Mother of God of the Sorrowful, joy with pennies. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of all who mourn - Joy

Many believers, facing serious life trials, feel the call of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Rich history confirms that this particular icon helps to improve life situations, because the help provided from heaven helps to overcome any obstacles. Even the name indicates that the Mother of God wants to provide worthwhile help and provide a basis for passing tests.

Help of the Mother of God

The Mother of God is often depicted next to the words of prayers that help improve the situation in people's lives. The image immediately demonstrates help to all those in need, regardless of the severity of the circumstances:

  • the discovery of bright joy and true hope;
  • protection from sorrows;
  • presentation of clothing, meals;
  • miraculous and inexplicable recovery of the sick;
  • correcting people who have stumbled.

It is not surprising that the Mother of God is close to many people who need help and illumination of their fateful path with real joy. She is also surrounded by angels, who are participants and conductors of mysterious events that contribute to the transformation of the lives of many people. The intercessor is represented on the icon in a special way, which indicates her significant position: full height, festive clothes, a crown. The icon also depicts the Savior blessing good actions.

If you are interested in what the icon of joy of all who mourn looks like, you can note different variations in its execution.

Interesting information about the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow

The Moscow version, which is one of the most revered, depicts not only the Mother of God. The image also embodies the little Jesus. They are guarded by angels.


  • the presence of several saints, among whom the main place is occupied by Sergius of Radonezh;
  • texts are written on the ribbons with the names of prayer texts addressed to the Mother of God for protection.

At the same time, there are many other copies of the icon, where the Intercessor is depicted alone. Each version has miraculous powers.

Historical information and legends

Historical information notes that the icon of the Mother of God is actually capable of positively changing the lives of many people.

Tradition says that numerous miracles began to happen back in 1688. It was then that health was restored to the woman Euphemia after fervent prayers. This event took place on November 6th. In honor of this amazing religious event, people decided to do the following:

  • the annual Orthodox holiday was appointed on November 6th;
  • The cathedral was renamed in honor of the icon (Skorobyaschensky).

Since that time, many people suffering from physical and mental ailments, grief, and poverty have sought help and support from the Mother of God, hoping for an improvement in their life situations. Story - shining example how any illness, sentence, suffering can become a thing of the past.

The icon won the trust and love not only of ordinary people, but also of respected people from Russia. Back in 1711, Natalia Alekseevna, who came from the imperial family, actively used the miraculous image and brought her favorite icon to St. Petersburg. Residents of St. Petersburg appreciated the power of the arrived image, because the Mother of God is ready to help everyone in need.

Later, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who shared reverence for the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” ordered the construction of a temple complex in honor of the image.

Many noble people decorated the Sorrowful Icon:

  • Countess Golovkina;
  • Count Sheremetyev;
  • Catherine II.

Now the image is kept in St. Petersburg, or rather in the Trinity Church. People call the temple complex “Kulich and Easter”, and this name has become widespread.

History of the icon

A special event occurred in the summer of 1888, when the miraculous copy of the icon began to acquire special fame. The icon with pennies, which was in St. Petersburg, found admirers in many Russian cities. Then a serious fire occurred in the city on the Neva, caused by a lightning strike. The village chapel of Klochka, located on the outskirts of the city, caught fire. People extinguished the religious object, noting, to their surprise, that the face of the Mother of God brightened after the event and became new again. It was not possible to detect even the slightest trace of soot on the icon.

Before the fire there was a mug used for donations. However, the mug broke. The money was scattered. Only the miraculous image was joined in some miraculous way by 12 copper coins OK.

People from many parts of Russia learned about the miracle, after which they rushed to distant St. Petersburg to see the icon with pennies. As it turns out, the image was actually wonderful.

Soon, icon painters began to create an icon on which pennies were visible.

The event led to the emergence of an important religious holiday dedicated to the image. The holiday date falls on August 5th.

The icon with pennies is a valuable source of miracles, when people did receive miraculous healings. For example, in 1890, believers noted how parishioner Nicholas, who suffered from epilepsy, miraculously recovered. One night the patient dreamed of the Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and heard advice that a trip should take place to the ancient chapel where the fire had occurred. Higher powers showed that healing must take place. Nikolai went to the chapel without informing his loved ones about his plans. After this, the patient venerated the mysterious image, receiving a miraculous recovery.

An amazing recovery was also noted in Vera, who was 26 years old. Throat consumption led to complete loss of voice. The doctors admitted their powerlessness, noting that the voice could not return. Vera could not leave everything as it was, so she decided to pray earnestly and receive God's help. One day a girl dreamed that she had to go to a famous chapel. The believer went to a small chapel and served a prayer service. After returning home, the girl noted a miraculous restoration of her voice. This also contributed to the emergence of a special status for the icon.

Historical information says about the further development of the temple in St. Petersburg:

  • on the site of a small chapel that burned down, a large temple was built;
  • after the revolutionary events, the temple was blown up, but the parishioners managed to preserve the icon;
  • to the Great Patriotic War the icon was kept in the Holy Trinity Church, thanks to which many people were able to find consolation and inspiration after the tragic circumstances they experienced;
  • in St. Petersburg, after the military events, it was possible to revive the Sorrow Chapel, which now belongs to the Holy Trinity Zelenetsky Monastery;
  • The icon with pennies is kept in its chapel.

Such trials and important historical events contributed to the Russian people becoming close to the miraculous image.

Features of iconography

What icons mother of god Do all the Sorrowers Joy exist, and which ones deserve special attention?

The Moscow icon is an indicator of the amazing significance of iconography. Main features:

  • image of the Virgin Mary and Her little son Jesus;
  • two angels holding ripids float above;
  • another pair of angels is among the destitute and saddened people;
  • above ordinary people you can see saints: Sergius of Radonezh, Theodore Sikeot, Gregory Dekapolit, Varlaam of Khutyn.

