Short Christian stories for children. Parables for children



Somewhere far, far away, or maybe very close, in an unknown country or in a neighboring house, there once lived ordinary person, and his name was Sashka the first-grader. They started calling him that recently, because he was still young, just starting to study.
At first he was afraid of school, but then he liked it. Write, read, examples are up to everyone to decide smart person must. Why be stupid if you can become smart and respected?
Sashka thought about this after the first days of school. Interest appeared on its own. Sometimes it was difficult, sometimes very difficult, and sometimes easier.
Every day he learned and understood something new, unknown. I realized that a teacher at school is the most main man, on which his, Sashkin’s, success depends. I realized that when the teacher praises you, when you study well, you monitor your behavior. But the most important thing is that he realized that everything would work out for him gradually. “Effort”, “aspiration” - these words became Sashka’s best friends.
Of course, there are various difficulties and troubles in life. They can be treated differently. You can be afraid and submit, or you can successfully overcome them.
Sashka chose the second, more difficult, but also more honorable path. It is not always possible to immediately figure out how a letter is written or how an example is solved. But if you show the desire, everything works out in the end. Sometimes it happens that you forget to control your behavior, but then you remember and control yourself again.
Sashka firmly understood that a huge amount of strength and ability is hidden inside every person. Anyone, if they want, can become better than they are now. Everyone goes to school to become a better person. Everyone learns for their own sake.


One day Sashka’s alarm clock broke. He jumped up in the morning, and only a few minutes remained before the start of classes. He ran around the room like a meteor, pulling on his clothes and zipping up his briefcase as he went. I ran into school as soon as the bell rang. He slipped into the classroom in front of the teacher. He sat down and couldn’t catch his breath.
The lesson goes on as usual, but Sashka feels that not everything is fine around him. The neighbor on the desk slowly moves away. From all sides the children look somehow incomprehensibly. And the teacher seems to want to say something, but does not dare.
Finally, Sashka couldn’t stand it anymore, pushed his neighbor and asked:
- Ol, and Ol, why is everyone looking at me like that?
Olya turned her nose dissatisfied and answered reluctantly:
-Have you looked at yourself today? Did you brush your teeth? Did you comb your hair?
Sashka froze with his mouth open. Then the bell rang. Like a bullet he jumped out into the corridor and quickly to the mirror at the entrance. He looks and doesn’t recognize himself. The shirt is peeking out from under the jacket. The hair on my head is like after a hurricane, different sides stick out. The face is “sour”, unwashed.
“What a scarecrow!” Sashka heard, looked around sharply, but then realized that he had said it to himself.
He lowered his head and went to the washbasin. As he walked, he took out a comb and combed his hair. I washed myself thoroughly, dried myself with a clean handkerchief, straightened my clothes, wiped my shoes, and it was as if I had lifted a huge burden from myself. It even became easier to breathe. Again normal person I felt no worse than anyone else.
This lifted my spirits so much that I even wanted to sing. And so that in this song the words are about neatness, neatness, cleanliness. So that the teacher and the class can hear and see him. So that after this everyone understands that Sashka will now always take care of his appearance.

During the lesson, students gain new knowledge. They write, read, draw. Sometimes it happens that the paste in the pen runs out or the pencil breaks. Then the teacher turns to the class and says:
- Who will help Sveta out and give her a pen?
- If Kolya has comrades, they will subordinate the pencil to him!
Sashka often helped out his classmates. He even specially carried spare pens and pencils with him. But this was not the only way his comradely qualities were manifested.
Recently, Sashka decisively stood between two quarreling classmates and put them to rest. For this, the teacher praised him in front of the whole class.
He remembered his grandmother's words well:
- How you treat people is how people will treat you.
When Sashka couldn’t get his math examples right for a long time, Slava himself came up to him and offered to help. Together with him, Sashka figured out the examples, and after that the mood immediately improved.
The other day, his neighbor at his desk, Olya, had a severe headache. So to the teacher’s question:
“Who can take Olya home after school?” the whole class raised their hands. The teacher entrusted this matter to Sashka, as a neighbor at his desk, and he carried the briefcase all the way to Ole’s house.
After that, on the way to his home, Sashka walked and smiled and thought:
- It’s so good that in our class everyone treats each other in a friendly manner!


Any person, at least once in his life, has told a lie. Every first grader has told a lie at least once in his life. Sashka was an ordinary first-grader, and he also knew what it was like to tell a lie. He knew and didn't think about it until that very incident.
That day the first lesson was mathematics. The teacher asked all the children to bring counting sticks. Quite by accident, Sashka forgot about this and when checking, showed a pencil case instead.
“Sasha has such a large set of sticks,” he immediately heard the teacher’s voice, “probably imported, right, Sasha?”
Sashka, blushing to the roots of his hair, mumbled something and lowered his eyes. Until the end of the lesson, he fidgeted in his chair and was afraid to meet the eyes of the teacher. I came out for recess upset. All the children ran outside, and he walked along the deserted corridor, waving his arms in frustration. Suddenly he feels that he has touched something. He looks and there is already a pot on the floor. indoor plants lies broken.
Like a mouse, he darted around the corner and quickly into his office.
During the reading, at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asked everyone.
- Children, no one knows how a pot with a plant in the corridor could break.
Everyone, of course, said no, and Sashka, blushing again, also gave out the word “No.” After that he felt completely uncomfortable, as if he had sat in a puddle.
And the rest of the children began to play with words. Everyone must come up with a word starting with the letter P. As soon as it’s Sashka’s turn, he’ll jump up and shout
-Is it true!
The teacher looked at him surprisingly and asked:
-What, Sasha, did you swallow the loudspeaker?
And he responded:
- No, Larisa Ivanovna, but I will keep the word “truth” to death!
Then he lowered his eyes and said quietly:
-I’ll definitely bring table counting sticks and a new flower tomorrow. And I will never be friends with lies again.


