The influence of the Sun and Moon on sleep. The influence of the sun and moon on human life

The sun and its effect on humans

Characteristics of sunny days

The first day of the solar year is March 21st. Every sunny month totals exactly 30 days. Each solar day lasts from sunrise to the next sunrise. In total there are 360 ​​days according to the number of degrees of the Zodiac.

But, since there are 365 days in a year, and 366 days in a leap year, the last 5-6 days of the year are days of cleansing from filth, abstinence and complete humility. I will give the characteristics of each sunny day. General information for all sunny days is the same for each month.

1st day promotes active initiative, especially in learning. You definitely need to find some interesting activity or arrange happy holiday. It is strictly forbidden to be sad and despondent. The day is suitable for raising children and a family country walk.

2nd day serves for good thoughts and undertakings, as well as for initiation into the mysteries of existence. Good for obtaining intimate knowledge for the benefit of man. The night of the second day is filled prophetic dreams. On this day you need to buy new things, part with old clothes, but you cannot clean up your apartment and avoid coming into contact with fire. Try not to smoke and protect your lungs from colds.

3rd day use for cleansing through chanting mantras and fire. Strive for creative expression, insights and discoveries will come to you. Start saving money or invest it in real estate. Money received on this day is considered good. It is useful to do household chores and help loved ones. Treatment of teeth and spine will be successful. You cannot use foul language or blasphemy.

4th day– time to combat physical inactivity. Move more, exercise, swim. It’s good to start a new promising business on this day; even if there is an element of risk and healthy adventurism in your affairs, they will be doomed to success. You must not fall into sadness and despondency.

5th day give to service, submission to people and circumstances, fulfillment of duty and previously assumed obligations. Engage in cultivating the land, caring for plants, gymnastics, and hardening procedures. You can't cut your hair and envy others. Refrain from sex, there is a high risk of contracting skin and sexually transmitted diseases.

6th day dedicated to health. Eat right: the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable on this day. Strengthen family ties. You can't use foul language, be a coward, or steal.

7th day Use to get rid of fears and obsessions. Good for carnal love, conceiving children, creative endeavors. It is very successful to start building a house, planting plants, and doing housework. You cannot be jealous and greedy, this will lead to cardiovascular diseases.

8th day devote to religion, worship and veneration of saints. Free yourself from everything old that hinders life progress. Any new endeavors with elements of risk and adventure will be successful. It is useful to trim your nails and hair. A favorable day for the transition to a new spiritual quality.

9th day dedicated to Divine fire and light. It is necessary to bring the warmth and light of truth to people, travel a lot, and do missionary work. You should not cook hot food and overeat. If you freeze on this day, it means your guardian angel has turned away from you.

10th day dedicated to unity with the cosmic Mind. Get plenty of rest, do not take medications or eat animal foods. It's good to meditate in nature near the water. You cannot cook food in water or do laundry. Only ablution with clean water is allowed. On this day, alcoholics and drug addicts or, conversely, highly spiritual people are born.

11th day absorption of solar energy and sunlight. Sunbathe, bathe in the rays of the sun, develop spirituality and strengthen your body. Good for communicating with children and childhood friends. Teach your children from the experiences of your childhood and the books of your youth.

12th day dedicated to the moon. It is better to spend most of the day in a darkened room, do not strain and go with the flow of the day. Accept the help of others in everyday affairs. Take up meditation on clean water. A contrast shower or bath is useful. On this day, emotional and vulnerable people are born.

13th day- moderation in everything. Favorable for concluding deals and contracts. Connected with home, secret information that will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. Dreams on this day will be prophetic; you can tell fortunes by the stars. It's bad if the sky is covered with clouds. Suitable for instilling courage and endurance in children.

14th day – time of suffering creatures. It is good to acquire animals and care for them. You need to show kindness, attention, remember the dead, help the poor, bake pies, organize charity events and lead people. You can start repairing furniture and clothing, accumulating material and spiritual values. Progress towards the intended goal will be dynamic.

15th day promotes unity with nature. It’s better to spend it in the country or in nature and recharge yourself with the energy of the forest and earth. If you get caught in rain or snow, this is good sign. It is useful to go to the bathhouse and cut your hair and nails. Surgeries will also be successful.