This miraculous image notes that the icon has a patronal character. It is assumed that the icon was intended for the Church of the Transfiguration, where the chapel of Khutynsky was located. In addition, above the Mother of God the Fatherland is depicted, the appearance of which was prohibited at the Great Moscow Cathedral. Under the feet of the Virgin Mary there is a cartouche with the text of the kontakion.

What interesting facts deserve special attention?

On November 6th, all believers celebrate a holiday dedicated to the icon. Many people managed to appreciate the opportunity to turn to the Mother of God with guaranteed assistance. The icon lives up to its name, because it gives consolation and joy to grieving people.

The meaning and meaning of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow

The icon is designed for all mourning people, regardless of their place of residence. The meaning of the icon to all those who mourn initially lies in the name of the image. Even the name indicates that in any life situations people must maintain faith and hope for a better future and overcome existing obstacles. The confidence that sorrow can be overcome with the acquisition of joy helps to gain an understanding of how to live.

How does the icon of joy of all who mourn help?

The amazing power of the image cannot be overestimated, since the Mother of God is ready to give recovery and restoration of strength, overcoming mental torment and gaining faith in correcting the situation. All people, regardless of their age and life situation, can count on great help.

The icon allows you to overcome resentment, oppression, suffering, despair, sorrow. Even terminally ill people can find real support. For this reason, if you are interested in what people pray to the icon of joy of all who mourn, we can list numerous life problems, capable of shaking people's well-established lives.

Moscow and St. Petersburg version of the icon

The Moscow version is one of the most revered, because it was before it that the first miracle took place back in 1688. The series of healings of sick people continues in our time, which proves the amazing power of the image.

The St. Petersburg version is a clear competitor to the Moscow icon. Fortunately, both icons are worthy of attention, since each of the two images of the Virgin Mary gives faith and hope to those in need. The icon appeared in St. Petersburg in 1711 thanks to Princess Natalia Alekseevna, but after that significant event The image had to go through difficult times. However, the icon still survived.

Currently, both icons are still arguing about who is the eldest of them. Many researchers note that Moscow takes the lead. In fact, the correct answer regarding age is not important, because both icons and the copies made from them turn out to be miraculous. The most important thing, as before, remains not the age category of the healing religious object, but the ability to use its power for its intended purpose.

It is interesting to note that the St. Petersburg icon acquired a name indicating an unusual event with pennies in 1888. It was then that the chapel in St. Petersburg caught fire. It turned out that only the icon survived, and 12 copper coins were invisibly stuck to it. After this, the image received the name among the people - “The Mother of God with pennies.” Such amazing story The Moscow version cannot be found in history, but the series of miraculous healings and amazing help has continued for a long time.

How do the two religious icons differ in their execution?

  • the St. Petersburg icon is made in a laconic style;
  • The Mother of God is depicted without the royal crown;
  • The Mother of God is drawn alone, because there is no little Jesus in her arms;
  • the most obvious difference is 12 coins.

Historians note that both miraculous images helped Russia in many historical events. At the same time, believers tell interesting stories about how they found peace of mind and gained joy, health, and strength.

If you are wondering where the icon of joy of all who mourn is located, you can name two main cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the lists kept in the temples of the two most attractive and significant cities Russia, became famous to the greatest extent.

The icon called “Joy of All Who Sorrow” depicts the Mother of God, angels and saints, and people in need. This performance demonstrates how many people need help that is wonderful and inspiring. People praying in front of the icon have the opportunity to directly turn to the Mother of God, being confident that she will still be able to provide worthwhile help.

Prayer to the icon “The Joy of All Who Sorrow”

“Hope of the unreliable, strength of the helpless, refuge of the overwhelmed, protection of the attacked, intercession of the offended, bread-loving, delight of the hungry, nectar of heavenly rest for those thirsty, Mother of the Most Blessed God, Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! I alone resort to You, to Your protection I wholeheartedly bow my knees, Lady. Do not despise crying and tears, the joy of those who cry! Even if my unworthiness and the damnation of my sins terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, in which I see Your grace and power, like an inexhaustible sea: the blind who have received their sight, the galloping lame, wandering as if under the canopy of Your charity, those who have been laid to rest, and those who have abounded at all times. ; Looking at these images of pardon, he came running, blind with his spiritual eyes and lame with his spiritual feelings. Oh, Unstoppable Light! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrow, weigh all misfortune, do not despise my prayer, O Helpful One! Do not disdain me, a sinner, do not despise me, a foul one; We know that you can do everything, the greatest will, oh my good hope, my hope comes from my mother’s breast. I am committed to You from the womb of my Mother, I am left to You, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen"

Miracle-working words: icon of all who mourn, joy, prayer, its meaning in full description from all the sources we found.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was first glorified as an icon of the Mother of God in 1688, during the reign of Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich. Patriarch Joachim’s sister, Euphemia, who had long suffered from an incurable disease, one morning during prayer heard a voice calling her to go and pray in front of the icon. Holy Mother of God“Joy to all who mourn” in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Ordynka and order a prayer service with the blessing of water. Euphemia fulfilled what was said, and after performing a prayer service with water in front of the icon, she received healing. Since then, many sick and mourning people, prayerfully turning to the Mother of God through Her miraculous image, began to receive healing and deliverance from troubles.

In 1711, when the royal residence was to be moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, sister Emperor Peter I, Princess Natalya Alekseevna, filled with special reverence for the miraculous icon " Joy to all who mourn", made a list (copy) from it and transported it, among other shrines, to St. Petersburg. According to other sources, a copy remained in Moscow, and the princess took the true image with her. On the site of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in the 18th century, a temple was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is located to this day.

There are two iconographic views of the image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”: on one, the Mother of God is depicted with the Eternal Child in her arms, on the other - without Him. Sometimes the image of the Mother of God is called “ Joy to all who mourn».

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow” pray to all the offended, oppressed, suffering, in despair, sorrow, in search of consolation and protection, with incurable diseases, for the protection of orphans and the poor, suffering from seizures, weakened hands, throat disease, tuberculosis.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

Give consolation to us who are in sorrow, for you have no other refuge and help from the imams. You are the only intercessor for our joy, and as the Mother of God and the Mother of Mercy, standing at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, you can help us, for no one who flows to You leaves in shame.

