The request letter belongs to the type. Types of business letters

- a generalized name of different content, serving as a means of communication between institutions in the process of carrying out their activities.

A letter is the most common way of exchanging information; it unites a huge group of documents that are very different in content, distinguished by the method of transmitting text ( by mail). Letters make up the majority of incoming and outgoing documents of any institution and have many varieties.

Types of letters:

  • instructive;
  • accompanying;
  • informational;
  • warranty;
  • advertising;
  • claims;
  • arbitration;
  • confirmation letters;
  • reminder letters;
  • notification letters;
  • letters of request.

The letters express congratulations, wishes, and greetings on special occasions. Letters are sent as a sign of participation and expression of condolences in dramatic and tragic situations.

The letter is drawn up on a format specially designed for this type of document A4. If the text of the letter does not exceed seven lines, it is allowed to use the format A5.

Date of the letter is the date of its signing.

Letter text built according to the scheme:

  • introduction (here are the reasons for composing the letter, references to events, facts, decisions of higher institutions and other factors that served as the basis for composing the letter);
  • evidence (this sets out the rationale for the issue stated in the letter);
  • conclusion (listing conclusions, requests, demands, proposals).

Often in documentation practice, letters are used that contain one final part of the text without explanation.

The length of the letter, as a rule, should not exceed one page.

Purpose of compilation and direction letters boils down, as a rule, to incentive motives, hence the basic requirements for the text: clarity, precision, brevity of presentation. The practice of correspondence has developed several general rules that must be followed when composing and formatting letters.

The letter should be devoted to one issue, which simplifies the processing operations and speeds up execution in the organization to which they are addressed.

The text of the letter, as a rule, is stated in the third person singular, for example: “The school does not have the opportunity...”, “In the coming year the school does not suggest...”, etc.

The right to official letters, as a rule, belongs to the manager, and during his absence (illness, vacation, business trip) to his deputy or the official acting as manager. Letters are currently sent not only by mail, but also using telegraphs, fax machines, and computer networks (e-mail).

Regardless of the method of transmitting the document, uniform requirements for its preparation and execution are used (see Fig. 3.7).

Rice. 3.7. Example of letter formatting


Hello! In this article we will talk about business letters.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why business correspondence has not lost its relevance;
  2. What types of business letters are there and how they are formatted;
  3. How to write a business letter correctly.

Now outside our windows is the time of high technology and the Internet. But business correspondence has not lost its importance and relevance, it has simply moved to other media. Let's talk today about why it is important to be able to compose and format business letters.

Why do you need business correspondence?

First of all, this is an opportunity to exchange opinions, suggestions and thoughts with employees or business partners. With the help of correspondence, they state complaints, requests, and clarify misunderstandings between companies.

Business correspondence is one of the varieties of official correspondence.

Differences between business letters and others

The main differences are as follows:

  • Stylistics of presentation;
  • Vocabulary that does not allow clear expression of emotions;
  • Done on the official letterhead of the company;
  • The font is not too small, but not large either, and is the same throughout the text;
  • Rarely occupy more than 1 page;
  • Presence of strict official chain of command.

Types of business letters

All business letters can be divided into several groups. We will dwell on each in more detail and give a brief description.

Letters that do not need to be answered.

  • Letter of guarantee;
  • Accompanying;
  • Informational;
  • Warning letter;
  • Reminder letter.

Letters that require a response.

  • Appeal;
  • Offer;
  • Request;
  • Requirement;
  • Petition.

Non-commercial letters.

  • Letter of invitation;
  • Letters expressing condolences;
  • Letters expressing gratitude;
  • Letters informing about something;
  • Letters containing recommendations;
  • Letters of guarantee;
  • Letters confirming that the goods have been received, the service has been provided, and so on;
  • Letters of congratulations on various occasions;
  • Letter of request;
  • Letters of instructions;
  • Covering letters.

Commercial letters.

They are usually used before entering into an agreement, as well as during the validity of the contract.

These include:

  • Letters responding to inquiries;
  • Direct request;
  • – a letter in which it is proposed to make a transaction or conclude an agreement;
  • Claim;
  • Reminder;
  • A letter containing a warning about the termination of agreements or the need to fulfill obligations, etc.

If we talk about classification by structure, there are 2 types of business letters:

  • Containing the author's text and written in free form;
  • Compiled according to a strict pattern.

By addressee.

