Welcome speech for September 1st. Speech by the school principal at the first bell

Please accept from the director
You will soon have a speech on Knowledge Day:
I wish you success
New knowledge, new meetings,
You are an excellent student
Let the lessons be a joy,
All tests
You deliver exactly on time!

Allow me from the heart
Congratulations to you guys.
The day of knowledge has arrived
And the school is glad to see you all.

Director's speech
I hope it cheers you up..
Good luck in your studies,
High fives for everyone in the diary.

Persistence and aspiration
Always go forward
The soul reaches out to something new,
And absorb it avidly.

Our dear students and respected teachers, I greet you and everyone present on this wonderful day. The school is once again opening its doors to new knowledge and exciting travels, and I want to wish these travels to be the most unforgettable and, of course, fruitful. I wish you guys determination, great achievements, excellent performance, high goals and an optimistic attitude for the new academic year. And to you, our dear teachers, strong endurance, a lot of energy, understanding, always a good start to the day and special thanks to you for your clear mind, good nature and for being with us. And so, I solemnly open the new academic year and have a good journey through the land of knowledge.

I'm glad to meet you
On the threshold of the school
Knowledge Day welcomes you
With your cheerful call.

We New Year training
We start with you
I wish that all year
We were friends.

To the director's office
They didn’t call me
And they received it from me
You have certificates and medals.

First place for school
I would like to borrow
And to you, students,
Become excellent students.

Good afternoon my guys,
There are too many of you to count,
But you came with one purpose,
Gain knowledge here.

The school opens its doors
Invites you to a lesson
encourages you to study,
The bell will ring soon.

Knowledge is never enough
And I picked up your enthusiasm,
The director congratulates you,
And our friendly team!

Our children are dear,
We meet you again
You will enter the autumn day
To your beautiful, bright classroom.

I want to wish you success
And high fives only to you.
Feel free to move towards your goals
And to your cherished dreams.

Let the A's only fill
School, your plump diary.
Bright, good impressions
And good ones smart books.

I wish that your efforts
Aspirations and beginnings
Quickly led to success
And they helped us achieve our goals.

Let the matter be argued quickly,
Studying is more fun
And your school road
It's flowing little by little towards the end!

I am the creepy Barmaley - the school director,
And they will always scare you with me!
But I'm not scary, I'm simple, cheerful,
Although sometimes I have to scold you!

Let's agree right away
That you will have to accept the rules,
And obey all orders,
Then there is no need to call your parents!

And we will be friends and have fun,
And sometimes arrange holidays,
You will study diligently,
And together we can solve any issue!

On behalf of the director on Knowledge Day
I hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
I wish everyone great success and kindness
Let your studies be full of joy.

Work hard every day,
In studies, sports and business - you are not lazy.
On the day of knowledge I wish you to achieve a lot,
And only “excellent” grades for everyone.

Happy Knowledge Day, parents, children.
The school house will reopen.
We will celebrate this day with you
A cheerful, cheerful call.

The path to knowledge is long and difficult,
But it is important not to go astray.
So let there be patience,
To go further and further.

Today I hasten to congratulate
I am both children and adults.
And I want to wish everyone
So that knowledge is strong.

Let them help you
Making the world more beautiful
Let your dreams come true
And let there be a holiday and a feast.

Wonderful years of study
Let them remember you with joy,
Let sorrows and adversity
Your spirit will never be broken.

Both teachers and students are eagerly awaiting the ceremonial congratulations from the school principal. The performance indicator, the improvement of the school and the cohesion of the teaching staff depend on the activities of the leader. The director prepares his speech on the eve of the holiday - Knowledge Day. When preparing a school to receive students, there is not always enough time to think through a congratulatory speech. In this case, you can use ready-made examples: congratulatory speech on September 1 by the school director for the 2016-2017 year for students, teachers and parents of schoolchildren.

