How to protect yourself from evil. Amulets from evil and evil people

“I don’t believe in damage and the evil eye” - have you heard this phrase more than once? When negative influence the universe begins to reflect on you, you will believe in Mickey Mouse. It’s not difficult to make a talisman against enemies. The main thing is to protect yourself in time from gossip and empty speeches that turn into damage. In fact, there is no supernatural in such techniques. All the magic lies in the effect of sound on the body. It has long been known that plants that listen to the classics develop much more intensively and produce larger fruits than those that were deprived of attention. So every cell of the body feels both insult and praise. Even if, due to your character, you came out victorious in the dispute or completely ignored offensive words, the subconscious, your soul, will remain wounded by the resonance of the sound created by the offender. This will affect your sleep, health, and family relationships.

If you bought for yourself a good amulet against enemies or made it yourself, consider that you are carrying with you a panacea for all sorts of troubles.

How to make a strong amulet with your own hands?

If the amulet is made with your own hands, then it is, in the literal sense of the word, an impenetrable amulet against enemies. After all, you put into it the exact goal, your desires and energy, which feeds from you and generates a positive aura around you without outside interference. The words and actions of competitors and enemies will bounce off the dome of protection like peas against a wall and return to the enemies.

To create a talisman, anything can suit you. The most important thing is to want to protect yourself and your family. You can weave a bauble, add your favorite accessory or decoration. Jewelry turns into amulets after they are consecrated in the church. Dolls, keychains, even handkerchiefs can become worthy amulets for your health.

First aid for symptoms of spoilage

Symptoms of damage:

  • Constant headaches;
  • Insomnia;
  • Irritability;
  • Emptiness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Loss of interest in life, sports, entertainment;
  • Nightmares in a dream (especially if you dream about the same thing);
  • Severe diarrhea;
  • Damage to appearance is significantly reflected: the person looks older. Haggard, sick.

Naturally, all symptoms can be attributed to a common acute respiratory infection. But what to do if none of the possible diseases are treated, and dreams become more and more difficult and migraines become more frequent?

You need first aid for damage. First of all, come up with a talisman for yourself. This will most likely be what you have on hand:

  • Pin;
  • Lucky cufflinks or earrings;
  • Dress belt;
  • Plush toy or machine decoration;
  • Artificial flower;
  • Figurine on the desktop;
  • Headband.

As you can see, you can list almost everything that you can catch your eye while in the same room. It is best to choose the thing with which you have warm and joyful memories.

If you don’t have such a thing at hand, get yourself some basic red strong thread or a piece of scrap. Tie it on your wrist with the words:

“A black bull is standing at the gate, his eyes widening at trouble. Trouble arose in the middle of the yard, trampling, whining, howling songs. I'll wave a red rag and anger the bull. The bull will run into the yard and trample the trouble. Less gossip less words, less disease, less evil. Go away, trouble, don't prop up my gate. Amen".

Besides the fact that this conspiracy has been tested for years and really helps in the very first hours, you can easily find the person who made a black conspiracy against you. By driving out trouble with red matter, you become a rock from which an echo flies off and returns to the one who sent the sound.

A good spell for the belt:

“A belt is a safety net; if you secure it, you will protect it. Help me on a happy journey."

Such a talisman will support and protect from damage and the evil eye, and will guide you along the right path. Its positive energy will block sad thoughts that are ready to creep into your head due to evil slander and gossip. It also protects the stomach from upsets.

Regular pin

A simple pin fastened inside clothing - strong amulet. It protects against the evil eye and prevents gossip from influencing a person.

“Pin, protect from damage, from the evil eye from all infection.”

How to protect yourself from gossip

You can protect yourself from gossip by not gossiping. If you teach yourself not to share your thoughts with everyone or many, people will begin to trust you, but not to spread rumors. Eat

a certain category of people who are interested in washing bones and rummaging through other people's underwear. And there are people with whom it is easy to talk about your problems and know for sure that this information will not leave the walls of the house. Who you want to be considered is up to you. But there will be much less rumors about you if you close the information flow.