  • Circular – a letter that is sent to several addressees;
  • Regular – sent to one recipient on behalf of one person;
  • Collective – sent to one recipient, but from several persons.

Letters are also divided according to the form in which they were sent:

  • Sent as a fax message;
  • Sent by email;
  • Those sent in regular envelopes.

There are types of letters that, for ethical reasons, should be handwritten rather than typed. This applies to condolences and congratulations.

Secrets of proper design

The text of the letter is divided into introductory, main and final parts. They are logically connected to each other. The introductory part includes the circumstances that led to the creation of the letter, and the main part represents the content itself. The final part summarizes the results, which express the request, refusal, etc.

In general, business correspondence with all responsibility can be called an art, because it is necessary to learn how to conduct it correctly, in compliance with all requirements. After all, most often we only think about the information being presented clearly, and we forget about the fact that the letter can be considered the face of the company.


Each letter is kept in a strict business style, using means of speech characteristic of official documents.

Requirements for presentation of information.

All information contained in the letter is presented as follows:

  • Addressed, intended for a specific person;
  • All information must be current as of the date of writing;
  • Reliable;
  • Impartially;
  • Reasoned;
  • As completely as possible, so that a decision can be made based on it.


First of all, the letter is drawn up on letterhead that is proprietary to the company.

  • To write a business letter, A4 size sheets are used;
  • The left margin of the form must be at least 3 cm, since after some time they will be sent to the file;
  • The name of the company, its legal and actual address, and email address are indicated;
  • It is better to use the standard Times New Roman font, size 12. It is the most optimal and is easy to read;
  • It is allowed to draw up business letters without using a letterhead, but then you still need to provide the information from the form.

If the letter deals with large transactions related to finance or confidential information of another nature, it is not recommended to send such letters by fax or electronically. It’s better the old fashioned way, in a regular paper envelope.


If the letter consists of several pages, then they are numbered starting from the second. The numbers are marked at the top in the middle in Arabic numerals. There are no dots next to the number.

Division into parts.

This means dividing the letter into paragraphs. The text should not flow in a continuous stream, otherwise it simply will not be perceived. Thanks to the division into paragraphs, you can see where one thought ends and another begins.

Availability of fixes.

It is not advisable to allow corrections, typos, or erasures. The letter must be written correctly, and the text must be printed at intervals of 1.5 - 2.

Details used.

We will indicate only the main ones, since we already briefly talked about them a little earlier:

  • If the enterprise is state-owned, the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation is used. It is located in the middle of the official form;
  • Full company name;
  • Fax and telephone numbers;
  • Bank account number;
  • Addressee - and the name of the recipient company is used in the nominative case; to indicate the position and surname of the recipient, use the dative case;
  • If the recipient has an academic degree or title, indicate it before the person’s last name;
  • Any details are written on a new line and with a capital letter.

Business letter after a meeting

You held a business meeting, there was some prospect for. We will discuss further how to reflect this in a letter.

  1. First of all, at the beginning of the letter, refer to the date and time of your communication with your potential partner, even if a couple of days have passed since the meeting.
  2. Avoid mistakes or overly complex phrases: keep the letter short and clear, but in such a way that the recipient will want to read it.
  3. Mention what the conversation was about. For example: " We discussed how much a Venetian-style vase would cost.”
  4. Make sure that the recipient of the letter expresses his/her opinion on the topic of the meeting.
  5. Indicate a time when you can communicate by phone or meet in person.
  6. Let the recipient know that you are looking forward to working with him: “ I look forward to future business relationships with you«.
  7. End your letter with the following or similar phrase: “ Best wishes to you...».

Electronic business letters

It is impossible to ignore the requirements for their design, since now more and more letters are issued in electronic form rather than in paper form. After all, it’s the 21st century.

Preparing an electronic business letter is not difficult; the formatting requirements are identical to traditional letters. The only thing is that such a letter should always have a title (or subject line) so that it simply does not get lost in the flow of documentation.

In addition, when such a letter is answered, it is better not to change the subject of the letter, so you will quickly understand what is being said if you receive a lot of emails.

Also, you should not use state-of-the-art software when creating attachments to such letters; it is far from a fact that your recipient has the same. If it is not there, the letter simply will not open.

Don't use emoticons when writing a business letter electronically. Technology is great, but keep it business-like when writing.

What is the deadline for responding to a letter?