Congratulatory speech on September 1 by the school director:

Hello, Dear Colleagues, students and their parents! First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on the new school year! Summer has passed and we are getting back to work. I hope everyone is rested, recharged and ready to enter the new school year with enthusiasm and optimism.

Last year, together we made a huge contribution to the improvement of our native school (the director lists what has been done so far) last year). There's quite a bit planned for this year. important events, which I am sure we will organize at the highest level.

It will be especially difficult and responsible for graduates. I ask you, high school students, to pay great attention to your studies and, where possible, to improve your final grades. Depends on your level of preparation further fate. It's no secret that entering a university is possible only if you successfully pass the final exams and have a positive certificate.

I would like to wish teachers patience and emotional balance. I hope this school year will be even more fruitful than the last! Thank you for your attention!

Dear Guys! Dear parents, colleagues, guests!

I am glad today to welcome everyone to the threshold of our beloved gymnasium!

With all my heart I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge! September 1 is a holiday dear and close to each of us. The school is buzzing like evidence. And we are glad to meet each other. After all, here we all feel like a big and friendly school family. I sincerely wish that you feel at home here. Know that everyone here loves you, is waiting for you and will always come to your aid.

Our schoolchildren have become a year older! I wish all students not to lose interest in new knowledge. I wish you perseverance and success in your studies, excellent grades, true friends, cheerful and rich life in the coming school year!

Happy, proud, grown-up children are our 11th graders, future graduates. Remember, their future fate is in your hands, minds and hearts. Don’t waste time, make your choice, pay maximum attention to the most necessary school subjects, take the Unified State Exam and enter universities. In the meantime, live a full school life and remember the minutes of your passing childhood.

Dear first graders! Welcome to our school country! Feel free to get acquainted with this amazing world knowledge and discoveries. A bright school class and the kindest and fairest first teacher are waiting for you. Let the lessons be not boring, the books interesting, and school friendships strong!

Dear parents and grandparents, accompanying their children to school with joy and excitement! Happy holiday to you too! May your children please you more often, and may you have patience. Please be around your children more often! May you always have enough time, money, warmth, love and energy!

I would like to say especially warm congratulations, words of gratitude and appreciation to the teachers today. It is you who help to comprehend science and gain knowledge, reveal new things to students, and explain incomprehensible things. You give your love, set an example in everything, help schoolchildren understand the meaning of life and happiness. Your talent, patience, responsibility are an indispensable condition successful learning students. May you have new plans, new successes and achievements ahead! Good health to you!

The gymnasium is ready for the start of the school year. We meet you guys in clean, cozy classrooms. School staff and parents carried out repairs. Thanks to parents for financial support! Good luck to everyone who enters the hospitably open doors of our gymnasium today! Good luck!

Dear Guys! Dear adults!

Allow us today to send our school ship called “Yasenovskaya Gymnasium No. 2” on an exciting journey through the Land of Knowledge.

For you, dear first-graders, let this journey be the most exciting, brightest and most fabulous. I wish you lasting knowledge, new discoveries, reliable friends. School uniform, presented to you by our state, let it become an example and model for everyone. Starting from this school year, a school uniform (dark bottom and light top) is mandatory for everyone. It disciplines and helps make studies successful. I wish all the children new victories, records, achievements, good and excellent grades this academic year. For you, dear 11th graders, let this journey be the most unique and unforgettable. Remember, your future fate is in your hands. Don’t waste time, make your choice, pay maximum attention to the most necessary school subjects, take the Unified State Exam and enter universities. In the meantime, live a full school life and remember the minutes of your passing childhood.

For teachers - health, strength of spirit, decent salary, faith in themselves and in their students. To all parents, patience, understanding, support. To the guests of the holiday of peaceful skies, well-being in the family, prosperity. Well, for all of us - sunlight, tailwind and 7 feet under keel. Good luck, Happy Knowledge Day.