16th day patronizes justice and strict observance of the law. It is good to apply for a pardon and appeal a court decision. It is necessary to strictly fulfill your official duty, to be extremely fair and polite. You can change jobs, enter into new contracts. Clean the house, organize your wardrobe.

Day 17 serves to fight dark forces and defend justice. Maintain holiness, read mantras, remove the evil eye, damage. Begin a new cycle of spiritual training or go on a pilgrimage to holy places. You should actively fight fear by protecting the weak and upholding justice. If you hear a rooster crow at dawn, it is a lucky sign.

Day 18- idleness and fun. Do whatever you want, except evil and violence. Don't strain yourself when doing heavy work. Everything should be done easily, with a smile on your face. Forgive enemies and ill-wishers, restore justice, give birth or be present at childbirth.

Day 19- veneration of ancestors and worship of traditions. Spend it with your family, among your parents and elderly relatives. Avoid adultery and deception. You should not make vows or make far-reaching plans. Keep the fast and try to fulfill all requests. Be attentive to the needs of others. It's good to spend this day in nature and recharge your batteries.

20th day- fighting evil spirits with a sword in hand. Break unnecessary ties, call a spade a spade, expose lies and injustice. If you fight, then for a just cause, without fear or doubt. It is good to work on the land or build housing. Be careful and don't give in to temptation.

Day 21– ordeals and expenses large quantity energy. It’s good to get married on this day; fight in court for a just cause, get a job new job or start home renovations. If a cockroach or spider runs over your body on this day, it means there is a curse in the house. And you need to cleanse yourself of it with candle fire.

Day 22 dedicated to the deity of the wind, new contacts and liberation from everything unnecessary. Associated with movements, sharp turns in fate and the influx of new important information. But, before you start new things, understand yourself, clearly define your goals and objectives. A pause and rest will be useful - the wind should clear your brains!

Day 23 for noble endeavors and love. Favorable for sowing seeds and conceiving a child. Good for group events, any work, starting new things, acquiring a new profession and promising acquaintances. It’s good to change your image in clothes and hairstyle. You can expose evil and feel the passage of time.

Day 24– there is a rampant of dark forces. Be vigilant and careful, pay attention to the little things and do not disdain any work. This is the time to examine your conscience and life principles. On this day you are susceptible to various diseases that can cause changes at the genetic level. Day of alchemists and black magicians.

Day 25– awakening of the bright forces of reason and virtue. The day of various signs and assistance to the suffering. Stand up for justice in the search for truth. Buy a new iconic item and bring it into your home. This is a time of prosperity and prosperity. If you bring something new into your life on this day, you will experience a feeling of relief.

Day 26 connected with material or property affairs through travel and missionary work. On this day it is good to return to past business connections - this will result in material and moral profit in the future. You should not be distracted by love, family and other matters; they can significantly reduce your performance.

Day 27- heavenly signs. You should move more in human streams and wait for a sign for serious achievements. The doors of the house should be open wide for guests, and the table should be laden with abundant food. Woe to the greedy on this day!

Day 28- a time of divine revelation, deceptions and werewolves. An opportunity is provided to reveal the mystery of spirits and defeat the darkest of them. Good for meditation and reading mantras, preparing medicinal infusions. A day of serious esoteric research. It is good to give sacred names to people and phenomena.

Day 29 dedicated to the deity of the sacred word, prayer with which one can defeat the devil. Time of material accumulation. Take up home and clothing repairs. Day of beginnings and good manifestations. Wear plenty of clothes - they will protect you from injuries and manifestations of evil from others.

30th day – the day of the Holy Spirit, who conquers time. It is necessary to free yourself from everything old and unnecessary, to cleanse yourself with prayer, ablution or bath. Rejuvenating procedures and taking homeopathic remedies are useful. Fasting and abstinence help achieve your goals.

Critical sunny days: 4th, 13th, 17th, 24th, 28th.

Lucky days: 1st, 12th, 18th, 23rd, 27th.

Fasting days: 3rd, 9th, 16th, 24th, 29th.

Health days: 6th, 10th, 15th, 22nd.

This calendar remains the same for each month of the solar year. However, in this case the Sun naturally passes through different months By different signs Zodiac: so, the 17th solar day can be in April (Aries) and in August (Leo), and in any other month.