Hear also us, now on the day of sorrow who fall before Your icon and pray to You with tears, take away from us the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us in this temporary life, so that through Your omnipotent intercession we are not deprived of eternal endless joys in the Kingdom of Your Son and Our God, to Him is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God– Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most icons of the Mother of God.

Lives of the Saints– Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

For the beginning Christian– Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature– Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and occultism– Orthodoxy’s view of fortune-telling, extrasensory perception, the evil eye, corruption, yoga and similar “spiritual” practices. – Orthodox Internet course distance learning . We recommend taking this course to all beginning Orthodox Christians. Online training takes place twice a year. sign up for the next courses today!

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Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy: meaning, what it helps with

If you want to know the meaning of the icon of All Who Sorrow, Joy, what it helps and what it looks like, then we advise you to read our article to the end.

What is invented on the icon and when is it celebrated?

  • In this icon, the Mother of God herself appears before us in a tricolor robe.
  • In her hands is a scroll and daily bread.
  • Around the Mother of God, many believers are depicted, who are sad because their life is hard.
  • Grace is sent from heaven from the angels to these people, and this is also depicted on the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow.
  • Day of Veneration of the Icon - November 6 according to the new style.

History of the icon

  • We noticed this icon back in the 17th century; it was located in the Moscow Church of the Transfiguration.
  • But to this day no one knows how it ended up there and who wrote it.
  • In 1688 the icon began to be called the Miraculous because it healed a sick sister Moscow Patriarch Joachim, whose name was Euphemia.
  • The Patriarch personally saw the Mother of God in a dream, who pointed to this icon, and also told what and how to do so that healing would come to Euphemia.

Where can I find it?

  • IN original form The icon of All Who Sorrow Joy is kept in the Moscow Church of the Image of the Mother of God on Bolshaya Ordynka.
  • But lists are available in several other churches in our homeland. For example, there is a list of this icon in the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery, which is located in the Moscow region.
  • There is also a list of this icon in the Moscow diocese on Shaplernaya Street.
  • In the chapel of Our Lady that in St. Petersburg located, there is also a list of the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow.

How to pray in front of her?

From now on, you know what significance the icon of All Who Sorrow, Joy of All Who Sorrow, has for the people; in what ways it helps, we also told you.

The meaning of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

There are several different images of the Virgin Mary, among which one of the most revered is the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The Mother of God is depicted on this icon in full growth with her right hand and a raised scepter. There are some variations of this image: with or without the Baby. Above the Mother of God is the Savior, who has the Gospel in his left hand, and with the other he sends a blessing gesture. Sick, hungry and naked people fall around her, as well as angels who perform good deeds on her behalf. On different lists icons, the clothing of the Mother of God may differ, for example, there is an option in an expensive robe and with a crown on her head, as well as in ordinary clothes and a white scarf.

How does the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” help?

A person turns to Higher powers in most cases when he needs support and help in difficult situations. The icon of the Mother of God has always been considered the intercessor and helper of all people on earth.

Understanding the meaning of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” it is worth noting that exactly when this image appeared is unknown, but according to one widespread legend it happened in the Transfiguration Church in Moscow. The fact that the icon is miraculous became known after the seriously ill sister of the patriarch, after praying in front of this icon, completely recovered. The sick woman turned to the Higher powers, asking for help, and then she heard the voice of the Mother of God, who told her that she could be healed thanks to the miraculous image that is in the Church of the Transfiguration. This happened on November 6, and in memory of this a celebration was established in honor of this icon.

Since then, the prayer before the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” has been read to save oneself from mental problems and various physical illnesses. In difficult periods of life, those who suffer ask the Mother of God for help in order to cope with various problems and improve their lives. There are many lists that are located in different churches in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The lists are also believed to be miraculous.

To receive help from the Higher Powers, you need to read a prayer in front of the icon when your soul is calm, so it is important to get rid of all negative emotions and experiences. It is in this case that the Mother of God will be able to hear all the words sent. We figured out what they pray for in front of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” icon, now let’s move directly to the prayer itself, which sounds like this:

“Hope of the afflicted, strength of the helpless, intercessor of the offended, Most Holy Mother of the Most Blessed God, Holy and Immaculate Virgin! I resort to you alone in sorrows, trusting in your endless mercy. The unworthiness of my sins terrifies me, but I give my fate to your bright image, which gave sight to the blind, healing to the suffering, and peace to the hopeless. Enlighten and correct me, deliver me from all sorrow and misfortune, help me in spiritual and earthly labors, may they serve for the glory of Your bright name. Do not bypass me with your endless mercy, do not leave me without your divine grace, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Queen, Most Pure Mother of God, refuge for the orphans, joy for the sorrowing, protection for the offended! See my misfortune and sorrow, help me, the weak one. Resolve my difficulty, for I have no other protection and help except You, the Good Comforter. Accept my prayer, help me cleanse myself of sins and show me the righteous path. Protect me from the slander of the enemy and unkind people, be a persistent helper all the days of my life. May Your holy intercession and prayers to Your Son and God Our Savior protect me. Amen".

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Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy: Ambulance

Of great importance for a believer is the intercession of the Mother of God, the tradition of which has been reverently preserved for centuries, so that we can open this spiritual treasury today and find out how the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow helps, what its meaning and meaning is.

The name of the icon is filled with warmth and hope and already carries within itself that deepest connection that has made it closest and dearest to the hearts of the Orthodox people. In any trouble and illness, in any constraint there is Joy, you just need to find it.

Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy: description

In the Russian Orthodox Church this icon is considered miraculous. Due to its wide popularity, the image has different variations and a single, complete iconography has not emerged. There are many lists of the icon, and from each such list, as if in a generous scattering, new miracles emanated. Dozens of miraculous and locally revered icons are known in different cities Russia. For each of the decommissioned images, there is an independent legend that carefully describes and preserves the history of a separate copy, the miracles that happened from it and the reason for veneration.