Knowledge Day is one of the most important autumn holidays in the life of every student. This is the time when textbooks are already folded into your favorite briefcase, and a beautiful bouquet, like an enthusiastic harbinger of the discoveries that lie ahead, awaits its turn to be presented to your favorite teacher. On September 1, the whole school gathers at a ceremonial assembly, where the school administration - the director, head teachers - speaks to the participants lined up in groups, speaks with words of congratulations to the teacher, and the children listen and heed. First-graders listen to these words with their mouths agape, because this is their first day at school. The senior classes listen with attention to what the school principal will say today that is new and important. Ahead, schoolchildren expect sincere congratulations and important parting words not only from relatives and teachers, but also from another person whose words of praise are among the most valuable - the school principal. That is why it is important for the director to choose the right and sincere congratulations to students on the beginning of the school year, and to help you with this, we have selected the most touching, interesting and original congratulations, which are able to convey the feelings that you, as a leader, experience on this day, and will also save time, which is so valuable in our age. Good words The principals will both cheer you up before the start of classes and energize the students for the entire school year. And if you can’t find warm ones beautiful words for the lineup on September 1, here are some sketches, several options for the solemn speech.

Ceremonial speech of the director on September 1

A wonderful and exciting holiday has come - the Day of Knowledge. The unforgettable and bright summer months are behind us, during which first-graders were able to prepare for school, and the rest of the students could simply relax and gain strength. For each of you, this academic year will be interesting, eventful, open new horizons and fill you with important knowledge. At the end of it, some of you will have to say goodbye to your beloved school walls and strive to comprehend even more exciting sciences. I would like to wish you that the thirst for knowledge and patience for assimilating it never leaves your bright heads and warm hearts, and that your loved ones are always ready to help and support you on this thorny path.

Today is one of important days in the life of every student, because the onset of a new school year is not only an exciting expectation of inspiring impressions and knowledge, but also a long-awaited meeting with classmates who are always ready to lend a friendly shoulder, as well as with teachers, whose professionalism and patience will be the key to a fruitful educational process. I, as the school director, promise that this year will be unforgettable and interesting for you, and we, with your teachers, will try to make the process of acquiring new knowledge exciting and simple for you. I wish you good luck and endless enthusiasm.

The first of September is not only the first day of the new school year, but also a great opportunity to slowly plunge into the exciting world of school, which was a little forgotten during the long and busy summer holidays. You, dear students, are entering a new academic year, which I hope will bring you much interesting discoveries, useful knowledge and unforgettable impressions. Today our first-graders will sit at school desks for the first time, the bell will ring for the first time, and graduates will begin to prepare for exams and will gradually say goodbye to their native school walls and beloved teachers. I, as a school director, hope that this academic year will meet the expectations of each of you and will become a good step towards future achievements.

Dear students! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Knowledge Day. Its name is fraught with great meaning, because today you are entering a new school year, which hospitably opens the school doors for you and lets you into the world of important knowledge and interesting sciences. Many of you will continue to study familiar subjects, while others will plunge into the exciting world of new disciplines for the first time. I hope that the upcoming immersion in the land of knowledge will be very useful for you, truly important and truly interesting, and your respected teachers and I will try to become not only guides to this mysterious country, but also patient mentors.

The first day of autumn has arrived, which means that today again for you, dear students, your favorite school hospitably opens its doors. An unforgettable year awaits you ahead, full of new discoveries, interesting events, pleasant excitement and inspiring victories. I, as a school director, am confident that our dear teachers will do everything possible to ensure that new knowledge takes a secure place in your memory, and that learning itself is easy and fun. I wish you only good grades in your diaries, and that the eyes of your family always shine with pride for you.

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - the day of knowledge. After the ceremonial assembly, you, dear students, having rested for three summer months, sit back at your school desks and immerse yourself in the exciting world of science and knowledge. This year you will find new subjects and exciting lessons. Our dear teachers and I, together with you, were waiting for the onset of the new school year, which, we are sure, will be memorable and interesting. I would sincerely like to wish you that the desire for knowledge burns brightly in your hearts, that fatigue is only mild, and that school friendships are strong and reliable. May your family always support you, and may your achievements and successes be a wonderful reward for them.

