Biological waste management. Biological waste management The problem of determining pollution

Rosselkhoznadzor / Regulatory documents

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance

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Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2007 N 400, as amended by the Definition Supreme Court RF dated June 13, 2006 N KAS06-193)

Part 1

General provisions

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are mandatory for animal owners, regardless of the method of farming, as well as organizations, enterprises (hereinafter organizations) of all forms of ownership engaged in production, transportation, procurement and processing of products and raw materials of animal origin.

1.2. Biological waste is:

  1. corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;
  2. aborted and stillborn fetuses;
  3. veterinary confiscations (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;
  4. other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

1.3. Owners of animals, within a period of no more than 24 hours from the moment of death of the animal, discovery of an aborted or stillborn fetus, are obliged to notify a veterinary specialist who, based on the results of the inspection, determines the procedure for disposal or destruction of biological waste.

1.4. The responsibility for delivering biological waste for processing or burial (incineration) rests with the owner (manager of a farm, personal, subsidiary plot, joint stock company etc., service public utilities local administration).

1.5. Biological waste is disposed of by processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants (workshops) in accordance with current rules, disinfected in biothermal pits, destroyed by burning or in exceptional cases buried in specially designated places.

1.6. Places designated for the burial of biological waste (livestock burial grounds) must have one or more biothermal pits.

1.7. With the introduction of these Rules, the destruction of biological waste by burial in the ground is strictly prohibited.

1.7.1. In the area served by the veterinary and sanitary recycling plant, all biological waste, except those specified in clause 1.9 of these Rules, is processed at meat and bone meal.

1.7.2. In exceptional cases, in case of mass death of animals from natural disaster and the impossibility of their transportation for disposal, burning or disinfection in biothermal pits, burial of corpses in the ground is allowed only by decision of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Republic, another entity Russian Federation.

1.7.3. In the breeding zone reindeer(permafrost areas), in the absence of the possibility of constructing and equipping cattle burial grounds, burial of biological waste in earthen pits is allowed. For this purpose, special areas are allocated on pastures and on the route of nomadic herds, if possible on dry high places, not visited by deer.

It is prohibited to dump biological waste into water bodies, rivers and swamps.

1.9. Biological waste infected or contaminated with pathogens:

  1. anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, rinderpest, camel plague, rabies, tularemia, tetanus, malignant edema, bluetongue of cattle and sheep, African swine fever, botulism, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, melioidosis (false glanders), myxomatosis, hemorrhagic disease rabbits, bird plague, are burned on site, as well as in incinerators or in specially designated areas;
  2. encephalopathy, scrapie, adenomatosis, visna maedi, processed into meat and bone meal. If it is impossible to process them, they must be burned;
  3. diseases that have not previously been recorded in Russia are burned.

1.10. At radioactive contamination biological waste in a dose of 1 x 10E-6 Cu/kg and higher, they are subject to burial in special storage facilities in accordance with the requirements for radioactive waste.

1.11. These Rules define the conditions:

  1. collection, recycling and destruction of biological waste in livestock complexes (farms), farms, private farms, populated areas, places of accumulation, nomadic (running) of animals; when transporting animals and livestock products;
  2. non-proliferation of pathogens of infectious and invasive animal diseases;
  3. preventing human diseases from zooanthroponotic diseases;
  4. security environment from pollution.

Part 2

Cleaning and transportation

2.1. A veterinary specialist, when examining the corpse of an animal, a stillborn, an aborted fetus and other biological waste, gives an opinion on their collection, disposal or destruction.

2.2. In accordance with paragraph 4 of clause 6 of the Regulations on the Veterinary Department of the Ministry agriculture Russian Federation dated November 16, 1993 N 1162, in the event of an animal contracting the disease specified in clause 1.9 of these Rules, a representative of the state veterinary supervision gives an instruction on the slaughter or destruction of animals that is binding for all persons. Before their slaughter or destruction, these persons are obliged to take measures to prevent access to them by unauthorized citizens, as well as animals, including birds and insects.

2.3. The collection and destruction of carcasses of wild (stray) animals is carried out by the owner who is in charge of the area (in populated areas - by the public utility).

2.4. If a corpse is found in a vehicle along the route or at the place of unloading of animals, their owner is obliged to contact the nearest organization of the state veterinary service, which gives an opinion on the cause of death, determines the method and place of disposal or destruction of the dead animal.

2.5. Vehicles allocated for the transportation of biological waste are equipped with waterproof closed bodies that can be easily sanitized. The use of such transport for transporting feed and food products prohibited.

2.6. After loading biological waste onto a vehicle, the place where it was stored, as well as the inventory and equipment used, must be disinfected.