In addition, the same 17th solar day can be either Wednesday or Friday. Therefore, it is necessary to superimpose, for a complete picture of a particular sunny day, its plot on the plot of the zodiac month and day of the week.

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“...At night only my body rests, my thoughts hover everywhere. I see so many things. In the silence of the night, I especially clearly see and hear the heavenly bells striking every hour. All living things obey this rhythm...” Grandma Vanga is a healer and clairvoyant.

The influence of the Moon and the Sun on physiological activity and physical condition humans, plants, animals have been known for a long time, although for a long time remained outside the scope of genuine scientific analysis.

Since ancient times, fiction and guesswork have dominated people's understanding of the influence of the Sun and Moon on all living things, although there were observations that were of some value to science.

Planets, plants, man and his health - all this is one whole. Radiations sent from space determine the living conditions of all life on Earth. The healers of ancient times took this as an axiom. They, as a rule, were astrologers and, starting to treat the patient, compiled his horoscope. When astral phenomena were considered unfavorable, treatment of even the most severe diseases was postponed until the moment of successful correlation celestial bodies with the patient's horoscope.

Such ideas of the ancients did not find support among scientists for a long time. The situation changed significantly in the thirties of the twentieth century, when arose new science- biorhythmology.

One of the first scientists to draw attention to the dependence of the course of various life processes in organisms inhabiting the Earth on cosmic factors was A. L. Chizhevsky. In their scientific works he convincingly proved the existence of a direct connection between solar activity and the occurrence of various epidemics.

The precision of the biological rhythms by which flowers and birds, plants and mammals live, occupied the minds of scientists long before the twentieth century. Biorhythms were studied by K. Linnaeus, C. Darwin, K. Timiryazev and other famous naturalists.

It was found that in the life of all biological individuals two daily rhythms are clearly manifested - solar and lunar. One depends on the rotation of the Earth around its axis and is associated with the Sun; its frequency is 24 hours. The other is associated with the lunar day, the duration of which is 24 hours and 50 minutes.

As the study of human biorhythms has shown, most people are “sleepwalkers” who prefer rhythm lunar days solar rhythm. It turned out that the human body has several biological rhythms (including approximately 23- and 28-day rhythms), periodically repeating throughout life.

It turned out that these rhythms are influenced by the position of the Sun, Moon, other planets, and possibly the nearest constellations. Overlapping each other, biological rhythms form a harmonious symphony of our lives, “which we ourselves sometimes break, turning night into day and vice versa.” A decrease in performance at night and during the midday occurs not only at the level of the entire organism as a whole, but also at the cellular level.

“Recently, a new independent direction has been actively formed in medicine - chronotherapy, which is based on the search for the most optimal treatment regimens, taking into account the daily periodicity of the body and its sensitivity to therapeutic measures.

It is quite obvious that both therapeutic and side effect of any medication is determined by the moment it is taken. Therefore, it is very important to consider not only “what” and “how” should be taken for a given disease, but also “when”, that is, at what time of day it should be done and when it should not be taken.

The above applies not only to drug therapy, but also to physiotherapeutic and balneological effects - baths, therapeutic massage procedures, etc.” (Alyaktrinsky B.S., Stepanova S.I. According to the law of rhythm. M.: “Nauka”, 1985).

All body functions are associated with energy expenditure. And every day at strictly defined hours, each organ replenishes it. Energy transfer internal organs occurs during those two hours when their maximum activity occurs and occurs during the daily cycle.

The most important biorhythm is the circadian rhythm. It has been noticed that in the circadian biorhythm, at 5-6 o’clock in the morning there is the most significant physiological rise and the highest performance, but, unfortunately, modern man He usually sleeps at this time.

Observations also revealed the intraday rhythm of human nutrition with periods of about 4-6 hours, when the feeling of hunger constantly arises at certain hours: at 5-6, 11-12, 16-17, 20-21, and for those who work late hours, also at 24-1 hour.

The daily rhythm of the human body is determined by various physiological functions, of which there are more than a hundred, and these functions show their activity at one time maximum, at another - minimum.

Solar activity is a set of phenomena that periodically occur in solar atmosphere. Manifestations solar activity associated with magnetic properties solar plasma.

What causes solar activity? Gradually increases magnetic flux in one of the regions of the photosphere. Then the brightness in the hydrogen and calcium lines increases here. Such areas are called flocculi.