The summer holidays flew by quickly, autumn began to sparkle with golden colors and the hospitable school doors again welcomed their students. September 1st has arrived, which means a new school year has arrived. For some, it will be the first time in their lives, while others will have to say goodbye to school and recover in independent travel along the waves of knowledge. Knowledge Day always marks a new page in a student’s life, bringing fresh knowledge and positive impressions. I hope that new subjects will become a source of inspiration and inexhaustible interest for you, and that your favorite sciences will be able to surprise and delight you with new discoveries. I wish you to always be on a wave of enthusiastic curiosity and, then, invariably descend on the solid ground of useful knowledge and exact sciences.

On this beautiful autumn day, we were brought together by a wonderful event - the day of knowledge. This holiday symbolizes not only the beginning of school, but also the anticipation of many new and interesting events, because school is not only a place for gaining knowledge, but also a friendly team of students and their teachers. I, as a school director, hope that our respected teachers will become for first-graders not only guides to the land of knowledge, but also good mentors, and for those who already know what school and lessons are, they will continue to be a patient and reliable stronghold in a huge a sea of ​​important sciences and useful objects. I wish you, our dear students, great achievements both in school life and outside its walls, great patience and an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge.

Today, in the soul of every student, the exciting feeling associated with the onset of a new school year awakens again. Successful assimilation and achievement of high results depends on how responsibly and hardworking you approach acquiring knowledge. I hope that you had a good rest during the summer holidays, gained patience and a desire to learn. I, as the school director, and our respected teachers will do everything in our power so that new knowledge and subjects become for you an exciting immersion in the world of various sciences, and your achievements become an inexhaustible source of pride for you and your family.

Today, on this beautiful day, I am very glad to see you, our dear students, rested, happy, enthusiastic and full of bright memories. I hope that the summer holidays were not only filled with new impressions, but also fruitful. I would really like you to be able to maintain this throughout the entire school year. positive attitude, the desire to gain as much knowledge as possible and the desire to achieve high results. My dear teachers and I will try to help you with this and guide you on the right path, and your family will become a reliable support and a strong shoulder.

Here are samples of a congratulatory speech from the director on September 1 (Knowledge Day). The texts are intended for public speech at the school “line” for teachers, students, parents and guests of the holiday.

All dates, names, names of organizations and settlements are used solely for convenience of presentation, you must replace them with the ones you need. Recommendations for use are at the end of the page.

To compose your own text, you will need solemn ones, as well as - you can take them on separate pages (using the links provided) of the site.

Option #1

Dear friends! The doors of our wonderful school have opened for the twentieth year in a row. And if you report on the past year, there is something to be proud of:

  • 24 students scored more than 230 points. This is 63% of the output.
  • 77 people completed the academic year with flying colors.
  • 5 people from grade 11 received medals.

For the second year our school is among the top best schools cities. And if we speak in the language of the Olympic Games, then we are among the top three winners! There is something to applaud! Thank you. I hope this year will be no worse and even better than the previous ones. We all need to strive for this.

This year is unusual... This year 5 educational institutions, our neighbors, are uniting into a single educational complex. And this complex will have new number. But the main thing is not the number. The main thing is the teaching staff and the team of parents who do everything possible, work endlessly and therefore ascend to the Olympus of glory. Good luck to all of us!

Option No. 2

Hello School 46! Today 83 first-graders will join our friendly team school family. And they will be led through the school steps by experienced professionals - teachers with extensive teaching experience. I hope that our school, for the youngest students, will become a native, warm home. Happiness to all of you - students, parents and teachers.

Let the school year not become a list of boring pages from a diary, but be remembered for bright events. Health to teachers, good luck to students, patience to parents. And may the new school year be successful for all of us. Happy holiday to you, Happy Knowledge Day.

