The youngest grandmother in the world 23. Who owns the title of "Youngest grandmother in the world"? Other interesting cases

Now 25-year-old grandmother Rifka Stanescu with her two-year-old grandson Ion

Despite the fact that her family was against it, Rifka ran away with the seller jewelry Ionel Stanescu when she was 11 and he was 13, The Daily Mail reports. A year later she already gave birth to a daughter, Maria. “I wanted to marry him, so I agreed to run away with him, and, of course, after we spent the night together, no one could separate us. I was promised to another boy's family since I was two years old, but I didn't want it, Rifka recalls. - Before this there was a lot of struggle - once my father even attacked my husband with a knife. He wanted him to pay 500,000 lei as compensation. My family even took me home, but after three days I ran away to be with him again.” After Maria's birth, Ionel paid his young wife's father a dowry and everything was settled.

Despite her mother's requests to finish school and not give birth so early, Rifka's daughter Maria followed in her footsteps and got married. He gave birth to a son, Jonah, at the age of 11. “I’m happy that I’m already a grandmother, but I wanted something different for Maria, and something different for myself,” says now 25-year-old Rifka Stanescu. - Ion good boy, and he's already engaged to an 8-year-old girl. It’s good to have boys, they won’t suffer like girls...”

Nika Narubina Photo: The Daily Mail

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Gypsy Rifca Stanescu is 23 years old and lives in a Romanian village where gypsies historically live. She gave birth to her daughter Maria early, or even very early - Rifka was then only twelve years old. However, Rifka herself was not shocked by her age at that time - she assures that Romanian gypsies traditionally marry girls early. Indeed, early marriages among gypsies are common, the main thing is that the girl is already fertile, and they mature early.

Not long ago, Rifka made it into many world news, becoming the youngest grandmother in the world. So, at the age of 23, she received a grandson from her daughter, and Maria herself was only eleven years old at the time of her birth.

While human rights organizations throughout the civilized world were clutching their heads and wondering what to do to stop the sexual exploitation of young girls, Rifka and Maria began raising their son and grandson named Ion. Now the baby is already two years old, his young mother is 13, and his grandmother is 25 years old. This is simple arithmetic; All that remains is to add that Jonah’s great-grandmother is now 40 years old, and at the time of her great-grandson’s birth she was 38.

It is known that when Maria became pregnant, Rifka was not particularly happy - she wanted Maria to get an education first. But, alas, nature took its toll, and Rifka had no choice but to resign herself. And when a wonderful baby was born, she could no longer imagine that life could have been any different.

By the way, Maria quickly recovered from childbirth and continued to go to school.

Rifka Stanescu told reporters that she herself ran away from home at the age of eleven, not alone, but with a young man who was 13 years old at that time. Soon they already had their first child - the same Maria who made Rifka a grandmother at the age of 23.

It is known that in gypsy families virginity is necessary conditions for marriage, and if the young husband sees that his chosen one is not a virgin, this is a reason to cancel the wedding, the relatives will understand. In turn, obligations are also imposed on men: if an ardent lover could not stand it and took possession of his beloved, then there is no way for him to get out of marriage - that is the law. Dishonored - get married.

Rifka also recalled in her interview with journalists that when she ran away with her lover, her father simply went mad - he even attacked the newlywed with a knife, demanding compensation for the desecrated honor of his daughter. He took Rifka home, but she ran away again to be with her husband. Her father calmed down only after he was paid 500,000 lei as dowry and compensation.

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Someday all mothers become grandmothers. This significant event, signifying a new chapter in your life. And it adds new troubles. For older people, being a grandmother is a common thing. What if you are a young grandmother?

Chronicle of records

Being a young grandmother is not a phenomenon. However, the public pays attention to such cases. Who records the so-called records?

Such cases are noted in the Guinness Book of Records. The book celebrates a variety of achievements: the highest and short people, amazing coincidences and events, the oldest people and much more. The number of nominations will involuntarily make you whistle. But we are interested in a specific topic - the youngest grandmother in the world.

Rifka Stanescu is the youngest grandmother

What is it like to be a grandmother at 23? Some people can’t even imagine getting married during these years, let alone babysitting their grandchildren. However, Rifka Stanescu was definitely not bothered by such thoughts.

Romanian gypsies take early marriages lightly. Almost immediately after birth, they prepare for this event. According to Rifka herself, she was prepared for marriage from the age of two. However, Rifka had her own plans, and she did not wait for the wedding with her betrothed. Rifka Stanescu tied herself to Ionel Stanescu “out of love.” She was 12 and he was 13.

Ionel himself did not object to the child. He even rejoiced at the news of the birth of his son. But the girl’s parents had a different opinion. Stanescu's mother had this happen many times. nervous breakdowns. The father, in turn, could not find a place for himself and rushed between consoling his wife and attacks towards his unwanted son-in-law.