If the letter is classified as requiring a response, then when to respond depends on the information contained in the letter:

  • If you receive a request, please confirm that it was received within the next three days of receipt. And the final answer can be given within a month;
  • If we are talking about condolences, it can be sent within ten days after the sad event happened;
  • It is permissible to send congratulations within 8 days from the moment you learned about the special date;
  • If we talk about the general rules of good manners, then it is better to respond to letters within seven days.

How to write a business letter: in simple language about complex things

Distinguish between a business letter and personal correspondence. We have already talked more than once today about what these differences are, we should not forget about them. Now let’s look at writing a letter step by step.

Stage 1. We indicate the addressee.

In the upper right corner of the form we write the surname, initials and position of the person to whom we are addressing the letter. If the addressee is an organization, indicate its legal address.

Stage 2. Appeal.

We place it in the middle of the form. It is carried out in a respectful manner, without abbreviations or erasures.

Example: Dear (name, patronymic)! Also, the addressee can be addressed by indicating his position. But when you address a person by name, it reduces psychological stress and indicates that the business relationship is stable and established.

Stage 3. Statement of purpose.

Explain the purpose of the letter, its essence and main ideas. This part is the main one. Write about what you want to say, what is the reason for your appeal. But do not forget about the official and neutral style.

Stage 4. Making proposals and recommendations.

Almost any business letter implies that the addressee will respond to it. This is generally not required only by letters of an informational nature. Therefore, do not just describe the problem, but also suggest how it can be solved.

If you file a complaint, ask for certain measures to be taken; if you offer to cooperate, tell us what options are available.

Simply put, the one who receives the letter must see that they not only want something from him, but also understand how this can be accomplished.

How to end a business letter

A business letter must be written perfectly. If writing rules are not followed, it can negatively affect the company's reputation as a whole. Therefore, we now propose to dwell in more detail on the design of the final part of a business letter.

At the end of the letter, summarize everything that was discussed earlier. But you shouldn’t stretch your conclusions into 10 sentences; after all, brevity and conciseness are valued in business letters. It is better to limit yourself to simple phrases.

We will base the ending on 2 indicators: it should be as polite and correct as possible. There are different options for how to build it.

Here are some examples:

  • Thank you for your attention or help: Thank you! (Let me thank you...);
  • Express your hopes for the future: We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation (We hope to receive a response in the near future...);
  • You can construct a phrase to assure the addressee of something: We would be glad to cooperate with you;
  • Make a request: We ask you to report the results;
  • Apologize for any inconvenience caused: I apologize for the unexpected delay in payment for the material.

How to say goodbye to the recipient.

Despite the fact that the correspondence is official, you can say goodbye in different ways.

Here are a few options:

  • With respect to you...;
  • With wishes of success...;
  • Best wishes…

We sign correctly.

When signing the letter, indicate your position, first and last name. If you doubt the appropriateness of a phrase like: “ Sincerely yours" - just don't use it.

You can indicate your contacts, additional phone number or email address in the signature, so you demonstrate to the recipient that you are ready to communicate and cooperate with him.

In the next part of our article I would like to talk about business letters in English.

Business letters in English

There is no regulated form for composing such letters. Everything will depend on the purpose of the letter and who its addressee is. Here are some brief recommendations for drafting.

Date of writing.

If we are writing in the USA, then when indicating the date we put the month first, then the day and only then the year. If to the UK, the date is entered as in the Russian Federation. In this case, write the month in letters to avoid confusion.

Recipient details.

  • If you write to a man, contact him like this: Mr (insert last name);
  • If a woman who is married: Mrs (insert last name);
  • To an unmarried lady: Miss (indicate last name);
  • If you don't know the lady's status: Ms (insert last name).

Specifying the address.

The order is the opposite of that accepted in the Russian Federation: office, house number, street name, zip code, state name (if writing in the USA), county name and country name (if writing in the UK).

How to contact the recipient.

Standard calls:

  • Dear Madam;
  • Dear Sir;
  • Dear Sir or Madam;
  • Dear Mrs;
  • Dear.

After the address we put a comma (if writing to the UK) or a colon (if writing to the USA). It is not customary to put an exclamation mark.


Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter, just like in the Russian Federation.

Main text.

Divide it into paragraphs. Or write each sentence on a new line.

How to say goodbye.

For example, like this: “ Thanking you for assistance, we remain Yours truly"– Thank you, my devoted one..., although perhaps less formally.

Signature registration.

We put our signature under the farewell paragraph, indicate our first and last name, company name and position.

