Vasily Tarasyuk biography. Tarasyuk Vasily Mikhailovich - biography

We mourn...

The LDPR faction regrets to announce that our friend and comrade, deputy of the LDPR faction in the State Duma Vasily Mikhailovich Tarasyuk, died at the age of 69. His passing shocked all his colleagues and friends: until his last day, Vasily Mikhailovich led an active lifestyle and remained a very active person.

Vasily Mikhailovich, of course, successful person. He has extensive entrepreneurial and managerial experience behind him. Thanks to his intelligence, enterprise, and hard work, from the age of 25, he held various leadership positions. Initially in the Ministry of Trade of the Ukrainian SSR, where he was born, and from the early 1980s - at the oil enterprises of the Russian north.

Vasily Mikhailovich comes from the village of Lomachintsy, Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR, but, undoubtedly, his small homeland can be considered the distant northern city of Kogalym, where his entrepreneurial career really began. In the early 1990s. he found himself at the origins of the largest Russian oil company, Lukoil, and was also part of the management of other enterprises in the region.

In 2002, Vasily Mikhailovich, already an accomplished person, entered politics, being elected to city ​​council Kogalyma. By that time he was one of the most authoritative and influential people in the city. The enterprises in which he held leadership positions fed not only Kogalym and the Tyumen “matryoshka” (Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), but also the whole of Russia.

It is not surprising that already in 2003, Vasily Mikhailovich got into big politics, being elected for the first time to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the LDPR list. Subsequently, he never changed his political choice and was a member of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the V, VI and VII convocations. He was always highly respected in the LDPR thanks to his extensive knowledge and experience, which he always willingly shared. And his professionalism was always in demand: over the years of work in parliament, he was a member of the leadership of committees on natural resources and environmental management, energy, property and land relations, and local government issues. To last day Despite his venerable age, he impressed with his hard work, remaining one of the most disciplined deputies.

Vasily Mikhailovich was also successful in his personal life. He is married and raised a beautiful daughter, whom he doted on. The family loved Vasily Mikhailovich very much, and his death was a big blow for all his loved ones.

All of us who knew Vasily Mikhailovich well remembered him as a very generous, sympathetic and kind-hearted person. And today LDPR deputies mourn with his family and friends. Vasily Mikhailovich Tarasyuk will forever remain in our memory.

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State Duma deputy Vasily Tarasyuk died in Israel

MOSCOW, May 10 - RIA Novosti. In Israel, State Duma deputy from the LDPR party Vasily Tarasyuk died. This information was confirmed to RIA Novosti by his party colleague, Vice Speaker Igor Lebedev.

The LDPR faction expressed condolences to Tarasyuk’s family and friends, noting that his death came as a shock to them. The faction’s release emphasizes that their colleague led an active lifestyle, was loving husband and his father, “a very generous, sympathetic and kind-hearted man.”

Biography of Vasily Tarasyuk

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation VII convocation Vasily Mikhailovich Tarasyuk was born on October 10, 1948 in the village of Lomachyntsi, Chernivtsi region (Ukraine).

Graduated from the Kiev Trade and Economic Institute in 1974, the Ufa Oil Institute in 1991, and the Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation in 2012. Doctor economic sciences.

The internet is heatedly discussing the mysterious death of a Russian deputy in Israel

Russian State Duma deputy from the LDPR faction Vasily Tarasyuk has died in Israel.

RIA Novosti reports this.

“Yes, that’s true, but we don’t know the details. We just received a message from his wife, who was there with him for treatment, that, unfortunately, Vasily Mikhailovich died. Now, apparently the process is underway its delivery to Russia,” said Russian LDPR deputy Igor Lebedev.

Deputy investments

For example, LDPR deputy Vasily Tarasyuk, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management, was a client of another remarkable structure - Investment financial company"Warp". Among her clients were many top managers of Transneft (Vice President Sergei Grigoriev, First Vice President Vladimir Kalinin, General Director of Svyaztransneft Konstantin Lysyany, etc.), as well as their relatives. JSC AK Transneft is one hundred percent owned by the state and is a monopoly when it comes to transporting oil through Russian pipes.

Vasily Tarasyuk continues working trips around Ugra

On October 28, State Duma Deputy from the LDPR Vasily Tarasyuk took part in the sixth meeting of the Duma of the city of Urai, where he spoke to the people’s representatives with welcoming speech. In his speech, he touched upon the issues of constructive work of representatives of all parties in the City Duma and shared his experience of working in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. At a meeting of the Duma, the creation of a LDPR faction was announced, the chairman of which was Uray Duma deputy Evgeniy Rebyakin. On the same day, Vasily Tarasyuk held a meeting with the chairman of the TEC of Urai, Alexander Snegirev
link: http://hantimansiysk.

