Combat railway missile system from Molodets to Barguzin. Missile-carrying trains will be revived in Russia Barguzin combat missile system

BZHRK "Barguzin" - combat railway missile system, developed on the basis of another BZHRK - “Molodets”. On this moment development was stopped and the Molodets missile system project was closed.

What is BZHRK? BZHRK - Barguzin railway-based missile system. That is, this is a train with several missiles on board, disguised as a simple civilian train and running throughout the country. "Barguzin", whose weapons are thermonuclear missiles, could become one of such trains.

The history of the creation of "Barguzin"

In the online encyclopedia Wikipedia about the Barguzin BZHRK it is written:

  • year 2012- the beginning of work on the creation of the Barguzin combat railway missile system;
  • December 2014- selection of the combat basis of the complex - it became the RS-24 Yars missile;
  • End of 2015- Sergei Karakaev, Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, announced that the design of the preliminary version of the BZHRK has been completed and the development of working drawings for the complex has begun;
  • May 2016- Colonel General Viktor Esin voiced approximate dates creation and adoption of the Barguzin - 2018–2025;
  • November 2016- at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, the first stage of testing of the modified RS-24 Yars rocket, developed specifically for the BZHRK, was successfully completed;
  • December 2017- announcement of the termination of work on the project.

Progenitor of "Barguzin"

The idea of ​​​​creating a BZHRK as a combat unit is not new and did not belong to Russia or the USSR. The first attempts to do something similar were made by the United States, but the project was never adopted. But the USSR liked the idea of ​​a nuclear train, and already in 1969 the development of a project began - Barguzin rocket trains of a new generation.

The Molodets BZHRK began its first combat duty in 1987.

Currently, most of the “Molodets” complexes have been disposed of under the START-2 agreement; only two museum trains exist.

“Barguzin” was supposed to be a deep modification of “Molodets”, but the project was closed. Let's look at the structure of the BZHRK using the example of "Molodets".


The said BZHRK included three diesel locomotives DM62, command post consisting of 7 cars, tank car with supplies fuels and lubricants and three missile launchers.

The Molodets complex looked like an ordinary train of refrigerated cars.

Mail, luggage and passenger cars. Fourteen cars had eight wheel pairs, and three had four.

Three cars were disguised as passenger fleet cars, the rest, those that had eight axles, were disguised as “refrigerated trucks”. Thanks to the available supplies on board, the complex could operate autonomously for up to 28 days.

The weight of the rocket was 104 tons and to solve the problem of overload, special unloading devices were used, redistributing part of the weight to adjacent cars. In addition, the length of the rocket should not exceed the length of standard cars, so the design of the fairing of the head part was redone and became folding.

The missiles could be launched from any point along the route.

The launch algorithm is as follows:

  • the train stops, a special device moves to the side and short-circuits the contact network to the ground;
  • The launch container takes a vertical position due to the hydraulic system;
  • after this, a mortar launch of the rocket can be carried out;
  • Already in the air, the rocket started its main engine.

The whole operation took about three minutes. Each starting device could work both as part of the train and separately from it.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the complex

Why "Barguzin" was not adopted for service

The Barguzin project was very promising. The news of its creation caused a wave of indignation in the West. And it’s not surprising, because the new “Barguzin” was supposed to be an improved model of another BZHRK “Molodets”. That is, take the best from it and correct the shortcomings.

For example, the Barguzin was supposed to look more like a regular freight train than its predecessor.

Its structure lacked such features as an extended carriage, several additional wheelsets and locomotives, and this is an important camouflage factor. In addition, the BZHRK can change its movement vector at any time, which will make it difficult to strike back at it.

And despite all these advantages, the project is either frozen or completely discontinued. Why? There are several versions.

The first is a strategic move to disinformation the enemy. A good old trick, let the potential enemy think that Russia has really stopped developing the new generation Barguzin ballistic missile system, and let his guard down.

Secondly, development has actually stopped. And there are several reasons for this. For example, leading weapons developers do not have a common opinion about the BZHRK as a whole. This project, the Barguzin combat railway missile system, has both supporters and opponents.

It should not be ruled out economic factor. Perhaps the expenses for the Molodets rocket train would have been too high, and the project might not have justified itself. It is also worth adding that for the army, the creation of a BZHRK - the Barguzin missile train - has never been a priority.

However, according to those responsible for this project, if necessary, the Barguzin railway missile complex will be built as soon as possible.

BZHRDK - train "Molodets" in the parking lot

Characteristics of the BZHRK Barguzin complex

Below are the characteristics of the Barguzin BZHRK: missiles and some characteristics of the entire complex as a whole.

Rockets on a railway platform

BZHRK design

Roughly speaking, how combat unit the Barguzin train never existed. Its entire development and design is on paper marked “SECRET”, so its entire description is speculative.

In appearance, "Barguzin" is an ordinary freight train, of which there are a huge number. And that's it. The developers were strictly limited by the requirements of railway standards.

That is, they must fit into the framework of modern rolling stock, so that the BZHRK appearance no different from an ordinary train. Thus, a missile with a launch container must be placed in a standard refrigerated car, which is 24 meters long.