Design of applications.

If you are enclosing any documents, please indicate this at the end of the letter: “ Enc.” and list applications.

What to write with a capital letter.

  • Last names and initials;
  • Company names;
  • Names of cities, states, etc.;
  • Any words that indicate the position held;
  • The first words of farewell;
  • Opening addresses.

Before we end the conversation, here are some examples of business letters in Russian and English.

Samples of business letters in Russian and English


To summarize, I would like to say that a business letter is a tool for communication in any field of activity. If it is written correctly, it will definitely present your company in a positive light.

On the other hand, a letter written sloppily and with errors can completely destroy the most promising business. Write letters correctly, and we tried to tell you how to do it.

How to write a business letter that will not get lost in the “information garbage” and will be read? Rules, recommendations, examples

The word is an accessible business tool. In the business world, it is impossible to find a person who does not use words in his work.

Modern business is gradually turning into a correspondence business. With the help of letters - electronic or traditional - communication occurs with clients, business partners, and employers. The letter positions the author either as a professional or as a person with whom you should not continue a relationship.

A professional must be able to write

  • It's clear
  • effectively
  • earnestly
  • Interesting

And it’s never too late to learn this. Let's start with the basics: understand the difference between business and regular writing.

How is a service letter different from a regular letter? Specifics of a business letter

A letter is a short text of one or two pages, the purpose of which is to convey information about something to the addressee.

The nature of the information and the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letter divide correspondence into

  • business (formal)
  • personal (informal)

A business letter is characterized by:

  • brevity
  • accuracy
  • reasoning and logic
  • information content
  • evaluative and emotional neutrality
  • standardization:
  • official forms are used
  • stable figures of speech, special clerical terms and constructions are used
  • number of topics - 1-2
  • targeting
  • clearly defined chain of command (if necessary)

What types of business letters are there?

The type of business letter determines

1. Purpose of writing it

Commercial purposes

  • You want to conclude a deal and propose its specific terms - draw up a letter of offer (offer) for the addressee

  • If you have not decided on the terms of the transaction acceptable to you, send a letter of request
  • Do you want to inform your recipient about a violation of contractual obligations on his part? Write a letter of claim (complaint)

Non-profit purposes

  • Give thanks in a thank you letter
  • Confirm your obligations with a letter of guarantee and your consent with a letter of confirmation
  • Write newsletters if you think your information will be of interest to the recipient
  • Remind about important agreements, obligations, penalties with reminder letters
  • Congratulate in letters of congratulations, ask in letters of request, condole in letters of condolences
  • If you need to send important documents or material assets, be sure to prepare a cover letter for your cargo

2. Recipient

If you are addressing a letter to several recipients at once, then you are writing a circular letter

Your letter can touch on several topics at the same time, which automatically makes it multifaceted

4. Structure

Regulated letters involve compiling the text part of the letter according to a certain pattern, while unregulated letters have a free form of presentation

5. Form of departure

  • in an envelope
  • in electronic form
  • by fax

Structure of a business letter: introduction, body, conclusion

The structure of a standard business letter requires more careful consideration.

A correctly formatted letter should correspond to the following outline:

Let's take a closer look at some points of the scheme:

1. Heading

Typically, this is a brief summary of the subject of the letter.

Important: Write the title correctly if you want the recipient to read your letter.

The absence of headings in business correspondence is typical for beginners who do not have basic skills in conducting business correspondence.

2. Appeal

  • has the traditional form "Dear"
  • capitalized in the middle of the line

Important: The use of abbreviations is prohibited!


  • introduces the addressee to the main idea of ​​the letter
  • prepares the addressee for the correct perception of subsequent information contained in the letter

4. The main body of the text substantiates the key idea set out in the preamble

In this part of the letter

  • you clearly indicate the essence of the proposal/appeal
  • provide arguments: facts, figures, other specifics on the topic of the letter. expert opinion, own positive/negative experience

For ease of justification, you can use the following diagram:

Important: The last paragraph should contain a phrase indicating a specific step or expected result and encourage the addressee to take action

5. In conclusion:

6. In the “Signature” window, information about the addressee must be indicated:

  • job title

How not to make a mistake in choosing a writing style?

In business correspondence, you constantly have to make choices regarding the style of writing and the tone of communication with the addressee. How dry, formal, or, conversely, how lively, warm, and human should your message be?