Classroom attendants are appointed by the teacher. They are appointed so that the student must be in this role once a month. Sashka always conscientiously performed the duties of the duty officer. And this time she and Olya ushered all the children out into the corridor during recess, opened the windows, and wiped the board. After that, Olya went to the shift to get chalk, and Sashka began to look to see if the guys had thrown pieces of paper on the floor. He saw one, approached, bent down and... a most fragrant smell suddenly hit his nose. On the second table in the middle row lay a delicious, freshly fried pie with jam.
Sashka stared at this pie, enchanted. Someone had already taken a bite from it, and the jam spread slightly onto the oiled paper.
“But you should have forgotten to have breakfast today,” Alexander thought through his head.
And if you break off a piece, no one will notice, was his second thought.
It was as if the hand itself, trembling, began to rise and approach the tempting pie. Sashka already felt the taste of warm jam on the tip of his tongue, and it seemed that no force in the world could stop him.
But suddenly, as if something clicked inside him, and his hand froze. At first Sashka did not understand why, but then he began to understand the reason more and more clearly.
- After all, I have no right to take someone else’s. Something else is not mine, - this thought, having arisen by chance, now completely took possession of him.
“What if someone took your thing without your permission?!” his inner voice was almost screaming.
-What if someone saw you doing such a shameful activity?!
After this thought, Sashka opened his eyes wide and jumped up on the spot as if stung. He immediately straightened up and began to look around. To his great relief, no one had entered the classroom yet. With a somewhat accelerated step, he rushed to throw away the piece of paper he had picked up, repeating as he walked like a spell:
Someone else’s is not yours! Someone else's only with permission! What is foreign is yours.


The main task of the student in the lesson is to gain new knowledge. Sashka, like a diligent schoolboy, tried his best to study. From the outside it looked quite funny. As soon as the teacher asked a question to the class, he sharply raised his hand, began to shake it and make vague sounds: “y-y-s-s-s-s-...”. If someone was asked, the sound stopped, but the hand continued to reach out, automatically shaking.
And sometimes, on the contrary, he thinks about something extraneous (his eyes become clouded) and does not hear for some time what is happening in the class.
Sashka understood that this was interfering with his studies, and the teacher didn’t like it, but he believed that he couldn’t do anything. Until one day, after another such unpleasant moment, I said to myself:
-All! Enough! It's time to pull myself together and prove that I can control myself!
From that day on, Sashka began to specifically give himself tasks for effort. Previously, I crossed the road at any place, now I only cross pedestrian crossing etc. He began to educate himself. And immediately the results appeared. He became stronger and more confident. The need to shake my hand and hiss in class has disappeared.
More than once the teacher set him as an example and said:
- Pay attention guys to Alexander. This is a person who knows how to manage himself.
Sashka really liked these words. He was proud of them! He also stopped being distracted and was very surprised when during class one of his classmates turned a deaf ear to the teacher’s words addressed to him.
Some guys began to consult with Sashka, asking how he managed to control himself. To this Sashka had one firm and confident answer for everyone:
- The most important thing is to want it badly. And then imagine that everything works out. And everything will really work out.


There are times in life when a person experiences fear. In first grade, little people also sometimes experience fear.
Recently, Sasha’s teacher instructed her to read a poem at a concert in front of the whole school. Sashka conscientiously learned it and came to the concert. But the closer his turn came, the heavier his legs became; he felt somehow terrified, an incomprehensible fear held him down. The teacher saw this, came up and whispered in his ear:
- Sasha, did you watch the children’s performance on TV yesterday?
Sashka nodded his head affirmatively.
- Do you remember, at the very beginning, the boy read the poem expressively?
“Yes,” Sashka answered affirmatively again.
- So imagine that now the same boy will also perform.
Remember how he walked, how he waved his arms, how he held his head.
Sashka tensed and clearly remembered yesterday’s lively boy. He mentally put it in its place and... heard the teacher’s voice:
- Sasha, it’s time for you to go on stage. Head up, chest forward.
And he, copying yesterday’s boy artist, “flew up” onto the stage and expressively read the entire poem.
The audience clapped for a long time after that. Sashka bowed with dignity and left the stage with a confident gait.
Already behind the scenes, he saw the teacher, jumped up to her and joyfully shouted:
- I did it, Larisa Ivanovna, I was able to overcome my fear!
The teacher stroked his head and replied:
- I always believed in you, Alexander.
And I believe that you will remember for the rest of your life how you can overcome your fear. True confidence is always stronger than any fear.


The most pleasant and memorable feeling for children at school is the joy of the teacher’s task being correctly completed. If you are also the first to complete it, then this is doubly joyful.
Sashka always tried to solve an example or guess a riddle correctly and first. And very often he succeeded. At such moments his face broke into the happiest smile. Everything inside was rejoicing, and in everything he did, it was as if he was saying:
- Look and listen how pleased I am with myself!
He was especially pleased when he managed to complete a task increased difficulty. The other day the teacher gave them this task. It was necessary to connect four points with three lines, without lifting your hand, and return to the starting position. Sashka thought during class, during recess he thought, after lessons he thought, and finally at home, as if by chance, everything worked out for him. What happened after that! Hurray - a-a-a-a...” - lasted several minutes. The parents ran in and couldn’t understand anything.
Mom asked:
- Sanya, why are you so happy? Did you win the sports lotto?
And Sashka answers her:
- Better, mom. I solved this difficult problem myself. I wanted to give up and quit a hundred times, but I still didn’t let go. That's why I'm so happy.
“Well done, Alexander,” said dad, and firmly shook his hand.
Late in the evening, my mother, looking into the room, saw Sasha serenely sleeping, on whose face a joyful smile continued to shine. She walked up to him, stroked his head and quietly whispered:
- Well done, son, you yourself honestly deserved your joy.

This story happened to one boy, a Sunday school student. When in Sunday school children were asked to write or tell a story about themselves on the topic: “Disobedience and Punishment,” this same boy told us interesting case what happened to him and the lesson he learned from this incident. So…

The theme for the story “Two for Sisters” was recently suggested to me by my children. One evening at dinner, they began to remember how our youngest boy gave his older sisters a D in his diary. I never remembered this story as an event in our family, I listened to the children and wondered how such an incident escaped my memory. So, let's listen to this story from beginning to end...

