What should be understood by human morality? Essay-reasoning on the topic: “A moral person for me.”

The true evolution of man is impossible without a moral life, subordinate to the fair interests of the society in which he lives; high moral principles, honor, conscience, helping those in need, constant enlightenment with knowledge...

In this article I would like to touch upon one of the most interesting topics, in my opinion: the question of the connection between human morality and his evolution. To expand on the topic, it is first necessary to shed light on the concepts themselves. "moral" And "evolution".

Moral- this is life according to conscience, when in thoughts, words and deeds a person is guided by the commandments of our great ancestors and the voice of reason, multiplied by the love of the heart.

Evolution- this is the development of bodies of the Essence of a person, additional to the physical body, or, in other words, bodies of the Soul, with the receipt of which a person acquires new opportunities and abilities. This is what allows a person to expand the range of his perception of reality and, upon reaching a certain level of development, to control space and matter.

The truth, forgotten by many, is that without moral life, true evolution is impossible. Nowadays, the interchangeability of the concepts “development” and “evolution” is widespread in society, although they do not mean the same thing. For example, a person studying foreign language, develops, that is, develops, increases one’s knowledge of the language being studied. Or a person involved in any kind of sport also develops certain physical parameters. But neither a foreign language nor sports help a person make a qualitative leap, both in his perception and in his capabilities.

No matter how many languages ​​a person studies, and no matter how many sports he masters, he will still live within the framework existing restrictions five sense organs. And this is a fact. The fact is so heavy and capacious that it is impossible not to comprehend it. It means that the mere accumulation of information does not at all guarantee the emergence of new opportunities and abilities in a person, and also does not make a person rational and moral. After all, the very word “ intelligence“means nothing more than “a mind sanctified by the divine light of truth,” and this light appears in a person from living according to conscience, that is, from a moral life. And there is no other way for this light to appear. Academician Nikolay Levashov wrote about it like this:

“...Even our ancestors shared two concepts - MIND and REASON! And in their understanding, these two concepts were fundamentally different from each other, although these two words have a common root, MIND! Matter, having realized its existence, acquires MIND! And only when the bearers of the mind achieve enlightenment with knowledge, only then does MIND appear!!! The ability to think does not yet mean intelligence - a state when a person is enlightened by knowledge, knowledge of the laws of nature from which he was born!..”(“Source of Life-5”).

This can be confirmed by academics who are unable to go beyond the existing dogmas in science; scientists plying each other for lucrative positions and titles; highly educated members of the governments of the world, whose actions contradict all norms of morality and rationality; businessmen who, for the sake of short-term profit, disfigure the environment with pollution from their industries, and so on, and so on...

In just one lifetime physical body a moral person can complete the planetary cycle of his evolution by developing in himself the etheric, astral and four mental bodies a, which, together with the physical, make up the seven human bodies, which corresponds to the seven levels of the Earth, formed by the seven primary matters. As Nikolai Levashov wrote, “The presence of mental bodies gives the person who has them colossal mental power, through which such a person can influence the processes occurring in nature, both on a local and on a planetary scale. Only with the power of your thoughts can you influence and control the processes occurring in human society. See and hear the past, present and future... and much more. Such power should and can only be had by a person with pure thoughts, a pure soul and a heart open to goodness.”(“Last appeal to humanity”). And the completion of the planetary cycle of human development gives him the opportunity to start qualitatively new stage of its development: cosmic stage of evolution.

After the death of the physical body, the Essence (Soul) of a person falls to that level of the Earth that corresponds to the evolutionary level that the Essence managed to achieve during current life in the physical body. And no matter how smart a person is, no matter how much regalia, power and wealth he has, but if his life was not moral, he will not be able to get into high levels of our planet for one simple reason: during his life such a person failed to develop in himself higher bodies Entities that provide such an opportunity. And if a person lived by instincts (emotions) or with a predominance of them, then he finds himself on the lower astral level of the planet, where criminals and simply unspiritual people, who are surrounded on these “floors” of the Earth by various “astral animals,” serve their “punishment.” And if the people who get there have weak energy protection, then, in the literal sense of the word, they can be eaten by these creatures. A “the death of the Essence means that all the evolutionary experience and achievements of all the incarnations that the Essence had disappear forever... this is evolutionary death...”(“Last appeal to humanity”).

Many people do not believe that by living morally they will be able to get what they want from life, because they see that often those who lead immoral lives have success and prosperity, in the modern understanding of these terms. Such people forget that external material success and wide access to a variety of pleasures are bought at too high a price: loss of Soul and, quite possibly, the impossibility of a further thousand-year life.

Our ancestors lived according to Vedic laws, which were given to them by their patrons - the Gods. Who were these Gods? By gods, the Slavic-Aryans understood people whose level of development far exceeded their own level. And the Gods of the Slavs - Svarog, Perun, Veles, Lada the Virgin and others - gave them moral commandments, the fulfillment of which inevitably leads a person to enlightenment with knowledge, the creation of ever new bodies of the Essence, and endless development. Fortunately for us, after many centuries of concealment of the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, some of them have now been published and are available for reading by everyone interested in the true past of Rus' and the whole world. And this means for us an excellent opportunity to study and understand the moral foundations on which the lives of our great ancestors were built, and therefore the opportunity to build our own lives on a solid foundation, proven by thousands of years of history.