But he understood that nothing could be done. The wedding had to be celebrated, although without any celebrations. Later, a daughter, Maria, was born, named after her grandmother. Rifka had the honor of becoming the youngest great-grandmother in the world at the age of 40. Ionel's family followed all the rules and bought the dowry due to the newlyweds. That’s how the Stanescu family lived – quietly and peacefully.

But the “calm” did not last long. After a year, the couple had another child - a boy, Nikolai. A few years later, Maria went to school and after another five years she announced that she had a child. Perhaps it runs in the family, but the daughter has surpassed the mother. Maria was 10 years old at the time of her pregnancy. And history repeated itself. Early pregnancy, wedding and baby. The child was named Ion.

This is an officially documented story listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Rifka Stanescu is the youngest great-grandmother in the world.

Mum-Zi - fact or fiction?

Another woman is vying for the title of youngest grandmother in the world. The wife of a Nigerian diplomat is Mum-Zi. She became a grandmother at the age of seventeen. She gave birth to her daughter at the age of 9. The case is out of the ordinary. While her peers were playing in the sandbox, the girls were learning rhymes, and the boys were pulling their braids. Mum-Zi was busy with her grandson.

But the story has no official confirmation and, of course, it is not listed in the Guinness Book of Records and is not noted anywhere except Wikipedia.

Other interesting cases

We looked at the most famous “young old ladies”. But around the world, new stories of becoming young girls- grandmothers.


A native of Delhi, born back in 1956. While in Russia 24-year-old girls are just thinking about marriage, Bano became a grandmother. But Bano got married at the age of 10, and at 11 she was nursing a newborn.

The daughter, in turn, did not lag behind her mother. The child appeared at the age of 13. Although Bano is not a record holder, she became a favorite in another “nomination”. Her granddaughter gave birth at the age of 14, making Bano a great-grandmother at 38.

Elena Tverinteva

Elena received the “title” of grandmother barely celebrating her 42nd birthday. Recognized as the most beautiful grandmother of 2009. Elena is not into diets and does not visit beauty salons. Elena Tverinteva assures that fitness helps her maintain her youth.

Elena took part in a beauty contest. At that time, she had two grandchildren, and on the eve of the final of the competition, she was informed about the birth of another grandson. This gave her the confidence to win.

Elena Tverinteva is the youngest looking grandmother.

TOP 10 youngest “old ladies” in the world (video)

It's hard to say who is the youngest grandmother in the world. As you can see, such cases are not uncommon in modern world. In many places on the planet this is the norm. And it’s no wonder that soon such a phenomenon will become fashionable and enter our everyday life.

In a completely unexpected way. And the whole point is that by her 23rd anniversary she managed to become not only a mother, but also a grandmother.

When she ran away from her home with Ionel Stanescu, a jewelry salesman, she was barely eleven years old, and her newly made groom was thirteen. Although, according to gypsy customs, Rifka had already been promised as a wife to another, a year after her escape she married Ionel. Very soon they had a daughter, and a little later a son.

I would like to note that this is absolutely not uncommon among gypsies, because for marriage it is very important that the bride is a virgin. Grooms pay a decent ransom for her, and if it turns out that the girl has already been intimate with another man, the marriage deal may simply fall through. Having become a mother quite early, Rifka tried diligently to instill in her thoughts about the need for education and the difficulties early marriage. However, Mary got married even earlier than her mother, and at the age of 11 she gave birth to her first child, son Jonah. Thus, Rifka was noted as the youngest grandmother in the world. What's interesting is that young age Ion is also already engaged - this is required by gypsy culture and customs. Therefore, it is very possible that Rifka will become the youngest great-grandmother in the world. The title “Youngest Grandmother in the World”, received by Rifka Stanescu, is officially recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Unofficial sources

However, according to Wikipedia, one of the wives high-ranking official, Nigerian Mum-Zi, became a grandmother even earlier, at the age of 17, having given birth to a daughter at eight full years and four months. It was pure nonsense, but the story didn't end there. Heredity played a decisive role, and her daughter gave birth to her first child at eight years and eight months. It’s even hard to believe, because it turns out that the youngest grandmother in the world, Mum-Zi, raised her daughter at a time when other children were drawing with colored pencils in albums and learning nursery rhymes by heart, and when peers were taking final exams and sewing dresses for school bala, she was already raising her grandson!

Young grandmothers competition

Continuing the conversation about young grandmothers, we cannot help but talk about the grandmothers’ beauty contest taking place in Brazil. At first glance, it seems that the age of its participants barely reaches the 30-year mark, or even less. In fact, they became grandmothers in a timely manner; their age ranges, on average, from 45 to 55 years.