  • Personal style in business correspondence emphasizes the individual qualities of the person writing the letter
  • When using a formal style, facts are presented and appropriate conclusions are drawn based on them.
  • Personal style involves communication between the author of the letter and the addressee on equal terms
  • Formal style demonstrates a clear chain of command and a force that the reader of the letter is forced to reckon with.

To choose the right communication style in a business letter, consider:

  • what weight categories are you and your recipient in?
  • Do you want to negotiate amicably or apply pressure from a position of strength?

How to stick to the chosen style?

Personal style

  • Presence of personal pronouns: I, we, you
    For example: I apologize to you and sincerely hope that similar mistakes will not happen again.
  • Direct appeals and requests
    For example: Please do not leave personal items unattended
  • Use of emotional evaluative expressions: star youth, deafening failure

Formal style

  • Replacing personal pronouns with abstract nouns
    For example: The cinema administration apologizes sincerely for changing the evening show schedule
  • Replacing personal appeals and requests with statements
    For example: Please do not leave personal items unattended
  • Use of common bureaucracy: I bring to your attention, due to the fact that

A formal style is absolutely not suitable if you are writing a letter of gratitude or a letter of condolence, that is, those business letters in which you need to express feelings. In a situation where you are writing a letter of request or a letter of offer, it is also better to stick to a personal style.

What is a letter of complaint and how to write it? How is it different from other types of letters?

Important: When composing a letter, focus the addressee’s attention on exactly what actions you expect from him. Also indicate specific deadlines for the implementation of your tasks.

The complaint letter template will help you compose it correctly:

What is a response letter and how to write it?

There are two types of advice letters:

  • letter of refusal
  • letter with a positive response

The drafting of both types of letters has two general rules (provided that the initiative letter was drafted correctly):
1. The response letter retains the vocabulary and speech patterns of the initiative letter
2. The text of the response letter should not contain information about

  • date of drawing up the initiative letter
  • its registration number

An example of a friendly and correct refusal letter is given below:

However, refusal does not always have to be soft. There are situations when a tough and strict communication style is necessary. Below is a template of rejection letters for all occasions, from hard to soft:

Information letter: its difference from response letters and complaint letters

The information letter is multifunctional:

  • reports (for example, about price changes in price lists)
  • notifies (of re-election of members of the board of directors)
  • notifies (about the shipment of goods)
  • declares (of intentions)
  • confirms (receipt of goods)
  • reminds (of the fulfillment of obligations assumed under the contract)
  • advertises and informs (about the company in general, about goods/services in particular)

Perhaps the most pressing issue today is the question of how to correctly compose an advertising and information letter.

1. Lack of structure
2. Presence of slang or informal language in the text of the letter
3. Sloppy design
4. Abundance of spelling, syntactic, stylistic errors
5. Lack of reliable facts and objective information in the letter
6. Violation of basic rules of politeness (especially in letters of complaint)
7. Use of cumbersome and unclear sentences in the text
8. Lack of logic in the presentation of the material
9. Lack of explanations of abbreviations
10. General blurriness of the text if it is compiled aimlessly

What else do you need to know about business letters?

1. For modern business correspondence, the block structure method of text composition is used.
This method saves time and maintains the overall style of all business documentation. A characteristic feature of the method is open punctuation or the absence of periods/commas (for example, when creating lists)

2. A sans-serif font (for example, Arial) can be used for the title of the letter. This font is perceived on a subconscious level as stable and solid.

3. Serif fonts (Times News Roman) should be used in body text. Serifs make it easier for your eyes to move from letter to letter, making reading faster.

Important: There are letters that are always written only by hand!
These are letters of congratulations, letters of condolences, letters of gratitude

A large amount of useful information regarding the composition of business letters can be found in the video from Sasha Karepina.

Video: How to write cover letters and resumes

Video: “Learning from storytellers.” Secrets of selling texts

Letter is a generalized name for documents of various contents sent by mail, courier, fax, e-mail, etc.

As you know, people are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, the “clothing” of your letter, i.e. The envelope and paper must be immaculate. Otherwise, your letter risks ending up in the waste paper bin unread, even if it contains information that is extremely valuable to the recipient.

This is especially true for letters such as company introductions, product offers, goods, services, and job applications. The envelope should be thick, opaque, standard size, made of white paper. The address on the envelope must be printed or visible from a transparent window. There are no strict restrictions or rules here.

If you are going to request information, order goods or services, then both the envelope and the paper may not be the most expensive, but still of good quality.