The story "Candy", written based on real case one large family. This is my only story in which the names of the children involved in the plot were not even changed. Today, our little heroes have already grown up and become beautiful young people, and they still sing and pray to the Lord. God bless them!

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At one Moscow school, a boy stopped going to classes. He hasn't been walking for a week or two...

Leva didn’t have a phone, and his classmates, on the advice of the teacher, decided to go to his house.

Levi's mother opened the door. Her face was very sad.

The guys greeted each other and timidly asked;

Why doesn't Leva go to school? Mom answered sadly:

He will no longer study with you. He had surgery. Unsuccessful. Lyova is blind and cannot walk on his own...

The guys were silent, looked at each other, and then one of them suggested:

And we will take turns taking him to school.

And accompany you home.

“And we’ll help you do your homework,” classmates chirped, interrupting each other.

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes. She led her friends into the room. A little later, feeling the way with his hand, Lyova came out to them with a blindfold.

The guys froze. Only now did they truly understand what a misfortune had happened to their friend. Leva said with difficulty:


And then it rained down from all sides:

I'll pick you up tomorrow and take you to school.

And I'll tell you what we studied in algebra.

And I'm in history.

Leva didn’t know who to listen to and just nodded his head in confusion. Tears rolled down my mother's face.

After leaving, the guys made a plan - who would come in when, who would explain what subjects, who would walk with Lyova and take him to school.

At school, the boy who sat at the same desk with Lyova quietly told him during the lesson what the teacher was writing on the board.

And how the class froze when Lyova answered! How everyone rejoiced at his A's, even more than their own!

Leva studied well. The whole class began to study better. In order to explain a lesson to a friend in trouble, you need to know it yourself. And the guys tried. Moreover, in the winter they began to take Lyova to the skating rink. The boy loved it very much classical music, and classmates went with him to symphony concerts...

Lev graduated from school with a gold medal, then entered college. And there were friends who became his eyes.

After college, Leva continued to study and eventually became a world-famous mathematician, academician Pontryagin.

There are countless people who have seen the light for good.

Is this a friend?

About one country, scientists have created a robot that is capable of learning. They named him Saik. Saik can remember any information and answer any question. Well, just an excellent student, only made of metal and plastic.

He is more obedient than you. The older you become, the more willful and stubborn you become. But Saik only acts according to the programs embedded in him. He won’t even do a good deed unless ordered.

A blind man stands at an intersection and cannot cross the street - he does not see the traffic light. You'll quickly figure out what to do, right? But this is not the case with Syke. If this is not provided for by the program, it will stand there like a traffic light and blink its lights.

They asked Saik:

Who are your parents? He replied:

I don't have parents. I computer program, not a living being.

What can you do?

I remember what I was taught. I can perceive various information and process it.

They asked the computer boy:

Saik, what are your tasks?

Constantly accumulate knowledge and share it with people.

Knowledge is, of course, good... But is that really all that matters? What are they without warmth and kindness?

Would you like a friend like this? Hardly. There is no soul in it. Can't love. And without love, is it really a friend?!

And in general, if you don’t love, then why live?

My mushroom! My!

Grandfather and grandson went into the forest to pick mushrooms. The grandfather is an experienced mushroom picker and knows the secrets of the forest. He walks well, but bends down with difficulty - his back may not straighten if he bends sharply.

The grandson is nimble. He notices where grandfather rushed - and then, right there. While the grandfather bows to the fungus, the grandson is already shouting from under the bush:

My mushroom! I found it!

Grandfather remains silent and goes on a search again. As soon as he sees the prey, the grandson again:

My mushroom!

So we returned home. The granddaughter shows his mother the full basket. She rejoices at how wonderful her mushroom picker is. And grandfather with an empty basket sighs:

Yes... Years... He's getting a little old, a little old... But maybe it's not a matter of years at all, and it's not

in mushrooms? And what is better - an empty basket or an empty soul?

The soul is lost.

The baby is crying - he has lost his mother. He doesn’t know his father’s address or last name. Where to go? Strangers They take him by the hand and lead him. Where? For what? Things happen these days. Then there will be advertisements in newspapers, on television: a boy of such and such age is lost, dressed in such and such...

We got lost too. Our soul cries, helpless in invisible world spirits He knows neither the name of his Heavenly Father nor the eternal Fatherland. She doesn't know why she was given life...

Over the ravine.

Was prom. The chicks fluttered out of the nest. They drank secretly. I felt dizzy. And not only from wine - from an excess of strength, the desire to fly. And then there’s someone else’s car with the engine running. The owner is not visible. Well, now the whole world is theirs!

Sit down! Let's go! Ha ha!

And the ball is in full swing. Someone whispers tender words for the first time, someone shares a dream... Turn. Another turn.

There's a bridge there! Stop! Hit the brakes!!! Wait a minute...

The whole city mourned them. He covered the graves with flowers. A day or two later the flowers withered...

Who did you serve, sons? They never took off... They didn’t build their nest, they didn’t raise their chicks...

When you walk across the bridge, horror takes over. It's like hearing someone moan. The ravine is deep. You think about other ravines, invisible ones.

The engine of absurd desires is gaining momentum... Where are the brakes? There's an abyss ahead! Lord, give me some sense!


Their doors were opposite. They often met on the landing. One passed by, his brow furrowed, and did not even glance at his neighbor. With all his appearance he said: I have no time for you. The other smiled welcomingly. Wishes for health were already ready to roll off his tongue, but, seeing the cold inaccessibility, he lowered his eyes, the words got stuck in his throat, and his smile faded.

Years passed like this. Days flashed by, similar to one another. The neighbors were getting old. When meeting, the benevolent no longer expected a greeting and only politely made way. But one day his granddaughter came to visit him. She was all glowing, as if the sun was shining in her eyes and smile. When the little girl met her gloomy neighbor, she joyfully exclaimed:


The stranger stopped. He never expected this. Blue eyes, like cornflowers, looked at him. There was so much tenderness and affection in them that this stern man was even embarrassed. He did not know how to talk to neighbors and children. He was used to only giving orders. No one dared to talk to him without the secretary’s permission, and then there was some kind of button... Mumbling something incomprehensible, he hurried to the car that was waiting for him at the entrance.