In approximately the same areas on the Sun in the photosphere (i.e., somewhat deeper), an increase in brightness in white (visible) light is also observed. This phenomenon is called torches.

The increase in energy released in the region of the plume and flocculus is a consequence of increased tension magnetic field.
1-2 days after the appearance of a flocculus in the active area, sunspots in the form of small black dots - pores. Many of them soon disappear, only individual pores turn into large dark formations in 2-3 days. A typical sunspot is several tens of thousands of kilometers in size and consists of a dark central part (umbra) and a fibrous penumbra.

From the history of sunspot studies

The first reports of sunspots date back to 800 BC. e. in China, the first drawings date back to 1128. In 1610, astronomers began using a telescope to observe the Sun. Initial research focused mainly on the nature of the spots and their behavior. But despite research, physical nature spots remained unclear until the 20th century. TO 19th century there was already a sufficiently long series of observations of the number of sunspots to determine periodic cycles in solar activity. In 1845, Professors D. Henry and S. Alexander of Princeton University observed the Sun using a thermometer and determined that the sunspots emitted less radiation than the surrounding regions of the Sun. Later, above average radiation was determined in the plume regions.

Characteristics of sunspots

The most main feature stains - the presence of strong magnetic fields, reaching the greatest tension in the shadow area. Imagine a tube of magnetic field lines extending into the photosphere. Upper part The tube expands, and the lines of force in it diverge, like ears of corn in a sheaf. Therefore, around the shadow, magnetic field lines take a direction close to horizontal. The magnetic field, as it were, expands the spot from the inside and suppresses the convective movements of the gas, transferring energy from the depths upward. Therefore, in the area of ​​the spot, the temperature turns out to be approximately 1000 K lower. The spot is like a cooled hole in the solar photosphere bound by a magnetic field.
Most often, spots appear in whole groups, but two large spots stand out in them. One, small, is in the west, and the other, smaller, is in the east. There are often many small spots around and between them. This group of sunspots is called bipolar because large sunspots always have the opposite polarity of the magnetic field. They seem to be connected to the same tube of magnetic field lines, which in the form of a giant loop emerged from under the photosphere, leaving the ends somewhere in the deep layers, impossible to see. The spot from which the magnetic field exits the photosphere has northern polarity, and the one into which the force field enters back under the photosphere has southern polarity.

Solar flares are the most powerful manifestation of solar activity. They occur in relatively small regions of the chromosphere and corona located above groups of sunspots. Simply put, flare is an explosion caused by sudden compression of solar plasma. Compression occurs under the pressure of a magnetic field and leads to the formation of a long plasma rope tens and even hundreds of thousands of kilometers long. The amount of explosion energy is from 10²³ J. The source of energy of flares differs from the source of energy of the entire Sun. It is clear that the flares are of an electromagnetic nature. The energy emitted by a flare in the short-wave region of the spectrum consists of ultraviolet and x-rays.
Like any strong explosion, the flash generates shock wave, which propagates upward into the corona and along the surface layers of the solar atmosphere. Radiation from solar flares has a particularly strong impact to the upper layers earth's atmosphere and the ionosphere. As a result, a whole complex of geophysical phenomena occurs on Earth.


The most ambitious formations in the solar atmosphere are prominences. These are dense clouds of gases that arise in the solar corona or are ejected into it from the chromosphere. A typical prominence looks like a giant luminous arch resting on the chromosphere and formed by jets and flows of matter denser than the corona. The temperature of the prominences is about 20,000 K. Some of them exist in the corona for several months, others, appearing next to the spots, move quickly at speeds of about 100 km/s and exist for several weeks. Individual prominences move at even greater speeds and suddenly explode; they are called eruptive. The sizes of prominences can be different. A typical prominence is about 40,000 km high and about 200,000 km wide.
There are many types of prominences. In photographs of the chromosphere in the red spectral line of hydrogen, prominences are clearly visible on the solar disk in the form of dark long filaments.

Regions on the Sun in which intense manifestations of solar activity are observed are called centers of solar activity. The overall activity of the Sun changes periodically. There are many ways to estimate the level of solar activity. Solar activity index - Wolf numbers W. W= k (f+10g), where k is a coefficient that takes into account the quality of the instrument and the observations made with it, f – full number spots observed in at the moment on the Sun, g is ten times the number of groups they form.
The era when the number of activity centers is greatest is considered the maximum of solar activity. And when there are none at all or almost none – at a minimum. Maximums and minimums alternate with an average period of 11 years - the eleven-year cycle of solar activity.