The paper, if you do not use the standard letterhead of your company, must also meet the most stringent requirements: A4 format, white, thick, a sheet without defects or stains, especially if you are offering cooperation, representing your company or being hired. The signature should be designed in such a way that the recipient does not feel that you do not have a decent fountain pen or that you are not confident enough to reproduce your signature. Your letter should make a solid, respectable impression at first glance.

The letter should be informative, concise and take no more than one page. No one will read more than one page.

All business letters can be divided into those stating a fait accompli and anticipating the possibility of its accomplishment, into letters requiring a response letter and letters that do not require a response letter, into business and commercial letters.

Types of business letters:

1)Information letter is sent to officials, and it provides information about the progress of work or informs about some matter, issue, facts, events, etc. Often with the help of such letters they promote the activities of organizations and products.

2)B request letter the person sending it asks or demands an answer to a question of interest or an explanation about an accomplished fact, etc.

3)Transmittal (or covering) letter– this is a brief notification to the addressee that documents or material assets have been sent to him. Such letters are drawn up when they contain explanations about the nature of execution or the purpose of sending the document.

4)B reminder letter notification of the approaching, acceleration or expiration of the deadline for the execution of any action.

5)Letter of application- this is an official letter in which this or that order or application is made.

6)B letter of request institutions, enterprises, organizations or individual citizens contact the addressee with a request.

7)Reply letter– this is a letter in which a response is given to requests, applications, orders, etc. The text sets out the decision taken on the initiative document.

8)Letters of guarantee establish or confirm the obligations of partners in any transactions: payment for work performed, provision of housing, etc. This document must have the signatures of the manager and chief accountant, and the seal of the organization.

9)Letter of invitation. The purpose of the letter is an invitation to a meeting, meeting, conference, etc. Addressed to a specific person, group of people, organization and may contain the full agenda of the event, names of speakers, etc.

10)Notification letter. Often the answer to a request.

11)Confirmation letter notifies of receipt of documents, valuables, confirms facts and actions. Sending confirmation letters is a mandatory part of the business relationship. It allows you to remove the issue from control.

12)Letter of complaint sent by the purchasing enterprise to the supplier's organization. The text indicates the requirements presented by the author of the claim.

Letters are drawn up on letterhead and contain the following details: addressee, title to the text, note about the presence of an attachment, signature, note about the performer.

Official correspondence includes many types and varieties of letters: requests, proposals, notifications, reminders, notices, cover and guarantee letters, invitations, applications, claims, etc.

Structure of a business letter.

When writing any letters, you should always be guided by the formula: brief and to the point. A business letter should be no more than a page.

The text of the letter, as a rule, consists of three parts: introduction, evidence and conclusion. The introduction indicates the reasons for composing the letter, the evidence indicates the facts, considerations and explanations of the author of the letter, his calculations, and the conclusion indicates the main purpose of the letter.

The text of the letter can consist not only of all three elements, but also of two - introduction and conclusion, or even one - conclusion.

Letters are issued on letterhead.

The name of the document type is not indicated in the letters.

Letters are drawn up in two copies: the first copy, after registration in the journal of outgoing documents, is sent to the addressee, and the second is kept on file.

Service letters must be signed by the head of the institution before being sent. If the letter is of a monetary, property, material or credit nature, then an accountant’s signature is required. See the “signature” detail.


Faxes are essentially quick letters, so all the requirements for letters apply to them. Moreover, in some cases the fax message is confirmed by sending the original by regular mail. There are two types of faxes - very short messages that require an urgent response, and longer ones. In the first case, the message is written on a standard form. In the case when a long message is transmitted, then on the standard form it is necessary to indicate to whom the information and the message about the contents of the attachments (agreement, order, etc.) are addressed.

E-mail is a very special type of communication that allows you to work interactively, in teleconference mode, etc. and presenting both enormous opportunities and great difficulties due to the specifics of conducting electronic correspondence. On the one hand, emails are almost no different from their usual predecessors - paper letters. The email has the recipient's address and the sender's address, the date and time of sending and receiving the message, the text of the letter and the sender's signature, the subject of the message are recorded, the attached file serves as an attachment.

Business email correspondence implies respect for the culture and traditions inherent in a given nation, social level, or even area of ​​business. An American, for example, can quite quickly move to an almost informal level of communication, which does not mean that your business is a priority for him, it’s just how they do it. The Europeans will keep their distance until the last moment, and for the same reason. The most optimal option is to choose a gradual development of relationships from strictly formal to more informal ones. The style and form of business messages should be kept in an official style.