New generation BZHRK missile during deployment

The new generation Barguzin BZHRK carriages are equipped with Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles with 30 warheads with a yield of 550 kilotons each. Due to the same limitations, it was decided to make the rocket stages foldable.

In addition, command posts, technological and technical systems, communications and personnel. In the event of an enemy attack, the train is stopped and prepared to start. The doors on the roofs of the cars move apart, the mechanisms bring the rockets into a vertical position and the launch is carried out.

What Barguzin BZHRK looks like from the outside, photo

Project Barguzin - advantages and disadvantages


  • Stealth. Thanks to the disguise as ordinary Russian Railways trains, it will be extremely difficult for a potential enemy to find the BZHRK of the Barguzin project, even with the help of a satellite;
  • Maneuverability. There are a huge number of railway tracks in Russia and the Barguzin is capable of changing direction at any time, and this will make it difficult to strike back;
  • Economical. Servicing one unit of a gas-propelled rocket engine is cheaper than servicing any other ground-based complex.


  • Blade wear. A car with a nuclear missile is much heavier than any freight car. This causes additional stress on the blade and accelerates its wear. And due to extraordinary repairs, a potential enemy may find out the approximate route of the BZHRK;
  • Frivolity. For some unknown reason, there is no proper attitude towards the BZHRK. Yes, this is a nuclear missile system, but the development of such projects has never been a priority. After all, there are time-tested and battle-tested land, sea and underwater-based systems;
  • Expensive. Despite the relatively low maintenance costs, the construction of such a complex is very expensive. And at the moment there is no urgent need for it.



Probably, the location of the Barguzin missile launcher tests has been discovered. It is curious that it is located on the same former site of the Cyclone launch vehicle in Plesetsk, where the launch positions were located, previously identified as the positions of the Nudol complex. Site coordinates: N 62°54.448′ E 40°47.115′.
The creation of the site approximately began in early 2016 and was completed in the fall of 2017, which does not contradict information that appeared earlier in a number of media. Let me remind you that anonymous sources The military-industrial complex confirmed information that throwing tests were carried out at the test site in Plesetsk in November 2016 as part of the program for creating the Barguzin BZHRK. According to a TASS publication, the Barguzin BZHRK has been excluded from the state arms program until 2027. The R&D work on the creation of the BZHRK is currently suspended or completed, so further tests are not being carried out on the site.


Russia has created a unified Yars missile system for different types basing, including railway. This was reported by RIA Novosti, the creator of the Topol-M, Yars and Bulava ballistic missiles, the general designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Solomonov.
At the same time, the project to create a railway carrier of ballistic missiles, the Barguzin complex, is still frozen. At least, there was no official information about the resumption of development.
“We created the Topol-M missile system, now Yars, for different types of deployment: for mobile ground, and for silos, and for railways - a single missile everywhere,” Solomonov said in an interview with National Defense magazine.
It was assumed that the new generation Barguzin BZHRK will be developed before 2018, but in 2017 “ Russian newspaper" reported, citing a source in the defense industry, that work on the creation of a new BZHRK has been suspended.
Radio Sputnik


Work on a new generation combat mobile railway complex with an intercontinental ballistic missile based on the Barguzin design and development work has been carried out with the leading role of JSC Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering Corporation (MIT) since 2011 within the framework of the State Armaments Program for 2011-2020 (GPV-2020) , with an initial completion date for State testing in 2019.
Combat railway missile systems (BZHRK), which were taken off duty in 2005 and then disposed of, can be reintroduced into the Missile Forces strategic purpose(Strategic Missile Forces), the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Sergei Karakaev, spoke about this in December 2011.
The Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (developer of the Bulava, Topol and Yars missiles - ed.) has begun development work on the creation of combat railway missile systems (BZHRK), Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov announced in April 2013. “The work on the BZHRK has been launched and is being carried out by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. At the initial stage, R&D (experimental design work) is ongoing until it is not very expensive work - on preliminary design, technical projects“, Borisov said, adding that the cost of work on creating a BZHRK has not yet been determined.
Russia planned to create a new combat railway missile system (BZHRK) by 2020, the new BZHRK will be produced only by Russian industrial cooperation, and unlike the Soviet model, the mass of a solid-fuel ballistic missile will be half as much so that it can fit into one railway car. It will be a completely different missile, a completely different complex,” noted former commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Nikolai Solovtsov.
At the end of 2014, the preliminary design of the complex was approved and in 2015 the development of design documentation began. In 2014, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense reported on the topic of BZHRK, adopted in the interests of creating promising mobile (railway) based missile systems. The cooperation of the performers has been determined and development work is already underway.

