thiosulfate, calcium gluconate), antihistamines (loratadine, cetirizine), sedatives and corticosteroids.

Mild forms of pityriasis rosea do not require treatment, but if widespread rashes occur, antiallergic agents, zinc emulsion and corticosteroid creams can be prescribed. With this disease, as with patients with lichen planus, it is recommended to follow a diet limiting irritating, spicy, fried foods.

Each disease requires a specific approach to therapy. What drugs to use and in what dosage - all this will be determined by the doctor.

Ringworm on the penis is not a pleasant situation. But if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, the correct diagnosis will always be established and treatment will begin, as a result of which it will be possible to eliminate the rash.