Option #3

Dear students: first-graders, tenth-graders, eleventh-graders! Summer has flown by very quickly and today nature tells us that the first day of autumn has arrived, which means it’s time to go to school, it’s time to get out textbooks and notebooks.

Our dear first-graders. Today you will cross the threshold of this school for the first time in a new capacity - as students. I wish you more new knowledge, achievements and, of course, only excellent grades.

Tenth and eleventh graders! This year is also very special for you. There is a lot of new knowledge ahead, a lot of difficulties and exams... But I wish you only success, just forward!

Dear colleagues, parents! And I wish us great health, strength, patience... And do not forget that we must walk step in step through life together with our dear and beloved children. Happy holiday!

Option No. 4

Dear Guys! Look at the new army that has been added to our school family. Today you came to study at the oldest school in the city, it is already 97 years old. During this period, she went through many stages of her development... She opened as an elementary school, then became an eight-year-old, then transformed into an incomplete secondary and secondary school. Great life she lived, and all this time she grew and developed. During this period (97 years) it was led by 15 directors. And today the school is at a new stage: a new director has come to us - Adelaida Ruslanovna Skvortsova.

And so, 8 years ago, when a new school building was opening, the regional governor gave me a symbolic key to this building. Today I want to present it to our new director with the wish that our old school traditions be maintained and multiplied.

Option #5

Good morning our dear teachers, students and their parents, guests... Today is the most main holiday in our school life - Knowledge Day. The exciting, wonderful summer holidays are behind us. Vacations that give our children a boost of energy and strength that they can fully invest in their education.

175 first-graders will cross the threshold of our school today and sit at a school desk for the first time with a new quality and title - first-grader. I wish that all 11 years of school life for them will be the best, the most interesting. New knowledge will be revealed to them, new impressions will be accumulated, and new friends will appear.

I wish our students a successful year. Get only excellent grades. And for our graduates, eleventh graders, the last marathon begins. For them this is the last line dedicated to the Day knowledge. I wish this year to be the most productive for you. The year will not be easy, but I think they will overcome everything.

I wish our teachers patience and health. And I wish parents successful cooperation with teachers in raising our common children. Good luck, friends!

Option #6

Hello dear friends - colleagues, teachers, students, first graders. This year is not an ordinary year for us. It is special because this is the anniversary year in the history of school No. 271.

Dear first-graders, we are glad to see you! We were waiting for you, preparing for your arrival. Together with parents, we prepared classrooms. They sparkle with cleanliness and order, and there are new textbooks on the tables for you. We congratulate you on the beginning of a new life. From today you will learn a lot of interesting things about nature, animals, seas and oceans, about the life that surrounds you and about the history of our Motherland. We wish you success, so that you study only “good” and “excellent”. Now you are schoolchildren. And I hope you will please not only your parents, but also your teachers with your successes.

Dear 9th grade graduates, I am addressing you now. This year is a very important one for you. You will be taking the first exams of your life and of course, this year will be stressful for you. We want to wish you hard work, patience and strength. And of course, successful completion exams.

This year 11th graders are taking an important exam - the Unified State Exam. How you pass this exam will determine your future life path. Therefore, you devote this year to preparing for the exam. We believe that you will succeed, because the school has created all the conditions for this.

Our dear students, we sincerely hope that the galaxy of great Russian writers, architects, scientists, artists, poets, academicians, doctors, and engineers will be continued by graduates of our school. We wish you to receive from the new school year a lot of joy and keep the knowledge gained, childhood friends and warm memories for the rest of your life. Happy holiday!

Option No. 7

Today is truly a special day for us! The school is celebrating its anniversary. School anniversary is a big joy for all. Because school is our home. The house that we all built - teachers, school staff, students and their parents. Our house was built like a brick: from our deeds, our qualities, talents and efforts. Everyone contributed something of their own. And the results are encouraging.

Our educational institution enjoys prestige not only in our region, but throughout the region. Since 2014, the school has been included in the National Register of Leading Educational Institutions in the country.