The influence of solar activity on life on Earth

This influence is very great. A.L. Chizhevsky was the first to study this influence in June 1915. Northern lights were observed in Russia and even in North America, and “magnetic storms continuously disrupted the movement of telegrams.” During this period, the scientist draws attention to the fact that increased solar activity coincides with bloodshed on Earth. Indeed, immediately after the appearance of large sunspots on many fronts of the First World War, hostilities intensified. He devoted his entire life to this research, but his book “In the Rhythm of the Sun” remained unfinished and was published only in 1969, 4 years after Chizhevsky’s death. He drew attention to the connection between increased solar activity and earthly disasters.
By turning one or the other hemisphere towards the Sun, the Earth receives energy. This flow can be represented in the form of a traveling wave: where the light falls there is its crest, where it is dark there is a trough: the energy either rises or falls.
Magnetic fields and particle flows that come from sunspots reach the Earth and affect the brain, cardiovascular and circulatory system person, on his physical, nervous and psychological state. High level solar activity and its rapid changes excite a person.

Now the influence of solar activity on Earth is being studied very actively. New sciences have appeared - heliobiology, solar-terrestrial physics - which study the relationship between life on Earth, weather, climate and manifestations of solar activity.
Astronomers say the Sun is getting brighter and hotter. This is because its magnetic field activity has more than doubled over the past 90 years, with the greatest increase occurring in the last 30 years. Scientists can now predict solar flares, which makes it possible to prepare in advance for possible failures in the operation of radio and electrical networks.

Strong solar activity can cause power lines on Earth to fail and the orbits of satellites that support communications systems and planes and ocean liners to change. Solar "violence" is usually characterized by powerful flares and the appearance of many spots. Chizhevsky established that during periods of increased solar activity (a large number of sunspots) wars, revolutions, natural disasters, disasters, epidemics, the intensity of bacterial growth increases (“Chizhevsky-Velkhover effect”). Here is what he writes in his book “The Terrestrial Echo of Solar Storms”: “The quantity and infinitely varied quality of the physical and chemical factors surrounding us from all sides - nature - are infinitely large. Powerful interacting forces come from outer space. The Sun, Moon, planets and an infinite number of celestial bodies are connected to the Earth by invisible bonds. The movement of the Earth is controlled by gravitational forces, which cause a number of deformations in the air, liquid and solid shells of our planet, make them pulsate, and produce tides. The position of the planets in the solar system affects the distribution and intensity of the Earth's electrical and magnetic forces.
But the greatest influence on the physical and organic life of the Earth is exerted by radiation directed towards the Earth from all sides of the Universe. They connect the outer parts of the Earth directly with the cosmic environment, make it related to it, constantly interact with it, and therefore both the outer face of the Earth and the life that fills it are the result of the creative influence of cosmic forces. And therefore, the structure of the earth’s shell, its physico-chemistry and biosphere are a manifestation of the structure and mechanics of the Universe, and not a random play of local forces. Science endlessly expands the boundaries of our direct perception of nature and our perception of the world. Not the Earth, but the cosmic expanses become our homeland, and we begin to feel in all its true grandeur the significance for all earthly existence of both the movement of distant celestial bodies and the movement of their messengers - radiation...”
In 1980, a technique appeared that made it possible to detect the presence of spots in the photospheres of other stars. It turned out that many stars of spectral class G and K have sunspots similar to those of the sun, with a magnetic field of the same order. The activity cycles of such stars have been recorded and studied. They are close to the solar cycle and range from 5 to 10 years.

There are hypotheses about the impact of changes physical parameters The sun on the Earth's climate.

Terrestrial auroras are the visible result of the interaction of the solar wind, the solar and terrestrial magnetospheres and the atmosphere. Extreme events associated with solar activity lead to significant disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, which causes geo magnetic storms. Geomagnetic storms are one of the most important elements of space weather and affect many areas of human activity, from which we can highlight the disruption of communications, spacecraft navigation systems, the occurrence of eddy induced currents in transformers and pipelines, and even the destruction of energy systems.
Magnetic storms also affect people's health and well-being. The branch of biophysics that studies the influence of changes in solar activity and the disturbances it causes in the earth's magnetosphere on earth's organisms is called heliobiology.

