The best English program for beginners. The best programs for learning English on a computer

Gadgets are not only exciting games, but also unlimited opportunities to improve your knowledge. Want to know the best apps for learning English and get valuable tips on how to learn the language on your phone and tablet? We will tell you how to turn your favorite gadget into a fun English tutorial in one or two clicks.

Our articles help improve your English. But a good teacher can handle this even better. At the Inglex online school we combined strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English via Skype on .

Universal apps for learning English

Let's start with English self-teaching apps. Of course, they will not replace your textbook or ours, but they will help diversify your learning. These apps have options to work on all English language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Let's name the 2 most popular applications.

1. Lingualeo

Perhaps one of the most best apps for learning English. Most of the exercises can be done completely free of charge. A paid account is inexpensive and allows you to take special grammar courses and also gives access to additional types of exercises. A free account will allow you to learn new words, hone your spelling skills, watch videos with subtitles, analyze song lyrics, etc.

What's good about Lingualeo? The authors have created a system that itself determines your weaknesses and strengths and develops a training program for you. All you have to do is follow the recommendations provided. Is it difficult to force yourself to study? The authors of the application took care of this too: a motivation system has also been developed for you. You need to feed Leo the Lion Cub with meatballs every day - complete tasks. If you study for 5 days in a row, you will receive a small but nice prize, for example, activation of a premium account for a day. The application works stably, there is a version for Android and iOS.

2. Duolingo

With this free application You can learn not only English, but also German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. It can be used as an additional guide with exercises for those learning English from scratch. An Internet connection is only needed to download the next stage. The course is divided into stages according to the principle “from simple to complex”. If you know the basics of the language, pass the initial stages early and move straight to the next level.

What's good about Duolingo? All skills are trained here: written and oral speech (you will be asked to pronounce the phrases you have learned), reading and listening. The program works stably. There is a version for Android and iOS. Do you often forget about classes? The famous green owl will encourage you to study every day. Don't refuse her!

You watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.

You watch TV to turn off your brain, you work on the computer when you want to turn on your brain.

Applications for remembering English words

There are hundreds of different apps for learning English words on the Internet for Android and iPhone. We have selected the most popular and interesting programs that we recommend using in the process of learning the language. These applications work approximately the same: each word is trained by several in different ways. We recommend that you study them daily and do not forget to periodically review the vocabulary you have learned. In one of our articles we said, try using the suggested techniques.

1. Easy Ten for or iOS. And also Fun easy learn English for Android or Words for iOS

Each of these applications contains several thousand words in English. All words are divided into groups and subgroups, each subgroup contains 5-10 words. This vocabulary will be developed through several types of tasks. You will need to select a picture for the word, translate it into Russian, write it under dictation, insert the missing letters into it, etc. Thus, you repeat the word several times, remember its sound and spelling.

2. Anki Flashcards

This application for learning English words is available in versions for Android and iOS. Flashcards are a modern analogue of classic flashcards for learning English words on your tablet and phone. You get rid of the need to search for words yourself, because you will be offered ready-made sets for downloading. At the same time, you can make your own sets of flashcards if you want to learn specific words. It is much more convenient to work with such a proposal than with a stack of pieces of paper. Moreover, the application has a spaced repetition function: the program will make sure that you do not forget to repeat the learned vocabulary.

How to break the language barrier with a gadget

The best way to learn to speak English is with an interlocutor. Destroy language barrier using a gadget is quite difficult. However, there are tricks that can help you keep your speaking skills up to par.

1. We talk on Skype

What progress has come... Now online communication is available both through a computer and through a smartphone or tablet. If the characteristics of the device allow and the communication quality is acceptable, you will be able to communicate with the interlocutor. Where to find a “victim” to talk to?

  • search on special sites like or;
  • look for an interlocutor among sociable friends or colleagues who are learning the language;
  • communicate with the teacher at our school. Of course, in this case it is better to conduct lessons using a computer, but if circumstances force you, you can also study on a mobile device

2. Repeat phrases after native speakers

Found an interesting video in English? Want to talk like the people in the video? Then turn on the recording and repeat the phrases after the characters. Sentences spoken several times will be stored in your memory, and later you will be able to use them in speech.