Next: if you want to throw off all the stuck-on gossip, wear gold jewelry on your fingers and neck for a week without removing it. Gold absorbs all negative energy and does not give it back. Therefore, jewelry must be cleaned and consecrated. To shake off accumulated energy from gold, leave everything you carried overnight in a glass of holy water.

How to identify the enemy who caused damage

The usual detector of an enemy is raw chicken egg. If you feel the symptoms of the evil eye, wear your prepared amulet against enemies, and at night in a bowl of water for 9 days in a row, break a chicken egg. In the morning, be sure to pour the contents far over the threshold or into the toilet with the words: “Where it came from, return there.” Already on the third day, a person who wished you harm will show up and ask for a loan or complain about his health. Naturally, there is no question of any loan: this way you can buy back all the evil that he wanted to inflict on you.

Types of amulets

Amulets against enemies are very diverse. It can be a charmed pin, even a decorative one, which does not need to be hidden in a pocket or under the lining of a jacket. Or maybe a whole poster: an embroidered panel, runic symbols painted on the walls of the apartment, a huge vase with ikebana standing in the office.

More often, family jewelry and leather jewelry with silver and stones serve as amulets.

IN modern world a lot depends on your luck. Money, convenience, fulfillment of desires. If Luck smiles on you, then you are lucky. Along with this luck come envious people. They don’t just whisper behind your back, but with their negativity they can ruin your life.

The amulet against envy will stop the destructive effects of negative energy. It works like a mirror - troubles and sorrows return to the envious person. This amulet is a must have successful people who managed to build a career and happy family. You may not even know that best friend is extremely jealous of your happiness. A colleague at work smiles at you, but in his heart he curses you for your success.

All our feelings are material, so their envy can seriously harm. Hence illnesses, failures, financial losses. A talisman against enemies will help you determine who exactly wishes you harm. There are several proven ancient symbols that guard your peace and well-being 24 hours. They can be bought or made. Don't let anyone ruin your happiness - use protective amulets.

Why is other people's envy dangerous?

Many people think that other people's envy is a harmless thing. If a work colleague or girlfriend is jealous of you, that’s their problem. The fact is that this is not true. Negative emotions accumulate. A person sees you, his reflex is triggered - to think badly of you. It's easy to become an object of envy:

  • Good job, career success.
  • Loving family, happy marriage.
  • Good looks.
  • Travel, trips around the world, gifts.

An envious person thinks that everything came easy for you, but he himself works every day. Just no result. You may have put a lot of effort into achieving your goal, struggling for relationships, career, or studies. Or maybe Lady Luck loves you very much. In any case, if you are lucky, there will be a couple of envious people.

It’s very sad if these are close people or good friends. Their envy literally destroys your happiness. These are constant attacks of negative energy. If you don't protect yourself, disaster can happen. Amulets and amulets from enemies will help you protect yourself and your happiness. Your amulet will work like a mirror. As soon as a bad thought or an evil word appears about you, the amulet will immediately return it to your enemy. Very soon they will understand that wishing you harm is more expensive for themselves.

Amulet from troubles and enemies

There are many defensive power items. Some of them are a talisman against troubles and enemies. It must be worn under clothing so that no one can see. Your enemy may be knowledgeable about amulets and will quickly understand what's going on. Then he can use more sophisticated techniques of energy influence.

Such a talisman will help you even when the enemy is trying to put damage or the evil eye on you. A person in his heart throws a phrase full of poison, and it materializes as damage. Very strong amulets with such properties were in the arsenal of the ancient Slavs. The most powerful protective amulets from ill-wishers and envious people:

A protective sign reminiscent of the Sun with diverging rays. This geometric symbol is very powerful. It gives fair victory over enemies. With this sign, truth triumphs if it is on your side.