The Sun is the largest visible object in the sky. Since ancient times, it has been shrouded in an aura of mysticism. They worshiped him and brought gifts, hoping for his favor. With the advent of the technical era, people learned that this is just a hot ball of gas that warms our planet. However, this does not reduce the influence of the Sun on a person and his life.

Star giving life

The Sun is a star that belongs to the class of yellow dwarfs. Like the planets solar system, it rotates around its own axis. Since the Sun is not a solid object, but a gaseous one, its rotation speed is non-uniform: at the equator it is equal to 25 Earth days, and at a latitude of 75 degrees it is more than 30 days. The Sun has its own orbit, which goes around the center of the galaxy, and one revolution is 240 million years.

The enormous gravitational force of this object causes hydrogen - the gas that makes up the body of the star - to be compressed in the depths to the point where thermonuclear reactions begin, and hydrogen turns into helium. Nuclear reactions inside the center is heated to 16 million degrees. This energy, rising outward, gradually cools down to 5780 K.

In the solar corona, the temperature rises sharply to 2 million degrees. It is the corona that creates the visible spectrum of sunlight. The radiation power of the star's surface is 63,300 kW per m 2. 1376 watts reach the upper part of the earth's atmosphere, provided that the sun's rays are directed perpendicularly.

11-year cycles of solar activity lead to the appearance of spots, flares and prominences on the surface. During these periods, magnetic anomalies occur on Earth, and seismic activity. Increases negative impact Sun to Earth and people.

The meaning of the Sun in astrology

In a person's horoscope, the Sun is of key importance. A person’s psychotype depends on its location in the signs of the Zodiac. Such qualities as generosity, generosity, energy, the desire to live for the benefit of others are a manifestation of the solar nature. There are positions in which the Sun manifests itself most fully.

Leo is the zodiac sign in which the Sun reaches the peak of its power, giving a person a penchant for serving society and leadership. But also among Leos you can find complete egoists, in whom the solar power has shown its seamy side - the desire to dominate others.

Aries is the place of exaltation of the Sun. People born under this sign have innate leadership qualities and stubbornness. They know what they want from life and have it strong motivation to achieve your goals. Ambitiousness is one of the qualities that accurately describes Aries.

The influence of the Sun on human destiny

Everyone is born with a certain combination of planetary positions in their natal chart. It reflects the human psychotype, as well as the lessons that will have to be learned in life.

Knowing the positions of the planets in the horoscope, a person gives up high expectations for himself and his loved ones. Conversely, understanding your strengths helps you more fully realize the potential inherent in nature.

The influence of the Sun and Moon on a person is paramount. The moon is an indicator of the human mind. How stable a person’s psyche is depends on its position; it is also a significator of a person’s relationship with his mother.

The sun shows the relationship with the father in the map and is an indicator of the soul and its true aspirations.

A weak position of the Sun in the chart indicates that the person will not have own opinion and authority among others. He will have low self-esteem.

Naturally, in the absence of solar qualities, one should not hope to achieve success in self-realization. Therefore, the key to success in development will be the conscious cultivation of generosity, kindness, the desire to live for others, as well as a sincere desire to understand one’s own nature.

The sun and health from an astrological point of view

Vedic astrology when making a conclusion about health, it considers the position of the daylight along with other indicators. If the influence of the Sun on a person is bad, then he will have the following health problems:

  1. High or vice versa low blood pressure.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Early baldness.
  4. Weak bones.
  5. High irritability
  6. Headaches and epilepsy.
  7. Vision problems.

The influence the Sun has on a particular person can be determined by his appearance. The beneficial influence will manifest itself as:

  • strong physique;
  • physical strength;
  • large forehead;
  • golden or dark hair;
  • wide chest.

If the influence of the Sun on a person is negative, he will have the following appearance:

  • asthenic physique;
  • rare blonde hair;
  • slouch;
  • low immunity.

Of course, not only the Sun influences how a person looks. Any planet that is the owner of the first house in the horoscope or is located in it leaves its mark on the appearance.