How to improve your listening comprehension of English using a gadget

1. Listen to podcasts and audio lessons

3. Listen to songs in English

This is rather entertainment, but your favorite songs can help you learn to understand English by ear. If you listen to a song and study its lyrics at the same time, the entertainment will turn into a fun listening exercise. In addition, you can learn a couple of new words, which will not be superfluous at all. You can study the lyrics of the songs on the sites or

How to learn English grammar on a tablet and phone

1. We work on special applications

Grammar in your pocket is not the name of the next bestseller from the “How to learn English in 3 hours” series, but our reality. To use all the rules of English “automatically”, you need to practice them as often as possible. And special applications for learning English will help you with this, for example, Johnny Grammar for iOS.

2. Testing our knowledge

All kinds of tests and online exercises give us a unique opportunity to test ourselves and discover weak points in knowledge of grammar. We wrote an article. Create bookmarks for yourself and periodically visit these resources, test your knowledge and receive guidance for action. And for application lovers, we can recommend doing tests in Learn English Grammar, English Grammar Practice, Practice English Grammar, LearnEnglish Grammar.

3. Use a grammar book

The time of bulky textbooks is gradually passing. Today you can use electronic versions of famous publications and learn English using a mobile device. Not navigating the sea of ​​benefits? We have written a review for you, choose a suitable assistant from there. Moreover, there are special textbook applications that you can use on your smartphones and tablets.

4. Watch video tutorials

Do you watch videos on YouTube? Use this resource for good purposes: watch wonderful videos from native speakers, for example, this channel. Teacher Ronnie presents grammar simply and tastefully, you will be able to understand a difficult topic and at the same time practice your English listening skills. So, learning English grammar on your phone and tablet will definitely not seem boring to you.

How to improve your reading skills using mobile devices

1. Read the news

Reading news in English is a relatively simple but very rewarding task. Compared to reading fiction, it takes a little time, but you can not only read in English, but also learn new words, as well as latest events in the world. We recommend using the Newsroom apps: News Worth Sharing or BBC News for Android and Newsy or BBC News for iOS.

2. Read books

On public transport we often see people sitting with their noses buried in a book. This is a smart way to isolate yourself from others and make productive use of your time spent on the road. We recommend doing the same, and at the same time choosing the right “reading material” - books in English. For convenience, we recommend installing the reading application Moon+Reader for Android and iBooks for iOS. Where can I get the books themselves? Our article "" contains links to free libraries with adapted books and works in the original.

3. Read magazines

Do you like to read glossy magazines? You can do this on a smartphone or tablet and in English. Android owners should install the Google Play Press app to access a variety of English-language magazines. iOS owners have the Kiosk application pre-installed on their device, which allows you to download newspapers and magazines from this section.

4. Read articles on the Internet

We think that today it is almost impossible to find a person who does not use his mobile device to access the Internet. And this is good, because on the World Wide Web you will find wonderful, interesting, useful articles in English. Choose the topic yourself, the main thing is to read, preferably for at least 10-15 minutes every day. We recommend that people with an initial level of knowledge pay attention to the website, there are a lot of simple texts collected there. With an intermediate level and above, you can read articles on the website

5. Read interesting posts

And this “reading” is suitable for those who have a minimum of free time. Follow English learner accounts on Instagram or Twitter and read their posts. You will find both notes in English and tips for learning the language useful. For example, you can subscribe to our

So, you started learning English from scratch, or maybe you want to maintain the level you have already achieved, or perhaps you just want to improve your English - in this article we have collected for you the necessary programs for learning English.

How to find the “right” program? Firstly, on existing experience in learning languages, and secondly, on personal preferences. Some people perceive better by ear, others, on the contrary, visually, and still others prefer mixed type. Simply put, what works for some may be virtually useless for others.

Programs for English language development

Business Letters

The program contains several hundred business letters on a wide variety of topics. By looking at sample letters that interest you, you will better understand the structure business letter, and rules for writing such letters. The program implements search. Despite the fact that the program interface is English, control is quite simple and does not cause difficulties.

BX Language Acquisition

The BX Language Acquisition program is designed for learning foreign words compiled into dictionaries of a special format. Words in the dictionary are divided into exercises consisting of a certain number of tasks (words).

English Grammar in Use

A program that alternates theoretical lessons and practical exercises in English. The exercises are accompanied by pictures, so it will be easy for you to learn the material.

English Test

The program is a test that will show you your real level of English proficiency. The program deeply tests your knowledge of the English language, calculating the level based on the testing assessment rules of the international TOEFL test.