As on all lists, the central place on the icon is occupied by the Mother of God, depicted in full growth, standing in a mandorla (radiance). In other versions, the Mother of God may be depicted standing on a crescent moon (the image of a Woman clothed with the sun, Rev. 12:1), or a cloud. In her hands she holds a scepter, a scroll, a rosary or bread. In the Moscow prototype, the Mother of God is holding the Child Christ in her arms. On the sides are depicted people who turn to her in prayer and receive what they ask for. The Virgin Mary is surrounded by angels and the New Testament Trinity.

There are three most famous and revered icons of the Joy of All Who Sorrow:

Each variation of the Joy of All Who Sorrow icon has its own history and meaning. The day of celebration of the icon is set on October 24 (November 6).

The meaning of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow

The icon appeared in the Moscow church on Bolshaya Ordynka in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in 1683. Since it contained images of locally revered saints, the researchers concluded that it was written specifically for this place. Nowadays it is a church in honor of the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow, the Mother of God, where the shrine is kept to this day.

Initially, the icon did not depict people asking. On the Moscow and subsequent St. Petersburg lists there is no image of people praying. Probably, the characteristic type of writing appeared later, after the glorification of the prototype.

Around 1711, Tsarevna Natalya Alekseevna, sister of Peter I, made the first copy of the icon and took it to the new capital, newly built St. Petersburg. The new image also became famous for its miracles and participated in the military campaigns of Peter I. Today, the original copy has not survived, but in St. Petersburg you can find a third copy, which was kept with the icon of the princess. The shrine is located in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the northern capital.

But the image of All Who Sorrow, Joy “with pennies,” received the most love and reverence. According to legend, the icon was found on the banks of the Neva by the merchant Matveev. When he was caught in a storm and called out to the Mother of God, having in his mind the image of a home icon, he received help: the Virgin saved him from imminent death. In gratitude, the merchant donated his shrine to the Tikhvin Chapel, where after the storm it was washed out by a wave.

In 1888, something happened in the chapel unique event: after the fire, when everything seemed to have burned down, the icon was found almost untouched by the flames. Miraculously, the face on the icon, darkened by time, brightened and was renewed. 12 coins stuck to it in different places. The pennies lay in a mug for donations, and during the fire, in an incomprehensible way, they evenly and quite harmoniously stuck to the icon (at the same time they were not pressed into the paint), and firmly adhered to it, without affecting the face of the Mother of God.

From this time on, a new wave of miracles began, when through prayers in front of the shrine people received healings from illnesses and injuries.

Based on the number of people who received help, there was a need to build a church for the icon in order to accommodate everyone who wanted to venerate the shrine. On August 2, 1898, a stone church was consecrated in honor of the miraculous icon, which was subsequently blown up by the Bolsheviks.

In the icon with pennies, the Mother of God appears before worshipers in simple clothes with a white covering on her head, without signs royal power, which is the crown and scepter, without the Christ Child. She spread her arms in a generous gesture to the people around her. Coins are depicted on lists with paint.

The miraculous image is kept in the Trinity Church “Kulich and Easter” in St. Petersburg.

How does the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow help?

A unique phenomenon in Orthodox world: the wonderful icon scattered coins, “pennies” for everyone who wanted them, which stuck to the paint layer. We are structured in such a way that we often ask not for spiritual things at all, but for quite material things. And the Mother of God comes to meet us, understands our weakness, takes pity, and so, scatters coins for us on her icon. Having spent her entire life in poverty, without a home or income, wandering with her Son among relatives and kind people, she seemed to have saved everything, to the last penny, for us.

Sometimes it is ashamed to ask a shrine for such mercantile things as money. But in front of this icon you can. Reasonably, for the benefit of relatives, with the understanding that material wealth is less important than unanimity in the family, leniency towards neighbors and spiritual peace. The Mother of God herself hinted at what to pray for, showing a new image that miraculously appeared, and the glory of which spread throughout the world.

How the icon of the Mother of God helps the Joy of All Who Sorrow has been known since the 17th century. Below is an attempt to list only a small, most expressive part of coma, how it helps and who it is for people. These are the words from the prayer to the icon, translated into modern speech:

  • the hungry - the nurse;
  • those who have lost hope - hope;
  • for those who are offended - an intercessor;
  • naked - clothing;
  • for the sick - healing;
  • to those who are despondent - joy;
  • those who repent of their sins are saved.

Everyone who finds themselves in difficult circumstances, who has been harmed or wronged, also resorts to the help of the icon. In prayer to the icon, she is also called the helper and intercessor of all Christians.

Miraculous Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy

The image first became famous in 1688 in a Moscow church. It was there that the first miracle happened: the sister of the Patriarch of Moscow Joachim, named Euphemia, who was seriously ill and bedridden, heard the voice of the Mother of God after prayer. The Virgin reproached her for still not turning to the common Healer of all and ordered Euphemia to be visited by a priest with the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow, which is located in the Transfiguration Church. The priest served a prayer service, after which she received healing.

The event took place on October 24, and since that time the icon has shown many miraculous healings. The right aisle of the temple was consecrated in honor of the miraculous image, and the church became famous among the people as the Sorrowful Church.

Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy: prayer

Texts of the prayer before the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow:

For all those who grieve, the joy and the offended are the intercessor, and the hungry for the nourisher, the strange consolation, the overwhelmed refuge, the visiting of the sick, the weak protection and intercessor, the rod of old age, You are the Mother of the Most High God, the Most Pure One: we strive, we pray, to be saved by Thy servant.