The soil (place) where the corpse or other biological waste lay is disinfected with dry bleach at the rate of 5 kg/sq. m, then it is dug up to a depth of 25 cm.

2.7. Vehicles, inventory, tools, equipment are disinfected after each delivery of biological waste for disposal, disinfection or destruction.

For disinfection use one of the following chemicals: 4% hot solution of caustic soda, 3% solution of formaldehyde, solution of preparations containing at least 3% active chlorine, at a liquid consumption rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq. m area or other disinfectants specified in the current rules for veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities.

Workwear is disinfected by soaking in a 2% formaldehyde solution for 2 hours.

Part 3


3.1. Biological waste, approved by the veterinary service for processing for feed purposes, at veterinary and sanitary plants, in the workshops of technical factories of meat processing plants, and recycling shops of livestock farms is sorted and crushed.

It is allowed to remove skins from fresh corpses, which are disinfected in the manner and means in accordance with the current rules.

3.2. Utilization shops of livestock farms process biological waste obtained only in this farm. The import of biological waste from other farms and organizations is strictly prohibited.

3.3. Biological waste is processed into meat and bone meal, bone meal, meat meal, feather meal and other protein feed additives, based on the following technological operations and modes: heating the crushed waste in vacuum boilers to 130 degrees. C, actual sterilization at 130 degrees. C for 30 - 60 min. and drying the boiled mass under vacuum at a pressure of 0.05 - 0.06 MPa at a temperature of 70 - 80 degrees. C for 3 - 5 hours.

3.4. When processing bird corpses, biological waste obtained from animals suffering from encephalopathy, scrapie, adenomatosis, visna-maedi, as well as waste crushed weighing more than 3 kg, sterilization in vacuum boilers is carried out at a temperature of 130 degrees. C for 60 minutes, in all other cases - at 130 degrees. C for 30 min.

3.5. Biological waste approved by a veterinary specialist for processing, except for those specified in clause 3.4, after thorough grinding, can be boiled in open or closed boilers for 2 hours. from the moment the water boils.

The resulting boiled feed is used only within the farm for 12 hours. from the moment of manufacture for feeding pigs or poultry as an additive to the main diet.

Part 4


4.1. Burial in earthen pits

4.1.1. Burial of animal corpses in earthen pits is permitted in exceptional cases specified in paragraphs 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 of these Rules.

4.1.2. At a selected location that meets the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of these Rules, dig a trench with a depth of at least 2 m. The length and width of the trench depends on the number of animal corpses. The bottom of the pit is filled with dry bleach or other chlorine-containing disinfectant with an active chlorine content of at least 25%, at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq. m. m area. Directly in the trench, before burial, the abdominal cavity of dead animals is opened in order to prevent spontaneous opening of the grave due to accumulated gases, and then the corpses are sprinkled with the same disinfectant. The trench is filled with excavated soil. A mound with a height of at least 1 m is poured over the grave, and it is fenced in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.6 of these Rules. There will be no further burials at this location.

4.2. Destruction of corpses of experimentally infected animals

4.2.1. The corpses of laboratory animals infected during a diagnostic study of pathological material are disposed of depending on the results of the study.

When isolating pathogens listed in clause 1.9 of these Rules, the corpses of laboratory animals are burned or disinfected by autoclaving at 2.0 atm. within 2 hours. with subsequent discharge of disinfected residues into a biothermal pit.

If pathogens of other diseases are isolated and if the test results are negative, the corpses are processed at veterinary and sanitary plants, dumped in a biothermal pit or burned.

4.2.2. The corpses of animals experimentally infected with the pathogens specified in clause 1.9, as well as with other pathogens classified in groups 1 and 2, during work with cultures of pathogenic microorganisms and subsequently dead or killed, are burned and disinfected by autoclaving at 1.5 atm. within 2 hours. with subsequent discharge of disinfected residues into a biothermal pit.

4.2.3. The corpses of dead or euthanized laboratory animals experimentally infected with pathogens of other groups of microorganisms are burned, dumped in biothermal pits, or processed into meat and bone meal.

4.3. Burning

4.3.1. The combustion of biological waste is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, in special furnaces or earthen trenches (pits) until a non-combustible inorganic residue is formed.