Complex geometric symbol. It protects against the evil eye and damage. If it’s on your neck, then your ill-wishers can be as angry as they want. They can't defeat you.

It will help protect your family hearth from the evil eye and evil word. If there is peace and tranquility in the family, keep it for many years. In addition to protection, Velesovik also normalizes the climate in the family.

Helps against slander against you, damage and the evil eye, bad people. Punishes enemies.

Talisman against envious people

If many people are extremely jealous of you, then a talisman against evil people. There are two types of such amulets. The first one helps a person repent of his envy. The second is protection and mirroring of the negative.

A very strong amulet - a symbol of the Sun and its victory. Solar energy literally burns out all the negativity around you. Your enemies will not be able to escape its radiance, which will allow them to repent. It literally neutralizes their dark thoughts and evil thoughts. The person begins to look at you with different eyes. Very often former envious people ask for forgiveness.

You need to take a red woolen thread and tie it three times. Carry it with you. These are not just knots, but strong oriental magic. While tying, say your name three times. The amulet also needs to be activated. If someone experiences black envy of you, then the amulet will work like a mirror. Such a knot can be carried in a wallet or pocket, but it should always be with you.

A simple but effective option. Our grandmothers knew about him. A simple pin needs to be pinned to the garment from the inside out. At the level of the heart or solar plexus. If the pin suddenly turns dark, then the envious person wished you harm and sent you the evil eye. The pin took the fire and protected you. In this case, the pin needs to be changed and the old one buried in the ground.

These amulets from enemies and envious people will help you maintain peace and tranquility in your home and soul.

Protection from the evil eye

Activation of the amulet by the power of the elements

For Slavic amulets the best activation will be a spontaneous ritual. You can buy a talisman against troubles, enemies and envious people or make it yourself. You can cut out geometric Slavic designs on a piece of wood, clay, or embroider on clothes. It should be an inconspicuous symbol that only you know about. Place the item on a clean white cloth.

From left to right the elements are placed: Water, Fire, Earth, Air. For a classic ritual, you need river water, clean earth, a wax candle and aromatic herbs or incense. Such items are not always available. Feel free to buy a wax candle in church. This ritual does not offend faith in any way. Instead of earth, you can take several stones, and the element of Air is represented as an incense stick with a spruce aroma.

  • Stand in front of your altar with the elements and say:

    “Like a solar circle, I, the servant of God (name), activate protective amulet. He is endowed with the power of centuries and forty forty castles. Sanctified by the Lord God, overshadowed by the Holy Cross. Attached to the chest. Strong, sculpted, with a plan. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Sign the object with a cross.
  • Take it in your hands and bring it closer to each of the elemental elements, mentally ask for help and support from them.
  • Cross the amulet again, put it on your neck and say:

    “Serve, don’t worry. Know the matter, help out when necessary!”

  • Now you need to pour the water out the window, and take all other elements to the intersection and leave them there.

At this time, do not talk to anyone, do not talk about the ritual.

How to avoid becoming a victim of envious people

We do everything possible to achieve success. Many people do not see our efforts; for them only the result is important. A happy family man causes envy. They very often want to beat such a man off. Few people know how married couple experienced troubles together, losses, victories or defeats. To avoid envy and its unpleasant consequences, follow simple rules.

  • Do not share yours with strangers personal stories. The less they know about you, the better. Don’t tell them the names of your children, relatives, or husband. Don't talk about your illnesses. All this can be used against you. If he is dealing with a practitioner of magic, then he can do serious harm knowing such information.
  • Be honest with your friends. Don't hide your feelings. In return, take part in their lives yourself. Let your friends know that even if they have achieved success and managed to build a career, they can rely on you as a person.
  • Do not leave your personal belongings unattended. You should not take food or drinks from the hands of strangers. They can be spellbound for damage.
  • Wear your amulet or amulet around your neck under your clothes. He will help you in difficult times, and he will bring the enemy to light.