There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except for You, the Lady. Help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, Joy to all the sorrowing, visiting the sick, protection and intercessor of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak infants, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrow and illness, for you yourself have endured fierce sorrow and illness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross in sight, when Simeon’s weapon was predicted by Your heart let's pass. Moreover, O beloved Mother of children, heed the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, as a faithful intercessor of joy: standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you wish, ask for everything useful to us. For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You as the Queen and Lady and we dare to cry out to You in psalms: hearing, O Daughters, and seeing, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows; You fulfill the requests of all the faithful, as if they were joyful, and you have given peace and consolation to their souls. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the wealth of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, and with a pure heart, with a good conscience and undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession: accept, our all-merciful Lady Theotokos, our earnest prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy, from Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and human slander, be our constant helper all the days of our life, so that under Your maternal protection we will always remain in our goals and preserved by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Finding support and consolation in the Mother of God, Christians come to the image in an endless stream today. How does an icon help? The meaning of the icon of All Who Sorrow is Joy - in any sorrow there is spiritual joy. After all, sometimes we need sorrow to cleanse our souls. Not everyone will come to God when everything is going well for them. A person is designed in such a way that in cramped circumstances his will and other valuable qualities of the soul are formed. For people who are only broken by suffering, who are embittered by the injustice of this world, the Lord may also call for generosity, who knows.

Celebration of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary " Joy to all who mourn» installed November 6(October 24, old style). The icon is miraculous and is known in various lists. Image of the Mother of God Joy to all who mourn is especially close to the heart of a believer, because even in the name of a shrine one can find consolation.

Image of the Mother of God Joy to all who mourn. History of the holiday

Nowadays there is a widespread legend that the icon Mother of God Joy to all who mourn She first became famous as a miracle worker on the eve of the schism, in 1688. However, there is no doubt that our ancestors knew and revered this miraculous image much earlier. Information about the origin of the image Our Lady Joy to All Who Sorrow Very few have survived. In the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, at the Lavra hospital, in the church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, there is a very ancient miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy to all who mourn.” Great-grandson of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise (c. 978-1054) and son of Prince of Chernigov Davyd Svyatoslavich (1050-1123), Nikola Svyatosha(c.1080-1143), built the holy gates, and in 1107 he took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk monastery and himself bore the obedience of the goalkeeper. He became the first of the Russian princes to take monastic vows. Here the monk prince built a hospital and assigned his doctor Peter to it. At the hospital, Nikola served patients for about thirty years. To the north of the holy gates, behind the courtyard of the Lavra, there is a hospital monastery founded by him with Church in the name of St. Nicholas. In this church is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Joy to All Who Sorrow.” It is believed that this image was placed here by the noble prince himself.

There is a legend that since ancient times, those in need received healing from the most pure image of the Mother of God. Tradition says that the goalkeeper, who was at the gates of the hospital, saw several times at night how a certain Woman came to the hospital, and noticed that after each such visit one of the patients received health. He began to find out from the patients who this Woman was. They answered that they, too, saw Her coming, and when asked who She was, they received the answer from Her: “ I am Joy to those who mourn" Then the watchman decided to follow the mysterious Visitor. One night he saw that this Woman passed by him and went into the hospital where a seriously ill monk lay, already preparing for the transition to eternity. The watchman went to the sick man and on the wall above the dying monk noticed in the reflection of the moonlight an image of the Mother of God. Only then did the goalkeeper realize that he was privileged to see the Mother of God. He fell to his knees and began to fervently pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. The sick monk was also honored to see the Mother of God, who gave him quick healing. After the vision, he fell into a deep sleep, slept for several days and woke up completely healthy.

* Source: book “Our Lady. Description of Her earthly life and miraculous icons",

Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God Joy to all who mourn. Divine service

Troparion, tone 4.

From Thy holy icon O! To the Lady Lady Theotokos, healings are given abundantly, through faith and love, to all who come. Thus, visit my infirmities, and have mercy on my soul, O Most Pure One, and heal my body with the grace of the Most Pure One.

Kontakion, tone 6.

There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, the Lady, help us. We rely on You, and we praise us in You, for we are Your servants, so let us not shame ourselves.

Unashamed intercessor of Christians, immutable intercessor to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinners. But anticipate the Good to our aid, those who truly cry out to Thee, hasten to prayer, and strive to entreat, interceding ever since the Mother of God those who honor Thee.


Library of Russian Faith

Icons of the Mother of God Joy to all who mourn

On icons Joy to all who mourn The Most Holy Theotokos is depicted in full growth, surrounded by angels, as well as people overwhelmed by illnesses and sorrows. On some icons the Mother of God is depicted with the Infant Christ, on others - without Him. Most often, believers ask the image of the Mother of God Joy to All Who Sorrow for deliverance from illnesses and troubles.

Old Believer churches in honor of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God Joy to all who mourn

Temples in honor of the image of the Mother of God Joy to All Who Sorrow, built before the schism of the Russian Orthodox Church, are unknown: for some reason there was no mass veneration of this image.

The patronal feast of the appearance of the image of the Mother of God to all who mourn joy is celebrated in Russian Orthodox communities Old Believer Church in Kemerovo region, Samara region and in the city of the Republic of Mari El. Today is also the patronal feast day of the Edinoverie church in the village of Koverninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.

In November 1910, an Old Believer church was erected in Ryazan in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy to All Who Sorrow.” From 1937 to 1945, the Ryazan temple was closed and looted. After a period of Soviet persecution, the temple was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But even now, the feast of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God to All Who Sorrow Joy is especially revered in the Ryazan parish.

Severe trials and serious illnesses can happen to every person. Who to turn to in difficult times of sorrow and troubles, if not to heavenly patrons? Mother Theotokos is the intercessor of all Orthodox Christians, a comforter and a helper.

Joy to all who mourn - an icon revered throughout the Orthodox world. And in my life this icon created a miracle of healing my mother. When doctors and medications don’t help, we can only hope for God’s help. For healing, we specially went to the Sorrow Chapel to pray to the miraculous Face with pennies.