They tried to steal 1 million euros from a State Duma deputy

The people's choice from the LDPR party Vasily Tarasyuk almost became a victim of a fraudster. The criminal was caught transferring money from a Sberbank account.

The Liberal Democratic Party proposes fair laws.

Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government Vasily TARASYUK: I have long understood that centralization of power leads to deadlock and stagnation. To develop the country, you need to make different proposals and listen to different opinions.

Vasily Tarasyuk visited the Kotovsky district

State Duma deputy from the LDPR faction Vasily Tarasyuk is in the Volgograd region on a working trip. He visited the city of Kotovo, where he met with the head of the district administration and deputies of the local Duma. The first visit to the city of Kotovo is a tribute to the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, a short tour of the city and a meeting with the head of the administration.

On two fronts. State Duma deputies will combine lawmaking with the election campaign

Chairman of the Security Committee Vladimir Vasilyev and head of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation Vladimir Pligin quickly exit the elevator, meet their colleague, traditionally ask “How are you?”, and listen to the answer in the meeting room - away from the eyes and ears of journalists. “Naturally, all the talk now is only about the upcoming elections, what place we can take there,” LDPR deputy Vasily Tarasyuk shares with NI his emotions from communicating with colleagues. Only Vladimir Zhirinovsky stands out from the general bustling background in the corridors of parliament.

Who needs the abolition of mayoral elections?

Vasily TARASYUK, LDPR faction:
- It is not the first year that the question of transition to a system of appointing mayors of large cities has been raised in Russia. Scenarios for the appointment of mayors are currently being discussed quite actively. Is it advisable to do this at all? If we are guided by democratic concepts, then the appointment of heads municipalities, of course, is not entirely acceptable. But the fact is that practice develops in such a way that situations arise when the head of local government either fails to cope with his functions or abuses his powers. And precisely based on the principles of democracy, in order to protect the rights of citizens and eliminate abuses, it is necessary to provide for a vertical power structure, providing the opportunity for the head of a subject of the Federation to remove the head of a municipality from office.
link: php?id=2718

Isn't it time to revive RAO UES?

And the immediate one is to strengthen the power and reliability of the existing energy system. In November, S. Shmatko and the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, discussed these problems on the scale of Moscow and the region. Vasily Tarasyuk (LDPR) asked to talk about the results of the meeting. We agreed that there will be a single, comprehensive system of modernization, dispatching, eliminating emergency situations. Moscow today has a surplus of electricity.

Our representatives in government bodies

Another experienced deputy, Vasily Tarasyuk, who is considered one of the richest people in the LDPR, became first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy.
link: 11155?media=3&media=0

LDPR turned out to be richer than the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

At the same time, in contrast to the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, there are more than enough multimillionaires on the LDPR list. The richest, perhaps, can be called Sergei Weinstein from Saratov region. Last year he earned more than 260 million rubles, despite the fact that he has a total of about 6.5 million in bank accounts. In second place in terms of income is Kharis Sharafullin, his income amounted to more than 58 million, and an honorable third is occupied by the current State Duma deputy Vasily Tarasyuk with 31 million income.

Housing privatization period extended by three years

Parliamentarians submitted seven alternative bills to the State Duma for consideration. One was introduced by a group of deputies and was presented by Olga Galtsova, the author of another was State Duma deputy Vasily Tarasyuk, the third was the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The projects were presented by State Duma deputy from A JUST RUSSIA Galina Khovanskaya, member of the Federation Council Oganes Oganyan, member of the Federation Council Rustem Shiyanov, and the project of Stanislav Tarasov, prepared by him during the period of his powers as a member of the Federation Council, was also considered.
link: http://www.spravedlivo-online. ru/content/news/SER1.php?news= 6035

The MP wanted to steal millions without further ado

Last Friday, 62-year-old State Duma deputy from the LDPR Vasily Tarasyuk almost became a victim of scammers. A 37-year-old man tried to transfer 38 million rubles from the people’s representative’s bank account using a fake power of attorney.
link: article/2011/04/03/578029

Representatives of the “Tyumen nesting doll” in the State Duma went into battle

Deputies will represent the interests of the Tyumen Matryoshka voters in nine Duma committees. Vasily Tarasyuk became the first deputy chairman of the energy committee, Pavel Zavalny was appointed deputy head of the same committee. Ekaterina Semenova became the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, and Anatoly Karpov took a similar position in the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology.

Vasily Tarasyuk was born on October 10, 1948 in the village of Lomachyntsi, Sokiryansky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1974, he graduated from the economics department of the Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute. After graduating from university, he worked in the system of the Ministry of Trade of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1984, he left Ukraine for the Far North and was appointed head of the ORS of NGDU Povkhneft in the city of Kogalym.