If you feel that you are being envied with unkind envy, be sure to take action. Simply talking to this person will not help. You will need a reliable energy protector. It can become a talisman against enemies and their evil thoughts. All magical traditions have a set of similar protective talismans. Find the one that will help you. Your life will improve and the threats will go away. May your life become simpler and more enjoyable, and may there be only friends around.

Hello. It just so happens that today energy protection is becoming relevant again. And this is against the backdrop of technological progress. And perhaps thanks to psychics this relevance is increasing. Be that as it may, there is something so transcendental, but thank God, there is also protection from the dark and bad.

This is very well stated in Miller’s book, “100 Ways of Energy Protection.” Let's name some of them:

  • it seems to you that someone is standing or watching you;
  • you hear as if someone is calling you,
  • you are often overwhelmed by melancholy or fear;
  • you don’t want to stay in your own home for a long time;
  • you are often sick or depressed;
  • Things often break in your home, the faucet leaks;
  • Few friends, relatives and others come to see you.

If you notice something about yourself, then you need energy cleansing.

What to do?

First of all, do not wish harm to another person, do not envy, do not be angry. If you have offended a person, ask for forgiveness, even mentally, but from the bottom of your heart.

If they said an unpleasant word to you, wished something unkind in their hearts, don’t remember, don’t take it to heart, forgive this person, don’t let them recharge from you. Maybe he's not an energy vampire, he was just in bad mood, disarm him with a smile.

How to check an item?

You were given something as a gift, be sure to check it for clean energy.

The technique is simple: take a thread - 20 cm, tie it to it gold ring, hold it over the gift. If the pendulum starts spinning, then this dangerous thing, if it swings in your direction, then it has good energy. This way you can check food, things, objects.

Energy protection and home cleansing

This side of our life is very important for health, well-being in the family, and in financial matters.

Regular salt will help in cleansing: take 1 tablespoon of salt in a bucket of water, wash the walls, ceiling, windows, change the water more often. Cleansing should be done between 11 and 12 o'clock.

More one great way : Add enough salt to a cast-iron frying pan to cover the bottom and simmer for about an hour. The salt will be black or simply with black spots, but as the home is cleansed of negative energy, it should gradually turn white. Walk around the apartment with a frying pan. In contaminated areas, salt will “shoot”.

  1. Take a church candle, walk through your home, stopping in the corners, and read a prayer. Walk around the house from the threshold clockwise.
  2. Light a juniper twig, put out the fire, smoke will come from the twig. Walk around the entire room three times.
  3. Place wormwood sprigs by your bed, your sleep will be serene and calm.
  4. Hang fishing floats in a visible place near the door. None evil spirits will not enter your home.
  5. To fill your home with clean energy, do not keep broken cups and plates at home, remove garbage, do not leave unwashed dishes, sweep the floor front door towards the kitchen. Place the broom with the whisk facing up.
  6. Sprinkle the house, be sure to bring it into the house.
  7. All the negativity will help to collect garlic, which has a powerful magical power. Place cloves of garlic in the corners of the apartment, burn them away from home from time to time, and replace them with new ones. They cannot be eaten.
  8. Very good way remove negativity from home. On the way to the house, wind the ball (mentally), coming closer, hang it on the trees, also mentally. At the door of the house, look back and with pure thoughts say: “Let all bad things become good!” and look at the sky.

How to cleanse your body

Light a candle, look at it for 10 minutes, just do not blow it out, but extinguish it with your fingers. Perform this ritual for 7 days.

A simple bell will help you clear the chakras on your body and the body of your loved ones. Lie down, relax, start ringing first at the crown of the head, then at the frontal part, then at the throat, and so go down to the feet. The ringing cleanses the chakras and drives away bad energy. The ringing of church bells also cleanses the space.