Every year, the results of the final state certification of graduates of grades 9-11 in many general education subjects are higher than district and regional ones. School students become winners and prize-winners at all stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in general education subjects. In the ranking of schools based on the effectiveness of participation in the municipal stage, the school takes first place.

Each school has its own merits, but there is also something that unites them and is their graduates. Over the past 10 years, 17 graduates have graduated from our school with gold medals, and 15 with silver medals. Our school is rightfully proud of its graduates. What we are absolutely sure of is that wherever our graduates work, they are always distinguished by innovation, search, and experimentation.

Students bring glory to the school, but the school is created through the painstaking work of teachers... My dear colleagues, I want to express special gratitude to you. You are wise and intelligent, strict and kind, patient and sensitive, beautiful and cheerful, interesting and caring people. For us, the key to the success of any business is a community of interests. And together, as time has shown, we are a large, creative, well-coordinated team. Happy new academic year to you, dear colleagues! Good luck to you, creative success, good health.

Look at our eleventh graders. Happy, proud, adults - they are future school graduates... I am turning to you. Remember, your future destiny is in your hands, minds and hearts. Don’t waste time - make your choice, pass the Unified State Exam and enroll in universities. Well, in the meantime, live a full school life and remember the minutes of your passing childhood. May this year be interesting, eventful and meaningful for you. Happy holiday to you!

Option No. 8

Today is a wonderful holiday - Knowledge Day! We are all involved in this day, because our whole life is connected with school. And we begin to realize ourselves from the first school bell, from the first class teacher, from the first school friends.

Dear first graders! Today you will step into huge world knowledge, amazing adventures, extraordinary discoveries await you... I want to wish you that this road on the path to knowledge will be easy, exciting, and interesting for you. And I also want it to be exactly the same for parents and teachers. I wish you all good health, great success and Have a good mood in the next 11 years.

For our first-graders, this is the first day of school in the first school year. But for our graduates, this, unfortunately, is the last “first call” in our educational institution. This year for you is a summing up of all 10 school years. We wish you that the results of this year will please and surprise you. So that the year is not difficult for you, so that the final chapter of your school history became a happy ending to a happy time and that you leave here with baggage that will help and support you throughout long years. Good luck, future graduates.

Happy holiday to all of us! I wish everyone joy, good mood and a great start (and continuation) of the school year.

Option No. 9

Good afternoon, dear first-graders, high school students, teachers, parents and guests of our holiday! With all my heart and our entire team, I congratulate you on the most beautiful, most famous and brightest day of autumn - the Day of Knowledge!

Today I address words of greetings to the most elegant, the most beautiful, the most the best first graders. Today 78 students will enter our bright, beautiful school! Dear first-graders, it will depend on you who you will become - “know-nothings” or “know-nothings”. Your faithful teachers and your loved ones will always be with you. I wish you to feel comfortable in our large and beautiful school.

I say words of gratitude to you, dear parents, for choosing our school. I hope that our school will become a second home for your children.

I would like to extend my greetings to you, dear high school students. The coming school year is for you - difficult year. You only have one year left to study. Throughout this year, you need to take responsibility for your studies. Each of you must make a choice and go towards your dream. I wish you to prepare conscientiously for the exams, for the entrance test to the university. I wish you that the dream of each of you comes true. But you must study, study and study again.

At our school they work the best professionals their profession - teachers. Thank you all very much for working at our school. I wish you new victories and stellar luck in the new academic year.

Dear present, I congratulate you all on the beginning of the school year. I wish you all health, love and inexhaustible energy. Happy holiday!

Option No. 10

Dear children, dear parents, colleagues! I congratulate you all on today’s holiday – Knowledge Day! Today the new school year begins and I want to wish:

  • You guys - new knowledge, good grades, friendship with the teacher;
  • To you, parents - patience, pride in the successes of your children;
  • For us, teachers, new creative search, implementation of all plans, satisfaction from work.