Residents of a country where there are many, many wild monkeys are breaking all stereotypes and ideas about what a woman with grandchildren should look like. These beautiful young grannies perform in rather revealing swimsuits, allowing you to enjoy the view of the beautiful curvaceous forms of their well-groomed athletic bodies. There is an opinion that perfect figures Brazilian women are a “side” effect of the hot climate, however, it is difficult not to notice the abundance of silicone, traces of surgical plastic surgery and cosmetic lifts. And yet they are worthy of admiration, because self-care takes a lot of time! Endless visits to the cosmetologist, hours spent in gym, healthy eating- all this is hard labor. Participation in the competition, awareness of the perfection of one’s perfect body and impeccable beauty makes the faces of young grandmothers glow with the most charming smiles.

Who is grandma? This is a sweet old lady in a blanket or warm scarf. She knits socks for her grandchildren and bakes the most delicious pies. Her fairy tales are the most interesting, and it’s so cozy to snuggle up to her warm shoulder!

But it turns out that these associations are long outdated, because modern grannies are fit well-groomed women, who look no more than 40. And the youngest grandmother in the world does not fit into the usual framework at all, because she is only 23 years old!

Everyone has their own record

The Guinness Book of Records records various achievements: who jumps the farthest, who runs the fastest, who can last the longest under water, who is the strongest, who is the tallest and shortest person in the world, and so on. A great variety of nominations have been invented. But Rifka Stanescu was included in the Guinness Book of Records because she is the youngest grandmother in the world. Her first grandchild was born when she was only 23 years old.

Almost Romeo and Juliet

Rifka is a gypsy of Romanian origin. At the age of two, she was promised to the son of a successful businessman. Early engagements are common among gypsies. But when the girl turned 11 years old, she fell passionately in love with a 13-year-old boy who was selling in a nearby jewelry store. Upon learning of this, Rifka's father became furious, threatening his daughter with death if she lost her virginity.

Among the gypsies, as is known, the virginity of the bride is a prerequisite. If the groom is convinced that his bride has already been with a man, he throws her out in disgrace, the marriage is dissolved, and the girl’s parents are obliged to return the dowry to the groom.

But Stanescu’s daughter, together with her sweetheart, despite her father’s threats, decide to flee. They got married secretly. They were accepted by the husband's family, and a year later, when Rifka was only 12 years old, the happy couple had a daughter, Maria.

After the birth of his granddaughter and after the groom's family paid a ransom of 500,000 lei for Rifka, her father calmed down and finally embraced his son-in-law.

Rifka Stanescu is officially the youngest grandmother in the world

Photos of the newlyweds quickly spread across the world media. Their story was discussed not only on the pages of magazines, but also on television. A year later, the couple also had a son. The young mother worked hard to raise her children. She has been since early childhood tried to convince Maria that too early motherhood is very undesirable. For a girl, this is not only physically difficult, but also limits her further opportunities for self-realization. “First learn, and then have children,” Rifka repeated to her daughter. But... Maria not only followed her mother’s path, but also surpassed her. She got married at the age of 10, even earlier than her mother, and gave birth to her first child when she was only 11 years old. So it turns out that the age of the youngest grandmother in the world is 23 years old.

The boy was named Ion. He eats well and grows quickly, his mother, having recovered from a rapid birth, is going back to school, and the youngest grandmother in the world is happy to babysit her grandson. By the way, when Jon was 2 years old, his parents engaged him to his 8-year-old bride.

Unofficial record

A certain Nigerian woman, Mum-zi, born in 1884, was given in marriage to a rich Nigerian as a child - at the age of 7 years. When the girl (or little woman?) turned 8 years and 4 months old, she became a mother. In turn, her daughter gave birth to her first child at the age of 8 years and 8 months. Simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate how old the youngest grandmother in the world is: 17!

This record has not been officially recorded, although it has been documented.

Indian Bano, born in 1956, became a grandmother at the age of 24. A 26-year-old grandmother lives in the UK, and a 28-year-old woman has become a happy grandmother in America.

In Russia, the youngest grandmother is Natalya from the Nizhny Novgorod region, who recently turned 29 years old.

Age is not a sentence

The title "The youngest grandmother in the world" may have another meaning. IN lately women are paying more and more attention appearance. Proper nutrition, healthy image life and body care are turning into a real cult. Thanks to this, women retain youth and beauty for a long time. This made it possible to organize a competition for young grandmothers.

A prerequisite for the competition is that the participant has at least 1 grandchild. But watching the beauties on stage, it’s hard to believe.

In interviews, young grandmothers claim that beauty and harmony are gifts of nature, but experienced plastic surgeons see the hand and scalpel of their colleagues.