4.3.2. Methods for constructing earthen trenches (pits) for burning corpses. Two trenches are dug, arranged crosswise, 2.6 m long, 0.6 m wide and 0.5 m deep. A layer of straw is placed at the bottom of the trench, then firewood is placed to the upper edge of the hole. Rubber waste or other solid combustible materials can be used instead of firewood. In the middle, at the junction of the trenches (crossbar), crossbars made of raw logs or metal beams are placed and the corpse of the animal is placed on them. The corpse is lined with firewood on the sides and top and covered with sheets of metal. The firewood in the pit is doused with kerosene or other flammable liquid and set on fire. They dig a hole (trench) measuring 2.5 x 1.5 m and a depth of 0.7 m, and the excavated earth is laid parallel to the longitudinal edges of the hole in the form of a ridge. The pit is filled with dry firewood, stacked in a cage, up to the top edge of the pit and across it. Three to four metal beams or damp logs are placed on an earthen mound, on which the corpse is then placed. After this, the wood is set on fire. Dig a hole measuring 2.0 x 2.0 m and a depth of 0.75 m, at the bottom of it a second hole measuring 2.0 x 1.0 m and a depth of 0.75 m is dug. A layer of straw is placed at the bottom of the lower hole, and filled with dry firewood. Firewood is doused with kerosene or other flammable liquid. At both ends of the pit, between the woodpile and the earthen wall, an empty space of 15 - 20 cm is left for better air draft. The lower pit is covered with crossbars made of damp logs, on which the animal's corpse is placed. The corpse is covered with firewood on the sides and top, then with a layer of peat (dung) and the firewood is set on fire in the lower pit.

4.3.3. Trenches (pits) of the specified sizes are intended for burning the corpses of large animals. When burning the carcasses of small animals, the size is reduced accordingly.

4.3.4. Ash and other unburned inorganic residues are buried in the same pit where the burning took place.

Part 5

Placement and construction of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits)

5.1. Selection and retraction land plot for the construction of a cattle burial ground or a separate biothermal pit is carried out by local administration authorities upon the proposal of the organization of the state veterinary service, agreed upon with the local center for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

5.2. Placement of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) in water conservation, forest park and protected areas is strictly prohibited.

5.3. Cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) are placed on a dry, elevated plot of land with an area of ​​at least 600 square meters. m.

Standing level groundwater must be at least 2 m from the ground surface.

5.4. The size of the sanitary protection zone from the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) to:

  1. residential, public buildings, livestock farms(complexes) - 1000 m;
  2. cattle runs and pastures - 200 m;
  3. automotive, railways depending on their category - 50 - 300 m.

5.5. Biothermal pits located on the territory of state veterinary organizations are part of the auxiliary structures. The distance between the pit and the production buildings of veterinary organizations located in this territory is not regulated.

5.6. The territory of the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is fenced off with a solid fence at least 2 m high with an entrance gate. From the inside of the fence along the entire perimeter, a trench is dug 0.8 - 1.4 m deep and at least 1.5 m wide with a shaft made of excavated soil.

A bridge is built across the trench.

5.7. When constructing a biothermal pit, a hole measuring 3.0 x 3.0 m and a depth of 10 m is dug in the center of the site. The walls of the pit are laid out of red brick or other waterproof material and raised 40 cm above ground level with a blind area. A layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pit and filled with concrete. The walls of the pit are plastered with concrete mortar. The covering of the pit is made in two layers. Insulation is laid between the layers. A hole measuring 30 x 30 cm is left in the center of the ceiling, tightly closed with a lid. An exhaust pipe with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of 3 m is removed from the pit.

5.8. A canopy 6 m long and 3 m wide is built over the pit at a height of 2.5 m. A room is built nearby for dissecting animal corpses, storing disinfectants, equipment, special clothing and tools.

5.9. Acceptance of the constructed cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is carried out with the mandatory participation of representatives of the state veterinary and sanitary supervision with the drawing up of an acceptance certificate.

5.10. The burial ground (biothermal pit) must have convenient access roads.

Before entering its territory, a hitching post is set up for animals that were used to deliver biological waste.

Part 6


6.1. Cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits owned by organizations are operated at their expense.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2007 N 400)

6.2. The gates of the cattle burial ground and the lids of the biothermal pits are locked with locks, the keys to which are kept by specially appointed persons or a veterinary specialist of the farm (department) on whose territory the facility is located.

6.3. Before being discharged into a biothermal pit for disinfection, biological waste is subjected to a veterinary examination. At the same time, the compliance of each material (by tags) with the accompanying documents is checked. If necessary, a pathological autopsy is performed.

6.4. After each discharge of biological waste, the pit lid is tightly closed.

When a biological substrate decomposes under the influence of thermophilic bacteria, an environmental temperature of about 65 - 70 degrees is created. C, which ensures the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

6.5. It is allowed to reuse the biothermal pit 2 years after the last discharge of biological waste and the exclusion of the anthrax pathogen in samples of humidified material taken throughout the depth of the pit every 0.25 m. The humidified residue is buried on the territory of the cattle burial ground in the ground.