Wishing everyone warmth and joy in life! Happy holiday!

Option No. 11

Dear students, residents of the country called “School No. 550”, as well as parents, teachers, guests, I welcome you and congratulate you on the new school year! I wish that this year brings us the joy of new discoveries and victories. I wish you strength so that you pass such a difficult path as the path of learning with success. Happy September 1st to all of us!

Option No. 12

Good morning dear children! Good morning, teaching staff! Hello, dear parents!

We are glad on this beautiful day, one of best holidays students and their teachers - Knowledge Day, welcome you all to our school.

We have been preparing and working all summer to make this day the most wonderful for you. We have a lot of different new projects in education that we are implementing this year. We are testing new project in the spiritual and moral field - the subject “Roots”.

We, among the first 35 schools in the region, entered into a new project for students in grades 10-11, which provides for deep cooperation with the best economic universities of Novosibirsk and are now waiting for the delivery of educational materials and equipment so that children can not only theoretically, but also practice, to train right within the walls of the school, so that later we can increase the economic strength of our country.

We are trying to improve the premises of our school. We spent most of the summer renovating the preschool and its classrooms. And today it also greets the children clean, beautiful, and renovated. As long as the weather permits, we will finish the renovation of the gym, and in the meantime we will do a little physical education at the stadium. All this is so that we can study in a modern, well-equipped school, in comfortable conditions.

We work very hard... we really hope for your support, mutual understanding, we are always open and ready for any cooperation.

Dear children, while adults are working, we hope that you will all please us with your academic successes. I wish you all health, success, all the best! Happy new school year!

Option No. 13

Hello, our dear and long-awaited children, dear parents and colleagues! Let me sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. This year our school will be 7 years old. This is the age of childhood, but this is whole story, it is unique and will never be repeated. But it will new story and new successes, victories and big names in the history of the school. And I really want to find worthy words for such an event... It would seem that the age is small, but for a school this is a lot.

Over these 7 years, the number of children in our school has increased 3 times. We already have winners of the Russian meta-subject Olympiad, winners of the regional stage of the Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. It was our guys who became the winners mind games“Prove it to me” at the city level.

We also have significant victories in sports. And our school museum is known as the winner of almost all city competitions. Moreover, our children and their parents are active participants in social events. Even if you don’t remember last year, today, September 1, 2nd “B” grade is participating in the “Children are your flowers” ​​campaign. They gave the teacher one huge bouquet for everyone, which consists of paper flags... And their parents transferred the money intended for the purchase of a festive bouquet to the Future Hospice Fund. And these funds will be spent on helping hundreds of children across the country. These children are seriously ill and need help. Some of them need special food, some in a special wheelchair, some need special medications to help them breathe.

Thank you very much, dear parents, for organizing and participating in this action. This applause on behalf of the entire school is for you.

Let's believe that the coming 2018-2019 academic year is another step, overcoming which we will achieve even greater victories. Intellectual, sports and creative victories. And we will remember that together, only together, we are a great force.

Teachers, parents and students! Happy holiday to all of us!

Option No. 14

Hello dear colleagues, students, parents and guests of our holiday!

A new academic year begins today in all schools of our vast country. And everything repeats itself: lessons and breaks, holidays and everyday life. But all this will happen tomorrow. And today is a holiday!

Guests present at our celebration today are:

  • Ivanova Ulyana Arnoldovna – prize-winner Olympic Games, two-time World champion, European champion, chairman of the presidium of the voluntary physical education union.
  • Terekhov Vsevolod Spiridonovich is a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma from the United Russia party.

Traditionally, the new school year begins with the first school bell. This - special holiday! This is the last “first bell” for this year’s graduates... First-graders will enter their bright classroom for the first time. This is our hope. AND Last year Our high school students will begin their studies. This is our shift! I wish us all that our educational projects come true, that our expectations are met, that our plans come true.

I cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday! I declare the line dedicated to the beginning of the new school year open!