The Strategic Missile Forces confirmed that the creation of a combat railway missile system (BZHRK) may soon resume, said Andrei Filatov, deputy commander of the Strategic Missile Forces for work with personnel, in December 2014. “This idea will materialize in the near future. I can say we should expect it,” Filatov said, emphasizing that this could happen “in the near future.”
Promising combat railway complex (BZHRK) for missile forces Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), currently being developed, will bear the name “Barguzin,” noted Sergei Karakaev, commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, on December 17, 2014. "Creation the newest BZHRK planned in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation. It is being developed exclusively by enterprises of the domestic defense-industrial complex, embodying the most advanced achievements of our military missile technology,” the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces emphasized.
Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, main developer modern missiles for the Strategic Missile Forces, has completed preliminary design and is preparing design documentation for the new complex.
The commander emphasized that “the newest complex will embody the positive experience of creating and operating its predecessor - the BZHRK with the Molodets missile” (also known as RT-23UTTH).
The Barguzin complex will significantly surpass its predecessor in accuracy, missile flight range and other characteristics, which will allow this complex to remain in operation for decades - at least until 2040. combat strength Strategic Missile Forces." – said the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev.
Sergei Karakaev noted that the creation of the BZHRK will make it possible to fully restore the composition of the strike force of the Strategic Missile Forces, which will include mobile ground, silo and railway missile systems.
The development and adoption of the combat railway missile system (BZHRK) does not contradict the requirements of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-3), said Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Anatoly Antonov. “The presence and creation of the BZHRK does not contradict the obligations Russian Federation according to START, and the appearance of the BZHRK, in my opinion, will not require any revision of this treaty,” the deputy minister said. Mobile strategic missile systems are not prohibited by the START treaty, Antonov emphasized, adding that each party to the treaty has the right to independently determine the composition and structure of its strategic nuclear forces.
One composition of the Barguzin combat railway missile system (BZHRK) will be able to carry six intercontinental ballistic missiles of the Yars or Yars-M type and will be equivalent to a regiment. The Barguzin divisional set was supposed to have five regiments.

In 2015, experts assumed that the BZHRK itself would be created by 2018, and after that flight tests would take about two years. At the same time, the general designer of missile systems, Yuri Solomonov, said that such a complex is underway, but it will not be completed very soon. He noted that the combat railway missile system is an intercontinental-class complex. It does not fall under the restrictions of Russian-American agreements in the field of strategic weapons.
The preliminary design of the Barguzin combat railway missile system is ready, Russian Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments Yuri Borisov announced in May 2015.
- The creation of the BZHRK is going according to plan, there are no difficulties. The Barguzin, consisting of up to five missile regiments, will enter service with one of the missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces by 2020. Unlike its predecessor, the Molodets BZHRK, new complex will be no different from a regular train,” Borisov said.
The development stage of design documentation for the Barguzin combat railway missile system was expected to be completed in mid-2016.
It was soon noted that the adoption of the Barguzin combat railway missile system was postponed by more than a year, it would take place no earlier than 2020.
The head of the military education department of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Vladimir Nesterov, confirmed in February 2016 that the preliminary design of the Barguzin BZHRK has now been completed and working design documentation for its entire system is being prepared. The Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) of Russia in the near future plan to begin training specialists in the operation of the Barguzin combat railway missile system (BZHRK), he noted.

The timing of the creation of the new Barguzin missile train will be determined in the state weapons program for 2018-2025, said Colonel-General Viktor Esin, Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces Main Staff in 1994-1996. “The timing of the creation of the BZHRK will be determined in the new state weapons program (for 2018-2025), which is planned to be adopted in 2018. The new complex will be created taking into account the level of technology development that has been achieved in 20 years since the creation of the first complex. As planned, it will be significantly different from its predecessor,” Yesin said in May 2016. According to him, the creation of experimental samples of individual elements of the Barguzin BZHRK has now begun.
According to the general designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Yuri Solomonov, in May 2016, missile throw tests for the new Russian combat railway missile system (BZHRK) Barguzin were supposed to begin in 2016, possibly at the beginning of the fourth quarter. Based on the results of the launch, a decision will be made at the beginning of 2017 to launch full-scale work on the BZHRK project, he said.
It was necessary to carry out throw tests on a new product to confirm the feasibility of a “mortar” launch of the product and its subsequent withdrawal away from the missile train, in which there are people and technological equipment, after which the ICBM propulsion engine will start.
At the end of October 2016, the first and only throw test of the Barguzin complex missile was carried out in Plesetsk. They were considered completely successful, which cleared the way for the start of flight testing. It was then assumed that flight tests of the missile for the Russian Barguzin railway combat missile system would begin in 2019.
When adjusting the GPV-2020 in 2015, the main stages of the implementation of the Barguzin design and development work were moved beyond the scope of the GPV-2020 and were to be determined by the new State Armaments Program for 2016-2025 (then for 2018-2027).
The Sarmat heavy ICBM and the Barguzin railway missile system (BZHRK) will be created if they are included in the state weapons program for 2018-2025, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in July 2017.
Previously, the deadlines for the creation of these weapons, which should replace models created in cooperation with Ukrainian enterprises, were repeatedly pushed back to a later date.
The development of promising combat railway complexes (BZHRK) "Barguzin" has been stopped in Russia, it was announced on December 2, 2017 in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta publication with reference to a representative of the country's military-industrial complex. According to the publication’s interlocutor, “the topic is closed, at least for the near future.”
“Experimental design work on Barguzin has been carried out. The experiment with a throw launch was successful. If urgently needed, our rocket train will quickly get on the rails. For now, let’s forget about him,” the material says.

Russia, “Beat of Life!”, - Dmitry Zherebtsov.

History of creation

This story dates back to the distant 60s. During this period, two powerful powers hostile to each other, the USA and the USSR, drove each other into the abyss of an arms race. The Americans tried, violating parity, to create a weapon capable of bringing the USSR to its knees. The Soviet leadership did not want to put up with this and thought about how this could be avoided and guarantee their country the possibility of a guaranteed missile strike nuclear arsenal in the country of a potential enemy.