Medicine about the Sun

Flaw solar radiation influences positive attitude. Everyone has noticed that if there is not enough sunlight, then the mood becomes dull and joy disappears. Since ancient times, weakened patients were prescribed to spend more time on fresh air while sunbathing.

Detrimental to pathogens of serious diseases, such as tuberculosis.

The influence of the Sun on human growth can be twofold. Vitamin D deficiency caused by deficiency sun rays, can cause delays in the development of children and lead to rickets. Oversupply solar radiation also harmful to the body. You may notice that people living in hot countries are not tall.

Negative effects on the body

Protects the earth's biosphere from the harmful effects of solar radiation ozone layer. Over the past decades, scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm about its decline. An increase in solar radiation at the Earth's surface has a devastating effect on human skin.

In addition to the early appearance of wrinkles, excess ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer diseases. People with fair skin are at risk. Therefore, they are recommended to sunbathe to a minimum, in the early morning or evening hours. It is necessary to protect not only the skin, but also the retina of the eyes, which can also suffer from excess radiant energy.

Cheap glasses only create the appearance of protection. In addition to darkening, they should reduce ultraviolet radiation - a spectrum invisible to the eye.

How does the sun affect life expectancy?

According to science fiction writers, the process of evolution on the planet occurs under the influence of solar radiation penetrating through the ozone layer. What do scientists think about this?

In 2007, the results of the work of scientists from the Psybernetics Research Group were published. They were researching the influence of the Sun on people's lives. Over the course of 29 years, they examined more than 300 thousand Maine residents.

It turned out that people born during the period of peak solar activity, within the 11-year cycle, had a lower life expectancy. In addition, they were more susceptible to diseases.

The study led to the conclusion that bursts of solar activity have a negative impact on human health.

Historical events and the Sun

The famous Russian physicist A.L. Chizhevsky studied the influence of solar activity on humans, including historical events. He studied the dependence of geopolitical events on solar cycles. The scientist found that the 11-year cycle is divided into 4 stages according to its intensity. He also discovered that the peaks of human excitability coincided with the peaks of maximum solar activity. Exploring 500 years of history various countries, he concluded that revolutions, wars, and mass epidemics are directly related to the influence of the Sun on humans.

Chizhevsky wrote: “An astronomer reading the history of cholera is involuntarily surprised by the fact that well-known periods of solar storms cause such catastrophic disasters and, on the contrary, years of solar calm free humanity from the fear of this unknown and indestructible enemy.”

Dependence of the psyche on solar activity

It turns out that excess solar energy can lead not only to the occurrence of malignant tumors, but also affect the mental state. It was previously noted that the lack of influence of the Sun on the human body leads to depressive conditions. Lack of light in pregnant women can provoke the likelihood of developing mental disorders in future children.

Addiction Research mental disorders from solar activity, it was found that during periods of solar storms, exacerbations of diseases occur. Scientists attribute this to a significant emission of ultraviolet radiation, the level of which increases by 300% during these periods.

Over the past 55 years, the number has also increased. It can be noted that tension in society has also increased. There is less and less tolerance among people. Mental deviations are gradually becoming the norm.

Geomagnetic storms and suicides

The surface of our planet is protected from solar flares by the ionosphere. As the solar wind passes through it, a magnetic pulsation occurs, enveloping the Earth. But it happens that solar flares are so strong that a magnetic storm occurs in the ionosphere. At this time, many people feel headaches, malaise, and weakness.

Russian scientist Oleg Shumilov published a study on the dependence of the number of suicides on magnetic storms. An analysis of the geomagnetic situation since the second half of the last century was presented. Peaks of activity coincided with peaks of suicides. Statistics were provided for the city of Kirovsk, located in the Murmansk region.

Shumilov does not insist that the cause of suicides is associated only with geomagnetic storms, but believes that the influence of the geomagnetic factor has been little studied.

Solar Activity Research

In support of Shumilov's theory, New Scientist magazine cites the conclusions of scientists who conducted research in Australia and South Africa. They also believe that depressive states, leading to suicide, can also be caused by magnetic fluctuations in the Earth's field, which directly depends on solar activity.

Thus, New Scientist magazine writes that it is necessary to conduct more research into the influence of the Sun on human health. There is not enough information for a full-scale collection of statistics on suicide cases: Catholic countries are reluctant to publish such statistics.