A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program displays sentences in English, and the user needs to choose the grammatically correct one from the proposed options.


A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program allows you to create lessons and then use them for training.

EZ Memo Booster

The program is designed to increase the user's vocabulary by finding a Russian equivalent for each English word, or vice versa.

Irregular Verbs

The purpose of the program is to help the user learn English irregular verbs. When starting the program, you must click on the “Start” button, after which all forms of five randomly selected irregular verbs will be displayed on the screen.

After 20 seconds (the time can be changed), some verb forms disappear from the screen, and the user needs to fill in the blanks with the correct forms. The program is small in size and very effective for learning English irregular verbs.

Language Memory Bomber

The program is designed for memorizing foreign words using visual images and distracting techniques with a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the sound of the word in the sections: Lesson, Exam and Card.

Language Study

The Language Study program is designed to learn new English words and repeat those already learned. When you start the program, there will always be a window with English words and translation on the screen. Window sizes, fonts, and much more can be changed in the settings.


A program for training spoken and written English using repeated repetition of material. With or without time. It is possible to create your own lessons - for learning grammar, for learning words, for working on mistakes. Built-in ability to record responses from a microphone.

Sentence Exerciser

Sentence Exerciser is a set of English grammar tests. Various exercises are devoted different topics and rules. Basically, in the exercise you will need to choose the correct answer from several options, but not just click the mouse, but write the answer, and, as you know, when writing, words are remembered much better.

Word translation trainer

The simulator is designed for learning the spelling of words in English. Testing knowledge of writing translations in both directions (from Russian to English, from English to Russian) using statistics on the success of translation of a particular word.

The programs can be used as an independent tool for replenishing vocabulary and repeating grammar, or as an additional element that will help make your learning in English courses or with a tutor even more effective.

“No time” is the most boring and banal of all reasons. In fact, even the busiest person in the world can find time in their schedule to practice English. Classes do not have to be long and exhausting, but they must be regular!

Each of us in our social circle has people who have repeatedly started learning a foreign language and more than once given up this “difficult” task. The example of such friends, of course, does not inspire self-confidence. But don’t rush to give up your desire to learn English - we know a method that will 100% help you master a foreign language. The secret is simple: all you need is a properly designed program for learning English and your desire to become better. A program for teaching English from scratch is independently presented in this article, and since you are already reading it, it means that you are interested in learning English. Then let's get to work!

The first step to mastering a foreign speech is to consciously decision made learn the language. Do not underestimate this factor: a clearly made decision and a set goal will help you not to quit in difficult times. Therefore, before moving on to the lesson program, we note several important psychological points.

  1. Before starting classes, set yourself a goal. I will learn English in order to...(pass an exam, go to college, move to live abroad, go on a trip, etc.).
  2. Reward yourself for successfully completed exercises, mastered topics, learned words.
  3. Don't allow yourself to miss classes: 4 English lessons are planned per week, which means they all must be completed. If circumstances interfere with classes, the planned lesson is rescheduled and practiced on a free day.
  4. Complete the lessons in full. Do not try to shorten or speed up the development of topics. It is better to work carefully with the material than to go over the top and then constantly return to forgotten nuances.

These are the recommendations that beginners should follow when first learning English. The proven “carrot and stick” method, through rewards and a set goal, will help develop interest in classes, and strict rules will force you to maintain discipline and work on a tight schedule. Subsequently learning English It will become a habit and the strictness of your work schedule will no longer be felt.

Selection of educational materials

The second important step that needs to be taken at the initial stage is to select English language teaching materials for beginners. Let's tell you a few words about them.


In the age of technological progress, many people prefer electronic versions to paper books. But we would not recommend this approach for learning a foreign language. You can simply read the theory on a computer or on your phone, but working with different paragraphs is extremely difficult. It is much more convenient to search for the topics you need and make the necessary notes in a printed textbook. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a printed English textbook or at least print an electronic file.

  • Phonetic section;
  • Grammar explanations;
  • Examples of texts;
  • Exerciseswith keys;
  • Lexical material.

It would also be nice to have an audio application, but this is an additional requirement.

So, ideally it should be an impressive textbook with detailed explanation theory and high-quality practical part. You should not take books from the series " English in 5 minutes», « English for the lazy», « Learn a language in 30 days"etc. In them, the material is presented in a very abbreviated manner and using a unique methodology, which is not suitable for people who seriously study English.