After cleaning the pits, the integrity of the walls and bottom is checked, and if necessary, they are repaired.

6.6. On the territory of a cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) it is prohibited:

  1. graze livestock, mow grass;
  2. take, carry out, transport earth and gummed residue beyond its borders.

6.7. Collapsed mounds of old graves at cattle burial grounds are subject to mandatory restoration. The height of the mound must be at least 0.5 m above the ground surface.

6.8. In exceptional cases, with the permission of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the republic or another subject of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to use the territory of a cattle burial ground for industrial construction, if since the last burial:

  1. at least 2 years have passed into the biothermal pit;
  2. in an earthen pit - at least 25 years.

An industrial facility should not be associated with the reception, production and processing of food and feed.

Construction work is allowed to be carried out only after disinfection of the territory of the cattle burial ground with methyl bromide or another drug in accordance with the current rules and subsequent negative laboratory analysis of soil samples and gummed residue for anthrax.

6.9. In case of flooding of a cattle burial ground during the construction of hydraulic structures or flood waters, its territory is trenched with a trench at least 2 m deep. The excavated soil is placed on the territory of the cattle burial ground and, together with the burial mounds, is leveled and rolled. The trench and the territory of the cattle burial ground are concreted. The thickness of the concrete layer above the ground surface must be at least 0.4 m.

6.10. Responsibility for the design, sanitary condition and equipment of a cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) in accordance with these Rules rests with the local administration and heads of organizations in charge of these facilities.

Part 7

Monitoring compliance with the requirements of these Rules

7.1. Control over compliance with the requirements of these Rules is entrusted to the state veterinary supervision authorities.

7.2. Specialists of the state veterinary service regularly, at least twice a year (spring and autumn), check the veterinary and sanitary condition of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits). If violations are detected, they give an order to eliminate them or prohibit the operation of the facility.

7.3. All newly opened, operating and closed cattle burial grounds and free-standing biothermal pits are registered by the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city). They are assigned an individual number and issued a veterinary and sanitary card (see).

to the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules
collection, recycling and destruction
biological waste
dated December 4, 1995 N 13-7-2/469

Veterinary and sanitary card for a cattle burial ground
(biothermal pit)

VETERINARY-SANITARY CARD FOR AN ANCIENT BURNER (BIOTHERMAL PIT) N ____ 1. Location ___________________________________________ (republic within the Russian Federation, ___________________________________________________________________ territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous district, district, ___________________________________________________________________ settlement) 2. Location of the animal burial ground (biothermal pit) on the ground (attached is a copy from a land use map on a scale of at least 1:5000 (1 cm 50 m), referenced to a permanent landmark (trigonometric tower, paved road, power line, etc.)). 3. Distance from the nearest populated area and its name _______________________________________________________________ m; _____________________ farm (complex) _______________________ m; _____________________ pastures _______________________ m; _____________________ reservoir _______________________ m; _____________________ roads __________________________ (between which ___________________________________________________________________ settlements and its characteristics) 4. Description of the area: characteristics of the surrounding territory __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ soil ________________________________ depth of groundwater ________ m, direction of precipitation flow _______________________. 5. Which settlements, livestock farms (complexes), farms, organizations use the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. The area of ​​the cattle burial ground is _______________________ sq. m. m 7. Fencing of the cattle burial ground ___________________________ 8. Sanitary characteristics of the cattle burial ground: a) the first burial of biological waste was in 19__; b) animals that died from anthrax were buried in _____ _______________________________________________________________; c) animals that died from emkar and other diseases caused by spore-forming microorganisms listed in clause 1.9 of these Rules were buried in _________________________. Chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) _____________________ Last name I. O. (signature) The veterinary and sanitary card was received by ___________________ ____________________________ ______________ (position) (last name, first name, patronymic) (signature) The veterinary and sanitary card was drawn up in 3 copies and handed over one copy to: 1. _______________________________________________________________ (organization, farm) 2 . ______________________________________________________________ (state veterinary organization) 3. _______________________________________________________________ (state sanitary inspection body)

Livestock waste is manure and bedding of cattle and pigs, liquid manure, and chicken droppings.

Every year, livestock and poultry farms in Russia produce 200-250 million tons of manure and 20-25 million tons of litter, and the total volumes of liquid waste reach 700-800 million tons. Manure is produced every day: from one head of cattle - 45 kg, pigs - 4.5 kg, poultry - 0.1 kg (Table 5.10). Over the course of a year, a poultry farm with a capacity of 10 million broilers per year produces 15-20 thousand tons of litter and manure)