Take frequent walks in parks and forests where there are many trees. If you notice a beautiful tree, go up to it, hug it, ask for protection, and share your sorrows with it. When you leave, don’t forget to thank him for his help.

How to protect your energy field

Prayer serves as protection from evil spirits, especially to Archangel Michael and your Guardian Angel. You will always find these prayers in prayer books.

There are other ways of energy protection.

  1. Place an energy wall between yourself and your enemy, let it be brick, monolithic, through which not a single vampire can reach you, the wall will absorb all the enemy’s attacks. But keep in mind, the wall protects as long as you visually hold it.
  2. Mentally build a mirror wall in front of you, with the mirror side facing the enemy. He will only see himself, and not you! But it also requires constant recharging.
  3. You can install an energy pyramid that not only protects, but also heals. How to do this? Mentally create a regular tetrahedral golden pyramid. The base should be at your feet, and the top should rise 0.5 meters above your head. The sizes are as big as your strength will allow. Angles must be aligned exactly with the compass. It doesn’t last long, but it cures diseases by collecting positive energy inside.

Shield of Shambhala

Try to make this ancient shield from negativity and bad people. Turn your face south. Make a fist with your right hand and straighten your left hand, thumb press it into your palm. Fist right hand Press the back of it against your left palm. This shield is especially recommended for women. Do this exercise every day, you will become wiser, younger and healthier.

How does this shield help?

  • resistance to various diseases increases, immunity is strengthened.
  • a person comes to a state of energy stability.
  • protects against negative programs, the effects of swear words, and restores strength.

Dear readers, you have learned how to protect yourself. Don’t forget to read the article to your family, friends, acquaintances and subscribe to my blog together to receive such useful recommendations, share your impressions.

We all want to succeed at work. Our career does not always depend only on us. Often bosses do not notice the employee's merits. Colleagues may envy your successes and openly want you to quit. In this case, problems arise. All negative energy messages materialize. Problems at work, illnesses, mistakes begin.

It is absolutely impossible to work in such an environment. If you want to find a direct career path, use wise decision. It will be a good career amulet. It will need to be hidden in the workplace. Choosing a talisman for yourself is not the best simple task, because there are so many different subjects. They help you find your right path at work. Choose carefully, do not forget to perform the ritual of activating the item.

Charms for work help thousands of people achieve incredible results. They bring success, money and fame. Your life will become completely different.

Business and magic

What could be the connection between business and magic? Magical and mystical teachings appeared in time immemorial. Then the magic of success and good luck was used by traders, moneylenders, and merchants. They asked magicians to make protective talismans, amulets and amulets for them. How did they work?

  • They brought success in transactions.
  • They brought many buyers or clients.
  • Protected from thieves.
  • They interrupted competitors.
  • They protected from the magical effects of other magicians.

All this is still relevant today. If you have your own company, then you should seriously think about several useful amulets. For those who have not yet acquired their own company, they will need luck and success.

From job search to job promotion career ladder. Such a talisman will greatly help those who are timid and unsure of themselves. There are many types of amulets that will help you at work. They are determined not only for success and career, but also protect against energetic influences. Nothing has changed since ancient times. You also need to be wary of the evil eye, damage, and inept practitioners who decide to harm you. Which symbols to use - decide for yourself.

Envy of colleagues and dissatisfaction of the boss

The situations can be very different. You have a good start - your boss likes you, you get interesting tasks, and a pay increase. Your colleagues are starting to get jealous. Why did Luck choose you? Maybe you work hard or just get lucky? In both cases, this is only your merit. Envy from your colleagues can backfire on you.

Constant dissatisfaction and hidden resentment can transfer into our material plane. It's strong negative energy, which cannot be controlled. Your victory is another outburst of your colleague’s hatred. The least that can happen is failure, illness.

This is really small. His constant envy can lead to your failure at work, the loss of an important client, and dismissal. Constant exposure to strong negativity leads to serious, fatal diseases. Work will become a place where you don't want to be.