In 1988, Vasily Tarasyuk became deputy head of the Varyeganneft oil and gas production department for social issues. In 1991 he received a diploma from Ufa Petroleum Institute. In 1993, he was appointed Deputy General Director of OJSC LUKOIL - Kogalymneftegaz. In 1995, Tarasyuk took the post of Deputy General Director for Personnel and social development LLC "LUKOIL - Western Siberia".

In 2000, he received a diploma from the Russian-Canadian training center for retraining personnel for the fuel and energy sector on the basis of the Moscow College of Economics and Energy. In 2002, Vasily Tarasyuk was elected to the Kogalym City Duma.

From that year to 2003, he was one of the managers of Stroykredit Bank, belonged to the structures of Transneft, and in 2003 he became general director Afipsky Oil Refinery LLC and Trade-Service LLC. Also that year, he was an employee of IFC Osnova.

In December 2003, Tarasyuk was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the regional group "Southern" - North Caucasus. He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Subsequently, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth and sixth convocations.

In 2012 he completed his studies at Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation. Received an academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. He is a Full Member of the International Academy of Informatization. Full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences.

Vasily Mikhailovich was awarded the Order of Honor, the medal "Veteran of Labor", the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the commemorative anniversary medal "100 years since the establishment of the State Duma in Russia", the insignia "Parliament of Russia", the Certificate of Honor of the Governor of Khanty- Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Has a Letter of Gratitude from the Chairman of the State Duma.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Vasily Mikhailovich Tarasyuk was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated Political party"Liberal Democratic Party of Russia." Member of the faction of the LDPR Political Party - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations. The start date of the term is October 5, 2016.

While on vacation with his wife in Israel on May 6, 2017, Vasily Mikhailovich Tarasyuk died at the age of 69 while swimming in the Dead Sea. Resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. The preliminary cause of death is a heart attack. A civil memorial service was held on May 11 at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration. See off Vasily Tarasyuk to last path Relatives, friends, representatives of all factions of the lower house of parliament, colleagues from the Duma Committee on Natural Resources, the Liberal Democratic Party and from previous places of work came. The funeral took place at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

Tarasyuk Vasily Mikhailovich, deputy of the State Duma of the fourth to sixth convocations (2003-2007, 2007-2011, 2011-2016), former deputy general director of LLC " LUKOIL- Western Siberia".


In 1974 he graduated from the economics department of the Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute.
In 1991, he graduated in absentia from the Oktyabrsky branch of the Ufa Petroleum Institute with a degree in development and operation of oil and gas fields.
In 2000, he graduated from the Russian-Canadian training center for retraining personnel for the fuel and energy sector.
Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Full member of the International Academy of Informatization.

Professional activities

In 1974 he worked for leadership positions at trade enterprises, within the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Fisheries of the Ukrainian SSR.
In 1984 - head of ORS of NGDU "Povkhneft" (city of Kogalym).
From 1988 to 1993 - Deputy Head of Social Affairs at NGDU Vatyeganneft.
In 1993 - Deputy General Director of OJSC LUKOIL - Kogalymneftegaz.
In 1995 - Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Development of LLC LUKOIL - Western Siberia.
In 2000 - Deputy General Director of the LUKOIL-Western Siberia company.
In 2002 - deputy of the Kogalym City Duma.
In 2003 - General Director of Afipsky Oil Refinery LLC (" Rosneft-Krasnodarnefteorgsintez").
In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation on the federal list of the electoral association "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia".
Member of the LDPR faction.
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
Member of the LDPR faction.
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government.
In 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the sixth convocation.
Member of the LDPR faction.
First Deputy Chairman of the Energy Committee.

He was awarded the Order of Honor and the medal "For Strengthening the Military Community."

Married, has a daughter.

Additional information

State Duma

Election declaration 2006

RUB 72,790,517.34 (Apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, income from deposits, shares and securities, fee, pension,)

Real estate

Land plot, Moscow region, 1500.0 sq. m. m

Residential building, Moscow, 297.4 sq. m

Apartment, Moscow region, 245.5 sq. m


Passenger car, Audi A4 (2005)

Passenger car, Audi A8L (2003)

RUB 81,945,337.6 (Sberbank of Russia)

RUB 74,021,819.34 (Bank "Petrocommerce")

17000 pcs. JSC RITEK

197604 pcs. OJSC LUKOIL

490 pcs. OJSC "KogalymNefteprogress"

State Duma

Anti-Corruption Declaration 2010

RUB 31,583,637.74

Real estate

Land plot, 311.0 sq. m (rent)