History of the Holy Face

The icon of the Mother of God of the Joy of All Who Sorrow is especially close Orthodox person, who often faces difficult trials. This includes crop failure, loss of livestock, invasion of invaders, and internecine wars. Serious illnesses affecting young and old, in the absence medical care could lead to fatal outcome. But the Mother of God always came to the aid of believers, whose help was priceless.

In the very name of the icon one can hear consolation for the suffering, a kind word and hope for help. The Mother of God rushes to the rescue, wipes away tears of despair and supports in difficult times.

In the icon we see the Most Pure Virgin surrounded by holy martyrs and needy people. For everyone she has a word of consolation, miraculous help and healing. The angels standing next to the Mother of God fulfill her command to help those in need. Sometimes the icon depicts a baby being held in the arms of the Mother of God. There is also a Holy Face with pennies, considered miraculous.

The history of this image goes back to the distant 1688, when, after a prayer before the Holy Face, the sister of the Moscow Patriarch Joachim was miraculously healed. This memorable event happened on the 6th of November, and since that time the day of veneration of the image of All Who Sorrow has been established - joy on this date. The temple where the miracle happened was given the name Sorrowful. It is located on Ordynka. Many sick people received healing, received their sight, gained hearing and the ability to conceive a child. Nowadays, the miraculous Face is located in the St. Petersburg Trinity Church.

Photo of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow (with pennies):

Miracle with pennies

In 1888, a real miracle happened in the northern capital of our Motherland. A chapel in the vicinity of St. Petersburg was completely burned by a lightning strike, but the icon remained unharmed. Moreover, groschen (copper money) were attached to it, which were located next to the donation mug. The mug burst from high temperature flame, and the icon was updated and became lighter.

This news instantly spread throughout the city and believers flocked to the miraculous Face. Icon painters began to depict pennies, and in the church they established another day of veneration of the miraculous - August 5. This veneration is timed to coincide with the miraculous renewal and transformation of the image of All Who Sorrow.

On the site of the chapel, a temple was built, which was destroyed during the revolutionary movement. But the icon was saved; it was kept secretly by one believer. During the siege of Leningrad, the icon of the grieving Mother of God was placed in the Trinity Church and consoled people enduring the inhuman pangs of hunger and sorrow.

After perestroika, the blown up Sorrow Chapel was restored, and the image was returned to the church with the interesting name “Kulich and Easter” in the city of St. Petersburg.

Help icons

In addition to healing, the miraculous, pure face can help with other needs. Believers bow before the icon and ask for:

  • assistance with household needs;
  • assistance in resolving work issues;
  • solving family problems;
  • earthly goods;
  • travel assistance.

The heavenly healer especially listens to the sorrows that overcome the laity. Despite the fact that a person plunges himself into trouble and attracts troubles, Mother of God compassionately treats believers as his Son. “Knock and it will be opened” are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he left for us as a consolation. The heavenly healer hears every prayer, every cry of a broken heart, and comes to the rescue.

Before praying before the image of the Mother of God and asking for your needs, you should repent of your sins. If the problem is very serious, it is necessary to confess and receive communion. Lay people must understand that asking for help from the heavenly intercessor and blaming heaven for their troubles is unacceptable. If a person is sure that he is undeservedly punished by God, how can he ask for the intercession of the Mother of God?

There is no higher service than bringing joy to those who mourn. The word "sorrow" in the old days had a broader meaning than it does today. It meant not only sorrowful experiences, but also physical suffering from illness, and failures in everyday life, and in general everything that we now call the word “negative.” It is through these troubles and adversities of life, with which the world is full, that the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” brings the joy of consolation.

Grace given through icons

Before starting a conversation about it, one very important fact should be emphasized - it is not the icon itself that works miracles and brings Divine grace to people, but the Mother of God depicted on it. She does this through Her images, before which we offer prayers to Her. Among them there are great icons, which are usually called miraculous. This means that the Queen of Heaven chose them specifically, and She wants to bestow grace through them. For this we honor them, but we pray not to them, not to the boards covered with a layer of painting, but to She whose holy image is imprinted on them.

For which we are talking, the words of one of the Theotokos stichera (special liturgical text) are used - “Joy to all who mourn.” with this name appeared in Rus' in the 17th century. Art critics note in its iconography the tangible influence of the Western European school. In addition, it should be noted that in its many editions (variants) there is no single compositional scheme. As a result, you can find significant differences in icons with this name.

An example is the saints depicted on it. In the earliest editions, these figures were absent and appeared only on icons painted after 1688. The explanation for this is as follows: this year the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” brought a miraculous healing from an illness to the sister of Patriarch Joachim, Euphemia. From then on, her glorification began, and figures of the suffering began to be introduced into the picturesque plot, thereby focusing attention on healing power image.

Features of the generally accepted iconographic tradition

Over the years, a tradition has developed to depict the Virgin Mary in full height, standing in the so-called mandorla - a vertical oval radiance. An interesting fact: such an image is typical for Christian and Buddhist art. It is customary to depict the figures of Christ, the Virgin Mary and Buddha in such a halo. In Christian iconography, the image of Christ in a mandorla is often found on the icons “Transfiguration of the Lord” and “Second Coming”, and in the iconography of the Mother of God - on the icon “Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary”.

In addition to the Mother of God and figures suffering from illnesses, it has become a tradition to depict angels on the icon performing acts of mercy on behalf of the Queen of Heaven. In addition, you can find numerous editions with images of saints standing on the right and left sides of the Virgin Mary. Despite the fact that the icon “Our Lady of All Who Sorrow” appeared after a church schism, which was caused by the well-known reform of Patriarch Nikon, it is very common among Old Believers. There were especially many lists of her made in the Belarusian village of Vetka.

The history of the glorification of the icon

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the history of the icon. As mentioned above, her glorification began in 1688 with the healing of the patriarch’s sister Euphemia Papina from ailments. Legend has it that she suffered from a non-healing wound in her side. And then one day, during prayer, Euphemia heard a wondrous voice, announcing that the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” would bring her healing.