Be truthful in Soul and Spirit,

The worlds hold on to the Truth. Their gate is Truth;

For it is said that in Truth rests Immortality.

(“Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, Santiya Vedas of Perun. First Circle. Santiya 4).

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Morality and ethics are words that are used as synonyms. These terms can replace each other. Let's try to answer the question: morality?

In general, morality is the identification of free will, the internal attitude of the individual, which is based on special principles, norms and ideas. It is she who is able to determine how we will behave in a given situation. Moral qualities are formed in us every day and every minute, from the moment we began to accept various kinds solutions. The level of morality can characterize a person with different sides. It is expressed both in a person’s attitude towards himself and towards the people around him.

Society sets its own ideals, but this does not mean that we should look like we just came out of an incubator. We must be Each of us must be a unique embodiment of social values, but an unusual embodiment. There are no templates, but everyone has their own.

However, it should be noted that almost everyone tries to repeat the actions and destinies of other people. We are inclined to do this, but such a position most often leads to disappointment. AND creative years in this regard, the most vulnerable. Often we get lost in life or in some situations. Loyalty changes into hypocrisy, and kindness into deception. What is understanding life, as well as evaluating any actions. This is a choice of conscience, which we make to some extent consciously, but to some extent not.

What is morality? How to characterize it? If there is such a concept, then it is certainly possible to identify individual qualities that could describe it. Moral qualities are compassion, honesty, kindness, lack of aggression, reliability, generosity, sincerity, peacefulness, hard work, decency and so on. Everyone can find and name their qualities. Of course, we must not forget about mutual understanding and love, as well as respect. It is noted that true love does not exist without mutual respect.

What is morality? If we consider representatives of individual professions, it should be said that a judge must have justice, a soldier must have courage, and for a doctor an important moral quality is compassion.

How to achieve the manifestation of such qualities in a child or adult? It's simple: appropriate upbringing will help you do everything as it should be. Moral education is a rather complex process that must be purposeful. It is also a continuous process in which pauses are unacceptable. This is a close interaction between teacher and student. Of course, the teacher must have moral qualities. Educate moral personality- it’s not a simple matter, it will require patience and a huge amount of time. By the way, many teachers cannot do this. Why? Yes, because they are too convinced of their methods and do not understand the importance of experimentation. Surprisingly, new things are too often inaccessible to these people.

Forming an identity is not so easy. In this case, the teacher must set and show an example in various life situations. Of course, every position in life must be explained and analyzed. Modern education requires special methods. It is necessary to take into account personalities, readiness to perceive this or that information, as well as to understand and analyze it. Every person has morality to one degree or another, only for some it “sleeps”, and for others it does not. You can wake her up. The methods are numerous. Just try to be better, kinder, wiser in everything.

MORAL, moral, ethical; moral, moral, ethical (book). 1. adj. to morality in 1 value. Moral criterion. Moral philosophy. 2. Compliant with moral requirements; ant. immoral. Moral... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Highly moral, well-behaved, good-natured, chaste, honest, moral. Wed. . Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

MORAL, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. see morality. 2. Meeting the requirements of high morality. N. act. N. person. 3. full Relating to consciousness, the inner life of a person. Moral satisfaction. Explanatory dictionary... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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moral- highly moral, deeply moral... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

I adj. 1. ratio with noun morality I, associated with it 2. Relating to the inner, spiritual life of a person. Ant: physical 3. Characterized by high morality [morality I], corresponding to the norms and rules of human behavior in... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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Immoral vicious... Dictionary of antonyms

moral- nr avstvenny; briefly the shape of veins and veins, veins... Russian spelling dictionary


  • The moral character of Pushkin, A.F. Koni. The speech dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin, read on May 26, 1899 at a ceremonial meeting of the Academy of Sciences, was first published in the "Bulletin of Europe" (1899, 10) in dedication to P.N....
  • The moral character of Pushkin, A.F. Koni. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. A speech dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Pushkin’s birth, read on May 26, 1899 at a gala…

Morality is a term most often used in speech and literature as a synonym for morality, sometimes ethics. In a narrower sense, morality is the internal attitude of an individual to act in accordance with his conscience and free... ... Wikipedia

The term is used, as a rule, synonymously with the term “morality”, less often “ethics”. Just like “ethics” in Greek, “morality” in Latin, “Sittlichkeit” in it. language, russian the word "N." etymologically goes back to the word “character” (character). In languages ​​where I use... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Decline of morality.. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. morality, morality, ethics; moral code, ethical standards, honesty, chastity, pedagogy,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

MORALITY, morality, many. no, female (book). 1. A set of norms that determine human behavior. “The basis of communist morality is the struggle for the strengthening and completion of communism.” Lenin. 2. Human behavior itself... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Moral- value structure of consciousness, social necessary method regulation of human actions in all spheres of life, including work, everyday life and attitude towards environment. In the broad sense of the word, morality is a special form of social consciousness and type... ... Official terminology

See Moral... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

MORALITY, and, women. Internal, spiritual qualities by which a person is guided, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities. A man of impeccable morality. | adj. moral, oh, oh. N. human code... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See Ethics (Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru) ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

See MORALITY. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

moral- regulatory function of human behavior. According to Z. Freud, its essence comes down to the limitation of drives. Dictionary practical psychologist. M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 ... Great psychological encyclopedia

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