When the important person got into the Mercedes, the girl waved after him. The sullen neighbor pretended not to notice this. You never know what kind of small fry flashes behind the windows of a foreign car.

They met quite often. Each time the girl’s face lit up with a joyful smile, and her unearthly light made the neighbor’s soul warmer. He began to like it, and one day he even nodded in response to a ringing greeting.

Suddenly, meetings with the baby stopped. Severe noticed that a doctor was coming to the apartment opposite.

When meeting, the benevolent one still politely let the neighbor go ahead, but for some reason he was without his granddaughter. And then the gloomy man realized that it was her smile, her waving little hand that he was now missing. At work, he was greeted in a businesslike manner and smiled politely, but these were completely different smiles.

So the monotonous, boring days passed. One day the stern man could not stand it. Seeing his neighbor, he slightly raised his hat, greeted him with restraint and asked:

Where is your granddaughter? She hasn't been seen for a long time.

She got sick.

That’s how it is?.. - his grief was completely sincere.

The next time they met on the site, the gloomy one, after saying hello, opened the “diplomat.” After rummaging through his papers, he took out a bar of chocolate and muttered embarrassedly:

Tell your girl. Let him get better.

And he hurriedly trotted towards the exit. The delicate one's eyes became moist and a lump rose in his throat. He couldn’t even say thank you, he just moved his lips.

After that, when they met, they already told each other kind words, and the stern one asked how the granddaughter was feeling.

And when the girl recovered and they met, the little girl rushed to her neighbor and hugged him. And the eyes of this stern man became moist.


The birds flew in and chirped. They either greeted us or hinted that they wanted to peck at something. And I was too lazy to get out of bed and go out to the balcony.

The birds chirped and flew away. Someone else will feed them, show care, someone whose heart has awakened.

Where are they now? To whom did God send them? Whose heart are they knocking on?


At the age of four, Deniska was left without a mother. And he knew nothing at all about his father. The mother did something terrible - she killed a woman. Everyone abandoned her and Denis. What he saw in his wanderings through orphanages, hardly anyone can tell. But the boy himself did not want to remember this.

In the end, Deniska ended up in the second grade of a boarding school. One day, a teacher, helping him get dressed, noticed a cross on a string on his thin chest.

Who gave it to you?

Do you know who this is?

Do you know why He was crucified on the cross? Denis didn’t know anything, but for some reason he

I wanted to wear a cross near my heart.

The mother was recently released from the colony, lives in an unknown place, and the cross is here. Only sometimes you have to give it away: Dima, Vova, and others wanted to vilify it... How can you refuse? The guys got it too... Vova’s mother made a den out of her apartment. Dima, although he had his own house, lived there as if abandoned, and often went hungry. So they pass the cross to each other in turns. Warms...

Soul is a Christian

The family was not a believer. One day they passed by a temple. The bells rang. A little boy of about six suddenly knelt down on the street and began to be baptized. Nobody taught him this. Maybe you saw it somewhere? Suddenly - myself!

People around them began to look at them. The mother was indignant:

Get up now! Don't shame us! And the baby answered her:

What are you doing, mom?! This is the Church!

But neither his mother nor his father understood him. They took the boy by the hands and led him away.

Christ said: “Let the children in and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for to such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Alas, the parents did not know these words and took the baby away from Christ.

Is it really forever?

Children's confession

IN orphanage the priest with a bright soul baptized the whole group at once. They began to call the teacher, who became the children's godmother, mom. The group was friendly. Of course, things happened to them too: they could quarrel and fight. And then they come to their senses and extend their hands to each other:

I'm sorry.

And forgive me.

One day a new person appeared among them and brought with him some other, unkind spirit.

One boy's player disappeared. Who took it? It is a sin to accuse someone without evidence. Gone and gone. And then it was time for the children’s confession, for which everyone had been preparing for a long time. And suddenly this new guy confessed to the priest:

And then to the guys:

It's me, I took it! Sorry...

Everyone froze. The boy whose player disappeared said:

Let it be yours.

The minute was amazing. And one girl gave her player to this boy.

We will not mention their names. For what? God knows them. And the one who asked for forgiveness, and those who gave the player to each other.

Save me, Lord!

One winter, the guys who were fishing were carried out to sea on an ice floe. When it got dark, the houses realized that there were no children and made a fuss. Aviation joined the search. But try, find it in the dark. The pilot can fly right over the guys and not notice them. If only they had a flashlight or a radio transmitter. They would signal: "SOS! Save our souls..."

There was also such a case: a girl geologist got lost. Taiga all around. He doesn’t know where to go.

The girl was a believer and began to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, knowing that he helps everyone. I prayed with all my heart. Suddenly he sees an old man coming. He approaches her and asks:

Where are you going, honey?

She told what happened to her and asked to show the way to some village.

The old man explained that there were no villages around.

And you,” he says, “climb this hill, you will see a house.” There are people there.

The girl looked at the hill, turned around to thank the old man, but he was no longer there, as if he had never existed.

Behind the hill, she actually found a hut, where she was warmly greeted, fed and warmed. She was told that the elder was right - there was no housing around for three hundred kilometers. What would have happened to the girl if she had not prayed?

How did the story with the boys end? Unfortunately, they did not know how to pray; their parents did not teach them. But one of them had a believing grandmother. All night she asked the Mother of God, our Helper and Intercessor, for them. She also prayed to our Lord Jesus Christ, begging Him to save the children...

The next morning the boys were found and taken off the ice floe. However, such stories happen not only at sea.

Our whole life is like a raging sea of ​​sin, capable of swallowing every soul if it does not cry out to God: “Save, Lord!”

The voice of one crying

Nobody believed her. She entered houses, knocked on windows, and called out to everyone she met:

Save yourself! There's trouble at the reactor! All around - death! Run, close the windows, doors, take the children off the street, leave, leave!