It should be remembered that your message, before reaching the recipient's mailbox, travels through many servers and is available to the attention of many people. Therefore, when working with email, you should remember that your email should under no circumstances compromise either you, your company, or your addressee.

3. The concept of a document form. Corner and longitudinal forms.

A document form is permanent mandatory details pre-applied on a standard sheet of paper by typography or using a special stamp. These details form the official (company) form of the document.

Each document consists of a number of its constituent elements, which are called details (name, addressee, text, date, etc.). GOST establishes the following definition:

A prop is a mandatory design element inherent in a certain type of official document.

Different documents consist of a different set of details, which is determined by the purposes of creating the document, its purpose, etc. But in any case, the information recorded on a tangible medium must be formalized by putting down the necessary details. Only then does it become a document.

When producing official forms, two main paper standards are used: A4 (210x297mm) and A5 (147x210mm). It is allowed to use forms in A3 (420x297mm) and A6 (148x105mm) formats. Document forms must have margins of at least 20mm on the left and top and 10mm on the right and bottom.

There are three types of official forms for organizational and administrative documents: a general form, a letter form, and a form for a specific type of document. The general form is used for the production of any types of documents except letters.

Letter form

This form is highlighted because the letter is intended to be sent to other organizations and therefore contains the address information of the enterprise. The letter form includes details: name of the organization, background information about the organization, organization code. The letter form indicates the location of the details: the date of the document, the registration number of the document, a link to the registration number and the date of the document. The letterhead may also contain an image of the coat of arms or emblem and the name of the parent organization.

Methods for registering details

_________________ ________________________ _________________ ______________
___________ _________ ____________ __________
______ ____________ ______ ____________

Requirements for document forms: documents are prepared on forms, must have an established set of details and a stable order of their arrangement.

Two main formats of document forms are established - A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (148 x 210 mm).

Each sheet of the document, drawn up both on the form and without it, must have margins, mm:

20 - left,

10 - right,

20 - top,

The form of business correspondence, today, should not only be understandable and clear, but also concise.
There are several types of business letters. Let's look at them.

The first type is a letter - a request. It is formulated clearly and concisely. If there are explanations for the request, they should be stated as concisely as possible. Be sure to emphasize your personal interest and thank them in advance for fulfilling your request.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to end the letter with “We assure you that the information you provide will be treated in strict confidence.”

The second type of business letter isletter - notification. This letter is sent as a gesture of politeness (for a quick response, an expression of readiness to cooperate, etc.) or as a specific information message. Under such a letter, the signature of the secretary or assistant is sufficient.

The third type is a reminder letter. Such a letter is sent to the addressee in cases where it is not possible to achieve a timely result as a result of telephone conversations or personal contacts. The purpose of the letter is to tactfully remind the addressee of the obligations he has undertaken and the deadlines for their implementation. Only under extreme circumstances can sanctions be hinted at. which may subsequently arise.

The fourth type is a confirmation letter. Most often, it is a confirmation of previously given guarantees and promises. Such a letter performs not so much a legal function. rather moral. Expresses readiness to support the addressee's proposal. Or confirmation of timely receipt of documents.

The fifth type is a letter - a claim. This letter is a kind of official warning. It must contain the grounds for filing a claim, the claims themselves, and the specific requirements of the party making the claim.

The sixth type is a letter - refusal. This letter contains a response to the client’s or partner’s complaint. A correctly drafted letter helps, despite the refusal, in the further cooperation of the parties.
At the beginning of the letter there should be a neutral comment that lists what you agree with, then the reasons for the refusal. The end of the letter should be positive, despite the fact that you did not satisfy the complaint expressed. Mention your readiness for further cooperation.

The seventh type is a letter of apology. There are situations when you have to write a letter of apology for some reason. Usually it contains a statement of the reasons why something did not take place, a meeting, a conference, or you were not present at some important event.

The eighth type is a letter of guarantee. It is a form of letter as an obligation to pay for a purchase, service... Contains a specific type of operation that is worth performing. The end of the letter guarantees payment and provides bank details. Has two signatures, the manager and the chief accountant.

The ninth type is a circular letter. The purpose of such letters is to convey the same information to several addressees (subsidiaries, branches). These letters are sent by the managing organization; a personal signature is required only on the first copy, and on the rest - a facsimile.