Here everything is exactly the opposite: it is better to work with online dictionaries, especially for beginners. Almost all of them have built-in voiceover, which makes it easier to work with transcription and helps you immediately learn the correct pronunciation of new words. We also recommend installing advanced versions of dictionaries on your phone and computer so that an unfamiliar word can be translated even in the absence of the Internet.


Educational literature does not always give a complete picture of the topic, so it will not be superfluous to stock up on additional sources of information. As an alternative to textbooks and manuals, we suggest using educational materials from websites.

Here, without undue modesty, we can recommend our project, which contains articles on phonetics, reading, vocabulary and grammar, as well as practical exercises for practicing and consolidating the topics covered. For example, you are unlikely to find songs and sayings for children, top 100 words for beginners, or a complete list of irregular English verbs in a textbook. And we have all of the above and hundreds of other materials. Add our site to your bookmarks and you will always have quick access to a huge archive of useful content on the English language.

Computer programs and mobile applications

Computer programs for learning English play a special role in learning. They can be used to practice pronunciation, study irregular verbs, learn new words, repeat what you have learned, etc. Such simulators also allow you to take a break from serious lessons with textbooks, without disrupting your class schedule and without losing interest in the English language.

There are interactive programs different types: from simple ones, designed for one function, to simulators that represent a full-fledged English language course and allow you to simultaneously develop pronunciation, reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing. We recommend installing one multifunctional program on your personal computer or laptop, and downloading several applications on your tablet or phone. This way you can do small exercises and improve your English knowledge in any free minute.


For classes you need to have workbooks. One with 48-96 sheets will be needed to record theory, the other with the same volume will be used as a personal dictionary for difficult words. The third notebook will be needed for practical work and its volume must also be at least 48 sheets. And, of course, don't forget about the pens different colors, a simple pencil, an eraser and a ruler.

This concludes the preparatory work. Having set ourselves in the right mood, armed ourselves with educational materials and installed the best computer programs for learning English on our devices, let’s begin to get acquainted with the annual training plan.

Program for learning English from scratch

In this section we provide an approximate work plan for mastering English speech. It is assumed that the student learns English from scratch, i.e. The student has no experience and is starting to learn the language for the first time. If you studied English at school or at a university and want to continue your studies, then you can do an express review of what you have learned or skip the introductory course altogether, starting your studies with the topic you need.

Month 1. Introductory course

When starting foreign language lessons, remember that you need to start small. Yes, there are methods quick learning English, but their use is only advisable under limited time conditions. For example, there was an urgent business trip and in 2 weeks you need to at least somehow learn to communicate in the simplest household topics. In other cases, it is better to study slowly but thoroughly. Therefore, in this program we propose to start with introductory course.

In introductory classes, the basics of the language are learned: alphabet, phonetics, reading rules, numbers, etc. Also during this month, the first words are studied, and it is necessary to remember not only their translation, but also the correct English spelling. Therefore, devote part of the lesson to a short written dictation on the words you have learned. In general, lessons are held 3-4 times a week for an hour and are arranged in approximately the following schedule.

Introductory Course Plan
Days 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
1 Introduction to the alphabet.
Writing and pronunciation of letters.
Introducing letter combinations.

Reading practice.

Repetition of numbers.

Repetition (alphabet, numbers up to 100).

Studying words on the topic of life and profession.

Repetition of articles.

Construction to be: theory and independent composition of sentences.

Repetition of personal and possessive pronouns.

2 Learning the alphabet by heart. You can work through songs and poems. Repeat the alphabet.

Learning words on the topic personal pronouns and family.

Reading words with different syllables and letter combinations.


Working with articles.

Dictation days of the week and months.

Repetition of reading rules.

New vocabulary (popular adjectives).

3 Repeat the alphabet.

Acquaintance with the rules of reading letters in syllables of different types.

Practicing the rules.

Written dictation on learned words.

Analysis of numbers from 13 to 20.

Introduction to articles.

Studying the days of the week and months.

Dictation on numbers.

Possessive pronouns.

Dictation (numbers).

Practicing pronunciation: practicing phonetic nuances.

Exercises on to be.

4 Work on reading rules.

Learning numbers up to 12.

Repeating the alphabet.

Repeat numbers 0-20.

Introduction to numbers 20-100.

Exercises to articles.

Repetition of learned words.

Plural of nouns.

Vocabulary (popular verbs).

Constructing sentences with to be, composing short story about myself.