The first and most obvious option for ensuring a retaliatory strike was associated with strengthening the security of nuclear launchers, which provided the ability to strike back in the event of a nuclear attack by the aggressive NATO bloc, as it was called then (and, admittedly, this was the most accurate description of it, containing the essence of this organization).

But it soon became clear that the coordinates of our launchers were well known to the United States. In 1961, the USSR shocked the whole world with its message that a new superweapon had been tested on Novaya Zemlya H-bomb, the capacity of 50 million tons was spent. The Soviet leadership was well aware that such a superweapon would soon appear in the United States. One strike of such a bomb at the location of the launch silos of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) did not leave a single chance for a retaliatory strike.

In addition, the United States was armed with Trident-2 missiles, capable of penetrating deep into the ground and destroying the infrastructure of a grounded missile complex. And the missile systems located in Europe, equipped with Pershing-2 missiles, when launched, reached us in 6-8 minutes. This time was enough to deploy the launcher and open the mine hatch. But nothing more.

Thus, the Soviet Union was deprived of the opportunity to launch a guaranteed retaliatory nuclear missile strike against the aggressor countries. It became clear to everyone that parity needed to be restored as soon as possible. But, if it is impossible to reliably cover the launchers, then they can be made undetectable. This is how the idea of ​​making them mobile was born.

On January 13, 1969, the order “On the creation of a mobile combat railway missile system (BZHRK) with the RT-23 missile” was signed. The Yuzhnoye design bureau was appointed as the lead developer. According to the developers, the BZHRK was supposed to form the basis of the retaliatory strike group, since it had increased survivability and could most likely survive after the enemy delivered the first strike.

It should be noted that this complex was an integral part of the guaranteed retaliatory strike of the Soviet Union, along with the 15P696 mobile missile system with the RT-15 missile, also known as object 815 from 1965. And, the R-11FM SLBM, created on the basis of the R-11 ground-based operational-tactical missile.

Thus gave birth to one of the most powerful and elusive military nuclear launchers on a railway platform.

It was created by teams led by the brothers Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Fedorovich Utkin.

The Kremlin understood: fundamentally new technical solutions. In 1979, the USSR Minister of General Mechanical Engineering Sergei Aleksandrovich Afanasyev set a fantastic task for the Utkins designers. This is what Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin said shortly before his death: “The task that the Soviet government set before us was striking in its enormity. In domestic and world practice, no one has ever encountered so many problems. We had to place an intercontinental ballistic missile in a railway car, but the missile with its launcher weighs more than 150 tons. How to do it? After all, a train with such a huge load must travel along the national tracks of the Ministry of Railways. How to transport strategic missile with a nuclear warhead, how to ensure absolute safety on the way, because we were given an estimated train speed of up to 120 km/h. Will the bridges hold up, will the track and the launch itself not collapse, how can the load be transferred to the railway track when the rocket is launched, will the train stand on the rails during the launch, how can the rocket be raised to a vertical position as quickly as possible after the train stops?”

Yes, there were many questions, but they had to be resolved. Alexey Utkin took over the launch train, and the elder Utkin took over the rocket itself and the rocket complex as a whole. Returning to Dnepropetrovsk, he thought painfully: “Is this task feasible? Weight up to 150 tons, almost instantaneous launch, 10 nuclear charges in the warhead, penetration system missile defense, how do you fit in the dimensions of a regular carriage, and there are three rockets in each train?!” But as often happens, complex tasks always find brilliant performers. So in the late 70s, Vladimir and Alexey Utkin found themselves at the very epicenter of " cold war“, and not only turned out to be, but became its commanders in chief. In Dnepropetrovsk, at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, Vladimir Utkin forced himself to forget about his doubts: such a rocket can and should be built!

The device of the BZHRK "Molodets"

The BZHRK includes: three DM62 diesel locomotives, a command post consisting of 7 cars, a tank car with reserves of fuel and lubricants and three launchers (PU) with missiles. The rolling stock for the BZHRK was assembled at the Kalinin Freight Car Building Plant.

The BZHRK looks like an ordinary train consisting of refrigerated, mail, luggage and passenger cars. Fourteen cars have eight wheel pairs, and three have four. Three cars are disguised as passenger fleet cars, the rest, eight-axle, are “refrigerated” cars. Thanks to the available supplies on board, the complex could operate autonomously for up to 28 days.

The launch car is equipped with an opening roof and a device for discharging the contact network. The weight of the missile was about 104 tons, with a launch container - 126 tons. Firing range - 10,100 km, missile length - 23.0 m, launch container length - 21 m, maximum missile body diameter - 2.4 m. To solve the problem of launcher overload Each carriage uses special unloading devices that redistribute part of the weight to adjacent carriages.

The rocket has an original folding fairing of the head section. This solution was used to reduce the length of the rocket and place it in the carriage. The length of the rocket is 22.6 meters.