On Ordynka there is the Church of the Transfiguration, in which you should look for this icon. After prayer, a miracle will happen in front of her, and the illness will leave the patient. The voice also added that Euphemia would have to confess this miracle, glorifying the name of the Most Holy Theotokos. Soon the icon was delivered to the suffering woman, and after praying in front of it, the wound began to heal quickly. This happened on October 24th. Fulfilling the order of the Most Pure Virgin (it was She who owned that voice), Euphemia’s brother, Patriarch Joachim, ordered a prayer service to be compiled for the image of “Joy to All Who Sorrow.” The icon of the Mother of God has been glorified since then along with other miraculous icons.

Among the residents of Moscow and all of Russia, this story became widely known, which is not surprising - it the main character was the Patriarch's sister. The akathist “Joy to all who mourn” was written. In addition to the already mentioned service, they compiled the “Tale of the Icon,” which outlined in detail all the circumstances of what happened, and the royal icon painters began making copies of it. Unfortunately, it was never possible to establish where the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” came to the Church of the Transfiguration. Its significance for Russian Orthodoxy is great, and the lack of information about it early history is a big gap.

Creating a list of icons and leaving for St. Petersburg

Further events associated with the miraculous icon date back to 1711. During this period, the capital of Russia was moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The royal family also moved there. From historical documents it is clear that the sister of Tsar Peter I, Princess Natalya Alekseevna, leaving for the new capital, ordered a copy of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The icon of the Mother of God was taken to St. Petersburg. But here a discrepancy appears in the documents - according to some sources, a copy went to the banks of the Neva, but the original remained in Moscow, other sources claim the opposite.

It should be noted that after the glorification of the icon, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, where the boundary consecrated in its honor was located, began to be called among the people “Sorrowful” or “Joy of All Who Sorrow” on Ordynka. We can say with complete confidence that the icon that Princess Natalya left for Muscovites was in the temple until the revolution. Then the riddles begin.

After the revolution, the church was closed, its building was used for government needs. There is a version that the icon stored there disappeared without a trace during the church’s difficult times, and the image now in the restored church is the 1st copy of the 18th century donated to it. But there is another version, according to which the original icon miraculously survived the years of fighting against God and is now in its original place.

St. Petersburg Icon of the Virgin Mary

However, let’s move to St. Petersburg and follow the icon that the Tsar’s sister brought here from Moscow. It remained unclear whether it was an original or a copy, but, in spite of everything, both the Moscow icon and its St. Petersburg sister were considered equally miraculous. This is confirmed by the fact that, when setting off on the Prut campaign in 1711, the tsar ordered her to be taken with him as a guarantee of the army’s heavenly protection.

Tsarevna Natalya Alekseevna placed the icon brought to her in the house church of her own palace, which was located on Shpalernaya Street. In those years, her brother’s famous brainchild, the Foundry Yard, where guns for the army and anchors for the navy were cast, was also located there. Russia's military and economic power was created there.

Natalya Alekseevna spared no expense for the shrine. The icon frame, made of silver and plated with gold, was richly decorated with family jewelry. According to established tradition, particles of the relics of saints and other relics were placed in it. Over time, the pious princess set up an almshouse at her palace, to which the church went after her death in 1716.

Veneration of the icon by royal persons

Half a century later, Empress Catherine II treated the miraculous image of “Joy to All Who Sorrow” with special reverence. The icon of the Mother of God gave her strength during the smallpox epidemic that broke out in 1768. It is known that the Empress was one of the first to be vaccinated against this terrible disease himself and the heir to the throne, thereby setting an example for others.

It was very important, since vaccinations in those years were an innovation and were met in society with fear and misunderstanding. Before deciding to take such a step, Catherine II came to the home church of Princess Natalia. The prayer to the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” instilled confidence in her. As a result, vaccinations made following her example saved the lives of hundreds of people. As a token of gratitude, a new, even richer frame for the icon was soon made.

During the reign of her grandson Alexander I, the house church on Shpalernaya was completely rebuilt according to the design of the architect L. Ruska; a special niche was created for the icon on the right side of the iconostasis. The creation of a new, third frame for the icon dates back to this period.

It was carried out with extraordinary generosity. Almost seven kilograms of gold were used to make it. In addition, they were used for decoration large quantities gems. A photo from a lithograph of the icon made in 1862 can be seen in this article. Particles of the relics of many saints were also placed in the frame. After the solemn consecration, which was performed by Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov), the frame took its place.

Three lists with icons

It should also be noted that in the temple on Shpalernaya, in addition to the icon in question, there were three more copies made from it, but they are considered lost. It is only known that one of them was practically no different in its iconographic features from what Natalya Alekseevna brought. It was decorated with a precious salary. In 1847, the icon was transferred to the ownership of the Spaso-Efrosyne Monastery in Polotsk, and its place was taken by a copy made by the painter P.M. Shamshin.

It is known about the other two lists that they had their own iconographic features. Their composition included figures of sufferers, which indicates their later composition. The picturesque manner in which they were executed is more typical of the Western school. One of the icons was located at the top of the room in the choir. Its authorship is attributed to the then famous artist F.A. Bronnikov. The other was created specifically in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the reconstruction of the temple. It was written on a copper board by the artist I.A. Tyurin.

Somewhat later, the church was rebuilt, and since then it has received the name Skorbyashchinskaya. It was also known as the Church of the Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” It existed until 1932, when, along with many Russian churches, it was closed. After this, the miraculous icon stored in it, the family heirloom of Princess Natalya, disappeared without a trace.

In St. Petersburg, in the Transfiguration Cathedral, there is an icon that many consider to be the one that was lost when the temple on Shpalernaya was closed. But this, unfortunately, is a wrong opinion. An ancient lithograph made from an icon that belonged to the princess proves their non-identity. It is more likely that the Transfiguration Cathedral contains that revered list, which, as is known, was kept in a precious frame next to the icon of Natalya Alekseevna and was transferred to the cathedral after the closure of the house church.