Studying numbers up to 1000.

Acquaintance with new vocabulary.

Naturally, this plan can be adjusted to suit your work schedule.

Month 2-4. Entry level

After completing the introductory course, we already understand a little about the structure of the language and are ready for further active work. Now our task is to master the initial level of knowledge in 3 months and move on from Beginner level on Confident Elementary. To do this we need to study:

  • Types of verb tenses (Simple andContinuous);
  • Degrees of comparison of adjectives;
  • Imperative;
  • Possessive case;
  • Irregular verbs;
  • Adverbs and prepositions;
  • Sustainable structures withthere andtobegoing;
  • New vocabulary (1000-1500 words).

You also need to constantly improve your listening comprehension and begin to speak the language you are learning on your own.

At this stage, the lesson program for learning English is developed individually, because Everyone masters grammar differently: some struggle through several lessons, while others pick it up on the fly. The recommended training regimen is 3 lessons of 2 hours per week.

Month 5. Consolidation of the initial level

We will devote the fifth month to repeating everything we have learned and correcting common mistakes, as well as the development of English speech perception skills.

Before starting the stage, analyze the entire path traveled and note any shortcomings. It is the “sagging” topics that will become the lesson plan for given month. For example, you need to finish learning half-forgotten irregular verbs, eliminate gaps in your knowledge of tenses, and remember exceptions in the plural. nouns, etc. Also, don't forget to listen often. English dialogues and watch short adapted videos.

Ideally, during this period you need to directly polish your knowledge so that you don’t just Fine navigate through the topics covered, and do it automatically.

Month 6-10. Mastering the intermediate level

Having confidently gained a foothold on the Elementary step, we begin to move towards Intermediate. Here the classes combine a theoretical approach (working with a textbook) and a practical one (creating language environment). Of the 4 weekly lessons, 2 lessons must be fully immersed in English. It could be:

  • reading books, newspapers, websites and forums;
  • listening to dialogues and podcasts;
  • watching videos;
  • communication with foreigners.

Thus, we continue to study the theory of language and at the same time actively practice what we have learned in our own speech.

Month 11-12. Consolidation at the average level

5 months are allocated for mastering the intermediate level. But in fact, during this time you will have time to cross its line and get closer to Upper-Intermediate. In this case, in the remaining 2 months all that remains is to tighten up the “sagging” topics and, finally, achieve 100% of the average level of knowledge.

So, after a one-year course, you will be able to maintain a thorough conversation in English on any topic. In addition, there is still something to strive for, because there are still 2 levels of language proficiency left: advanced Advanced and perfect Proficiency. But we’ll talk about them later, but for now, good luck in improving the language and see you again!

In the modern age of information technology, newfangled software opens up amazing opportunities for us in the study of science, literature and, of course, languages. Studying foreign language- this is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming work, but fortunately special electronic utilities can help us speed up the process. Let's look at the best options for training programs and make a list of the most effective applications for independently acquiring new knowledge.

A large variety of electronic programs for the study of foreign linguistics amazes with their wide selection and diversity, therefore, all applications can be formally divided into groups, depending on the functions they perform. For example, it is easier for some to perceive information by ear. For such people, there are programs with a large selection of audio materials. It's easier for other users to work with clear examples: diagrams, tables. They will appreciate the application's interface and its richness of visual information. The division also occurs according to the level of language proficiency: some are just taking their first steps in learning, while others simply want to improve some area of ​​knowledge. To ensure that all consumers are satisfied, programmers have created many applications, each of which is intended for a specific group of users.

Lingualeo utility

This application, released not only for PCs, but also for mobile devices, is the main favorite of users and occupies a leading position in the ranking. In order to start working in the application, you just need to have access to the Internet. The site is a sorted repository of various exercises for memorizing new words and developing spelling. All of them are presented in the form of simple and exciting games. Most of the lessons on the site can be taken for free, however, paid content is also present, although the cost is full course- not high at all. Another undoubted advantage of the application is the function of determining the level of your knowledge. When you first visit, the program asks you to take a test, through which it determines the extent of your knowledge and creates lessons based on this. Lingualeo developers came up with interesting program motivation for its users. It does not allow you to stop there and provides for receiving bonuses in the form of paid lessons for successful work.