The missiles could be launched from any point along the route. The launch algorithm is as follows: the train stops, a special device moves to the side and short-circuits the contact network to the ground, the launch container assumes a vertical position. After this, a mortar launch of the rocket can be carried out. Already in the air, the rocket is deflected with the help of a powder accelerator and only after that the main engine is started. Deflecting the rocket made it possible to divert the propulsion engine jet away from the launch complex and the railway track, avoiding their damage. The time for all these operations, from receiving a command from the General Staff to launching the rocket, was up to three minutes.

The cost of one RT-23 UTTH “Molodets” missile in 1985 prices was about 22 million rubles. In total, about 100 products were produced at the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant.

The complex was adopted for service on November 28, 1989. A total of 56 missiles of this type were deployed in positional areas on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and the RSFSR. However, due to changes in the defense doctrine of the USSR and political and economic difficulties, further deployment of missiles was stopped. After the collapse of the USSR, the missiles located on the territory of Ukraine were removed from combat duty and disposed of (including a backlog of at least 8 missiles) in the period 1993-2002. The launchers were blown up. In Russia, the missiles were removed from duty and sent for disposal after the expiration of the guaranteed storage period in 2001. The launchers were modernized to use RT-2PM2 Topol-M missiles.

The 15Zh61 missile is exhibited in the branch of the Central Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces in the Training Center of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great in Balabanovo, Kaluga region.

New ghost train

The Russian military-political leadership also did not remain indifferent to the idea of ​​a missile train. Discussions about the need to create a replacement for the “Molodets” that was scrapped and sent to museums began almost from the day the last BZHRK was removed from combat duty.

The development of a new complex, called “Barguzin”, began in Russia in 2012, although back in June 2010 a patent issued by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Design Bureau “Titan” for an invention designated as “Launcher for transporting and launching a rocket” was published from a transport and launch container placed in a railway car or on a platform.” The main contractor of the new BZHRK was the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering - the creator of Topol, Yars and Bulava.

In December 2015, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, said that “the preliminary design has now been completed, and working design documentation for the units and systems of the complex is being developed.” “Of course, when reviving the BZHRK, all the latest developments in the field of combat missiles will be taken into account,” emphasized Sergei Karakaev. – The Barguzin complex will significantly exceed its predecessor in accuracy, missile flight range and other characteristics, which will allow long years“At least until 2040, this complex will be in the combat composition of the Strategic Missile Forces.”

“Thus, the Strategic Missile Forces will recreate a grouping based on missile systems of three types: silo, mobile ground and railway, which Soviet years“has proven its high efficiency,” the Interfax agency quoted the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces as saying.

In November of the following year, 2016, the first throwing tests of ICBMs for a promising missile train were successfully completed. “The first throw tests took place at the Plesetsk cosmodrome two weeks ago. They were considered completely successful, which opens the way for the start of flight development tests,” the Interfax agency quoted the interlocutor as saying. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation were very optimistic; they reported that a report to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the prospects for deploying the Barguzin complex and the start of flight tests of a missile intended for it were planned for 2017.

Myth or reality?

Not long ago, information appeared about the suspension of further tests of the Barguzin BZHRK. What's the matter? Is it a simple lack of funds or something else? Let's figure it out.

Initially, when creating “Well done,” the emphasis was placed on the elusiveness and increased survivability of the object. According to the plan, it should be indistinguishable from compounds for general economic use. But was he really invisible? The BZHRK train standing on the sidings could not be distinguished from general utility trains except by the average person. Any specialist could easily establish his affiliation with the Strategic Missile Forces. This includes an increased number of wheel pairs and a built locomotive, used only in mountainous areas or when transporting BZHRK. In general, there were enough differences that any specialist could easily notice them.

The new "Barguzin", despite its maximum camouflage, also had its own distinctive features. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about the elusiveness of these compounds. At the moment, information has appeared about the latest developments Military-industrial complex capable of overcoming enemy air defense and missile defense and guaranteeing the delivery of the warhead to its destination. And their speed does not give the enemy a chance to intercept them. The modern military doctrine of Russia is based on qualitatively different principles. Such developments, which are faster than enemy air defense and missile defense interceptor missiles and their relative independence in overcoming air defense and missile defense, provide qualitatively new opportunities not only for delivering a retaliatory strike, but also for permanently suppressing the possibility of a primary strike by a potential enemy.

Maybe in the future the Russian military-industrial complex will return to this issue, having behind them a lot of modern military developments. And, the issue of reviving the Barguzin project will be resolved at a qualitatively different scientific and technical level.

At the moment, modern military developments are capable of cooling even the hottest heads of the aggressive NATO bloc. They will have to think many times before getting involved in a new military adventure against our country. Modern military developments in Russia are capable of neutralizing any aggression against our country and guaranteeing our peaceful and sweet sleep.