Option No. 15

Hello dear friends! Have a good, bright, colorful day! Happy Knowledge Day!

September 1 is a holiday for adults and children! Adults who once studied at school, at university and children who are studying now.

The summer holidays are over and you came to school bringing with you a lot of impressions, emotions and memories. I hope you are well rested and ready for more academic success.

Last year was excellent in terms of academic performance. He showed that our school is a single, cohesive team. And the success of the team depends on the success of each of you. That's why our school has been in the top 50 best schools for the fifth year Leningrad region. This is a worthy result. Thank you guys very much.

Today the first bell will ring - the symbol of the new school year. He will take you on an exciting journey through the wonderful land of knowledge. Walk boldly and confidently, persistently overcome the steps of the ladder of knowledge, go straight to the top and do not be afraid of anything.

I wish everyone here only excellent grades, success and good luck, new achievements in the new academic year. And now I propose to present certificates of commendation to students who studied excellently throughout the past year.

Option No. 16

Dear children, dear parents, colleagues! Let me congratulate you all on the new academic year and wish you health, success and a positive attitude.

It is with particular pride and joy that I would like to inform you that 68 students from our school last year successfully passed the international exam for the Cambridge Certificate in English. Our applause to you guys.

I express special gratitude to the teachers in English who prepared the children and showed such a high result in training - Tatyana Ilyinichna Obolenskaya, Elvira Gennadievna Fedoseenko, Regina Lvovna Luchnikova. Our applause to you. And I invite the guys here for the ceremonial presentation of Cambridge certificates.

Well, I wish everyone present a happy school year and express confidence that this year will be even more productive and will be marked by new, brilliant successes of our students and their teachers. Happy holiday!

Option No. 17

Dear friends, children, dear parents, teachers!

I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year. I wish you success, good luck in mastering new subjects and gaining new knowledge. You guys are great. Last year showed that you are a very strong team and are ready for serious victories in serious exams. Happy holiday to you, and all the best!

Option No. 18

Dear friends, on behalf of the teaching staff, I congratulate everyone on the beginning of the new school year!

It has become a good tradition to start the school year against the backdrop of bright victories and educational achievements that took place over the previous academic years... I am deeply convinced that the upcoming academic year will be no exception and will be just as fruitful and productive.

I want to wish everyone health, success and good luck! Thank you.

  • Before preparing your own text, decide what its style will be. It can be welcoming (in this case, you simply welcome those present and express the wishes of each category: high school students, first-graders, colleagues and parents), introductory (in this case, you talk about the school, its achievements, and a little of its history), parting words (you express hope for future achievements and give wise advice).
  • Try not to mix different styles so that the speech does not turn out to be chaotic. If you still want to combine several texts into one big speech, adapt them to general style or divide them over time (say them in parts during the celebration).
  • If the text you need is not found here, you can use it (since they have a lot in common) and adapt them “to suit you.”
  • If you choose dry, official style, which involves presenting the successes of the school and its history, try not to talk for long. Avoid a didactic tone. Remember, you are at a party and no one has the patience to listen to a long, formal, dry speech without getting bored. The audience on the “line” will not be able to maintain interest in such speeches for long.
  • However, if the school year being celebrated is an anniversary for the school, then an official text listing the successes achieved by the school and a short excursion into its history is more than appropriate and desirable. In this case, it does not matter whether the public is interested in such speech. But before starting such a speech, do not forget to inform that the school has an anniversary this year. It is with these words that the solemn speech should begin when the school celebrates a round anniversary.
  • For anniversary birthday educational institution you will need to include additional ones in the text; they are on a separate page of the site.
  • If you have news regarding educational institution(its reorganization, merger with another educational institution, etc.), then the “line”, which has gathered such a large audience of listeners, is the time to report this news. Include the news in a ceremonial speech, try to keep it brief. However, if the news is important, it will need to be repeated again, more calm conditions to everyone who is directly affected by it.