There is another option - the boss is constantly dissatisfied. An employee in such a situation begins to get nervous and make mistakes. This makes it difficult for you to work focused and for your boss to evaluate you. Either way, it's hard for you. Work should not only bring grief and nerves. These situations can be corrected by a properly selected amulet.

Amulets for the workplace

These amulets can be kept right at work in a safe place.

Write the following text on a piece of paper:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

It needs to be folded three times, crossed, and hidden. Prayer will help from all envious people and ill-wishers who want to harm you.

Enchanted Coin

You need to melt the wax from three white candles in a metal mug. When the wax boils, place a silver coin in it and say:

“God has a paradise, in paradise there is a garden. The devil has a boiling hell. You boil, candle, boil, you save up wealth for me, save up. As long as this wax money is with me, all the wealth will go to me. An angel stands at the Garden of Eden, the devil stands at a boiling hell. There will be no department for my case. I close, I close. I lock it, I lock it. I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Remove the coin so that it is completely covered with wax. You can remove it with tweezers or a slotted spoon. This amulet should be placed in an envelope and kept at work. You can't show it to anyone. He will bring good luck and punish his enemies.

Black obsidian figurine

This is a stone with mystical properties. It reveals conspiracies against its owner, and returns all negative messages to the ill-wisher. Place it on your desktop.

Black obsidian

Jack of Clubs

The card must be old and played. If you have vintage maps, then use the jack from this deck. It gives its owner a lot of charm, helps to build successful working relationships with the right people. For important events or negotiations, carry the card with you in your pocket. He will help you conclude profitable contracts. No one can refuse the owner of such a card.

Jack of Clubs

Symbols for career protection

Some of these symbols are from the Feng Shui tradition. They improve energy balance in the workplace.

She goes slowly, but always reaches her goal. There is no need to rush on the path to a career and success, because haste can ruin everything. Wise turtle will tell you the right path, indicate the direction. When it’s hard for you, rub its shell with the fingers of your right hand. It is best to choose figurines made of natural stone: jade, crystal, agate.

Money carp

It can be hung above your workplace or placed on the table. Money carp brings good income, shows how to make money. If your carp often falls or even crashes, you need to leave such work, because it has no prospects.

Money carp

Pentacle of Fate

It can be stored in a desk drawer. He prompts right decisions, helps in concluding important transactions. It is best to place the pentacle in a black velvet bag. He will also help take the evil eye and envy away from you.

Pentacle of Fate

Single Raido Rune

This is a rune the right way. In Norse mythology, Raido means moving quickly across life path on a multi-legged horse. If you want quick and safe career advancement, leave this amulet at your workplace.

Activation of the amulet

You need to activate all amulets for work and career. Each amulet or symbol already carries a certain energy charge. If you want to add another property, discuss it during the ritual.

  1. Buy two thick wax candles, an Icon of Matrona and your Saint from the church.
  2. Place candles and icons in the room where you sleep.
  3. Place the amulet under your pillow.
  4. Light the candles and say:

    “Our holy blessed mother Matrona, with your holy prayers help the servant of God (name) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he may grow rich in God and not waste his soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not trample on the commandments of God and does not force those who work under him to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (name) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of his parents. Amen".

  5. Cross yourself, go to bed. Candles should burn all night.
  6. In the morning, drink holy water on an empty stomach.

Now you need to specify all the properties of the amulet, specified and desired. Pray to the Icon again, and take the amulet to work. This is a pure, bright ritual. You need to pray with all your heart.

There will definitely be work for those who are looking for it. If you are already working, then prayer will help you establish good relationship at work, protect yourself from the evil eye, evil eye and damage. There are many stories about how prayer helped in work and career for those who did not expect such success at all. It is very important that the person praying is a baptized person and a believer. Otherwise, there will be no effect from either the prayer or the amulet.