In Russia, a new nuclear weapon is preparing for the final stage of testing - the Barguzin combat railway missile system (BZHRK), created on the basis of its predecessor, the Molodets BZHRK (SS-24 Scalpel), which was on combat duty from 1987 to 2005 and was withdrawn from service by agreement with the United States in 1993. What forced Russia to return to the creation of these weapons again? When in Once again In 2012, the Americans confirmed the deployment of their missile defense facilities in Europe; Russian President Vladimir Putin quite harshly formulated Russia’s response to this. He officially stated that the creation of an American missile defense system actually “nullifies our nuclear missile potential,” and announced that our answer would be “the development of strike nuclear missile systems.” One of such complexes was the Barguzin BZHRK, which the American military especially did not like , causing them serious concern, since its adoption makes the presence of a US missile defense system as such practically useless. Predecessor of "Bargruzin" "Well done" The BZHRK was already in service with the Strategic Missile Forces until 2005. Its main developer in the USSR was the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Ukraine). The only manufacturer of rockets is the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant. Tests of the BZHRK with the RT-23UTTKh "Molodets" missile (according to NATO classification - SS-24 Scalpel) in the railway version began in February 1985 and were completed by 1987. BZHRKs looked like ordinary railway trains made of refrigerated, mail-baggage and even passenger cars. Inside each train there were three launchers with Molodets solid-propellant missiles, as well as the entire support system for them with a command post and combat crews. The first BZHRK was put on combat duty in 1987 in Kostroma. In 1988, five regiments were deployed (a total of 15 launchers), and by 1991, three missile divisions: near Kostroma, Perm and Krasnoyarsk - each consisted of four missile regiments (a total of 12 BZHRK trains). Each train consisted of several cars . One carriage is a command post, the other three – with an opening roof – are launchers with missiles. Moreover, the missiles could be launched both from planned stops and from any point along the route. To do this, the train was stopped, a special device was used to move the contact suspension of electrical wires to the sides, the launch container was placed in a vertical position, and the rocket was launched.
The complexes stood at a distance of about four kilometers from each other in permanent shelters. Within a radius of 1,500 kilometers from their bases, together with railway workers, work was carried out to strengthen the track: heavier rails were laid, wooden sleepers were replaced with reinforced concrete ones, embankments were filled with denser crushed stone. power only to professionals (launch modules with a rocket had eight wheel pairs, the rest of the support cars had four pairs each). The train could cover about 1,200 kilometers in one day. Its combat patrol time was 21 days (thanks to the reserves on board, it could operate autonomously for up to 28 days). The BZHRK was given great importance, even the officers who served on these trains had higher ranks than their colleagues in similar positions in the mine complexes.
Soviet BZHRKshock for Washington The rocketeers tell either a legend or a true story that the Americans themselves allegedly pushed our designers to create the BZHRK. They say that one day our intelligence received information that the United States was working on creating railway complex, which will be able to move through underground tunnels and, if necessary, appear from underground at certain points in order to launch a strategic missile unexpectedly for the enemy. Photographs of this train were even attached to the intelligence report. Apparently, these data made a strong impression on the Soviet leadership, since it was immediately decided to create something similar. But our engineers approached this issue more creatively. They decided: why drive trains underground? You can use them as usual railways, disguised as freight trains. It will be simpler, cheaper and more effective. Later, however, it turned out that the Americans conducted special studies that showed that in their conditions, BZHRKs would not be effective enough. They simply slipped us misinformation in order to once again shake up the Soviet budget, forcing us, as it seemed to them then, into useless spending, and the photo was taken from a small full-scale model.
But by the time all this became clear, it was too late for Soviet engineers to work back. They, and not only in the drawings, have already created a new nuclear weapon with an individually targeted missile, a range of ten thousand kilometers with ten warheads with a capacity of 0.43 Mt and a serious set of means to overcome missile defense. In Washington, this news caused a real shock. Still would! How do you determine which of the “freight trains” to destroy in the event of a nuclear strike? If you shoot at everyone at once - no nuclear warheads will not be enough. Therefore, in order to track the movement of these trains, which easily escaped the field of view of tracking systems, the Americans had to almost constantly keep a constellation of 18 spy satellites over Russia, which was very costly for them. Especially considering that the US intelligence services never managed to identify the BZHRK on the patrol route. Therefore, as soon as the political situation allowed in the early 90s, the US immediately tried to get rid of this headache. At first, they persuaded the Russian authorities not to allow the BZHRKs to travel around the country, but to remain laid up. This allowed them to constantly keep only three or four spy satellites over Russia instead of 16–18. And then they persuaded our politicians to completely destroy the BZHRK. They officially agreed under the pretext of the alleged “expiration of the warranty period for their operation.”
How to cut "Scalpels" The last combat train was sent for melting down in 2005. Eyewitnesses said that when, in the twilight of the night, the wheels of the cars clattered on the rails and the nuclear “ghost train” with Scalpel missiles set off for last way, even the strongest men could not stand it: tears rolled from the eyes of both gray-haired designers and rocket officers. They said goodbye to a unique weapon, in many combat characteristics superior to everything that was available and even planned to be put into service in the near future. Everyone understood that this unique weapon in the mid-90s became hostage to the political agreements of the country's leadership with Washington. And not selfish. Apparently that's why everyone new stage The destruction of the BZHRK strangely coincided with the next tranche of a loan from the International Monetary Fund. The refusal of the BZHRK had a number of objective reasons. In particular, when Moscow and Kyiv “fled up” in 1991, this immediately hit Russian nuclear power hard. Almost all of us nuclear missiles During the Soviet era, they were made in Ukraine under the leadership of academicians Yangel and Utkin. Of the 20 types then in service, 12 were designed in Dnepropetrovsk, at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, and produced there, at the Yuzhmash plant. BZHRK was also made in the Ukrainian Pavlograd.
But each time it became more and more difficult to negotiate with the developers from Nezalezhnaya to extend their service life or modernize them. As a result of all these circumstances, our generals had to report with a sour face to the country’s leadership how “in accordance with the planned reduction of the Strategic Missile Forces, another BZHRK has been removed from combat duty.” But what to do: the politicians promised - the military was forced to fulfill it. At the same time, they understood perfectly well: if we cut and remove missiles from combat duty due to old age at the same pace as in the late 90s, then in just five years, instead of the existing 150 Voyevods, we will not have any of these heavy missiles left. And then no light Topols will make any difference - and at that time there were only about 40 of them. For the American missile defense system, this is nothing. For this reason, as soon as Yeltsin vacated the Kremlin office, a number of people from the country’s military leadership, at the request of the missilemen, began to prove to the new president the need to create nuclear complex, similar to the BZHRK. And when it became finally clear that the United States was not going to abandon plans to create its own missile defense system under any circumstances, work on the creation of this complex really began. And now, in the very near future, the States will again receive their previous headache, now in the form of a new BZHRK generation called "Barguzin". Moreover, as the rocket scientists say, these will be ultra-modern rockets in which all the shortcomings of the Scalpel have been eliminated.
"Barguzin"the main trump card against US missile defense The main disadvantage noted by opponents of the BZHRK is accelerated wear railway tracks on which he moved. They had to be repaired frequently, over which the military and railway workers had eternal disputes. The reason for this was the heavy missiles - weighing 105 tons. They did not fit in one car - they had to be placed in two, strengthening the wheel pairs on them. Today, when issues of profit and commerce have come to the fore, Russian Railways are certainly not ready, as it was before, to infringe on their interests for the sake of the defense of the country, and also bear the costs of repairing the roadway in the event that a decision is made that BZHRKs should again operate on their roads. It was the commercial reason, according to some experts, that today could become an obstacle to the final decision to adopt them into service. However, this problem has now been removed. The fact is that the new BZHRKs will no longer have heavy missiles. The complexes are armed with lighter RS-24 missiles, which are used in the Yars complexes, and therefore the weight of the car is comparable to the usual one, which makes it possible to achieve ideal camouflage of the combat personnel. However, the RS-24s have only four warheads, and older missiles had them ten. But here we must take into account that the Barguzin itself does not carry three missiles, as it was before, but twice as many. This, of course, is the same – 24 versus 30. But we should not forget that “Yarsy” is practically the most modern development and their likelihood of overcoming missile defense is much higher than that of their predecessors. The navigation system has also been updated: now there is no need to set target coordinates in advance, everything can be changed quickly.
In a day, such a mobile complex can cover up to 1000 kilometers, plying along any railway lines in the country, indistinguishable from regular composition with refrigerator cars. Autonomy time is a month. There is no doubt that the new group of BZHRK will be a much more effective response to the US missile defense system than even the deployment of our Iskander operational-tactical missiles near the borders of Europe, which are so feared in the West. There is also no doubt that the Americans are interested in the idea of ​​BZHRK obviously will not like it (although theoretically their creation will not violate the latest Russian-American agreements). BZHRK at one time formed the basis of the retaliatory strike force in the Strategic Missile Forces, since they had increased survivability and were very likely to survive after the enemy delivered the first strike. The United States feared it no less than the legendary “Satan,” since the BZHRK was a real factor in inevitable retribution. Until 2020, it is planned to put into service five regiments of the Barguzin BZHRK—that’s 120 warheads, respectively. Apparently, the BZHRK will become the strongest argument, in fact, our main trump card in the dispute with the Americans regarding the advisability of deploying a global missile defense system.