It was Sunday. The sun was shining brightly. The kids were playing on the street. What's the problem? What do you?! They would have told us, announced it on the radio... After all, there are bosses. Don't panic, girl! Are you overheated in the sun?

And she kept calling out to people... She knew that being on the street was dangerous, that she could be captured lethal dose this death, but she kept walking... The girl saw that no one was listening to her, did not believe her, but she said to everyone she met:

Save yourself!

Isn’t this how the messengers of Orthodoxy were and are met with unbelief? They were thrown into cages with wild animals, burned, driven alive under the ice, rotted in prisons, and they knocked on every house and cried:

Save yourself! The enemy of the human race does not sleep and catches every soul. Fall before God! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Voice in the wilderness...

A moment, just a moment...

The grandson whom I once taught to walk has grown up imperceptibly. He stretched out, became taller than me, but does not want to learn to walk before God. You tell him something, and he proudly replies:

Okay, let's figure it out.

He is on first name terms with himself.

In the evenings, the grandson often walked with his friends. My grandmother and I never let him go without a blessing, which he graciously accepted. In general, he is taciturn, but one day he came back excited and told the following story.

The house was already close. The street is deserted: no people, no cars. All that remains is to cross the tram tracks - and here it is, our home yard. And suddenly - bang! A bottle thrown by some drunk from the fourth floor fell right in front of his nose and broke into pieces! A little more - and she would have hit him in the head.

A moment... Just a moment separated him from death, just half a step... The grandson looked around. Upstairs they continued to feast. There is no one around. Who would help him? And was it possible to help? But someone gave the guy this saving moment.

Now, before leaving the house, he says as if by chance:

Well, I'm off!

It means bless you, grandparents. And he stands straight. Already on "you" with a blessing.

If we believe

The kids agreed to play blind man's buff. One was blindfolded with a towel. They were convinced that he couldn’t peek, they spun him around and ran off in all directions. They started calling and clapping their hands so that he could catch them by the sound. The blindfolded boy tried to grab them, rushing at every rustle. And the guys suddenly became quiet - and not a sound, as if no one was there. But the boy is sure that they are nearby. He doesn’t see, but he believes that they are here.

Faith is confidence in the invisible as in the visible.

The mother put the baby to bed, sang him a lullaby, crossed him, kissed him and went into the next room. The baby does not see her, but believes that his mother is nearby. You just have to call her and she will come.

So we do not see God and our Intercessor, the Mother of God, but They are nearby. As soon as we call, they will be with us, although we will not see them.


They will come to those who believe in Them. And they will come and help and protect.

If we believe it.

A cheerful company - three guys and three girls - were traveling on a bus to the golden beaches of Florida. They were expected gentle sun, warm sand, blue water and a lot of fun. They loved and were loved. They gave joyful smiles to those around them. They wanted everyone around them to be happy.

A rather young man sat next to them. Every burst of joy, every burst of laughter was reflected in pain on his gloomy face. He shrank all over and withdrew even more into himself.

One of the girls couldn’t stand it and sat down next to him. She learned that the gloomy man's name was Vingo. It turned out that he had spent four years in a New York prison and was now going home. This surprised my fellow traveler even more. Why is he so sad?

Are you married? - she asked.

This simple question received a strange answer:

Don't know.

The girl asked again in confusion:

Don't you know this? Wingo said:

When I went to prison, I wrote to my wife that I would be away for a long time. If it becomes difficult for her to wait for me, if the children start asking about me, and this will hurt her... In general, if she can’t stand it, let her clear conscience will forget me. I can understand this. “Find yourself another husband,” I wrote to her. “You don’t even have to tell me about it.”

Are you driving home without knowing what awaits you?

Yes,” Vingo answered, barely hiding his excitement.

A week ago, when I was informed that due to good behavior I would be released early, I wrote to her again. At the entrance to my hometown you will notice by the road big oak. I wrote that if she needs me, then let her hang a yellow handkerchief on it. Then I'll get off the bus and go home. But if she doesn’t want to see me, then she shouldn’t do anything. I'll pass by.

It was very close to the city. The young people took the front seats and began to count the kilometers. The tension on the bus grew. Vingo closed his eyes in exhaustion. There were ten, then five kilometers left... And suddenly the passengers jumped up from their seats, began to scream and dance with joy.

Looking out the window, Vingo was petrified: all the oak branches were completely covered with yellow scarves. Trembling in the wind, they welcomed the man returning to his home.

How will the Lord meet us if we return to Him with repentance?

With joy, for He Himself promised: “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people.”

At least every day

he still remembers the cloud, although thirty years have passed. It happened in the village of Danilovichi, near Gomel.

People have forgotten God. Rivers began to turn and seas were created. They imagined themselves to be gods. How to reason with them?

And there was a drought. Not a drop of rain fell in a month. The grasses drooped and turned yellow, everything burned. What should I do? If the crop perishes, famine cannot be avoided. And the collective farmers trudged to the chairman with a request to allow them to serve a prayer service in the field with the priest, icons and church hymns. And times were terrible then. The authorities tried to close the remaining churches and disperse the miraculously surviving priests, so that there would be no Orthodox spirit left on earth.

The chairman was in complete despair. And the plan must be carried out, and he is afraid of hunger, and of godless authorities. And I feel sorry for the people - how will they survive? He waved his hand - serve your prayer service!

For three days the whole world fasted, not even feeding the cattle. And there is not a cloud in the sky. Finally, people went into the field with icons and prayers. In front is Feodosia's father in full regalia. Everyone is crying out to God, all souls seem to have merged into one in repentance: “Forgive us, Lord, for we have decided to live without You. Lord, have mercy...”

And suddenly they see a cloud appearing on the horizon. At first it was small, and then the whole sky over the field became clouded. How they all cried out to God! And it started to rain. And not just rain, but real downpour! The Lord watered the earth.

The chairman rejoiced: “Pray at least every day!” And what’s surprising is that not a single drop fell in the neighboring areas.