Residential building, 297.4 sq. m

Apartment, 98.9 sq. m


State Duma

Election declaration 2010

RUB 31,286,611.54 (dividends (income from shares and securities), OJSC LUKOIL, dividends (income from shares and securities), OJSC Bank Petrokomerts, Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, dividends (income from shares and securities), JSCB "CentroCredit", dividends (income from shares and securities), OJSC Bank Petrokomerts, dividends (income from shares and securities), OJSC "Sberbank of Russia", dividends (income from shares and securities), Citi Private Bank)

Real estate

Land plot, Moscow region, 139.0 sq. m (rent)

Land plot, Moscow, 311.0 sq. m (rent)

Land plot, Moscow, 873.0 sq. m

Land plot, Moscow region, 3000.0 sq. m. m

Residential building, Moscow, 297.0 sq. m

Unfinished residential building, Moscow region, 579.0 sq. m. m

Apartment, Krasnodar region, 54.2 sq. m, joint ownership

Apartment, Moscow, 244.7 sq. m


Passenger car, Toyota Carina (1992)

Passenger car, Audi A4 (2009)

Passenger car, Audi A8 (2007)

RUB 32,733,633.0 (Citi Private Bank, UK, Citi Citi Private Bank)

RUB 142,065,954.0 (JSC Bank "Petrocommerce")

RUB 25,971,072.0 (JSCB "CentroCredit")

RUB 80,744,331.0 (OJSC "Sberbank of Russia")

General fund of bank management

"Petrocommerce-1", 0% (participation share is 3874.98046 nominal shares and amounts to 6922496.46)

open joint stock company OJSC "KogalymNefteprogress", Kogalym


State Duma

Born on October 10, 1948 in the village. Lomachintsi of the Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine).

In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute with a degree in trade economics, in 1991 - correspondence department Oktyabrsky branch of the Ufa Petroleum Institute, specializing in development and operation of oil and gas fields. In 2012 he completed his studies at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, in 2000 - at the Russian-Canadian training center on retraining of personnel for the fuel and energy complex on the basis of the Moscow College of Economics and Energy.

Doctor of Economic Sciences. In 2005 in the Russian state university oil and gas named after. THEM. Gubkin defended his dissertation on the topic “Problems of business forecasting of oil production at the late stage of field development and tools for solving them.”

In 1974-1984. worked at trade enterprises within the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Fisheries of the Ukrainian SSR: Chernivtsi wholesale and retail fruit processing plant (store director, deputy director), regional self-supporting fishery base (chief merchandiser), etc.
In 1984, he moved to the Far North and was appointed head of the working supply department of the oil and gas production department (ORS NGDU) "Povkhneft" of the production association "Kogalymneftegaz" (Kogalym, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region).
In 1991-1995 - Deputy of the Kogalym City Council of People's Deputies.
In 1988-1993 - Deputy Head for Social Issues of NGDU "Varyeganneft" (Raduzhny, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug).
In 1993, he was appointed Deputy General Director of the LUKOIL – Kogalymneftegaz company. In 1995, he took the post of Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Development, and in 2000, Deputy General Director of LLC LUKOIL-Western Siberia.
In 2001-2003 - Deputy of the Kogalym City Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of the third convocation.
In 2002-2003 was one of the managers of the Stroykredit bank (belonged to the structures of Transneft).
In 2003, he became the general director of Afipsky Oil Refinery LLC (Krasnodar Territory) and Trade Service LLC. He was also an employee of the investment and financial company Osnova.
In December 2003 he was elected as a deputy State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR; regional group - "Southern" - North Caucasus). He was a member of the LDPR faction, deputy chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the LDPR (regional group No. 14 - Volgograd region). He was a member of the LDPR faction, deputy chairman of the committee on local government issues.
In 2011, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation. He was elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the LDPR (regional group No. 82 - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). He was a member of the LDPR faction, first deputy chairman of the Energy Committee.
On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation on the list of the LDPR party (tenth number in the federal part). He served as first deputy chairman of the committee on natural resources, property and land relations.
On May 10, 2017, the press service of the LDPR faction reported that Vasily Tarasyuk died at the age of 69. According to media reports, he died on May 6, 2017 in Israel, where he was on vacation.

Full member of the International Academy of Informatization and the Academy of Mining Sciences.

The declared income for 2015 amounted to 81 million rubles, for 2016 - 77 million 752 thousand rubles, spouses - 23 million 777 thousand rubles.

Awarded the Order of Honor (2008).

Author of a number of publications in magazines and newspapers devoted to the problems of subsoil use and improving legislation in the field of subsoil use. He has written four scientific books and more than twenty scientific developments on oil and gas.

Was married. Daughter - Ekaterina (born 1990).