Duolingo program

This service supports not only English, but also German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The advantages of the program include an equal ratio of tasks in grammar and phonetics, good practical exercises for practicing reading and writing, the ability to use the service from mobile devices, as well as completely free content. Another notable feature of the site is the ability to evaluate your level of knowledge by comparing it with the preparedness of other participants in “online battles.” The service has its own special focus: as users learn, they simultaneously engage in crowdsourcing translation of websites, articles and other documents. It's also worth adding one interesting fact: research conducted by professors at New York University showed that a 34-hour course on Duolingo provides the same amount of knowledge as a 130-hour semester course at an American higher education institution.


The resource boasts a huge number of fans from Russia and other countries. The LingQ computer program is an online service that has a lot of educational materials in audio and video format (books, interview recordings, dialogues, etc.) that can be downloaded to any electronic media and listen in convenient time. IN free version service material provided in limited quantities. A paid subscription to the resource will cost $10 per month. The application also has a unique feature: the ability to have an online conversation with a real native speaker.

Application +DP+

This program was successfully developed by a Russian teacher. It is not in great demand, however, it has many positive feedback, it is also considered the best option for learning English from scratch. The application is freely available and absolutely free, it requires mandatory downloading on a PC, and on the main page of the site the author talks in detail about the rules for installing it. The program has large selection audio materials for language learning, a universal dictionary, as well as a wide variety of grammar and phonetic trainers.

English Word Trainer

This is a unique electronic simulator with which you can expand your vocabulary not only in English, but also in other languages. The uniqueness of the program is that here you can create lessons yourself and edit existing options, choosing the most convenient combinations of tasks for yourself.


This unique service provides free training 3 languages: English, Spanish and French. A premium subscription opens up the opportunity to learn 9 more languages: German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Polish. It is worth noting that the site presents quite rare languages, for which it is almost impossible to find training materials. The course you have chosen is presented in a colorful and pleasant design; there is also an additional course scale, with which you can visually assess what part of the classes has already been completed. Each lesson also has a beautiful, exciting form with voiced pictures and phrases, and there is also the possibility of online communication with native speakers from all over the world. By the way, they can send their text works for checking, as well as independently check the work of other students. The resource has four levels of difficulty and offers training to users with language skills: from “beginner” to “upper intermediate”.

Rosetta Stone

The program has several levels of difficulty and provides excellent training at each of them. The first lessons of each course are devoted to accumulating the required vocabulary for further work. Exercises of this type proceed as follows: several pictures are displayed on the screen, to which the student must choose the corresponding words. At the initial level, these are the most basic objects or actions (table, house, running, swimming, etc.) with increasing experience, the load also increases. After learning new words, the application offers to practice grammar: new grammatical structures, word forms and spelling in theory and practice. Rosetta Stone also includes pronunciation training. Special tasks will allow you to read texts aloud and receive marks for the correct pronunciation of words and sounds. The program is also endowed with a good ability to retake tests and assignments, in case you did not learn some part of the material the first time or want to refresh your memory of some details.

English using Dr. Pimsleur's method for Russian speakers

This audiolingual course will help you quickly and easily remember all the information you have learned. The main objectives of the course are to learn to speak English quickly and correctly, as well as to improve the perception of foreign speech. “English using the Dr. Pimsleur method” is a unique patented method of memory training that guarantees complete memorization of educational material. All points of the program were created specifically for Russian-speaking users, taking into account the peculiarities of their pronunciation and perception of information. The course consists of 90 lessons reproduced in the formatmp3. The material being studied, presented in American English, also has translations and tips in Russian.

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries application

The program is electronic dictionary, and very popular among Internet users. The application is available not only for PCs, but also for all kinds of gadgets, and can be downloaded on various operating systems.ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries will provide you with instant access to translations from 250 dictionaries various types even without an Internet connection. You will be able to learn not only English, but also 29 others. The application is especially in demand among users with an initial level of language knowledge, because it provides an amazing opportunity to build your vocabulary and becomes a “lifesaver” in emergency situations when you need to get background information quickly and reliably. ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries is not just an electronic dictionary, this application is equipped with many useful functions, for example: audio of an English word, auto-correction of errors, search for words in any grammatical form, results from several sources at once, transcriptions and selection of synonyms.