The son of Father Theodosius was then five years old. Now he himself has become a priest. His father's name is Fedor. You ask him about the cloud, his worried face and he brightens up. Is it possible to forget that shower of Divine grace? Now Father Fedor is building the Church of All Saints so that people do not die from spiritual thirst.


Went to Crimean War Colonel Andrei Karamzin, son of the famous historian who wrote the famous “History of the Russian State”. How to protect life dear brother? The sisters sewed the ninetieth psalm into his uniform, in which the following words:

My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust! He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the fatal plague, He will cover you with His feathers, and you will be safe under His wings; shield and fence - His truth.

Such was the belief in Orthodox families: holy words will protect better than any shield.

Andrei Karamzin remained unharmed in all battles. But one day, before a battle, he was too lazy to change into the uniform that contained the saving lines, and at the very beginning of the battle he was killed on the spot.

Is this a coincidence?

With a shrine

The enemy was aiming straight for the heart. He hit for sure, without missing a beat. But the bullet did not touch the officer’s chest; it got stuck in the copper icon of St. Nicholas. Officer Boris Savinov walked with this shrine along the terrible roads of war - from Moscow to Konigsberg, fought at Stalingrad, on the Southern and Belorussian fronts. He was wounded several times, lay in hospitals, but his heart was guarded on all fiery roads by the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayers also protected him, for he had been a believer since childhood, and even managed to become a deacon before the war. Boris was also protected by the prayers of his grandfather and father, who were shot after the revolution for being priests. But God has no dead. Everyone is alive with Him. Didn't they pray for their grandson and son when he went into battle when the enemy was aiming at him?

Believing in God and relying on Him, the officer was amazingly courageous. If he wore all his battle medals, his chest would shine. He also had the rare Order of Alexander Nevsky, and the Order of the Red Banner, Red Star, Patriotic War first and second degrees, and many medals. After the war, the brave officer became a priest. Father Boris restored the church in the village of Turki near Bobruisk, then in the city of Msti-Slavl. Now he is a priest in Mogilev.

And the icon that saved him is kept in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.


They tried to escape. Such people are called refugees. But what kind of refugees are they? Many of them, let alone running, did not know how to walk. They were held in their arms, pressed to their chests. And yet they fled for their lives.

There were battles for every meter of Crimea. Children, helpless old people, the wounded - those who could not fight - were put on ships to be transported to the Taman Peninsula. There was salvation there. But we still had to swim there. And death raged over Crimea. The day before, a ship with seriously wounded people was sunk by fascist aircraft. Just to get past the Kerch Strait...

Suddenly appeared in the sky German planes. The weather was clear and visibility was excellent. Flying just above the deck, the masters of death saw children's heads, stretchers with the sick, and perhaps saw the faces of children gripped by horror. And, looking at the defenseless, they indifferently dropped bombs and pressed the triggers of machine guns.

The fascists thundered over the children's heads, dropping their deadly load, and then again gained altitude so that, turning around, they could aim properly and not miss this time.

The refugees could not see the eyes of their killers, covered with helmets. What was in these looks? The excitement of players honing their skills? Hatred? The desire to destroy children specifically, so that this people has no future? Or did they automatically carry out the inhumane order? It's as simple as clicking computer game, button. A bomb will explode and someone will no longer be alive. Again and again they gained altitude and turned the planes around...

And then a little girl came out to duel with flying death. She stood on the bow of the ship and... began to pray. The Nazis covered it with lead. She answered them with prayer. The howl and roar of exploding bombs and the chatter of machine guns drowned out the words, but the girl continued to pray to the Lord for help.

The ships released a smoke screen. How unreliable this protection is, which can dissipate at any moment... But God, having heard the words of a child’s prayer, commanded the breeze to blow across the ships so that the smoke would cover them, and the Nazis would needlessly scatter their deadly cargo.

The fascist planes retreated without damaging any of the ships or hitting the praying girl. They flew away. But what will these pilots say to the Creator when they appear before Him?

The refugees went ashore safe and sound. And everyone thanked the little girl with tears and gave her something, because everyone understood that a miracle had happened: a child’s prayer saved thousands of people from certain death.

We don't know this girl's name. She was so small... But what a huge, saving faith lived in her heart!

Return to life

Based on the story "Seryozha" by A. Dobrovolsky

Usually the brothers' beds were next to each other. But when Seryozha fell ill with pneumonia, Sasha was moved to another room and was forbidden to disturb the baby. They just asked me to pray for my brother, who was getting worse and worse.

One evening Sasha looked into the patient’s room. Seryozha lay with his eyes open, seeing nothing and barely breathing. Frightened, the boy rushed to the office, from which the voices of his parents could be heard. The door was ajar, and Sasha heard his mother, crying, say that Seryozha was dying. Dad answered with pain in his voice:

Why cry now? He can't be saved anymore...

In horror, Sasha rushed to his sister’s room. There was no one there, and he fell to his knees in front of the icon, sobbing. Mother of God hanging on the wall. Through the sobs the words broke through:

Lord, Lord, make sure that Seryozha does not die!

Sasha's face was flooded with tears. Everything around blurred as if in a fog. The boy saw in front of him only the face of the Mother of God. The sense of time disappeared.

Lord, You can do anything, save Seryozha!

It was already completely dark. Exhausted, Sasha stood up with the corpse and lit the table lamp. The Gospel lay before her. The boy turned a few pages, and suddenly his gaze fell on the line: “Go, and as you have believed, so be it for you...”

As if he had heard an order, he went to Seryozha. Mom sat silently at the bedside of her beloved brother. She gave a sign: “Don’t make noise, Seryozha fell asleep.”

Words were not spoken, but this sign was like a ray of hope. He fell asleep - that means he’s alive, that means he will live!

Three days later, Seryozha could already sit in bed, and the children were allowed to visit him. They brought their brother’s favorite toys, a fortress and houses that he had been cutting and gluing before his illness - everything that could please the baby. The little sister with the big doll stood next to Seryozha, and Sasha, jubilantly, took a photograph of them.