Information has appeared about the successful launch of a missile from the Barguzin combat railway complex. No official confirmation yet.

RT-23 UTTH "Well done".

Information has appeared about the successful launch of a missile from the Barguzin combat railway complex (BZHRK), which is being developed in Russia to replace the Molodets complex, created in the 1980s. However, there has not yet been confirmation of this information from the Ministry of Defense. It is quite possible that the talk (without specifying) was about the start of throw tests, which were scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2016.

For the first time after the 80s, Academician Yu.S. Solomonov carried out a successful launch of the Barguzin rocket, this is the so-called “wandering launch”. The Barguzin combat railway missile system is a promising mobile missile system for strategic missile forces Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Vladimir Putin and Yuri Solomonov

The Barguzin rocket takes off from the freight car of an ordinary train, i.e. the train itself is a spaceport. Such missiles - four BZHRKs - have been in service with our Strategic Missile Forces since the late 80s, but first Gorbachev, then Yeltsin destroyed all four complexes. The Americans feared such missiles more than anything else, because in one night such trains could go anywhere, to any point in the Soviet Union.

Vladimir Putin and the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering Research Institute, which is headed by Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, Academician Yuri Semenovich Solomonov, recreated this great weapon practically from scratch. Until today, we were ahead of the Americans and Chinese in rocket science by about 10 to 15 years, and from now on we are already half a century ahead of them! WITH successful start The great Russian rocket scientist Yuri Solomonov has already been congratulated by all the country's leaders. We join in their congratulations.