Icon with pennies

Among the St. Petersburg icons of the Mother of God there is one that is unique in its own way. It is called the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies. There is a legend that once, in the middle of the 19th century, she was washed ashore by the Neva waves near the estate of the merchant Kurakin. From them the icon passed to the merchant Matveev, who presented it as a gift to the chapel built in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in the Village of Klochka near St. Petersburg. The chapel was located next to the famous St. Petersburg glass factory.

This icon gained fame after a terrible thunderstorm that raged over the city on July 23, 1888. From documents remaining from that time, it is known that a lightning strike that struck the chapel scorched the internal walls and the icons located there. The donation mug that suffered the most damage was completely broken. Only the icon in the chapel remained unharmed - a gift from the merchant Matveev. Moreover, the coins that scattered when struck by lightning inexplicably stuck firmly to the surface of the icon.

When the damaged chapel was opened after a thunderstorm, they discovered that the image of the Virgin Mary, previously attached in the corner on a cord, had strong blow went down. But the most amazing thing was that the face of the Mother of God, darkened by time, itself brightened and was renewed. There were many witnesses to this miracle, and word of it quickly spread throughout St. Petersburg.

Its glorification began with the fact that, by order of the ruling bishop, Metropolitan Isidore (Nikolsky), regular prayer services began in front of the icon. By this time there are also reports of the first miraculous healings that took place through prayers in front of this newly found image. It is clear from the records that after the prayer to the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was performed on December 6, 1890, the youth Nikolai Grachev, 14 years old, received healing from epilepsy. The next case was recorded in February 1891, when 26-year-old Vera Belonogova, who had completely lost the ability to speak due to a throat disease, suddenly regained the power of speech.

Destroyed temple “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (St. Petersburg)

The pious emperor served a prayer service in front of this icon in 1893. Five years later, thanks to the financial resources he donated, a stone temple “Joy to All Who Sorrow” was erected for her on a specially designated site. It stood on the Neva embankment. However, in the thirties it suffered the same fate as many churches in our country - it was demolished. Now only the miraculously preserved chapel reminds of him.

Fortunately, it was possible to save the miraculous icon itself, and now it is also located on the Nevsky Bank, in the church which is popularly called “Kulich and Easter” for its architectural features. In honor of this icon, a special day of celebration was established - August 5. By the way, the St. Petersburg icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies received its official name on the personal instructions of Patriarch Alexy II in 1998. All those made from it were subsequently depicted with paint.

Lists famous for miracles

It is known that not only the icons, which have already been mentioned in this article, but also the copies made from them became famous for many miracles. In their iconographic type, these icons often repeat both the Moscow and St. Petersburg icons. They are located in different parts of the country, but the legends about the miracles they performed become public property.

We should dwell on this in more detail. The most famous of these icons is Reshnevskaya. Its name comes from the village of Reshnev, where the temple “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was specially built for it. According to legend, this icon was received from a wandering monk by a pious and wealthy landowner, M. Savich. The temple was built at her expense.

Tradition says that on the day of his consecration a miracle happened - through the prayers of his mother, a boy suffering from paralysis was healed. This icon itself is somewhat different from other icons of this type. It almost completely copies the “Iveron Mother of God”, however, among local residents and in general among its admirers it is called the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” icon. Its meaning for believers lies in the feeling of the reality of intercession and help sent by the Most Holy Theotokos.

Lists of icons that became famous in hospitals and prisons

For several centuries now, the icon “Joy to All Who Sorrow” has been helping patients who have lost all hope of recovery. An example of this is the image located in the hospital belonging to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Tradition says that the founder of the hospital, Prince Nikolai Svyatosha, who was later glorified as a saint, donated the icon there. Further, the legend tells that the hospital watchman more than once witnessed how no one visited the hospital famous woman, and those patients whom she approached soon recovered. There was also one monk there who suffered from an incurable disease and was ready to end his earthly journey. And then one day a distinct image of the Virgin Mary appeared above his head in the moonlight. The sick man saw her and was soon healed.

Since ancient times, in Vologda, in the prison hospital, there was a miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Its value was appreciated there too. People who, through their own fault or due to circumstances, are behind bars, need the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos like no one else. Residents of the city, who revered the icon, made a silver frame with gilding for it and took it out to everyone. religious procession. Unfortunately, this miraculous image has not survived to this day, having disappeared without a trace during the years of the revolution.

Icon from Voronezh

The Voronezh Theological Church is also famous for its miraculous icon. There is a legend that one of Peter I’s close associates, sailing in a boat along the Voronezh River, refused to moor to the shore near the temple and bow to the icon located in it. He even allowed himself to express himself quite impudently about this. However, a storm that soon broke out, threatening the life of both the nobleman himself and his retinue, forced him to repent of his rash words and, mooring to the shore, hasten to the temple. After he venerated the icon, the storm miraculously stopped. This icon is revered as miraculous. There are many testimonies of healings that occurred through prayers before her.

It is difficult to list all the miraculous lists from this blessed icon. They were always revered, temples and chapels were built for them. Such a chapel “Joy to All Who Sorrow” was built in St. Petersburg in 1915. It was intended to help mentally ill children and was built under the patronage of Empress Maria Feodorovna. After the revolution it was closed and re-consecrated only in 1990.

One cannot help but recall the list of icons located in Tobolsk. There is little information about its creation, but art historians believe that its writing can be dated back to the end of the 16th century. In the temple, this icon was displayed in a precious frame and decorated with numerous rings, crosses and pendants donated by parishioners on the occasion of granting help through prayers. It is characteristic that it was held in special esteem by city merchants; among them it was considered the key to successful commerce to carry it across shopping arcades. Unfortunately, this icon has not survived to this day. Like many others, she disappeared during the revolution.

Many believers have this wonderful image in their home meetings. Icons in an apartment always create a special atmosphere. Even people who do not identify themselves with religion feel the beneficial energy emanating from them. It operates independently of our perception. But if a person’s heart is warmed by faith in God, then icons become truly miraculous.