These were moments of real happiness.


Shortly before this happened, Sasha told his mother:

I saw two holy angels in a dream. They took me by the hands and carried me to heaven.

Two days later he was killed. A little older guys killed him, they coveted his new jacket. Mom saved money for it for a long time, gave it to her son, and now...

How could this happen?

Mom told me that even when he was very young, Sasha loved to go to church. I tried not to miss a single Sunday service. Then I started attending Sunday school...

Perhaps the boy was already ready to meet the Savior.

Only God knows this.

The kingdom of heaven to you, Sashenka!

To the world above

One boy wanted to go sledding down the hill. There are sleds, and the mountain is not far, but my parents won’t let me go - they’re afraid that I’ll get infected from my peers with something dangerous to my soul. He will see enough bad examples or hear a bad word, but like a seed, it will lie and lie and grow. And it will begin good boy speak rudely or act contrary to the commandments of love. A child's soul is like a plowed field. And a good seed, if it falls into it, sprouts, and so does any weed. It is not easy to pull out this thistle when it becomes prickly. So the parents protected their child so that he would not fall from the heights of childhood purity into the abyss of sin.

But a boy is a boy. I really want to ride! And then the time of Lent came. The people in those days strictly observed fasting. Even on ice mountain children were not allowed in. They blocked it with a stick to prevent them from rolling around. And Ganya decided that now it was possible, since there was no one there. I took the sled and headed up the mountain.

But can anything good happen without the blessing of the parents and their permission? And the Lord does not allow Lent have fun. Previously, when people did not forget God, even theaters were closed these days. The people prayed fervently, visited the sick, helped the poor, read the Holy Books and went to church.

But the boy, violating age-old customs, decided to do his own thing. He rushed down the icy cliff and ran into the very stick that covered the mountain. And not just on a stick, but on a nail sticking out of it. He tore his pants, slashed his new felt boots, and injured his leg. The blood is running, it hurts... But most of all the boy was afraid of upsetting his mother. As soon as he does something, mom kneels in front of the icon and prays with tears:

Lord, I begged You for my son, but he plays pranks and doesn’t listen. What should I do with it? And he himself can perish, and he can destroy me... Lord! Don't leave him, bring him to his senses!

Gana felt sorry for her mother. He couldn’t bear her tears, he came up and whispered:

Mom, mommy, I won't do it anymore.

Seeing that she continued to ask God, he himself, standing next to her, began to pray.

“Now mom will worry so much!” thought Ganya. “What should I do?” The boy climbed into the hayloft and began to pray to Saint Simeon, the Wonderworker of Verkhoturye. He is revered throughout Siberia. Ganya prayed with heartfelt contrition, cried, and promised to improve. He also made a vow to go on foot to worship the righteous Simeon in Verkhoturye. And this path is not short. He prayed fervently. I was tired and fell asleep unnoticed. In a dream, an old man approached him. The face is stern, but the look is friendly.

Why did you call me? - asks. Ganya, without waking up, answers:

Heal me, servant of God.

Are you going to Verkhoturye?

I'll go, I'll definitely go! Only you heal me! Please heal!

The holy elder touched his sore leg, ran his hand over the wound and disappeared. Ganya woke up from a strong itch in his leg. He looked and gasped: the wound had healed. The boy stood up and began to reverently and joyfully thank the Wonderworker.

And a few years later Ganya went with pilgrims to Verkhoturye to venerate the saint. The day before, in a dream, he saw the road along which he had to go: villages, forests, rivers. That’s how it all turned out later.

For seven days the pilgrims were at the holy place. When they left, Ganya gave new copper patches to the wanderer, very similar to the old man who appeared to him in a dream and healed him. The Stranger quietly said to Gana:

You will be a monk.

He said and disappeared into the crowd.

Years have passed. Ganya became a monk, Archimandrite Gabriel. God granted him to know the height of the Divine Spirit. Thousands of people came to him for spiritual advice, and he helped everyone to save themselves from the disastrous abyss of sin.

It’s good that his parents protected him from evil. That is why he was affectionate with people until his last breath. Now he is in the heavenly world praying for us.


At the airport, passengers are allowed through a special gate before the flight. If someone wants to bring a bomb or grenade onto the plane, a warning bell will ring. The guards will grab the person who is up to no good and will not allow him to fly into the sky.

So in the Kingdom of Heaven, where every pure soul is expected, they will not let in the one who harbors evil in his heart.

So that we are not detained by heavenly guards and our soul is not prohibited from flying, let us look into it ourselves and see what desires and thoughts we live by?

One day a girl was asked:

What do you love to do most? Without hesitation she answered:

All the time she is free from classes and household chores, she tries to give people joy. Either he will make a toy for some kid or knit mittens, or he will bring groceries from the store to an old neighbor.

She herself is like a gift. You look at her, and the world becomes brighter. The guards will gladly let such people into the Heavenly Kingdom: you made others happy - now fly, rejoice yourself.

Give people joy, dear!


What now, my friend, is the time: if you want to wear a cross, wear it. But it happened, it happened, when for the cross of Christ they were thrown alive into cages with animals. Tens of thousands of onlookers froze, waiting for the bloody spectacle. Twenty centuries ago, everyone chose where to go - into cages to be torn to pieces or into the stands of the circus.

But the quiet youth, going to his torment himself,

He crossed himself, hearing a menacing roar,

He pressed his arms crosswise to his chest,

An enlightened face rose to the sky.

And the king of beasts, raising a curtain of dust,

He sprawled, growling, at the children's feet.

And, like thunder, the stands shouted:

Great and glorious is the Christian God!

In the twentieth century they made fun of believers in a different way. If they notice a child’s cross, the whole class starts hooting. And they not only mocked us, but also exiled us together with our parents to distant places, from which few people returned. Even in schools they held dictations in order to look into the soul, in whom it believes.

One mother told about her son.

My Andryusha was studying at a seven-year school at that time, he was 12 years old. The Russian language teacher announced that there would be a dictation and read the title: “The Trial of God.”