  • If you bought or created an amulet, do not give it to anyone, do not show it. It is charged with your energy and works for you. Transferring your amulet is tantamount to losing its beneficial properties.
  • Check the condition of the amulet periodically. If it breaks or cracks, it's a bad sign. Someone is influencing you energetically: an evil eye, damage or curse has been cast. The amulet protected you, but it itself broke.
  • All activation rituals are carried out on Thursday on the waxing Moon.
  • The ritual cannot be performed if it is on the 4th, 14th, or 24th of the month.
  • All tools for work must be new, paid for in cash.

Do not use other people's amulets. If a friend wants to give you his lucky charm, refuse. It's better to create or buy your own. Someone else's luck will not help you.

These simple requirements must be followed. Your luck is in your hands even without a talisman. A magical item will enhance your personal character traits that are useful for work. With it, the thorny path will seem easier to you, because the amulet is your reliable partner, friend. Believe in yourself and everything will work out.

Use proven amulets for your career. These items will help you maintain clarity of mind, see ill-wishers and repel their attacks. Your career path will lead to success. Be sure to follow the advice given by business magic practitioners. You need an amulet or amulet with energy that is pleasant to you. Hold the item in your hands for a while to decide whether it suits you or not. It needs proper energetic activation - do not neglect this requirement. Your work will bring only joy. To spite everyone, become the most successful employee.

There are no people that everyone likes. It's not scary, I don't like it - It's scary to make enemies. Enemies of mortals. Even if you have no enemies, there are people who envy you or want to cause harm, evil. You need to make a talisman against such ill-wishers. The amulet from evil will preserve and protect you from attempts to interfere in your life.

Here are a few simple, but no less effective amulets:

Religious amulets

Holy water is a reliable protector against evil spirit or person. Holy water is sprinkled on both people and homes. There is holy water, there is no place for evil. To remove negativity, you can take a cool shower. Water will wash away someone else's energy. When taking a shower you should say:

“Like water off a duck’s back, so I (your name) have thinness.”

The meaning of the word thinness is evil, bad, thin.

Prayers and icons will always save you from evil. Read them when meeting a person you don’t like, and Heaven will save you from the influence of evil. Also carry icons with you. The cross is a strong amulet against magical influences. When a person is without pectoral cross, it is easy to bewitch or damage. Panagea will be a good amulet against all enemies. Panagea is a small image of the Virgin Mary that is worn on the chest. Our Lady will protect you from evil people and spirits.

The most strong icon amulet from evil people - icon Mother of God Seven-shot. The icon depicts the Mother of God with seven arrows, which recall the suffering of the Mother of God. Before the icon you should pray for the softening of evil hearts. Seven-shot protects the house and people from ill-wishers, damage, curses and the evil eye. The icon also helps to stop hostility between loved ones. The seven-shot bestows mercy. Here is a prayer to her:

“O Long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know no other refuge and warm representation, but since we have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where we will sing with all the saints in the Trinity To the One God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Holy Communion - will repel any attack of an evil spirit. They fear communion more than incense. Communion will also prevent a sorcerer or witch from casting spells on you. Sacred incense is also good at driving away evil spirits. Some people carry sacred incense in what is called an amulet.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Weakness, headaches and poor health are the result of communicating with an energy vampire. It’s especially bad if the energy vampire is yours close relative. What to do? If your energy has been “sucked out”, then the best “energy restorer” would be pet. Stroke him, cuddle him and play. Soon you will feel that your condition has improved. Prayers will also help restore energy. God has a lot of energy for you. I wonder why energy vampires do not take power from prayers, but “suck” it from other people?

A good way to protect your energy from another person is to have your arms crossed over your chest. Also place an imaginary block of fire, waterfall, brick wall or mirror. Then the other person will not be able to “feed” on your energy. Imaginary fire is a powerful remedy against gypsy hypnosis. If you still start talking to a gypsy woman on the street, then imagine that a fire is burning around you. It will save you from a lot of trouble.