In May 2016, information appeared about the completion of the process of developing documentation for the Barguzin BZHRK. It is assumed that the new complex will carry more modern and lighter missiles created on the basis of the RS-24 Yars. One train will include six missiles - each is located in a separate carriage, disguised as a standard refrigerator. For traction, one diesel locomotive will be used instead of three, as in the Molodets BZHRK.

This option for deploying ballistic missiles is very much criticized by NATO countries. The fact is that with such a placement it is very difficult to track the movement of such trains. From above, the cars are generally identical and can change direction at any time, which makes the destruction of the complex in the event of a launch very difficult. Although international treaty START-3 does not prohibit the creation of such weapons; every news about the return of “ghost trains” is met with a wave of criticism in the Western press.

Intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM) / combat railway missile system (BZHRK). The R&D work on the creation of the BZHRK began in 2012 and is being carried out by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT). Until December 2014, it was discussed that the creation of the complex was possible either on the basis of the RS-24 Yars ICBM, or on the basis of the RS-26 Rubezh ICBM, or using developments on the 3M30 Bulava intercontinental SLBM. But in December 2014, information appeared in the media that the complex would include ICBMs of the Yars or Yars-M type.
It is unlikely that the chief designer of the complex could be Yu.S. Solomonov because in his speeches in the media, he repeatedly spoke out against the BZHRK as a class of missile systems. By 2020, it is planned to complete R&D, create and test prototypes of BZHRK (according to 2012 plans). After 2020, the complexes will begin to enter service with the Strategic Missile Forces.

On April 23, 2013, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Yuri Borisov stated that the preliminary design of the BZHRK is currently underway, work in progress for technical projects. On December 18, 2013, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, announced that the preliminary design will be completed in the first half of 2014, but final decision the design of the BZHRK has not yet been adopted. As a result, the preliminary design of the complex was completed at the end of 2014. The media reported that as of mid-2015, the first stage of development work to create the complex was underway.

In December 2014, in the media, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces stated that the development of the BZHRK could soon begin, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces stated a day later that the new complex is called “Barguzin”. The development of design documentation began in 2015 and is planned to be completed in mid-2016. Although later in December 2015, a source in the Russian defense industry told the media that due to the difficult financial situation, the deadline for the creation of Barguzin has been postponed by more than one year and will be completed no earlier than 2020. On May 12, 2016, information appeared in the media that “the design documentation has been worked out, individual elements of the complex are being created, but exact dates there is no creation and adoption of it,” the timing will become clear in 2018.

The start of deployment of the new BZHRK is expected no earlier than 2018, and most likely in 2019. At the end of 2015, the start date for deployment of the complex has been specified - 2020.

Illustrations for the TsKB Titan patent for a railway launcher.
The numbers in the diagram indicate: 1 - railway car or platform, 2 - fixed pinned beam, 3 - lifting boom, 4 - boom lifting mechanism, 5 - movable frame mounted on the boom with the possibility of longitudinal movement, 6 - TPK with a rocket , 7 - telescopic supports, 8 - support plates, 9 - rotary rods for “aiming” the supports on the rails of the railway track.

Launcher - BZHRK - combat railway missile system. The launch is carried out from a TPK, brought into the starting position at the starting point from a special railway car with a drop-down roof. Technically, the BZHRK may include several cars with ICBMs, as well as cars for combat duty support and, probably, maintenance of the complex.

There is a possibility that the development of the BZHRK launcher is being carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design Bureau "Titan" (Volgograd) - this company has registered a patent for "Launcher for transporting and launching a missile from a transport-launch container located in a railway car or on a platform" (RU 2392573). Designers (authors of the patent) - V.A. Shurygin, B.M. Abramovich, D.N. Biryukov and I.V. Shapkin.

The development of launch equipment is most likely being carried out by KBSM within the framework of the Barguzin theme. In 2013, KBSM developed a preliminary design of system units and the complex as a whole, formed cooperation between co-executing enterprises, and developed technical specifications for contractors.

In addition, on the topic "Barguzin-RV" in 2013, the development of preliminary designs for special railway formations was carried out at the Central Design Bureau of Transport Engineering.

According to media reports, as of 2014, the option of a railway train of the BZHRK "Barguzin" with 6 launchers- which is equal to a regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces. The missile division will include 5 regiments of the Barguzin BZHRK.

Missile - it is likely to use a missile similar to previously created intercontinental missile systems with a minimum time of the active part of the trajectory and with a MIRV. RS-24 Yars ICBMs, RS-26 Rubezh ICBMs, and 3M30 Bulava SLBMs can be considered as basic options. With a high probability, the degree of unification among missiles will be high, but less than 100%.

According to media reports, as of 2014, the option of a railway composition of the Barguzin BZHRK with 6 launchers with Yars or Yars-M missiles is being considered.

The rocket design is a three-stage rocket of a classical layout with a sequential arrangement of stages. With a high probability, the missile will be equipped with a complex of means for overcoming missile defense (KSP ABM).

Control and guidance system - inertial autonomous.

Engines - solid propellant rocket engines at all stages.

Warhead types - MIRV IN. It is possible to use advanced maneuvering combat equipment.

Status: Russia
- 2012 - The Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering began R&D to create a BZHRK.

2013 - development of preliminary designs of the complex components.