Andryusha put down his pen and pushed away his notebook. The teacher saw and asked him:

Why don't you write?

I cannot and will not write such a dictation.

But how dare you refuse! Sit down and write!

I won't.

I'll take you to the director!

Exclude me as you wish, but "The Court

over God" I will not write.

The teacher conducted the dictation and left. They call Andryusha to the director. He looks at him in surprise: an unprecedented phenomenon, a twelve-year-old boy - and so firm and unshakable. The director, apparently, still had a spark of God somewhere deep down and did not dare to make a statement either about him or about me as a mother, he only said:

Well, you are brave! Go.

What could I say to my dear boy?

I hugged him and thanked him.

At one time he remembered this, and in 1933 he was sent into exile for the first time at the age of seventeen.

Nowadays, times are different: if you want to wear a cross, wear it... However, how long will these times last? Will they soon make you wrench your soul again - in whom do you believe? And again they will dictate their own.

Will we then remember the words of the Lord: “Whoever believes in Me has eternal life”?

May the Almighty strengthen you, soul,

When our time with you comes.

We would only like to hear one thing then:

Great and glorious is the Christian God. (Hieromonk Roman)

Like everyone else

There was a girl named Masha like everyone else. Everyone calls each other nicknames, and so does she. Everyone is arguing, including her. True, she didn’t want to say bad words: they got stuck in her throat. But if that's all, then...

He settled in the village where Mashenka, a blacksmith, lived. He had a huge black beard. So the village kids called him Beard. It would seem that there is nothing offensive in this, but every person has a name - in honor of a saint, so that he can be his protector and example.

A person is inextricably linked with a name. When one of evil people wanted to destroy the most intimate, sacred thing in a person, then instead of a name they gave either a number or a nickname. Sometimes children foolishly do this too...

A blacksmith is walking down the street, and the kids shout: “Beard!”, stick out their tongues, and run away. Sometimes they even threw stones after him. Masha also threw, although she chose a smaller pebble, but she threw: if that’s all, then she did too.

The blacksmith was offended by such tricks of the children. He was a new man in the village, he had not yet gotten to know anyone closely, and here the children were throwing stones at his back and teasing him. Of course it's a shame. He will draw his head in, slouch and go, saddened, to his forge.

One day Masha stood absent-mindedly in the church. The meaning of the Divine Service flew past her, as if someone had covered her ears. And suddenly the Lord restored her hearing, the sacred words reached her attention: “Everyone who hates his neighbor is a murderer.”

The girl thought and got scared: “This is about me! What am I doing? Why am I sticking my tongue out at Beard, why am I throwing stones at him? Why don’t I love him? What if this happened to me?”

And she was also struck by the words of the Lord, spoken by the priest during the sermon: “I tell you that for every idle word that people say, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

And Masha decided to start living in a new way. When he meets a blacksmith, he will smile, call him by his first name and patronymic, bow, and wish him health. And the blacksmith began to smile when he saw Mashenka. All the severity disappeared somewhere, he even said to Masha’s parents:

Your girl is wonderful!

The village children noticed how Maria was talking friendly to the blacksmith, and they also began to greet him. One day a whole crowd of people came to his forge. He received them kindly, showed them how it worked, and even gave them a try to everyone who wanted to try it. At parting, I treated everyone to gingerbread. That's how they became friends.

And since then Mashenka has ceased to be like everyone else; rather, everyone has become like Mashenka, as God taught her.

The poet Vladimir Soloukhin wrote:


What special topics did we tell each other?

Just "hello"

We didn’t say anything more. Why a drop of sunshine?

increased in the world? Why a little bit of happiness?

increased in the world? Why is it a little more joyful?

happened in the world?

Evening comes, darkness falls over the city and the children go to their beds to fall asleep sweetly. But before enjoying pleasant dreams, every child likes to listen fairy tales that remain in your heart for the rest of your life. Then why not combine business with pleasure and read to your child at night? useful and instructive parables for children.

The parable is short story, which contains the wisdom of our ancestors. Often parables for children are instructive stories on some topic. moral theme. Previously, they were used as one of the ways to raise children, since they are understandable to every child, easy to remember and as close to reality as possible. This is why parables differ from fables, which are very allegorical and not always understandable to young listeners. Children's stories talk about friendship, family and family values, about good and evil, about God and much more.

Biblical and Orthodox parables for children

For many centuries, the Bible has been the most famous book in the whole world. It's not only sacred texts for Christians, but also greatest monument cultural heritage humanity. Bible parables found on the pages of the Old and New Testaments. Of course, it will be difficult for young children to understand everything sacred meaning, which is hidden in biblical texts, but with the help of parents the child will be able to understand them. The most famous Orthodox parables for children can be called parables “ About the Prodigal Son », « About the Publican and the Pharisee", which tell children about mercy and forgiveness, parable " About the Good Samaritan”, which teaches kids kindness and compassion, and many others. Jesus Christ very often communicated with his followers in parables, since they help to understand the meaning of all hidden things.

Short parables for children

Some children, especially very young ones, do not like long stories, it is much easier for them to understand short texts with simple conclusions. In this case, you can read short parables for children to your child every evening. And every time an instructive and interesting story, which will remain in memory.

We especially recommend parables about friendship for children- For example, parable of the nails. Very often children say something angry and bad to their friends and family. This parable will help them understand how important it is to value loved ones and not offend them with careless words.

Children's parables about good and evil are probably the most useful for our younger generation. After all, a child has no life experience, so it is difficult for him to distinguish bad from good, good from evil, white from black. It is necessary to teach the child such basic concepts, and parables about good and evil for children will be most useful. We recommend reading: “ Good little fox », « Grandfather and death ».

Parables can teach you everything. The most important and useful little stories are parables about family and family values, because there is nothing more important in our lives. It is especially useful for children to read parables about mothers, about love, about good and bad, about truth and lies.

Teach and raise your child with early childhood, then in the future he will grow up good and kind person, responsive to the suffering of others, merciful and honest. This is the only way our world will become kinder and cleaner!