This is a unique program for learning and memorizing new English words. The LearnWords training course consists of completing 6 exercises based on a block of words selected from the general list. From the simplest task (familiarization with new words) we move on to more complex ones: the exercise “Choosing a translation” will help you remember the correct meaning of words, and you can consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing “Guess the translation”, in which you no longer need to choose from options, but remember the meaning on one's own. The next level is “Word Choice,” which develops a more complex associative series and helps you remember the word better. Finally, the Writing exercise will ensure your writing literacy. LearnWords helps improve not only spelling but also pronunciation by providing users with audio files of the correct pronunciation of words. All lessons in the application have a playful, entertaining form, thanks to which words are remembered much faster, and interest in the lessons does not disappear. The results evaluation system (in points) will help you keep the situation under control and always know about your progress in studying. Periodic table Repeating the studied material will help you to permanently consolidate new words in your memory.

Video course “Polyglot. Let's learn English in 16 hours”

This intensive course learning English with educational videos. Each one lasts approximately 45 minutes. The course creates a feeling of presence on open lesson, the teacher - Dmitry Petrov - tells the audience and students in the audience all the subtleties of writing and pronunciation of English words. All 8 students in the audience, as well as the spectators at the screens, have different levels language knowledge, however, this does not prevent the teacher from attracting the interest of everyone present. Each lesson reinforces the material covered and introduces new ones. By the end of the course, all students master the basic language rules and grammatical forms, and use them fluently when writing and speaking. Dmitry Petrov’s method allows you to get a good knowledge base even for those who start learning “from scratch” and gives the opportunity to explore not only English, but also other popular languages.

So, we have collected 10 multi-format electronic programs and courses that will definitely be useful to you in learning the multifaceted and unique English language. Each of these utilities has unique features presentation of information and your own method of study, so you can definitely find something for yourself here!

Everyone knows folk wisdomDuring his life, a man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. For some reason, all my life I had other goals - to learn to play the guitar and learn English.

As a result, I built several houses, raised three sons, and the trees were not saved from me - I planted a lot of them, but I still don’t play the guitar, I don’t speak English.

What am I talking about? I'll tell you today how to learn English using a computer, I will list a whole list of small and lightweight computer programs for this purpose.

The free computer programs for learning English listed below are mostly very small ( mini programs), simple and easy. I won’t describe each one - I’ll just briefly characterize...

Association (544 kb) - remember foreign words method of phonetic associations.

Business Letters (508.5 kb) - thanks to this program you will learn the structure of a business letter and the rules for writing such letters.

BX Language acquisition (47.2 MB) - learning English words.

English Test (5.1 MB) - will show you the real level of English language proficiency.

EnglishCheck (340 kb) - displays a sentence in English and offers several answer options from which you need to choose the correct one.

EnglishWord (420 kb) - we compose our own lessons and courageously teach them.

ETrainer 4800 (27.2 MB) - a program that examines English language skills and gives grades.

ETrainer 5000 (1.4 MB) - mini version of the previous program.

EZ Memo Booster (1 MB) is a free computer program that will help you quickly and effectively expand your vocabulary while learning English.

Exerciser (177 kb) - a set of exercises to strengthen your knowledge of the English language.

English Grammar In Use (735 kb) - an English grammar course consisting of 130 lessons.

FVords (505 kb) - has 10 main modes, 30 different topics, 15 training texts, about 30,000 words, expressions and articles in the databases, about 70,000 words in English-Russian and 40,000 in Russian-English dictionary.

Hangman (31 kb) is a game program based on the principle of guessing words or expressions in English.

Irregular Verbs (23.9 kb) - a program for learning English irregular verbs.

Language Memory Bomber (2.3 MB) - we use visual images and distracting techniques, there is a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the pronunciation of words.

Language Study (509 kb) - displays english words with their translation on top of all windows.

Lex! (540 kb) - vocabulary trainer.

Repeng is an English language tutoring program.

Selfln (1.1 MB) - memorize English words by repeated repetition.

WordsTeacher (760 kb) - we study foreign words, phrases, short expressions, without interrupting the process of working on the computer.

Word translation trainer (230 kb) - learn the spelling of words in English.

Just in case of emergency (what if some link dies), I collected these programs (except for the two fattest ones) into one archive and uploaded them to Yandex.Disk...

The size turned out to be 43.2 MB. (20 programs)

These are, of course, not all existing programs for learning English, but only those that I found on the Internet this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to check absolutely everything - write if something is wrong, but don’t be rude or kick me.

By the way, these programs are very suitable for schoolchildren so that learn English using a computer.

And for lazy (like me) comrades, I previously suggested using translator program.

To new useful and interesting computer programs.